The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 12, 1902, Image 2

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i OKSDAY MORNING, RUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOU 18 J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rate# made known on application. Church and other char liable organization notices published at half the regular rates. Advertiser* desiring their adx fil*- continued mu'et notify the office in writing. BUB3£JUPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in the city and by mail free of charge to all ■Utrte of the United States and Can ada. Mexico. Porto Rico. Guam. Phil- Ipfßne Islands and Hawaiian Islands: per Month • -W Ml Months One sear 500 PBrme t*. Entered at the Brunswick, Oa., postofflce, aa second-class mall mat ter. __ __ _____ _ _ Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the Official Organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for t.iynn county. t'.'.T ' “ PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. The Newa desires the subscribers who are behind In their subscriptions to come up and pay at once as their papers will be discontinued unless a settlement Is made, it Is unfair and unjust to make The News send you a paper and then when the collector calls refuse to pay for it The Washington ifost calls him (1 rim Jiggs The attorney-general “Kuoxti.l" them ail right. Bryan says ho is out, of it; we thought tliis all the lints. The reported railroad mergers and deals can no Brunswick no harm. South Carolina’s six candidates tor the United States senate are having a warm time. The street ear people ..... not show up. Hut a line will he lit re Boon; rest assured at [hut. Professor Siedd will now probably remember the eleventh eomman.iineiit, "Mind your own business." John Waauamaker says advertising made him all no owns, and :,o invurla biy takes the newspaper bind. The papers will now drop tving 10.1 ward and retain to lim old stand by for scare heads the eoal striae. King Edward is liheral. lie gave Osborn house In (lie people ol Eng land. Wonder who gave it to him? Factories and farms is (ilyna county needs, and that Is wuat we are gelling surely even it a little slowly. The man who first said t.iat ’ Two could live ohoaper than one," must have been the advertising agent of a mutrimonial bureau Koine ’i rlliune. We sincerely nope the committee from council will be successful in the effort lo make an arrangement with Major liowtiing by which the foot of Gloucester street will he opeued. Tile Alabama Colored voter will ho found in the XVtn amendment ol me cuustitutlou of the United States, but nowhere else.-Public Ledger. Well, the rest of probably won’t miss him. There is a Dickens reiTTarin France and "Oliver Twist" and a "Tale of Two Cities." arc running as .erials in l’aiasiau newspapers. We should hardly think the latter would be pula table to French readers. The situation in the coal mining dis Uicls do not improve. It seems that t’ac trusts will be tilde o. ! r. ;■ price of coal so high that the poor man cannot reach it. while it < rushes the organization out of existence. A question that elTccts so many people should lie taken in bund by the gen eral government; Tne power of mon ey lias become so Fining in this coun try that nothing short ot the strong hand ot the government rati ..are any influence with it. YHE FiBER FACTORY. It is with genuine pleasure that we chronicle in our local columns this morning that we are soon to have an other manufacturing plant in this city. Small factories are, and have always been, the strongest and most satisfy ing character of enterprises for the upbuilding of a city. They furnish la bor for the man skilled in mechanisms, they put into the channels of trade a certain amount of capital each week, and they throw defiance into the face of the, idle, and give all who are will ing to work, an opportunity to earn a livelihood in the respective avoca tions for which they are best equipped. Tho coming of Dr. Chittenden to this city means anew industry and one that should succeed. lie pro poses to manufacture from fiber any and ail kinds of rope, twine ford, and, in fact, everything else that can ho made from hemp. .Dr. Chittenden is a business man of experience, and comes among us with the best evidences of good faith and'is willing to invest, his capital in our midst. Here is to his success; may his en terprise succeed, and to him and the members of his family we entend a cordial welcome, and wish them the fullest measure of prosperity. OUR TAXABLE VALUES. In view of the fact that a number of the large counties in the state have shown a decrease in ti.e matter of tax returns for the present year, it is a pleasure to note the fact that Glynn county has come to the front with an increase something line a third of a million dollars. This is trio very heat sign that Brnnswick has passed Hie day of in flated values, booms and wild cat schemes, and has now entered upon a solid and substantial growth, due to healthy atnd normal conditions, and Which will ultimately place her in the very front rank of the cities of tne state. Gradual and steady increases in taxable values are at all times indica tive of commercial advances, ami is one of the rnoHt faithful tape lines known to the business world; ii tells ol prosperity, of individual and col lective successes, and, an in all, is one ot tlio best signs of tne times. JUST A SUGGESTION. If oltieiuis in high places would learn to lie more courteous, and al. the samo time more accurate In their in terviews with the members of the press, many embarrassing situations would lie conspicuous for t'm-ir ub sein e. The newspaper man lias a du !y lo perform, ami if he is worthy of being tt member yt the profession, ho will perform it. So tar as the News if 4 com er 1, it has from time to time suppressed items tnat legitimately be longed to the public, for the reason that it would relleet ott some cliarac U r, or hamper some scheme in the business world. Such favors, as an abstract proposi tion are not appreciated, and in the future we propose to print tnat class of matter "that's fit to print,” it mat tors not who approves or objects to its publication. Tlte grand lodge of colored odd Fob iows of tlte state is in session in Bruns wieb today, and some of the leading men of the race in the state are in the city. \\ c wish them a pleasant meet ing. and hope it will result beneficially to the order. It is persistently reported that the H ii 11. has, or is about to lease the Atlatitio Coast Line shops in this city W iiut ti-s means is, of course, a mat te! ot conjecture, as the officials of both lines arc as mum as a clam on the subject. However, the News is not asleep, and will gjyo the news to 'ho public as soon as it ia-,practica ble. NO MtSTERY. It. is no longer a mystery why Wil son, the Photographer’s business so steadily increases in magnitude. The reason is quite onvious to any one taking the trouole to investigate, Step in and see the quality of work he is macing, and you will'no longer wonder- if you ever did. The proof Is the thing—come and satisfy yourself. THU BRUNSWICK DAILY N*EW§. A Utile Tart Herself, ‘‘You don’t even know how to make a lemon tart,” remarked the cooking school girl, with line scorn. “It isn’t necessary to make a lemon tort,” replied the .other. “All the lem ons I’ve ever seen were pretty tart al ready."—Philadelphia Record. v lli Only f'bnner. G.ver—After twenty years of matri monial blisters poor Slimson finally succeeded in getting the last word, Myer— Uow did lie manage ItY Oyer- He died while his wife was away from home.—Chicago News. Mow lie Felt. “Is it a severe attack?” asked his wife. “Is it?” said the dyspeptic. “I feel ns though 1 lmd eaten everything ever mentioned in a cookbook.”—Puck. IH tin te*. “Do you ever have any quarrels Jn your woman’s club';” “Oh, no; we call them ‘debates.*’*— Philadelphia Bulletin. Dack to the Store. Afti-r vacation’s over. After tho little whirl, Many a hoy is weary; Also many a nirb Many a pock ft's • mpty; Many a heart Jh sore; Many a “dead one" wanders Back to the store. After vacation's over, After the hurrah's past. Many a Joy’s remembered That was too good to last; Many a knight and lady Bart on the sand; shore Ne'er dreaming each must wander Back to tho store. - —Chicago Record-Herald. The Dirt Comes Out In stead of going in, when you send your clothes to Jim Carter. Let his hoy come for your clot&es. Puone 2532. If you need a typewriter of and des cription come to see me before buying I can save you money. Terms rea sonable and satisfaction guaranteed. C. H. Jewett. WE SELL Buggies and Wagons and can make the prices to suit. Se. US. Wheelwright, blacksmith and horse shoeing. T- B. Burns, 210 Richmond street. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call It Halarlal derm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night, First, it turns your com plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak'and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen ernl break-down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and Cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands -It will cure you, or your money back. This’ls fair. Try It, Price, 25 cents. Km-sasuy Smith’s l'hHrn.H-j Yf J IhiUs; Him tet-Ssle liruc (oil* V lit--. Dr J H. Powell, (Specialist,) Eye, Ear, Nose and I hroat, Hours; 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sunday. 7 to 8 a. m. Office, South Grat Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia. THE PICK OF THE FOREST has been taken to supply Jim stock of lum ber in our yard, and nownere is it possible to find a more complete or satisfactory stock than we offer to our customers. With the quality the best, our prices are tne lowest for the qual ity! anywhere, and that makes our stock doubly desirable. Phone! 197. Lang & Wood. PLANING MILL. ’Phone 197. With Every Meal serve Uneeda Biscuit. Put them in the lunch box; put a box la your grip when you travel; give the children all they want of them. Make sandwiches of them; eat them with any relish, any beverage. A satisfying food for everybody. Uneeda Biscuit are sold only in In-er-seal Packages , that preserve their f delicate flavor and crispness, protect them from moist- | 5 1 ure, dust and odors, and bring them to your table as V Cents J fresh as when newly baked. ONE CENT A WORD If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that haa been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column, WANTED. —At, once, a g->M deli. • rV horse. A. U. Jeuers, 21; Newcastle St. ROOMS FOR RENT —Nice airy front room for rent. Apply at 711 Gloucester street.. WANTED—At once, six or seven room house closo in. Address box ltiti, city. -OR RENT. —Nico room for gen Ro man. Well located. Apply at Mc- Clure's Ten Cent Store. FOR .--ALE.—au household furni ture and carpets. Enquire, J. Hoff man, 208 Newcastle street. FOR RENT.—Two nico, large front rooms, furnished; hath room connect ed. Apply 211 Union street. FOR SALE—Rubber stamps, seals, stinceiu, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street FOR RENT. —My cottage, with mod ern improvements, No. 212 Union Bt. Possession given first of August. J. D. Sparks. ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT 11. SBLIG’B, 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272-3. FOR SALE.—Gray mare; a good combination horse; works -ingle or ■ double, titiil is excellent saddler. O. ; A. Larson, 200 Ixmdob. FOUND- Bateau at sen. Owih: ! can have by describing same and pay ! ing cost and advertising. Coney A. j Parker, WANTED.—Man to take charge ot office Viere in Brunswick Addles.;. , with reference. A. T. Morris, No. s. Broughton strict, Savannas, i.a. WANTED.- Boarders. Giniientofi or couples can obtain nice coo. comforta ble rooms and board at sii'.i Monk. Rates reasonable. LOST- Engine keys No. Jo 15. he tween freight and pu etc: r depot Finder return to t'. L. Steiner and re ceive reward. _ A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade Is now serving the best lunch In the city, and ibis popular place should be liberally patronized by the public. If you want your icy ole repaired right bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Olowine, 805 Gloucestei street NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Ex t row itch, 422 Newcastle sirept will recover it for SI,OO and guarantee it to bo equal to any new $2.50 um brella. He also mas os umbrellas to order. [ A 2. OCEAN I RIP [To NEW YORK, BOSTON! AND ALL t EASTERN RESORTS | v, T ho I ( OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY i LOW RATES—Superior Sfkwcb i V JO Hours o f Ocean Breezes I 3 Sailings each WeeK] from Savannah, Ga. j ( of tins Popular Une-incom- j } ttpeni, Ml cG. uivuimim-ulc . r J Ia delightful route— inexpensive m cot,<-omph e J fin enjoyment*— trom all Southern point* b v a I f short rail jonrney to Savannah and &o hours of 1 I cool, salt air to New Y'ork. j I FOR Rat, Reservations, Aovcirt-.s:KO ) A Matter. Etc., JUw./ Tft I l-*l Ttrk.t Z**nl I. j | w.s. Bivwtr, c. T. xf. i. j Swan's Down flour Is he best. Ginghams are very much worn Just now; to get a good quality, you vvil have to go to H. V. ADDEULEY. tiie — BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, I stimatos furnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. f The Prescription Store* Since we remodeled and doubled our drug store, t’ae number of doctors’ prescriptions brought here has stead ily increased, until now it is spoken "kjcs the "Prescription Store.” nnr prices for prescription work are very low. There's hardly a pre , scription that wo cannot save our cus tomers money on. We handle ; me but the very* nest quality, of drugs and watch every drug closely to soe that it is fresh. Our prescription clerks are experi enced pharmacists and are exceed ingly proficient in their work. Wo invite you to bring your pro reriptions right to us. You can he sure, then, that the medicine will lie exactly as your doctors want it to he W. J. BUTTS, THE DRUGGIST. "t'Uh us grow bigger and bigger. ,v ustTuners every inonin, and we ate kcu> to please at any cost. HARl’Eli,.the Grocer. Notice of Remo’ival. Until nty new quarters are ready for occupancy I will share the office with Mr. C. W. Doming, next door to Ur. liuirought on Newcastle street C. H. JEWETT. Rob Roy Flour has no equal. W* Witt Fix You. If you want tbe beat class of clean ing and pressing done, and at the .very cheapest prices, call at the Un ion cleaning and Pressing Cluh, at No. 510 Monk street. Don’t never think clothes look too had, for we can make them look like new. We will send for and deliver free of charge UNION CLEANING AND PRESS ING CO., 510 Monk St., Edwin Martin Prop. Swan’s down flour, absolutely pure; try it. University of Georgia. The 102d session of the University W Lie state will open on September tstb.- Ibis institution is organized in three departments. Academic, Law and Agricultural There is no tuition to r,r - tb* Mate except iu the law school. In agriculture the courses nave been increased ami enlarged so as to embrace a short winter course a one-years course and a full course' Room is furnished in both the ohl and new dormitories free, and excellent board is supplied in Denmark Hall at per month. Chancellor W. B. Hill will be lad to supply a handsome book and catalogue on application. There’s only one place in Brunswick where clothes are cleaned and press ed by scientific methods, and that's at Jim Carter's. AUGUST VI X£lw is business 'Seed . With Us? lleeauhe we are competent, careful and accurate in our preaeriptitm de ipartment. and all the doctors know ii. ami feci that when a bottle bears on label it contains just what was pro j scribed and the best and purest of drugs—never any adulterations, sub stitutions or changes. The best and , purest for tlte sick and suffering is our watchword in compounding prescrip j tions. ; Our trade is continually increasin'.; j from the practice of tne abov< meth jotls. Follow the crowds and you will surely fetch up in good company at. Hunter-Saie Drug Go. ’PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Drugs Typewriter Headquarters. Oo you wish to buy, sell or rout a rujelling o i any description? You will find it to year interest to call < n me. Can sell you a typewwriter at su, 'fl a price and on sued terms that you will not miss the money. C. a JEWETT. Only to wake the hoys up these dull ■lays. Three days of shoe buying that bays—l tu. ley y s.