The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, November 26, 1902, Image 2

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Wednesday morning. BBBSsra DAILY SEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. V H. LEAVY Manager C H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising rate* made known on application. r ’ l '<ir ti and Other char itable orgamaailon notice* published a; half the regular rates. Advertiser* desiring their ads. dl*- continued must notify the office in writing. _ . SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in the city sod by mail free of charge to all •>arts of the United States and Cau ada, Mexico. I’orfo Rico. Guam, Phil Ipplne Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ .60 Six Months 2.60 One .ear 6.00 Phone I*B. Entered at the Brunswick. Oa., ■" ■toffice, as second-class mall mat ter. . <• ■ *vm Hon. Emory Speer has designated ■ht Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United Btates Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for uiynn oounty. " • PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires !t to he distinctly understood that, all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to 'wote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. <-• n*i<? Let the best ticket win out. We thought Warner Hill would get there. Let it be a good nature*!, clean cam paigii. The phonograph craze hus struck Brunswick good and strong. The president continues to work on his message. It. must boa long one. Poor old Krtipp. he cause i lots of deaths, but finally had to go him u I. Roswell Beardsley, of N<yH' Juins ing. N. Y., who died recently at the ago of 93. and with 71 years of contin uous service as postmaster left a for tune of 130(1.000. It is reported that Mrs. Nation says Mrs. Alfred Vanderbilt is ‘‘just charm lug.'’ If Henry Watterson would only got close enough, he would be "( harm ed” too, with the society women. - 1 Harper’s Bazar says that. American families arc growing small like tlm French, pud that a family or font ts unusual. Harper’s Bazar must be drawing its conclusions from the Study of the upper elttss-s. instead of the representative poor people. One of the forecasters of the presi dent's message says it will recommend an Immediate readjustmedt of tar.lT rates so as to euualize the benefits de rived from protection and tim rati fication of pending reciprocity treaties with all nations. A GOOD SHOWING. According to the r.poit of the mb rairoad commission, whlcu Is shortly to be issued, (he net earnings of the railroads iu Georgia show an increase over last year of nearly half a million dollars. The increase in gross earn lags was $1,706*43.35 The report also shows that within the past twelve mouths the mileage of the roads has Increased 218.52 miles. Hast year the total mileage was 5. SIS.BO, while this year it, amounts to C>!t)3s.S2. Tile average gross earnings per mile for 1902 wor 34.8,11.21. tin average operating expenses per mile $3,096.47. the average net earnings per mile $1,283.71. while .he percentage of operating expenses to the gross earnings was 70.68 per cent. In 1901 the total operating expenses amounted to $16,382,662.23, while the total operating expenses for 1902 amounted to $17,038,014.23. Hr. 0 year the average gross earnings per mile for the state was $4,215.85, the aver age net eporatlng expenses per mile were $2,917.28. the average net earn ings per mile were $1,244-57, and the per centage of operating expenses to gross earnings lor the state was 50.48. POOR MAIL SERVICE. The people living along the line of the B. & W. division of the Atlantic Coast Line arc making what appears to be a j very righteous protest against the present mail facilities offered by that line. Crider the arrangements existing now, only one mail train a day is given these people and they feel that this is not the treatment that they do serve at the hands of the company. Brunswick is also deeply interested , in this matter for trie simple reason that the condition obtaining on other sections of the line Is also in vogue here. Asa matter off iet the business n-. :i of the city are greatly inconvenienc ed by the very poor mail service wo are receiving, the effect of which practically puts our people at least ten hours behind the nine. Tile Atlantic Coast nine seems de termined to make a way station out of tills city, if it possibly can. and it scents to us that some well defined ac tion on the part of the people of Brunswick should tic taken in this very important matter. Will the board of trade take the matter up with uts proper official;! of the Clast Line? WE MAY HAVE A LIGHT SHIP. Congressman Brantley leaves for Washington t his afternoon to lie pres ent. at the coming session of congress which convenes Monday morning next. •*. r ff Tile only piece of local legislation tnat the people of this city are in terested in is the bill which provides for the establishment of a lightship off the bar of Brunswick. Col. Brantley feels very certain that he will be enamed to have this .nil pass the house and if he does It Is or dinarily eertal that it will be passed by tne senate. This measure is not only of great importance to this port, but li is of deep concern to a number of other seaports in this vicinity. For instants:, the Hi 11 proposes to lo cate l,ne ship in sii m position that it will he of as much advantage to the ports of Jacksonville, Fernaudina, Sa vanah and others as U will to Brute vvi k. This measure is of the greatest in trust of the marine circles of ilie sec tion generally and it is to be hoped that other meiinx r t s of congress inter ested in tlyi matter will to ipe-ate with Congressman Brantley iu ihe matter. 4 - UreJ OUR COMMERCE. The commercial reports for October show that tile country is recovering from the depression iu exports, says the Macon Evening News, due*largely to the failure of the grain eftip be cause of the long droufn. says an ex change. * , As we noted, some time ago, our commercial figures recently have not been satisfactory. BeginiiiAg with No vomber, 1901, each mouth has shown a considerable loss as compared with tiie currcHpomlemling month of the previous year, until at the end of Au gust we were $126,586,254 behind in our exports, while there nad been‘a material increase in imports. This unfavorable shewing as compared with recent years is responsible for some of the pessimism that has dis played itself at times. The reason for the decline in exports, however, was mainly of a temporary character and due to the po<>r grain crop, which e'v ey grain port in the country felt. September snowed the urst improve ment in the value of exports for the twelve months, due largely to the rush oi cotton to market. October contin ues favorable, with a total of exports of $149,179,752. It is true that this is slightly less than the corresponding month of last yen’, hut it is none the less favorable, the total value of the exports exceeding those of any month in our history save only three. Cotton was again the main contributor to this improvement, as the grain ex ports were only slightly over previous October. We are now rapidly getting back- to the excellent commercial re ports of 1990 and 1901, but there is uo probability that we will lead them. Eugene Field’s Views on Ambition and Dys pepsia. “Dyspepsia," wrote Eugene Field, “often incapacitates a man for endeavor and sometimes extinguishes the fire of ambition." Though great despite his complaint Field suffered from indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach can’t digest your food. It needs rest. You can < rest It by the use of a preparation like Kodol, which re lieves it of work by digesting your food. Itest soon restores it to Us normal tone. Strengthening. Satisfying, Envlgorating. Prepared only by K. C. I)F.Wi-rr&. Cos., Chicago, Tut, Si. bottle contains 2 A tunes thsaoc. sum. W. J. BUTTS, The Druggist. GENERAL MOLINEUX S JOY How ll** l-lxpi-CKU-d It When fils Son llelsiul y.'ns Ai-iit'lurd. General Molimux was tin- happiest man in the emuthumi of Uu- criminal court building in New York the other day. The jury Imd just pronounced hi.s sou, Roland 11. Moiite u\. who hml been charged with the muni r of Mrs. Katharine .1, Adams, an Itui >< < ut man. ‘‘Look here!” said General Mollneux. leaning over to where tin- New York World reporter was seated. “Hook hero! I want to tyll you just how I feel. I know you would like to know. 1 have it ill my mind. Ir has been in my mind ever since the jury marched 111, and i want to tell you.” Then, putting his mouth to the re porter's ear, the" genera 1 whispered. 4 The strife Is o’er, the battle i won General Mollneux halted for a mo incnl. “Write that down. Write Unit down.” said he. “I don’t want you to forget as long as you live." Then, turning to\ the reporter, he said: \ "Here! Give me your pencil and a slip of paper and f will write down just what l feel.” The general then wrote; The strife ts o'er, the buttle done. And might has lost, hut righl has wort: “There you are.” said General Moll neux. "That is what 1 want to say to the world. And now why shouldn’t 1 fee! that way? I it not tell just exactly what has happened Iu this ease? I say It does.” “Hid yon think the jury would come in us quickly as It did?” was asked. “1 did.” replied General Mollneux. "I saltl right along that if we were ever able to pul our ease before a fair mind ed judge and before a fjgir minded jury my boy would be in-quitted. And you see the result. Am I delighted? Well, i feel like a two year ohl now Justice has been done at last. It. was a long time coining but wln-n it did come it eauie in a li tj Now we are going home to Brooklyn, and there 1 shall take the boy.” General Mollneux bad started to leave the courtroom when Apple Mary rushed up and threw her arms around the old lighter. “General.” shouted Apple Mary, “let tue bug you! Oh, 1 am so glad!" “Mary,” said General Mollneux after be bad freed himself from the em brace- “Mary, you are the finest proph et I ever met. You fold me that the boy would go home this afternoon, and l indorse every word you say. Good by, Mary, and God bless you!" “She is a good soul.” said General Mollneux. "She has cheered me up ever so many litnes. General Mollneux,after shaking hands with many more people, turned to the reporter again and said: "Now. we must not forget to thank the good Lord in heaven for this. You know has been good to us. It is true we have been tried'severely, but he knows best what is good. His will, he done, and it was his will that my boy's innocence should be proved. Our prayers have been answered. And now we are going to take the hoy hack to his mother.” SQUiRRELS FOR MUFFS. Origin of tile lfshionnble Fail la Fll I'M. “Where Uo nil the squirrels come from that supply muffs and peek pieces to the women in Fifth avenue 7" has bisui asked, says the New York Tress. If one contemplates a purchase of squirrel fur, oiiy vv ill not believe the skills are plentiful, because tile Ameri can supply is excessively short. Like many of the more costly furs, the thick, soft squirrel comes from northeast Russia and Siberia, apd the markets of London receive only a small part ot the annual trappings. The Russians use fur under ail conditions, and this do maud euls down .the world's supply. Gray squirrels are hot plentiful even in the arctic district, ami cold weather aud privation must Is- borne in an ef fort to trap the wary animals. The desirable ones -haunt only cold re gums, and the playful variety that is seen in t..'mitral park would make im possible bats aud boas. It was au astute fur dealer iu New York city who saw last winter a wom an in a Fifth avenue restaurant envel oped in this silvery fur. Even the skirt was gray squirrel. "Too conspicuous,•” muttered the fur dealer, but be asked who w as the wearer of this extraordi nary costume. "Mrs. Cornelius Van derbilt.” was the reply. It was enough. From that day until this autumn the dealer lias been buying every available gray squirrel skin. The fad followed naturally, and now the demand for squirrel surpasses broadtail and even sable, it is said the single glimpse of the Vanderbilt coat was the basis of a fortune for the fur dealer. TIIE BRTJNSYEICK DAILY NEW*. ONE CENT AW6RD If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that some one else has, ad vertlse in this column. IOR RENT. —Desk room on ground boor. Good, location. Address F.. care News. -p se. -noise ror lts Iced. Light work gnd Lest of care. Address .5. J. T.. care News. FOB No—Stray cow, drab colored, face, marked crop in one ear underbii in tlie; other. Enquire at News office. FOR HALE —Kanher stamps, seals, stincem, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will 14. Fain, 312 Newcastle street LOST t A female pointer pup, about two months rad,, white with pale yellow spo;please return to W. M, Baker, 1 Halifax Square. WANTED- Young lady who under stands stenography and typewriting to do ligio bookkeeping anil office work. Address Box Hit, City. FOR KENT .ny house on Union street. Bossi-reion given December Ist. Newly Printed and in first class condition. J. It. Sparks. WANTED -Position as clerk in either dry goods or grocery store, E. A. Waiuright, Atkinson. Ga. . FOR RENT Six room bouse cor tier George an . Albany street. Price sis per month. Apply to li. li. Hop kins. WANTED—Young man in dining room. Apply before 11 a. m. English Kitchen. PERSONAL Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit. Myself cured. Will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. FOR REN i—Two large and ele gantly furnished bed rooms, centrally located. Bath, electric lights, phone, in fact, all modern conveniences. Al> ply at 315 Union street. ruK SALE.— -Hiltery Islanu, contain ing 32 1 2 t ares of high land, suitable for truck farming or for poultry. Also a six acre reservation on Blythe creek known as Crescent Bluff. For parti culars call on F. Jos. Dauflinger. FOR SALE.—Bakery. Best estab lished place in the city. Trade from 320 to $25 daily. Rent reasonable. Good chance for any one. GooJ rea son lor selling. Address or cau at City Bakery, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED —FurnlFbed rooms fir light, housekeeping. We have inquiry for from three to five rooms In nice neighborhood. Parties want to spend winter here Biobs ton, Fendig A Cos. Quinine sh-mpoo, the latest for ladies' hair. For sale only at Clark’s tonsorial par Try Rob Roy Flour, ft is the best Best In printing—News Job Office. Try Rob Roy Flour. ..It is the beat on Lie market. Just Op-necL C. S. Lamb, GUN and LOCKSMITH, corner Monk and Grant streets. .Special attention to the repairing of TRUNKS, KNIFE-GRINDING and RE PAIRING. Give me a Trial. Use Derminol Lor Chapped, Hands and Face Sedalgia Tablets for Headache < Hunter-Sale Drug Cos. PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Drugs* The Arcade. Respectfully announces to its many friends and patrons in Brunswick and surrounding country that xva are pre pared to fill their orders lor any of the leading brands of whiskies on the market at popular prices. AU goods will be delivered to out of town cus tomers free of express charges: . W. v\’.. Wilson, Old Saratoga, 1-ouis 66. Yellowstone. Paul Jones. Duke of Cumberland, Monogram. Belle of Bour bon and a number of others including gins, wiiies and popular brands of beer. Our bar is replete with all that goes to make up a first class establish ment. Foci and billiard tables kept in an up-to date condition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. PHIL KELLER. SWANS DOWN FLOUR IS PURE, Indies If you want to see every* thing and up-to-date In fancy work, just go to Miss Kate Slater's Millin ery parlor*. An Art Palace Far The committee of advice attached to the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. I’etr: sours has recently held a meet ing <j discuss a remarkable project, the : c..on of a palace of arts, says the New York Commercial Adverlisi r. This building is intended to cun tain a home for widows and orphans of art ists. an industrml-conimereini school, With thirty workshops for competitor* from higher art schools and an enor mous hall for a penualient exhibition of Russian art. The total c >si of the building, which is to Ik* decora mil ' ith the sculptures and bail,to. s of the best artists of Russia, will be a out $500,000. A \oyp) Dlhcusmloii. A discussion is going on in London as to whether the mayors of large munici palities should be paid for their serv ices or not. It is participated in large ly by the mayors themselves, who are being Interviewed bv the newspap'TS. As the matter stands, some English nsvors reei Ive pay am! some do not. Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant PUT YOUR HEADS TOGETHER AND DECIDE TO EAT at Wilson’s. Oysters in any style. Game always on hand All kinds of fish. * OUR DINNER Exce.s anything offered anywhere. JAS. W. WILSON. Prop. Phone 321 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. WOOD Oak and Pine B. H. DANIELS, Phone 134-3 DON'T MONKEY W.TH THE BUZZ by buying lumber of unreliable deal ers. When you want anything in lum ber come to us. We will fill your or der accurately and promptly. We will give you just, the lumber you want at just the right price. You can always save money by placing your order with us. Phone 197. Lang & Wood. PLANING MILL. Pkort* 17. KENNER MILLINERY CO. 310 Newcastle Street. LADIES —See our select of ready to wear and Dress Hats. They ere beauties and our price is right. Our children’s Hats are up-to-date. Accordeon Plaiting done. £ Orders taken for Stevens’ Garments. Game is in season. Wlson has just received a fine lot of quail. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by druggist G. W. Roberts, of Elizabeth. ML Va. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced incurable cancer. They believed his case hopeless till he used Biectric Bitters and applied Bucklen’s Arnica Balve, whic'n treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and mi crobe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c., MISS ROSE OWENS, No. 720 Seventeenth St., WASHINGTON, D. C. “If every suffering woman has the same experience with Wine of Ca-dui that I had, your medicine will be most popular. About a year ago I began to have a worn out tired feeling with lassitude, pains in the back and head which kept increasing every month. I feit that I needed som< thing, but to get the right medicine was the trou ble. I finally .decided on UlC* A i iUd. 1 I y lUSVtwvu UU —-- r your Vine of Cardui and only needed to take three bottles when I was fully re covered.” IHEN Miss Rose Owens, who has a responsible position in the Government service at Washington, D. €., decided to try Wine of Cardui. she,made a wise choice. Over a million women have been relieved of female weakness by this same Wine of Cardui, It is not a strong medicine but may be taken every day in the year by any woman with benefit, ft does not force results, but corrects derangements of the menstrual organs. It strengthens tiie nervous system, gives tone to the bodily func tions, acts directly on the genital organa, and is the finest tonic for wo men known to the science of medicine. • i WiNEof CAR.DVI A “S ” TIIE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw lids Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Suppslie Lstimates t urnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St. W. R. OART, CLAUD DART, . resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. BOWEN & THOMAS Contractors and Builders ol Stone Brick and Frame Buildings. MANUFACTURERS OP ' CEMENT, TILE AND ARTI.FCIAL S^ONE. Merchants will save 30' per cent by having their job work done at the News Job Office. For Whooping Cough use CHE NEy and EXPEC TORANT. Competent Workmen arc the only kind employed at Jun Carter's Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing establishment, it you want the best kind of work done cheap go to Carter, or ring phone 253-2. Billioiisness aud liver disorders at this season may tie prevented by cleansing the system with i)eV\ ut s Little Early Risers, 'i tatnous Rule pills do not gripe. They move Ihe newels gen tly, but copiously, and by reason o£ the tonic prop rtna, give tone and strength to tne glands. Joorgers l'.ianuacy, W. J. Butts, bmun’s I’qju i.^iey. 9 Healthy Kidneys Means Long Life. li you waui lb restore your siuceys to their former state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure —5u cents at druggists. America’s Famous Bedutie* Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, bioicnet. So* e„, t’imples. 'they don’t have twin, nor will any one, who uses JJuckien's Arnica Salve, it glon ncs the tace. Eczema'oi Sait Rheum vanish In-fort it. It cures sore lips, ctiaived dan i* lmalubia lor p.tes. 2 . cents at ai^ruggists. If - you want jour ioyclfe repaired righ> bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Oiewine sor Gioucarer Something new—quinine shampoo for ladies Get it at Clark's barber stoop.. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY k BARKER. ALL KINDS OF CALFFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT H. SKLiG'S, 225 GRANT STREET TELEPHONE 272-8. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ROB ROY FLOUR IS THE BEST. I If you are a suffering wo man we would say to y. that Wine of Carvlui seldc-i faiL to completely cure a: case of female ills. Wes; emphatically, it never fai: to benefit. Every day he. dreds of sufferers are writini! to our 1-adios’ Advisory De partment. The letters an opened by persons comp, tent to give advice. Mr- Jones was cured by folios, -V. !aL •r - . J-#. ..It- .T 1 X i , AO." Ron IMctiu, ing the advice which was freely give her by the Ladies’ Advisory Ilepa: 1 meat. Mias Owen* was cured withou advice by just buying a $ 1 .<XI tiottle o \\ ine of Cardiff from her daiggiat am taking this great medicuifHtn the pri vary of her home. No ijoclor’s ex am iiiation, treatment or advice is nec essary. You have rend whfltbese tv, cured women have written., ft this run enough to h ;id you to .determine to he rid of suffering? v August 13, 1900, Mrs. W. H. Jone.- of Cameron, AIo., writes: “I suffered terribly at monthly period for three years. I would sometimes go to i seven months with no Row at all. Now I have my health back again and am expecting to be confined in January, cannot praise your medicine enough.” Don’t Miss the Opportunit °' 1 Having your Eyes Examined And the Proper Glcsj-r* r ! „ I them when you again visit Savanna 1 -* Our examination (which is free)) de termines exactly what you requk We handle .nothing .but the .Best Lenses and Frames made. We gua-- antee satisfaction to all. Dr. M. SCHWAB &So\. 4? Bull Struct, Bear m Mind we Sell i Vkn *<!' •■> vi-> : Zj*r.:r^/M ►* ~ i ■*•**. v EMPiY Aisl) LOADED &HbLLr * Fire arms, cutlery and # or ,: goods. Fishing tackle. GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRiN . P.O.K6SSLEI- Monk. Tax Notice. For the purpose of collecting state and county tax for 1902, I be at the precincts named below dates mentioned, to-wit: Sterling, Sept. 29; Oct. 23 and f 24. Jamaica, Sept. 30; Oct. 29 Nov. 2o; Pyles, Oct. 2; ocL 30; N 26; St. Simons, Oct 6; Nov. 10 Dec 8. On dates not mentioned above can be found at court house in Bri wick until December 20, wher books will be closed as per special structions from comptroller gene Be governed accordingly. H. J. READ, T. C. GLYNN CO