The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 08, 1902, Image 4

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FRIDAY MORNING. STRAW HATS. % You can get a good STRAW HAT fot* 2S C- at Your Money Back for the Asking. OUR STORE CLOSES AT 6 O’CLOCK The Prescription Store* Since wo remodeled and doubled our drug store, file number of doctors' prescriptions brought here has stead ily Increased, until now It is spoken of as the "Prescription Store.” Our prices for prescription work are very iovv. Tnere'a hardly a pre scription that we cannot save our cus tomers money on. We handle : mo but the very nest quality/ of drugs nn.<l watch every drug closely to see that it is fresh. Our prescription clerks are expert eneod pnarmacists. and are exceed ingly proficient In their work. Wo invite you to bring your pre scriptions right, to us. You can he sure, then, fhut the medicine will lie exactly as your doctors want it to he. W. J. BUTTS, THE DRUGGIST. St. Simon Line. Steamers Hessie No. 1 and No 2. Schedule in Effect May 25, 1902. Leave Brunswick. Arrive Ocean Pier Leave Ocean Piers. Arrive Brunswick 8.30 a. nr. 9.15 a. in 6.30 a m 7, 1-> a m 10.00 a. m 10.45 a. in 11. 15a m 12.00 a in 200 p. ni. 2,45 p. in 4.00 m 4.4 ■n in 5.30 p. in 6.15 p. in 5,30 o m G. 30 pm Leave St, Simon Mills Arrive St. Simon Mills 6.00 a. m 10.00 a m 5,10 p, in’ 7.00 !• m Sunday Schedule. !,onvo Brunswick Leave Ocean Bier 9.1)0 n. in. 11 .lilln. in. ■B-110 p. in. 6-'M> "I Through Cars to Savannah. To accommodate the increasing trnv cl lie!wren Brunswick and Savannah the Soutnern Railway will hereafter operate two extra roaches on fee train leaving Brunswick nt 6:25 a. in. every Sunday, tr go through without change. Tins will insuio a comfortable trip i', >• nit who desire to spend the day in Sa vn nuah. The Little Huckleberry, that grows alongside our hills and mountains contains an active princi ple that has a happy effect on inc bowels. If enters largely in Hr. Rig ger's 11 nek leper rv Cordial, Ihe great stomach and bowel remedy ,or Dys entery mid IMorrhooa Sole by all druggists, :„T and 50c laittle. Clearance Sale of all Sumnii r Goods Continuous Bugum Day, Commencing August Ist. io September Ist. - -♦ J.H.HelleP& Bro. 220 Newcastle. 302 Bay* IJgllt welghl silks In all Hie lati*s( shinies for waists can bo found at H. V. ADDER ~Y'S Julius May is selling Wilson wnis key at $ I .flu per quart. A Personally Conducted Excursion. If you intend going away this sum tuer for !i pleasure trip, do not forget I hat the Brunswick A- Birmingham have a fifteen-day ticket to Old Point Comfort, Va„ fare for (no round trip, $12.50, Leave Brunswick Au/ust 2Uth, returning September fit'n. For fur ther iniormation, call or write io BEN .1. FORD. City Passenger Agent. Why pay SI.OO for a hot lie of ordi nary bottle (if whisM’v when you can get the genuine Wilson's at Julius May's for $1.00? . tieme Social Sieivs Sides. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Candler are visiting in Alabama. • mm Mins I.ucile Putts is over from St. Simon lor a few days. m m m miss Daisy Goldsmith has returned from, a visit to Wayeross. Willie P.ailoy visited A C. Banks. •Jr., this week on St. Simon. • mm Miss Marie Rlain will leave shortly to visit friends at Mt. Pleasant. mam Master Oliver Taylor Is the guest of bis grandparents in Nas', Tenn. • • • Miss Arabella Wrlsfnt is t.ho guest of Mips Mary Lee Crovatt for a <lay or two. • * • Mr::. Hollins Kanf.oiph ban returned to Atlanta from a vi .it to Mrs. H. F. Dunwofly. V Mi:-.i Mary Crovatt was the guest of Miss Hazel Nightengale a part of this week. Mr. and Mis. W. W, King are the guests of the ML.-os Hazelhurst on Hanover Square. * * * Miss Roberta and Mi.*: Addle Paul of Darien, arc tie- :;n >sl.s of Mins Ma rie 1 k:voe, r n Sf. Simon. Miss Fannie Class and tier little dan-g'nti r I.aui'lfe. leave shortly for a visit to Port Valley and Macon. m m m Ml: ; . BufoiM Johnson lifi.-i roiurncl to Tit'r dome in Thompson, after n. pl ; ant vii-it to fSortnnt x ami ! **rili .fohnson. m m Mrs. John Rurkhiillcr will arrive tills wrek from . p Island Miss ,to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. in r'. Johnston, * * • Mtn. (}, W. Wanton anil Imt family Wjil return Frblay from Simon wlii'iy they havn h|*ht .1 pleasant month in a cottage. • mm Miss Rranie, of Montgomery, nrriv c,l yesterday and i at Me. Ti on Smiiir.* on St. Simon, the guest of her brother, .1. Y. [inime. Mrs. W. TI. DcVoc Mis* Marie lie Voy and thrtr mu t. M -s Ruin rta I’niil. came over from St. Simon and spent ycHtenmy in town, • a a Tiie Chicago Tribune sa>s: “Mrs Sam Junes and her .laughters, Misses I.Burn and Juba .lones, oT Cmtersvtlie C.i , are in Chicago for a few days, and have he-u much feted during their stay. They will visit Oak Park In toe autumn. ... Miss Mary l.e- Crovn and Miss I [axle Niglitcmtale invited u climber oi young people to participate in n pleasant. alTa ; ' in the nature ui a -nr prise We.hie .-.lay evening at me burnt of Miss Janie Symons. The evening was spent in dancing, and was a do light f-ul success. Those present were: Misses Hazel Nightengale, Mary Lee Crovatt. Janie Symons. PJIIen Penni man. Maud Nightengale. Aralielia Wright. SntHe Aiken. Geitnnio John son. ta-ali Johnson Uaddlc McCul lough. Mo-sis. Hui-lt tl.'Uford. Leigh ton Dunoughn, Carrington Crosby, J. W Itiilcv. Nat. Night.engnio, T. Q Fleming, Jr. Frank Mallard, Hunter I leiik'i; William Crovatt, Sam Mai lard, Alfred Crovatt, Ford Fuller. Fred I’cnntnian. Dave Atkinson. Stet . in- Fleming x • * Miss Lon i'. in Ladies’ Home Jour nal. advises the "*•' of coin instead or hot meal's In ■-winner. They are more digestible and mere appetizing. Press ed cnlcken, beef and veal loaf an.! pressed in of ate rer oimttoTiood as a change. These can i e prepared In one cay. kept on ice and used the next day Frozen dainties are also suggested, and the ice cream freezer should lie in almost daily use. ily good management the table may he suppllou with a delicious dessert In the form of Ice cream or shertiert, or some water ice with little expense, leaving off some heavy disc, having less meat, etc. Froz.i n ice s a most delicious and nourisoinp. as well as a tempting dessert, and is really inox pern ivo in proportion to its desirabil Hy a* an a<h lion to the summer me mi. Many of the smrt waist sots an.! h turnover oouars an,! cuffs arc decorated with a hit or .minty em broidery. anti this can iso done by the flev; r needlewoman with little trouble and much saving of expense, since the ei st o those small accessories in tie. shops is exhorbitant. as ..midword always is. Hoe;, turnover collars ol .plain lawn or Swiss muslin, trimmed witn valen e'.'im. ins. rtion or tucks. and a frill of narrow lace are worn. Some of w rit.- lawn, hemstitched and embroid ered in French knots of bate of red or black are focu." Some have the herns featherstitehed. One was of et ru linen, witli French knots outlin ing (lie it. rn. and three lutle flowers embroidered in the corner. A shirt yvaist set seen was of ecru linen, tne edges buttonholed in white and the design embroidered in green scarlet and white, and was most ef t'eetivo. The set consisted of turn over collar and cuffs, a strip for the front plait, and a belt. A collar of white taffeta was edged with closely worked button-hole stitt h in pale he liotrope, and embroidered with a de sign of violets in natural colors. The D.rt Comes Out In stead of going in. wluui you send your clothes to Jim Carter, his boy come, for your clothes. Puone 2332. \ 4 THB3 BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. LITTLE LOCAI NEWS NOIES. INTERESTING ITEMS GATHERED HERERE and there by NEWS REPORTERS. J. A. Ward, m liludcn, was in Ihe city yesterday. Harry Gignliatt. oi Mt. Pleasant spent yesterday in Hu city. Julius f.evy is hack from a business trip to Savannah. Oapt. W. It. Townsend, m lliadcu. spent yesterday in the city. Judge A J. Crovatt returned yes torday from a hnsiuess trip to Savan nah. Sam Surrency, the well know Southern railroad attorney, .spout y. torday 111 the city. Louts Harrington, a well known lla con lawyer, was among the visitor to the city yesterday. Alex. Kotholz leaves Friday for New York and other eastern cities, spend ing some time at Averin . 1,. when Mrs. Arnold Kaiser and .iss Rita Kaiser are located for the slimmer. Notice. There will lie a special meeting of Hssie lb it/. I.<id go No, t. at uie It.;!! Friday evening at 1 p. m. Ail mem mors are urgently requested to attend To is is important. MRS. J. if. ROUND. N. G. Mrs. M. A. lIYLS.MA, See. Indian Springs Holiness Camp Meet Ing. Oil-account nf tno above occasion Lie Southern railway arc selling tick els to Flovilla, Ga . at tno rate ot one fare for the round trip. 'Pickets on sale fjom August 6th m August !7th. inclusive. Good returning until Au gust tilth. Happy Time in Old Town. * “We felt very happy,’’ writes H. N Beville. Old Town, Va„ "win n Uuc-k --leu's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a had case u£ scald head.” it delights all who use it for cuts, corns, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, eruptions, infallible for piles. Only 25c. at all druggists. Any one wanting nice dress gins hams—something that won t fane can find a full stock at H. V. ADDERI.RY'S Something new—quinine shampoo for ladies Get It at Clark's barber stop., A Great Bargain. A piano wliica originally cost $-I.Vt (only a few months ago) will now i sold for $250 spot cash. A party pki< oil it in my hands wao needs the mon ey quick. J. D. FOOLER. 2IS Newcastle street. WILSON WHISKEY. WILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY, WII.SON WHISKEY. WILSON WHISKEY, At Junus May's at st.uO per quart. WANTED.—At once, a good delivery horse. A. C. Jetiers, 2 1 a Newcastle St. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem pies, but worse yet is a body that's pointed by constipation. Don't per mit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Yills and avoid untold misery. They give lively liv ers, aetve bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c. at all druggists. Saved From an Awful Fate. “Everybody said I had consump tion,'' writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Cbambersburg, Pa., “1 was so low af ter six months of severe sickness caused by hay fever and athuia, that few thought I get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for eonsump tion, used it, ami was completely cured,” For desperate throat and lung diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for coughs, eoids and bronchial affections. Guar anteed bottles 50e. and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at ail druggists. Babies Like the new, delicious bread product, Uneeda Biscuit. They contain the greatest proportion of nutriment to be obtained from the wheat; made and baked upon scientific principles which insure easy digestion, and ready assimilation. A perfect health food for both old and young. Uneeda Biscuit' are ideal for soups and chowder, cheese and with all beverages. Soldonly in In-er-seal Packages, f they are always fresh, always ready for use. A f J \ household convenience, a wholesome substitute for I _ _ . I bread, Uneeda Biscuit stand without a success- YCCIITS/ ~ ful jtjipNn the field of cracker making. Read These Prices. We arc cheaper tSum any other grocery house in the city. Send us your order and be convinced. Rest Bacon, per pound .. .. ~ . .11 l-2c Family Flour, 21 pound packs ’ 50c Beat v lour, 21 pound sacks siic tints, per pick 20c Meal, per ped ~..200 Compounu Laid, per pound .. .* im; Arhwkh.-’a . offee, two packages - -25 c Rice, four quarts 25e Ik -t Hu p, three quarts 25c Irish i’otatcii-.:, per peck 25c .lapis, three r- i• ~ 2fc octagon oup, .--lx Imrs Site I'liiii ik*i ,-'*-ip, twelve .irs 25c. "a./ menovuzM Corner F. and 1 Sts. Phone 205, .Ag... ' Notice is directed K, Hie advert!.,e uient of A. Zclnienevi'.: in lids issue. '1 tii - popular gnu - r can save you mon ey. Try him on your next order. When you want good work done and done quickly call up jf/ione 141-2, or send to the old Central Hotel stand, Davenport's Cleaning and Pressing Club. . Ladies suits a specialty. Rob Roy (lour makes floe broad. h us any Wa> What ever, ( <ill and VVc Will EXAM! M E I hem IE and let! You whet the Irmtfofe is. KENNOfi MbiL 0. 0.- The Leading Jeweler. 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. Inspector of watches for the Southern and B & B Railways. Keeper of the city clock. Time by wire from Washington daily at 11 a. m. Nfw Methods ! Are always being adopted for lh<. benefit of tusiomor. at .Lfn Chilm's dothes-cleaning eslabusitraeui. King telephone i;d\2. Why pay $1.50 for a v F. !,. y when you can get Wilson's at Julius Mac's for $1.00? Y’U recall tit" man whe-e goat was taxed SS. Ho com plained to the assessor. They said that anything that abutted ■on the road a must pay a tax- -$2 a font. You See this was an abutter of unexpected strength and vi tality. So today there is a ■Of mil'' ’ ■ ■ and M t ;'l and vitality. Ordinary coffee is muddy brown. This is a rich port wine color before cream, and golden afterward, it is Chase rn.i Sanborn's Seal Brand -the finest coffee grown. Did you every try it? "It's up to you," niv friend a- to what manner of coffee you use. but SEAT, BRAND is the iiest THOMAS KEANY. 'Phone 11. 312 Necastle. Everybody rings telephone No. 46. You should do so, too. AUGUST 8 Don't you think it would be a good 4 idea to telephone No. 467 iftellevue ihnk. This celebrated tonic is in growing demand, 'i season, of the gro.v<--l . need is ap Indigestion, it:l --' lioiisne. • ice, Cnills and Fever, Rick lie ul,-udu™pains in tne hack anrl I kidneys all Jepenj upon sa.t'ari.i, m i Bellevue Tonic cures them all in any form, W. J, BUTTS, The Druggist, "In any size bottle.' LITTLE TALK. We have just what you want for supper— Leggett’s Ginger Preserves, Leggett's Pine Apple Preserves. Leggett's Quince Preserves. Leggett's Peach Preserves, Leggett's Cherry Preserves, Leggett s Preserves, Leggett's Fig Preserves, Campbell's Jams (any flavor.) (? If it's good to eat, wo hasie it- Does It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and coids is ail right,-hut you want soine i- i*t will relit.v am! ui- the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular c limate? Yes, if possible; if riot possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized ’coun tries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, “Busehee’s Ger man Syrup.” It not only heats'and .-u!iuulaft*sthe tissues to destroy the genu disease, but art lays -inflation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the pa tient. Try one bottia Recommended many years by ail druggists in the world. Yau con get this reliable remedy at Smith's, Pharmacy and W. J. Butts.’ Get Green's Special Almanac. Hob Roy Flour has no equal. Why suffer with the heat when a thirty minuted sail on the Hessie will | land you on St. Simons, where you an enjoy a delightful sort hath anil ! lie refreshed by the cool sea breeze. The Mandolin club has been reor ir.ed, and is prepared to furnish music for all kinds of entertainments a:;d dances. The repertoire- of "this v eil known musical aggregation con sists of llie latest and cnoicest music. M. U. Marks is musical director of tne club. Remember the Hessie’s Sunday _ Schedule for St. Simon. Reaves Brunswick 9:3b and 2:30 p. m., re turning leaves St. Simons 11 and 6 p. m.