The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, December 03, 1902, Image 2

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WEDNESIMY MOfcNI.N’O. BRBSSWJGK DAILY NEWS. f® PUBLISHED DAJLT BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor Advertising rate* made known on application. Gnurrh and other char itable organisation notices published at haK U Mfuter rates. AJvsruaara desiring their ado. dis continued notify the ollice In writing. -i I* SUBH<yUP TION KATE3. Terms to SHbscrlbers In the city and by mail tree of charge to all oar la of the United States and Can ada, Mexico, Porto Rico, Guam, Phil Ipplne Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month * - 50 Six Months * 60 One tear I*- 00 Phone 188. U_ . A •!.!*<- I , “—— - ' Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., postofflee, as second-class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated **,e Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. PUBLISHf^^OTICE. The News P>J|Bk Company do sir.-:: It to be that all legal Hdvortp must he paid for In advance] Wo cannot afford to ‘svote our spfcce to such advertise ments and wait Ob ths courts for the money. aaas—i. ■ • - Miss Decrls certainly has a vivbl Im agination. it seems strange- a hot political campaign and no mud slinging. You had better make your advertis ing contract with the News now. i-'— 1 Tho present municipal campaign is one of the cleanest Brunswick has ever had. How can Georgians be happy? In addition to congress there la tho legis lature to contend with. If you have holiday goods to soil let tho people know It through the adver tising columns of the Nows. California has 130 canneries and cans annually $13.000,000 worth of veg etables and ft,600,000 worth of fruit. The cable to Honolulu will be weak lug by Christinas, and the ex-guana of that tropical isle can easily !<. t:r friends know how much she hat col lected up to date. "All’s w-ell that ends well," quoits tho New York American, anew. ih< marriage, lust week, of Florence Burns. But. tho marriage may net be the end, by any means. Ivory white Vms been decided upon by the Louisiana Purchase KxposiM m Company as tho official color, for the World’s Fair buildings. Hod, white and blue would have been more effective. If you have a bargain, advertise it If you have appropriate Christmas goods, advertise them. Tho people ex pect It. They look to the papers to see what merchants have Christmas goods. Jacksonville’s gala week proved a magnificent success. Tho attractions were excellent and probably 15,000 people visited tho city during the week. That it was a flaying enterprise goes without saying, and Brunswick should got in lino with a similar an nual affair. Dispatches from Washington Inti mate that Colombia refuses to accede to our last proposition regarding the canal, adding that "the state depart meat has already let it be known that It has eoute to the end on its conces sions, so the man cos of a renewal of the negotiations in the near future are not very bright.’ In his recent examination before the coal arbitration commission. John Mitchell, the president of the miners’ union, testified his belief that JOQO dol lars a year is the b ast income on which any American workingman can maintain bis family respectably and properly. Tne statement is being widely canvassed, and the general concensus of opinion is that tho csii mate Is about right. HOLIDAY TRADE EXCURSIONS. Some months ago an effort wan made to get up trade excursions on the three roads entering Brunswick, but for some reason or other nothing came of the effort. The News is still of the opinion that the idea is an excellent one and there i:t little doubt about, the success of the undertaking as at this season of the year our country folks arc saving their dimes to buy holiday goods and they must go where inducements are offered. We are in a position to sell them goods as cheap if not cheaper than nelgnhorlng towns, we offer them more attractions and, as above stated, we see no reason why the ex cursions would fail to benefit Bruns wick and the visitors too. It has been suggested that the mer chants run a free excursion on the B. & B. and we think the suggestion a good one. Let the Board of Trade take the matter in hand. PECAN CULTURE. Mr. G. M. Bacon, of DeWitt, Mitchell county, Ga., is a public benefac tor to his state and to the south. For he who opens up anew source of wellth, anew industry that will put people to profitable work and will en able them to quit the all-oouon habit and diversify their crops, is entitled to the name benefactor. Mr. Bai un is a pioiteer in the culture of pecans. 'Soars ago he planted the trees ami after awhile gathered the ntiis. Then the nursery idea occurred to him ind since then he lias raised pecans successfully and sold young trees from the nursery. Years ago Mr. Bacon’s peaehtrees were thrown away on account of the San Jose scale, which destroyed ten thousand trees. Then, alTnougn past, middle life, he be gan anew by cultivating pecans. He lias prospered and continues to pros per. Atlanta Journal. The News is glad to note the fact that, several prominent Glynn county farmers are arranging to plant pecan trees. We have argued all along that there is money in pecan culture. “Paulaln,” the fashionable fur for making automobile c-outs, is only the hair of tho horse who isu’t noedpd any A more! They had a race war In Ornji'na the other day. The district messenger company employed a colored youth as messenger and all the white boys went out at once on strike. The next tlfty the manager succumbed and the young negro was dlsctmtgt-d. Nothing was said about calling out the troops nor has anybody in Omaha lisped a syllable about race prejudice and llio injustice of tile proud and overbear ing Caucasian. TTu.l the incident or inrred in Memphis or New Orleans wo would have bird column leaders in all the principal republican papers ot the country. Tho proud Caucasian is about the same Kind of creature on bout sides of the line--except that iie gets more bruises on Hie south sitb The Philadelphia Record is concern ed on account of the shortage of offi cers In our navy. On This line It says: "It naval officers acn he drafted or al lured from merchantmen, gleaned in schools of technology or grasped some how from the air, the new Federal fleet might as well be laid up in ordi nary. But If navigators and sea llghters are required to render tho navy effective, lae folly of pursuing a policy fo pet-simony in naval person nel admits of “no doubt, no sort of doubt, no possible doubt whatever.” On October 1 last, reports Secretary Moody, there was a deficiency of 577 officers. Four years hence, making all due allowance, this deficiency will have Increased to 1,300 officers. This means, of course, that unless steps shall he taken promptly by the law making power to devise a remedy, a suddenly declared foreign war would find the federal navy seriously erippleu for lack of officers." ’""Cold Weather Is Upon U*. and every body shot.ld have their winter clothe* cleaned and repaired by Jim Carter. Ring phono 243-2. W. M. TUPPER & CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Tewing and Marine In surance. Correspondence Solicited. BRUNSWICK, GA. PICTURESQUE BRITTANY. A Market Sterne In Till* Quaint French Province. Brittany is a land where the peasants till the earth in gottavc trousers, torea dor Jackets covered with arabesque embroideries and green waistcoats around which run lines of crimson. The women wear short red skirts, great medlci collars and coils that flut ter about their head* like the wings df doves. Ffloni beneath the points of their black caps the children gaze at you with wide eyes full of the curiosity of animals. These people live In houses built of sculptured granite and sleep in open work i-losets carved like (lie moucham bieks of Egypt. In spite of the “Breton Interiors'' and “Returns of the Fishermen" with which painters swamp the market this race is still unknown or misunder stood, for they slionhl b, seen not in paintings, but lit their homes, in their old time streets, on market days and When, In fair time, tin- tents are pitched 111 the village market places. Fiery little horses draw to market fish, fine vegetables and al! the early produce of Itoseoff. They are spread out upon the sidewalk. Chickens cackle; goats bleat; pig-, tied by tlie leg, strain toward the vegetables, sniff ing at tho fresh greens. Fanners in sabots, carrying great blue umbrellas under their arms, with the two ribbons of their 1* it hats boat ing down their backs, pick their way among the Dlnnu china ijcd on the ground capacious soup tureens, cider Jugs and plates covered with painted flowers and grotesque figures. The peasants converse with but few. gestures; they bargain in gult. ml tones. These taciturn people forget tie in selves in the tinri'oomß on fair days. Tho taverns are full of noise. You may hear the sound of an accordion and the plaintive note <d' the biidou (a sort of bagpipe), leading monotonous dances. Into the harbor come boats laden with fish; other boats go out. The fishermen are full of Minim • Next week will occur the departun Tor the new country. There are women who weep. Above all this agitation the smoke of the village chimneys mingles with the great white clouds. The quiet sen mir rors the sun.—Artist t'aslaigtje in Cen tury. If you need a typekviter of any de scription come to sec .me 1,.T0r0 buy ing. 1 can save, you namey. Terms rea sonable and satisfaction guaranteed. C. H. Jewett. Bob Roy Flour ts good Wilson now has the best, oyster cook in t no south. Page Woven Work Fence is ths strongest tones in the world. mkiX: 1 Pure and Sweet are the Skin, Scalp, and Hair of Infants Purified and Beautified by MILLIONS use Cuticura Soap, as sisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautify ing the skin, for cleansing the sculp, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, ami soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itching*, and chafing 8, and for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticura Soap in baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, for tf .rea or offensive perspi ration, in washes for ulcerative weaknesses, apd for many san ative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women. Complete Treatment, SI. Cuticura Siupfiv,.), to ch-.nwc? the skin f crusts ani scales ami s<dh n tho thlckeiu and entitle, Cutk-uka Ointment (.’AO, to ia utantly allav itching ami inflammation, and soothe ami heal, and Outicuka Kksoi.vunt I* (2.V.),t0 cool anti clea; otho blo.-d. Cuticura Reboi.vent (Chocolate Coated) nr a now, - a.-*■ .gsa, oifor-t-tM. c .hkii -1 •*t :ur -fG-th* '}■ '”tred : . :id<' i lka Ti. oi.' „ ur,,fw >}. So . i vthi r i ' ■<<; •uint' s : fhu ns tire . : -t gOUUui*- bigOO g sob, price 2c j. Sold throughout the world- Uritinfc Depot: Uharterhoun* So., lamdon. F-er t I.Mejv't: AKiu- .' , U Ptii, Pvlt. PoiTuit .Dri <■ v\ o Onvu. Cost*., stie Frepn.. Uonfon. U. 8. A. ** a’l aln>ut the stAto,** [nA Out of Death's Jaws. "When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and iiver trouble, that l had suffered with for years." writes I’. Muse, Durham. N, 0.. "l>r. King's New I .if® Pills saved my life and gave perfect health.” 'Best pills on earth and only 25 ce&s at all druggists. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEW*. ONE CENT AWORD if you want a position, s house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column FOR RENT.—Desk room on ground floor. Good, location. Address F., care News. ; WANTED, nurse idr us leeu. | Light work and best of care. Address S. J. TANARUS., care News. —* ——— FOR SALE --Uunber stamps, seals, stineeis, etc. Agent Underwood Typts- I writer. Will B. F’ain, 312 Newcastle BtreeL LOST —a female pointer pup, about two months o,d. white with pale yellow' spots please return to W. M. Balter, 1 Halifax Square. FOR RENT—-uy house ori Union street. Possession given December Ist, Newly Painted and in nrst class condition. J. D. Sparks. LOST Gold watch witn gold foil at inched Initials of owner in back of watch. Finder vvili be rewarded by teiurning to ,vi J.. ('. News office. LOST —Black Silk Cape, trimmed with white lace. Lost from my buggy Pie e Fed urn to Mrs. VVm. Baker, No. •1 Halifax Square, and receive reward. FOR SALE-Holler and fittings, nearly new. Will develop Power. Price; net. White, gen eial delivery. Brunswick, Ga. FOR RENT- A seven room, two story hot; -e, with all modern cun v ... tic, ... 7b:! Gloucester street. Pos -. ion r i ven December 22. Apply Tin Gloucester Street. PERSONAL Morphine, opium, laudanum. cocaine habit. Myself cured. V. ill iufi..:a you of narmloss. P • mxa; Aon.- cure. llis. M. A. Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. i'oli iil’Ni - Two largo and ele ftnntlj furnished tied rooms, centrally located. Batii. electric lights, phone, in foot, ail modern conveniences. Ap -1 ply ,it 31.', Uliiori street. I FOR SALE Electric dynamo with r. with board ami extra armature, will apply pit) limits. Good working or der guaranteed. Price J-175 net. j White, general delivery, Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE. Hillery Island, contain ing 32 1-2 cares of high land, suitable l'or truck farming or for poultry. Also a six acre reservation on Blythe creek known as Crescent Biuff. For parti culars < al! eu F\ Jos. Daufiinger. FUR SALE.— Bakery. Best estab lished place in the city. Trade from S2O to $25 dally. Rent reasonable. Good ebatiee for any one. Good rea son for soiling. Address or cail at City Bakery. Brunswick. Ga. CiutlorU This is r a geiu.e word—-but when you thjn„ now liable you are not to purchase for <Sc the only remedy tin. versauy known, and a remedy that ha.; hud ttu larges*, sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 tor the cure and treatment ol Consumption am. Taroat and Lung Troubles all those years without losing its popularity ail these years, you will be thankful we called your attention to Bosehoes Ger man Syrup. There are many ordinary c ugh remedies made by druggists and others tliai ara .leap and good for light colds perhaps, but for sev. e Colds, Brauelutis, Croup— and espeei ally for Cousin: ption. waere there is duificult expectoration and coughing in: the nights and mornings, there Is nothing like German Syrup. Sold by all i rugglsts i.i the civilized worm. G, C. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. Sound Kidneys—Parfect Health. The use of Smith's Sure Kidney euro will produce both. Try a bottle and be convinced. Your druggist sells It for 50c You will find some real catchy little hats at Miss Slater's Wednesday. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance In medicine is given by druggist O, W. Roberts, of Elitabeth. W. Vn. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced incurable cancer. They believed hia case Hopeicau till he used Electric Bitters and applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and mi crobe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c., Game is in season. Wlson has Just received a fine lot of quail. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine of any description? You will find it to your interest to call ea me. Can sell you a typewwrfter at such a price and on such terms that you will not miss the money. C. H. JEWETT. Our work speaks for itself, while our line of photo Jewelry, buttons anu frames is complete. We aiso do developing and finishing for amateurs. WILSON PHOTO STUDIO. 504 1-2 Gloucester street. We are prompt—News Job Office. Notice of Remotval. Until my new quarters are ready for occupancy I will share the office with Mr. C. W. Dem'ng, next door to Dr. Burrought on Newcastle street C. H. JEWETT. Good dressers should have their clothes .loaned and pressed by Jim Carter. He is experienced and will do you a good job. • Said the Jester — S. jji to the King- v : vm? Uneeda J|l|| MM BlscwK [flfl tfl If W\y\ “Gadzooks!" f | Pip} quoth the king —' O \jl “If* no jest to ft ftp make a man hungry/* *ij Wilson’s Up to Date . Restaurant 111 PUT YOUR HEADS TOGETHER AND DECIDE TO EAT at Wilson’s. Oysters in any style. Game always on hand All kinds of fish. OUR DINNER Exce.s anything offered anywhere. JAS. W. WILSON Prop. Phone -321. OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. WOOD Oak and Pine B. H. DANIELS, Phone 134-3 DON’T MONKEY WiTH THE BUZZ SAW. by buying lumber of unrelinhte deal ers. When you want anything in lum ber come to us. We will fill your or der accurately and promptly. We will give you Just the lumber you want at just the right price. You can always j save money by placing your order! with us. Phone 197. Lang & Wood.! PLANING MILL. ’Phone I>7. , KENNER MILLINERY CO. 310 Newcastle Street. LADIES —See our select line of ready to wear and Dress Hats. They are beauties ami our price is right Our Children’s Hats are up-to-date. Accordeon Plaiting done. Orders taken for Stevens’ Garments. Quinine shampoo, the latest for ladies’ hair. For sale only at Clark s touaorial par” "-t Try Rob Roy Flour. It is the best the — BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialyt. Packings, Fittings and Suppslie Estimates furnished free of Charge. 629 Bay St. W. R. DART, CLAUD DATIT, .-resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. BOWEN & THOMAS, Conti actors and Builders of Stone, Bricl#and Frame Buildings. MANUFACTURERS OF CEMENT, TILE AND ARTI FCIAL S T ONE. Alov; mints will wive 3*t I r cent by having their job work done at the News Job Office. For Whooping Cough use CHE NEY’S EXPEC TORANT. Competent Workmen are the only kind employed at Jim Carter's Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing establishment, it you want the bt M kind of work done cheap go to Carter, or ring phone Biliiousne.-s and liver disorders at this season may :>e prevented by cleansing the system with DeWitt s Little Early Kmt.-ia. Tuoke famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gen tly, but cop.ously, and by reason ol the tonic properties, give tone and strength to Uv glands. Joelger w ruiacy, VV, J. Butts, BmiUi's Rnarmacy. Healthy Kid*ys Means Long Life. If you want to restore your kiuneys to their former state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure —50 Cents at druggists. If you want your r;g.T bring it to <ui \ w orfc u..,;.. l> J CLwice, Veatr So.uelbKig fh rapoo for ladies Get It shop.. COAL. AND WOOD. CONEY &. PARKER. Just Opened. C. S. Ldnib, GUN and LOCKSMITH, corner Monk and Grant streets. Special attention to the repairing of TRUNKS. KNIFE-GRINDING and RE PAIRING. Give me a Trial. ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA. WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT H. SELIG’S. 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272-2. Hodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* ROB ROY FLOUR i THE BEST., DECEMBER 3. Don’t Miss the Opportunity OF Having your Eyes Examined And the proper Giasrrs r--- them when you again visit Savannah. Our examination (which is free)) de termines exactly what you require. We handle .nothing .but the .Best Lenses and Frames made. We guar antee satisfaction to all. Dr. M. SCHWAB & SON, 47 Bull Street. Bear in Mind That we Sell t-~v S*' *>v-V ' , Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. EMPTY AND LOADED oHEILo. GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O.KfcSSLEfi 206<4 Monk. Tax Notice. For th purpose of collecting the state and county tax for 1902, I will be at the precincts named below re dates mentioned, to-wit: Sterling, Sept. 29; Oct. 28 and Nov. 24. Jamaica, Sept. 30; Oct. 29 and Nov. 25; Pyles, Oct 2; uct. 30; No 26; St. Simons, Oct. 6; Nov. 10 ant; Dec 8. On dates not mentioned above, can be found at court houso in Bruns wick until December 20. when the books will be closed as per special in structions from comptroller general. Be governed accordingly. H, J. READ, T. C. GLYNN CO,