The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, July 18, 1902, Image 2

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Friday mornins BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organisation notices published at halt the regular rates. Advertiser* desiring their ada. dl continued must notify the office in writing. ■ ■ ■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mall free of charge to all ■Arts of the Xlnited States and Can ada. Mexico. Porto Uico, Guam, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ -50 Six Months 2-50 On* .ear 5.00 I’Done IS*. Entered at the Brunswick, Ola., postoffice, as second class mall mat ter. • Hon. Emory Speer has designated tba Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Giyijn county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot afford to devote our space te such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money-. The New* desires the subscribers who are behind in their subscriptions to come up and pay at once as their papers will be discontinued unless a settlement is made. It is unfair and unjust to make The News send you a paper and then when the collector calls refuse to pay for it. At last accounts Tracey, the des perado, was still killing a few ruen every nay. Hoad the short story on (lie third page of the News today. This will be a daily feature hereafter. Many of ilioae who claim to lie for ■putting down whiskey” do their share of tin l putting down act. The News congratulates Editor Mo dreary, of I’iio Gainesville, (Fla.) Him. on his excellent victory for the 'state senate. T. T. Stockton, Flagler’s candidate for tlie state senate, was defeated iiy 'ids brother. Can it lie possible Hint Florida is to throw off the King h r yoke f 'l’ho people really showed how much they miss the Nows. The paper was into yost'idav morning, and over one bundled and fitly ’phoned or name to the oUtoe. Col. Wilkinson will not run against Brantley. The Herald has known fa Is for some time but wo have boon med dling with the colonel's political nf fairs so much in the past wo thoug'nl wo would lot him work out his on salvation this time without Interference, nod lie has done it hy declining to run against Brantley. Wayeross Herald. JUDGE REAGEN. Judge R. .T. IP agon, of the Flint cir cuit. who has been presiding over Glynn superior court during the pres ent, week nas made many friends, noj only among (ho members of the liar, but among our people generally. Judge Heugcn presides with an easy graeo, is a profound jurist, an tilde lawyer, and has 'Handled wilh ease some of the most intricate eases in the history of the county. !li' will conclude his session of toe court this afternoon, and ho may, rest assured that tho pooolo of this, cit,y arc not unmindful of tho splendid service ho has rendered them. In this connection wo hove been called on to render an excuse for the grand Jury, in not mentioning the judge; in their general presentments. The fact is. the matter was clearly overlooked by them until they had been excused, ami then it was too late to remedy it. They, like he re t of toe people of the city appreciate the good work of Judge Keagen and indulge the nope that he wilt come oftener and stay longer. A TRUST OWNED CONGRESS. The record of the first session of of the fifty-seventh congress shows that it did not dare to enact a solitary line of legislation curbing the giant monopolies, amalga mated into trusts, which, at the ex pense of the whole people, are rolling U P most enormous aggregations of wealth the world has ever known. In this respect foe republican mem l "s of that body have broken the solemn pledge.? made by them during tin- last presidential campaign, and violated the platform upon which Wil liam McKinley war, re-elected The most vicious and oppressive tariff ever enacted Is left in ful! force and Hie robbery oi the many for the hen cut of the few is thereby continued. Nor is there a prospect of any relief ahead. The next session of congress will last less than ninety days and remedial tariff legislation will he set; aside on Ifie ground that the time is too brief to institute the needed reforms. Tills immunity from legis lal l’ve interference was paid for in advance by the trusts in Hie shape oi enormous campaign contributions, and tariff history will go on repeating Itself In this way from year to year until the republican party is driven from power. The republicans seek to make the people believe that the country is prosperous because of a tariff which enables tile trusts to sell their prod nets at an enormous profit, in the American market and, at the same time compete wilh foreigners in their own markets, supplied by pauper paid labor Anyone with a gleam of rea son can see the fallacy of this argu ment, and recognize the fact that Un- American consumer is robbed of n difference In price between the nrti ole made here and sold here and the greatly reduced price at which it Is sold abroad with all the costs of tiuusportation added thereto. The late president, it should lie said to hi eiedit, saw the Iniquity of this s> tern and In his memorable Buffalo speech referred to the absolute neces sity of reciprocity along certain lines wih other nations. His suggestions angered tho trusts, and they have ta ken good care that under his sue eessnr they should lie completely ig nored. There is no hope of reform except in Ibe election of a democrat ic house of representatives this year as a preliminary step to the election of a democratic president in 1901, So long as tho tariff laws are made by trust presidents and boards of direct orfl, just so long will tlie people be plundered. Notice to Masters. The News will publish ship notices at $1.50. It is the only legal medium through which these notices cau be published. Choice Home. Another bargain in Brunswick dirt. 54A180 feet i>t with two story, eight room dwelling, close in, modern bouse, every convenience, one of the best bargains on the market; price, $2,200. Easy payments. , , BUOBSTON. FEN I>1(1 & CO. SHOES SHINED F REE! At 30b Monk street. Bach and every customer of mine given a shim: ticket absolutely free. Clothes i leaned and pressed on short notice. ” DAVENPORT'S. I’none 141-2. Clark, the well known colored bar ber, is better fitted to serve the pub lic than ever. Everything neat and clean and up to date Davenport's cleaning and pressing chib. Why wear a greasy and wrink led suit? See Davenport. Phone 1112. A Dryer. The dryer at Jim Carter's clothes cleaning establishment enables him lo scour and press a suit within five hours. No one else can do this for you. Phone 253 2. NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Ex trowiteh, 422 Newcastle street will recover it for SI,OO and guarantee it to be equal to any new $2.50 um brella. He also manes umbrellas to order. For Sale. Four-room one story house near Oglethorpe Hotel. Just the place for small family. $650.00. It is a bar gain. Half cash, balance on time. Brobston, Fendig <& Cos. Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy 1 will share he office with Mr. C. W. Deming, next door to Hr. Boroughs, on Newcastle street. C. H. JEWETT. There's only one place In Brunswick y\ here clothes are cleaned and press ed by scientific methods, and that's at Jim Carter’s. Saved From an Awful Fate. “Everybody said I had consump tion,” writes, Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, f’a., “I was so low af ter six months of severe sickness caused by nay fever and athma, that tew thought I copld get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, used it, and was completely cured.” For desperate throat and lung diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guar anteed bottles 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at all druggists. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in tho city, and this popular place a hop It) be liberally patronized by the pulTlic. If you want your ’ icyele repaired right bring It to am experienced work map. B. J Olewine, 505 Gloucester street McDuffie's Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems asd make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 50 cents. At W. Joerger’s. The F. J. Byrd Process is the latest and most reliable as well as a purely scientific method of clean ing clothes. Tula is practiced only by Jim (jailer at 504 Monk street. Rob Uov floor suits the ladies. Something new- -quinine shampoo for ladies Get it at Clark's barber ell op., When yon want good work done and done quickly call up phone 141 2, or neri.l to the old Central Hotel stand. Davenport's Cleaning ami Pressing Club, Ladies soils a specialty. p. devarrisT STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIEF Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free delivery. Brunswick’s Only Exclusive' Cigar Store We have all kinds of cigars, to bacco anil smokers' sundries and lin ing an exclusive dealer in these goods wo devote our entire time to seeming the best. With every five cent purchase you nre entitled to a ticket to our weekly drawing for a box of cigars. MAX MARKS. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it Malarial Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak'and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble- now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then—but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know alt about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify tlie blood, pre vent and Cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands—lt will cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try It, Price, 25 cents, r -•- ■> -m li--.- i u—u-i-c.) A';: 1 '"I":■ , - , ... , (v * (• \ < * Dr- J H. Poweli, (Specialist,) Eye, Ear, Nose out! Throat, Hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Sunday. 7 lo 8 a. m. Office, South Qrat Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia. THF PICK OF THE FOREST has boon taken to supply the stock of lum ber in our yard, ami nowhere is it .possible to find a more complete or satisfactory stock than we offer to our customers. With the quality the best, our prices are tno lowest for the qual ity: anywhere, and that makes our stock doubly desirable. Phone 197. Lang & Vv ood. PLANING MILL. 'Phene 197. fftE BRtJNSWIOK DAILY NEWB. ONE CENT AW9RD. If you want a position, a house, s servant, or want to find anything that ha* been Tost, er Want so me thfhg that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. Rates strietfy one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents FOR SALE.—Pet fawn; apply to Margan Wade, 51t C dtreet. FOR SALE —Cheap for cash, a sail boat. Apply at this office WANTED—To buy or lease, a small farm near Brunswick. Address L., care of News. ROOMS FOR RENT—Nice airy front room for rent. Apply at 711 Gloucester street. FOR SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, stinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street. c FOR RENT. My cottage, with mod ern improvements, No. 212 Union St. Possession given first of August. ,i. I). Sparks. FOR RENT —Furnished No. 1,303 Prince street for the months of Au gust, September and October. • Apply to W. 11. Cook. FOR RENT - Seven room house, all modern iiiipiovemerits, 7U3 Gloucester St., possession given at once. Ale ply 701 Gloucdhter St, „ ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT H. SELIG'S, 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272 3. FOR SALE—SaiI boat "Ncca” In first-class condition, with all sails, etc., complete. For cash or on time with good security. Address "Owner" P. O. box 165. city. WANTED. OAT SACKS. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. RESTAURANT, FOR LADIES AND GENT-LEMEN. Where you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at 'reasonable prices. Oysters in any style. Everything nedi and clean. OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile ludian tem t>les, but worse yet is a body that's* pointed by constipation. Don't per mit. it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Vilis and avoid untold misery. They give lively liv ers, aetve bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c. at all druggists. WHEN OTHERS FAIL To please you. send your clothes to Jim Carter, t’ne leading clothes cleaner. I The Effect of Warm Days and Cool Nights. A leading physicoan writes that he j has noticed warm days and cool j nights always affect t'ne bowels, and j suggests some preventative remedy, j Ur- Diggers Huckleberry Cordial is the only one that can be absolutely relied upon. it. never fails to cure. Sold by all druggists, 25 and 50c. bottles. Rob Roy Flour has no equal. McDuffie’s Little Blue Liver Pill makes hue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and un healthy matter and makes anew persou of you. 25 cents, at W. J ow ner's. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND NO. 12. The National Bank of Brunswick. Brunswick, Ga., June 21st, FJO2. The Board of Directors of the Nat ional Bank of Brunswick nas this day declared Dividend No. 12. three per cent, three dollars tier s'nare, payable on and after July Ist. 1902, to share holders of record at close of business June 30th. E. D. Walter, Cashier. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. As the hanks will close at I o'clock I’. M. on Saturdays between May 15th and October Ist, 11*02, notice of which is given in a not her column of this paper, we beg that our customers will 1-ear same in mind, and conn- to the bank as early as possible on Saturday of earl week to accommodate ns. as well as themselves, for by doing so they will help us to do tin- business sstti*fnrtmil.v and avoid the delay of having to ‘ wait theirturn" at th lad minute. Very truly, BRUNSWICK BANK A fill STt’O. H. \Y, t laic. Cashier COAL. AND WOOD. CONEY & PARKER. W l PORTER, ion- li Street painter and paper hanger. Signs of aiiy description. Agent for wall-paper mills. Drop me a postal. Phone 289-3 WRIGHT & GARFIELD Banitors ana Brokers, 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23rd ST. 219 WEST 125th ST. Orders solicited for tho purchase or sale of Stocks, Bonds, Grain Colton, in anv amounts for cash or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MORE THAN 50„PER CENT. A YEAR ON YOUR MONEY EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Share* United States Steel Common (say 43) ou 3 per cent, margin. CREDIT. Margin- deposited S3OO 00 Interest ou deposit 6 per cent 16 00 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Coia-mon 400 00 $7lB 00 DEBIT. Less 6 per cent, interest on 100 Sh ares Steel Common $258 00 $460 U 0 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without consider ing ANY advance in the stock at all, ana we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG BULL MARKET. The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country has ever known. It is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000, com- posed of J. Pierpont Morgan, Marshall Field, John J. Mitchell, President II linois Trust Cos., Moore Bros., and sev eral other capitalists, for the purpose of putting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of all good dividend paying stocks, such as Mannattan, SL Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common, Steel and P eoples Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTER GIVING FULL DETAILS. Schedule Southern Railway. *i*SKP I---'” ) For Savannah. Washington and New York. Lv. Ilrunsfrfck 4:45 A. M. 7:2U A. M. 3:05 P. M. 9:05 P. M. Ar. Savannah 9:35 A. M. 1:05 P. .<l. 8:30 P. M. 12:25 A. M. Ar. Washington 7:40 A. M. 9:30 P. M Ar. New York 2:00 P. M. 6:30 A. M. For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati. Lv. Brunswick 7:20 A. M. 9;05 P. M. Ar. Macon 1:30 P. M. 3:00 A. M. Ar. Atlanta M. 5:20 A. M. Ar. Louisville 8:05 A. M. 7:00 P. M. Ar. Cincinnati 8:10 A. M. 7:30 P. M. From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv. New York 12:10 A. M. 3:25 P. M. Lv. Washinton .. .. 10:51 A. j. 9:50 I*. M. Lv. Savannah 5:00 A. M. 3:15 I’, ftl. Ar. Brunswick 7:50 A. M. 6:05 P. M. From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv. Cincinnati 8:30 A. VI. Lv. Louisville 715 A M Lv. At-anta 10:45 P. M. 6:30 A. M. Lv. Macon 1:00 A. M. 8:35 A. M. Ar. Brunswick 7:00 A. M. 2:35 P. M. Sunday Schedules Between Brunswick and Savannah. i.v. Brunswick 6:20 A. M. 7:20 A. M. Ar. Savannah 9:35 A. M. 1:05 P. \l. Lv. Savannah 5:00 A M. 5:00 P. ,Yl. Ar. Brunswick 7:50 A. M. 8:30 P. M. T 1133 - BAY IRON WORKS Manufat hirers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine #rork a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, I slimates I urnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St. W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, •resident and Manager. Secretary -and Treasurer. Question Answered. Yes. August Flower still lias the i-irg. si sale of any medicine in the rivdi/rd world. Your mothers’ and grandmothers, never thought of us ing anything else tor indigestion or biliiousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used Auguse Flower to clean out tue system and stop fer mentation ot undigested food, regulate tne action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, andw that Is all they took Alien reeling dull and bad with head, aches and other aches. You only “red 3 few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied taere is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get. the reliable remedy at I)r. G. G. Greene s reliable remedies at Smith's Phar macy, W. J. Butts. Launch For Hire. The swift launch "J. H. PolhiU” is tor rent by the how. day or week. Fast, safe and roomy. Enquire at Polhili s drug store. A Pitiful Sight. Is to see the Nttle one si |ear o us gradually sinking d,t<- ‘ -,- „ ay t , y the ,t- -vsv m the ejects OT teething, The v ise moth er gives Dr. Biggv;. Hu 'kieberry t-ordial. It never la’!.- tr eu-e Chrl era Morbus, and Dysu-.-ery. i'hix ,-|e S.dd by druggists. 25c and 6-je :.u --tie. Typewriter Headquarters. Do .you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine of any description? You will find it to yehr interest to call < n me. Can sell you a typewwriter at suen a price and on suca terms that you will not miss the money. C. H. JEWETT. Rob Roy Flour is good j \ *- City Taxes. The first naif of the city taxes of Brunswick for the year 1902 is due. The tax ordinance requires payment of Die same by July 31. and privities Unit unless paid by that date execu tion will lie issued for the whole amount, in order to avoid delay in being waited on at the closing days of the month, tax payers can insure prompt attention by calling early GEO. H. SMITH. City Treasurer. • J. W. CONOLY, Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office. 307 Newcastle Strt ot. The steamer Hessie will make dou ble daily trips to St Simon each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a. in. and 2:50 p. in., returning at 11 a. m. and 6 p m. This will afford tiie people of the city a good chance to spend tiie day at this popular resort. i oil rant afford to miss it. The steamer Hessie will make dou ble daily trips to Ocean Pier Sundav, leaving Brunswick a* 9:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m., returning at 11 a. m. and b P- m. It will be a splendid oppor tunity for a day at the seashore. LADIES. BEWARE! lon are particular folks, and should na\x* yon, dresses cleaned only by Jim Carter, who does gixt -fork. Phone 253.2. Radios skirts cleaned and pressed, on short notice. All work guaranteed. Call up phone 141-2 or send to old Central Hotel stand. EARLY CLOSING NOTICE. Tiie undersigned banks wil. close at ONE o’clock p. m. SATURDAYS between- May 15 and October 1. The National Rank of Brunswick E. D. Walter, Cashier. The Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos., H. W. Gale, Cashier. JULY IS