The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, November 07, 1902, Image 2

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FRIDAY MORNINO. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO, A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notlcos published at half the regular rates. Advertisers desiring their ad a. d!> oontlnued must notify the office in writing. . . I ft!4 SUBSCRIPTION UATEb. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail tree of charge to all parts of the United b ites and Can ada, Mexico, l’orto Uico, Guam, Phil Ipplne Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I -Mi Six Months 2.60 Qno .ear &-00 Phone I*B. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., postoffice, as second-class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Uiynn oounty. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements muni be paid for In advnnce. We cannot afford to ivote our Bpaoe -to such advertise ments and wait on the courts foi the money. Odell had a clone shave. Don't jump on Griggs. Tic did his best. Hearst. carried his district by a large mapjority. Now watch the Con gressional Record grew. President. Roosevelt's precinst went fur Color, demoerat. A man Is best 1 known at his home. A New England' campaign orator says "a trust Is a sniall body ol' men surrounded by water." The Board of Trade will meet again tomorrow to consider the proposition of the American Cigar Cos. u is i<> be hoped that the deal giving us a large cigar factory will be eonsum mated. We need such enterprises and should have them. THE GEORGIA HOUSE. The house of representatives is composed of 175 members. Two gen tlemen. chosen as members of the present house, died previous to the opening of the session. An analysis of the 173 members shows that their vocations cover, as follows, the field of endeavour. Farmers exclusively It. fanner and merchant 13. farmer ami banker 1 farmer and journalist 1, farmer and pearlier 2, farmer and teacher I farm er and deputy clerk of court 1, farmer and manufacturer 1. farmer ami doe tor 1. farmer and buyer 1 farmer and lawyer 3. making 73 inert or loss closely allied to agriculture. Capitalist 2. manufacturer 2. doctor 13, druggist 1. photographer I, printer 2, librarian 1, turpentine operator t. mechanic 2. lumberman I.' factor l journalist it. merchant 7. merchant and banker t, merchant and cotton •buyer 1, merchant and lawyer I, law yer f>2. SPENCER'S GOOD WORK. The New York Press declares that one of the most useful men In tin country is President Sam ’Spencer, of t'ne Southern Railway, ahd adds: Me is doing all that is necessary to com mercialize the south and desectionai ize ihe north. He is making neigh boro who are willing to ' jine fences.' every time he adds a ’.til or ciosstie to tiie Southern Railway system he buries a prejudice. Animosities never coaches. Next to the wireless tele graph the most remarks !e achieve ineut of the day is Mr. Spencer's f.-Tsl mail service between New York and the southwest. Hitherto the fastest time between New York and New Orleans was forty Incurs. Under 'he new schedule it is thirty Lin e hours, it is assorted by the nui-mge-* ment 4hat the New York newspapers will reach the southwest territory from eight to twenty hours Quicker (tun before. Most interesting;’' HEAVEN FOB REAL ESTATE. If Iho story brought back from Ha waii by United States Senator Bur ton'of I’ansit*, is true them seme Protest at missionaries who should be pilloried for the world' scorn, member of the senate investigating committee. He says that certain Bos ton missionaries, finding the natives a simple anti trustful folk, have- been trading tire latter certificates guaran teeing to admit them to heaven in ex change for valuable lands, in conse quence of this thrifty trading the mis sionaries are becoming landed pro prietors, while the natives who have been cheated by these sharp prac tices are impoverished. Senator Bttr- Jotl adds that the victims are "natur ally a trifle suspicious of ail Ameri cans.” 8 '\tottbl less. But these Boston missionaries have discovered a medium of exchange cheaper than beads or' blankets, cheaper than John Law’s production of money (liming "The Mississippi The heavenly eerlideates cost noth ing save tlie paper they are printed on. And the whole sacrillgicms transac tion leads one to say - The man who will tread on the sa cred lengings for immortality, that come to every soul,' however humble, is meaner than the devil himself. — Tampa Tribune. BOILED DOWN RESULT. Here is the result of the election in a nutshell: Ohio has gone republican by 100,- 000 majority. Adillcks has been beaten in Ihe Delaware election. Odell Ims defeated Color for Gov ernor of New York. William R. Hearst lias been suc cessful in his candidacy for congress. The national bouse of representa tives ft republican by a small ma jority. Birdsall succeeds to Uio seat in congress forcerly bold by Speaker Henderson. Pattlson, for governor of IVunsyl vania, is beaten by Penny'packer, by an immense majority. Greater New York has changed from s,ooo’(Low, 10(11), republican-fusion, to democratis, 120.000 majority. THE EDITOR’S DREAM. The city editor with head bent low. Dreamed of times long ago. Beneath his foot on the basement floor Was trie song of the press, and angry roar. Willi his gray head bowed-his mind wont back. To happy days in Hackensack, When farmer .Tones would amble in To square his'account with a gallon of gin. How Colonel Smith would come ami stay, c Talking politics for a half day. How in summer time els eyes would • greet. From his office window fields of wheat Just how he’d see the folks in town Wheel round and jot them down. As he sat and dreamed of days gone by He could hear his printer "cuss” at “pi." lie could see his old office just us plain With its ink smeared walls and to bacco stain. Tile Washington press stood silent and meek. Ready for duly at the end of the week Alas, in his dream there came a change. His business spread to a wider range. And in the place of the foreman’s pipe. He inhaled the gas of the Linotype In the Washington’s place on the . basement floor, lie could hoar the Hoe press grind and roar. Darting hither.*running tnere, ...en wore hustling everywhere. He awakes wi-i a s-.i.-t at he pr-vs man's shout. "Cut off tlti' power, the Times is out." --Printers' Ink. Our work speaks for itself, while our line if photo jewelry, buttons aiu. flames is complete. We aiso do developing and finishing for amateurs. WILSON PHOTO STUDIO. l-i Qipucester street. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS Mins c 11)86 Astii by CUTICI RAQINTUENT, the Great Skin Cure, for preserving, puri fying, and beautifying the skin, for clean dug the scrip of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafing-,, and for all the pur poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use CUTICURA SOAP in the form of baths for annoying inflammations and irritations, or too free or offensive perspirations, in the form of washes for. ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purpose* which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can induce those v ho have once used three great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. Complete Treatment ter every Humour, sl. ('i.ii„i-tliigol l. l i ICCRA SOAl'i. , "i'' tier ~.kiii ol tMi.l. unit bt-iiii'-i, and thu thickened cuticle, ( cm i ka OfNTMksr to ei'-i.nitty afiay Ic-mnir, bn; minis limi, and irritation, and knotlm n!|.| heat, amt Ii in cu t Ut - II.VKN r I’ili to cool and cL.ui.-n tins blood. Ci ry'fit It Kri-ii,vt • r Pin,. (Chocolata Ooato‘o ate anew, tin-’idcss, odorless, ero nmoic.'.l substitute for the rxtebratsd ii,,nid Cl-Til Tit A ti l-n ill well as lot nil o l.ur blood purinvrs amt hniuiuir cure.,. hi serew cp vials, containing '0 hones, y; iui- Void tbreueHiut C- warld Urn.-a Depot, i: 2S, ClutrtfrfaouM Xu., Lor. ten Kmc i T"l '.Hue,!.- Can. i’l.-li PolTtb lon-., on C on. c,.i,i- , sale |-rt,;>o , Button, U. S, .4. "All U.,at in, bkhi." j re,. ■- i J. A. LOWE, JR. Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Aiso Do Paint Work. Get my Estimate Or Your Next Job 628 WOLF STREET. —♦ —♦ I I ♦ PAGE WOVEN V I I WIRE FENCE, ♦ I I ♦ Made in Adrian, Mich, ♦ I I V THE STRONGEST FENCE ♦ I I In the WORLD ♦ I " I V- C. W. DEMING, AgL, V I I ♦ Brunswick, Ga. -f I 1 —♦—♦—t- Clark, the leading and up to date colored harbor, has all tae latest ikings connected with an up to date barber shop. His Life in Peril. "I just seemed to have gone all to pieces," writes Allred Bee. of Welfare, fex , "blliiousiiess and a lame back uad made life a burden. 1 couldn't oat or sleep and felt almost.loo worn out to work when 1 began to u-e Elec tric Butters, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can eat any tfling, have gained in strength and en joy hard worn." They gave vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly run-down people. Try them. Only 50c at all druggists. Caution! This is n t a getu.e word —but when you think now liable you are no. to purchase for 7>se the only reuiedy tin. versauy known, and a remedy that ha had the largest sale of any iuedleiiii n ihe world since IStks for the cure and treatment of Consumption am Turoat and Lun 4 Troubles all tnese years without losing its popularity ail these years, you will be thankful we called your attention to Boschees Ger man S> nip. There are many ordinary c ugh remedies made by druggists md others that are heap and good for light colds perhaps, hut for sov. 1 Colds, Bronchitis, Croup—and especi ally for Consumption, waere there is liutficult expectoration and coughing iurim. the nights aud mornings, there is nothing like German Syrup. Sold iiy all oruggists in the civilizeu worm G. C. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneaseinois, children take cold so easily. Iso disease costs more lit tle lives than croup. It's attack is so sudden that the sufferer is often be yond unman aid before tae doctor ar rives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the muc us. allays inflammation, removes dan ger. Absolutely s£te. Acts imme diately. Cures coftghs. colds, grip, bronchitis, adi throat and lung trou ble. F. S. McMahon, Hampton, Ga.: "A had cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorical contest. I in tended to withdraw but took TTue Min ute Cough Cure. It restored my voice in time to win the medal.” Joergers Pharmacy, W. J. BulU, Sitj>'B Pharmacy. ONE CENT AWSRD If you want a position, a house, • servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. FOR RENT.—Two story house.. Aj>-' ply to Mrs. tl. C. Ooiesbetry, 121 Am herst street. FOR RENT7—Desk room on grouuu floor. Good, location. Address i’., care News. WANTED.—Horse ror us Iced. Light work and best of care. Address 3. J. TANARUS., care News. FOR SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, stincem, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle streeL WANTED—An experienced sales man. Good salary and pcrmainm po sition. Apply Mrs. M. Isaac. FOR RENT—Two very desirable rooms, with or without board. Apply to 300 1-2 Newcastle street. FOR RENT--Five room ttage corner Howe aaT Reynolds streets. Apply at J. J. Lissner’s. Foil RENT One two .story. 7-ronm house, corner Albemarle and Dm mouth streets. Apply Mrs. T. K. Smith. WANTED BOARDERS-Good t-oaid ind nice rooms ft.r two or Hire • y.msig men, can be had cni-ap. ai -II 15 street. PERSONAL Morphine. opium, laudanum,,.- cocaine habit. Mm it cured. Will inform you oi Harmless perinaoent home cure. .Mrs. and. A. Baldwin. Box 12f2, CbiCaw. I .(AST—(Jwestern „idc of Union, between George and prince troels one small plain gold watch. Finder will lie liberally rewarded by return ing same to Fleming Waff. FOR SALE inn ton Lighter, five ears.- ok), comparatively new. Ro ■entty put in hrsi ( Pis condition. Ad iicss "W", 222 Ashley Ave . t’harb - oil. S. C. FOR SALE. Bakery. t estab ished place in the city, trade from 120 to $23 daily. Rent reasonable. Good chance for any one. Good rea son for selling. Address or cail at City Bakery, Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE.—Hiliery Island, contain-, ing 32 1-2 cares of high land, suitable for truck farming or for poultry. Also a six acre reservation on Blythe creek known as Crescent Bluff. Fur parti culars call en F. Jots. Dauliinger. FOR SALE- Anew house with all modern improvements, No. i’ll Union street. Lot 43 by 180. Also a nice parlor set and fine carpels for four large rooms. Inquire of J. Hoffman, 2IHi Newcastle street. If you need a typewriter of and dan '-rlptlfiii come to see me before buying I can save you money. Terms rea sonabla and satisfaction guaranteed 0. H. Jewett. Rllllousness am! liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. These famous iulle pijis do not gripe. They more the bowels g- n tly, lull copiously, and by reason of the tonfc properties give tone and strength to the glands. Joerger’s Pharmacy, W. J. Butts, Smith s Pnarmacy. if you want your ’’lcy-eie repaired rigt.* bring it to an ex, erionce l work nan. B. J OlewTne. 50a Glouceatar FALL HATS. tl have them in ail varieties. See my winter goods now arriving. The VERY LATEST MILLINERY LINE. MISS KATE SLATER. '{> Gloucester St. """V 1 9 ■■■ -1— Out of Death's Jaws. “When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, that L had suffered with for years," writes P. Muse, Durham, N. C., “Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health. ’ Best pills on earth and only 25 cents at an druggists. WATCHES' CLOCKS. JEWELRY. REPAIRED in the very best man ner and at lowest prices for GOOD WORK. Pins put in breast pins only 10c. We guarantee our work. , EVERYTHING IN JEWEL ERY. Call and look. ' KENNON MO IT 0. D. i The Leading Jeweler. , 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. ( Inspector of watches for. thej Southern and B & B Railways.' Keeper of the city clock. Time i by wire from Washington daily j at 11 a. m. ' We gre projnpt—News Job Office, —tub — BAY IRON WORKS Munufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Suppslie intimates furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R, DART,- CLAUD DART, .•resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant AN OYSTER OPENING. Served in any style. Everything in season. Meals at all hours. Open till midnight. JAS. W, WILSON, Prop. Phone 321. JUST ARRIVED. ,’NEW GERMAN DILL PICKLES. ' NEW HOLLY HERRING. ; NEW NORWAY ANCHOViS : NEW SARDELLES. 'i SMOKED SALMON. ■ IMPORTED CHEESE AND SAU SAGLS AT • NUSSBAUMS DELtCATESSEN STORE. DON’T MONKEY WiTH THE BUZZ SAW. 1 - V*. • i r- : a / 1 bv btiv.ti" lumber of unreliable deal ers. When you want anything in lum ber come lo us. We will fill your or der accurately and promptly, We will give you just the lumber you want, at just the right price. You cun always sav money by placing your order with us. Phone 12/. Lang & Woo and. PLANING MILL. ’Phona 197. For Whooping Cough use CHE NEy and EXPEC TORANT, * The Arcade. Uespectiuliy auuouuces to its many friends and patrons in Brunswick and country that we are pre pared to till their orders t-or anr ot Uie leading brands of whiskies on tue i-:aH,w at pupu r prises. Ai! got as "ill delivered to out of town ous toiiutrs free of express charges: w. IV.. J* L.-cu. Old Saratoga. Louis 66,' VeJuWistuac. Paul Jones, Duke oi Cumberland, Jlonogram, Beiie of Bour- Won and a number of others including guts. Wines and popular bfands ol beer. Our bar. is replete wifa ail that goes to n&ke up a first class establish ment. Pool aud billiard tables kept in an up to-date condition. We serve ian excellent lunch from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. PHIL KELLER. Miss Kate Slater wishes to call the attention of the iadlej tc. her new fancy* work in battenbgrg ana renas aunce work. ABK FOR ROB ROY FLOUR. NOVEMBER 7. When you visit - Savannah call and Have you F_yes Examined properly and glasses tit ten that not alone Improve ycur Vision bat will Preserve your Sight. Dr. M. SCHWAB & SOS. 47 Ball Street. TRY Dr. J. A. Cole’s Celebrated Mouth Wash. Anticeptic Germicide Hunter-Sale Drug Go. 'PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure T >mn* Bear in Mind That we Sell -4.-V ' *ysm*.*v EMPTY AND LOADER) oHtLU Fire arms., cutlery and ' sporting goods. Fishing tackle. GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P. O. KfcSSLEK 20614 Monk. hor Croup use CHENEY'S EX PECTQRANT. COAL ' AND WOOD, GONEY &. PARKER. Slielkiw Vmk. This jlot>r ,ed tonic Is In growing demand. Ufae season of the groa*est need U approaenlng. . indigesJou, Bil liousness, Jaundice, Chilli and Fever, Sick Headache, pains in tnc hack and Kidneys all depend upon raalaria, and Bellevue Tonic cures them all in anjr term, W. J. BUTTS, The Druggist, If you want the largest i LOAD of WOOD in Brunswick fer 75 cents. ( PHONE 206. ' s> I TEMPLE’S WOOD YARD, ' 1