The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, December 07, 1902, Image 2

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SUNDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISH I N^CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising ratoa made known on application. Church and other char itable organ nation notices published at halt the regular rates. Atfverusert desiring thalr ado. dla i aontfnucj must notify the office in writing. - ~ and .1 • subscription hates. Terms to subscribers in the city and by mall free of charge to all oarts of the United 8 ttes anil Can ada, Mexico. Porto Hico, Guam. Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month * .60 Six Months -. One tear 6.00 Phone I*B. i* 1 V. tJ'ii.ia ' —— ■ " ~ Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., postofflec, as second-cl übs mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated -•he Brunswick Dally News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Giynn county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The Nows Publishing Company de sires It to ho distinctly understood that ail legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot afford to "wots our space to such advertise ments and wait o), the courts for the money. , The big advertiser will ilo the big business. Let the campaign continue to bo ;i clean one. President Roosevelt can find bears— there are plenty on Wall street. Those who aspect a warm time Tuesday will not be disappointed. Hut let it bo good nalurod. Remember too Christmaa News will lie Issued next .Sunday, if you lenity desire to he busy during ine holidays here Is your chance. The New York Evening Post com plains that the war department from Secretary Root down is prepared to lay desertions and increased crimes in the army upon the abolition of the canteen. The Boston Globe remarks that “President Roosevelt's outspoken let ter on the appointment of negroes to office in southern states will have a tendency to keep the south solid rather than to make him solid in the south. Hon. Carroll D. Wright says: “I be lieve that in the adoption of the phil osophy of the religion of Jeans Christ as a practical creed for the conduct of business lies the easiest and speed test solution of those industrial dllti cutties which are exciting the minds of men today and leading many to think that the crisis of government is at hand. “ 'Uncle Joe’ is simply a republican, and perfectly satisfied with the repub lican party. He lifts implicit, faith that crops will lie good when (he repuhltca party is In power and lent prices will be tiigli to those who want high prices and low to those who want low prices, provided republican rule is undisturb ed.* There is nothing ’no wants to re form, therefore ho does not have to ‘l,el woll enough alone.’ If chosen speaker, as now seems certain, wo may count on the republicans adopting the policy of masteriy inactivity.’'—\... Rant J. Bryan in The Commoner. The result of the recent election does not seem to have taught the leaders in congt :s what to say, says the Cincinnati Enquirer. They are wandering and shuffling dreadfully cn tariff, trusts and c .rreney. These may be classed as the three great questions before the public, tnuegn two of them are inter-depeud>. Tie best guess is—and there is not much but guessing to go by—that the till of March next will pass without any thing having been done on either ques tion,, and congress 1 will adjoint leav ing th^"*matter to be thrashed mm again during the campaigns of cext summer. t PRESIDENT MITCHELL ON THE COAL STRIKE. President John Mitchell of the. United Mine Workers of America, writing In McClure’s Magazine for De cember, frankly expresses many opin ions. He says: “In the first, place, 1 am opposed to strikes, as 1 am opposed to war. As vot. however, the worm, with ail iu progress, has not made war impossi ble, either I fear, considering the na ture of men and their institutions, will the strike entirely disappear for many years to come. Some questions of territory, prestige, honor, nations will never arbitrate, international altru ism can never rearm that far. ...ite wise, no development of the unselfish spirit of brotherhood, still less any ad vice of enforced arbitration, or any scheme of state socialism, will make the strike impossible. People will al ways, unless human nature changes, reserve the right, in final emergencies, to flgrL But as war Is the last resort of nations, bo the strike and locaout Should lie only the last resort of labor and capital. “1- have compared war with sirikos. but laborers recognize, as all loyal cit izens must, one fundamental differ ence. In war there is no final arbiter standing above both parties to enforce the price of content, and nations rec ognize acts of deception, deal ruction oi property of non-combatants, devasta tion of homes, as proper war measures in eases of emerge ey. Capitalists ana laborers are under government, by rec ognized authority. The state by ils laws lias fixed the rules of contest, and both parties should rigidly keep the law. If they fail to do no, the govern ment should compel them hy the use of force necessary. But the govern merit should take care that ils force is Impartially employed.” Compulsion and arbitration are. in Mr. Mitchell’s opinion, contradictor} terms, Iml he is convinced Ural there Is no combination of labor or capital powerful enough to oppose successful ly the adverse public sentiment which would be directed against lire party re fusing to submit, lo voluntary arbitra- to accept the award of such a hearth TO PUNISH Cwrt KISSING. Kissing will lie made a misdemeanor 111 Virginia, punishable with a fine, ii a bill offered in the house of delegates in fUcnmond becomes a law. The unique measure, of which Dr. R. n. Ware, the member from Amherst, who is a physician of splendid reputation, is the patron, is designed to prevent promiscuous kissing, but II might eas ily lie construed to stand as a barrier between husband and wife, or even lover and sweetheart. Dr. Ware ofl’eicd ine bill in perfectly good faith and us a health measure, but it will be treated lightly, and prom isos lo be the subject of as much Jesi and ridicule as the anti flirting hill in* treduced in tne Senate a session or two ago by Senator Barksdale, who came to no Known as “CuuML" In order to enjoy the right to kiss one must prove by his family pliysi clan that be has no contagious or in fectious disease, cue interesting in quiry is. who will inform on me kisser. It is not thougiit lor a moment thai any chivalrous Virginian will take the liberty of bestowing a kiss where there is real objection, or in the pres ence of one who would give away tne ■ ■net. llcfcc the law would lie inop erative. if enacted. Her Xflnif Her It, "kfy dear." remarked Mrs. Simplex gently, “l think 1 can give you 11 bet ter name than growierv for your den." Simplex Aw yes, that's very kind of you. (But lie moved about uneasily, not liking the cold glitter of bis w ife’s eyes, i Mrs Simplex—Veil and Blaomoff sit there anti tell each other funny stories, don’t you? Simplex--Ye-es BloomafT says some capita I tilings, and I fancy I ean— Mrs Simplex—Ami you tel) each nth er about the handsome women you have fascinated and various other fairy tales. Mr. Simplex—Oh. com*, now, ’pop my word, you know! Mrs. Simplex (sweetly)—Csli it tin foolery, dearest. It will thou be til® most appropriately named room in ike house.— I’eafsou’*. Best ia printing—News Job Office. A^IrfbyCUTICURAOINTrvrENT, i!r t Crtii Skin Cure, lor preserving,puri fying and beautifying the .fcCn, for clcaming the scalp of crusts, scabs, -u -: dandruff, and the stopping off: king for softening, whitening, and mot) brig ~’4, rough, and sore hands, for baby r.-.-he , itchings, and chafings, and for all Use. pur poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use CUTiCUi'A SOAP in the form of baths for annoying inflammations and Irritations, or too free or offensive perspiration., in ti- >ro of washes for ulcerative weakrv . ■.l for many sanative, antiseptic pi., . s which readily suggest (herns , . to women, especially mother-,, f- amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purt'iers and beautiliers to use any otliers. Complete Treatment lor every Humour, SI. ConUi-tingof ( i riMKASOAc - ‘ i ~ - tlto Mkiu of or-ii.tK ami io-:,!*.- . ;.t <i ... ~ tho thickened cuticle, Cn ii it-, . (500.), to imUnntly allay h.-hi r-, ull.i.ltum tton, anti irrUutlon, mui cot It,:- ami heal, :u -1 Cimciiicx Hi soi.viis r I'it.i a i.’-v.i, to mil and oleanae the tdooU. CrjnoußA Ret>r,v M.r riu,, (nio.-nlaro Coated) area new, ra-'tt-iOiO, tiomiealmibstltutn fttr riit- ct nu.nnctl in :,tl C’tTireilA Ul'-.BOI.V)'.NT.:is well a , lor . ' blood purifiers ami humour cures lit cap viula,containing(JO tli.-t t. ( ,t, Pf.'H thrßHJfhunt th world. I;r;T>. ?t I*i f.--It 7“; h, rhnrterhon Mq., lefimjon Kr*r><-u 1 / jftie is. PsiH, I'trilt IntfiK I>KUSI a i* m. I do IrojiO., UuHtOtt, U. 8. A . "AUftDout Ui PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE, Made iit Adrian, Mich, THE STRONGEST FENCE In the WORLD C. W. DEMING Agt., Brunswick, Ga. J. A. LOWE, JR. Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Also Do Paint Work. Get my Estimate Or Your Next Job 628 WOLF STREET. Oak Wood, Pine Wood Light Wood Phone 320. 9uled di Me'iZatikill Largest and best load of wood in the city. QUICK DELIVERY. SWANS DOWN, PURE WHEAT f -OUR Out of Death's Jaws. "When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble.' that t had suffered with for years," writes t‘. Muse. Durham, N, (’., "Dr. King's New Life Tills saved my lire and gave perfect health.’’ Best pills on earth and only 25 cents at ail druggists. Job Printing 1 1 he Kind fMenses News Job Office [| P ll f M ijl ? £ If 3 atit-’cA : t *M*Uit;'numor 1 o&jr. 11. 11 Vh.VL, Man’gr Uthi* Springs Cm Cos., Drawer A. Austell,<s. Homc;tiePtmentsc ru if preferred. Cart espotuieuce strictly a nlidtfitiii Try Rob Roy Flour. ..It is ths host cm ta market. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. ONE CENT AW£)RD if you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that some one else has, ad vertise in this column. FOR KENT. —Desk room on ground floor. Good, location. Address F\, care News. FOR RENT—Seven room, two-story house, 9tl Egmont street. Apply to utl Norwich street, FOR KENT—Two rooms, with use or bath and telephone, 71,1 Uioucccster street. FOR BALE —Kuo bet stamps, Beals, stinceiß, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, oil Newcastle Btreeu FOR KENT—My rosidennee, ICO4 Gloucester street. Eight rooms and bath. Apply at. TOO Carpenter street. John Campbell. i FOR RENT —n.y house on Union street. Possession given December Ist. Newly Painted and in nrst class condition. J. 1). Sparks.. PERSONAL Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit. Mysclt cured. Will inform you of Harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. „|. A. "Baldwin. Box 12i2, (’blcdgo. FOR HEN i--Two large and ele gantly furnished bod rooms, centrally located. Uulu, electric lights, jruone, iu fact, all modem conveniences. Ap ply at :i 1 5 Union refect.. FOR SAI.E.— Hillery isiaau, contain iS 32 12 cares or high land, suitable for truck farming or lor poultry. Ateo a six acre reservation on Blythe era, i, known as Cr scent BruJf. For parti culars call on F. Jos. Danliinger. Foil SALE. --Bakery. It, i-.t estab lished place in the city. Trade from iio to Jjj daily. Rent reasonable. Good chance tor any one. Good rea son for soiling. Address or carl at City Ilakcry, iirunswkn, Ga. America’s Famous Beauties Look with horror on si on Eruptions, Blotches,- Sores. Pimple:,. They don’t haver them, uor will any one, who uses Buck ten's Arnica Halve, it glori fies tho face. Eczema >t Saif llheum vanish Indore it. It, cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains, lnlaiiiblo for piles, 29 routs al ail druggists. We Plead Guilty Til at we art) price cutlrra of limns* w.ok-- a.v \ve buy ior 4 if cash, vvhiuti piujKllb 11 k to kpU Ui> people good# at Cat Prices Entire new stock of Grroc o.ri es, Nothing but, lit” in i t. goods ALWAY.- fre ill arid tine. Y our patrubrigo solic ited, and goods tkdivered to any part oi lie- lii lr e. ■Ph” 2-t. James 1. Mat thews. Cor. F and Wolf Streets. ‘Phone order-- promptly delivered. If you want the largest LOAD OF WOOD In Brunswick for 75 cents, PHONE 206. TEMPLE'S WOOD YARD. KENNER MILLINERY CO. 310 Newcastle Street. r - A f- ’.ry^ /. M' 7 m-m* srQ&n>M$ r Q&n>M DENTS ON FAI L FASHIQNH. ■ arc numerous iu this dispiav'of new MILLINERY. Fin! linis and Turbans will be the I The materials in these hats are those most highly favored. Designed by artists and developed by milliners id' skill and taste they are ready, beautiful and serviceable models. There's excellent values at all prices. UALTft VITA UNO CREAM Served Free at A. Kaiser & Bros. Iry Ooods Store. rialta Vita is an already cooked food, ready to serve, and liked by all, made of malt and wheat Highly recommended by physicians. The dish for break fast or shortcake for SU nner P , repared in tvvo minutes * Come in and try the food MONd “E%' ! ’one'wllk!" COmment - Demonst “ t ' ton ° pens When your can’t deny it! The /rnodness of IJnccda Biscuit Is preserved by the In-er-scal ihiekage Wilson’s Up to Dei to Restaurant P”'" P' ‘ii Tt c3ii r pr ?: 7 fifes i t ri; & e fif TfeW *WI. WHJT' >*' urs fed /l R l / ps i / Mxi'ri MORE THAN ONE Hu m commented on Urn high quality of food nerved at WILSON'S RESTAURANT. Tills Is the secret of our succors. OYSTERS IN SEASON. Game ami l-ish always mi ha.i I. JAS. W. WILSON, Prop. Phone 321 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. I # WOOD Oak and Pine B. H. DANIELS, Phone 134-3 . DON’T MONKEY Wi'H THE BUZZ SAW. i ' ""7; \:O4 f f'w by, buying lumber of unreliable deal ers. When you want anything in lum ber come to 118. We will fill your or er y aratc’.y and prompily. We will ;;lvi oil just tho lumber you want at Just rhe tight price. You can always save money by placing your order with us. Phone 197. Lang & Wood J PLANING MILL. •Phon* I*7. Just Opened. C. S. Ldmb, GUN and LOCKSMITH, corner Monk and Grant streets. Special attention to the repairing of TRUNKS, KNIFE-GRINDING and RE PAIRING. me a Trial. ’ -v * Swan’s Down flour Is he bAst. cyilson is feeding the. people, "tis why they look well THE BAY IRON WORKS M uuifacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialyt. Packings, Fittings and Suppslie f slimates furnished Tree of Charge. 629 Bay St. : V/. R. DART, CLAUD DART, resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. BOwiiiN & THOMAS, Contractors and Builders of Stone, Brick and Frame Buildings. MANUFACTURERS of CEMENT, Tig| AND A RTI FCIAL S r ONE. !er> hunts will save 30 per cent, by Oavdc.: !::e:r job work done at UiO News Job Oil ice. For Whooping Gough use CHE NG? o EXPEC TORANI. W l POH i tH, HK7 t. Street. painter and. paper hanger. Signs of any uascription. Agent for wall pape mills. Drop me a postal. i Lone 289-6 Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling pi eel o£ a wonderful ad Vi *'t : .U me Jw given by druggist G. YV. ib-i cr:.-., : Elizabeth. \V. Va. An old ..-ii there bad 'ong suffered with wiiat good doctors pronounced incurable cam-er. Tkey believed hia case rioptic*; tiii ha used Electric Bitters and applied 1 liK-klens Arnica Halve, which treatment eomplately oured him. Whet: Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and mi crobe poisons at the same time thia salve exerts ita matchless healing power, blood diseases, skill eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c.,' COAL f AND WOOD. CONEY & PARKER. •DECEMBER 7. Don’t Miss the Opportunity OF ’.t* <* llaviiHj your Lyes Lxnmined Anri the Proper Giasrrr r them when you again visit Savannah. ; Our examination (which is free)) de termines exactly what you require. We handle nothing .but the .Best Lenses and Frames made. We guar antee satisfaction to all. Dr. M. SCHWAB & SON. 47 Bull Street. Bear m Mind That we Sell %* *• * u -' Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. EMPTY AND LOADED bHELLis. GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O.KfcsSLER 206(4 Monk.