The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 08, 1902, Image 2

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i'KIDAY MORNING. RUNSra DAILY-NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY ..Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Jtavertislng rate# made known on application, Ohurcb and other char- IfaYile organlzitlon notlcea published at half the regular ratea. Advertiser* fle&rhtg their adx <l!*- continued must notify the office In writing. "i '.'"i 1 "." j frUBBjytIPTION RATES. to subscribers In the city and by mail free of charge to all warts of the United States and Can ada. Mexico. Porto Rico, Guam. Phil- Iftfllna Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Pdt Month J no si* Months *.bo One ti*r 6.00 Pffone I**. - , -) ■ - ■ - Entered at the Brunswick, Qa., postoffice, as second-class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Dally Newt da the official organ of the United States Cgurt, In bankruptcy proceedings, for (iiyun county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for in : advance- We cannot afford to devotp our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money, I’racy played tbo role to the very end, and died the desperado Chat he bad lived. The Tampa Tribune continues to be "in of 111. ii- -1! S-’ontli Fliir ii.a. W'liat baa become ol the oil experi ment tHo city fafners were going to inaae oil the streets? Several prominent, military men In n.. sections of the state are looking longingly at Che office of adjutant gen eral. If Professor Hledd romaina a tnem bn of the Oxford faculty, it will he beat, to send your cbildri n to some otiior institution. The students of Emory Col lege have taken action in (ho Slcdd matter. It Is now up to the board of directors of the Institution. It cyan tins announced tout lip will accept the nomination for the presi dency again—if the party wants him. The statement was mipertluouu The News sees no good reason why county officers should serve four year- Instead iof two. If a man makes a good officer Ip- can be elected from term to term; If lie docs not, wo have to stand for it for four long yours. Tlio ('Tty ctmil adjourned yesterday after one of file busincst sessions in Its history, Judge Sparks is improv ings with earn court he holds, and is now ranked among the ablest of the young members of the judiciary of the state. The Mows has been advised of a movement now on font looking to the establishment of a large manufactur tng enterprise in Brunswick which will employ a large .on e of skilled labor, and will be tin important factor in the commerce of the city. It is to be hoped that, thy board of county commissioners will not allow the last recommendation of the grand jury, regarding anew court house to go unnoticed. The present court house is totally unfit for me purpose, and we understand that the building ‘■an be split for a good price. The failure OHhe Mutual Press, the association which baa been fu-nishing tile News with gross dispatches, uas 101 lus practically "out in the cold." Negotiations with another association a.c now in progress, and our forme, excellent foreign news service will b improved upon as soon as the necessa ry arrangements ran be made. Cases involving less than $20.00 have boon tried recently in iac courts of Ob'mi county. The trial of these eases never cost the county less than nearly double the amount involved, amt some ..mes it runs up to five times as much 'i uc man who can offer a successful remedy will h,. hailed as a public lieuefaetor. The public a factor. The public la an eminent factor in the success or failure of every man. every enterprise, and often fnis factor, not always taken into account, is made evident at exactly the right time to save a situation or uisentangle a prob lem. | It is with i..e public, it. is believed, rue solution of the capita) and labor question lies, and such optimists as believe that the industrial millen nium is near at hami aver that it will be brought aoout, not by the employ ers or employed, but by the compara tively disinterested t.,,rd party, that outside man, w.. 0, If ho did no., mind other peoples’ business as he is so fre quently advised not to do, would see the world much worse off for lack of his disinterested efforts. Hut'll a view Is taKcn by tne writer in ( lie Minneapolis * ones, who says: "When the strike or lockout comes and the balance is disturbed there is a third party that is seldom taken Into account by cither of the contestants. That party is the public an almost an equal sufferer with the principals in the fact, but helpless. The public is striving in an impirieal way to bring about mat still greater intel ligence which shall render strikes and lochouts less and less frequent as time passes by,.making arbitration the first thought of each party when an indus trial dispute arises. With tne best thought of tne world preaching peace and laooring tor conciliation, there will be progress toward that happy time when strikes and lockouts shall be as obsolete as ’wager of battle’ Is now.’’ OUR COAST DEFENSE. l*oi’ a long per,od i-e coast cities of, lb,- United States wore in a practically undefended condition, and considera ble was the alarm In consequence on Ilie breaking out of the war wlt.i Spain, but. thanks to the Impetus im parted lo congress by that scare and the indefatigable labors of die ordi nance department when once given the material and money witn which to work, such a vast Improvement has taken place In late years In the sea fortifications, that the public has grown to feel secure In this respect and to fancy that all possible prepara tions to meet toe chances of war had been made. It would lie very satisfac tory to corroborate tills view, but ac. cording to the Philadelphia Ledger such is not tne case. A recent Washington dispatch to that paper declares that in many re spects tlic coast defenses of the Unit eo States are Inefficient, and that as a result the army was compelled to ask for a modification of the proposed war game on the part of the navy, as they were not i a position fo theoretically repel tne strongest possible naval at taeli upon New fork by way of Island mound. In all of the forts. It seems, there are plenty iff ..eavy guns, but many of them are lacking In the rapid-tire pieces ami other appliances, 'Voile the question of the personnel Is maintained to be a very serious one. indeed. 1 Tarry Tracy, the notorious outlaw, has suicided, it is true that ue was a bad man in every sense of the word, but liis wonderful courage was some thing to be admired. A short notice in ...e Review of Ke views for August on (lie Georgia gov ernorsnip discusses appreciatively two of the “several popular candi dates"—lion. Joseph M. Terrell and Col. ,1. It. Eat ill. Of Mr. Terrill, the winner, it is said that when Ills hand “shall grasp the helm of this import ant southern state, two things besides too judicious dise.mrge of the gov eruor’s ordinary duties are, by the eleur .record of bis past. Well assured : one, the new educational move meat in tnat state, the placing of her common schools upon a oroader, sounder basis, and the promotion oi industrial and technical training will be fostered and urged forward; the other, that; the new manufacturing movement will meet with no check or binders rice watch the governor can possibly remove. Every southern state needs at this turn a governor of Mr. Terrell’s stamp.” THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWI& J. W, CONQLY, Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office, 307 Newcastle StriaL WANTED! All the clothes in town to clean, at Jim Darter’s place, 504 Monk street. I’houe 253-2. WOODFORD MABRY, Attorney-At-Law. Special attention given to the col-' lection of accounts. Office la Austin building. New Workmen of a liigher grade and improved fa cilities make Jim Carter the leader of clothes cleaners Phono 253-2. Ring telephone No. 40. RESTAURANT, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters in any style. Everything new and clean OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. wTeTdempster Mani.'fir. repairs bicycles, guns, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA CHINES. AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Successor to J. A. Montgomery. 503 GLOUCESTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Prices Reasonable. WE SELL Buggies and Wagons and oan make the prices to shift. See UH. Wheelwright, blacksmith and horse shoeing. T B. Burns, 210 Richmond street. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it nalariai Germ, it can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and w-orthiess. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Nighl-Sweatsand a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then- but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and hav e perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands It will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. -•* ■ v : 11- it.’ 1 I mi.- ■ J .I’)"' , 111 •( ! ■, I-.v, to " P. DEV ARRIS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER lE‘ Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free detiveiy. Dr J H. Powell, (Specialist,) Eye, lor, Nose diut lliroal, Hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Sunday. 7 lo 8 a. m. Office, South (Irat Street. Fitzgerald, Georgia. THE PICK OF THE FOREST has been taken to supply the stock of lum ber in our yard, and nowhere is it possible to And a more complete or satisfactory stock than we offer to our customers; With the qualify the best, our prices are tnc lowest for the qual ity anywhere, and that makes our stock doubly desirable. Phone 197. Lang & \Vcod. PLANING MILL. •Phone 197. ONE CENT AYv v9RD. If you want a position, a house, servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that some one lse has, ad vertise in this column, ROOMS FOR HUNT —Nice airy flout room for rent. Apply at 711 Gloucester street. WANTED—At once, six or seven room house close in. Address box I US, city. - OR RENT. —Nice room lor g- nllo nian. Well located. Apply at Mc- Clure's Ten: Cent Htore. Hilt oAl.K.—aii household furni ture and carpets. Enquire, J. Huff man, 2nii Newcastle stiL%l.. FOUND. —Key attached to brass cb j in. ” Owner can get same by calling at this office ami paying for ad. LOST. —seal-mown pocket book containing flu bill. Finder will be rewarded by returning to Nevis Ol flee. I’OR SALK- —R'-über stamps, seals, sUnqeis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle streeL FOR RENT. Aly cottage, wish moil era Improvements, No. 212 ( item bt: Possession given first ol August. J. IJ. Sparks. ALL KINDS OF CALITOKNi-V WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. AT il. b*EliiO'S. 225 GRAM STREET TELEPHONE 272-3. FOR SALE - Gray jiiare; a good combination horse; works single ot double, and is excellent sandier. O, A. Larson, 20u lx union. FOUND Bateau at sea. Owner can have by describing sami 1 - and pay ing cost and advertising. Coney 8 Parker. Clark,, the leading and up to dale colored barber, has ail tne latest things connected with an up to dale barber shop. McDuffie’s Little Blue Liver PHI makes hue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and un healthy matter and makes anew person of you. 26 cents, at W. Josf ger's. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch In the city, and this populai place should be liberally patroniser | by the public. If you want your ' icyele repaired right bring It to an experienced tvork man. B. J Olesvine, 605 Oloueeste' •ureet NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Ex trowitch, 422 Newcastle sireiet will recover it for SI,OO and guarantee it to be equal to any new $2210 um brella. He also maices umbrellas to order. OCEAN TRIP To NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL ; EASTERN RESORTS ■ OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY I LOW RATES— Sct krich Ssryj.e ] i 50 Hours of Ocean Brees , 3 Sailings each Week from Savannah, Ga, , The Bt#?m!iipa or UHa I*o*>ul;tr Urw- )wr>m , 11 treble In Sinhnl, Service or A|-!-..!uUhcM;s • u*r j :i delightful route- hb ii>M>alv* .u .•nion-tp [in eujayineniK Sontlieni by a j snort mu journey to SarimnaJi and to lurtirsuf ' > cmd, salt air to Sew York. Fon Rmis, RtBENvAtioNB, Aevr r <<t fc tTC., As*.-uv to j Ticket Akcol* I* Hrunnw!fk. j *• BfWwfi T. & I*. X. Swan’s Down is the finest winter wheat patent flour. University of Georgia. The 102.1 session of the Uuiivi-it> of the state will open on September 18th. This institution is organized in three departments. Academic, t aw and Agricultural There is no tuition to residents of the state except in tfc* law school. In agriculture the courses have been increased and enlarged so as to embrace a short winter course, a one-years course and a full course. Room is turnisliei in both the old and new dormitories free, and excellent board is supplied in Denmark Hall at SB.OO per month. Caancellor W. is Hill will be lad to supply a handsome book aud catalogue on application. There’s only one place In Brunswick ’where clothes are cleaned and press fid by seienlillc methods, and that’s at Jim Carter's. “You look a three time winner.’ says the summer girl. “How do you mi iiage to keep your clothes looking, so nice?" The young man replied. "I send my clothes to Davenport’s Phone 141-2, old Central Hotel aland Ladies’ skirts cleaned and pressed, on short notice. All work guaranteed. Call up phone 141-2 or send to old Central Hotel stand. The Hessie line 'tvnl make double .ally trips to St. Simon pier Sun lay leaving Brunswick at 9.20 a. m. anil 2,30 p. in. returning at 11 a. m. and a day at the island and a large crowd will go. SHOES SHINED F REE! At 300 Monk street. Each and every customer of mine given a shine ticket absolutely free. Clothes cleaned and pressed on short notice. DAVENPORTS. Phone 141-2. WRIGHT & GARFIELD Banliors ana 33i*>olaL.Gi')s, 58 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23rd ST. ’2l WEST 125th ST. Orders solicited fin: the purchase or- sale of Stocks, bonds, Grain Cotton. in au;>-.tu,cunt.- for cash or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MOKE TUAN 3o;PKK CENT. A YEAR ON YOUR MONEY EXAMPLE: ; ; * , n t • • : : > f :. /. i: Buy 100 Shares United States Steel Common (Spa- 13) On 3 per cant, margin. P> l - * ill 1 i* * j i CREDIT. Margin- deposited j 1 S3OO 00 Interest, on ©ti per cent .2.... L.. .y ......... j$ 00 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Goiutucji) .1.. .f 1. 4 idO 00 < ' $7lB 00 DEBIT. Less 6 per cent, interest on 100 Sh ares ;Steel Common $258 00 ~ $460 00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on x your investment without consider ing AJ4Y advance in the stock at all. ana we have no, hesitancy In saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DIiAL higher. A BIG BULL MARKET. The Indications are, that we are on the verg* of one of the biggest bull in ali. <-1 the country lias ,-vcr known. (f is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000, com posed of J. Pierpont Morgan, Marshall Field, John J. Mitchell, President Illinois Trust Cos., Moore Bros., and -sev eral other capitalists, for the purpose Of pnittinSf prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of ail good dividend paying stocks, such as Manhattan, St. Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common, Steel and P copies Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTER GIVING FULL DETAILS. BAY IRON WORKS turei’s and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, Intimates furnished Free of Charge. 629 Day St. V IV. R. DART, CLAUD DART, .’resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Has it ever occurred to you that ) ou may hav e at home Uiy yn.-turo ot t dear Jlriuud or relative tout is grau ia.iy becoming dim and itioro , llßr ’’Kig "i.-l uv.jj, u)-_re wy!. Uxvtliqvig ii.-ii 01 a.ii ,'T 1 -vii.-oif the l'iiuu ,3 iooiviL .01 ails suite picuiiv.i, sad thougu nut -■ “'■ 1.. i>- ,1 .. . ; ; ' > b*-iu hi 11. 1 r lormer tr.-soness and anvsc their I lies ' ' ' joy i ■ many n aOUsetilii-.i, ,]UJ (I ,t i buy, ;your vUh:u \\> i \n Now ljjj iho iictiA.- to ft avc it o.oti , Cali fj* j I, i , i , ki.*.:A 3cut toy aftd JeLvci cvi i . Typewriter Headquarters. Dt> ybu wish to buy, sell or Yes's 1 lua.’liine of any description? You will hi.J it to y>. .r interest i-> 1 ail it, die. tiun soil you a typowvvriter ,-t sne'/i k jirioe and on smut terms teat jou will not miss tfiu money. U. IL J E vV'ETT. Notice at Removal. Until my new quarters are ready tor oceqpfiucy 1 wlii share tne office with Mi C. W. Dealing, next door to Dr. ittufouglii on Newcastle sir, t, 0. H. JEWETT. We Will Fix You. if you want, the best class of clean dig and, "pressing done, ami at the 'c!> cheapest prices, call at the Un un Cleaning and Pressing Club, at No. 5Hi Monk street. Don’t never think clothes took too bad, for we can make them look like new. We wilt -end for and deli'er-free of charge. I NION CLEANING AND JPJUSaia ,NU CO., 510 Monk St., Edwin Martin, Prop. I he steamer Hessie will make dou ble. daily trips to ocean pier each Sunday, leaving Brimswiek at 9.3d a. m. and E::it> p. m., returning leave iue- pier at 11 a, m, ami Bp. m. This affords tio people oi this , ty a tine d>f*orun’,!;ly to spend the day at the 'eastiore. ■ ~ * ; Swan,- down flour, absolutely pure; try it. Davenport's cleaning aud pressing! club. V, dy wear a nr-xisv and 'vrink- Ted suUT S.e Davenport. Plione 141-2. Remember rne place, suits cleaned and pi --,!. 3ud 1o: i k st., old Cen tra! Hotel ' Phone 141-2. Clothes sent for ami delivered free at Davenport’s. Phone, V. 12. ITOR QUICK SALE"' 60x180 feet, Union street. lot close in. Jtiafi.oO. Half rash, balance -asv. Not many lots left on this main residence street. Apply to BLOBS TON FEND’f? & CO. The steamer Hessie will make duu- [ file daily trips to St Simon each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a. j m. and 2:30 p. m , returning at 11 a. | in. and 6 p. m. This will afford the j people of the city a good chance to spend the day at this popular resort. You can't afford to miss it AUGUST 8. \ Wbcii you vimt Savannah Mill and ' Have you I yes Examined properly and glasses fitted that not alone Improve your Vision but 4 xvill Preserve your Sight. Dr. M. SittWAH & SON. Uw school i wt i' f, Hiicivu, 't;'' *. - ■ 1 r i.rl.,*v- R% i m I welt,. I t-li.,r t 1 waniM-is; ’’ "-'."lie i 'tr U,*‘ Iml lv .ru-lfli nrs-r, VXf. biiv,-, ~,i , iiistru,-li.m Pur , ~-ne H. C. '.U.Wtll. ',vr,:.r), Cburlutn-avllle, Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy 1 will share'the oflice with Mr. C. W. Doming, next door tix Dr. Boroughs, on Newcastle street. C. 11. JEWETT. W. M. TUPPER A CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Towing and Marine in surance. .Correspondence Solicited. BRUNSWICK. GA. >: Roy I®..r is good ' •fife THE LIGHT In nur points out the way to a good. honest drug store. tVo think tliat the things We sell arotjot • ■ than others, because we fully see tliat we mils s<*U only the purest drugs in order to keep otir seceess. Every tains eise you'd eypept io find in a drug store is here at its best. The Fiest Equipped Soda Fountain in '.he city. Your drinks are served in an up-to-date manner, and as cofd as ice will make them. Hunter-Saie Drug Go. ’PHONE 37. - Birth Place of Pure Drugs.