The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, November 08, 1902, Image 2

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SATURDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made knowu on application. Church and other char itable organization notice# published at halt the regular rate*. Advertisers desiring their ada. dis continued must notify the office In writing. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Terms t< subscribers In the city ami by mall [n o of charge to all part# of the United S'.ate# and Can ada, Mexico, Porto Rico, c.uaiu, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I -60 Six Months H. 50 ■One -car 6.00 Phone 1 US. Entered at the Brunswick, Os., pnstoflb'O, as second class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the Official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires It to he distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must he pal.l for In advance. We cannot afford to "vote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money, "My deal' G&StOfi” was "you lii'al' sure enough. The New York repumicans nave done nothing to brag about. Tom Johnson's circus will now seek Winter quarters. The state fair is a great success and Valdosta Is to he congratulated. President Roosevelt's Oyster Bay folks seem to be for the other fellow. Chairman Griggs ami Senator Jones are not good political prophets. Every officer, lu fact, every citizen, should lio a representative ol' the hu mane society. The newspaper readers w. doubt - Urns, glad that the Atlantia dei>ot ques tion 'has been settled. Wayeross is now called the Tampa •if Georgia. Her Cigar factories are booming. The city should have competent men in ail positions, oven il they do come a little higher. Mr. Brantley is strictly in it with the Coffee county people, tie carried the county twice. “Odoir was the cry in New York Tuesday night. We felt like putting an “li ’ where the "and" is. Jim Is all right, lie just sauntered up against the strong kind of a propo sition. That’s all. We want to see industries, ~,e wage-paying kind, locate here, and every effort should lie made to get them. Those “up state" republicans had to do some lug ballot hex stuffing to over come Color’s Greater New York ma jority. But they knew the business. It is rumored that President Roose velt will visit Jokyl this winter, lie will find plenty of game there aud tile large kind. too. The New York republicans who l were exports m stuffing the ballot box must have boon taking lessons from our jury commissioners. William Jennings Bryan says it is ail right. Ho tolls tno party not U. become discourage*!. The people will come to their senses after a while, he says, and Dentooraoy will triumph in the end 1 . Judge Evans of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, has taken a stop toward Improving the quality of jurors drawn. He has addressed circulars to leading business men of all kinds asking them to send names of employes, compe tent to serve as jurors, in explaining his movement tlie judge says there is much room for improvement in (lie hi mi of men diawn -or jury duty and lie believes that his method will also secure men who will make few appii patoins to be excused. FAITH IN JIM. The Albany Herald says: Our faith in Jim Griggs is of the enduring sort and hasn't been the least shapen by the failure of his anie-election claim and prediction that the next congress would be democratic to materialize in the returns from Tuesday's elections. And then, we made some allowance for him ail along on account of the position he occupied as chairman of the democratic congressional cam paign committee. He was expected to claim everything in sight for the dem ocrats. That was one thing he was there for. And he put up a good fight and weni down claiming. ALL REPUBLICANS. .vthe smoko of Tuesday's battle clears away, the great success achiev ed by the repiibllcan party become# more monumental than was at first anticipated. Congress will be reput lican with a working majority of twenty-four or more. The democrats made slight gains In a few eastern states, while the republicans made heavy advances In western staler, where the democratic leaders, who are known as “Reoganizers,” and who opposed Bryan and the Kansas plat form, were ignomlnousiy routed, while the crushing defeat of ‘’Circus Johnson", of Ohio, makes him an im possibility in the next campaign. The defeat of Color In New York virtually puts Hill out of business, and the whole democratic party has sustained losses that it will require years t.f harmony and zealous organizing lo regain.. The game law in Georgia meets open defiance during most of the season iu which the protection of our deer and game birds Is sought, and this will continue lo be the case until some of the guilty parties are made to pay stiff penalties for their open Olsre- the law. Happy Atlanta! The Constitution felicitates its people that the depot question is now settled, and too work has begun. This shows that the im possible can happen. By the same token Mobile may. some clay get a do cent depot.— Mobile Register V.'anteo. We would like to ask throught the Jumns 01 your paper, if thero, is any person who has used Green’s —ugust Flower for the cure of !n,..gestion, Dyspepsia aud L.ver I'rounles that has not been cured—>i u we also mean tneir results, such as sour stoi in :h. n 'ucnaition m food, Habitual costive ness nervous dyspepsia, headaches, de spondent feelings, sleeplessness—in tact, and trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine nas bee*> sold for many years i:i all civil ized countries, and we wish to cor re - pond witu yoc and senu you one of our books free of cost, if you have never tried August Flower, try one bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is tae matter with you. Ask jour druggist. G. C. Green. Woodbury, N. J. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barber, has all tae latest things connected with an up to date barber shop. His Life in Peril. "i just seemed to have gone all to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare. Tex. "billiousness and a lame back aad made life a burden. 1 couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when l began to u. e Elec tric Butters, but they worked wonders. Now i sleep like a top, cau eat any tuiug, have gained in strength and en joy hard worn.” They gave vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly run down people. Try them. Only 50c -it all druggists. We are prompt—News Jofi Office. IS YELLOW POISON v in your blood ? Physicians call it ilaiarial (term. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night, First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak* and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. It neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts’ Tonic will cure you then—but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands—lt will cure you, or your money back. This' is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. F'r Sa by Smith's Pharmacy v.J Bulls; Him , rr--l. Prng n • Q V. Cat.., ■ THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEtYS “Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work.” Don’t plod alone like your grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing, bending and rubbing. GOLD DUST makes housework easy, it dear/, everyth mg and injures nothing. More economical than soap. Mad* only by THE N. K. FAIRBAWC COMPANY. Chicago. New York, Boston, St Loul#. Makers o! OVAL FAIRY SOAP. ln'g""Jtx ■*— —**“■•—- ■ : PETITION FOR INCORPORATION, State of Georgia, County of Glynn. To tiie Superior court of said county: The petition of A. B. Coley, of Brook *lyn, N. Y., George L. BreriUss of toe city of New York, O. M. Acklen, of Ellieott City, Maryland, hi. H. Mason, E. Brobstou and A. Fenuig, ail of Glynn county, Georgia, respectfully shows: l. That your petitioners desire for themselves, their associates and sin lessors, to be created and made a body corporate under ttte name ami style of the "Mutual Light and Water Company,” for the full end and term of twenty (20) years, with the right of renewal at the termination of that time in accordance with law 2 Toe object of said corporation Is and will be the conduct and operation of the particular business hereinafter described and designated, for pecu niary gain and profit to its stockhold ers. 3. Tiro particular business proposed and intended to be carried on and conducted by said corporation is, (a) The purchase, construction, equipment and operation of an elec tric light and power system of sys tems. in the city of Brunswick,' Georgia, or ejaew here, for the pur pose of furnishing and supplying electricity to its patrons amt consum ers tor ail purposes for which the same may be used, the •building ami equipment of a plant and power house for the purposes of said business, the ereolion cf poles and pole lines, and running and stringing main wires ami cut-in wiies on sum poles, the buying, selling, construction and installation of all articles of equipment and sup plies necessary for, connected with and incident to the furnishing or use of electricity for light, power or other purposes, and generally the right to huy, sell, handle and deal in articles of merchandise incident to a general electric supply business. (b) Also to purchase, own, build, construct, equip and operate ft gas plant or plauts in the city of Bruns wick. Georgia, or elsewhere, and to manufacture, furnish and sell to its customers and the public, gas for light, heat and all purposes for which tiie same may be used, to lay gas pipes and deal in gas fixtures and supplies. (c) Also to furnish and supply steam for floating buildings and for any other purposes, and to lay all necessary pipes and acquire and con struct, supply and deal in all neces sary and proper fixtures for that pur pose. til) Petitioners also desire the right and power to manufacture ice. and to that end to purchase ami own all meieswiry marainepy, land, ap paratus and supplies, and t- build, equip and operate an ice factory or factories and to soli the product thereof, (ci And also to own and construct, carry oil and conduct a cold storage business, and to acquire and own all property, real or personal, necessary and proper for that purpose. If) Petitioners also intend aud de sire the power to purchase, construct, own, operate and carry on a system of water works in the city of Bruns wick and at stten other places as it may desire, and to furnish a supply of water to the public to its patrons and customers upon such terms as may tic agreed upon and they pray to that end and for that purpose that said corporation shall be granted and | given the right, power, privi.ege and authority to lease, purchase or con demn lands, receive donations grants, casements or other uses of land ne cessary or proper for the construction Hud successful operation of water works upon the terms ami conditions and as is provided under the laws of the state ot Georgia for corporations or individuals engaged in the busi ness of constructing and operating ' water works, to acquire such proper ties and rigats. j -h The capital stock of said corpora tion shall he the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). divided Ino two hundred and fifty (250 ' shares of the par value of one hun dred dollars, t $100.00) each, with the , privilege of increasing such capita! slock at any time and from time to time upon the vote and consent of two-thirds of the capital stock then issued and entitled to vote to an amount not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250- , 000.00.) ' 5. That no part of said capital stock has yet been paid in. but they prav the right to exercise, the privilege of their incorporation as soon as thirty (30) per cent, of the capital stock shall have been actually paid in. 6. Petitioners pray that said cor poration shall have the rigat and power to allow the subscribers for stock in said corporation to pay for the same either in money or in prop erty at its just and fair value. 7. The principal office and place of busines of said corporation shall he m Brunswick, in Glynn county. Goer gia. with the right 'to establish branch offices and do business at such other places as to said {torpor- ONE CENT AWe)RD If you want a position, a house, t servant, or want to find' anything 1 that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has. ad verttse in this column. FOR REN i. i , piy to Mrs. H. G. Coiemvviry. i-i. A: iierst street. FOR KENT.—-Hook room on : Hoor. GooJ, location. Address i care News. WANTED.—Horae tor o s It ■ Light work and best of care. Addu: - S. J. TANARUS., care Nows. FOR SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, stiaceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B Fain, 212 Newcastle streeL WANTED—An experienced sales man. Good salary ami permanent, po sition. Apply Mrs. M. Isaac. FOR RENT—Two very <!< irn eV rooms, wild or without board. Apr ~ to 300 L 2 Newcastle street. FOR RENT —One two cur), 7 room house, corner Albemarle and If. mouth streets. Apply Mr. \>\ I Smith. WANTED BOARDERS-Good i ,a and nice rooms (< r two or three you: men. can be had cheap at All r street. 1 RE It SON AI. Morphine, , out laudanum, cocaine habit. S\\ . cured. Will inform you of aarrale-. pcriiianent home cure. Mi- la. Baldwin. Box 1212. Chicago. LOST—On western is m ( ~ Tfi ' between George and Brinco r ■ . ' one small plain gold watch, find will be liberally rewarded by re: uni lug same to Homing Waff. FOR .-.ALL to.. lon i.r.iio , n“ years old. comparatively new. lie cent!y put In first clan condition, a dress "W", 222 Ashley Avo <“eo-!.., toil. S. C. FOR SALE, iiauciy. l:. t . f it, Imbed place in the city. Trade from |2u to $25 daily. Rent rraoiis: n Good chance for any on Good n , son for selling. Address or caii City Bakery, Bjonswice. tin FOR SALE llllicrv I um . o t u ing 32 1-2 cares of high land, suraid for truck farming or for poultry. .V ■ a six acre reservation on Blythe crock known sis Crt'seent It tuff. For parti etilars call on F. Jos Dauflrtiger, FOR SALE Anew Louse with fill modern Improvements, No :;it Lu m Street. Lot. 15 by ISO. Ain an : , parlor set and fine oarpeis tor ton: large rooms. Inquire of J. Hoffman. 306 Newcastle, street. If you need a typewriter ol and de riptlon come to see cm before lunino I can save you money. Term ; o:< ronabls and satisfaction guaranty B. H. Jewett. WATCHES CLOCKS, JfWfUiK. REPAIRED in the very best man ner and at lowest prices for „ GOOD WORK. Pins put in breast pins only 10c. We guarantee our work. EVERYTHING IN JEWEL ERY. Call and look. , KEKNON M3'! 0. i . The Leading Jewelei. 215 NEWCASTLE STREET Inspector of watches for tk Southern and B & B Railway- Keeper of the city clock fin, by wire from Washington da at 11 a. m. ation may seem fit. s. They desire each and al. of the rights power and authority usually granted to corporations, including the right to contract, to be, contract with, sue and be sued, to buy sell any kind of property net-. ■ . uy and proper for the successful condui t in carrying on of its said business, ami also the right, authotitv and power to borrow money, issue bonus, .mu t i piedpe its property and tram iilso-q to secure tile payment cl' either or both by deed or deed of trust, or mortgage, or in any other legal way -10. To make such by-laws ;;:>•! cr - ate such offices as way be necessary anti proper for the management and control of its business. 9 HKREFORG. petitioners pray the Court to grant an order and judg went, creating and "making them tbeir associates and success;" t ody corporate, under Vue name fwre sald. and to grant them a charter with tne powers and rights and lor the purpose hereinabove stated. Respectfully submitted, KAY. BENNETT & CONYERS. Petitioners’ Attorneys. State of Georgia. County of Glynn. This is to certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of l;i original petition for incorporation of the Mutual Light and Water Conn ;uv, of tile in the office of the clerk Superior Court of Giynn couutv Georgia. This, October 2S. 1902. H. F. du BIGNON. Clerk Superior Court. Glynn County, Georgia. We are prompt—News Job Office, oA V IU O M Wol ? u ''s..: ~dji lurers and Repairers of ’ Machisiury, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings , and Suppslie f stinuites furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St,. W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant *. *• - jL f ---A : %S’ \ .. m , ' A" *v. ** 2>_’ itSat- -.r ’ .. 'V- - ■ ■ ... AN OYSTER OPENING. Served et any style. Everythiiap-in season. Meals at all hours.. Open till midnight, 3AS W. WILSON, Prop. Phone 321. JUS r ARRIVED. NEW GERMAN OiLL PICKLES. NEW HOLLY HERRING. NEW NORWAY ANCHOVIS NEW SARDELLES. SMOKED SALMON. IMPORTED CHEESE AND SAU -BAC.L S AT NUS9BAUMS DELICATESSEN ’ STORE. < DON’T MONKEY Wi*H THE BUZZ SAW. J y. . -;r/ /# by buying lumber of unreliable <lcal- : <r- When you want any talus in lum till imo to us. We will fill your, or der accurately u and promptly. We will give you just tlie lumber you want at Just 'he right price. You can always ■a Vi im'iuy by placing your or.jer with us. Phone 191. Lang 6& \Vcod. PLANING MILL. ’Phorw 19? For Whooping Cough use CHL NE tti EX HEC TOR A NT, j ... —~~ The Arcade. | itospecUui’.v announces to its many | friends and patrons in Brunswick and surrounding country that w are pre pared to siii tu ir orders tor any of cue leading biands ox whiskies on the $ wdi to out of town- cus- A., Wilson, Old Saratoga, Louis tig, Yellowstone, Haul Jones, Duke of Cumberland. Monogram, Belle of Bour bon and a number of others including f SU8 > wines aud popular brands of beer. Our bar is replete with ail that goes to make up a first class establish ment. Poe, and hiiliard tables kept iu "tiii-to date condition. Wc serve au excellent lunch from 11 a. m. to 1 p m. PHIL KELLER. Miss Kate Slater wishes to call the attention of the ladies to her new fancy work in hattenberg and renas aunce work. ASK FOR ROB ROY FLOUR. NOVEMBER 8 Dont Miss the Opportunity of lidving your Eyes Examined and the Proper Glasses fitted to your eyes when you again visit Savannah Our Lenses are the finest Crystals known.. Our Bat ruts are the best that can be made. We take groat pride in fitting our l ames to your fa to look well. Dr. M. SCHWAB &SQX. 47 Bail Street. TRY Dr. j . A. Cole's Celebrated Mouth W ash. Anticeptic Germicide Hunter-Sale t rug Cos. ’PRONE 37. Birth Plac Pnr# Bear in Hind That we P-U %4 EwrlV LOADED oHtuts. Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods, Fishing tackle. GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P. 0 . K V c.L E"i 206!4 Monk. For Croup OH rN i Y’n EX- PfcCTO; ANT. COAL AN Q ?OOL\ CONF. Yt: l> l ’ER. Sjdkne Soak Tats jluor cd tonic Is la growing demand. The season of the grea'ist need is approaching. Indignation, Bii iiousness. Jaundice, Chilli and Fever, Lick Headache, pains in tae back and kidneys s;i depend upon isa'ara, and Bellevue Tonic cures them all in any form, W. J. BUTTS, The Druggist, If you want the largest LOAD OF WOOD in Brunswick for 75 cents, PHONE 206. TEMPLE’S WOOD YARD.