The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, September 10, 1902, Image 4

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The name of our shoe for Tough _ Boys. Sizes $2.00, Our Fall Line of Burt & Packard Men's Shoes are in. Correct Shape." 53.50 and 84.00 V , Only at •Accuracy Exactness. ► We flo not guess about anythtng"7n ¥ our prescription department. We use accurate welgius and measures. We also use oxaet methods in compound ing the various Ingredients into the ► fncdulne as it is when ready to take. ► And then we are always precise in ► checking over the prescription as a y final precaution to make sure tout y everytiung Is all right. Wo are going into details in this way just to show you how thorough we aro In every part of our prescrip ► tion work. THOROUGHNESS is ex a< lly too word. We want and Invite you to bring or send all of your prescriptions here to Im lllind. W. J. BUTTS, THE DRUGGIST, New Telephone Subscribers. The following new telephones have been connected since distribution of last directory: No. 2X2-2- Win. M. linker, residence. No. 337 —E. Burdette, residence. No. 219 F. 11. Chandler, residence. No. 279-1 Henry Glrvin, residence. No. 183-3- .1. S. Savage, residence. No. 2(17-5 15. S. Tabbott, residence. No. 14(1-3 McDanany & Cos. Fortune Favors a Texan. “Having distressing pains in head, back and stomnen, and noing without appetite, I began to use Or King's New l.ife Pills," writes W. I’. White head of Kennedale. Tex., “and soon felt like n new man.” Infallible In stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c at all druggists. Feed! Feed! Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran, Cotton Seed Hulls, PURI AKA. FEED. Everything at wholesale prices. Gasoline 5 gals. 95 c. A. ZELMEiNOVITZ. Corner t and L Sts. Phone 205, i Just Received i A ~ £ A Beautiful Line * * £ OF A it a AMOSKEAG DRESS GINGHAMS. £ CHIVIOTS AND ZEPHIRES A We Show Them Cherfulty. A jd.H. HeHep& Bro.; * 220 Newcastle. 302 Biy \ % A Parson's Noble Act. "I want all the -world to know," writes Rev. O. J. Bud tong, of Aahaway. R. 1., "what a thoroughly good and re liable medicine I found in Electric Bitters. They cured me of jaundice and liver troubles that had causer! me great suffering for many years. For a genuine, all-round cure tn< y ex eel anything I over saw." Electric Bitters are the surprise of alt for their wonderful work in Liver, Kid 11 ey and Stomach troubles. Don’t tail to try them. Only 50 ets. Satisfac tion is guaranteed by ail druggists. For Sale. The Franklin place on Monk street on easy terms. Large house and beautiful lot. BROBSTON, FENDIG &. CO. dome dedal slews 7(ctes. The Southern Girl. Her eyes Would match the southern skies When southern sides are bluest; Her heart Will always take Its part Where southern hearts are truest. Her voice, By nature and by choice, E'en those who know her slightest. Will And A@ soft as gpuuiern winds, When southern winds are lightest. Brignt .pearls, die gems of southern girls. Her winning smile discloses: Her cheeks. When admiration speaks. Are only southern roses. Her laugh As light a: wind or chaff, flieaks clear at witty sallies. As brooks Run bubbling through the nooks Or all her southern valleys. —".). 0." in New Orleans Picayune. • • .Miss Aline Jeffers Is visiting in Ml. Pleasant. * # • Mrs. T. J. Wrignt is visiting in uortu Georgia. • ,• m Mrs. A. L. Franklin is enjoying a visit to Clarkes vllle. m m m Mr, W. J Hodgson, of Waycross. is the gues( of Mrs. V. Jeffers. * * * Mrs. J. S. ttaynionrl wit! retain tiortly from a visit to Nova Scotia. * * V William TDnry is the name given to the little son of Mr. and Mrs, K. H. Dudley, ,lr. • * * Mrs 4' J. OTerrel .has rettfritcsi from si pleasant visit to relatives am' tiiendH in Atlanta. m ■ • Mr. and Mrs. W N. Orambling am their children are the guesis of Mis. V. .1, rr. I for a few .ays. • * • •I Alfred Comes, of Mobile, is the guest of 'his parents, Mr. and Mr G. W. Coates for a, few days. • • • Misses Eileen Jenkins and Beulah Ellenwood leave Sunday to spend some time visiting in Atlanta, Macon and Savannah. • * • The regular meeting of mo Oak Grove ■ emetevy society will be held ibis afternoon at 5 o’clock In the rha l'd- Mrs. O. f). Wilder, tne presi dent desires a full attendance. Mrs. 11. 11, McAllister and Miss Sadie MsAlllstor left yesteruav for Mlllcdgpville. W icrc Miss .... Glister will enter scnool. Before' returning to .'Brunswick, Mrs. McAllister will visit Augusta. * * * For late summer and eaiiy fall, the most important part of a costume is the neck finish. The girl who does not pay attention to these accessories makes a big mistake. A quantity of new neck ruches, stocks, collars etc., tides one ov'er tne between seasons time, when one's gowns, are passer and i! is yet too early to wear new fall clothes. ,stocks of while inadras, cheviot or other materials of this or der are favored and some have the ends embroidered wit a emblems of Soil, ping pong or college Hags. Boas oi silk liberty choffon, or are popular, some with life cape on the shoulder and long streamers. For mid season wear, the ever use ful pongee or foulard gown is recom mended. One of brown foulard wife, white polka-dots, trimmed in cream laee made a very stylish and suitable rosin mo for gone mi wear. An exchange told recently of a new fad that women have adopted, that of being charitable in speech as well as in deed, the "truer charity, after all. If this departure be ft fad. Tug may ii live am) thrive. Out of the motley throng of fads, good and bad. -silly and sensible, here is ~no truly good and truly sensible, good lor the world and for the women who adopt it. The "new thought" and the work 01 Ralph Waldo Trine and others of the now school of philosophy who preach the Christ-spirit (not the inconsistent and ufichristlike inter pretation of Christianity that has mar red the world), are doubtless respon sible for this new cult. It is im.eed. a wholesome and commendable cult and let us hope that its influence wilt spread even 10 the remotest hamlet, wnoro as in the great city, woman's chief topic is apt to he some other woman’s (or man's) failings and fol lies. * * * This ha.>it is one (hat grows rapid ly ami waxes strong and its hurtful ness is immeasurable, not merely to tue one attacked, but to the critic herscif. It rebounds at last, like a boomerang, losing her the confidence and friendship of those to whom she confided her criticisms, tor they nat urally label her as dangerous, not to be trusted. Two charming women, noted for their golden charity of speech, and each most lovable and popular, gieatly because of it, re cently discussed this subject with me writer over our glasses of iced tea on a shady veranda. Earn advocated the spread of the new “fad” and one called the writer’s attention to the article mentioned and hence this lit tle sremon. Largest load of wood in the city for 75 cents. Ring phone 13S-3 or call ’phone 13S-3 or call at yard, corner avenue. Swan’B Down flour is he best. Read the News’ Want Column. TE3 BROKE STICK DAILY NEW*. There is nothing going on in court. eircies in Glynn county at present. Not even the justice court is in ses sion. The weather prophet promises bet ter weather today and says it will probably be clear. He has said this all along. Rice birds are in season now and it is said that the d, Cerent rice planta tions in this county are filled with the birds. Many hunting parties are out daily. The Riflemen will hold their regu lar weekly meeting in their armor?" tonight. Hereafter the company will hold meetings and drills every Wed nesday night. The Augusta gravel ordered by the city last, week will prohab.y be here wuoin the next few days. It will be used on Newcastle street from the corner of F to Morgan’s drug store. Brobston, Fendig & Company, of this city, will conduct a big auction sale of town property in Douglass shortly. Six hundred lots in tne center of the city will be sold from the block. Guy Tabbott, who had such a strug gle with a burglar early yesterday morning, received several bad bruises about the face In the difficulty. He ays 'he thinks the burglar was n negro. No more burglaries were reported last night, but people in every see- Gon of tne eily arc now on the watch for the thieves. It seems to lie one oi two who are doing the robbing and they are well organized. At 1< ast fit teen houses have been entered during the past two or three weeks. Will Build Residence. T'apt. W, S. Bull has sold to Mr. I.eo Altholmer the cottage on Madison street which the former has occupied with his family for a number of years past. Gapt. Bull w, soon negin the erection of a handsome residence on Bine street, corner of Madison, and Mr. Altheimer and family will occupy their newly purchased cottage- .vi liany Herald. rHERE THEY Bran New Coeanuts, (fresh from the trees.) N. Y. Sickle Pears, 30 cents half peck. Fancy N. Y. "Apples. New Tokay Grapes. LLOYD S - 355-2. 211 Newcastle St. ROB ROY FLOUR IS ThE BEST. Cheap to Jacksonville. On account,* of the turpentine opera tors convention at aacKsonvllle, Sep tember 10 and 11, the B. & B. will -ell round trip ticket to Jacksonville September 8 and !), goo a until Septem ber 11. for one fare lor the round trip. This will afford tne people of Brunswick a splendid opportunity to visit the Fiorina Metropolis. For rates call on B. J. POKD, City ticket agent. Notice. Having bought out Mr, F. H. Mai land's interest in the forwarding busi ness. 1 have this day formed a part nership wi.ii W. H. Whaley and will corttinue the business under the title of W. H. Whaley & Cos., and respect fully ask a continuance of the fr.uron age of our friends. c. A NOYES. \ Notice. * have this day disposed of a!! of my interests in the Arm of F. II Mal lard Av. 0.. to Mr. C. A. Noyes, who will continue in the business' Ail liabilities due by tire above Ann will lie paid by him and all debts due the above Arm will be collected by him. F. H. MALLARD. SpeciaJ Rates to New York. From October 3rd to 6th, inclusive, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to New York anil return at the exceeding low rates of $21.25. For further information, schedules, and sleeping ear accommodations call on. . C. 1.. CANDLER, General Agent. fi •: at £ 312 NEWCASTLE STREET. IYOU WILL FIND THE NEW ► CONCENTRATED MALTED FOOD, MALT A-V IT A. ► F r THOMAS KEANY, F ‘Phone 11. 312 Necastle. F For fashionable dressmaking go to Mrs. J. R. Walter, 511 First avenue, three doors from Newcastle. Terms reasonable. LI I FLE LOCAL LINES. WE OFFER FOR 3 DAYS, Monday-Tueed ay-- Wednesday a MEN'S MERCERIZED LISLE HALF HOSE in Biack, Tan and Solid Colors at 19 e. These are our regular 25ct. values. A glimpse will convince you. These goods talk for themselves. Get clos er to them and convince yourself. KAISER’S. PERSONAL POINTS. 11. S. McCrary is back from a visit in Gainesville. .1. A Ward, of ll'ader. vs- in the oily yesterday. W. T. Cooper, of Atlanta, was in too city yesterday. T W. Holmes, of Dalton, is pond ing a few days in the city, M. A. Halo r, leaves this moinin; on a business trip to lack.son Vi lie. •E. F. Carl or. a will known Savon na’iiian, spent yesterday in th< city. J. J. Parks, of Pendarvis. On., war among the visitors to me city vector day. Geo. it, Kraus*, who has been v< ry ill, was considerably improved yes ter lay. .1 It. Young, the well known naval stores man of Savannah, was in the city yesterday. W. J. Butts, the druggist, leaves mis evening to spend a week or ten day,; at Tate Springs. Agent Ford, nf fhF S. \ L. and B. & I!., was out of the city yesterday on railroad business. S. A. Sri-cr returned vest* rday from a visit :o the east. He also spent some time in Canada. F. E. Twitty leaves this evening for a several week's vacation to lie spent at Tallulah Falla and other points. L. M. Terrell, of the railway mail service department, who has been in the city for two or three days, left last night for Washington. =JEWELRY. j j DIAMONDS. ; I WATCHES j and a 1 complete line , f of the - t Rogers’ Knives, F Forks, Spoons, Etc, -i £ Fine repairing. l mm mo it, o. o r 3 ► The Leading Jeweler, l 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. >- Inspector of watches for the 1 ► Southern and Bh 11 Railways. J ► Keeper city clock. Time" i- by wire daily 4 at 11 a. m. I We Offer | THE OLD RELIABLE [“Charter Oak” Range, ► Beautifully Nickled lrimed. At,Only I $35-00. I 0,, ' 1s an<l onds in rugs, window shades. rope portieres at ‘ > your ownprires. < \Jt. ZM. Jflilkr & don. SEPTEMBER 10. All the , I GOOD THINGS 4 i l r , / • ~ 'MI WK ; Of t hi- lit. are In In- loiunßifj^r i In-re iii our store.. | | Otir groceries iced very little * praising. 1 _ j TYioy sell on their own ' MERITS j and tnoir increasing popularity, and our very reasonable price are making 11s talked about in just the manner we DESIRE If f Our greatest aim is to sell the I beut groceries in Brunswick at I the very lowest possible prices, | i t Give us a trial and bt CONVIi'! CED.' l Phone 158. ■ ' I If it's good to e*t, wo bavte it. Rob Roy Flour has no equal. A Boy's Wild Ride For Life i VViih family around expecting hinr I to die. and a son riding for life, 18 I miles, to get Dr. King's New nn~ o\- | 't.v for Consumption. Coughs and ; Cold.-, W, H. Brown, of LcesviHe. ; !nd.. endured death’s agonies from as Afuna but t C ■ u: # jp'.im. Hi- *•! now -'V ovot y n, '"t." I. !: . ;,i : eu'<-~ jof Consumption, Pneumonia, Brouchi jtis. Coughs. Colds ami Grip prove .-s | matchless merit for all Tar oat and : Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles | =oe and’?].oo. Trial bottles free, at i all druggists.