The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 16, 1902, Image 3

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SATURDAY MORNING. Furniture and Bedding. Don’t Trust to Luck. ARTISTIC METAL BEDS. Bjbraceful shapes, beautiful colorings handst/me finish .diara.tiev e five Ketal beds of today. The best.workot the most non .1 metal bed works B.n be found on our floors. There istio design so new Hint you . nnot PTmi it hero, while we have the most inexpensive me.,,., b.l.t Dint uni ho csa.ea “good.” Our stock also ens braces a great many nov, 'if. at moderate prices and from that on up to the finest beds mode. - C. IMeGARVEY, 316 Newcastle Street. TRULY “A GRAND Ol D WHISKEY” : ; ' . , Is the famous '•? CREAM OF KENTUCKY. (t’s purs and wholesomt and sold cheaper than any ether whiskey of ‘ts rams, rank or quality. Sold In Brun swiok only by Douglas & Morgan, I. TRAGER & CO., Distillers. Offices, Cincinnati, 0., U. S. A. A.ARNHEITER, * Wholesale and Retail Dealer in [■_ _ • Schwarzchild & Sulzberger Beef Co.’s ; Western Beef, . 1 Poriwand Mutton. Fresh Poultry. Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Groceries, ", Fresh Eggs from tfie Country. All goods sent out nice and cl ean. The beat cf everything for the model housAeeper, ,'■s • , / 207 Monk St. ~ ’Phone 89 U. Downing, President. C. TL MctfeGfi* ViCc r i'evidentELD.Walter, Csch is? P i tie National Bank oi Bransv/ick. BRUNSWICK, GA. — ..... . -. CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF Ml Li,ION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of legitimate In, in - :; enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, Anna and corpora tions . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounth bear internet, compounded quar terly. Interest bearing ceriflcates of !-P„it. issued on epochal terms. MONEY ORDERS of the "BANK HUS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOOIA -10N” are cheaper aud more convenient than postoU)co or expiress. W. n. BOWEN, Ccntiactor and Builder oi Stone, Brick and Fr a me Buildings. MA>.i I'ACTI'KKK OF (•’EMEXT TilißAiW AKTiKRIAK WS )Xiv J. ML BURNETT, „ WHOLESALE Grain and Previsions, Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed. EARLY CLOSING NOTICE. Tiie undersigned banks will close . UNIS o'clock j>. m. SATURDAYS between .May 15 and October 1. The National Dank of Brunswick E. D. Walter, Cashier. The Brunswick Ban.. & Trust Cos., 11. W. Gala, Cashier. LADIES, BEWARE! You are particular folks, and should nave your dresses cleaned only by Jim Carter, who does good /ork. Pboneils3-2. SWANS’ DOWN FLOUR IS THE BEST. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine of any description? You will find it to your interest to call on me. Can sell your a typewwriter at such a price and on such terms that you will not miss the money. C. K. JEWETT. Rob Rov flour suits the ladies. Notice to Master*. The News will publish ship notices at *1.50. It is the only legal medium through which these notice* can be published. . t ITMi MAr t THU BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, Daily Short Story - OF THE Brunswick Mews. Mikik Sid V T GT for me,” said the bach- i I clor. lie was referring not | 'W to the cooling drink just 1 placed at bis elbow, but to the' subject under discus sion at the moment. “Why not V” retorted the new woman indignantly. "You wouldn't have wo man go back or stand still in the mat ter of development, would your" “I don’t call that going forward; do you?” drawled the bachelor mischie vously as lit! pointed through the open doorway to where a young woman was making her way up the piazza steps. She was a typical athletic girl, with a short, fflzssy skirt of woo! goods, a loose coat that looked like her broth er's and a little alpine hat of soft felt, ller hair was wind blown, and her cheeks were sinning with perspiration powdered over with a light coating ol* dust. Her hands were clayey and pret ty well marked tip with scratches and nicks, and her nails were none too well manicured. Her feet in their stout, mannish shoes went “chimp, clump,” on the wooden floor of tee piazza. Finally she reached a chair, kicked it around by a well directed lunge of her heavy soled toe and sank heavily into it. She crossed tier legs, thrust; her hands into her Jacket pockets and gave a long whistle. "Hoe whiz, hut I’m Spent!” she re marked in a loud voice to a friend who rounded the corner of the piazza much in the same condition. “When you compare that with the ; wotnoti of ancient Greece or with Ten nyson’s dream of fair woman or with any particular ideal you may happen i to have!” the bachelor mused half to | himself. The new woman frowned. Flic might! he anew woman, hut she did not like to see any man look askance at,; one of her sex. “ity and by site’ll change those things and appear in something you'll like or lace and organdie mud things,” she said. Tlie bachelor laughed. “Yes, aai(l tramp along In them just the samaras MANNISH WAVS. :,iio does in UlOs togs. I've been won dering lately what made women so awl;ward. Now I know.” "Hot think how healthy site is," per sisted the new woman. Tile family physician, who came up at that moment, caught the drift of the r m i rsatiou. “Healthy-, did you ; ; lie repeated. “Do you cal! that, healthy? book at the tired rings under her eyes and the painful way in which h r breath comes. No;, that girl is more tired than any one has any right to be. 'fills ‘woman’s athletic business is getting overdone, let me tell you. reople have an idea that because a girl can play golf or tenuis all day sin has improved in health in proportion as she has improved in muscle power This fallacy has ruined more than out constitution. The truth Is that you can't both eat your cake and have It A healthy adult person is one whose digestive and assimilative functions produce so much nerve force daily I’art of this keeps the heart pumping blind through the vessels, convey ink nutritive and reparative strength tc brain, limb and organ. The remainder, and that much only, one is entitled to use as he wills. The man in training is u man out of health. His muscles are absorbing too much of his nerve and bleed force. The reason why the girls of today are able to spend so much force on walking, cycling, tennis and golf is that they have withdrawn force from other and more valuable faculties and put it into their muscles. The fact that women are growing taller and tnuscnlarly stronger is no test at all of physical improvement. Half the time without knowing it they are laying the seeds of some future trouble.” And the doctor was right Athletics In moderation arc good, but athletics ns practiced by some girls nowadays are ruinous alike to personal appear unce and to health- A Matter of Sox. “A man .trimmed lHal window,” re marked a dealer ie. ■ women's headgear, passing a millinery establishment on Twenty third street in which all the hats and bonnets faced squarely to ward' the sidewalk, “and a woman fixed Sup the windows in that store,” continjued the man mflliiier as lie came to the,(next store, in which tin* women’s hats ,showed their backs, .with their bows,) pendent ribbons and stream ers. “Yon see.” he said,'“a man looks at a woman's face, and (so it is only' the frontier the hat that the sees, and he doesn’t know any* better than to show the fronts wtieri the is .exhibiting hats for sale. "ltut it is women,.not men, who are the buyers, and they j know that their women friends when \thoy meet them smile sweetly as they'; pass and then turn and critically Inspect their hats from the rear, “So yvomontseleet lints with stunning hind effects,'and the? woman milliner judiciously -'shows tine rear elevation wlicu she’puts a,hat on exhibition."— New York Times. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNT' OF GLYNN. To the Honorable Superior Court of Said County; The petition of R. It. Hopkins. G. W. C line and W. F. Symons, ail of said state and county, respectfully shows to the court the following facts: 1 That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and as signs, to he Incorporated under the name and style of "The Cline Manu facturing Company,” for a period of twenty (2ll) years, with the privilege of renewal at toe termination of said period, as provided by law. The prin cipal offices ami place of business of said corporation will he in (lie county and state aforesaid, and in the city of Brunswick, therein. U. The purpose and object of the proposed corporation is the pecuniary profit of its shareholders. The pro posed business of said corporation is ! the manufacture and sale of clothing I of any and every kind and description and the manufacture an,, sale of any other articles of merchandise as may lie deemed profitable. Petitioners do sire authority to buy, sell and mort gage such real estate as may be nec essary lor carrying on me aiorosaid manufacturing business, to contract and be contracted with, lo sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, and such other powers as are incident and nec essary to the conduct of the said man ufacturing business, 111. the capita! stock of said pro posed corporation is to lie .our tliou jsand, five hundred .tollais ($1,500.00), I and petitioners desire tae privilege of increasing the said capital stock to !as much as twenty five thousand del lars t v 25,000.00), upon the consent, at sn.v time, of the holders of tliri-e --l’ourths of the capital stock of said corporation. Petitioners show to tno court mat Ihe entire amount of the proposed capital stock of sa.u corpora tion has been subscribed. The said capital stock is to be aiviaed into for ty live Hr,) equal shares, each of the par value of one hundred dollars ($100,00) Petitioners desire authori ty to begin business when seventy five (75) per cent of : aid capital stock has been paid in, and not until then. IV. The government and control of sa,d corporation is to he vested in a board of directors, the number of said directors to he determined, and the said directors to be elected by the stockholders of saiu corporation, an nually. The said hoard of directors shall elect the other officers of said corporation annually, or tor such less terms as they may doom proper, and the said board of directors snail deter mine lj e number of such other officers and fix their duties and compensation, and have the general management and control the affairs of sain corpora tion. Wherefore, petitioners pray thai they may he made a hotly corporate under the name and stylo aforesaid entitled to me rights, privileges and immunities, and subject to the liabili ties fixed by law. A. L. FRANKLIN Attorney for Pctk.oners. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. I. H. F Dußignon, clerk of me supe rior _ court of said county, do hereby certify mat the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the petition of R. r Hopkins, W. Cline and \y FSy mens, praying the incorporation of too ■me Manufacturing Company, this do filed in my office. Witness my official signature and inui' U “ h tlu! sovontrj day of August “ H. F. duBiGNON Cierk Superior Court, Glynn Co. ‘da. Quinine shampoo, the latest "'for ladies hair. For sale only at ClariFs tonsorial parlors. * 3 Rob Roy Flour is good Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters -re ready for occupancy 1 will share the offlc ~ with Mr. C W. Deming, r,ext door to Dr. Boroughs, on Newcastle street. C. H. JEWETT. YVhy pay $1.50 for a whiskey when you can get Wilson’s at Julius May’s for *1.00? * * * - -j SMITH’S PHARMACY I MAKE YOUR TOILET WITH BARGAINS. If you will. Tile choice rests with you. We offer a full line of Sundries at prices that are the lowest of the low. Those TOILET ARTICLES AND FANCY, GOOD. , ETC., Are not merely things of teporary usefulness or beauty, but goods that are serviceable all the. year around, and for many years. PETERMAN’S ROACH FOOD. . Entices cockroaches and wain buy: out of their breeding places.] J They eat if and it cremates them to a shell, and has now become I in general use by housekeepers throughout the civilized world, prin cipally through lie reeoinuieu-.aiioti of one I another: also lias with t stood the severest test for 15 years among hotels, oakeries, confec ] tionerios, breweries, restaurants, hospitals, elc. Eleven thousand ■I strong letters of praise, voluntarily written by the above largest ?:■ places in the United States and England, who have used it with * l extreme satis!action, and it now enjoys a high reputation. Put * up in i-4, 1-2 and 1 pound dec-orated tins. ___ _ M , , ■ SMITH’S PHARMACY. ' PHONE 222. I ! The Lodge ftt TallulahtFaHsJ Ga ? TANARUS; h I ,J- r - L_,^ 1 H , (,'T,),](■[' t'iio management of J. A. Newcomb, proprietor of the Hotel ,i Lank r. of Macon, Oa. Tne ,iost healthful climate, 3.000 foot elevation. Music by an excellent 'orchestra; Dancing, Horseback Hiding Driving, fishing and Howling Alley. W ondenuj Mountain Views, G.x-at Water IV.IV. Dent of a!!. *ase of so. cessibl lity, and an elegant new commodious Hotel wilii all modern con vonione Twenty-five rooms with private porcelain baths, electric lights and bolls; Motor car line from Hole) io Kalis. Special rale lo families. Port further information address, J A. NEWCOMB, Taliula'n Kalis, Oa. IHE TORNADO SEASON [ \ IS UPON US STORM— INSURANCE j {Protects at Small Coot. INSUICE ivow: DON’ I DELAY' t k 4 JA. MONTGOMERY & CO. Tai- popular; Roales'tate :mcl insurance agency. 1 t ( i Phone. PM-:!. 302 Gloucester St. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a. wonderful ad vance in medicine is gi"ven by druggist <l. W. Roberts, of BiiStabeth. W. Va. An ota man them had long suffered with what good Joctous pronounced incurable dancer. They believed his case hupcie-l, tip he uked ldtcetric Bitters, and applixd BucKlen’s Arnica Sa'rve, which treatment completely cured him. When. Electric .Bitters are used to expel biiiious, kidney and mi crobe poisons at the same time this waive exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bfhters 50c„ salve 25c. at all druggists. Notice is dirooted to the advertise •ment o£ A. Zelinenovitz In this issue. This popular grocer can save you mon <e.v. Try him qu your next order. August it!. JL 1 CKE T CNTit LCs I PLUMBING FREE from defects is the only cheap plumb ing. And only the plumber won is free from the moss-grown traditions of iln trade and who uses modern de vices according to modern ideas can install PERFECT PLUMBING Our fre- from defect workmanship is at the, service of anyone who is sat isfied to pay a .air price. Better communicate with us before disease ged.s into the pipes. A. H. BAKER, 205 Gloucester, Street. T— ' w -m -'U. e E Street Lot. Lot on E street next to corner of F. $250; one-half cash. Cheap, close in, just the place for a small cottage. BROBTON, FENDIG & C(A ST; tTW ii S $ £1 Morphine and Whiskey 2 r tin I I N si fa habltatreatcdwithoutpaiti I l IP* 111 lb j orceßfinement. curetAuir v% | | U Isl autcad at Sanltariumor no pay. B. H VRAI„ Man’gr T.ithla Splines Cure Cos.. Drawer A, Auatell.Ga. Homejtreatmentsent if preferred. Correspondence strictly confidential. Clark, the well known colored bar ber, U better fitted to serve the pttb : lie than ever. Everything neat and I clean and up to date