The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, September 03, 1902, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY MORNING. Baby Go-Oarts and Carriages. A specie drive on go-carts for this week. Baby’s health is, or should be, a source of much consideration. Lay \_A early the foundation of a life free from Physical ailments by giving your J•* child every possible opportunity to ULf^f jWMp7. take advantage of health giving ole- - incuts. Fresh air and sunshine are Hff 1 absolutely essential to baby's wel- LjjjsffijfljfflL P. fare, and are the two best anil most inexpensive doctors to be had. Let W&Mj y ns show you our carts for the little C. MeGARVEY, 316 Newcastle Street. TRULY “A GRAND OLDWHISKEY” . 1 * 1.1. I* the famoua feMAM OF KENTUCKY. wholnom* end eold oh eaper than any other whlakey of Ue or quality. Sold In Brun swick only by I. TRAGER & CO., Distillers. * * >i *1 al-? Offices, Cincinnati, 0., U. S. A. ■ A. ARNHEITER, i ; N „ . Wholeaale and Retail Dealer In £ggl ! t - ; / Schwarzchlld & Sulzberger Beef Co/a'll*; L iS-iC Western Beef, y Pork and Mutton. . * " Fresh Poultry. Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Groceries; ! ~ *<T! Fresh Eggs from the Country. All goods sent eut nice and ct ean. of everything for the model housekeeper. , 207 Monk St. ’Phone 89 C. Downing, President. E. H. Mason, Vice-President E.D.Walter, Cashier, The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA. CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and lota! RESOURCES In excess or ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of legitimate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firm* and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compounded quar terly. Interest bearing ceriflcates of deposit issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANK ERS’ MONKf ORDER ASSOCIA TON” are cheaper and more convenient than postoftice or express. BOWEN & THOMAS, Contractors £?nd Builders of Stong* Brick and Frame Buildinj^F^ MANUFACTURERS OF CRWKNT TILE ANB ARTIFICIAL ST (ONE VAI !i)— 1 -. “ ' - Jl - " - r “ J. M. BURNETT, WHOLESALE Lbxe ) Grain and Provisions, Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed. early closing notice. The undersigned banka wili close at ONE o’clock p. in. SATURDAYS between May 15 and October 1. The National Bank of Brunswick E. D. Walter, Cashier. The Brunswick Bans. & Trust Cos., . H. W. Gala, Cashier. Y LADIES. BEWARE! E you are particular folks, anil should Lve your dresses cleaned only by ■tn (tarter, who does good 7ork. ■bone 253.2. ALANS’ DOWN FLOUR IS THE Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine of any description? You will find it to your interest to call en me. Can sell you a typewwriter at such a price and on such terms that you will not miss the money. C. H. JEWETT. Rob Roy flour suits the ladies. Netiee te Matter*. The News will publish ship notices at $1.50. It Is the enly legal medium through which these neUee* can be published. _ „ 1 THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. Oticura Resolvent PIUS CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS (Chocolate Coated, 60 doses, 25c.), are anew, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid CUTI CURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid RE SOLVENT. Put up in screw-cap pocket vials, con taining 60 doses, price, 25c. CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, and digest ive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most suc cessful and economical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives yet compounded. Complete Treaimcßi $i Complete external ami internal treatment for every humour, consisting ofCirnimiA Soap, 25c., to cleanse tlio skin ol crusts ami scales, and soften the thickened cut icle; Cutjcura Ointment, 50c., to in stantly allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and heal; and Cin cura Rksolvrnt Pills, 25c,, to cool and cleanse the blood. A Single Set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, dis figuring, itching, burning, and scaly skin, sculp, and blood humours, eczemas,rashes, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. Cutict.'ra Rem unit s re sold throughout tho world. British Depot: 27-28, Charter ho uh Sq., London. F ranch Depoti !> Hue do la I’aix, Paris. Potter Deco ahd Culm. Corf., Bole Props., Boston, U. S. A. |\ N .OCEAN TRIP [To NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL EASTERN RESORTS S OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LOW RATES— Sri FRioK Srrvi<-b 50 Hours of Ocean Breezes 3 Sailings each WeeH from Savannah, Ga. I T?i fttpaniflhina of tills Popular Line- incom } parable in Npwd, Service or AppolntinanU, < jfrr Ia acliphtful route—lnexpensive m e>Mt, < f in enjoy month-from all Southern points hr u 1 short rail journey to Savannah ami f.O hsuraof \ co °K wilt air to New York. r Won Rati*, Reservation*. Acvir i j* Matte*. Itc., To L Loral Thibet A*-nu In Rrutmwlek. f W,G. Brewer, €. T. k P. a. W. M. TUPPE.R & CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agent*. Lighterage, Towing and Marine In surance. Correspondence Solicited BRUNSWICK. GA. T.a.iies if you want to see every thing and up-to-date In fancy work, just go to Miss lvato ery parlors. Swan’s Down flour Is ha best. Miss Kate Slater has in a lino line or The Kromico hats—ready-to-wear hats, .race for travel. Call and In spect her new goods. Rob Roy flour is the best on the market. WOODFORD MABRY, Attorney-A t-Baw. Special attention given to the col lection of accounts. Office in Austin building. Swans Down flour. Miss Kate Slater has the newest ready to wear hats, the Kromico. Call and see them. Rob Roy Flour 1* good Quinine shampoo, the latest for ladies’ hair. For sale only at Clark’s tonsorial parlors. Swan'* down flour, absolutely pure; try It. fil IF% t £ I B Morphine sad Whisk e f 8 ill |lf| fcffYwtstreated without prik. I I 111 EV| orrfiMifinanomt, curej-tmi- I Iwl t I at Sanitarium or uc pay. B. H VKAL. MaeTgr Lttihia sprint# Care Cos., tuawer A, Boraajtreatsaept sent if preferred. Om<“>poudencn sfHtßy conMaatial. THE BEST SERVICE. Jim Carter has just returned to the city from his northern trip and is in a position to give the very best ser vice in clothes cleaning to be found anywhere. He has secured the agency of the very best tailoring "hou ses and it will pay all to examine his fine line of samples before purchas ing elsewhere. WILSON’S PHOTO STUDIO— Once more epen for business. I beg leave to announce that I have returned and am ready for business. Everything of the very latest style and fin ish will be found at the studio. 502 Gloucester street. J. B. Ulyth, man ager, Wilson Studio. POULTRY POINTERS. The best eggs are tbe result of a meat diet. Weak legs come from forced growth, high feeding and close confinement. Use no deformed or weak fowls for breeding and do not keep the same cock more than one season. A molting hen seldom lays. She can not be supplying eggs while the strain of growing new feathers Is upon her. Avery fat ben seldom lays anything but soft shelled eggs. Apoplexy and egg bound are the result of excessive fat. Leaves and bay chaff make excellent litter for the floors, and by throwing grain among it fowls are often kept busy scratching. Keep the fowls away from the barns, stables and carriage houses. In such places they are nuisances; besides they are more comfortable in a place by themselves. Hens must have carbonate and phos phate of lime for their shells, and these will be found in old plastering, broken oyster shells and bones, with some of tbe meat and gristle attached. A Persian Dinner. A traveler in Persia thus describes a (firmer served In tbe household of a wealthy Persian; “Tbe chief dish con sists of a fowl boiled to rags, surround ed by u toothsome mass of rice, hard boiled eggs, fried onions, almonds and raisins. There is a Shiraz wine, clear, golden red liquid that has traveled over the mountain passes on muleback In a huge glass carboy. Among the dessert manna has a conspicuous place. Tills delicacy Is somewhat akin to nougat; It is studded with walnuts and almonds and is jaw sticking to the last degree. Like the mango, it is best eaten in private, for It renders the mas ticator speechless. It is made of gum that exudes from a tree and is said to be engendered by a worm.”—Chicago News. Fertile Culm. In Cuba cabbages frequently weigh ns much as twenty pounds. All vege tables do well. Radishes may be eaten from fourteen to eighteen days after sowing, lettuce in live weeks after sowing, while corn produces three crops per year. Sweet potatoes are perpetual. The natives dig up the tubers, cut them off and plant the old vines, which produce anew crop in three months. All sorts of fruit, horti cultural and greenhouse plants and bulbous stock are also grown. I)n m in*til in; Ilf* Arilor. Desperate Suitor—Sir, 1 have reached that stage where I can no longer live without your daughter. Heartless Parent—Well, I don't con sider suicide a crime, young man, hut you mustn’t hang around hero.—Chi cago News. A Paradox. Belle—What a lovffly bulldog! Nan—l think lie's horrid looking. Bello—Ob, Imt bulldogs aren’t lovely unless tliey’re horrid looking.—Detroit Free I Tvs*. Not a pound of all the coal burned In Switzerland is dug within the borders of that country. Largest load of wood in the city for 7a cents. Ring ’phone 138-2 or call ’phone 138-3 or call at yard, corner avenue. Rob Roy flour gives th best results. Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy I will share the office with Mr. C. W. Deming, next door to Dr. Uurrought on Newcastle street. C. H. JEWETT. University of Georgia. The 102d session of the University of t’ne state will open on September 18th. This institution is organized in three departments, Academic, Law and Agricultural. There is no tuition to residents of the state except in the Jaw school. In agriculture the courses have been increased and enlarged so as to embrace a short winter course, a one-years course and a full course. Room is furnished in both the old and new dormitories free, and excellent hoard is supplied in Denmark Hall at SB.OO per month. Chancellor W. B. Hill will he lad to supply a handsome hook and catalogue on appucatlon. Notice. I beg to announce to my friends and the public that I have removed my business from Newcastle street to Og lethorpe and Bay streets, between Gloucester and Monk. I shall be pleased to serve all who use feed, and can supply them in quan tities or from one sack or bale to car loads, to suit any one’s wants, at the lowest possible prices. Telephone U3. J. M. BURNETT. Rob Roy flour is th* best. Have you tried it? Summer suw School UNIVERSITY OI VIRGINIA. In Virginia mountain*. &xi Summer. .Inly Ito Septum* 1*T1.130i5. Jty tho Ixtw Kiioiilty. IG lnful to beginner*; to '-fwifliflatAH for thi* linr; and to practitioner* who lihtc, lacked ayafeiriatic Infraction. For catalogue, addreb*' U. C. Nll.NOft. Houretaryi Charlottesville* v *. J. W. CONOLY, Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office. 307 Newcastle Strrot. Notice. I will be out of the city until Sep tember 25 and during that ume my dental olhce will be closed. C. M. GOWAN. Jim Carter has returned to the city and is giving all work sent to his shop personal supervision. “Let the E3 GOLD \ 1 miMM GOLD DUST solves the problem of easy dish washing. It cuts grease and cleans dishes better than anything else. Does its work quickly, well and economically. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, New York, Boston, St. Louis.- —Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. First Class Service and Quick Schedules to Birmingham, Nashville, Evansville, Chicago, Louisville, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and all points West and Northwest, Mobile, New Orleans and all points Southwest. For Schedules, rates and Sleeping Car Reservations, apply to J. M. FLEMING, Florida Passenger Agent, C. L. STONE, G. P. A., 206 West Bay Street, Louisy/.lle, Ky. Jacksonville, Fla. THE TORNADO SEASON IS UPON ua STORM INSURANCE Protects at Small Cost. INSURE NOW. DON’T DELAY. J. A. MONTGOMERY & CO. Tne popular Realesiate and Insurance agency. Phone J 34-3. 302 Gloucester St. Notice of Removal. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy l will share the office with Mr. C. W. Darning, next door to Dr. iiorousha, on Newcastle street. C. H. JEWETT. Largest load of wood in the city for 75 cents. Ring ’phone 138-3 or call ’phone 138-3 or call at yard, corner avenue. Rob Roy flour. The sensible housewife will always use Rob Roy flour. W E. PORThR, 1007 (i Stroetf painter and paper hanger. Sigas ol any description. Agent for wall-pape mills. Drop me a postal. Phone 289-3 .STEINWAY AND MATHUSEK PIANOS The Best Piano and Organ Now On the Market For the Money SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. 8. J. OLEWINE, Agent. SEPTEMBER 3, Jjißr *> on WHY SUFFER * From colds, coughs, r’hematism and other ills that are sure to come as fall approaches. Relief if not certain cure is within easy reach. Our stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES Contains all the well known specifies for these troubles. What you or your doctor want can he quickly supplied. We deliver calls to your physician as promptly as possible if you will phono 22° SMITH’S PHARMACY "" K '•itPSSs TO ESCAPE FROM POOR PbUMB -ING is easy if one wishes to do so. It’s simply a question of WHO’S YOUR PLUMBER? Settle that by engaging us to do all necessary work and there will be no flimsy material or defective workman ship. Upon the completeness, effec tiveness and durability or our work de pends our reputation. We cannot risk this through failure to please. A. H. BAKER, 206 Gloucester, Street. If you need a typewriter of and des cription come to see me before buying I can save you money. Terms rea sonable and satisfaction guaranteed. C. H. Jewett. Try Rob Roy flour.