The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, November 16, 1902, Image 2

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ftWffDAY MORNING. BRBJSWM DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A H. LEAVY Manager C H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. ■’ Advertising rate* made known on application. Church and other rhar- Halda organisation notices published ai halt the regular rates. Advertisers dealring their adx dl> continue,! must notify the office In writing. . ...u i ■ subschution rates. Terms to siibßcrlnere In the city , ( „1 by mall free of charge to ail ■•arts of the United States and Can ola. Mexico. Porto Rico. Uuam. Phil iopine Islamlß and Hawaiian Islands-. Per Month * • f>o Hu Months 3-50 One .ear Hhotsn 188. Entered st the Brunswick, Ca, -Kwtoftiee, as second class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated ■he Brunswick Daily News ss the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for .lyim county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires It to he distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for in advanre. We cannot afford to svota our space to such advertise ments and wait no the courts for the noney. A William R. Hears! Is a great man. A mbii worth thirty million Is always great. Homo papers say the reeent demo craAlc defeat was a blessing In ilia guise, but wo can t see it that. way. The Marietta Journal says "Jim Griggs claimed everything In sight." Yes. Mr. Griggs Is a fine “clalmer." Hero Is a good resolution: “I will be an active member of the Board ol Trade." If the president kills no bears ii will not be the fault of the party. All of the members are "You Hrst. my dear president." The Macon News says: "Oh yo, the jSrosMent'* nioini-r wns a (!<ur giaa. but then, he took after 'hi father! The Valdosta Times says, "Tom Johnson eon charge up some of the loo.btm majority against aim 111 Ohio to the support which he received from Nebraska.” “The democratic party,” says Mr. Henry Wat lemon, in Pho I outs v til Courier-Journal, "has a clear filed he fore It for 1904. In Mr. Gorninn, at least. It has one tiallomil lender ot surpassing wisdom and experience, u demeerat front tile (row'll of his head tq the soles of Ids feet. The Boston Globe title's these word of wisdom: "Honest, business enter prise brlngß fine most happiness in the end. It produce* the best typo of sue eossful men. Playing with tlto stock ticker where It devek ps one lucky Jlimes iv. Keene brings ruin and mis ery to thousands of homes. The sue cefciiful inan who has not overreach ed his neighbors, but has done some good witli Ills money, live: in fine memory of the world long after fine grasping possess r of 111 gotten wealth is forgotten." The Atkinson Globe Is authority for the statement that an Atchison wo man h*d fried chicken for dinner chicken croquettes fur supper and chicken pie amt chicken >-.*up next day, ait out of one little oIJ hen. New a woman tike that coo id do a prosper otrs business keeping a boarding house. "Twentieth Century Koine." is the title given to a special industrial i!ius trated edition of too Tribune of Rome, and it Is the most elaborate and com plete thing of the luml cotton ottt in the state this year. It is a spend id advertisement for Home ami Floyd county, and at the same into reflects Bieat credit upon Hon. W. A. Knowles, the enterprising publisher. Editor Knowles is a hustler and is do ing a great work for Home and the section of country around tu RETIREMENT OF SAGASTA. Premier Sagasta has presented his resignation of the Spanis'n cabinet.. Dispatches tell us that the resigna tion Is founded on personal as well a political consideration. Advancing age makes Premier Sagasta anxious to lay down the burden of power. On the other hand, he and his ministry are- being Beamingly assailed in the cortes. This ‘attack Is directed espe cially upon the ministers of war, ma rine and Justice, arid ft is possible the king may retain Premier Sagasta and the laner mtay sacrifice his weak er ministers. The Sagasta ministry was formed in March, llrOl, to succeed the Azcar ruga Cabinet. Ai Hurt time Senor Vilhiv. id, lulled in an attempt to lorm a ministry. Soon after Premier Sagasta lock the helm the eortes was dissolved, dud new elections in May, Idol, gave the ministry an overwhelm ing majority in both houses, in tne lower house the liberals had 238, as against 1 flit in the opposition. Tne somite it,id 115 liberals and but 35 conservatives. As is often the case with great majorities, the liberal wing broke up Into factions and has become unmanageable. It bus picked out vic tims among the ministry upon whom it k; ready to visit its wrath. Intrigue has found a fertile soil among tne factious. Premier Sagasta has held the halm While trie seeplre of authority was being transferred from the queen re gent to tie- hoy king:. With Spain as with France, flie regulation of re •igioiis orders lias become an itnpor tant question and is responsible for some of the ministry's trouble, it was during Premier oagasta's time (mil the royal decree was promul gu!cd regulating religious and political associations and providing for regis tration, It is possible taut Kagusta's policies will cct tlnne, even though ht> should insist on laying aside the dm ID'S of premier. The king is still too young to venture into untried fields, ami no other person could get sup port for any radical change of policy. THE BOARD OF TRADE. For the good of a community there is nothing th'at equals an enterprising hoard of trade .thu.t numbers among If* member's enterprising and 1-roe.essivo business men who devote t least a portion of their time to the organisation. There is no doubling the fact that the Brunswick Board of Trade has done a goal deal for this community and the patriotic members who have had their shoulders to the wheel hould he encouraged. They snoiild have tit,, e. operation of every loyal Brunswick citizen. Pride .- houUl force other members 'o assist th m. To M- as. Aiken. Kaiser ami Ogg ill honor is due. They have worked Biiliifuily ami they should be eucoutv <geii. It is an honor to say "1 uni a GOOD member of the Board of Trade. Can you say it ? Editor Be.i Hu .sell is si ill in favor of abolishing the Georgia senate and reducing tin' house pi forty-four mem bers, and then restrict them to meet ing only ince in two years. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it nalarial (ierm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night.- turns} our com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak' and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now . It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then-but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and- Malsris. It has cured thous ands—lt will cure you, or your money back. This'is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents, i-' rSae uv siii iii*> 1 hirnitri -J Hns; ! : •**-*—a', I), u- ’ , *■’ VAYte- Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digeat* what ytu eat. SLEEP FOR BABY AND REST FOR Sleep for Skin Tortured BauL'J and Rest for Tired Mothers, in Warm [Jath3 with ti? And gentle applications cf Git'- cura Ointment, purest of emol lients and greatest of skin cures, to be followed in severe cases by mild doses ol Cutieurx l p went Pills. 1 his is the mu, speedy, permanent, and economical treat ment for torturing, dfsffgtu-fngf, itching;, burning, bleeding-, scrly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of hair, of in fants and children, ever com pounded, Mn-l ioss or Prori.r. r- Cc! w:i it, vc, assisted by (ern -cn.\ jus r*o .r, f t .. > ; ,i>. tying the skill, for rk-itnslhv tm , iiiit the stopping of fulling hnlr, for • An whitening, and ,oxhtng red, inneh. I , hstlllfl, lltll) to, .111 tllll |,Ui,U>HVH of the ‘ jet, hathpUMlmirw-i V. Mllllon-et woitien ii. • L ■ Tl' I HI SuAI-in batli,, In; ji :n.,. imr in j- ! j I, liill.imiuatiiiim,and i-tirlln t,„, i,, ,-. sive persplrnttou. In wash, for i:!. i-nitive weakm--.Hi--.aiid f.irman-.- -ansttve ,■ i.r purjaisea which n adlU Yu -n t u, ~ ~|. Sold throuchout Cl.,l w, Oihi -.r, leti, C:I.L-. I■■ Jkpott A : -i , - I.tuition ir.nch Repoti u Muffle : Piux, t* - Soil 188 IJBUO BBS CHUB. COS t; Bole l'rO|t<., Hwa. Billiousuess and liver disorder!. at this season may In- prevented by cleansing the system with UeWitt's Little Early ltlHers. These famous Ititle pills' do not gripe. They move the bowels gen tly, but copiously, aud by reason ol the tonic properties, give' lone and strength to the glands. Joerger’s Pharmacy, W. J. Butts, Smith’s Pharmacy. Cold Weather Is Upon Us, on 1 very body should have theii vvlni.n cloth--s cleaned and repaired by Jim Carter. King ’phone 243 2. Clerk, the load!tig and up to date colored barber, has all tne iutesl tilings connected with an up to date barber shop. Healthy Kidneys Means Long Life If you want to restore your Kidneys to their former state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure 50 cents at druggists. America’s Famous Beauties Book with horror on Bktn Eruptions, Hlotcnes, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one. who uses Bueklen’s Arnica Salve It glori fies the face. Eczema or Sait Rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped itands, chilblains Infallible for piles. 25 cants at ail druggists. if you want, your icycie repair?.' rlgt * bring it to an ex, uriohee.l work man. B. J Ob v.-lne. 505 Gloue.-at-* Something new —quinine Bhampou for ladloa Get it at Clark’s baibei shop.. Swan’s Down flour is he best. Ladies if you want to see eve-y --thing and up-to-date In fancy work. Just go to Miss ixaie Slaters Millin cry parlors. Tax Notice. For the purpose of collecting the state and county tax for 1902, t wiii be at tlte precincts named below c> dates mentioned, to-wit: Sterling, Sept. 29; Oct. 28 and Nov. 24. Jamaica, Sept. 30; Oct. 29 and Nov. 25; Pyles, Oct. 2; Oct. 30; Nov. 26; St. Simons, Oct. 6; Nov, 10 and Dec 8. On dates not mentioned above. I can be found at court house in Bruns wick until December 20, when the books will be closed as per special in structions from comptroller general. Be governed accordingly. H. J. BEAD, T. C. GLYNN CO. M'.'rehants will save SO per cent by ’.laving their job work done at the News Job Office. Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching- winter with uneasbiness, children take coiu so easily. No disease costs mure lit tle lives than croup. It's attack is so sudden that the sufferer is otfi n be yond auman aid before tae doctor ar rives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure, Liquifies the muc us, allays iutiammation, removes dan ger. Absolutely sate. Acts imme diately. Cures conghs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung trou ble. F. S. McMahon, Hampton, Ga.: “A bad cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorical contest. 1 in tended to withdraw but took One Min ute Cough Cure. It restored my voice in time to win the medal.” Joergers Pharmacy, VV. J. Bulks, Santa's Pharmacy. Best in printing—News Job Office- ' M lilt CHURCHLS TODAY Catholic Church. Corner Newscast,e and Howe streets Rev. P. P. Luckle, priest. Mass at, 10 a. m. Sund|ay' school at 9 a. m. First Baptist Church. Preaching 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m. by the pastor. Young people’s meet ing 10:15 p. m. Sunday sciufol 3:30 p. in. All are cordially invited. St. Jude’s P. E Church C. (1. Bradley, vicar. Holy com munion and sermon at 11 a. m., by Rev. Harry Cassil, owing lo the an •' •nee oi (he vicar in Savanna i. n’v *’iiing prayer Wodnesday evening at 4 o’clock. Presbyterian Church. Corner Go ego Ttcyolds street.. Rev. W. F. Hollingsworth, pastor. Morning services 11 a. m., Sunday school 3:30 p, m., nistfit service 7:30 ii. m. Prayer meeting every W.-d --nesday night at 7:30. Seamen s Bethel. Oarthinouiu street corner Ogle fiiorpi-. Sunday s.-nool at * *, in. Ser vices coniloct -d by 0. I). Ogg every Friday evening a*. 7.30 and twice • month on Sunday evenings ar the same hour. First Methcdist Church. Corner Monk and Norwich streets. Rev. .1. W. Malone. I) D. pastor, i'ri-i, king at ii a m. by tlie pastor. E**niiig jervif a- 7:5,0. St. Marks. St Mark’s church. Gloucester and Eg moot streets, the Rev. Wyilyu Rede, i). D., rector. Scrvi -on every Sunday as fellows: The Holy Com munion at 8:30 a. rn. Morning se*vice nn.l sermon at 11. Evening service and sermon at 7:30. Sunday a-hool at 3:30 p. m. Bible class every Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock in ie Parish house. Strangers corliady in vited. McKendree Methodist Church, Rev. m. Austin, pastor. Morn ing service 11 a. m. Epwortli Lmgue iiiectiiiv | p. m,, night service 7 p. lit, Second Advent Church. l'astot C. p. Thornti n cordfally in vites the public to attend services at Die .Second Advent enurch today, and l,< ar him from a strictly practical standpoint, on 'lie following subjects: 11 a, m., "The Holy Spirits in the ('uii;<-n, You cannot affor.. to miss tide Subject for 7:15 p. in. "The Church for the* People, or the Mission ol the Chnr.-h.’ Don't fail-to come. We want to ueip yon one and all. Morning service is special. Revival Services. Rev M. C. An: Bn. as i' *1 by Ib v. .1. \V. Milone, is holding p-o --trto-ied ti:*.;>tiiigs this week at :J"K*-n --dn e .Methodist (hurcb. The ti—ctings are well attended and are awakening a great deal of interest among tin u-.einiKT -. ib-v. Austin has a large 'l‘tri - ;jtiii and .lakes doe-p itrtarest to ,ii. pa-Uiral work. The Arcade. Rc.-ticrttniiy auiiouiua.-s to its many ft ends and pntrous in Brunswick and surrounding country that we are pre pared to tii) their orders lor any of the lending brands of whiskies on tne tic ket at popular prices. All goods A'll be dclivi red to out of town eus iinia'i ii* <• of * xpre. s charges: >. W. \V„ Wilson, Old Saratoga, Louis tG, \ cliowstone, Paul Jones, Duka ol Cumberland, .Monogram, Belle of Hour uon and a number of otliers including ..ins, wines aud popular brands of beer. Our liar is replete with ali'thut ws to make up a first class establish ment. Pool and .billiard tables kept in an up-to-date condition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a! m. to 1 p. in. PHU. KELLER, Goes Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling article 1 have in toy store.’’ writes druggist C. T. Bnutn, of Davis. TR . "is Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds, because It always cures. In my six years of sales it has never failed. I have mown it to save auiicrers from Throat aud Long diseases, who could get no help trow doctors or any other remedy.” Moth ers rely on it, best physicians pre scribe it, and all druggists guaran tee satisfaction or refund price. Trial Potties iree. Regular sizes, 50c and tl. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith's Sure Kidney cure will produce both. Try a bottle aud be convinced. Your druggist sella ‘t for MV Quinine shampoo, tse latest for ladies' hair. For -sale only at Clark’s unisonal pa? Try Rob Roy Flour. It is the best use Rob Toy flour. Game is in season. Wison has just received a lino lot of quail. SWANS DOWN FLOUR IS PURE. TRY IT. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure. is Smi -s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will reiund yotir money if after taking one liottlo you are not satisfied "vith results. 50 cents. Best in printing—News Job Office. Out of Death's Jaws. “Wnen death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, that 1 had suffered with for years," writes I'. Muse. Durham, N. C., "Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health.’ Best pills on earth and only 25 cents at ail druggists. ROB ROY FLOUR IS THE BEST. Just Cp ned. C. S. lamb, GTIN and LOCKSMITH, corner Monk and Grant streets. Special attention to the repairing of TRUNKS, KNIFE-GRINDING and RE PAIRING, j Give me a Trial. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, ONE CLN 1 AYVWKIJ If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vert se in this column. rOK RENT.- Desk room on ground booi. Good, location. Address F.. care News. w u*rN i nu.~-noise ioi’ its teen. Light work and best of care. Address K. J, TANARUS., care News. FOR SALE -K:itiller stamps, seals, sunoe.s, etc. Agent Underwood Type- - writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street FOR RENT—Upstairs of residence , 4'H G street.. Suitable for light uou.sekeepiug. 55 ANTED BOARDERS Good board ; and nice rooms for two or three young men, can be liad cheap, at 211 i. street. PERSONAL Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit. Mysctt cured. Will inform you of Harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. ;d, A. Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. TSYO i.AiiUl-i LLi-JGA.NT l.\ FI. It nished rooms, singly or en suite, Haiti adjoining, electric light and telephone, all home comforts, central location, private family. 315 Union street, east. FOR SALE. —Bakery. Best estab lisiied place in the city. T rade from I2'J to $25 daily. Rent reasonable, (food chance for any one. Good rea son for selling. Audress or cad at City Bakery, liruuswic, Ua. Hilt SALE. Hi 1 lory Island, contain ing 32 1-2 cures of high land, suitable for truck farming or for poultry. Also a six acre reservation on Blythe creek known as Crescent Bluff. For parti culars rail p F. Jus. Dauttinger. if you need a typewriter of and dee cription come to see me before buying 1 can save you money. Terms rea sonable aud satisfaction guaranteed C. H. Jewett. Our work speaks for itself, while our line of photo jewelry, buttons am. frames is complete. We also do developing and finishing for amateurs. WILSON PHOTO STUDIO. 504 1-2 Gloucester street. DON’T MONKEY WiTH THE BUZZ BAW. by buying lumber of 'unreliable deal ers. When you want anything in lum ber come to us. We wall fill your or der accurately and promptly. We will giy.e you just the lumber you want at just the right price. Vou can always save money by placing your order with us. Phone 197. Lang & Wood. < PLANING MILL. ’Phone 497 Forty Years’ Torture. To be relieved from a torturing dis ease after 40 years' torture might well cause the gratitude ot anyone. That is what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney’, Geneva. O. He says: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Saha cured me of piles after I had suffered 40 years.” Cures cuts, burns, ‘wounds, skip diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Joergers Pnarntacy, W. J. Butts, Smith's Pnarmaey. SWANS DOWN FLOUR IS THE BEST. use ROB ROY FUOUfc ,1.„ Three Years Ago v;e said “Uneeda Biscuit” Millions of people read our {blvertisements, and said “V.-ell try Uneeda Biscuit/’ " ' tried them, and then they said “We’ll use Uneeda Biscuit;” ail! \ they were so pleased they kept on using them, until now more millions of packages are soid than any body ever dreamed possible; but that isn’t the end of the story. Uneeda Biscuit ■ re better to-day than ever. It everybody knew how good they are everybody would say to everybody else:— “Uneeda Biscuit” Wilson’s Up to Date Restc^iuant FEAST ON TURKEY at Wilson’s Oysters in any style. Game always on hand All kinds of fish. OUR DINNER Exce s anything offered anywhere. JAS. W. WILSON, Prop. Phone 32! OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. ; For Whooping Cough use GHE NEVo EXPEC TORANT, Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vtun e ui medicine is given by druggist if. W. Roberts, of Elizabeth. W. Va. An old' man there had long suffered with what good tors pron^iuced w case aOiicloSo till he uied Bieetric Hitters and applied Btukicn's Arnica Salvo, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and mi erobe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases. ■slUc eruptions, juicers and sores vanish Billers 50c.. We are prompt—News Job Office; For Croup use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. - tiie . BAY IRON WORKS; Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Kills Marine work a specialty. Packings, F ttings and Buppslie f stimates Furnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St, VV. R. DART, CLAUD DART, resident and Manager Secretary and Treasurer. Don’t Miss the Opportunity OF Having your Eyes Examined And the Proper G'aetcr :them when you again visit Savannah | Our examination (which is free)) de termines exactly what you require. e . be jthing bet the .Best irises and Far es made. We guar antee satisfaction to all. ! I’r. M. SChV.AB &SGN. 47 Knli Stiver Use Berminol I Ecr Chopped Hands and Face Sedalgia Tablets for He daehe Hunter-Bals I'iugOo. PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Orujj*. Bear m Mind That we well tier*, . Ai.u LOADED SHtLLs. Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P. O.KESSLER 206|/ a Monk, j