The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, October 07, 1902, Image 1

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r Ai<: BRUNSWICK, NEWS. VOLUME 2, NUMBER 14. NEW COMPANY WiNIS CHARTER, 1 MUTUAL L.GHY AND WATtR COM PANY TO SUCCEED ELECTRI CAL SUPPLY. COMPANY. am ai *— New Machinery Has Been Ordered and the Plant Will be One of the Most Complete in This Sec tion of the State. Hlsewhere iu The News today ap pears tie- petition for charter of the Mutual Light and Water Company. T his new company is to take charge of the plant of the Brunswick Hlectri eal Supply Company, wnich they purchased last week and which will, in a short lime, ho made one of the host equippeu in uils section of the state. The petitioners are A. 1!. Coley, of Brooklyn. Geo. L. Prentiss, of New York, C. M. Ackien, of Elliott City, Aid,, and E. M. Mason, E. lirobston and A. Ftndig, of Brunswick. l.*i (lif article the petitioners ask tor the right *• operate an electric plant in this cit' and also to Itirnisli water. I lie cap‘Hi stock is Used ill $25,- 000, to 1 divided into 250 shares at the par value of SIOO each, and foe company asks tor the privilege of in creasing same to a capital of $250,n00 at any time two-thirds of their stoi k hohkrs may desire. IY petition tor n uiis coippany means'that ifiun-w ' K wilt .smm have a great enterprise, as staled before, the gentlemen at its in-atl intend to make tin- present plant of the Brunswick Kloctrieai Slip!}.' Company one of tin best in tins , tion iof the country, i hoy litue "a' ’ ready ordered duplicate mach.nt t y. etc., in which will begin '■■■ a a Kooti as pos: iiitc. . It is also tni Intention of Die com pany to Jmrc artcsiayfw and■“ count! of wil/f-hp •!>' tin- |,co Ido of Brunswick Mh voter fls as wit.S'-*;--li'.n ’in at • w *"- tHBC flora "imnn tins 1,1 w foliinaiiy, |. # : 1 !l ! f t illy statod ttun 'ft<-' ai nV con J Btn.criiMr <lib 4 ,py ( :' ahieir . hide:. { pn elw rle ;i?, car iitn ') e '|gcn litc*n i im viin) •"!t -1 ' ' f'yi ,-! ■ ■mu 1 nn a. Tin- thro • I: Ad"- n. i.. Bi jfision : A ‘ - too wll km .VII i,_, i5.iT. in \ cireins ;i, in-ed aI y . ■ !in 1 . si l.l\ 'll" people. I . 1„ ii : / is a prominent Mew 1 .-r and i ,* jjwns some valuable prop- it., in < inot* I in - ■£ pajSßHMnEPffi& Bk yp AGAINST FUNSTON'S PLAN. Anti-Saloon League the Army Canteen. Springfield, Ohio. October G, Edwin Dinwiddle, president of the American Anti Saloon League, gave out the fol lowing statement with reference to the attitude of the league on the army eastern: *’lf such reports as are published from General Funston are correct, two thing ace apparent. • irst, the canteen, or beer selling saloon, whieit Mas no debauched men m the service that. tii. e drunkenness oi ; Ve~exn r son of it; abolition, but bet an je its presence dur ing twelve yea is haV had oeirn : a.oung t ff. rts on officers aiy.i men. Second, when generals and, Commanding olti eerx are ready to fJt.'li tliat they can not maintain u....- J l>ue without: a beer saloon, it is c* rtaisi proof of incom pimteuey. "Wo demand a f;Lr trial of the post exchange system, vmi tne canteen eli minated. Congress T e-opriateu jf.ioo, non to improvo the men's eon-ntn and added a Cents iaiiy to their ra tions, a laudable change in the gov ernment's policy. .'People will never consent to a reluct of the canteen without a trial of ;t substitute. There is a s: nous temperanei problem in the army. We advocate the stoppage of official saloons; -1 for the recreation and so- iuoility among tne men and disciplinary orders against drinking. Wo advocate tin piesent law on tne broad principles [hut file government -mould noither be in Uio saloon lm ness nor permit -urmuises io be used tor such purposes, nor officially tempi •its soldiers to drink.” FUNERAL OF C. F. JONES. i-iis Remains Vt/C o Laid to Rest in Palmetto Cem Aery Yesterday. • I that a mortal of tlio late •'! -urge F. Joo'S, who ui<d in Savau n.x : Saturday from injuries received i second-story win dew. - l ie lal<i yesterday/,,. :,ru ;u; at ti o' .ock -itt. ihlmdio cemc w - * * ■ Imu as TlttßfiUln Second •id ei in, ~,- id a larw numlmr of s friend- , dceeas.-d sA^.T I , listK.ied l.i c ai'CfW to held W l Jcavs 111 '.TV- Ul'-I! I'd , nil,' -le, til I .o: ifi e - Very Vi',. Iboxi wh.i knew Inm in Brunswick, and his sudden deal 1 1 cnii/ed general -sOjfjN.w MORE CHEAP RATES. GoutL- i', Rad Ray Offers Them to Macon .uni Atlontp. T e ;,be o;i, lla. ana return, dlie/are for ihe round Hifi. Ticket;: -,’u sale .fiet-ii, r *H it and j ib, anil or l.olier ia 'to ..Uanta, <!a.. and return* ae count Southern ipfci-slnte Fair, one litre for the roun 1 trip, plus &U els fur admission to fair groiiem ncl.elx "i, XL- daily tn-i n * ;uj to -tlh ! Vk lUMiy*- } .'.5-.; u ...l.e.* 2Vt.h. To Giruiinnhani, Ata., and return, aeeo’uni •. iai/ifpia. Hlato Fair. on -, fare for Lie lt . (rip. Tiekekls on sate O' Je! wit'l 1.0 iNOV'-mber 11 1. 1 i i' y minis, tin and r> turn. Le i -mini "i .i it it i-;t i reunion IT. ft. V., ct'eifranx and Paughtcr^^B BRUNSWICK, GA„ TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1902. INSPECTING TIE PRESIDENT HYP!. ..NO OTHERS ORA lOUh OF THE LINE. B. & B. OmCIALS ARI They Will Look Over It t i ‘ - Satisfaction is at Len cral Situation of Matte Here. President lly.le I'imode.d M-Vion. General Manager M' Hullii -vln lendent Westrii-il and oile r el;, ills of tile B. K- it. left yesterday morning on a general inspection trip ever the line of the road. They will he gum- uulil tins even ing and will lake a careful look the property for tin- purpose of as certaining just what, has been and just what needs to be done- on tin road. In this connection if may bo of in terest to say that the officials of i In line, who are Imre from tin: east, have expressed general satisfaction at. the manner in which t.'ne work is progres sing and they are a.i determined that the ii. &. B. will eventually find a termination in the city of Birmingham. FRED VISSCHER HEBE. He ic to Build a Connecting Link on the B. & B, Fred F. \ isseher, of Montgomery arrived in the city last night and is quartered at the Oglethorpe. Mr. Visselu r has tne contract for too e. -nst.riii.-Uou of the line ot road from fxh holts, on the B. .V B. to Wyey -on-rito A. <G B which Wei inline Ihe connection between Ihe two lines. This is a very Important, step in tlio progress of tin- B B. for IIK simple I'; :< si hi tliat il idaei-;. it. in eon ms l: so with anew set ■ i.nvoe- route and l ni'TT by y.S* Ti“ a , >Ttl vaiuubii link in Us trend towards tilt ' *■ Mr . i "her is ln-n- i^f 1 - 1 "' 1""' . |tn -■ of holding a eoi'P wits io •e.ein! ■of Bn- It. 11.. i, 7 W| H >''•■* ' here for Nie'hoHs today i* 1 '"‘non.... The Books Open. the i i.gist ration books lor H*'- city ebclion ... Dec ember were o|)e>" and at .Ale olli'-e Ol Hy NJ_ I, rtUSRCII yesterday. TM- .-egim ration " :l " 1111 usually quiet, lull x*.;|j j, ■ ly h" a liUU. livelier later on. Off for Jacksonville. B. M. Ulseh and family and \V.. |> ■ tiller and family ion. for .lai-knimvLiie y lerday, wliere they will reside in lid ire. Messrs. Olwffi and Miller nav in. accepted plm-es with tie j(rpi ef it. B Ki/er Air. Go. m ME GUN SIT FORCES MEET, 4 VHIftTY-CIXTH ANNUAL CONYEN -1 TUN IS NOW BEING HELD IN THI NATION’S CAPITOL. UIiGLSI i\ ns IBSTORY. Pn." i,-tent Roosevelt Still Buffering Will be Unacl -- to Review the Parade ef the Vet ei ms. W ns'idnst h!. Oeloin ra. The thirty-) - ixl-i -' i-ni-iiu pment. of the Grand In. i-i ii - RepcbticTicgnn here to day, "'d with tin 'melting of the van on; aiiMlljaiv erg:.ui’/.ations affiliated v it . tiie main hod} will continue 'linUT next Saiiirday. Prepnrathms .for the fUMheriiic. are eomphie. I ,a- indigent veterans luge tents have lieen ei. .-I -d Dll tile Wane lot and several Honrs el the new governm, at printing oilhe tm, been utßi/ed, Great i-towds ol vlfie rs are pouring u tin- city. Eariy lasi night it began to t.dn and his afternoon it puurcd in lorreiits, m i i■■ is way Ii a slow is. \.\eably fadi wi alb - is pn tie i. athcr luire.-ii ! >r tons u ren T Aasnr x Inm and pr - and if e'hitler main thiniMTilnr of the city nave been appropriately de corao-d for the eiu-anipniont s asmi. hne display of ’.llagp and limiting Is very generous. T tuonuw t In-re wi i lm ax autumn bile parade, a regal!a on t'no Potomai t rtvi -. tin dhiei-ati e, of I 'ampLjbmsc- Veil on the While lot, at which S ere tar, of. Brute John May w make tire chief iiddie, s amt a ...rand ramp. hr* ,H . -n *-jiniri nitii. - * ~- 'i ii ll ■ Bn- naval parade will oc cur. Wi'iUictidaj - -il oi-enr the big par ilde of tuo (Ii uni Aj-'-.r. ot (lie Hepu , lie. Thursday Friday am, Gut'liila;, tin iSteotings of the national cm ampment. and tin various nn.tilihry In><ll*-s and also reiin-'ins and n*- . id ion:; will lie held. r i • idem Roosevelt will not review Idle parade of tin- Gran.l Army of fin- Itepulilie, 111 wllielt il. was Hal lie would occupy t'n- reviewing stand in iron I of tin wloto house I lie otii cial st iteim-nl ' .an Ila and nig, and. tea! tin v.-ould liave hi exer-ei.;,- extreme , indicnl and it would be lm possible foi him id r, \ iew tlnv par tide el Up- veterans, and i'bo dire, I slat .-nieiit tliat lie wotil.l not do so was made ,'in ntih-i ,! authority today, 'i m pr ; sideul; lias not > I In-en aln In lm . loot , u tljAhij', and il,, , * .f I is, • Jm ; i in \e, ■HEpii - ,w* ■ i ... of le i.t- r . yI ■ i. t, and I lie ell to on I linn I ‘.vagi .f i.|. ill ol lin Hi a *'. . 1 'h-o yM ■ * pi t® 1 'V I { B IBk UsPeaMr' e light , X j£% wM&MBxMmm, -M i Bi.- lam ■y 'Wf&r'*-'' ■SaM^tpa/ M / W-Jt . DROVYNED IN a BATH TUB. . j Mrs. Townsend Lost Her Life Trying to save . nat of Hei Husband. Pei.ria, i it.. October (i.— Frank B. [ Towns- tid, iring at 1S::|. Hamilton lam' ■\ a ml. a clerk in the general Ire's Id offices of the lowa Central rail 's a. went into the bath room at IBs home today to shampoo his head. The r,-, m was cold ami he, alsconneeied Bn- pie used in car,, off the poison as a , from Idle instantaneous heater. Wi x a few seconds I).- i. 11 to the dor. a reome by gas. H -i, rufibod to bis nsaistance, an si,e. 100, was overcome. She iel -no, lm- bath Bib lille.l with water x si' v.i drowned. Mr. T'ownSeml vvn dis .yen ;l by a si rvatit and a; m. ■HI - 1 alien. The wouih.ii wa - %-■ .vend i, -Very, but tonight the attend ing |u-ians say that 'J„ -ansi inl may j Mar in'-, . The o- siiip l-eds o .0,1. i:hi- or a for int, rnn"it. " FAIR opens tomorrow. Atlanta Has Made Brtat Preparation For It. .Mlania. Oeloin r c - All work pre )im.,'ory to tii" Opening of iho ,fair on >, -dnesday lining pushed at the . rur.m, Seme of tne oflleiais ot the fair and many -- ihe c.hihitors are ii-,- ,r. an ; today, bard at work geti i.ig i . ix.-.s in v-emliness for toe day of idle oiiening* > Bain dm . (ho past week has done , ii. an diiii.v organ,/.atlons affiliated G; It,*j- in.-..- ,-haiige,l off, and turned reel, snggesimg Ihe disiippearauee ol unlavoral.U, wearaer. A parade wi h- I in- le;olive id the opening dpy, nil in In. many of tin- 'slur ill trac tions will appear. / I. CD ' MANGLED BY WhcELS. Jclui Ideyd btruck by Freight Train cod liiliri Instantly at Comer. 1 n ii.. Oiduber il. John Floyd wax . iiqi-i.. In a. freight train and im.lautly kij.lci last uiglil. IL wa; a maeninint and had gone til liix-ut. 11, I.IVe set.LO lolllidi v Mll-'li do e-, ii in i, ;i known when he re lan <1 or lio the accident occurred, x ii tin.i l.noivn of the killing was v,hen 1.-lend .-mil piece: oi human tiesn '> 1 do eovuri don the railroad track, ; , a 1 1 :u ion, I le- man d body I.he victim was found, n 'ltd x e;i dti rally lorn in pieces. CARDINAL GIBBONS TALKS. He., Deeply Regrets T nat the Strike Sue..ton IS /.Ml Wl'tlt^ I '■! i l 11/ol'e Dl'loliel 11. *^ W j';i:il fill: lion a. .i. -ill leavili. Go la lace to He - ..0 I ifor Ne w Oi X’4 i our •X ■ .poudeul lint before file Ini' ntile px .vjly ol iiiv silunlkiii in the ' "ill 1 '-..eiU .‘eel I.i t'engl 'Ot. f. Ill" eouil- Uy i.e.-ii nx no pi, .-il Ui fipui-al for iiuu e r :xi ; .uils as io a „ ans o ‘'ini'll” in- tie.uiiiK'k between capital and labor. ((king xdowiy and wit 11 iave cnnii sine Ins emlneueo san.: "1 am grieved and disappointed be ml lie- of words to express. •a -n J h.ui hoped ho much from the pi", in. n; noluo clfurl at a sot tlomeiii. When fin. president has fail ■•■'d. what call l suggest? A tcrrlhii ■aianiity tur.-alcns tills country. My V>> in;..H by for l im suffering people in [the mining r.-gionn is deep aim Jo-on. [ -••J.v anxiety r- g.d'idug tin- p.pcetive l ‘irdsiiips of iiio poor throughout Inc during Hio linrd winter tiuit in 1 1 V" long in not Icyt.. great, and t ctj. ■ ■■■*■■ in- ’ .-•■•mil tin- din -o i ..I corTp *.jd. i, eon id mu-. feeu .nit.Vd nuil inis shati' ow oi impeiuling and last approach mg calamity lilted irom our other vvi e- happy and prosperous country. B* iMiiuiliy, i ai.i unable |,o suggest a renn-ily. i) the law n-i powerless -- though L do not, say that it is -and all tonus of arbitration have been re jected by tin. mine owners and opera five,,, j .an (,;i no way oiu." THE V DIFFEK. (be Abolition ot the City Court Will Cause a Fight. From mil indications mere, is njiito a din-Ti aco of opinion arming tin- peo ple oi this city on the <pie:dion ol the abolition of the .uty court of Brunswick. he notice oi iegi.-nai.jon. imhlbdiod in those columns several days sinco lias caused considerable comment on the subject, and while the. matter has not as yet been thonmgnly discussed, in political circles, it is very evident ihat lot! proposed bill, looking to tin’ abolition of tipi court will lie stubborn ly fought by the lriemis oJTtkai tribu nal. PRICE FIVE CENTS. UK INCREASE IN TNE SCHOOLS OVER SIX HUNDRED i-UHILS WERE ENROLLED AT THE OPENING YESTERDAY. ACCOMMOIUIION FOR ALL. the Mansfield Street Building is Somewhat Crowded a Few Changes Will Be Made and All Pupils Seated. r The public schools opened yester day wii i the largoat enrollment ever registered ii Giis city. About 000 pu pils we*-, enrolled, an advance, ot 170 over the number admitted last ymar. This is a very good indication of Brunswick’s steady growth as well as a most, auspicious hoginning for the school y,y. 'While the m nools are somewhat i, crowded at present, arrangements will be made at'once to take care at the surplus and in a short time every adequate facility or space and lion will bo provided. The year has began with mu|§ a | ou _ ihusiasm and >est by toacin-rs and pu pils. The Improvements in methods and equipments that nave been Inau gurated will simphly the work in Uie school and add nuicn to its pleasure, wlrilc having its thoroughness and el leiTivencss. Superintendent Ballard and his capable corps ot assistants confidently assert that this will he rile host, year the schools have ever known, and their opinion is a good indication that nothing will he left un done to bring tne scuools to greater perfection. Barents of pupils should enmmrago and ..uppYmoni the * ■ ers In ev. ry way piwtsilile. The facul ty invites, indeed urges them lo vißtt the schools mid to show an interest In so important an institution as the city sciniuls have grown to he. Tills int, rest encourages the teachers and pupils and aTo devt lopes entuustnsm and pride m I heir work. Tin* county schools also opened wiui a -food attendance yesterday. 'I ip enrollment is larger than usual and patrons and pupils display more and more interest, every year In these schools. A number of private sehoo.s entered upon **llo y.-ar s work with a fair show ing of pupils and lla tiering prospects. Gale Seminary on A street boule vard, the oldest, and largest or tuese, opened with a splendid attendance, their now rooms, which are well-light ed, ventilated and equipped being very nearly full. Miss Jusio Smith's school on Grant street also opened with a good attorn, dance. 'li hooi is \,ry p<>ffijiar and is wei .i/.tronized. -X Miss Margaret Syintries began her private school yesterday at ’her homo <>n London meet, with a number of bright, little pupils. Miss Syrnmes has a special gift, for interesting and in structing children and her school Is destined to he very successful. Tne convent school has a good en rolment anil .Hie year promises to bo a very success, ul one. ihe sisters in charge are capable and cultured and noted lor their discipline and ability. -Mfs*. Boyle a school on Norwich street, op, ped with a good number in attendance and the prospect of sev eral others later yho are now out ot tlio idly. Miss Boyle Is a very sue , e/si ul and thorough teacher and de serves patronage. Miss Faun :<• (Irani, Nightengale's school oil Carpi liter street was well attended, aii<l has every prospect 01 a successful year. This school is well known and popular with its patrons. Mis- Mamie Syinmes will open her kindergarten school October 20 and a i)iimlc-r of little ones are wailing to enter I fits pleasant and well conduct ed school. >- Tdis large' number oL children of school age speaks well for the growth of thin city, (food schools welt at tended are a suro sign of prosperity and progress and Tminswiok ts in tue front ranks in tins line in proportion to her size. Takes Bankrupt Act. it. J. Large, a conductor on the Southern railway, has filed applioa lion I‘or bankruptcy. The first meet ing ot the creditors will he held be fore Referee Ciovatt in tats city on October 13.