The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, October 22, 1902, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY MORNING. tickets and sur 9ieces We have displayed in our south window a few cf the many NEW STYLE JACKETS •' frfy '^ a We have gotten In our line of short ■ - *nd half lengt jackets and is probably '' /->':• ' ) the largest ever shown in Brunswick, \ ,/ and as they are to be the most pop- 'y < 1 * ular this seasfeh, it will pay you to ex- / ■ amine our line before making your [ A \\\ [ |!|| selection. j / \S ■ ;,4 ill \f For Sale. One Fi ve-Feer, Modern Cigar Case. A Bargain for Someone, W. J. BUTTS, THE DRUGGIST. America's Famous Beauties l.ook with iiorror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one. who uses Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, it glori lies tlie face. Eczema or Salt Itheuni vanish before it. It cures sore .lips, chapped hands, chilblains. Inlailihlu for piles. 25 cents at all druggists. THE CONVENT SCHOOL CON DUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH RE-OPENED ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, AT THE CORNER OF RICHMOND AND HOWE STS. Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasolneßS, children take cold so easily. No disease rests more lit tie lives than croup. It's attack is so sudden that the sufferer is often be yond 'human aid before tne doetor ar rives. Such cares yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure, Liquifies the muc us, allays inflammation, removes dan ger. Absolutely sate. Acts imme diately. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat anil lung trou ble. F. S. McMahon, Hampton, (la.: "A bad cold rendered mo voiceless just before an oratorical contest. 1 in tended to withdraw but took One Min ute Cough Cure. It restored my voice In time to win the medal." doerger's Pharmacy, \V. J. Butts, Smith's Pharmacy. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure. is Smu..'s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if after taking ona bottle you are not satisfied with results. 60 cent*. I^pMEX*MIMATI?N of our new fall styles will convince you that we can furnish you with more quality and style at any given price than any store in town. Example—our leader ERICA 52.50 SHOES FOR MEN have all the style and nice points of any $3.50 shoe on earth. They wear perfectly because made perfectly. They are here in all the new leathers for your in spection. The only difference between Ericas and most $3.50 shoes is only the price. d.H.HelleP&Bro. 220 Newcastle. 302 Bay. l NO! THERE’S NO TUMBLE. . in prices. I merely wanted to at ► tract your attention to my excel r lent line of Mince Meat, and Pie ► Material, Nice and fresh. ►' THOMAS KEANY, Grocer. £ Phone 11. 312 Newcastle St. Cleaning and Pressing. Call on the Union Cleaning and Pressing Company to have your fall and winter clothes put in first class order. We make all ciothes look as good as new ones. HOWARD MARTIN. Manager. 510 Monk Street. Swan's Down flour is be best tfeme dedal Views Tides. The Height of Absurdity. The American Girl of today’s illustra tration Is drawn so absurdly, abnormally high That she looks down with scorn on the rest of creation, ..And needs, just to see them, a far sighted eye. • The Gibson Girl led a procession of others, Whose height is now upward of seven feet ten, * As they tower on high above husbands and brothers, These lefty ideals of the black and white men! Such heroines, naturally, need" to be wealthy, And dwell in magnificent halls a J < their ease, For a cozy apartment would prove most unhealthy (Thely’d have to crawl round on their hands and their knees). American draftemen, tio pause for re flection, And mirror our maidens more nat ural by far, To lower your standard will be no ob jection, Since the height of perfection is— just what they are! —Anna Mathewson. m m 9 Mis. Thomas Fuller Mas returned .from Beaufort. * * • Misses Bessie and Fannie Symmes have returned from Atlanta. • • * Miss Dollie Tison has recovered from a slight, illness. * * * luff 1 1,. Harry Parker has been slightly ill for a few days. • * • Mrs. .1. 11. MrCniough is recovering from a few days’ Illness. V 9 9 Miss |,orriB O’Connor is the guest of Mrs. \V. A. Maguire, ill Atlanta. • * * Mrs. Prtoleau, of Charleston, is the guest of lur daughter. Mrs. Thomas Fuller, for tne winter. • * Next Friday evening the Daughters of the Confederacy will' give a dance in the Hifllemen’s armory for the pur pose of raising funds for the work <>f chapter here. This affair will lie one of the pleasantest of the season as failles in marge are leaving nothing undone to make it a success, line music and perfect floors will be pro vided, and a delightful evening is promised. - * • Mr. Edwin Vnsley Richmond, of Sa vannttli. lias snouneed the engagement of Ills sister. Miss Mamie 1.. Rich mond. to Mr. Henry Louis Favrot. of New Orleans, the wedding to occur quietly at the home of Mrs. It. A. Detunai? in Savannah, on Novembei sth. Miss Richmond lias visited this city several limes and was much ad mired here. • • • Mrs. A. 0. ltlnin has been quite sick fur several days at the home of Mir,. W. A. deter, in Maeou. Dr. Plain left Sunday night to atend her in tier ill ness. • * • Tin' entertainment to lie given in Dieemiir by tne ladies of tin- Presby terian church will l>c a very novel and unique affair and promises to be a success socially as well as financially. It will be called the "Street of the Nations," and each booth wid repre sent a different country. There will be an American booth and a Mexican booth, and each one will be devoted to the wares oiiliar to tne nation ii rep •resents. Costumes characteristic of the country will be worn by the la dies in charge. The Eastern booth will exhibit articles pocuiiai to the orient. Italy will be known by Its fruits and flowers, etc. The unique character of this- entertainment and the ability of those in charge, predes tines for it a splendid success. LA ILb I IN CHOCOLATES. CHOCOLATE CHERRIES CHOCOLATE WINE DROPS. CfiW CHOCOLATE PECANS, ■fife CHOCO-ATE WALNUTS H Hickory Gems, Fedoras, Ice Cream. Belmonts, Etc. Fancy Box Packages a Specialty. (Special Bicycle Delivery) LLOYDS 214 Newcastle st. ’Phone 255-2. Kid Gloves in all shades, $1.25 ami $1.50 at H. V. Adderly's. ..NEW GEORGIA SYRUP AT L. E. ROBART’S, 'PHONE 231. *1 6 < S 0k is • pbiv.e an . VCiiiskt 5 I il B a R .2 |l habitstrealtd without par 11 m Bi I rVI or confinement, curerxiar £ I w 111 anteed at Sauitatiutnor nc ,'3V. n. H VhAL, Mati gr Lilhia Springs Cure Cos., Ttvareer A, Austell,Ga. ftomeitreatjnem sunt if preferred. Correspondence strictly add mtiai KodoS Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. THH BWJNSWiei DAILY HEWS. ADAVS DOINGS IN THE LOCAL FIELD NOTES PICKED UP IN THE CITY BY-THE-SEA BY NEWS REPORTERS. COLDER WEATHER. The weather umu has predicted colder weather for today, and from the change felt at an early hour this morn ing his prognostication seems to be •orreet. POLICE COURT. Mayor Emanuel will mild an inter sting session of me police court this morning. There arc see ral cases, nost of the offenders being charged with fighting. HEAVY RAIN. Brunswick was visited yesterday by, i heavy and continued rain and the! lay was a very 'disagreeable one. .ast nighl it came down in torrents tnd the streets were flooded. MORE BURGLARS. [t seems that ad of the burglars lave not yet left the city, and sev-j ral people have recent"".. ’ sported j oat efforts have been made to enter j .heir homes. However, nothing of :uy value has been stolen. lEADY FOR WORK The Aiken Canning Company is low about ready to begin work and the company expects to do a big bus ness this season. A number of boats mve already been ongag* 1 to carry lysters to the factory. A PLEASANT AFFAIR. Captain 11. Sundiey, of the Norwe gian bark Freheden. entertained the Mandolin Club and a number of his friends last night with a supper llioaid the snip. Tne captain eoter ained his guests in great style and hey all reported a delightful time. The mandolin Club furnished so tut pretty music, whic.i was also very much enjoyed. My leady to wear Hats are bought rom Janies <!. Johnson, N.ew York ity. You know what that means, up o-date. of course, li. V. Adderley. Miss Kate Slater wishes to call the rttention of the ladles to her new fancy work In batten bet g and reuas tunce work. Yon will meet your frienus at Wil son's. A meal ticket--21 meals at Lie En glish Kitchen for four dollars is a good investment. Don't buy a ready made skirt when you can buy the cloth Irani me and make your ovCn skirt for half price, it. \. Adderley. NEW CROP BAILED RICE STRAW. |6.(io per lou delivered in Bruns wick. $5.00 per ton at plantation, in fifty ton lots. J. T. Dent, Evelyn, Ga. If it something good to eat you want you will have to go to vVilson’s. We treat you well. And serve you right. And never forget TANARUS cut you thick ’’he place to chi WILSON'S. Wilson caters to the first class trade. —— - Millinery. Ladies call and see the beautiful line of white and colored bevers and tolls we just received. Nothing like them in the city. The very latest shapes. Also our new ready to wear are up-to-date, uur line of children's hats is complete. Watch our window Saturday and Monday. KENNER a CO.. 310 Newcastle St, .Mail orders receive prompt attention. Th e place to Eat-, Wilsons. Wilson’s restaurant new strictly on restaurant principle's. Notice. All persons owning vacant lot-s in the city ot Brunswick are required to have grass and weeds on same cut down. (Extracts section Sol ot toe city code.) Any pcoson owning or re a. mg any building or lot, lying upon any street in the city are required .o keep the sidewalks m a cleanly condition, and where there are brick sidewalks ad jacent to sucu property such renter or owner shall keep the same tree from grass and other vegetable grow.-. (Extract Iroui section oil of city code.) -N. D. Bussell, Clerk of Council. Brunswick, Ga., Sept. 29, I'JU2. Referring to ilie above notices, l respectfully beg to notity ail parlies interested that the board of aeaith has named October Ist, as the time tor commencing the cutting ot weeds, etc. Alt cases not remeu.ed in ten Jays will be placed on tae dockeu J. j. Spears, Supt. sanitation. WE WILL MAKE YOUR FURNI - look as good as new for a small amount. We do not remove from yuur premises. Phone 212. J. W. WATKINS. If your friend ask for a first class restaurant. You will say Wilson's. A New ArriAal s t * • V• r “ <a \ La Medium low bust, short skirt, ( straight front, gored corset, made of* X. fine jeans, inside boning, wide lace’ trimming, with ribbon insertion at the’ ! —*" r ' * *J ' \ top, tabs n front for attaching hose’ soporters. Two side steels on each’ side, four hook clasps. • 1 X. ■ . x. in the world for the money. •. foci# vT \f WE AHE the sole agents’ F ° R R N COKSETS ' i RN.N°72S KAISER’S ♦ PERSONAL POINTS, t ♦ ♦ H. F. fmnwody is in Atlanta. J. W. Wilson spent yesterday in Savannah. Joe Freeman is confined to his home by illness. Miss Gertrude .Meyer has returned from a visit to Rome. 0. M. Tiltin has accepted a position with the Burroughs Real Estate Vgettcy. Albert O. Anderson continues quite I ili at his home on Union strut, to the regret of his friends. 11. C McFadden. general passenger agent of the Atlantic & Birmingham, was in the city yesterday. The friends of Jesse Thomas will be glad to lea-in *ha' he has recovered from his illness. Don’t think of buying you. dress goods'without seeing my stock. H. V. Adderley, Our $1.25 Swede Glove is the thing ,to buy We have them in all shades, ft. V. Adderley. NEW GEORGIA SYRUP AT L. E. HOBART’S, ’PHONE 231. Jredcripticnt} JiiiTd %ere Will not vary a fraction of a grain from the quantity rallc - ! for, accuracy in the compounding of Medicines. is one of our stheng points. Added to this is the absolute purity and un doubted freshness of every drug used. We replenish our store frequently, ar.d use or sell nothing which has be come inefficient through age. SMITH’S PHARMACY N ever in tjie History of ftrunswkk, has there been collected under one roof sucn a beautiful variety of /China and Japanese mattings, tapestry, couch and table covers, 1 oriental rugs and portieres, art squares, etc, etc. New gcods are • arriving daily. No ''bargain day" goods, but everything in the lat- , est designs and fresh from the factory. When in search of a prac- , tical wedding present, visit us. We have lymdreds to select from. , 2t. M. Miller A den. OCTOBER' 22. dcmethincj Tike A NEW GEORGIA SYRUP. FLAP JACK FLOUR. SUN DRIED PEELED PEACHES (Just from the Country.) LARGE FRYING SIZE CHICKEN FRESH COUNTRY EGGS. I KALAMAZOO CELERY. CAPE COD CRANBERRIES. Phone 158. Bf‘o ‘U TtMAueA If it's good to eat, we havle it. Healthy Kidneys Means Long Life- It you want to restore your Sidneys to their former state take Smith Sure , Kidney Cure —Do cents at druggists. ROB ROY FLOUR IS THE BEST. TO HAVE CLOTHES DYED PRO -1 perly, take them to Jim Carter at 604 Monk street or” ring paone 203-2. Clark, the well known colored bar ber. is better fitted to serve the pub | lie than ever. Everything neat and : elean and up to date ______ Roy Roy Flour is the best.