The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 05, 1902, Image 2

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TUESDAY MORNING. MSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H, LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rate# made known on , application. Church and other char- IfaTde organization notices published at half tha regular rate*. Advertiser* desiring their adx. <!!■, continued must notify the office In writing. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by ftmtt free of charge to all •tarts f the United Slates and Can ada. Morten. Porto Rico. Otlam. Phli- Ifdflne Wands and Hawaiian Islands: PeT Month * 50 !* Months 2Kn On* tfwtr K.Ofl Piwma 1 ss. Pfhtered at the Brunswick. Oa.. postofflce, as second-class mail mat ter. Hon. Emory Spcci has designated th* Brunswick Dally News as the htflclal organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for GlVtirt county. U"" —■ PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de alres it to bo distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. Wo cannot afford to devote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. The News desires the subscribers who are behind In their subscriptions to come up and pay at once as their papers will be discontinued unless a settlement is made. It is unfair and unjust to make The News send you a paper and then when the collector calls refuse to pay for it. An Indiana poet 'him tried his hand on ,log funnel, mid it i;, siomethlng to bark about. Roosevelt has painted his Oyster Bay house red. likes In paint everything red. Atlanta Is soon (o have a lmn.lsou\f' sixteen story httiltling Atlanta cun get almost anything -Imt that depot The opening of Gloucester street wot be a move in tin right dim lion and Wo aiv indulging the hope Inal it can be done, Sampson Inis departed Ibis life'. Imng is a back number. Criiwiushield Is in dry nock, but Schley is higher In Iho esteem of his ciiJuTttrym,en than ever. II Is said that uks-msmelds „„ flt*w York reaiiy vary from I!) 1,, j:*r. pel frill. 01 the n 111 value. The I?) per centers are 'nappy, 100. Lie Ifir. per Centura must how i. It. is to be hoped (hut, ihe city conn ell wilt see its way rh n- to ,ra :( the lease extension tiske.i 1,, it. Bries nick. Tills will mean anew maun fnettiring com-ern fur the dv. and we are sure these me the kind of on lei prises we m i-ii most. A PUZZLING PROBLEM. Some of our mir.liern . ve’inio:,. snvs Hie Augusta I’hroniete. an- complain iny just, now of a problem (hat eon Ire,its humane residents of the cities anxious to go off for summer relaxa tion, and (tint is i'ne attitude assumed by that serene domestic tyrant. | o p house eat. The do ;i- a thorough Ho homiau by nature one ptaeo milting 'liiin almost ns we a . another, and moreover, like Ruth of old, when lie loves he is prepared to follow one jo Lie uttennosf ends of the eartn, b.ind •> and imquestionahty. The eat how ever, is not com. true ten after that fashion, Ihe is an mttoehi! who ex pects to be .-serve.l. vat her io ten (ter service, and Ills :if. i tUm is for lo ealdy and not individuals, tiouce, ’he declines peremptorily to quit home premises and i ast in bis lot with the family at sensme or in mountain re sort, ami if the house is clo.-.-d up and deserted, he starves. But, as it has been pointed out, it is surely unreasonable ,t. „ whole family should swedes tarougb the summer wVion ll . could . aiu j comfortable, simply ta-s-timse ms lord Tv Tabbyship L sot in his ways.' and yet. What is lo no and, no? An effort has been made to meet the ditiicuily by establishing in the larger cities summer cat havens, where the uouse houl pet can be left while toe family is away. But wnile this opens anew industry, the felines are caged and having no trees to claw or sparrows to chase or roofs to roam, are apt to pine and -~.e, and if given anything like Imei'ty are too prone to break over tneir paroles. Hence, such es tablishments so far 'have not proved a solution. It is a knotty problem and we re gret that we do not feel able to offer a remedy, and can only sympathize in silence. For here in the south it would no rare indeed, if any such question confronted the householder bent upon a summer’s fllLmg. For every southern home, almost witnout exception, whet'ftw in city or. mill er 0, has some colored person living “on the lot," even when the family Is away, and, therefore with . its Cliffy is Kitty’s salvation. We have malty things to lie thanlLiil for, if we will only look i lose enough to find tnom. AMERICAN EUROPEAN RAILWAY. iM To suggest a railroa 1 from London to New Y<>rk city seems chimerical, and yet. such a road may be const fuel ed during cue present century, Mr. Harry DeWhimlt, of Loudon, who war sent out by the Daily Mail of liuil city to investigate the matin has made the trip from Europe to the United States overland, except to ern; ~ Behr ing Strait, an after going over tie* route, reports I bat In- Hunks ;i rail road connecting ttie eastern and west i in hemispheres is a feasible project. Sueli a line would reach nearly twm l|iirds of the distance around the globe. Tile road would be about. I!, tine miles in iengtn, one third of which would have to be built in ordei to till the gap that now exists. Several existing conditions would make such a-road of great profit to its builders, a road from tin- Union Stales to the gold regions of tile Klon dike being even now almost a neces sity. Tlie business of the extreme north west needs an outlet Io the south,'and when the railroad systems of America reach the Klondike they will be lew; than a thousand miles from Bering Strait, In air line about goo miles II is estimated. But to roach the Asiatic side of ale strait would require a much longer .line of road. Flimt Hie Siberian road a road oi about 2,000 miles would have to b<: built. Chen there would be a con linnoiis due from Lon.ton to New York, except across Borin Strait, Hie total length of wnieh would he it bout 1-4,000 miles, it may not be many years before there is a demand for such a road, it so, the capital will he fonneoiuing to construct It Enquirercun. The F. J. Byrd Process is the latest and moat reliable us well us n^purely scientific method of clean ing clothes. This is practiced only by Jim Carter at but Monk street. The Southern railway has now a most convenient Sunday schedule be tween Brunswick aud Savannah, leav ing here at 0:25, and returning at b: IS p. m. Separate through coaches for both white and colored people. Fare sfl.uo for trie round trip. WANTED! Alt Hie clothes in town to clean, at Jim Carter's place, 504 Monk street. Rhone 253 2. Rub Hoy flour makes fine bread. McDuffie’s Tasteless ChlU Cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich aud healthy, cer tain cure for chilis, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 50 cents At W. Joerger'a. Through Cara to Savannah. To accommodate the Increasing trav el between Brunswick and Savannah the Southern Railway will hereafter operate two extra coaches on Lie train leaving Brunswick at 6; 25 a. m. every Sand o , te go through without change. Thin will insuie a comfortable trip li r all who desire to spend the day in Sa vaunah. Go to Davenport’s to li ive your clotnes cleaned and pressed. Rhone 141 B. Noticce. Until further notice this company will close its office at 6 o’clock p. in, and no deliveries will be made after that hour. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. WOODFORD MABRY. Attorney-At-Law. Special attention given to tha col lection of accounts. Office in Austin lmild|ng. —* —m, New Workmen of a higher grade nnd improved fa cilities make Jim Carter the leader of clothes cleaners Phone 253 2 THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. A WORD TO TBE CHEAT ARMY 1 OF SUMMER TOILERS. If You Are Not as Robust, Vigorous and Happy as Others in the Month of August, PAINE’S CELERY 1 COMPOUND Will Give YOu Health, Full Energy and Happiness. Many men toiling in offices, stores and workshops during this hot sum mer weather, and women weighted . with the work and cares of home, are critically near the briatuiig down point. The symptoms of coming sick le ss and disease are manifested in ' sleeplessness, nervousness, tired feel ings. languid ness, irritability, failing appetite, and poor blood circulation. Paine's Celery Compound a pre | clous, boon to the Mel;, and run - down in this August weatoer. A bot tle or two r.r-od at once will quickly • bestow tne needed h( length to -battle ; against the weakening and nervatmg effects of the oppressive heat, and will enable men and women to go through I the necessary rout ine of daily foil I with hail.. Mini, and energy. Paine'* Celery Compound is iqiecially dU tin gut Shed for R;~; ability to build up run down systems In hot weather. Mr. Georgia W. Oeniarost, of 12-S. Vvf.’ht 57!n street, New York, says; “i am a licensed stationary engln eer. anu aithougu my work is not, very laborious I suffered ho intensely with palms tti my hack and kidneys that I I was compelled to leave my work and | remain at home for six months. ! suf fered greatly with heailatdios and soreness in chest ana lungs, and my joints became very stiff I actually felt I was doomed to fill an olu man's -rave at Ihe age of ihlriy two. Asa i last resort. T used two boil lea of Rafne's Cider-, Compound when i was abie to resume my work and after us ing the Inlr.i bottle. I am in perfect 'uealth. The value of Paine') Celery- Compound is inestimable, and I urge others afflicted as I was to use it." WE SELL Buggies and Wagons and can make fine prices to unit.. See us. Wheelwright, blacksmith and horse shoeing. T. B. Burns, 210 Richmond street. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it Malarial Germ. It can be seen changing red bloodyellow under microscope. It works day mid night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the biood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen era! break-down come later on, Roberts* Tonic will cure you then- but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and Cure Chills, Fevers and (Malaria. It has cured thous ands It will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. ' v i-1., lav 1 hat-miM-, ** ■ J , i! ■ l-H(i <<-r -1 e 1'11-d l " GV. < at.-K. Or- J H. Powell,; (Specialist,) {ye, Id!*, Nose and,;Throat, 'Mouth: 8 a. in. to 5 ]>. in.; Sunday. 1 to 8 a. in. Office, South Oral Street, Fitugeral i, Georgia. THE PICK OF THE FOREST has been talnm to supply the stock of lum ber in our yard, and nowhere is it possible to find a more complete or satisfactory stock than wo offer to our customers. With fine quality the best, our prices are tn<f lowest for the qual ity, anywhere, and Hint makes our' stock donhlv desirable. Phone 197. Lang & Wood. FLAMING MILL. t 'Phone t 7. ONE CENT AWemD. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that tome one else has, ad vertise in this column, ROOMS FOR "RENT—Nice airy front room for reut. Apply at <ll Gloucester street. WANTED—At once, six or seven room house close in. Address box ltiti, city. OR RENT. —Nice room tor gentle man. Wet! located. Apply at Mc- Clure's Ten Cent Store. FOR oALE. —ah household furni ture and carpets. Enquire, J. Hoff man. 2Uti Newcastle street. FOUND. —Key attached to brass chain. Owner can get same by calling at this office and paying for ad. LOST. —Seal-brown pocket book containing $lO bill. Finder wiil be rewarded by returning to News of fice. FOR SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, stinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Wiil B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street WANTED- Position as stenogra nhpr }w loHy Rttuoni StU'iSSt Of \ eey’s Business College. Good refer .ences. Address C., care of Fleming A- Waff. FOR RENT.-- My cottage, with mod era improvements. No. 212 Union St. Possession given first of August. J. D. Sparks. ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT H. RELIC'S, 225 GRAN'I STREET. TELEPHONE 272-3. FOR RENT.— Cheap, first floor of residence at 501 First avenue. Con tains six rooms; suitable for light housekkeeping. Apply on premises. FOR RENT. Six room house, li.. .i room and pantry. All modern improvements, including electricity, 707 Howe street. $ 18.110 per month. Possession given at once. Apply 42fi Union street. FOR SALE— Sail boat ”Ne< a" In first-class condition, with alt sails etc., complete. For cash or on tinif with good security. Address “Owner' !’. O. box 165. city. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barber, has all fine latest things connected with an up to date barber shop. McDuffie's Little Blue Liver Rill makes bus people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious aud un healthy matter and makes anew person of you. 26 cents, at W. Joer ger’a. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in the city, and this popular place shoujd be liberally patronized oy the public. If you want your ieyole repaired right bring It to an ex, arleneeu work man. B. J Olewtue, 505 Gloueetrt*’ t -eet When you want good work done aiul done quickly call tip p’riono 141 2. or send to the old Central Hotel stand. Davenport’s Cleaning and i’resfcing Club. Ladies suits a specialty. NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Kx trowitch, 422 Newcastle sintet will recover it for st,oo and guarantee it to be equal to any new $2,50 um lxvtla. He also maxes umbrellas to order. WOCtAN TRIP ,To NEW YORK, BOSTON AND /V l-1. [ EASTERN RESORTS >te OCEAN STEAiMSHIP COMPANY | LOW RATES—St: fEBioR Skkm< e [SO Ilours of Ocean Breezes 3 Sailings each WeeH from Savannah, Ga. - , The stMinstups of (*( fomilar I.iue~:—or-!. , ' ri'"/ - n rivol. Serre-* o:- I a(tll|ChCtal r ,io nnuyments- (rem 11 Soul torn points f, v a 1 sl-i.rt rail iournrv to Savzimnh aid m lioiiriof ' - cool, fait air loxnr V, rt.. Von Rua, Resknvations, Aovnrrluiv ' Etc., Icll, To | TleCfft Ar""i, l- Brcac-lrk. j W.G.Rmwr,<’. T. te. A. SKr X,ea. v j Swan's Down is the finest winter wheat patent fiour. University ot Georgia. The 1024 session of the University of file state will open on September 18th. This Institution is organised in three departments. Academic, law and Agricultural There is no tuition to residents of the state except in th< law school. In.agriculture the course.: have been increased and enlarged *< as to emhrace a short winter course, a one-years course and a full tour.- Room is furnished in both toe old and new dormitories free, and excellent board is supplied in Denmark Hail a! $8. Op per month. Chancellor W. R Hill will be lad to supply a handsome book and catalogue on application. “Yon look a three-time winner.* says the summer girl. "How do you manage to keep your clothes looking So nice?’’ The young man replied. ■•] send my clothes to Davenport's Phone 141-2. old Central Hotel stand. 'Ladles’ skirts cleaned and pressed, on short notice. All work guaranteed. Call up phone 141-2 or send to old Central Hotel stand. WRIGHT & GARFIELD BaixlLors aiicl Broliers, 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23rd ST. 319 WEST 125th ST Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of Stocks, bonds, Grain Cotton. iu auv amounts for cash or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MORE THAN 6o;REH CENT. A YEAH ON YOUR MONEY EXAMPLE: —Buy 100 Share* United States Steel Common (aay 43) on 3 per cent, margin. a< CREDIT. Margin' deposited S3OO 00 Interest on deposit ff 6 per cent 18 00 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common 400 00 $7lB 00 DEBIT. Less 6 per cent, interest on 100 Sh ares Steel Common $258 00 $460 00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on -your investment without consider ing ANY advance in the stock at all, anu we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG BULL MARKET. The indications are, t’nat we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country has ever known. It is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000, com- posed of J. Pierpont Morgan. Marshall Field, John.J. Mitchell, President II linois Trust Cos., Moore Bros,, and sev erai other capitalists, for the purpose of putting prices very muen Higher We would advise the immediate purchase of all good dividend-paying stocks, such as Mannattan, St. Paul, Rock Is land, Atchison common, Steel and P espies Gas. ♦ WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTE R GIVING FULL DETAILS. txizee: — BAY IRON WORKS Mdnufdcturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supn^^L I Ktinnifes I uroished ) rue of Charge 629 Bay St. 'li w - “"BT. CLAUD V3jL ''resident and Manager. Secretary and Has it over occurred to you that /on may have at home the picture oi i near friend or relative that Is grad "thy in coming dim and more dim— • 'im,. last away, and soon there will ,'C mailing left oi u but paper? Well, v i isoii, me i'hotograpuer, is looking •">' at such pictures, anu thouga he •■y mu happily be aide to restore u> m I*' tlieu ionner iivs'uiiess aud puiity, tie can bum arrest their prog--! ,;M joy to ni.uij a ni. ." . li,™, lie yt, % Sa.i, your clotiu-a need pressing. I - o-.v- is the tiiini to nave it done, (fail j <• t.iupoi'i. piiono m-i vjiotues I '■in tor and delivered tree. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you whsli to buy, sell or rent a| ui.ieiiine of liny description? You will find it to ye -,r Interest to call in I me. Can sell you a typewwriter at such a price and on sue a terms that! you will not miss tbe mouey. C. 4L JEWETT. Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy 1 will share tne office with Mr. C. \V. Denting, next door to Ur. Juurrought on Newcastle street. C. H. JEWETT. We Will Fix You. it you want the best class of elean .n;; pressing done, and at the " r\ ( neapest prices, call at tlie 'Un im t ii lining and Pressing Club, at .mi. tilo Monk street. Don’t never Hunk clothes look too bad, for we can make r'nem look like new. We will awul for and deliver free of charge. I MON CLEANING AND PRESS ING CO., 510 Monk St., Edwin Martin, Prop. "the steamer Hessie will make dou ole daily trips to oeeari pier each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a, -a. and 2:30 p. m., returning leave :ao pier at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. This .liTOrds the people of this city a fine opportunity to spend the day at the seashore. Quinine shampoo, me latest for adirs' hair. For sale only at Clark’s .uosurial parlors. Swan's down fiour, absolutely Pure; try it. Davenport's cleaning and pressing iub. Wny wear a greasy and wrink- suit? See Davenport. Phone Clothes sent for and delivered free it Oa venport's. Phone 141-2. FOR QUICK SALE. ofixlSfi feet, Union street, lot close a, Half cash, balance asy. Not many lots left on this main .■science street. Apply to BROBSTON. FEN DIG & CO. The steamer Hessie will make dou fnc _daiiy trips to St Simon each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. in., returning at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. This will afford the people of the city a good chance to spend the day at this popular resort. You can't afford to miss it. When you visit Suvummh cull and Have you Ives Examioed properly an<J glasses filled that not alone Improve your Vision but, /Kill 'Preserve your Sight. Dr. M. SCHWAB SOS, 41 Ball Him. l 4, SaMMir U:W S'itei CMVKIWTV at t IKUIM t. isi.iw iiv msw i *££!;??■ K> lor IV I or: orat t owere *ts h*v ■, it ■ t - M y'• t-iii.-tt ,t* mslrtrilon for • m1.1t,..' H- * ■ MIMIK. Swßlttri, efcorlolhirtUlti, ’ tt- Notiee of Removal, Until tny new quarters are ready for occupancy 1 will share the offin with Mr. C. W. Demins, next door t- Dr. Boroughs, on Newcastle street. C. H. JEWISTT. W. M. TUPPER & CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Towing and Marine in surance. CorrgsjM nacnce Soliniteo. BRUNSWICK. GA. •Rob Roy Flour is good THE LIGHT In our window points out the way to a good, hone,st We Chink Unit, the things bol ■ ■•'eaqss^^^Wiy ' ' i“ HI 'r'jßf: -opgT-J ••••• . • tfrem. A Birth p; fl JULY 5.