The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, November 18, 1902, Image 2

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Tt'BiMV MORN I NO. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. it City Editor. Advertising rate* made known on application. Church and other ehar italile organization notices published at ball the regular rates. Advertisers desiring their ad a. dis continued must notify the office In writing. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscriber* In the city ami by mall free ot charge to all •>arts of the United S'.vteß aud Can ad a, Mexico, Porto Rlfco. Ouam, Phil ippine Islands and Huwailan Islands: Per Month I *6® Six Months One tear 800 Phone 188. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post office, as second-class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated 'he Brunswick Dally News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Uiynn county. j'-.-i. '-i'-" ~ PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires It to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We rannot afford to 'vvote our space 'to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. Speaker Morris ha troubles of Ills own. The people of France seem to know Count Bonl. a* 1 * rr ’ Having grown weary of Running for the trustH, the president Is now limit- Ing Mississippi bear. They are easier to handle. The Birmingham Age-Herald ob serves that Mr. Cleveland may not la in politics, but he is one of the most alert and observant outsiders in either party. Mayor Low, New York's reform mayor, It is said, has decided not to he a candidate for a second term. This shows that Mayor Low la not alto gether unwise. PAGAN AND GENTLEMAN. St. Louis has Just finished bowing and scraping before a youth who nas royal blood In his veins and Is going to he a monarch some day. The crown prince of Siam Is a pa gan. Ills country Is not civilized, and it wouldn't ho fair to expect much from him In the way of modern man tiers. But he doesn't get drunk. It' hn displayed no fondness for chorus e.irb or champagne. He has expressed no desire to do tlio tenderloin and malo ti snow of himself. • , You see, he is a gentleman. That is something that wots not the color of a titan's hide or his place on the ma of the world. Kven education doesn't entirely subordinate instinct . and so wo have people with white skins coming from highly civilized lands making beasts of themselves, while toe man from Chinn and tip crown prince of Siam and the other representatives of nations that arc a thousand years behind tho proeession are setting the pace for good manners for the blue bloods of ill© world. These pagans never forget their dig ldty or posiliou. Scandal does not creep into their legations at Washing ton. Tacy are calm, quiet and cour teous wherever they are found. Com pare them with Boris, the ducal drunk ard of Russia, a French count or two and some of the Bnglish nobility, who have dispraced America by their pres ence in time past, and one would al most cry out: "Let us bo pagans for the sake of dee> ncy.” When tho crown prince goes hone he will leave behind pleasant memo ries and carry with him a hearty in citation to come again. When some of tho more enlightened visitors have departed, America has liotied her best bad-debt collectors to follow them, while society, watch car. stomach almost anything that looks human and wears a title, fumigates the house. LOW’S ADMINISTRATION. The Insurance Press In a recent is sue said: “The fxiw administration In New York city continues lo descend. It is becoming lower and Iwoor every day. The recent election showed I hat it is away below zero. All the newspapers In town (every one of (hem support ed Low as a candidate for mayor) at tribute the tremendous Tammany vote to the disappointment of the peo ple with Ihe administration. From head io tall It ts unpopular, discredit ed. The motto of the mayor seems to tie: “Hold fast to that whicn is bad!” Nothing has hurt Seth Low more than his retention to office of the ridicu lous, vindictive and Incompetent Stur gis, as fire commissioner.” . THE TRUTH OF IT. “The south is still solid, but. what of it? Elections nowadays arc wi, - without the south’s aid. The only way (hat tne south can get itself into con nection with the realities and vitall tallfies of polities ts by getting over to the republican side.”—St. Louts Globe- Democrat. To this the Louisville Courier-Journal makes ibis very ap propriate rejoinder: “The realities and vitalities of polities,’’ translated into plain republican English, means the federal swill trough, and the south is not the country to abandon conviction and join the solid north with no high cr Incentive than to get feeding room at this crowded trough. Tne lilly whites of Alabama con tinue to receive jolts and jars and ev ery now and then a knock-out blow. The labor people have clearly dem onstrated t’Roir ability to have a trust too and it is the largest in the world? FLAGS ON THE CAPITAL. 'Flu- (lying of flags over the capitol at half mast Is regulated liy tile strictest rules. Whenever these Hags are seen Hunting half way dujvn Hie umsl It Is a sure Indication that a vice president, senator or representative is lying dead or tbat Hie action Is taken in response 10 a pieshioidiiil pmeluiuation ordering the flags <m public buildings at half mast in respect lo the memory of some prolniiient official of the government who has passed away. When the sergeant at arms of the senate or house of representatives learns of the death of u member of either of those bodies, be at once orders that the tings over the senate chamber or ball of representatives be half masled. This Is often done'before the houses of congress lbenwlves are officially notified of the death. A good deal of discretion Is exercised In (ho maniier of placing the news of a death >f tins find officially before the senate or the house. I’pon such tin announce ment it is customary for the houses to adjourn in respect to the deceased sen aler or representative, and in order Unit the current business may not he slopped early ill the day the nunoiineo mem is generally made just before the houses are ready to conclude their day's work. Officers of Hie senate and house when they fly the Hugs at half mast in response to a proclamation by the pres ident regard their action as one of courtesy, as they do not recognize the power of the president, to order con gress to do anything except to assem ble in extraordinary session. They have always responded to the requests •if such proclamations. It would lie a idee question, if one could imagine that 11 Could ever be raised, to know to what extent the president’s authority would allow him to order Hags at half mast on the capitol. While Ids author ity would not extend over the em ployees of the senate and house, yet the capitol itself for tunny years was in fact controlled exclusively by him so fer es the care of the building is concerned, and the superintendent of the building is today appointed by him without confirmatory action on the part of the senate. Asa matter of fact, the capitol has for years been under the direct control of the committees on appropriations of the two houses of congress, but that octroi has been accorded them by the failure of the president to give any or is - lo the architect or more lately to io superinteriHeat of (he capitol. If <ic should order that official to liy dags err the capitol at half mast and the 'ixicr should be disobeyed, lie would nave pi n , r to dismiss him and appoint someone else in Ids place without the • >aeurrrtice of cither branch of con i'- ss. except so far as Hie appropria on far i: - iiciui's salary would be Involved. Tli se are practically moot pies' tops, bni they occasionally form interesting subjects for fireside talks when Hags are half masted In response to presidential proclamations. A laic, number of News subscribers are behind in paying their bills and the management will have to insist <>u the payment of these bills at once. MILLIONS of wortfi m . fit: /'■ \ - g /<>/ til'-, FIfS hssNSsT Preserve, Purify, and Beautify tlic Skin, B :alp, Hah*, atui tends with y|p|P> Millions or VY ■ :, - use Ct tuicua So AC -• .1 by (inert t Otn'i’jdint, lor fccv.sitityi ig till kirn ■ r •!< wising the oral],, ami UieytOMiing ■>* ’ 1 : '• l'j r Bofumiug, whitening, end so. king red, tough, aud finds, for -, imbmgs. and irriutioi’s, and Im all tbo purposes of tho toili.t, bath, and run ■' ry. Millions of women use Cut td ka Roar in batliH for annoying irrit.iiions, iidlamma tions, end exrot iations, ei too :>••* offen sive prespiration, in \va- iid- uUvrabva weaknoeses, and for many - "native, ,ti- Septic purposes, which readily tbemselKW to women, especially mothers. Complete Treatment for Humours, ?f - Coiibmttngo! <Ui !<rit\ i *1 the skin of orußts ami v.!<’h. and hiu- , Uus thickenedeuthle,Cmii< tua ointhkm < ), to iiiHtnutly allay il'nin>f, -; and irritation, and fSootheanu heal, and < i rn i iu R&9OI.VKKT PILLS (£ic.), to cool cleiliisd the blood. Outicuiia Rkbolvf'NT Pills (Chocolate Coated) fire n new, taut vie*#, i,dorU‘*H,o.:.>n. i;i mi bulimic for th celebrated lb; lid Orrir ciu Kkholvent, hh well oh for nil other blood j>url flern and humour cures. *SO doaes, 26c. Hold throughout the world. British Ltepoti ~ Charterhouse Nq., Iron don. I'ottbh Uuuq acd Citun. Ckmi-., bole Truy*-, iiontoa, U. 6. A. Vffflr | Lg&iia ! I Being the conver.Mmwtl Jmulkof .• the modern sc lent ido game an !’• practiced by nil of it* masters ■JI wKli Muts to It;Tinners. A fl beautiful booklet of thirty-two jj pager., printed ;m two colors, fl black and red, on enameled / paper with the card arrange- { ‘menu appearing iu their mil- y ural colois. Tho cover is in f three colors v iih a very Rt: met- / ivo design on the th’.e ingo. This 3a a work of interest to ail whist players find will bo sent to any address upon receipt of six cents in postage. C. L. STONE IK rtiN’L F*B*ENOrfl AOENT [Louisville &. Nashvilleß.R.j |L LOUISVILLE, KY. Competent Workmen arc the only kind employed at Jim (.'urter's dollies Cleaning and Dyeing establishment. If you want the best kind of work done cheap go to Carter, or ring phone 253-2. Billiousness aad liver disorders at this season may bo prevented by cleansing the system with DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These famous lutle pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gen tly, but copiously, and by reason ot (ho tonic properties, give tone aud .1 rength to the glands. Joerger's Faarniacy, W. J. Butts, Smith's Pharmacy. Cold Weather Is Upon Us, and every body should have their winter clothes cleaned and repaired by Jim Carter. King 'phone 243-2. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barber, has all tae latest things connected with an up to viute barber shop. Healthy Kidneys Means Long Life. If you want to restore your kidneys to their former stale take Smith Sure Kidney Cure- 50 cents at druggists. Americas Famous Beauties 1 00k with horror on Skin Eruptions. Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve, it glori fies the lace. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish beiore it. It cures sore Ups, chapped minds, chilblains Infallible for piles. 25 cnts at ad druggists. If you want your "'ioyele repaired rlglA bring it to an ex. arlencoi work man. B. J Olewioe. 505 Gloueeat* Something new—quinine shampoo for ladies Get It at Clark's barber shop.. Swan’s Down flour ts he best Ladies if you want to see eve-y --thing and up-to-date in fancy work, ; just go to Miss Kale Slater's Millin j cry parlors. —— Lawyers should have their work done at the News Job Office. ONE CtINT AWRD' if you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some- ■ thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. fUK KENT. —Desk room on ground door. Good, location. Address F., care News. VV ANT. pjiJ.--nurse lor Its teem Light work and best of care. Address •S. J. TANARUS., care News. FOR SALE—-Rubber stamps, seals, stinee.s, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will is. Fain, 312 Newcr.sUe streeL FOR RENT --Upstairs of residence tel O street. Suitable for light .loimeki:, iiing. WANTED HOARDERS —Good board and nice rooms for two or three young men, can lie had cneap, at 311 u street. PERSONAL Morphine. opium, laudanum, cocaine habit. Myself cured. Will inform you of Harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. M. A. , Baldwin. Box 1312. Chicago. TWO LARGE ELMiANi L V FiTT niched rooms, Kingly or in suite, bath adjoining, ujecir.e light ami telephone, all home comtorts, central location, private laniily. 315 Union street, east. FOR SALE. — iiaiicry. Best estab lished place in the city. Trade from 1120 to $25 daily. Kent reasonable. Good chance lor any one. Good rea son tor soiling, iiii.wcK!; or cad at URy* Bakery, Brunswio,., Ga. FOR SALE. —Hillery Island, contain ing 32 1-2 careo of High land, suitable for truck farming or lor poultry. Also a six acre reservation on Blythe creek known a , ov scent limtl. For purti i uiais cull on k jos DatWlingcr. It you need a typewriter of and des r riptinn come to see ic before buying I can save you money. Terms rea sonablo ami satisfaction guaranteed C. H. Jewett. WANTED. Rtaift Ap*-u> c who can produce imsii'.”lP ,-u rick and acci deni contract offered. Hnlaj-y misKion \V it. Eub.oii, jircsidetit Missouri Trust Building, St. l.oiiik Mo Dm work speaks for itself, while our liiu* of photo jewelry, buttons ant. frames is complete. We amo do developing and finishing for amateurs. WILSON PHOTO STUDIO. 504 1-2 Gloucester street. The Arcade. Respectfully announces to its many trends and patrons in Brunswick aim surrounding country 1 hat. we are pre pared to tin their orders tor any ot 1 fie leading brands of whiskies on tne, market at popular prices. AH goods will be delivered to out of town cus thifiei s tree of express charges: •W. vy„ Wifi-on, Old Saratoga, Louis lifi, 4 eliowstone, Paul Jones, Duke ot Cumberland. Monogram, Belle of Bour bon and a number of others including gins, Wilton and popular brands ot iieor. Our bar is replete with all that goes to make up a first class eif.bJyjh mnHt. Pool and billiard tables kept in an up-to-date condition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a. m. to 1, p. in. PHIL KELLER. Goes Liko Hot Cakes. “The fastest jelling article I have in my store, wriu-s Jlruggist C. T. Spiitii,- of Davis, T.y.. “is Dr. King's Now Discovery lor Consumption. Coughs and Colds, because if always cures. In my six years of sales it has never failed. I have Known it to save sulterers from Throat and Lung diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy. Moth ers rely on it, best physicians pre scribe it. and all druggists guaran tee satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes. 60c and sl. 6ound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith's Sure Kidney cure will produce both. Try a bottle aud be convinced. Your druggist sells ! t for 50" Quinine sbruipoo, Dio latest for ladies' hair. For sale only at Clark's tonsorial pai Try Rob Roy Flour. It is the best use Rob Aoy flour. Game is in season. Wlson lias just received a fine lot of quail. SWANS DOWN FLOUR IS PURE. TRW IT. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure. is .Smi. -'s Sure Kidney Cure. Youi druggist will refund your money if alter taking one bottle you are npt -atisfied 'vith results. 50 cents. Rest in printing—News Job Office. Out of Death’s Jaws. “When death seemed very near from a severe stomach aud liver trouble, that 1 had suffered , with for years,” writes P. Muse, Durham, N. G.. “Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health.” Best pills on earth and only 25 cents at ail druggists. ROB ROY FLOUR IS THE BEST. Just Opened. C, S. Lamb, ;GUN and LOCKSMITH, corner Monk and Grant streets. Special attention to the repairing of TRUNKS. KNIFE-GRINDING and RE PAIRING. Give me a Trial. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. FRUITS AND FLOWERS. In setting out an orchard keep to- 1 gether all frees of the same variety. Good garden soil is good for pot plants, but can Ik- improved by the ad dition of leaf mold. Weak rosebushes may often lie made to grow by giving them an occasional watering with liquid manure. One advantage with rmall fruits is that they can be made to furnish, a supply long before trees come into bear ing In planting a border don't plant every tbiiig in rows. A row of hollyhocks, for instance, isn't half 11s attractive as irregularly placed groups that break the outline. With pot plan's in a general way too little water is better than too much. The dropping leaves indicating drought are more easily reinedi and than yellow leaves, the result of being kept too wet. In preparing pots for plants (be pieces of broken pots or crockery in liie bottom jbould never be omitted, as wit limtl proper drainage the soil be-' comes sour, the plants languish and tlic leaves become yellowish. Willint; to tt<* Sun!. “1 once threatened to sue an old fel low hi Vermont for slu that he owed a client of mine.'’ said a Now York law yer. “but tlic threat did riot seem toiui press him much. “'What ao-.-l will it do you to sue me?' lie asked. "'ll will get the money,’ l answered “Here the fellow came up dose to me and said. 'Kay. if that's so. sue me for K2O. won't you, aud give* me the other slU.’ "I gave up hope of collecting that elairii.”—New York Times. - -- DON’T MONKEY WiTH THE BUZZ SAW. m/f ■ by buying lumber of unrelfabie .bal ers. When you want any 1 mag in lum ber come to us. We will fill your oi ler accurately and promptly. We will give you just the lumber you want at just the right price. You can always save money by placing your order with us. Flume m. Lang & Wood. PLANING MILL. ■Pkoon 187 IS YELLOW POISONj In'your blood ? Physicians call It Malarial Germ. Il can he seen changing red blood yellow under Kg microscope. It works day and M night. First, it turnsyourcom- 1 plexion yellow. Chilly, aching 9 sensations creep down your 3 backbone. You feel weak* and S worthless. ROBERTA’ CHILL TONIC 1 will stop the trouble now. It B enters the blood at once and B drives out the yellow poison. -I If neglected and when Chills, B Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen g eral break-down come later on, H Roberts’ Tonic will cure you a then —but why wait? Prevent N future sickness. The manufac- gg turers know all about this ye!- ■ low poison and have perfected 9 Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, fl nourish your system, restore 9 appetite, purify the Olood, pre- S vent and cure Chills, Fever- ijj Malaria. It has cured thou- it ands —It will cure you, or your ■ money back. This is fair. Try 9 it. Price, 25 cents, r - . in 9 Smith’s t’hrtfmxrv 4 ,*4 lll Y flumer-sal Drag" 1 \ > ,-u. - • m : iaK-J If you're going on a trip Here’s ,a pleasant little tip °tacc a bottle in your grip Red Top Rye S. D. LEVADAS, Sole agent Brunswick, Ga. and Vicinity. 206 Monk StreeL Ferdinand Wcelheimcr C Sena, Oi.tillers Craeinruti, 0. St. 1 aeoh, Xo IcaisTtlla, It iCodd Dyspepsia Sure Digests what you eat. USE ROB ROY FLOUR. b Daily Problem SoM It’s discouraging work to fill the lunch hag day after day. It's uninviting to open the lunch bag aud find the eternal bread, bread, bread. Bread is good, but it’s monotonous — it lacks novelty. Break the monotony with the new delicacy— Dneeds Biscuit Nutritious —healthful —satisfy- ( ing. Uneeaa Biscuit are sold only in the In-er-seal Package, I which keeps them airtight and moisture proof. \ - TUB :BAY IRON WORKS ► vlomifacliirers dud Repairers of i Machinery, Engines, £aw i-ids * Marine work a specialty. ► v Packings, Fittings : and Suppsiie Estimates I urrtished free of Charge. 629 Bay St. " W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, ► resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Wilson's Up to Date Restacsrant FEAST ON TURKEY at Wilson’s Oysters in any style. Game always on hand All kinds of fish. " OUR DiNNER Exce s anything offered anywhere. JAS. W. WILSON. Prop. Phone 321, OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. For Whooping Gough use CHE NEVo EXPEC TORANT.. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startliug. prouf- of a wonderful ad vaoee iu jnedi-.Tue is given liy druggist G. W. Roberts, o£ Elizabeth. \V, Va. All dd man there had long suffered vv. h • what good do< r j|t. - ease 'uooekas till ha used JJiectric Bitters and applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, whim ‘ treatment completely cured him, Wue’n Electric Bitters a-, used to expel bilious, kidney and mi •■robe poisotrs at the same time salve exerts its' matchless healing i*i. I, nod diseases, skin eruptions, sand sores vtoish. Bittars 60c.. We are prompt —News Job Office. L 1 . For Croup U-•: OHEN&YS EX PECTORANT. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY 8l PARKER. NOVEMBER IS. (T)\ Icentsi f Don’t Miss the Opportunity OF Having your Eyes Examined And the Proper G!.-f" ■them wvhen you ar;ain visit Savannah. Our examination (which is free)) de ter nes e-ictly what you require. V. -.a-.dl* nothinj out the .Best Lenses and “i.n made. We guar* ; antee satisfaction to all. Dr. V: SCEVV AC &SON, -l* Lull Sri-' -t Use Derntirsol fes i l, . and Hands and Face Seda]gia Tablets for He dache Hunter-Sals IrygOo. 'PHONE 37. Lirth Place of Pure "‘rvzn Bear in Mind That we Sell '.> .-..w LOADED oHtLLa. o.nH? c rm u S CUtle; > and sporting goods, i-ishing tackle. GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P. O.KESSLER Monk*