The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 15, 1902, Image 4

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FRIDAY MORNING. Walking Skirts. iSome of the Early Fall Skirts are in Some new things in Light Brown, Grays, and Black. <^> The Prescription Store. Since we remodeled and doubled our drug store, the number of doctors' prescriptions brought here has stead ily increased, until now it is spoken of ns the “Prescription Store." Our prices for prescription work are very low. There's hardly a pre scription that wo cannot save our cus tomers money on. We handle : mo but the very a eat cpmlity, of drugs and vvatf’h every drug closely to see (lint It Is fresh. Our prescription clerks are experi enced pharmacists ami are exceed ingly proficient in their work. We Invite you to bring your pre scriptions right lo us. You can he sure, (hen, that Hie dic.lne will lie exactly as your doctors want II to he W. J. BUTTS, ti THE DRUGGIST. St. Simon Line. Steamers Hessie No. 1 and No 2. Schedule in Effect May 25, 1902. leave Brunswick. Arrive Ocean Pier Leave Ocean Piers. Arrive Brunswick ft.BO a. m. 9.15 a. m 6,30 a in 7, 15 a m 10.00 a. in 10.45 a. in 11. 15a in 12.00 a in 200 p. in. 2,45 p. in 4.00 in 4.4 >d m 5,30 p. m 0.15 p. in 5,30 o in 6.30 pm. leave St, Simon Mills Arrive St. Simon Mills 6.00 a, m 10.00 a in 5,10 p, m’ 7.00 i> m Sun,lay Si !>• Leave Brunswick Leave Oeenn PiJ'r #.SO a. in. ' II .mi a. m. 8.80 p.m. 6 "<>P, "i Read These Prices. We are sellinq cheaper than any other grocery house in the city. Send us your order and be convinced. licet Bacon, per pound 11 1 Ucf Family Flour, 21 pound sacks 50c Best v lour, 24 pound sucks, &5 C l.rits, per peck 20c Meal, per peck 20c Compound l.ard, per pound yjc Arbucklo's coffee, two packages ltico, four quarts 25c Host Hire, three quarts *...25c Irish potatoes, per peck 35c .lams, three cans 25c Octagon ..otip, six bars 25 ( . Tom Boy Soap, twelve bars 25c Gasoline, tlvo gallons <r„. A. ZELMENQVITZ. Corner F and I Sts. Phone 205, Clearance Sale of all Summer Goods (Oiitinuotis Bditjdin i)<iy, (oitiiiutncinq August Ist. to September Ist. d.H. Heller & Bro. 220 Newcastle. 3C2 Bay* dome dedal Views Vletes. ..IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE... "Every day is a fresh beginning. Every morn is the world made new; You who are weary of sorrow and sinning, Here is a beautiful hope for you. “Alt the past things are past and pver, The tasks are done, and the tears are shed. Yesterday’s errors let yesterday cover; Yesterday's wounds, which smarted and bled, Are healed with the healing which night has shed. ‘ ~et them go, since we cannot relieve them, Cannot undo and cannot atone, s God in his mercy receive, forget them! Only the new days are our own. Today is our, and today alone. “Here are the skies all ourni3hec brightly; Here is the spept earth all reborn; Here are the tired limbs springing,, lightly To face the sun and to share with the morn lnthe chism of dew and the cool of dawn. ' “Every day is a fresh beyinning, Listen, my soul, to the glad refrain. And in spite of old sorrows and older sinning, And puzzles forecasted, and probable pain, Take heart with the day and oegin again. • * • Mtes Claudia Curas will return S day from ttavunntili. Miss Clara Ferguson, of &fivannao, U the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Marv Stacy. Mrs. E. A Silvcis will o n t h Mallory strainer today for Now York where she will visit ’her juir- iHf., Mri Joint Burkhultor cattle up from ijuarenl ine y*•> Is <la\ and wa> the guest of Mrs, if. S. Jo'a/caon • ■ Mr. Mr- .1 l, Mitchell will leave on the Mallory for Ine north to day lo tipeiut the remainder of 'be summer. Mrs. I) W. Aiken and Miss Siillie Aiken left on toe (’omul for New York yesterday, after a visit (> Mrs. K. 11. Aiken, . * . The library association will give an excursion' tonight to St. Simon i ,iv big Bessie will take the crowd over, mm there- will he dancing and music at Hie pavoion. A large num ber hi exported to go over Miss Alma daugbtor of Mr and Mrs. T. .1. Wright, entertained her little friends very pleasantly with a patriot!'! party yesterday afternoon Tire games played were • presidential" and "stars and stripes.” Tne prisses were won by Miss Cecil Werutz. of Ha van nail. Mr. an.l Mrs. Moore, an.l Morton. The lawn was beautifully decorated with the national colors am! Hags. The New York Herald tells of some delicious summer drinks, suitable for the season while the dog siar reigns. One. while not strictly a temperance beverage. "Bounds" cool and refresh ini? It is called tne I'rushy mint .fillip, it is comp,.sed o sprig,- cii mint, sugar, whisky (four ting, .si. and a dash of Santa Cruz rum. Clack ed ice. and file mixture Is frosted by I stirring ,\notht .ate drink U the ■'ping pong punch." It is made thus. First you put a piece of ice in a large punch bowl. Then you pour liv< quarts of "tizz water" ititp it; add to that a quart of whiskey (the finest) and a quart of brandy aud some mint mice, and cover to. top or the ice I with Marnchino memos, oranges, sliced bananas and lemons. Another l drink is called "1902,” and is made up of a teaspoon tut of- sugar, slice of i lemon, slice of orange, Maraschino ; .monies. Marasco.,m juice, and soda • r fill the glass, 'loose sound inviting enough to teuipt the least convivial 1 mor'al. Itob Hoy Hour makes fine bread. ___ Noticce. Until further notice this company will close its office at 35 o'clock p. m, an.l no deliveries will be*made after that hour. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. If. 8. White's cough medicine, a sure cure, 25c., at '.luutor-Sale drug store. Saved From an Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had consump tion," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Clinm'.'or.-dmrg, !‘u.. "I was so low al ter six mouths of severe sickness cause,! hy nay fever and at lima, that few thought l could get well, hut l I,'ari.ed , f the marvelous merit ot Dr. King's “New Discovery for consump tion. us, .1 it, and was completely cured." For desperate throat and lung diseases it is the safest cure in the wo!Id. ami is infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guar anteed Pottles 50c. and SIXIO. Trial bottles free at all druggists. Scdalia for headache— get it at HiinterJSale drug store Indian Springs Holiness Camp Meet tng. On .account of the above occasion tne Southern railway are soiling tick ols to Flhvilla, Ga . at tne rate of one fare lor the round trip. Tickets on sale from August 6th to August nth inclusive. Good returning until Au gust i9th. f’HB BPwUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. LITTLE LOCAL LINES. H. C. Cammann leaves in a few days for Milledgeville, from where he will take his brother, Wiilia Cannann to the Joan Hopkins hospital j n Balti more Mall Clerk F. D. Wcld, the only one of the old set remaining on the run between Brunswick and Atlanta, has been promoted, and is now running between Atlanta and Jacksonville. The Brunswick ball toam leaves over Uje A. C. L. in tne morning for Waycross, where they go to play a game with the elfib of tliat city iV the afternoon. Quite a number of lo cal fans will accompany the team. Two negro women engaged in a live ly fight in New, Town yesterday af teinoon, and one of idem us- I as i weapon a large cooking pot ami with one terrible blow knocked tit ot.-it r worn a u senseless. The. w-m- both nr rested and will, be tried in police court this morning. ''The hot weather in Brunswick con iyjue, and y- -u rday was probably .\e hottest day we have had tinting August. Tne thermometer . registered !M> several times during the day. Oth er cities nearby, however went us one bctler. and suffered with tne ttieinioin eter as higli as hi. The excursion cf the Brunswick Fti flemen. which was to liave is-en e-hen to St. Simon last night wn post poi.eii on account of Hie death of M, J B. Abrams, her brother Joiipii |j. eharilt, being a member ~t ■ - m pany The excursion will l, .;. u the first moonlignt night “of week. Those who contemplate goo g trie e.xeuisUm to Old I’.-uit (Tomfor! on August 20. will he glad to lei re dial Agent lord has secure . a -I cr from Brunswick. Qtjfli a lar crowd are arranging fot ;he trip Mr. . l-’ord w ill accompany th , ■ and will personally look out ior in comfort of those WHO go Jroii, I'.run - wick. A NEW BRUNSWICK FIRM J. W. Thomas and W. H. Bowen to Engage in Contracting. Anew iiusine s urm has- recently been form'd in Brioc ,vu vpit.i < composed of V • \v |[ !;•„■; lie well known eon wtet „i, un i Mr VV. Tliiiiim ' !In ilv i ~ I.rm w ill ei, age -in :. iia< i-si,: and building nnsiinin aim m-ninn iiruaswiCK. Mr. Bowen has been in tin- i u- ;ue for a nutu! ii ni some oP the le-t const; m-ii , neiir •- <n Brunswick, am on. mem ooii -. in. opera house, while at pn . nt in the contract tor the pui> i< !,t.. which is now half completed. Mr. Thomas is one of Urunsw-h-k most prominent citizens, and win ,io doubt prove a conspicuous tiauri in the contracting Imsiness, FOR QUICK SALE. 40x180 feet, Union street, lot close in, suso.t!U. Half casts, balance easy. Not many lots leu ou this main residence si net. Apply 10 UUOUSTON. FEN DIG & CO. If you want your icyotw repaired right (.ring it to an c. nencea work aiau. if. J Ole sine, 605 Gloueestdi street WOODFORD MABRY, Attorney-At-Law. Special attention given to the ool iecti°n of accounts. Office in Austin building. New Workmen of a higher grade and improved fa cilities make Jim Carter the leader of clotaes cleaners Phone 253 2. Rob Roy flour gives the best results. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barber, has all tue latest tilings connected with Tin g m ;iu; barber shop. If you need a typewriter of and des s criptlon come to see me before buying I can save you money. Terms rea sona’.da and satisfaction guaranteed C. H. Jewett. Question Answered. Yt-s, August Flower still has the largest stile of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers’ aud grand mothers never thought of us ing anything else tor indigestion or hilliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used Auguse Flower to clean out tne system aud stop fer mentation ot undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, audw that is ail :! ~y took when feeling dull and bad witli head aches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied tnerp is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get the reliable remedy at Dr O. G. Greene's reliable remedies at Smith's I’har niacy. W. J. Butts. Rob Roy flour is the best. Have you tried it? jfejfLii c~ “Tut,tutS 9 b^> {ff)T says the mm Fetch f Y '*j 'SMSfe' me no A ! nameless 1 j biscuit Jftfw* rrMni Wrapped in gyl |y,^ i%W' | brotPn paper. Wjj M\T \ T-l \ j I knotC © >\ Jni Uneedaf , fail IVI Ca J Biscuit itWCVySi Snugly kept in the f, ..A wondrous packet T^.’’ *" -c that preserves the ■ toothsome flavor I '__ : and the crisp fresh | ness withal. ” [ ' TANARUS, : ' " * ... ~ *■ PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS * * a y. y! -• ,*! y y y.*jt .< ,*t .* s .-t y j#.. iJ li Mar - / Spriif Tflav 1. j)a H. k>, I hns-in ,U IdJDrovnA'r ir >m a Mmht illness. * Captain K. lo vas- iul. {.l wns .m -th.' Hiy y<: toniiiy.' ..... ""The old Baptist church building, corner H and V str-eets is now btong torn down by the street gairg. Mayor Kmanuei left yesterday for New York, from w-htmee no goes to Join nu tuber-s < f his family who arc summering at Haven, Maine. \ Cob teainttel BorchanH, of Tampa, arrived in tee < ity last night to at A •• Manager Haley now has all the Ur again,’ after l aiairs in te southern portion of the city Cob VY, M Kay ieit via the sfUnmer OCEAN IRSP To NEW YORK, HOSTON P* rv.’D ALL | EASTERN RESORTS ; v: th 0 ; OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY i LOW RATES—Superior Skkvh b i JO Hours o f Ocean Breezes 3 Sailings each VYeeH from Savannah, Ca. , T?ie steamships of tins Pop!r Ilne-irtuom- , I r,-MM hlc in speed, ttarvfceor Appointment*,. ffer < a .piiKftt rill route-ini xut TiSiYu in com. complete , 'M.T.yttiDKffi-from nil SeuUu'Ki Points fv a' slort 3'iiii journey to Savannah aud to hears of ' cool, salt mr to New Yoric Fob Hath, RescavnrtoN*, A*vrr-r H>#ATTt*. Etc.. To Tlpfce* 4f**s Rramvilek. W.CL Bwti-r, f- t. Ar. A. iutfcitn>;i, Ca.^ —,— . Si'iialia for head ache--get it at HiiaUT-Salc drug ston WfILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY. WILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY. WILSON WHISKEY. Y i! SON WHISKEY. At Juaus May's at 1pi..00 prr <pi.;p|. The sensible housewife will always use Roy flour. RY- Roy. flour best on the market. A Personally Conducted Excursion. If you ;:itrad fft'ing away this sum tuot for a pleasure tiip. do not forget ■ hat the Ihun&v.ick & Birmingham 'ur. o ft Hi teen-day picket to - lid Point Comfort. Ya.. fare for tan round trip. *12.5®. Leave Brunswick August Solti, returning ra-iiteruhor Sf.i Kor fur ther into!station, call or write to HEN .1. FOKD, City Passenger Agent. A GOyO LUNCH. The Arcade is o >w serving the best in tae city, cad this popular I'lahe. should he liberally patronized by the public. If Your Eyes frr üble You in anf Wu> Yvnat ever, Call and We VVdi EXAMINE I L-CIII LRU aiidtefTYou what 1 lit 1 ’ IfClii*!(’ mm non, o. o. The Leading Jeweler. 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. Inspector of watches for the Southern ne.J H. & B Railway3. Keeper of the city clock. Time by wire from Washington daily at 11 a. m. 3T 'U recall the inur. whose goat was taxed sßv Ho com plained . to the essos.ior. They sai l that anything tliat abutted on fee ruu.ia must pay a tax —$2 a foot. You sec this was a a abutter of unexpected strength nail vi tality. So today there is a coffee of unexpected strength an i vitality. Oi inary coffee is muddy, brown. Till* is a rich port wine color before cream, . nd golden afterward, it is Gkasu and , Sanborn’a S-'jl p:and —the ffnest coff,-.- grown. Did you every try it? "It’? up to you," my friend as to what manner of Yoffi e you use, but SEAL Bi-VAN D is Lie best. THOMAS KEANY, 'Phone 11. 312 Necastle, ifyellevue Zonk. Tiiis celebrated tonic is in growing demand. The season of the grea*< ‘-t need is approacoing. Indige.-Jon* Jj|. iiousness, Jaundice. Chilli and Fever, Hick Headache, pains in tne hack and kidneys nil depend upon laa’arU. uirl Bellevue Tonic cures them all m any form, V[. J. BL TTS. The Druggist, "In any size bottle. ' SO COOL ami refreshing ia * ICE TEA Uus net weather. Give ~nrs a trial; nou>> better, Phone l&S. If it's good to eat, wc have it. Suramer L.w Safe©! iMvtTt-ir , t vinauu. f | a b, ; ■ ! f ’*> '•**-■ * ' * >*' ”U>. ::t‘li>!m to ; i?U*S..LitS .. r*!.. :: M ; a,;.} .ur-tUPUfJO-H.-S V- • • • -I v. utemnnc tmircrt For *dfinW NHiYtiiry. CkriUC4vUi> , ’ •. - P. DEV ARBIS. STAPLE ASIO FANCY GROCERIES Fruits, Vegetables, £to. - ' MONK STREET. I Free delivery. AUGUST 15.