The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 01, 1902, Image 2

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li KMJAY MORN la a RUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBUBHINQ CO. A. H. LEAVY . Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOU 18 J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rate# made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. . .. ■ ... jne Advertisers dealring their adx di oontinued must notify the ofllce In writing. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mall tree trt charge to all narte of the United States and Can ada, Mexleo. Porto Rico, Guam, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month ........ J -50 Six Months 2.60 Om .ear 6.00 PBoni 118. mai'llS-JUL—Lur. 1 " 1 1 ' Sintered at the Brunswick, Oa., postoffice, as second-class mail mat ter. Hon, Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Dally News as the official organ of th# United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Liyna county. 50.... -.-.r ll -. 1 ; mi—~ PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The Nows Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to <UvotS6 our space to such advertlso nitnis and wait on the courts for the money- The Newa, desires the subscribers who are behind in their subscriptions to come up and pay at once as their papera will be discontinued unless a settlement Is made. It is unfair and unjust to make The New send you a paper and then when the collector calls refuse to pay for It. rsmmmmm an 'ij .w ■ .. --—i— — ■■ "■ ■■■ n■— AN .OCEAN PATROL, The proposition advanced by Mr. Henry F. Graggs, shipbuilder, of Man chester, England, for the establish ment of an ocean patrol for t'he sal vage of property and the rescue of sea men and others, is one that embodies features not only commendable, but entirely practicable. Tne plan, as Mr. Graggs, outlines it, is to build ten steam life boats for the North Atlan tic ocean, and one supply boat. These vessels will he aole to withstand the stress of al weather, and they will sail within certain well-defined and fnlly announeeu limits, each one being scheduled lo ho at a certain fixed lon gitude and lUi.iiule on each day. Mr. Graggs believes that such a service be established, and the "heals" of the relief patrol boats made known to all mariners, that many vessels that are now abandoned could lie saved, as well as many lives that are now lost. The cost of such a patrol would lie about. $1,5(10.(100, and the originator of the idea believes that the first cost could be defrayed by an issue of bonds, and the operating expenses provided for from toe amounts that would be real ised from salvage awards. .Maritime Nows atui Review. ANTI TRUST CONFERENCE, Gonteronees at Oyster Itay between the president, the attorney-general, Mr. Littlefield anti other friendly ad visers on the subject of tile monopo listic trusts and wnut can be dune to curb their high handed career are of t’requeut occurrence these days. The last one was reported to nave been held Saturday lasi. It is a very no ticeable fact, however, taat the trusts do jjgt seem to la disturbed in the least by these conferences, Out they pursue the even tenor of their way. reaping the profits which the people are forced to pay or do without their products, which is next to impossible. T ne trusts are masters ol tac situa tion; they iuive tiu' people by the throat, as it were. T’he people are powerless in their grasp. tt is true that tin* president, through the attorney general, has in stituted civil proceedings against the meat trust, hut tuese proceedings have not had the effect of curbing their op erations at all. They continue their business as if nothing had been done, and file price of meat is higher today than it has beeu in many years. The people are watching with much interest the practical outcome of the Oyster bay anti-trust conferences, but they reallly expect no relief from that quarter. They regard these confer ences in the light of a sham and Hum bug. They reason that if the presi dent and his advisers were sincere, they would not have waited until con gress adjourned—until after there was no possibility of affording relief to the people—before instituting this ‘‘anti trub. war.” if the president is sincere, why does he hesitate? The law gives him a re course. The trusts are maintained and supported oy acts rtn the part of their directors which the federal stai ules distincely declare to he indictable ohenses, punishable by large fines and terms of imprisonment. He has not tried this means of curbing the rapacity of the trusts. Why not? The question remains to be answered. The president has shown himself to be a man of courage against odds on no fastens. Now let him order' Mr. Ai torncy-General Knox lo enforce the criminal laws of the United Stales against the trusts and pull the greedy hands of the oppressive mnnopolb s out of the pockets of the general pub iic. The Chicago Chronicle thinks that the Hon. David Ti. iiiil lias struck the key note a resounding blow, it says: "Among a multiplicity of plans and suggestions for democratic success the eplgramatic utterance of David 11. Hill Is easily preeminent U‘nity, not reorganization.’ The democratic party, like the king, never ales. It needs no reorganizing. It only needs to get together” This strikes most democrat's as a very correct view to take of the situation. Just because a few party leaders tnay he dissatis fied ...ere is no reason why the time honored principles of denim racy should he jeopardized. Democracy per so is all right. The trouble is only with a few would be leaders who want to run things according to their own notion regardless of the good td the party. LEGAL NOTICE. li. It. Hopkins vs. National Bank ot Brunswick. National Bank ot Brunswick vs. It. R. Hopkins and J. IC. Bryan & Com pany. Action for money had and received, and cross action by the National Bank of Brunswick us a stakehold er as against It. It. Hopkins and J E. Bryan and company. To .1 10. Bryan and Gompany: You are hereby notified and requir ed to be ami appear at the next term oi the Superior Couft to be cold in and for the county of Glynn, at Bruns wick, at 10 o’clock a. m., on the first c. on day in December, 1902, at the court house at Brunswick, then and there to answer the matters and tilings set up by the cross act.on em bodied in the answer of the National Bank of Brunswick, wherein said Na tional Bank of Brunswick as stake holder requires R. K. Hopkins and J G. Bryan & Gompany to interplead and settle their respective rigius to the fund in the hands of the National Bank of Brunswick, and tor the other relief in said answer and cross peti tion set up. Herein fail not. This, July 29. 1902. ■ 11. F. DifBIONON, Glork of Superior Court, Glynn county, Georgia. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by druggist G. W. Roberts, of Elizabeth. W. Va. An old man tliere had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced Incurable cancer. They believed his case hopeless till he used Electric Bitters and applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters un used to expel bilious, kidney and ini crobe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Hitters 50c.. salve 25c. at all’ druggists. SWANS' DOWN FLOUR IS THE BEST. Say, why don’t you telephone No. 46? A Dryer. The dryer at Jim Carter's clothes cleaning establishment enables him to scour and press a suit within five hours. No one else can do this for you. Phone 253-S. Everybody rings telephone No. 46. You should do so, too. Through Cars to Savannah. To accommodate the increasing trav el between Brunswick and Savannah the Soutnern Railway will hereafter opt rate two extra coaches on tne train leaving Brunswick at 6:25 a. m. every Sum! vv, tc go through without change. This will Insuie a comfortable trip fl - ail who desire to spend the day in Sa vannah. If you need a typewriter of and des cription come to soe me before buying 1 can save you money. Terms rea sons tile and satisfaction guaranteed. G. H. Jewett. Glam chowder at the popular Metro po..,an from 11 to 1 o'clock today. Ev eryuvuy Invited. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEVv'SL f Brunswick's Only Exclusive Cigar Store We have all kinds of cigars, to bacco and smokers’ sundries ssil be ing an exclusive dealer in these goods we devote our entire time to securing the best. With every five cent purchase you are entitled to a ticket to our weekly drawing for a box of cigars. MAX MARKS. WE SELL Buggies and Wagons and can make the prices to suit. Set us. Wheelwright, blacksmith and horse shoeing. T B. Burns, 210 Richmond street. Rob Roy flour makes fine bread. 13 T3XT'!7 ABT) TO JL . A/JU V iJ AbIVXU. STAPLE ADD FANCY GROCERIES Fruit*, Vegetables, Eto. MONK STRUCT. Free delivery. WANTED! All ihe clothes in town to clean, at ■llm Carter's place, 504 Monk street. Phone 253-2. Does It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds l all light, but you want some thing tnat will relieve and cur© the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? (Jo to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either ea.-ie take the only remedy that has been introduced in ail civilized coun tries with success in severe throat am! lung troubles, "Bosehee's Oec man Syrup” It not only heals ami stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, hut allays inflation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good nignt's rest, and cures the pa tient. Try one bottlei Recommended many years by all druggists in the , wot el. Y'-U eon get this reliable remedy at Smith’s Pharmacy and W. J. Butts.' Get Green’s Special Aimanac. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood? Physicians call it Halarlal tierm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns yourcom plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak* and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then- but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and Cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands—lt will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. r-a . v ill U 1 Inin. cl v ■' ! ,l ! t,s i , i . ( o <. \. f at*a, * Dr J' H. Powell, (Specialist,) Eye, l dr, Nose and lliroat, Hours: S a. in. to 5 p. in.; Sunday. 7 to 8 a. m. Office, South Grat Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia. THE PICK OF THE FOHEST Has i been taken to supply the stork of lum ber in our yard, and nowhere is it possible to find a more complete or satisfactory stock than we offer to our customers. With the quality the best, our prices are tnc lowest for the qual ity any where, and that makes our stork doubly desirable. l’hone 197. Lang & Wood. PLANING MILL. 'Phone 187. ONE CENT AWRD. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that hat been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. KOOMS~FOR KENT—Nice airy front room for rent. Apply at 71X Gloucester street. WANTED —At once, six or seven room house close in. Address box 166, city. - OR RENT.—Nice room for gentle man. Well located. Apply at -Mc- Clure’s Ten Cent Store. FOUND. —Key attached to brass chain. Owner can get same by calling at this office anil paying for ad. LOST. —Seal-brown pocket hook containing slu hill. Finder will be rewarded by returning to News of fice. FOR BALE—Uuuber stamps, seals, stiugeiß, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will TJ. Fain, 312 Newcastle streeL WANTED—Position as stenogra pher by lady. Recent student of Mas soy's Business College. Good refer ences. Address C., care of Fleming & Waff. FOR RENT.—My cottage, with mod ern improvements, No. 212 Union St. Possession given first of August. J. JJ. Sparks. Aid. KINDS OK CALIFORNIA WINKS 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT H. SKLIO’S. 225 GKANI STREET. TELEPHONE 272-3. FOR Ur.NT.—Cheap, first floor of residence at 001 First avqjiue. Con tains six rooms; suitable for light housekkeeping. Apply on premises. FOR SALK- Sail boat “Neca” in first-class condition, with ail sails, etc., complete. For cash or on time with good security. Address ‘‘Owner' B. O. box 165. city. Go to Davenport’s to hive your clothes cleaned and pressed. Phone 141 2. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barber, has all Lae latest things connected with an up to date McDuffie’s Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 60 cent*. At W. Joerger's. McDuffie's Little Blue Liver Pill makes hue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and un healthy matter and makes anew person of you. 25 cents, at W. Joer ter’a. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch In the city, and this popular place should be liberally patronized py the public. If you want your icycle repaired right bring It to an experienced work mfcn. B. J Olewino, 505 Glouceatei * -e**t When you want good work done and done quickly call up phone 1412, or send to the old Central Hotel stand, Davenport's Gleaning and Pressing Club. Ladies suits a specialty. NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Ex trowltcb, 422 Newcastle stretet will recover it for SI,OO and guarantee it to be equal to any new $2.50 um brella. He also makes umbrellas to order. IcOCEAN TRIP To NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL j EASTERN RESORTS j V> tn a f OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY - t LOW RATES—Si J’F.RIOK Sl K' ICE j I SO Hour# o * Ocean Breetes < 3 Sailings each Week j from .Savannah, Ga. i L The of tin* Popular lane— tnroriv | 5 I -amhl* in S*rvicoi Ap|K>intnicntA, . r>r l I a uvhghrfnl route- inexpensive in pout. • • ] I lu enjoyment* -from nil Kmitlwt •Tomts by a 1 [ short rail journey to Savannah and GO hours of \ l <**>U air to Sew York. J I foe Srsf NV4TION9, WiJT, J H t , j Etc.. Ap.u/ To I l*t Ticket tom* !a RntnWck. , W. (j* BffVef, r . T. JL P. Sa*&nn-.4- j Swan's Down is the finest winter wheat patent fiour. University of Georgia. The 102.1 session of the Univcrsftj of the state will open on September 18th. This institution is organized in three departments. Academic. I .aw and Agricultural There is no tuition to residents of the state except in tin law school. In agriculture the courses have been increased and enlarged so as to embrace a short winter course, a one-years course and a full course. Room is furnished in both the old and new dormitories free, and excellent hoard is supplied in Denmark Hall at SB.OO per month. Chancellor W. P. Hill will be lad to supply a handsome book and catalogue on application. "You look a three-time winner,” says the summer girl. ‘ How do you manage to keep your clothes looking ao nice?” The young man replied, “i send my clothes to Davenport's, l'hone 141-2, old Central Hotel stand. Ladies' skirts cleaned and pressed, on short notice. AH work guaranteed. Call up phone 141-2 or send to old Central Hotel stand. WRIGHT & GARFIELD Bauls.ers and Brolters, 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23rd ST. 219 WEST 125th ST. Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of Stocks, Bonds, Grain Cotton. in any amounts for cash or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MORE THAN 50.PKK CENT. A YEAR ON YOUR MONEY EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Shares United States Steel Common (eay 43) on 3 per cent, margin. * CREDIT. Margin' deposited S3OO 00 interest on deposit C 6 per cent '.... IS 00 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common 400 00 s7l* 00 DEBIT. Less 6 per cent, interest on 100 Sh ares Steel Common s2s* 00 $460 00 This Is over 50 per cent, a year on your Investment without consider ing ANY advance in the stock at all. and we have no hesitancy in saying that we-fnirTlrtffieve this stock wi 1! sell a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG BULL MARKET. The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country has ever known. It is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250 000,000, com-posed of J. Pierpont Morgan, Field. John J. Mitchell, President II iinois Trust Cos., Moore Bros., eral other capitalists, for the purpose of putting prices very much We wouldadvise the immediate purchase of all good dividend paying stocks, such as Manhattan, St. Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common. Steel and P eoples Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTE R GIVING FULL DETAILS. tiie * BAY IRON WORKS; Manufacturers and Repairers of- Machinery, Engines, Saw Miiis Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings ; and Supplies,; I stimales furnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St. m W. R. DART, CLAUD DART^HH .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasi^^B|p lias it over occurred to you that you may have at home the picture of a dear Iriend or relative thai is grad ually becoming dim and more dim — i‘"umg last away, and soon there will e nettling leu ot u but paper? Well, .Viisoh, tne Photographer, is looking .or ail such pictures, aim thougn he may not happily be able to restore them to tneir lormer freshness and iieautx, he can sun arrest their pres ent uecuy and bring joy to many a toubcauiu. uUw li iouct oitT Si. Bay, join- cioi:.i necu prc.-..dug. •VOW till, till;' ItiTin It done Gall up D.%vtuport, p.ione hi., ciotiies sent tor aim delivered tree. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine of any description? You will laid it to yvar interest to tali 1 n me. Gan sell you a typewwriter at suc'n a price aud on suca terms that you will not miss the money. C. IL JEWETT. Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy I will share tne office with Mr. C. W. Deming, next door to Dr. Uurrougbt on Newcastle street C. H. JEWETT. We Will Fix You. if you want the boat class of clean I! ; ami pressing done, and at the >' .■ 1 aeapest prices, call at the Un ion Gleaning and Pressing Club, at No. 5Yd Monk street. Don’t never think clothes look too bad. for we can make them look like new. We will semi for and deliver free of charge. I MON GLEANING AND PRESS ING GO., sto Monk St.. Edwin Martin, Prop. Quinine shampoo, tne latest lor ladies' hair. For sale only at Clark’s tousorial parlors. Swan's down flour, absolutely pure; try it. Davenport’s cleaning and pressing ■ toil. Way wear a greasy and wrink led suit? See Davenport. Phone HI 2. Clothes sent for and delivered, free at Davenport's. Phone 141-2. FOIt QUICK SALE. 60x180 feet, Union street, lot close in. $850.00. Half caslit. balance easy. Not many lots left on this main rhjbltsnee street. Applv to BKOBSTON. FENDTO & CO. Noticce. Until further notice this company will close its office at 6 o'clock p. m, and no deliveries will be made after that hour. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. New Workmen of a higher grade and improved fa cilities make Jim Carter the leader of elotoes cleaners Phone 253-2. WOODFORD MABRY, Attorney-At-Law. Special attention given to th col lection of accounts. Office in Austin building. t AtTGUST 1 When you visit Savannah call and Have you Eyes Examined properly and glasses fitted that not alone Improve your Vision but .will ■ your Sight. Dr. M. SCHWAB & SON. ■l7 Bull Street Sbbbyj? Saw Seitsoi I’M VKRStTI IS VIUGI.VH. In Vlndnto mowncklra. s. smnmrr. j a iy j toarntom. Url.rjrj. Hll : Inniii, Helpful to taWlSei"; tu, .uhl).l:,i. t nr ill. Uir; nnd Uinnu dooneni wboTWve, -a- k-d *ysn;\ti<* instrnclion. For catalog. adinW K. C'. M IS OR. NitKlWJi Chariot tcivllb-, v *. Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy l will share the office with Mr. C. W. Deming. next door to Dr. Boroughs, on Newcastle street. C. 11. JEWETT. W, M. TUPPER & CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents, Lighterage, Towing and Marine In surance. Correspondence Solicited,. BRUNSWICK. GA. Rob Roy Flour is good THE LIGHT In qur window points out the way to a good, honest drug store. We think that the things we sell are bet or than others, because see chut \>o unis sell only the lafljßdrtigs so. erj - oil'll i; re at i flMMIfi f e F fC, Equipped drinks Hunier-Saleijr Drug mm PHONE 37. Birth P'.ac'VT