The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, September 14, 1902, Image 10

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SUNDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWB PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising ratea made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at halt the regular rates. Advertisers desiring their adl dis continued must notify the office In writing. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mall tree of charge to all ->arts of the United Slates and Can ada, Mexico. Porto Rico, Guam. Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month 9 .60 Six Months , 2.60 One . ear 6.00 Phone l*S. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., poitofficft, al second-class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Giynn county. Hi PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. The Daily News this morning con tains 20 page—See that you get it all. JURY JUGGLING. The jury commissioner or commis sioners who place the jury box in the line with mrty politics should hold no public office —city or county. Now tell ua honestly, “Who dole the grand Jury cardsT ' Was the grand jury list made up be fore the commissioners met? 'Phut same Jury polluting is going to cause some man to become Jobless. Was that grand Jury list prepared in the commissioner's office or In some other {iffice? In connection Vith that jm-y box rascality the News Is going to call some names later on. If the devil has reserved seats for hypocrites the Brunswick contingent will use nine tenths of them. The News asserts that there was dirty politics in the revision of the Jury box and it is proving it every day. Home of the jury commissioners had nothing to do with the grand jury drawing. But some did and it is the latter wo are after. They say a grand juror must lie a property owner. Three men whose names were dropped from the list are worth not less than $50,000. In every assertion it has made about that jury box. the News has facts to hack and at the proper time wc arc going to tell some secrets. The court house officials should sing "The jury commissioners were certainly good to us.” Most of these officials arc in the grand jury box. it is reported that Borne of the jury commissioners are going to resign. It Is the proper thing to do. those who had nothing to do with the dirty revision show tneir disapproval by re signing. The secret of any city's success— trade at home. Some people are asking—" What is ail this about the jury revision?" it is simply that the present jury box is stuffed. * The Bedford (Va.) Democrat illus trates President Roosevelt’s position in regard to the trusts, tellfng the sto ry of the Kentucky girl and her doubt ing lover. "Salty, do you love me?*’ said he. She thoughtfully replied: “Sorter—and sorter not; but a little more sorter not tnan sorter.” So Mr. Roosevelt seems to be sorter against the trusts and sorter not. and rather more sorter not. TURNING ON THE LIGHT. In the Investigation that the News has made with reference to the recent revision of the grand and petit jury boxes, there has been unearthed traces of political mladeeds In connection with this sacred function of the people that would bring blushes to even those who participated in that famous in quisition that made Spain barbarous, brutal and unscrupulous. As we have said before, and we wish it distinctly understood, now there is no tinge of political affiliation or factionalism in the posilion we arc tak ing in this matter, but when one man, or even two, or three, can gather together and with one "fell swoop-’ divest their fellowmen of that great car dinal and sovereign right accorded him by the great constitution of his country—jury service—then it is time for an honest, independent and fear less press to call to account these men for the reprehensible deed they have perpetrated upon the people, who after all form the great appellate court to which all public officials should account. The Work of the jury commission of Glynn county at this particular time, comes with an ill grace, tor years and years Brunswick and cynn county have been torn with political discord, disastrous to the commercial interests of the community. The waring factions submitted heir cause to the people; a political shibboleth of the victorious faction and a slogan used from ros trum and stump alike was that personal favoritism, and one-man fule would be relegated with the new regime, and that the metnods of politics and po - ticians would be abandoned forever, and the people as a whole would devote themselves to the more ennobling task of upbuilding Brunswick and this community. It was also pointed out that in local affairs honest government would fire vail and tnat the past political atiiliiations of the people would is no wise be considered in the administration of affaiis in general. In common with other citizens of Brunswick, who are interested in her success, we had indulged the hope that, the pledges made would lie ;e p m and at the same time would bo redeemed. In this, we were mistaken, an. the picture we now behold is colored with political fraud so rotten that when tne moon passes over Brunswick, the man supposed to tie therein, must certainly oe coin to place his .amis over his nostrils. Behold the spectacle of our Jury commissioners in high conclave, hold ing sway o’er all they survey, vieing with the monarclis of old, in their high aud mignty rule over tacit dominions and eliminating such men from jury service in Glynn county as we propose to name further on. We ask the people of this community to calmly consider the facts that we now cal. to their atten..on. vVe are printing Acre a correct list of the names tu have been added to an,. of those wuo have been taken from tin gram] Jury box of the county, and watle we have no complaint as to tne indivi duality of any of these gentlemen, all of whom are upright, nonest and inlet, at the same time we ask t'ne people to reflect on their past, poi. ua animations and the point we are making will be manifest to even the most casual observer. /. moment’s study of this list will reveal the fad that a mathematical exactness haH obtained with an accuracy liiat would put Lit average geometrician out of business, and strangely enough with a ran* exception, those gentlemen who have been deprived of jury service were followers of the old political faction known as the “ring,” while these who have been placed on the list are most devout, adherents to tne party now in power. We appeal to the calm and deliberate sense fii justice ol the people In this matter and only ask that the work of these men receive that rebuke that should lie admtnis tered by an honest people. We had intenued to publish today the lists of additions and deductions to the petit jury, but have not had the time, in consequence of which, that Subject will be taken up later and we are dealing with the grand jury only today. Following Is a list of the citizens of Brunswick and Glynn county,who. for obvious reasons, have been taken from tne grand jury box. We ask the people to consider them and apply to them every tape-line ny which good citizenship should be measured and then say whether or not they shwutd be disqualified or disfranchised from jury service: L. W. Beach, U. W. Blanton, A. C. Blaln, . Vv. Cline, O. W. Coates, U. Dart. J. H. Dilworth, T. B. rerguson. .1. M, Hoodenpyle, Janies 15. Wright, 11. A. Fabm, E. B, Dudley, O. W. Cole, R. S. Clubb, A. Liles, 11. A. Lucas, O. N. Taylor, C. A. Taylor. A. A. Knight. E. If. Mamie, H. It,. Symons. G. W. Wright, Geo. 11. Smith. In parallel fashiou we call attention to the following names of citizens who have been added to the list: , W. M. Baker. J. M. Blood worth, J. W. Brady, R E. L. Burlord, W. B. Burroughs, T. W. Causey, It. T. Clark. Q. 10. Collar, li. F. dußignon, J.‘E. Dubberly, C. C. Fleming, H. W. Gale, Wm. Gignilliatt, Milioiah i.reeu,' G. W. Harper, Jacob Hotcli, 11. S. Johnson, J. T. Lamhriglu. L. T. Mc- Kinnon. E. R. T. Mundy, J. R. Slason, J. \V. Odum, R. W. l’etors, J. W. Popwell, It. F. Ratcliffe, H. J. Read, R. E. Sherman, A. M Smit... 10. L Stevens, It. B. Tapper, W. O, Taylor, T. J. Wright. As we have said before, we have no fault to Hud wit a the personally of these gentlemen, and with the question of honesty and intelligent:- left out—for they all measure up to that standard- then tile next point of eligi bility must necessarily be in the matter of tax returns, and wo ass the pub lic to consider the two lists from tills point of view. Wo regret that the only deduction that an impartial mind can suggest is that (he only consideration that entered into the matter with the jury commissioners was a man’s political faith. Wo make this charge and we will say in justice to those gentlemen that our columns are open if they wish to refute these statements. It s tip to the commissioners. The Memphis Commercial-Appeal facetiously inquires if the Tammany Tiger will be one of the attractions of Tom Johnson's circus. It Is the gen eral impression that Mr. Johnson is running his show all by himself. An Eastern editor says that man got into trouble by marrying two wives. A western man replies that many have done the same marrying one. A northern editor says that quite a number of his acquaintances found trouble enough in promising to marry and not going any farther. A South ern editor says that a friend of his was bothered enough when he was found in company with another man’s wife. Wilson’s CM* would like you for a guest today. Rob Roy flour makes fine bread. A GOOD SCHEDULE. ’i ue B. and B. Has One for-Sunday Trips to Savannah. The iminswicK and Birmingham of ficials have, with commendable en terprise, inaugurated a nejv schcduu to Savannqjt, on Sundays which wi.. serve to make tne trip m the Forest city one of genuine pleasure. Under this new arrangement trains will leave Brunswick at 7 o'clock a. m„ ariivmg at Savsfnnah at 4a. This as will readiiy he seen, is quite a pleasant schedule ami will afford the passengers very near a wuole day in Savanna*. Further information on this subject will ce cheerfully given on application to the city ticket agent, B. J. Ford. ROB ROY FLOUR IS THE BEST. LADIES, BEWARE! You are particular folks, and should aave your drosses cleaned only by- Jim Carter, who does good 7ork. Phone 253.2. fldD BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. ONE CENT AW®RD If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want aome thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. FOR RENT. —Desk room on ground floor. Good; location. Address F., care News. FOR RENT.—A seven room Mat with all modern improvements. Ap ply at the Arcade, 210 Gloucester St. FOR SALE— Ruober stamps, seals, stinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street FOR SALE.—One oak suite, nice mirror in washst-and and dresser, one New South.stove. Apply 32k Mans fluid street. FOR SALE —An old wagon, one wal nut uesk. ope Webster unabridged -Hc tionaiy. two walnut boards 24 inches wide, one walnut and oasin. COLSON HARDWARE CO. FOR RENT,—Office In the J. 11. Wright building, corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets. Apply at tue millinery store of E. Earle. FOR SALE.—Seven room, two-story house In good neighborhood, close in. Lot 90x90. $2,200. SSOO cash, balance •$25.00 per montfl with interest seven per cent. BROBSTO.v FENDIG A CO. FOR SALE - In best residence part, of towu, five room, two story house and If.xfiO foot lot, Terms $30?) cash, balance $25.00 per month with interest at 7 per cent. BROBSTON, FENDIG & CO. FOR SALE--One of the best paying retail candy and fruit establishments in the city. Situated next to opera house. Can prove that the business is a good paying one. M. FERE.vIINO. 106 Newcastle St, WANTED.— Owing to the growth of their business the International _ Cor respondence School, of Scranton. Pa., require the services of a clean man between twenty three anu .forty years of age, as representative in Brunswiek and vicinity. One with so*.eitlng ex perience preferred, and who can tbr nisli bond with National Stlicty Corn pan v. Address NORMAN FOSTER Snpt... SIS to 521 Empire bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. Phone 321. Wilson’s Cafe, FOR “OYSTERS,” RICEBIRDS.’ Open until 12 o'clock Mights. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Successor to Arnheiter, IS YELLOW POISON in your blood? Physicians call it Malarial (term. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down you. backbone. "You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the Mood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break -down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then—but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands -It will cure you, or your money back. This" is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. Ui sa> in s?n tx'Pharmacy -,- 1 I ' s . Hunter-Sale Drug " . ** v. cates. \ N . OCEAN TRIP ;To NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ALL f [ EASTERN RESORTS | V 'rho i OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY j JLONV RATES—Si j efiqr Service t Hours o * Ocson Breetes 3 Sailings each WeeK from Savannah, Ga. [ The steamships of tfeis Popular lino—inoonv i parable in Speed. Service or Appointments, • jfer [ a delightful route— iuuxpenaivv :u eon. complete [ in e i *oy merits - from all Southern Point* by a r Bhon>rmil journey to Snvaimah and to hour* of cool, sak air to Sew York. > *ajtRV*TIONS, ffOVirr-S^G jiKattu, Etc., Ap?ly To lac*t Ticket Affcnt* la Rraaavrfek. W.O* npMtrr. C. T. A P. A. ' P. DEV ARRIS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free*Selivery. TIIE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, f stimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St. W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, .-resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Rob Roy Flour is good Send to 504 Monk street or ring pnone 2332. Read the News' Want Column. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine cl any description? You will find it to jrx 2r interest to call t-n j me. Can sell you a typewwriter at ssich a price and on suea terms that you witl not miss the money. C. IL JEWETT. EARLY CLOSING NOTICE. The Undersigned banks will close st ONE o’clock p. m. SATURDAYS between May 15 and October 1. The National Bank of Brunswick E. D. Walter, Cashier. The Brunswick Bauu. & Trust Co il. W. Galo, Cashier. NOTICE* Save your umbrella frame as J. Kx trowitch, 422 Newcastle street will recover it for SI,OO and guarantee it to be equal to any new $2,50 um brella. He also makes umbrellas to order. ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT if. SLUG'S, 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272-3. if you want your bicycle repaired rigt' bring it to au ex,, erleqeei work man. B. J Olewine, 506 Glouceatei it. eet Until further notice this company will close its office at 6 o'clock.p. m. wind no deliveries will be made alter that hour. BRUNSWICK ICE VLG. CO. A BHe lot of pampas grass plumes, te or golden for sale at 10c each. J. C. BALDWIN. inti D Street. Something new—-quinine shampoo for ladies Get It at ClMk’s' barber shop.. Gale Seminary. Begins its school year September • . 1002, Primary, Academic, College Preparation; Music Ait, and Elocu tion. system of Education .thorough and progressive, the excellence ol its mor al training unsurpassed MATTIE j. G A EE, SUSIE R. GALE, i ri net pals. Regular Through Trains on B. & B. Regular through trams are now be ing run on the B. & 13. from Brunswick to Offerman. Tne train is a mixed one, and the passenger atqi freign, traffic is good. Cho B. Jfc B. is moving forward steadily, and Is doing goo,, work for Brunswick. Rob Roy flour is the best. Have you tried it? Sawnier lux Ssheol IMYKUsri It V’HUJIM-,. In V!l*!ni mowu-iim, :c;i. A,mn. .Inly 1 toSi-utm, -w. 1.1. v ii y li- i- I, u.-.K<liV USSSS *<• c. Ml Ml 11. Itirr, I liaHwite*. lile. *■*. A. Zelnieno.itz is now in the retail feed business, ary him once and you will be a regular customer. WE WILL BUY YOUR OLD FUR niture or we will clean it up just as nice as it ever was. For a trifle. Phone 212. J. W. WATKINS. For Sale Steamer Wilmington. j l.'-ngtn, !>0 feet; breadth. 21 feetJ ■ senger list, 50; excursion list, 200; car ries 200 life p' oservers. Built of nest yellow pine and wnite oak timbers. Will sell on easy terms. If interested, address, AUGUSTUS OHM!.Kit, Care Isaac G. Haas. Savannah, Ga. Read the News' Want Column. Miss Kate Slater wishes to call the nttrntPm of the Indies to her new fancy work in bat ten berg and renas aunce work. A GOOD LUNCH. The. Arcade is now serving the best lunch In the city, and ibis popular place should be liberally patronized by the public. Read the News’ Want Column. COAL ~ AND WOOD. CONEY & PARKER. SEPTEMBER 14. When you visit Savannah call and Have you Eyes Fid mined properly and glasses fitted that not alone Improve your Vision but will Preserve your Sight. Or. M. SCHWAB & SOM. 47 Bull Street, TRY H. S. Syrup White Pine Compound. A SAFE AND SURE CURE FOR ALL COUGHS, COLDS AND THROAT AND LUNG TROU BLES. 20 CENTS A BOTTLE. PREPARED BY Hunter-Sale Drug Cos. 'PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Drugs — ■■■■, ■ j, Bellevue Scnie. This celebrated tonic is in growing demand. The season of the groa'est need is approaching. Indigestion, Jiil iiousness, Jaundice, Chilli an 1 Fever, Sick Headache, pains in the back and ; kidneys all depend upon malaria, uni ; Bellevue Tonic cures them all in any form, W. J. BUTTS. The Druggist, bV non you want a load of good wood for 75 cents, ’poone 138-3, <;>r call at j yard, corner I street and „ochran ave. —— Swan’s down flour, absolutely pure; try it. Swans Down Flour. The D,rt Comes Out In stead of going in. when yon send your clothes to Jim Carter. Let his boy some for your clothes. Puone 2532 DON’T MONKEY WiTH THE BUZZ -SAW. a Wk by buying lumber of unreliable Jeal ere. When you want anything in lum ber come to ns. We will fill your or'- der accurately and promptly. We will give you just the lumber you want at jUFt the right price. You can always •save money by placing your order with us. Phone 191. Lang & Wood. -Fta. 197. ’■ LAN,N ° " ILL - Clark, the well known colored bar ker. is better fitted to serve the pub lic than ever. Everything neat and clean and up to date Swans Down flour.