The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, October 07, 1902, Image 2

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TU ji.hUAY MORNIWO. BHU • vYIiK DAILY NEWS. Ml GUSH ED DAILY BY i rit N&WIS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising rate, made known on application. Churcn and other char iutuie organization notice, published at KaU me regular rate.. Advertises desiring their adx dla continued must notliy the oiilce In wi ittig SULSCitiI'TION KATES. . , u,r uu subsoil here in the city an * mail free of charge to nil nan -of the United Bitten and Can atm texted. i’oi to Itieo, Guam. Hhii IpjiiuV islands and Hawaiian islands Pc' .. noth ♦ >s® Bit 'tombs 2.60 On“ car 6.01 Phone 188. Entered a* the Brunswick, Us pOfctorficc. ai second-class mall trial ter Han. F.mory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of tna United State Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for' Gis i,n county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company dc a)iv", it to lie distinctly understood tha< ail legal advertisements must lie paid for In advance. We cannot afford b devote our spare to such advertise mi nts and wait.on the courts for thr money Wv w etw "awiiriaMwinsssisHiMSMnwssimMmman unn r 4 The In irliall f< ve r struck Tamijr' latiier late In the season. ■ -• „■ . i'll" coal strike Is certainly not ■V T the party In power an’ good Jfcratidnf: 1m one for flic beef i-Tat and (/ is lib slate rot it. Pro blent Roosevelt should take an other start In the strike settling bust ness. Getting flic republican norutftntloi tfi not the whole thing. There- Is ai < lection yet. Tit 1 Balftbrldßc Argus wants Tow .Itihtiion for president and Estlll for vice -jiresldent. !iA i ■■■ !W. stgentfe that Lien tenant I’< ary mi gat take a year .ill mi,l write the thing up! Tlv;' Manufacturers’ Record sayt there is to he a big Increase in spin flies among southern mills We have only two wore eh etlom fids year. For cosgressmen in Novcm tier and tho city election In December. - ww I. suwm —- Tnll.lnc. a lout the Columbus. Ohio innyonUlty. why, If the small In could vote Al. O. Field would be pres! dent.. w W. U. Uflorst has hf'en nominated lor Congress in the Nlntn New Yorl. district. We on'y wish wo could vet, for him. If the f 1 rand Duke Boris mis Ihc ;int’ opinion of our smart set as w< >tov,' of both —well it is best, to sa> •mt!b?fftmore An cv -hanjb* notes that it is hard lor Hit nroei lent to have to stand on a republican platform when he has only on good leg. ■■j'be AliVlmy Hcraljt remarks that ■ People who tak* t’no Atlanta paper me beginning to dread tho approach tug horse show" The News is sorry to see taut in tore-t is on the lag in ih Boafd oi Trade. While there are some tew who do continue to at toed tne meet ing;! regularly a targe number of the members, who can attend, do not. 'nits organization has done a great deal for els community and will continue to do so if lie members will take the 1 re; or interest in It. Georgia t‘ coming to the front in the matter of rating horses. Bspeo tally ! this true of Southwest Georgia tor ri in here in Albany lucre are two colls under two ydbvs old. for which .-Mi'ii and S?2S respectively have been tvint.ed. This is no Idle talk. These arc stubborn facts, and the names oi f.|e owners can tip given upon request. Ko we see mat the raising of horses In Georgia is no longer an experiment The writer of this has a colt at his pin-", f. ; wnich he refused SIM when it was on exhibition at our Street lair last tall, and it. was only a year old then. —Albany Star. THE MUTUAL LlGri T AND WATER COMPANY. Elsewhere In this issue wiii, be found the petition for IneorporfciuJ of the Mutual Light and Water Ton. pany. We fee! that the birth of this con cern is anotflr. step toward progress md prm-porlty: The question of public utilities is and will always, he an important, one, whether considered from a national, state or municipal point of view. it ‘involves largely the right of the individual. It is a lux iry on the one side; and a i old, bard and absolute necessity in the otlu r. The new company ms among T charterers, some of the norl progressive, business men in idle community, men whose very •nine * are synonymous who alt that da mis for progress and sucees.-i. We heartlly welcome tnei new even •c-pM It:, e •’liiie-.’ I led tie- until!;;, (pience of in TCi; i- mmig cummer .al lines. Til t""o • •-i Jr 1 loi-ia 1 "and r■ e, iim tint Hiev vvdl !-. iei-iviel/,i i UOroitgnly good tierv■te-c. there ean be 10 dotil.d We wt-ifi Uk.-hi iv c - - . HAIRMAN GRIGGS ON ROOSE VELT'S SPEECHES. Th. following extract Irom the v'atsliliigton Hun, will In- read with in crest: ‘‘l’rc’i.ldent llnosocU i out strong st speaker in tie- lielil.” Tills was the smiling remark el 'bainnan .lames M. Griges, of tin 11 mocratie Congri .n-iomti Campaign 'ommitti e. when asked today wlmt be hoyght of Cfli- President's C.’iiicinnrti perch, in Which the tariff question as t relate, to trusts was treated of a! ength. "'t ie. president iti < ryatallixii . tie >opillar belief, whlcri is just 'gt fins line Electrifying tie miaiis of tie people of this country, with the idea bat trusts ought to lie regulated. At hi- saino time he is tolling th- peopi, .u almost direct language that u , an expect nothing from his part, i lo way of remedial legislation, at ’.•let not for years. “Tan Pnsldehl admits that the n noval of the tariff from some trust ■ mlg'nt bo n reinsdy. The poo •lu know th.H this would lie a remedy opt the mere the presideitt tall , ;:!> >■. lUkc limes the better will the IViru cut ■ 1.. v yg^Jlerl in upon ( hairinan Hal. oi-!V: C’lilidcnce el Kepuli- an sue . s in fao fall ei- < ttonr. Mr. Ur;-. . said he could not exactly tivure out dr. Babcock’s' philosophy. "Though le Ik coilfldcal that tne Kepuhlie.ins will control the Kitty-eight li Congress ae al the same time predicts that they ■vill lose some mem tiers. Mr. Hancock juiy know more about sliding down Till than l do, but l never yet havi lien aide to understand now u man vho begins to slide down can know ex actly the point abovi the bottom all which be wi.i or can stop." 1 Mr. John l.atonlis , ■ ■ now luau- Mtg editor of the G-unesviHp News, i vlr. i.ttfonllsoe is one of the blight-j -st newspaper mon in r lOrtdv an- .rw'iil uakc the News . nark'; - ( N '• .ili-titc l rat mv -Tw of ft - ill '■ i>:h me ibst. it rc-ui-i. ot the -.'rti.eii ;.- ales for lac eastern i,vls!oii it me Southern District of Georgia, u Bankruptcy, in the matter of If. J. ..arge in bankruptcy. To Hit creditors .it B. J. J<arße bankrupt, of Brunswick, n the county el Glynn and district Koreanul. a bankrupt. Notice is lu re ■ly given that on October 3 A, 1., .poi. tin raid If. J. Large was duly lujudU’iiUTt bankrupt-, and that, th .irst meeting of 'nis i renders will be icid t BrlUiswick. in Glynn county, ill the Hilll day of October A. 1 at fh o'clock in the forenoon, at which time tne said creditors may ut ,end. prove their claims, appoint a ,ne.tce, examine the uankrupt, anil ransuct such oilier Imslucss us may propeitv come beion said moiling. A. J. CKO VAT 1. Referee in Har.kruptey. Dated at Brunswick, ua., tins the 3rd day of October, 1902. Forty Years' Torture. fo be relieved Irtun a torturing dis ease after -Id years’ torture wight well cause the gratitude Of anyone. That ,s vvliat IVWm s Witch Hazel Salve did for 0. Haney, Geneva, O. He ,-ays: ".DoWilt's Witch liazel Salve cured me of piles alter 1 hail sintered -in years." Cures cuts, burns, wounds, siilii diseases. Beware ot i ounterteua. Joerger. Bummacy. W. J. Butts, Smith s Paarmacy. THE BItUNSWIGK DAILY NEWS. pitroar^ PIUS’ CUTICURA RESOLV- \ ENT PILLS (Chocolate 1 G)ated, 60 doses, 25c.), are anew, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid CUTI CURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one te tspoonfu! of liquid RE SOLVENT. .Put up in •screw-cap pocket vials, con taining 60 doses, priie, 25c. CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, and digest ive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most suc ccssful and economical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives yet compounded. Coiaplefe Tstatiaeal $i Goic>i<;le oxt* rnul aiuVioter >&1 treatment ft>r every tiumot’.r, oojjni. of Ci nctiKA Soai*, 2Vr. f t‘ > e.ieanso th kia of ‘‘r us in at;>t scales, ami ."'.Con tin thickened cut icle; Cv 'tierha Ointmkvt, to in- Bi-iiiitly Allay it hiug, itiiluiriutaMon, and irritation, ami noelne arul lual; andCu'n n.'ia Hfc-ioT.v ? : vs’ Ptlin, 25\, to cool and fdeuriHD tho • :wd A SLVOLK BRT i ofU'li fsttiltoieni t i the most torinriuj?, dt.**- 1.,.0: iiit:. i . ndiig, and Bo:tly skin,^ j u'.ui i • “•' of h iir, tt<*n infancy to ap*, tv hen all else faila. * OR ! j T o FI-. •!’!.; i'.l.X, I'u’l I• 14 DliVO Wlt Cum:. Vo hi., bute l'rop., Bofon, V- S. A. Cut of Death's Jaws. “v.hon .Ruth st’omed very near from : 1 •i-j-o Btomr.di and liver trouble, hat 1 had suffered with for years,” .vrlli-s I'. .ATu*io, Durham, N. 0., "Dr. King’s V;-w Life Pills raved my life md ve portent, health.” Best pills ••11 rarth and only aij cents it! all Irupiytats. ?’ Kale Slater has the newest ~.,.1-. 1 . w.ttr h’.i”. ih... ICrowlco Call ed see thorn. L B. BURNS, 210 Richmnnd St. BUGGIES. WAGONS, HARNESS. Repairing ed Horseshoeing. .We have lately added a full’line of arness, whips etc. to our stock and an save you money. Join Bee Ua Be-, lore You Buy, I-. i* IM. . . -tit ntK-:., bills.BS r IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Pbyslchms rail it rißi.iriai tlemi. It can fca ;>C2.'. j clli’iuting red bR/Od yellow un. cr microscope. I.- works d.*iy and ■ nigtif a('-v .a- . . uhi-iv, aching. I *•-• . 1 1:* 1 V f * *v " -,,.. .a’ " ,•' . s y- ’ :A ' ’i Oil .’<?i jitSM '■ y ■ tr-'fri , f f, T 3 i H | . i • - r. ’-i •V. • Slntor\ . I'.i idtiy 7 and S. ONL CtNI AWOKU If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. FOK SALE —Two batteaus. King 'phone 2t)i-3. FOB SALE.—Two batteaus nearly new. Apply to J. Jt. Mason, FOB. RENT.—One largo neatly fur uishej front room, Bu 7 Gloucester St. V' ■ - ■ - ■ FOB SALE. —All household turui ture of Mrs. L. Greenwood, No. uu-1 ti street. i*OR! RENT. —Desk room on ground floor. GooCt, location. Address F. t care News. FOR nii.Vl. —My new house on u ion street, lias recently been, pain.- and papered. J. u. SFAiJ^^. WANTED.—ilorse for its Iced. Light work and heat of care. Address J. 1., care News. WANTED. —Women to cook an-.i assist with children. White pieltncn. itudress W., care News. FOR SALE.—$35d buys iot,' front, faxiiu near tenter ot me city on Uni-m street. U. R. HUFixiNS. FOB RENT. —A seven room Hat' with ail modern imptovemtuls. Ap ply at the Arcade, 2ld Gloucester at FifiJ SALE —ttuubvr nat , stlact:a, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street WANTED. —Boarders with or with out rooms. Locution centra:, table un sui pasted. Mrs. AL T. Smith, 32S Maas Held street. WANTED.—Milliners apprentice or with some experience preferred. Ap ply 10 a. m. Monday. KENNER’S MILLINERY. 310 Newcastle Street. FOR SALE.—Bakery, Best estab lished place 111 the city. Trade from ’|2o to ?2a daily. Kent reasoimdii. j Good chance for any one. Good n a I son for selling. Address or can at j Lily Bakery, Brunswdcsi, Ga. 1 FOR SALE.— Nice two-story house lon one of (.Tie best residence street , lin Oid Town. Cost. $2,700 to build. | Comparatively new and in rood con j cit Ton. Brice, $1,500. $350 cash, bat nnie S2O monthly. It. it. Hopkins. j FUR SAl.E.—Hillery lslanu, contain | ing 32 1-2 cares of high land, sui table for truck farming or for poultry, ago n nix acre reservation on Blythe creek known as Crescent Biiiff. lor parti i clears call on F. Jos. Dim (linger. laidies If you want to see sv<*-y --king and tiplo-dale In fancy work, . pl-t go to Mi ’vnle lilju.'rt-' X! : 1 ry parlors. WILSONS PHOTO STUDIO—Once nfcre epon for business. 1 beg leave t announce that I hav* returned and am ready for business. Everything -oi the verc •■‘rthc't style l. will b£ found at "the studio. 502 street. J. B Blyth, m,u. 1, 5\ Studio. T yP Headquarters. Do you w , s h t 0 buy, sell or re * m. of auy description? You will hod It tg- y, interest to - (*ll * u me. ('JWr sell you a typewwr kcr at such a< p r | ( . e an d on such terd's that you wIL DO t miss tlie money. J. A. LOWF’ JR - Oo and 1 Builder. , Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also Do Paint Work. Get my Bsbimate Or Your Next Jot. 628 WOLF STRtLy^_ A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving th best mncb iu . 1 ' 11 ■ - ii. -- TTTTT! H [BAY IRON WORKS: l Manufacturers and Repairers of , I Machinery, Engines, Saw Miils Marine work a sped ilty. ► Packings, Fittings * and Supplies, Estimates Furnished free of Charge. ; 829 Bay St. W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, ► • .'resident and Manager, Secretary and Treasurer. ■ 'i/ilsonj’s TRustacjirant, 11 FOR * Oyster*, or any jAing in season v A PLACE FOR LADIES. f Anew bill c-f fare. Gpen mul \1 o'dwk i s \lC|iilS* fc JA S. Vv r . W 11. S ’'A <. Prc p. * Phone 321. i If you v/ant tlie largest LOAD OF WOOD in Brunswick for 75 cents, PHONE 206. temple's Wood yard. Tax Notice. For I! e purpose of collecting the state and county tax- for 11102, I will he at the p—• in-V ned I le v ->t dales i': , 24. U. • ’jica, ~-U, ’Qyx. , rtc* Ncv. 25; Pyltiz, Oct. ct. 30; Nov t j - On dates not above I can be found at coo -1 bouse in Bruns n\ k u’ . when the cl-*:• ) t fT -tru.(Cans 'Jfcm comptroller general. h. 1. READ, T. C, GLYNN CO. w . cji ivTjni 'tj v it j r*,# Y' JL Jl Jl) XJ . Ik .a' -IT"*-V-T* "*'% ■>': f** fa W--A •'V*3F- X JULxkXVMILiiO J t/re. riplhii &rtu&*t ■ A V r<JLL LINE OF SUNOP.Ir.sJ Phone 222. flHiftinery *0 / *r w , ► • /Ail the . shape,; iiw'catiy to -.*• l-ats i. r v % er, .vise ' 4he new or I tdes In millinery, you wifi find at " V. i OCTOBER T. } \vlr>ii you visit Havaimalt rail and Have you Eyes Examined I properly and tirt*d thaf not alous Improve your Vision hut v, ill Preserve yotirSight. Ilf. M. tT v/1 i IN, | 4V 1 Kiii Sli-ft-r | TRY H. S. Syrup White Pine Compound. A SAFE AND SURE CUGE t OR ALL COUGHS, COLDS AND I THROAT AND LUNG TROU t LES. 0 CENTS A BOTTLE. PREPARED BY Hunter-Sale' __ rug Cos. OHONE 37. Girth Place of Fur.* ’vusm ■LEAR IN MIND THAT WE SELL f>, ■; ,\t : mr ' ■ t fr-’l/lY AND LO/’DEO oHELV, I Fire lrms, cutlery aod cportl 1 : ycot :. Fishing tackle. \ i GL/l and EiqVCLE. REF-AIRINQ . I £.'Q:%i-^SLEr< ; / '~r'- onk ( fO: G OUp U 8 )H BN l V'S EX- Pi^ro? vOt sj- f UfcUr • t -vT' t'MmwMmt A- f i,”. i i J • jfej; Uf iIsSYV ’’'Y: tY'iU