The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, August 24, 1902, Image 2

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SUNDAY MORNING, HUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. > *. H. MAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. ' Xifterttslng rate* made known on application. Church and other char- Ifiitfco organisation notice# published at half the regular rate#. Advertiser* deelrln* their adx dis continued must notify the otllee In writing. -■■r 1 ■ "jea*. -g~ außsgjuPTioN rates. Term# to subscriber* In the city ami liy mall free of charge to all •<art* of the United S'.ate* ami Can ada Mexico, Porto Iltco. Ouam. Phil Iptftne Island* and llnwaliftii Island*: Pat Mouth - *-jjf f-tlx Month* * one -ear R-00 Phone m. Entered at the Urunawlck. Ga.. poatofflce, m leCdnd-eln** mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer ha* designated the Brunswick Daily New* •* the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceeding*, for Liynu county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The Now* Publishing Company de sires It to b distinctly understood that all legal advertleement* must be paid ror In advance. We cannot afford to devote our apace to such advertise ment* and wait on the court* for the money. Mr. Roosevelt la off on otic of iiis hot nit- tours. Athens !a talklr.iTof < rlaldhtii.tig an underwear factory. Wo unco had populist party In Gcorgln. hut tt Is no more "Actions apeak louder than words." Glynn a Increase In tax ro urns, for Instance, Governor Oantoer’s term will soon expire. IHi wc High. and if so. Is It lor relief or regret? The Athens Tribune. T. W. Heed's new weekly, Is an excellent paper. We wtsli It a great success, We read yesterday, "Mr. Morgan's plans accepted," Of course: who thought It would he any other way? We hope Mr. Green, tne son of Mrs. Hetty, will visit us again. He is what the tar would call "a Jolly good fel low." The Itoer generals white in England certainly divided honors with Kitcn enor, and It was right that lacy dsliout. If Roosevelt and lirynn should .e --the presidential nominees, wouldn’t the average voter have a deuce of a time deciding? The scramble for tne fortune left by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fair, is dis gMßttnx, considering the fact that the funerals have not yet occurred. The democratic campaign commit tee wants Congressman Brantley to do some speech making in Maine, if anybody ran talk good democrat > it is Mr. Branltey. and we hope In wilt go. Tho Alabama subornation,li contest between former tlovertior Johnson ami p'Bt>nt Governor Jelhs. is grow ins mom interesting every day As boi .t Iho gentlemen have long pub Hv records. tho campaign speakers find tto trouble in making oharges ot alt km,ls. WHAT A MOCKERY. Miss Van Mon has put on do, n mourning and has announced that sue will not attorn) any so at functions this wi titer, because of too suicide of Robert Remington. who. up to tho day of his ,loath, was hor affianced has band. What a turn ~ory ‘ Here wo find a boat!loss woman wtt.uwit sentiment. oohl. calcu lating. who encouraged the attentions of Kerning ten. a sturdy hush.ess man as against those of ait other suitors Streu tho dnke id Manchester. w .to was madly in love with not was re pulsed in order that too young Now Yorker could have full sway over tier heart and hand, t it'n. r would be I-an cotots appeared, some of r.tetu worth millions of dollars, and each t turn ‘ receired the marble mart trom this j beautiful eoqwette. who turned w ;th I duplicity surd e-ssusmlatioa to the advertising manager of Gotham. The engagement was announced. Remington was living in a fool'a para dise. Ho chased his sweetheart over Tho continent, lived in a state of et.he rcalism, and loved this heartless wo man with all the Intensity of tho honest lover; tno expectant husband. Then what? Father Van .Alert, who declares that "England Is the only place for a gen tleman to live,” decides that his May must wed u title, lie it English, French or Chinese. He acquaints her wlta * his 'desires, and she —cold, scheming parody on womankind that she Is— dismisses the mart sho had pretended to love and puts out her shingle In the foreign nobility marriage market. Remington takes the blow to heart, l/tvo has conquered and dethroned reason, and In a lit of anguish, re membering only the deep humiliation to which he lias been subjected by tne woman he loved, he places a pistol to hiH mouth and sends his soul to eternity. Even after his death two letters were found on tils desk from Miss Van Alen, which, it is said, diupciv ed in unmistakable fashion the shallow ness, Iho faithlessness and utter lack of the truer scnwjJjllitkM of the wo man. VVuen the news of the rns,i art of Remington reached the Van Alen home. May fell in one of those faints that women have in reserve for just such spectacular occasions- a faint about ns sincere as was her love—and as ignoble as was the entire part she played in tne very and romance that sent into the groat unknown a soul unprepared. lln the second act of her perfidy she again appears in . 10 role of the grief stricken, amt sends to the mor of the mail she uad murucred a 'bo guet of pure white roses.” Fare white roses and May Van Alen have little in common, but she desecrated the emblem ot purity and sent them, They were placed on“ihe coffin, ;iml later on the grave, which is a mon ument to her insincerity. And now In the end she heaps ca! umny on a custom, old In tradition amt held sacred by those who would honestly revere tho memory of loved ones dear, who have departed, ami "lulls °n the deepest bines, and is in heaviest mourning." She will say "An revoir" to social affairs this season -will go into an exile, as ft were, and at the same time will sei reptuously, th'.ow a hint to some time wilt throw a hint to <>me little swallow jack with a title who lives in Toltio, PnrISC Berlin, I onJ.m or Canton, amt will bo pleased to rtnm a laison with (ho one that has n?e host show ami can luiradc in tno most striking maimer of tawdinoss. As tor Remington poor follow - h‘a has our sympathy. Ho was not the Hrst to sacrifice his life at the sh:!n of a faithless woman, and the chance# aro that he will not ho the last, tor it is natural for man to bo won by the charms of the tempter, who haunts tits pathway in tv.e guise of a good woman, and beguiles hint to his ruin, hut the world will pause at the t mb or Remington, ami will shed a tear tor his hapless life, wasted on one tn >r-" onghlv undoservviug o' his ronsni- ;v (ion. and eery tear for Remington will be a reprove for tint class j fe mmes of the May van Aien stripe. Kob Key Boar makes fine bread. University cr Georgia. The UCd session of the University of tie state will open on Sept out bor iMh. This institution is organ tied in three departments. Academic, law and Agricultural. There is no tuition to resident* of the state except in the law school. In agriculture the courses hate been increased tutu enlarged ... as to embrace a short winter course a one y ears course and a full course Koom is furnished in both the old and new dormitories free, amt excellent hoard is supplied in tKnniark Hail at i' a* per month, t’aancellor U B i< i! *•„! he lad to supply a handsome iook and catalogue on wppncauon. Swan's IVwn fiottr is he best. Regular Through Trains on 6. A. B. Regular through tra.ns are now bo-j u y tun on the It v H from Brunswick to Offernian i tie traiu is a mixed \ one. and the passenger and fieiy.i. j t raffle s g'sst. ihe It. A it. is movingj .forward steadily, sr.d is doing vise ; wo K tor Bruns*c, k. j AN .sen you w ant a load of good wood for ?■> cents, paoue idsor call at” yard, corner l street and Cochiaa ave. This Brunswick Daily news. The Smallpox Germ. “One reason why the smallpox germ is so hard to conquer is that lie can as sume so many different forms,” say* (\ F. .Scott in Ainskc’s. “He can transform himself from pr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde and into two ether distinct persons nt will. One can never tell which metamorphosis he may assume. As Mr. Hyde, he is known to the med ical prof i-ssioiT** a s Hemorrhagic, a murderous, deadly fellow that covers his antagonist with wounds that bleed so copiously the afflicted one rarely survives more than a few hours, or, at most, a few days. In one of his other characters ho tx-ars the name of Con fluent, as which lie raises poisonous weits on the skin of tho victim very thickly, and they have a tendency to coalesce. In thireelm ruder he Indicts wounds more painful, but less fatal. Tins Discrete type manifest himself In fewer papules and is less vigorous In his assaults. The Varioloid is the gentlemanly Dr. Jekyll held in check by vaccination, and although there is no mistaking blk Identity he is mild mannered and well disposed to the suf ferer. A victim may be exposed to the Hemorrhagic type and yet the disease which develops in tils own system may be any of tin- other varieties, and sim ilarly through all the combination*. In which form tho disease will make its appearance can never ho predicted with certainty.” IP cry Matt tins Ills Mastic. No man is completely free. Every man has his muster. The supremest dr -pot Is a thrall, for there is some body whom tic fears and must court. If he dock not dread the piebs, he | dreads the patricians; if he Is not ! afraid of the people, he is afraid of the j army with which lie cows the people; I If there is danger in neither the rabble nor the pretorinn guard, there Is n min ister. a major dome, a foreign nation, a jester, a satirist, a dynamiter or a woman who worries- and frighten* him and in a measure controls his neilm**- Put two human beings together, uttd each will acquire mastery In some re spect over the other. The hiifhuii race is a social body. Men arc interdepend ent. Absolute freedom mid splendid Isolation are-alike impossible. Eeejx one must obey orders or suffer —fern Francisco Bulletin. Caution! This I* not n gen e word—-lull when you tiiiffk now liable you an re-, to purchas e for ■ ;><' tho only remedy mi. vorssuiy known, and a remedy that has hs.l the targe i sate of any medicine in the world since IgtW tor the cure and treatment ot Consumption ant Taroat an t Limit' TroutiJ. - ail me*.' year:- without hiking its popularity ah these year;, you will he thankful w* catted your attention to Boscitees Ger man Syrup. There arc many or tiar, r< ngh remedies made by druggist, and others that art cheap and good for light i olds perhaps, hot for severe Colds. Bronchitis. Ciouo and .--.peel ally tor Consumption, where there Is dufficult expectoration and coughing during the nights and mornic ~ then is nothing like German Syrup. Sold by ail urug-gists in tho <iv U.—i, worm (5. C. GREEN. Woodbury, N. J. Rob Roy flour is the best. Have you tried it? The sensible housewife will always use Rob Roy flour. Something new—quinine 'shampoo for ladies Get U at Clark's Inc oer shop-, If von twist! a typewriter of and d-■ s crlption come to see me before buying I can save ytVn money. Terms rea sonable and satisfaction guaranteed C. H. Jewett. An Ex Chief Just.ce s Opinion. Judge O. K. Loekrsne 01 Georgia, in a letter to Dr. Bigger, states that he never suffers ultnscii to he without a bottle of Dr. .Digger's Huckleberry Cordial for toe relief -of all bowel troubles. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, etc. etc. Sold by alt druggists, i\'.o and 50c bottle. When you want a load of g 1 w.hhl for 75 cents, ’pnone ior ea at yard, corner l street and Cochran ave Tc Atlanta. We will run another excuts on to Atlanta August >. in o nier to attend Inner Day exercise- tn that city on Monday, September 1. Fare for round trip only sd.‘K>. special ear tor whites. Best of order guaranteed. Kate to Ma eon an.’, return? S.' ... wei be the last excursion of the season, to u esc points. Tran leaves Bruns wk. at • a in., sattm ;e. August tickets giKhi to three days. HA Ml’ SCAR!-KIT and RANDALL BROWN. Manage Rob Roy n ...,- is the best on the market. Wilcox triPhivKV WHAJON YYHISKKY. '.YU SOX AVIUSKRY. WILSON WTUSKKY WILSON WH SU'UY Y. U SON AAHIKK XY. At Jniiiis May 's at * . or quart. IN'll SAL'.' OH:'A!’ \ . two-stes rv residence, gooff neig... mnood. and e .-s, in. thtgy terms Av -- .. house ready i.r.-ush;-1. 1; r *s a tine chance for someone wa.'.Lbs a home and paying for it as t - wonk:: their rent. AYili st . -rules. ;: - j Fend y A Cos. Notice. Owing to ’ - [visitors and cot • r- e-i : from the lsiau • Sir* '*• • - >i s. ontii. .c their dOßi'.c -rally t:i{ after Wednesday, 'L- itth -v-vs >1 course the Dar;* boat win cob: .to touch at Aiker. s wtiarS sac and tfieicfbE. J, B WKiiiHT, ONE CENT AWSRD If you want a position, a bouse, a •ervant, or want to find anything that ha* been lost, or want some- 1 thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this ccdumn, FOit KENT.—Nice flat for rent, close in. Apply Union street. ROOMS FOR RENT—Nice airy front room for rent. Apply at 711 .Gloucester street. FOR RENT.—Eight room nouse.lUl G street, corner A; also tunu rooms. Apply 4 j U street. 1 FOR SALE —Rut)her stamps, seals, stinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street FOR RENT. —A large well-furnished room; electric lights, and hath. Gen tic men preferred. 7u3 Union street. Mrs H. E. Lucas. WANTED. —Boarders. Gcu- -emeu or couples can obtain ni< . c>><.>, emuforta hie rooms and board at hub Monk. ' Rates reasonable. I * FOR RENT. —A seven room flat with ail modern Improvein -ms. Ap-. l-ly at the Arcade, 210 Gloucester sst. RESTAURANT, FOR LADIE3 AND GENTLEMEN Where you will be properly servec with the beat the market affords, a reasonabie prices. Oysters m an; style. Everything new and clsar; OPEN TILL 12 O'CLOCK AT NICH ERNEST ARNHEITER 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. W. E. DEMPSTER Mr i.-p; REPAIRS biv - GUNS, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA CHINES, AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Successor to J. A. Mcntqcmery. ‘>o3 GLOUCESTER STREET, Prompt and Thorough Attention ant Price* Reasonable, "j. ■ ----- largest load of wco-l la- ay to: 75 .cents. Ring 'phont 13.8-3 or call phone 13 S3 or call at yard, cornet u\ i-mie. War n you want a Load of good wood for 75 coul r. panne iflh \ or call at yard, corner I street and .ochran uvo Quinine shampoo. t'no latest foi ladies’ hair. For sale only at Clark t tonaorial parlora. Clark, the leading nnd tip to date colored hai her, has ait tao latest thing* connected with an up to date barber shop. The D-rt Cornea Out In stead of gemg a- w h<-;. - . .-„-u( your clothes to J:m <Cai-'t. Let hi; boy come tcr 4 your i lot,. - Pnom 2532 Julius May is \t.-tg Wilson wnls key* at SI.OO per quart. Wanted. We would I.kc to . 'ai thr . iiiuusns ot your paper, if us js any person who has me-,’ u, ■ < i.p:-- Flower for the cure of in ..a. -non ' s; psiSa anti ■ i r’ that has abf. HPe:; cured—*i.j we amo mean fnerr results, such as sour stoitu.-a. . - uten.aUfiu o. food, uab.tuai costi 1 . ■ uptnilent feelings. —it tact, and trouble eonne, ted wifa Hu stomach or liver* Tins meu.ctne ntu, . u sold tor many years ; r ... ~.. .. used countries. ana we wish t.y pond wit* yor and seat, you ott om books free of cost, if you ba< j., , tried August Flower, uj one 1 first. Me nave never Known . , : tailing : * .s toe matt r w.sii yen. Ask > druggist. ii. C. GrtVil. V ■ iiturj N 1 A Public Blessing st Clarke's Barber shop. The noted TUom&sviße. Ca. foot sikxialist will be at my Sure r saoi. :-r a few days removing s i coins minions, ingrowing, ciup gouty, brit tle naita. calloused, fet-.u ouors and perspiring lea cur- J wraoiu ; atn . Indies .treated at lumr res deuce.- iliase Charlie Clara. The steamer Htstle wit; uA..-r dou . V dat'y trips to St Bimob each junday. ieavir.g Brunswick at J. 30 a: .n. ami 2.3 c p. m.. returning at ;i t at. and 6p. iu. This wt 1a" .: the people of the city a good chans to spend the day at this popular resort, j You can't afford to miss u. Filthy Tempi*® In India. Sacred tows oitea Te-hie ijuitr tea pies, mt w. ;s* yet is a lx iy- that* coluted by' coast: i at-on. In't per .tut a. Cleanse year aystesj with Or. Kings New Lit* V: a and avoid anfCi.d misery. They yiv* Lveiy i:r sra. s ire be •> el*. goes; diges:: :-s, tc i f , tr,.fe - - * - ... - r ta. ircUuSe * Little Lite L:nt pill xasos hue pc- r-e hr.,..c.sett...:,eis .the VKea of ail ti-. . :i trior* aac va iesOLyr KW& a ---* a m Tenon of j au. j* -lu. a: v, . ter'a A OOLL L. '• The Ansce ii :. i-.- 1 • e*l ■. .• 7 -e igiri the i> •• * >- . . e PM& be ptf-j,• wa-iatit by t&e twi-Ss. ateof .IfssthoCs .Abe v. rvy t be ng air , i-," , ' ff ynwonicn *. , C stehtss x-'iWUß.trig anlitf-LSL-rxeßi. HAt- ieiepfee** THE BAV IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, Estimates furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, .’resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. THE PICK OF THE FOREST has ben taken to supply the stock of 41m iicr in our yard, and nowhere is it on hie to fin ! a more complete or .-atuffai’tory stock than wc offer to our usiotm rs. With the quality the beat, ->ur prices are tne lowest for the nual ii; anywhere, ami that makes our stoi k iloufdy desirable. Phone; 197. Lang & \Vood. PLANING MILL. ’Phono 197. NO IV. rSTERY. It L no longer a mystery why Wil -oa. the Photographer's business so steadily uii rea: es in magnitude. The season is quite onviotis to any uue taking' the troume to investigate. Step in and see the quality of work he ; matting, and you will no longer wonder—if you ever did. Tho proof is the thing—come and satisfy yourself. Rob Roy Flour Is good Largest load of wood in the. city for ?-> cents Ring ’phone 138-3 or call ; - 138-3 or call at yard-torner Rcb Roy flour. Saved From on Awful Fate. "Kv-; yho-ly said 1 had consump writ. s Mr*. A. M. Shields, of ha': t, erg. Pa., "1 was so low at r s.x months of severe sickness )used by nay fever and athma, that w thought i could get well, hut 1 arned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King s New Discovery for consump tion. used it. and was completely are.-. * v*. iuivni and -•'•r.g diseases ;t is Lie safest cure in he world, and is infallible for coughs, - ‘ids ;>nd .) dial affections. Guar 'at* • and bottii-s n-c. and Ji.uO. Trial ! vtth-A free at ail druggists. Rob Roy hour gives the best results. Happy Time in Old Town. “M*e felt very happy. ■' writes R. N. 1 Bvville. Old T vn. Va„ “when Buck-, s Arnica Salve wholly- cured our ; da -- ter of a bad case of scald dead." 't -id's all who use it for cute, - vims, bruises, boils, ulcers,! e: i. : cs lsfa”,*b:e-for piles. Only . 7>e at all druggists. i here's only one place In Brunswick j where clefocs are cleaned and press-! 1 by scientific methods, and that's ; at Jiia Carter's. Notice of Removal. TJMU my new quarters are ready for occupancy 1 will share the office’ with Mr. C. W. Demine, next door to Dr. Burrcught on Newcastle street C. H. JEWETT. -iS YELLOW POISON. in yottr blod ? Physicians call it ,'lalsrial tierm. It can be seen ch jmcing red blood y ellow under mierfsc -fe. It w orks day and night, first, it turns vourcotn ptexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak' and worthily. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC soil stop the trouble row. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. ft aegiecied and when Chills, f evert. Night-Sweats and a gen era! break-dow a come later on. Pxberts’ Tonic will cure you then hot why wait? Prevent f- -kness. The manufac turers know all about this y#|. ; v, POXWOB and have perfected P -.bter-t’ Took to drive it out, '..xv.sii ytr s>stem, restore P9*>- u parity the blood, pre vat*- *jmS cure Chilis, Fevers and '• x xrt*. It ha* cured thous i- . it. win cure you. or your • k. This Is fair. Try <-*. 25 cents. Ftwc or -**• f i ff-i Cos v AtJGITS'P 24. When you visit Savannah call and Have you Eyes Examined properly and glasses fitted that not alone Improve your Vision but 4 wiU Preserve your Sight. Dr. M. SCHWAB & SON, 4T Bull Street, Removal Notice. J. M. Burnett, feed me: chant, is re moving to the new building ou Bay i and Oglethorpe streets, between ] < ilotK-ester and Monk, and he will be I ready to serve uts customers from | there Monday. The Hessie Lao wm matte doublet .aiiy trips to St. Simon pier Sunday ieaviug iirhnawick. at 8,30 a. m. and 2,30 p. m. reluming at 11 a. tu. and b a day at the island and a large crowd! will go. v Through Cars to Savannah. To accommodate the increasing trav el between Brunswick and Savannah the Soutnern Hallway will hereafter [ operate two extra coaches on the train leaving Brunswick at 6:25 a. ui. every ; Sum! .y, ic go through without change. I’ins will insuie- a comfortable trip for ; all who desire to spend the day in Sa vannah. Why pay 51.5(1 for a whiskey when you can get Wilson s at Julius May’s for $1.00? % FOR QUICK SALE. 30xlS0 feet, Union street, lot close ; in, s>iao.tiy. Half cash). balance • asy. Not many lots left on this main ' residence street. Apply to UHOBSTON. FENiirO & CO. Question Answered. Ycl August Flower still has the . hr#tt sale of any medicine in the , eiyiiiied world. Your mothers' and ; grandmothers never thought of us ing anything els* for indigestion or bilifousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom Heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure. <tc. They used Augnse Flower to cleafi out t ie system and stop fet mouunion, of undigested footi, regulate Lie action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system. andw that Is all they took when feeling dull and bad with head, aches and other aches. You only need a lev. doses of Green's August Flower, in I muirt form, to make you satisfied mere is nothing serious the matter With you. You can get the reliable remedy at Dr. O. G. Greene's (reliable remedies at Smith's Phar macy, VV. J. Butts. Huy pay $l.OO for a bottle of ordi nary- whudskey when you can get the genuine Wilsons at Julius May 's for $<B0? Largest I©*l of wood in the city for 75 cents. Ring phoee 13S-3 or mil phone ?38-3 or t ail at yard, corner aventi4 XChif is business "Seed With Is? Becauhe we are rnmpctoßl, <;1 rrl ti I .and accurate in our prewriptum do pattmont. nd all tho doctors know It, and fool that w hen n Twmlo brrs our lain'! it contains ju.-t wlmt was me scribed and the b.-t atui purest of drags—never any adulterations, sub stitutions or changes. The best and purest for thejsiek and suftorlng Is our watchword iu preserlp tions. Our trade is continually from tho praotico of t„o nbmc tm-ih ods Follow the crow ,is and you w ill surely fetch up In good company at Hunter-Sale . Drug Go. •PHONE 37. Birth Plac* of Pur* t'rue*.