The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, July 20, 1902, Image 2

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SUNDAY MORNXNC3 BRUNSWICK DAILY SEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOU 18 J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rate# made known on application. Church and other ehar ttable organization notices published at half the regular rate*. Advertisers desiring their ad 3. dis continued must notify the office In writing. —r— —r~— r_— —————— ■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscriber* In the city and by mall free of charge to all narts of the United States and Can ada, Mexico. Porto Hlco, Quant, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I -BO Sl* Months 2-60 On# .ear f>.oo Pftone 118. lrntercd at the Brunswick, Oa„ postofflee, as second-class mail mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official Organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. ■ 'i 1 PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires It to bo distinctly understood that *ll legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to devote our apace to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. The News desires the'subscribers who are behind in their subscriptions to come up and pay at once as their papers will be discontinued unless a settlement is made. It is unfair and unjust to make The News send you a paper and then when the collector calls refuse to pay for it. A good roads community is usually a prosperous ono. It. has boon finally sollled. King Ed ward is to bo crowned August <>. The pie counter lias been transferred from Washington to Oyster Hay. “liifois worth living in t I corgi a till the legislature moots,” says an ex change. The best that there is for (leiioml Wood. This seems to lie the President’s way of thinking. It is a strange fact that the retail nicr olmnt of Brunswick does not endeavor to draw trade from the adjacent county. Wavcross sells goods right at our von door. Tho old time-worn rumor about the railroad shops leaving Brunswick is going the rounds. If there is no more truth in il now than heretofore, we need not. worry The crowds of hoot blacks around over the streets make outirely too much noise on the Sabbath, and they are not noted for using good language The Manufacturers’ Record shows that Georgia leads all other states in the cotton seed oil industry. Her growth for the past six months is (lie organiza tion of thirty new mills villi a capita' of fSstl.lHH). The news that the preliminary agree liient with Columbia for the right of way for the Panama Canal has already been completed will come as a welcome announcement in tlio light of the dis jiatch of a few days ago, stating that tile work is to be undertaken in long draw n out.and easy stages What this country wantsi*the canal, and wants it w ithout unnecessary delay The supreme court is crying for re lief from hard weak. If the work is too nurd why don’t the members t a row up their jobs? There arc sev eral car loads of lawyers anxious to take up this hard work. If the work is too hard lac members should re sign and let their places be tilted by just as good, if not Is tier men Ha rien Gazette. • —.... The New York Tribune thinks th; I a law, imposing a heavy fine upon a community in which nlyncliing occur red. and n prompt collection of such tine, would break up the practice. Such a measure would cause tae inno cent. taxpayer* to suffer vifh: the guilty. A better plan would be prompt justice in the courts, with a discontinuance of the technicalities which form loop hob's in tnanv trials, permitting criminals to escape de served punishment A significant and popular feature of Judge Lynchs court is that no decision is ever re versed. Grand jury presentments. The grand jury presentments, pub lished in these columns yesterday, make unusually good reading matter and can really be placed among the best papers of the kind that the public has hail iu a number of years. In the first place, as a whole, the pre sentments indicate that the last grand jury was essentially a working one, that they looked into every detail of county matters, from the number of shouts at the county convict farm to the number of dollars in the county exchequer. They exhibit a degree of familiarity With all matters of public interest which is thoroughly refreshing. Probably tie most important recommendation was tlie one looking to the sale of the pres ent court house, and the building of a new one more adequate to the needs and requirements of the comity. We wish to commend the members o' the grand jury for their position in this very im portant matter, and it is to be hoped that the county commissioners will take the matter up and put into practical effect the recommendations of that body. The present court house is in no wise suite hie for the purpose. Its location is wrong to begin with ; it was intended for offices in the second place, and has ab solutely no ventilation or accoustic at tractions. The building is well situated for business purposes and we are sure, if placed on the market, it would bring a fair price and with ail additional sum of say $20,000 we could have a court house in keeping with the other public buildings of the city'. The grand jury also goes into the very heart of the educational question in the community and it must be said with shame, that Brunswick is disgracefully in the roar in the matter of the appro priations sho makes for tier public schools. And in this connection it is to lie hoped that the city council will con aider this matter, and do something more substantial along this line. It has nlso been shown that more ac tual school room is needed, and that in some cases children have been turned away from tlio schools for the reason that there is riot- suflicieut room to ac commodate them. This, indeed, is a sad condition and il is to lie hoped that the recommendations of the grand jury in the premises will have the desired effect. The grand jury calls upon tlic (ieorgia legislature for a number of needed re forms, in Hie repealing of old law sand the enactment of new ones, and in this they have displayed nun c good judge ment that should make ils imprint on the members of the legislature from this county, They show a decrease in the public debt of the county, which is gratifying to the people at large and we w ish to add our commendation to theirs in giv ing thanks to the present board of county commissioners for the exei Pent admin istration they arc giving. The grand jury also calls attention to one very important fact, and lliat; is. that hi many cases the recommendations of similar bodies are not heeded by those in official places. This is nmnifestlv wrong It costs the county lots of money to maintain grand juries, and if their work is not to be considered, then why have them ? All in all, the presentments arc all that could he desired, and the general community owes the grand jury a debt of gratitude for faithful service well performed. The freight handler’s strike in Chicago has ended in a defeat for the strikers after having cost the business interests of the city |10,000,0(H>. Toe Cumberland route steamer Emmeline will leave tor Cumberland Sunday morning. The Mandolin i hit) I, s been engaged and will furnish musie both going and coining from Cumberland. Rare for the round trip in. biding dinner anil transpbi tat ion to lae hotel is only $1.25. Tuts is a rare opportunity to enjoy a pleasant lay at t..e seashore St. Simon melons, the largest that have been to Brunswick this season. Come and get one for your Sunday dinner 227 Grant street, next to Owens’ meat market. - B. l'\ SEABROOKS. The Southern railway iias now a most convenient Sunday schedule be tween Brunswick ami Savannah, leav ing here at 0:25, and returning at 8:45 p. in. Separate through coaches for both white and colored people. Fare SI.OO for tne round trip. YOU RUN THE RISK When you fail to have Jim Carter clean you clothes. Phone 253 2. quired to do such an amount of work. Saved From an Awful Fate. “Everybody said I had consump tion," writes Mrs. A. M. Shield*, of Chambersburg, Pa., “I was ao low af ter six months of severe sickness caused by nay fever and athma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, used it, and was completely cured.” For desperate throat and lung diseases it is the safest cure In the world, and is infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guar anteed bottles 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at all druggists. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade Is now serving the best j lunch in the city, and ibis popular place sbouja bo liberally patronized ny the public. If you want your l.lcycle repaired right bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Olowine, 505 Gloucester street McDuffie's Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and hekSthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or 1 your money refunded. Price 50 cents. | At W. Joerger's. The F. J. Byrd Process I is the latest and most reliable as well ns a purely scientific method of clean ing clothes. • Tula Is practiced only by Jim Carter at 504 Monk street. Roll Rov flour suits the ladies. Something ne w -quinine shampoo for ladies Get it at Clark’s barber > Imp., When you want good work done and done quickly call up phone 141-2, or send to the old Central Hotel stand, Davenport's Cleaning and Pressing Club. Ladies suits a specialty. Ip devarris7 STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free delivery. Brunswick's Only Exclusive Cigar Store We have all kinds of cigars, to bacco and smokers’ sundries and be ing an exclusive dealer In these goods wo devote our entire time to securing the best. With every five cent purchase you are entitled to a ticket to our weekly drawing for a box of cigars. MAX MARKS. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it Malarial tierm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night . First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC w'lll stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then—but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and Cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands—lt will cure you, or your money back. This* is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents, fts e •> ... ... , ...... . . W J Pints; Cr tv’ V. i wt-s * Dr J H. Powell, (Specialist,) Lvu, I <ir, Nose diidjjThroat, Hours; S a. in. to 5 p. m.; Sunday. 7 to S a. in. Office, South Grat Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia. THE PICK OF THE FOREST has been taken to supply the stock of lum ber in our yard, and nowhere is it possible to tin 1 a more complete or satisfactory stock than we offer to our customers. With tne quality the best, our prices are file lowest for the qual ity any where, and that makes our stock doubly desirable. Phono 197. Lang & Wood. PLANING MILL. 'Phona 197. TiXE BRONBWXO& DAILY NEtfg. ONE CENT AWSRD. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or wJffit to find anything that ha* been lost, Or wan't some thing tbit someone else has, ad vertise in this column. Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents FOR SALE. —Pet fawn; apply to Margan Wade, 511 C street. FOR SALE —Cheap for cash, a sail boat. Apply at this office. WANTED.—To buy or lease, a small farm near Brunswick. Address L., care of News. ROOMS FOR RENT—Nice airy front room for rent Apply at 711 Gloucester street. FOR SALE — Rubber stamps, seals, stiuceiH, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street FOR RENT. -My cottage, with mod ern improvements, No. 212 Union St. Possession given first of August. J-. I>. Sparks. FOR RENT- Furnished No. 1.3U3 Prince street for the months of Au gust, September and October. Apply to W. U. Cook. FOR KENT Seven room house, all modern improvements, 703 Gloucester St., possession given at once. Aj>- ply 701 Gloucester St ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT 11. S’EUG'S, 225 GRANT STREET TELEPHONE 272-3. FOR SALE -Sail boat “Neea" in first-class condition, with all sails, etc., complete. For cash or on time with good security. Address “Owner” P. O. box 165. city. WANTED. OAT SACKS. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. WHEN OTHERS FAIL To please you, send your clothes to Jim Carter, t’ne leading clothes cleaner. ' RESTA U R A N TANARUS, FOR LADIE3 AND GENTLEMEN. Wffers you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters in any kt/le. Everything new and clean OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER 817 NEWCASTLE STREET. COAL AND WOOD. CONEV & PARKER. W E, PORTLR, 1007 G Street palnt;r and paper hanger. Signs ot any description, Agent for wall paper milts. Drop me a postal. Phone 289-3 TO OUR CUSTOMERS. As the batiks will close at I o'clock P, M. on Saturdays between May I nth and Oetoliqr ist, lts>2, notice of w hich is given in another column of this paper, we l*og that our customers w ill boar same in mind, ami come to rhe bank a early us possible on Saturday of each week to accommodate us, as well as themselves, for by doing so they w ill help US to do the business saiisfactoi ily aud avoid the delay of having te ' wail their turn" at thi la t minute. Very truly, BRUNSWICK BANK A TRUST CO. 1!, \Y . Gale, Cashier EARLY CLOSING NOTICE. The undersigned banks will close at ONE o’clock p. m. SATURDAYS between May 15 and October 1. The National Bank of Brunswick E. D. Walter, Cashier. The Brunswick Bans & Trust Cos., H. W. Gale, Cashier. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often detile Indian tem pies, but worse yet is a body that’s pointed by constif ation. Don't per mit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Vii’s and avoid untold misery. They give lively liv ers, actve bowels, good digestion, tine appetite. Only 25c. at all druggists. LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA. Southern Offers a Rate of Less Than One Fare for Round Trip. Brunswick to San Francisco l-os Angeles, $54.25 for round trip. Tickets on sate August .Ist. to 7Gi, inclusive. Final limit. September 30. Stop.over is allowed at all Colorado points and points west thereof. Passengers will also have the priv ilege of going and returning via di verse routes. For further informa tion call or write to C. L. Candler, general agent Soufnern Railway, Brunswick. Ga. NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Ex trowitch, 422 Newcastle street, will recover it for SI,OO and guarantee it to be equal te any new $2,50 um brella. He also manes umbrellas to order. Roh Roy Flour is good WRIGHT & GARFIELD Uanltors and Broltcrs, 52 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23rd ST. 219 WEST 12otli ST. Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of Stocks, Bonds, Grain Cotton. in anv amounts for cash or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MORE THAN SUPPER CENT. A YEAR ON YOUR MONEY - EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Share* United States Steel Common (say 43) on 3 per cent, margin. CREDIT. Margin' deposited S3OO 00 Interest on deposit © C per cent ]g 00 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common 400 00 $7lB 00 DEBIT. Less 0 per cent. Interest on 100 Sh ares Steel Common . „ $258 00 $460 00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without consider ing ANY advance in the stock at all, and we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG BULL MARKET. The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country bag ever known. It is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000, com-posed of J. Pierpont Morgan, Marshall Field, John J. Mitchell, President Illinois Trust Cos.. Moore Bros, and sev eral other capitalists, for the purposeof putting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of ail good dividend paying stocks, such as Manhattan, St. Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common, Steel and P eoples Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTE R GIVING FULL DETAILS. -THE - BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, .‘resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Rob Roy flour makes fine bread. A Pitiful Sight. Is to see the little one si. dear to us gradually sinking da>’ ' y nay by the drainige upon us system from the •’fleets of teething. Tne vise mot'n cr gives Dr. Btggvs itucßieberry Cordial. It never talc to cure Chrl era Morbus, and D/sjii'ery. Flux. etc. Sold by druggists, 25c ami i,>c bot tle. Typewriter^ffeadquarters. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine of any description? You will find it to year interest to call in me. Can sell you a typewwrlter at such a price and on suen terms that you will not. miss the money. C. IL JEWETT. GEORGIA. GLYNN COUNTY. To all vVliom it May Concern,: M Louisa Baker, having applied to me for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of Marcus A. linker, late of said county, this is to Cite all and singular the creditors anil next of kin of Marcus A. Baker to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and snow cause way permanent administration should not be granted to M. Louisa Baker on Marcus A. Baker’s estate. Witness my hand and official signa turn, tots 11th day of July. 1!)02. HORACE DART’, Ordinary. Happy Time In Old Town. “We felt very happy,’’ writes R. N. Beville. Old Town, Va., “when Buek ien’s Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head.” it delights all who use it for cuts, corns, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers’ eruptions. Infallible for piles. Only 25c. at all druggists. Notice of Remo’ival. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy 1 will share the office with Mr. C. W. Deming, next floor to Ur. Bun-ought on Newcastle street C. H. JEWETT. SWANS' DOWN FLOUR IS THE BEST. Sommer Law School ! MVKHvU” -VIK<JIM..\. In V-iYina inotin':tinx vjmn*’r Inlv ttn c. I‘iVr o "WiIEsSE: 'oMroct,.,,. for ,af,iopn, Sddri.' <- I- lIMIK. -itr.iurj, ( bwllUcnlllc, v *. Ih< steamer Bessie will make dou ble daily trips to ocean pier each 'Tinday. leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a. tn. and 2;30 p, m., returning leave the pier at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. This affords the people of this city a fine opportunity to spend the day at the seashore. Has it over occurred. to you that yon may have at home the picture of a dear friend or relative that is grad ually becoming dim anil more dint L ding fast away, and soon there will bo nothing loft of it hut paper? Well Wilson, the Photographer, is looking for all such pictures, and thougn he may not happily be able to restore them to their former freshness and beauty, he can still arrest their pres ent decay and bring joy to many a household. 502 Gloucester St. City Taxes. The first half of the city taxes of Brunswick for the year 1902 is due. The tax ordinance requires payment of the same by July 31, anil privides that unless paid by that date execu tion will be issued for the whole amount. In order to avoid delay in being waited on at the closing days of the month, tax payers can insure prompt attention by calling early. GEO. H. SMITH. City Treasurer. The steamer llessie will make dou ble daily trips to St Simon each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m., returning at 11 a m. and G p. m. Ting will afford the people of the city a good chance to i spend the day at this popular resort, i You can’t afford to miss it. Wlinn you visit Savannah call and Have you Eyes Examiged | properly and glasses fitted that not alone Improve y our Vision but ’will Preserve your Sight. Dr. M. SCHWAB & ON. 1, Bull Street, FOR QUICK SALE. ohxlSd fvet, Union street, lot close, | in, $550.00. Half cash). balance ! easy. Not many lots left on this main residence street. Apply to BROBSTON. FENDIG & CO. Does It Pay to Buy Cheap ' A cheap remedy for coughs ami colds is all right, but you want some thing taat will relieve and cure the nunc severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes. il possible; if i not possible for you, then in either ease take the only remiedy that has been introduced in all civilized coun tries with sin cess in severe throat and lung troubles, “Boschee's Ger man Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy tlio germ disease, but allays inflation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good nignt's rest, and cures the pa tient. Try one bottler Recommended many years-by all druggists in the world. Yo.u con giet this reliable remedy at Smith’s Pharmacy and W J. Butts.’ Get Green’s Special Almanac. Tiie Cumberland route steamer Emmeline will' leave for Cumberland Sunday mortiing. The Mandolin club h: s been engaged and will furnish music both going and coming from Cumberland. Fare for the round trip including dinner and transportation to the hotel is only $1.25. This is a rare opportunity to enjoy a pleasant day at the seashore. JULY a?