The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, July 19, 1902, Image 2

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ItfRDA/ MORNING KKiick daily news. daily by Hp% NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ■KaVY Manage' SJHRaVY Editor HHmfAVY, Jr City jiff la rate* iiiaJn < '*■ *> ar.'i ®Ulon !•■>;■( ■ i ■MHiilar rat re. HBeslrlns t! tl. *•’ ■Hraglß notify ’.fie • ■F- WMCRIPTION RATES. HJTerni to aubacribers In Use city Sofad by mall fro* of charge to at mti ot the United Slates and < an Ksa. Mexico. Porto Rteo, Guam. Phil Kpiue Mauds and Hawaiian Ida’ it. ft'vt Month * - 60 Ft* Moathe •JWPiy (, * r r> - 00 WWR> ns. ItlitMl at the Brunswick, Ga.. pmttolOce, a8 second-class mall mat a . Hen. Emory Bpeer has designated tfe Srunewlek Daily News aa the Official organ of the United States In Bankruptcy proceedings, for isacty. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The New* Publishing Company de t alres it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must ho pal.l for In advance. We cannot afford to devote ur space to such advertise meats and wait on the courts for the moneys ■ ■gMl ! p- ! .; ! . The New* deiiree the subscribers who are behind In their subscriptions to come up and pay at once as their papers will be discontinued unless n settlement Is made. It is unfair and unjust to make The News send you a paper and then when the collector caile refuse to pay for it. — aei HpHkpeutage evorjrjiew enterprise. Mr. Flagler aeetus to 1' losing his grip in Florida. Minister Wti is soon to leave us. Hr has übly represented bis country. Several newspaixlni are linking. “ imt shall wmdo with college graduate hustle Kko tin* rest of ti Kh^KK>r Tripletl iilwro's that • *<•• • pJStwg of Bryan and Watterson doe-n't rilkuse a ripple on the wafers of Ho -/.ard |i3ijjfcwhere Grover is ensiing his line liUTho Htof running Now York ('it |Js sß!.tiß per enpitif of population. The average of thirteen other cities is# I-- pm capita. Everything comes high in the metropolis.' r” A Detroit family, tlie mother of whirl ■is still alive, oonilsts of sixteen 1-rnthi r sod sissfs.,.Vne oldest 75 and the you: - There has never lieen a deal Btnouic the children. HXhs tjoatmonei- declares that ■pMI City platform is not a lion-.; lo from.'’ Certainly it isn't I haw K|' do not run ftom cm-j>s- ''■-•■i Advertiser. JBt ■ -nit Roosevelt's sue:;-- t ion A Pittsburg apta-ch v ith iv.p--- 1 SMtional legislation ugnim-t tie- ti RPNbwn received with chillim: liosses ano I ■ W'fore known, ;■ > ' niitl or,: || -ft eve iv nu'i- i■ - Slates and <’. • . Mitaii a neat asweli i - liu-mlsis-a e HKar |laid to Judge R Judge Heagi-n lui ■fcionmong ourimople un ii - he will come mi l Kfieu^pt m ■ ' ' '***~ - " The Superior court did ipuek e *of wflltk in the Hassell case i * shot Oapt. Sprague on Monday Inst (was Ujed yostexslay and sente the peniteutiaw if kept tip at all times t!> -i xs-oolrti* lesa criminal business in 'l - The old rumor has been o-v i ■ ?’ the shops of the Atlantic Coast 1. a be moved from this city. W Bourse, art- not in position i-> di ae * fatter with any degree of anther; ■u at the same time it is ouj- earn a Kinion that the slie|>s will r. they are and when- tin; Been for years. There is no em the shops an- in-ede.i -, e Brunswiel is th line aud we rea'd-. for any GLITTERING GENERALITIES. One of tins year's state republican conventions put into its platform this sentence: “Wo recognise the necessity of co-operation in order to meet new conditions in the industrial world and to compete successfully for the world's markets; but the combinations which, stifle com petit ion, limit production, con tml pricej or unduly increase profits or values, and especially when tin y raise the. prices of (lie noeessitio* o life, are! opposed I o public fiolicy, mid in mid is. repressed." Tin- jsopiejti. ..' .ar'. of hearing dt c iamtioiiK of this e.lmiaetcr on iln part of the republican party Tiny mean nothing and arc simply only hot cam paiy'ii wind with which to fill up the voters in the fall. 1 hiring the past two years fhe republican pnriy, in full con trol of both branches of Congress, has not passed a single measure to “repress" the giant liionopoln -s and trusts that have sprung up on every hand “to stifle competition, limit production, unduly 'increase profits and rni: ■■ the prices of the miveilii of life,’ These colossal corporai ion are I lit* crealii!'. ;- of r ptdilicun legislation, the hem llciariesof He fnvoi itei-ni, the gen • rouH eon! i. Cut. toils em I moils cam lt!gii funds. Tin ir I ..atie. of directors ami presidents formulate republican policies in all that effect their intere.-ts, and nine order:, to i■ pn!*l ii un senators add representative:-, precisely the same as they do io tie- i.upei iiiteiidcnls and fori men id their fr.etoi ies. From a party so eonlrolled it is idl to e>,peel reformation. fn promising it in plat forms and on liie stump they are only simply fooling the people, who are Iln victims of their rapacity. WOOD’S PLUM. The sUitcm<-rf[ that was published orday morning lo the effect that the president hail n( for (Jeneral Leonard Wood for In- purpose of ap pointing him a member of the Isthml .,n Canal i oumi: sum, anti that the pie. ut plan , i .-tiled to lie to place <iiin al tie- boud of Unit hotly, giving nun, na pis -ddonl t'neivof, tlio wiper vision til tin; whole work of construc it'US Ufa iuteroreun eiuial, does not .a- m luipiotiuhh in view of the pre /ii'tin evidence.• t)*ut Mr. Roosevelt hus given of , tendency ui hi stow upon Ins faviu tea the In-si that he has to give. Ii il bo possible, tfiere lei'o, lor tieiieial Wood to la- appoint ’d to lie, position, and in- desires ino plui o, we limy consider thill it How no.Cu (nieli ml appointment would redottud to Lie benefit of toe eutilie. is another math I. ' A., a (virile ■ od vigorous lender <d men, \. •••• I elands pre-eminent, and Ins t- i linleal l.uowiedgo combined with hi I'M" 1 , lence hi Huntiagrj and tta ■-uni would douhtlo;.:-; contribute a -allj to tee ..inn 11 y (-omiilions among lie > nsln,-lion forces imt ah-in ror m i in- has or can nrijuire • '.lea ~i tmi.niiij ability to war . i,,i he i" in . given this most import seems :i-hi in Itil in the extreme. ’ i*i: .i;. hoc..will probably huvo iie mi u da ih-.-idcnt Roosevelt Hee has i mil iifi I.n min.l in hand ''Leonard, old hoy." this plum. Ha it over oi anred to you that yen naii lane nt liome (In plot lire of i lie ml >r relative (imt is grad oally Ii- niimi;; dim and more dim - a: la a Ain, and s<-on (here will ee 11 -diia ll a; h it of ii Imt paper? Well. Villein, ill,,ipher, is looking o>r nil sm-h picture;!, and tliougn In may not happily lie able to restore th-in (o ti- -ir former fr. s'aness and beauty, In- ran miil arrest their pres -•"it decay and bring joy to many a • ion a mild. ;.aj nioiicesler St. Virulent Cancer Cured. . i nihe. proof of a wonderful ml v.Slue in medicine is given by druggist W. Uoi 'ris, of l-.ii/.aheth. W. Vn. : t 1 mail I ;.a.| i,.ag suffeivd Miifi what good doe!,ms pronounced a- urirha- eaneer. Tnev heiieved ins •" o uoi- i t ti il in; used Kleetrie Hitters and up,bod iltiekien's Arnica •, wipe'll treatment completely cured him. Win n Kleetrie Ritters are ii. ft to e i 1-ilious, kidney and mi "loi-e poisons al. the same time this live everts ip- nuUnliieis healing power, lih-td diseases, skin eruptions, nteers and sort's vanish. Ritteia 80c., live 28c. at ali druggists. - ii l ' i'u-mm ,n<l route steamer "■ ••'Lit* aid ■■’, •• for I'umiivrlaiid ■ a.; eiy ip., Me 'lie- Mandolin eluh a iv-< 11 e;- i.o-l and will furnish | - : -* ’ mu and i,noiii . from t 'umber! e ’ t'i-re for the round trip on liiura.: r and lraUS|Hii laiiou to :he h. : • only * I .on. This is a tt mi t y to enjoy a pleasant mp- at tliore 1 h ff. . >•. ward of $25.00 •-v the a: • f Hie tah-ves who at ti ia e- fo break Into my place of •-as v-rs- a: "min Hi r St. Simon, last Monday nignt. with proof to convict them. I will furnish clue. NATHAN WEINSTEIN. Saved From an Awful Fate. “Everybody said I had consump tion,” writes Mi-4. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Pa:, “I was so low af ter six months of severe sickness caused by nay fever and athma, that few thought I ecu Id get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King’s New Discovery lor consump tion, used it, and was completely; cured.” For desperate throat and lung diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guar anteed bottles 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at all druggists. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in the city, uuii tins popular place sboqjd be liberally patronized by the public. If you want your 'ric'xle repaired right bring It to an experienced work ujajp B. J Olewiue, 505 Gloucester street McDuffie’s Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems asd make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure lor chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 60 cents. At W. Joerger’s. The F. J. Byrd Process is the latest and most reliable a.s well as a purely Hcieutitle method of clean ing clothes. Tnis is practiced only by Jim Carter at 601 Monk street. rtuli Itov flour subs I,'iie ladies. Something new quinine shampoo for ladies Get it at Clark's barber s-iiop., When you want good work done and done quickly call up phone 141 2, or send lo the old Central Hotel stand. Davenport.'* Cleaning and Pressing <‘lul>. I,adles suits a specialty, RD¥^RRia" STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free delivery. Brunswick’s Only Exclusive Cigar Store We have all kinds of cigars, to haepo and smokers' sundries and be ing an exclusive denier in these goods we devote our entire time to securing the best.. With every five cent, purchase you are entitled to a ticket to our weekly drawing for a liox of cigars. MAX MARKS. IS YELLOW POISON In your blood ? Physicians call it nalarial Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night First, it turns yourcom plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feci weak and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen end break-down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then hut why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and Cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands —It will cure you, or your money back; This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. ' -111'.' I v ;-l Dr- J H. Powell, (Specialist,) Eye, l dr, Nose and' ihroat, i font : S a. in. to 5 p. m.; Sunday. 7 to S a. 111. Office, South Oral Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia. THE PICK OF THE. FOREST has been taken to supply the stdtl; of lum ber in our yard, and now den? is it possible 10 find a more complete or satisfactory stock than wo offer to our i ustomers. With t'flc quality the host, our prices arc tno lowest for the qual itv anywhere, and that makes our stock doubly desirable. l'honet 197. Lang & Wood. , PLANING MILL. ’Phone 197. THE BRUNSWICK DAILT NEWS ONE CENT AWQRD. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that hap been lost, ar Wwit some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents FOR SALE. —Pet fawn; apply to Margan Wade, 511 C street. FOit SALE-—Cheap for cash, a Bail boat. Apply at this office. WANTED —To buy or lease, a small farm near Brunswick. Address X,., care of News. ROOMS FOR RENT—Nice airy front room for rent Apply at 711 Gloucester street. FOR SALE- Rubber stamps, seals, stineeis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle 1 street. i FOR RUNT. My cottage, with mod ern improvements, No. 212 Union St. Possession given first of August. J. D. Sparks. FOR RENT Furnished No. 1,3u3 Prince .stri ct, for the months of Au gust, September and October. Apply to W. IS. Cook. FOR RENT Seven-room house, all modern improv meets, 705 Gloucester St., |tosses*lon given at once. Ap ply 7nl Gloucester St, ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT If. SMUG'S, 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272 3. FOR SALE Sail boat "Neca” in fir: i elm .; condition, witn all sails, etc., complete. For cash or on time with good security. Addivsg “Owner P. O. box Ida. city. WANTED. OAT SACKS. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. RESTAURANT, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters In an> style. Everything new and clear OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGH'i ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred rows ufteii defile Indian tem j pies, but worse yet Is a body that's pointed by constipation. Don't per - niit it. Cleanse your system with Ur. King’s New Life Vilis and avoid untold misery. They give lively liv ers, aetve bowels, good digestion, fine , appetite. Oqly 25c. at all druggists. WHEN OTHERS FAIL To please you, send your clothes to Jim Garter, tine leading clothes 'cleaner. EARLY CLOSING NOTICE. The undersigned batiks wih close at ONE o’clock p, 111. SATURDAYS between May 15 and October X. The National Bank of Brunswick E. !>, Walter, Cashier. The Brunswick liaiiu At Trust Cos., H. VV. Gaits, Cashier. MARSHAL SALES. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN, CITY OF BRUNSWICK. Will bo sold before the court house door of said comity on Hie first Tues day in August next, between the legal hours of salt . the following described property, to-wit: That eei tain lot, tract, or parrel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on map of said city, made by CL ergo ii. Baldwin, A. D.. 1837, as Old Town it j lot No. to. for taxer due salad city for (he year I pot. Lev led on is the propeily of C. !i. Hewitt ; under and by virtue of a t.tx li. fa., is ! sued by N. 1). Bussell, clerk of tne 1 may or and council of said city : Amount of tuxes, sl2.mi and costs, Aat live same time and place, | two job presses and one paper cutter, I Levied on its (he property of Tilt Brunswick Call, under and by virtue of a tax ti. la. issued by N. 1). Russij.l clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against The Brunswick Cell for taxes due sai.t t-ity for the years IS9S 1899 and 1900. Taxes $51.00 and costs. : Also at the same time ami place, that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county and state afimsiild, and known and described on map of said city, made by Uei- ~0 It. Baldwin, A. !>., 1837. as lit. -mi i 1 \x.■:- I ■'in one fourth of Old Town lot No. 212. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Rebecca Wylly tin dir and by virtue of a tax ft. fa., is srA. by N. D. ltussell, clerk of the Ms 1 , or and council of said city, againt raid Mrs. Rabeeca Wylly for taxes due raid city for the year 1901. Amount of tax $37.45 and costs. S. A. BURNEY. Marshall. CITATION. GEORGIA.- GLYNN COUNTY. 1 To \\ hem it May Concern: 1 .1. N. Brock having made application to me in due form to be appointed administrator upon the estate of T. W Brook, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at tne regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be neld on the first Monday in August. . 1902. I Witness my hand and offlbial signa turs, this July 7, 1902, HORACE DART, | Ordinary **'vnn aoutitv, Georgia. WRIGHT & GARFIELD Banltors anci Brolters, 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Office.-: 30 WEST 23rd ST. 219 WEST 13ath ST. Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of Blocks, bonds, Grain Cotton. in any amounts for cath or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MOKE THA Is t'Ui rjTNT. A YEAH Ois YOUR MONEY example: Buy 100 Shares United States Steel Common (say 43) on 3 per cent, margin. CREDIT. Margin- deposited S3OO 00 Interest on deposit © 6 per cent 18 00 4 per cent, dividend ou 100 Shares Steel Common 400 00 $7lB 00 DEBIT. Less C per cent. Interest on 100 Shares Steel Common $258 Oo $460 00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without consider ing ANY advance iu the stock at all, and we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG HULL MARKET. The Indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country lias ever known, ll i rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000, com-posed of J. Pierpont Morgan, Marshall Field, John J. Mitchell, President Illinois Trust Cos.. Moore Bros., and sev eral other capitalists, for the purpose of Butting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of all good dividend paying stocks, such as Manhattan, St- Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common, Stee! and P eoples Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTER GIVING FULL DETAILS. ► > THE :bay iron works ► MtinufiHilurors oiid Kcp<)irers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills ; Marine work a specialty. Fittings * and Supplies, ► I stimulus I tirnishcd Free oi Charge. : 629 Bay Sc. ¥ w. R. DART, CLAUD DART, ► .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. k Rob Roy flour makes fine I,read. A Pitiful Sight. is to see the tittle or.e s.. dear *0 ns gradually sinking da<- - -,- „i y \, y the drninige upon p., -y s -• in i- . m the "ifoi uor teething. In - wise imd'e ■‘r gives Dr. Bigg:.-: Hu -dieherry Cordial. It never la b- 1 , cure Clu 1 era Morbus, and Dys n:‘ery. Flux, etc Sold by druggists. 25c ami ode b<d tle. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish lo buy, sell or rent 1 machine ot any description? You will hud it to jx ;r interest to call 1 n me. Can sell you a ty pew writer at mien a price and on suea terms timt you will not miss the money. 0. 1L JEWETT. GEORGIA, GLY nn COUNTY. To ail Whom it May Concern: M Louisa Baker, having applied to me for permanent loiters 01 a imints 1 rat ion 011 the estate m Marcus ,\ Bukcr, late ot said county, tins is to cite all and singular the ere. l. tors and next of kin ol At arcus A._ Baker 10 n • uni appear at my office* within the time allowed by law and s,:ow cause why permanent administration should -mi no granted to At. I.ouiaa Baker on Marcus A. Baker's estate. \\ itness my hand and official signa tore, tills lltii day qf July. 1902. HORACE DAltr, ordinary. Happy Time in Old Town. "We lelt very happy, *' writes K. N. Bevilie. Old Town, Va., “when Buck le n a Arnica tiaive wholly cured uar daughter of a bad case oi scald head." it delights all who use it for cuts, corns, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, eruptions. Infallible for piles. Only 25c. at all druggists. Notice of Remoival. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy 1 wilt share the office with Mr. C. W. Deming, next door to Dr. Bun-ought on Newcastle street 0. 11. JEWETT. SWANS' DOWN FLOUR IS THE BEST. Summer Lw I'M V *-:•< l ■' VHM.IM A. In V lYiiiiii 111 and , x*i ti-iuiw .*tilv tt S, I't.'nt- Ws li\ l- l:.• I;t ■■• ts. |j. ;...... , S•> ;■ *l t'Uiliiid'itOM t.>|- iif :*lr W ItCi.tlt. 0”,:t li%Ii% ?. itt [ft. ; I . . i tin.- . , •V itI.NOH- Si ervurj, < tinrititicgtille, *-h. The Cumberland route atonmeid tOmmelinc \viit leave for Cumberland Sunday morning. The Mm'i lopn ( Ini' h. a been engaged and will furnish music hotn going and coming; from Cumberland. Fare for the round trip including dinner and transpoi ta' ion to the hotel is only sl.ui). This is a rare opportunity to enjoy a pleasant day at the seashore. The steamer Bessie will make dou ble daily trips to ocean pier each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a m. and 2:30 p. m„ returning leave fine pier at tl a. m. and fi p. m. This' affords the people of this city a fine opportunity to spend the day at the seashore. City Taxes. The first half of the city taxes of j Bltinswiek for t'no year 1902 is due.] The tax ordinance requires payment of the same by July 31, and prividea ] that unless paid by that date execu tion will be issued for the whole amount. Irv order to avoid delay In being waited on at the closing days of I the month, tax payors can insure prompt attention by calling early. GEO. H. SMITH, City Treasurer, i The steamer Hc.-sie will make dote iiy trips to A Simon each tvtng Bnroswfi 1 at 9.50 a. m. and 2 to p. tti., returning at -41 a. m. and 6 p. in. This- will afford the] people of tie < ity a good chance to j ; spend the day at this popular resort. : You can’t afford lo miss it. When you visit Savannah call and Have you Ives Examined lrojurlv ati(j litUsithat not alone Improve vour Vision but 'will Preserve your Sight. Dr. VI. SCHWAB SOM. 41 Bali Street, FOR QUICK SALE. 60x180 feet, Union street, lot close In, $650.00. Half cash), balance cn: y. Not many lots left on this main resilience street. Apply to BROBSTON, FEN DIG & CO. Take a tumble to yourself and stem your clothes to Davenport. He will do the rest. Clothes sent for ami de livered free. Rhone 14i 2. Does It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, hut you want some thing tnat will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat anti lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, it possible; if not possible for you. then in either take tue only remedy that has" be. n introduced in ail civilized conn ties with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "I’.osi hee’s Or man Syrup.” it not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, hut allay a inti'lion, auses easy expectoration, gives a good nignfs n st, and cures the pa tient. Try one bottiei Recommended many years by ail druggists in the woil t. Y'-uii eon g- t this relialde remedy at Smith s Pharmacy and W J. Butts.’ Let, Green's Special Almanac. Remember tne place, suits cleaned and preseed, 3no Monk St., old Cen trai Hotel stand. Phone 141-2. JULY 19 LEGAL NOTICE. GEORGIA. GLYNN COUNTY. To Whom it may concern: Christopher B. Conyers, having made application to me in due form to lie appointed administrator with the will innexed, upon the estate in the State of Georgia of Joseph R. Swan, late of Oneida county, New York, deceased, notice is hereby given that said ap ;iublication will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for saiil ounty, to be held on the first Monday in August, 1902. Witness my hand and official signa ure, tnis July 7th, 1902. HORACE DART, Ordinary. GEORGIA, iI.YNN COUNTY: To All Whom it May Concern: Clara A. Tatnall having in proper form, applied lo me for permanent let ters 01 administration on the estate of •Sam Tatnall, late of said county, this ,s to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Bam Tatnall to bl and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause why permanent administration should not In granted to Clara Tatnall on Bam TatnaiPa estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 7th day of July. 1.102. HORACE DART, Ordinary. GEORGIA, GLYNN CO UN TTY. Win n a.s. E. ii. Mason, administrator of J, IS. Sheppard s estate represents to the~court in his petition that he has fully administered J. B. Sheppard's estate: Tnis is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be rtis charged from iiss administration and receive loiters of dismission on the first Monday in August. 1902. HORACE DART, Ordinary. GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county; will lie sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in August, 1902. at the court house in said county, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Glynn county, to-wit: One tract of 2,020 acres bounded as follows: East by lands of Dr. Long, west by lands of S. A. Burney, south by lands of T. S. Scott Ar. Son. One tract of 125 acres .bounded as follows: North by Amos lands, west by lands of A Atkinson, south by lands of T. S. Scott & Son. One tract of 25 acres of land lying east of Buffalo swamp, near first men tioned tract. Also the following personal property to-wit: Seventy-five heart of cattle l iron safe, I. saw mill, 1 grits mill Tue sale will continue from day fo day, between the same hours, until all of said property is sold. Terms :cash. This 7th dav of July 1502. JNO. E. DUBBEHLY, GEORGE SAI’P, Administrators of estate of James ; A. Sapp. ... . MORTGAGE SALE. | STATE OF GEORGIA. ; COUNTY OF GLYNN. ; Will be sold before the court house : door -at. Brunswick, Georgia, during - the legal hours of sale on the first j Tuesday in August, A D. 1502, the j following described real estate and 'improvements thereon lying and being iln the state of Georgia, comity of :Glynn and city of Brunswick therein and known and designated upon* the | map of the town commons of said icily as fractional part of town eoni- I mans lot number 13 (13) between. Wolf and Albany, streets, the said fractional part thereof, particularly described a.s follows: Beginning on the west side of Albany street thirty (3i>) ] feet north of the southern line of said j lilt number thirteen (13) and running ! •hone” north along tile western side of Albany street torty-five (45 feet); (lienee at right angles west through :safd lot for ninety (99) feet; thence at. right angles south through said lot for fortylflve (45) feet; thence at tight angles east through sam lot for ninety (90) feet to the point of be ginning; together witn an t'ne fm provemeiits, houses, out houses, fences j and buildings thereunto belonging or I in any wise appurtaining. Said prop ■ 1 ty sold as tile property of Mrs. Ella i U Latham under and by virtue of *he nut nority and power of attorney -riven and gran unto that j 1 ertain indenture of mortgage executed by her to me. Mrs. J, \v. Thomas, on lime 26th, A. 1). 1899 and recorded in II he clerk's office of the superior court jot Glynn county, Ga.. on July 15th, ii':* Ynl. 10, pages 128 to 132 inch] | si veto secure the payment of that oer Main promissory note dated June 26th, A D. 1899. and due three ( 2 1 years i after date, and made payable to tnyself lor the sum of three Hundred (3noi ! dollars, with interest at the rate of ten : per cent (10 per cent.) per annum and the further sum of ten per cent ' t 10 percent.) thereof as for attorney'a ie. sand signou under s-al for vaiue ] received by the said Mrs. Elia F. La i cam. to enforce the collection n,nd sat jist'.v the principal of said note, to-wit: Three hundred f3<mj> dollars and the further sum ot Kluetenn. dollars and fifty cents ($19.50) as tile interest ow ing to June 20th. 1902, and ail further interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from June 26th. A. D. 1902 until Paid, together with the further sum of ten per cent (lo per r ent.) of said principal as attorney':;, foes as afore said in said note and mortgage provid-. *'d if tlie same was placed in t.he nands of an attorney at law for col lection, having so placed the said note and mortgage in the hands of Messrs. Atkinson & Dunwody, attorneys at law. for collection. Written notice tif ties advertisement and intention to sell the said property herein described and at the time herein stated having been aorjve ! upon ii. H. Dan iels, agent of Mrs. Ella F. Latham and B. Chance, the tenant in possession. Terms of sale. cash. MRS J. W. THOMAS, Atty. in Fact for Mrs. Elia F. La tham. ATKINSON & DUNWODY. Attys, at Law for Mrs. J. W. Thomas.