The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, September 03, 1902, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY MORNING. RUSSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOU 18 J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. - Advertising rate# made known on annttMften. Church and other char- Itftnhl ownlz*tlon notices published at half tha regular rata*. Adveruser* daatrln* their adi dfr. continued must notify the office In writing. _________ BUBSUJUPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in the citj and hy Mil tra of charge to all •v*m *1 United SUM* and Can 1 MOAlua. Porto Rico, Guam, Pnll t.>Pn Islands and Hawaiian Ulandß! t* Month Vfift *■* m. aansi ji a- ■- - ” Entered at the Brunswick, (la nostdftc, al secofid class mail mat t<ir. Hen. Emery Spaer has designated Irunewlek Dally News as the MMfcaniV H tha United State* *jrTai*Wruyty proeeedtngs, for .. l - 11 PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The Paws Puhllshing Company de alrat it ta fca dlstlnotly understood that aU la#al advertisements must he paid lot In advance. NT a cannot afford to derate our Bace td such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. If Prof. Sledd was after notoriety he got it, but certainly not the right kind. An exchange has reached the con elusion that there are “too many law yers In Georgia." Dust off the books and sweep the cobwebs from your brains children. School will start soon. No wonder .President l’alma, of Cuba, hesitated about accepting the job. He la in trouble and all kinds of It. Congressman Livingston is going to do a stunt in Maine, il he is as suc cessful in speeches as he is in getting appropriations, lie will be. “it." A prominent South Carolina politl tlon says Mel-aurln could have won in the recent primary. It is evident that Mr. Moi.aurin did not think so. Toe capitalist wants to dictate to tne laborer and the laborer wants to dictate to the capitalist. How can the strike be setlled under those eircum stances. The Milledgevoie News is of the opinion that (tie President has dlsin herited bis Georgia kin folks. Have you beard any complaints uom Geor gla?—Augusta chronicle. The Albany Herald says: "Sunday Is supposed to have been the last day of summer.’' From the limit jester day it looks like summer lias taken a running start backwards. All amicable settlement between the Brunswick carpenters and contractors lias been reached and there will lie no strike, a lie News is very glad that an arrangement lias been made by which both sides are satisfied. A Connecticut man lias offered to deed a site to a church prov.ded the pastor will listen to him w... 10 In talks for ten hours on science, nature and religion. The Baltimore Ameri can suggests that the bargain should include a proviso for a memorial win dow for tne minister. Col. E. C. Maclieu was in Macon Monday and took occasion to say something good to the press lioys oi that city aland Brunswick. Col. Ma ••non always slags our praises it mat ids not where lie goes, au.l Bruns wick owes him a debt of gratitude she can never pay. We wish Col. Ma chen and bis enterprises the fullest measure of success. Some indication of the sad eonse uuences that may follow the strike arc given In the New York Journal. It says that Robert Hunter, head worker oi the University Settlement, predicts that 30 per cent, of the poor of New York wilt have to go without coal this winter, and fears tnat deprivation of coal, added to the high cost of food, will work suCn misery as- to cause riot ing among the desperate. - SOME STATISTICS. The poverty of the south is not a very, pleasant picture a> contemplate, says the Rome Tribune. Whin Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst alter his re turn from a tour of the south observed that we were "lamentably poor” he spoke a great truth. The September issue of “The World's Work” lias a very interesting article on Savings Hanks.” in this It as stated that there is a savings ac count for every two people in Massa elfusetts, one for every eighteen in the west, one for every forty-eight in the middle west and one lor every not! people ..1 tlio sotrfn. What a great difference! of course, this large disproportion in the south is largely duo to the ne rroes. But. the poor whites are. also, very numerous. Home of these make good wages, or salaries, but have no Idea of how to save their earnings. In • s respect certain dosses of south erji people have no idea of independence, or thrift in saving. Tim south is a vast missionary field foi fills teaching of the poorer classes to save. It Is even proposed to teach it in tup pm,lie schools. SUBSCRIPTION NOTICE. For the benefit of those who seem to have an erroneous idea aoout the subscription price and terras of the , News, we print the following as our ratos: One year, $5,00; six months. s2.sii; three months. $1.25; one month, ,50; one week, .15. The above, rates are payable strict ly in advance, but for the convenience of a large number of subscribers we do not collect some of the monthly hills until the end of the month. Subscribers who take Hie paper by the uuarler are required to pay sirict ly in advance or at. (lie end of each month. By paying In advance, the subscriber saves 25 cents. T'li ■ News will not furnish the paper three months and collect $1.25 at tile end of that time, hut must have it when the paper starts. LET’S STOP IT. With the exception of a great deni and work on the pari of tin- mayor, ■oiincilim n, city attorney and i h-rli of counell, we can see no great harm .ti the granting of franchises, but as • hesc gentlemen should not lie called upon to do extra work especially when there is no result, the News bulks it a good idea to stop the granting of what wo can appropriate ly call "bubble” franchises. Every few mouths some stranger -oaies here, employs an attorney and alter elaborate preparations and prom ises, goes before eoum il and asks for a franchise of some sort, mostly on ‘ho electric, railway line, but when the lime comes tor business the strati ger I ails to show up. to obviate a reoeemetice of this sort of foolishness, vvnj not make the next stranger put up some cash? Let s stop this "huhtrle' business, its lot of work; full of false promises and really no good nan come from it. tleueral tlobin said; “Shout am* shoot to kill, lie evidently doesn't iielievc in "play sojers." The Illinois editor who now lias the Bible running as a serial in his week ly paper lias come in contact with an unexpected snag. A bank officer of nis town has written the editor a tel ler, in which ho utvlaivs certain chap ters of the Bildo are nn..t for pub lication and gives notice of an inten tion !o apply for a writ of injunction to prevent their use. It is possibly true .-at occasional passages in the lb e would be regarded as somewhat broad if they appeared in a secular production and .. will be interesting to know in what light the courts will regard their newspaper publication.- .Savannah News. Clark, the well known colored bar ber, is better fitted to serve the pub lic than ever. Everything neat and - lean and up to date A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the beat lunch in the city, and this popular place sluuUd be .liber&lty patronized by the public. Swans Down Flour. ■ TUB BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. MISS MONIE BOWEY, No. 38 Perry Street. DETROIT, MICHIGAN. A couple of winters ago I slipped on a frozen sidewalk jtfOEiSSB and fell fiat on my back. On being examined I found that i had sustained internal inju- / f® ries which laid me up for more 'e- . JS than two months. After that I noticed that I had pains in ' the back and groin which I never had before. I doctored /Yfi/yjfc j and doctored for several ’ monlh f but as the P a ns <n- mu, Muni, Bomv. creased instead ot growing - - -- - - better I decided that I was not having the right treatment. Reading in the papers of the wonderful cures performed fay Wine of Cardui I wrote to one of the parties and received a very satisfactory reply and I immediately sent for tome. In a very short time I felt generally better and after seven weeks faithful use I was once more well and strong. I have never had a sick hour since and I daily bless your splendid medicine. MONIE BOWEY. INK OF CARDUI is one medi cine that should always be kept on hand in every home for ira l“mediate use when female weak ness first makes its appearance. Miss Bowey's painful aid dangerous accident would not have resulted go seriously had she taken Wine of Cardui promptly. WINE of CAUDVI A “BF Knew Wh#l to Do With It. A miserly landlord was going round collecting his rents the other day. At one house he wish greatly interested In a little girl who watched, open mouthed and open eyed, the business of paying over the money and accepting the re ceipt. He patted her on the head and start ed out to search his-pockets, saying, “I must see what 1 have got for you.” After searching ids pockets for some time lie at last brought from a remote corner a peppermint. As he bunded it to the girl he said, "And now what will you do with that?” The lit tie girl looked at it, then at him and replied, “Wash It.”—-London Answers. A rueful Rhyme, tt poisoned, lake mustard or salt, table spoon, tn a cap of warm water and swallow rlkht soon. For burns try borax and n wot bandage. too; If biisteia-d, then oil and dry flannel will do. For children's convulsions warm baths are Ilia rule; With castor oil dose, too, but keep the head cool. Givo strop of ipecac when croup 1* In store; For f ilntliig stretch patient rlßht out on the floor. To soak in hot water is best for n sprain; Remember those rules, ami 'twill save you much pain. Discerning; Germs. “What is this stuff?" asked the testy husband, sputtering over it mouthful of tite strange dish which he finds on the breakfast table, “That,” answers the thoughtful wife, “is the new health food.” “it ought to lit; healthy,” declares the tinslinnd. "i’ll bet no germ of any sense would try to live on it!”—Balti more American. Very Cl on**. “1 was surprised to hear you speak ing against Flymskyn. Yon told me some time ago be was your nearest friend.” “TliaFs so. lie couldn’t be nny nearer than be Is, the stingy old beggar!” First Yacht Nancy’s not at nil mod est, von know. Second Vaclil 1 low’s that? First Vaclil - She was seen lingering the Jersey coast as she passed in.—New York Times. Wanted. Wo would biio to ask throught the columns oi your paper, if there is any person who has used Green's .-ugust Flower for the euro of ln...gosUon. Dyspepsia and Livoc frouoles that has not been cured-- ahu wo also mean tneir results, such as sour stomach, k ineiuation u. food, nahltital costive ness nervous dyspepsia, headaches, de spondent feelings, sleeplessness—in fact, and trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This meuicine nas bee” sold for many years in all civil ized - ouiitrlos. and we wish to corres pond witu you and senu you one of our books free of cost. If you have never tried August Flower, try one bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is the matter with you. Ask your druggist. G. C. Green, Woodbury, N. J. RESTAURANT, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters in any style. Everything new and clean. OPEN TILL 12 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. When you want a load of good wood for 75 cents, 'phone i3B-3, or call at yard, corner I street and Cochran ave. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. Wine of Cardui makes wo men more womanly by cur ing their weakness and mak ing them stronger. Wine of Cardui cured Miss bowey. Asa medicine for all women in every trying period of their lives tan you think of a better medicine for yourself, your sister, your daughter or your mother ? Can you think of a more acceptable present to give your friend than a bottle of this medicine which will bring her health and happiness? You are suffering ? Your duty is to rid yourself of this pain. If your daughter, mother, sister or friend is sick and in need of relief, your duty is equally great to them. Many women, now well, owe their lives to friends who brought them Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui is adapted to wo men at any age in any walk of life. For the working woman it gives her strength for her tasks and better treatment than a doctor for very small cost. Your druggist will sell you a SI.OO bottle of Wine of Cardui. Secure the medicine today. Take it in the privacy of your home. Relief will come to you as surely as you take it. ONE CENT AWRD If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that ha* been lost, or want some- Using that someone else has, ad vertise In this column. FOUND. —Large stonn key. Appty at this office. FOR KENT. —Eight room,4ol (3 street, corner A; also lui nr. rooms. Apply 4,j G street. LOST —Or stolen, Sterling bicycle number 1291 x. Was stolen from my home. Liberal reward for its return. C. M. Flanders, 710 George Street. FOR SALE—Rubber stamps, seals, stinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 212 Newcastle strseL FOR RENT. —A targe well-furnished room; electric lights and bath. Gen tlemen preferred. 703 Union street. Mrs H. E. Lucas. WANTED. — Lady to act as cashier in first-class restaurant. Must ..ave good references. Address, W., care News. FOR RENT. — Desk room on ground floor. Gooff, location. Address F., care News. WANTED--Young man who can write short hanu and assist in office work. Address J. J. J., News Office. LOST— Ladles stick-pin in shape of two dollar and a half gold p*, e with monogram. Finder will be rewarded by returning to THIS OFFICE. WANTED. An experienced seam stress capable of doing tailor work on skirts. Apply at onee tn MRS. M. tv A AC. 208 Newcastle street. FOR RENT,—-A seven room Hat with alt modern improvements. Ap ply at the Arcade, 210 Gloucester St. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it Malarial Germ. It can be seen chaaging red blood yellow under mierftscope. It works day ami ■light. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on. Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then -but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this you low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands—lt will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. For sav t v Sm ith’s Pharmacy *’ Buand Treasury department, office of the Supervising Architect Washington, D. C., August 21, 1902. Sealed proposals will be re ceived at this office until 2 o'clock, I>. m. on the 19th day of September, 1902, and tnen opened, for the in stallation of a conduit and eiecti.c wiring system for the U. S. custom house and postoffice at Brunswick, Georgia, in accordance with the draw ings and specifications, copies oi which may be obtained at this office or at the office ot the superintendent of construction at Brunswick, Georgia at the discretion of the supervising architect. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR. Supervising Architect. Send to 504 Monk street or ring pnone 2532. Jim Carter secured the very best me thods and preparations for cleaning clothes. Send your clothes to him. —THE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, Lstimatos Furnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Julius May is selling Wilson whis key at SI.OO per WILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY, WILSON WHISKEY, V, 11 SON WHISKEY, At Juuus May's at SI.OO per quart. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish to buy. sell or rent a machine of any description? You will find it to ye ar Interest to call t u me. Can sell you a typewwriter at such a price and on auea terms that, you will not miss the money. U. It JEWETT. New Methods Are always being adopted lor the benefit of customers at Jim Carter s ciothes-cleaning establishment. King telephone h 032. NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Br trowitch, 422 Newcastle street will j recover it for SI,UO anu guarantee it to be equal to any new $2,50 um brella. lie also umbrellas bo order. Rob Roy Flour has no equal. ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT H. SELIO'S. 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272-3. If you want your ieyale repaired right bring it to an ea, erieqeei work man. it. J Ole wine, 603 Gloucester street Until further notice this company will close its office at 6 o’clock p. m. and no deliveries will be made after that hour. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. A fine lot of pampas grass plumes, Wii-ie or goldm tor sale at 10c each. J. 1011 I> Street. Why pay SI.OO for a bottle of ordi nary vvhwiskey when you can get the genuine Wilson's at Julius May’s for $1.00? Why pay $1.50 for a whiskey when you can get Wilson's at Julius May’s for $1.00? Something new—quinine shampoo for ladies Get It at Clark's barber s*op., Largest load of wood in the city for 75 cents. Ring phone 138-3 or call 'phone 138-3 or call at yard, corner avenue. Gale Seminary. Begins its school year September • , 1902. Primary. Academic, College Preparation; Music Ait, and Elocu tion. system of Education thorough and progressive, the excellence ot its mor at entitling unsurpassed. MAtTIE J. GALE, SADIE It. GAI.E. rriiieipalK. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by druggist (1. W. Roberts, ot Elizabeth. W. Va. An old man there had long suffered what good doctors pronounced cancer. They believed his < ■as till he used Electric Hitters and applied Buckleu's Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and mi crobe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseasee, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c., salve 25e. at all druggists. Notice is directed to the advertise ment of A. Zelmenovitz in this issue This popular grocer can save you mon ey. Try him on your next order. you want a load of good wood for 75 cents, pnone i„a-3. or ca„ at yard, corner I street and Cochran ave. Regular Through Trains on B. & B. Regular through trails are now be ing run on the B. & B. from Brunswick to Offerman. 'tn e train is a mixed one, and the passenger and freigut traffic is good, theß.& B, is moving forward steadily, and is doing goo., work for Brunswick. Through Cars to Savannah. To accommodate the increasing trav el between Brunswick and Savannah the Soutaern Railway will hereafter operate two extra coaches on the train leaving Brunswick at 6:25 a. m. every Bundty, tc go through without change. This will insuie a comfortable trip for all who desire to gpend the day in Sa vannah. SEPTEMBER 3. When you visit Savannah tail and Have you Lyes l vumined i pro}M-rly mid glasses fitt-mi Mutt nor alone Improve your Vision but will Preserve your Sight. Dr. VI. SCHWAB & SOM Street.. XCluf is business 'Scud With Us? Iseeauhe we are competent, and accurate in uiir prescription =|l pa runout, and all the doctors and tool that when a bottle label it contains just what scribed and the best and drugs—never any adulterations, stltutlons or changes. The best ;aff purest for the sick and suffering is w watchword in compounding preserfl lions. V Our trade is continually increasing from the practice of the above meth ods. Follow the crowds arid you will surely fetch up in good company at Hunter-Sale CrugGo. ’PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Drugs iftellevue SJmk. Tula celebrated tonic Is in growing demand. The season of the grea'cst need is approaching. Indigestion, .'bi liousness, Jaundice, Chilli ant Fever, Dick Headache, pains in tne buck and kidneys all depend upon malaria, and Bellevue Tonic cures them all iu any form, W. J, BUTTS, The Drugs l ®*. \vnon you want a load of good wooS f0r.75 cents, ’pnone 138-3, or call ai yard, corner 1 street and „oeh:au ave. The Dirt Comes Out In stead of going in. when you send jour clothes to Jint Carter. Let hi-, boy come for jour clothes. Puone 2532. I DON'T MONKEY WiTH THE BUZZ SAW. J®T V -.1 w. vx by buying lumber of unreliable deal ers. When you want anything iu lum ber come to us. We will fill your ol der accurately and promptly. We will give you just the lumber you want at. just the right price. You can always i save money by. placing your order with us. Phone 197. Lang & W ood. PLANING MILL. 'Phone 187. For ta-diiornbl. iy.ffe# Mrs. .1. It. Walter, 5 1 I First WH| ihr-■ d<K>!s ft-oui n- MjnXjM reasonable. Swan s Down is Lae fu.est^M Wheat patent Hour. AM