The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, December 09, 1902, Image 2

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BRUNSWICK BAIL! NEWS. ' fi - i " PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manner C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organisation notices published at hall th* regular rates. Ailvoruiers desiring their adx dis continued must notlty the office In writing. j i SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Terms to subscribers in the city and by mail free of charge to all ■.arts of the United S' '.tea and Can id a, Mexico. Porto Rico, Guam, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month * .50 81s Months 2-50 Oap year 6.0® Phone 188. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga„ postofflee, as second class mall mat ter. A .; Mon. Emory Speer has designated “he Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United Stairs Court, In - bankruptcy proceedings, for Utyua county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The Nuws Publishing Company de sires It to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must he paid for In advance. We cannot afford to "*vote our space to such advertise ments md wait an the courts for the money. Out. out tho scrapping today. Election day. fittest! you all It. —tt i sit * j it’s too itittl Ittuy can't tut lie elect d. a, fn In Hie tioath of Thomas B. Heed the country loses one of its brainiest men. Do not forget Inal ad. In tho Christ mas edition. The forms Close tomor row. .. ' Gentlemen, lei’s have an orderly, good-lint tired battle. It will he heller for all of us. 'Hie Georgia legislature has plenty to the this week. The legislature al ways lias plenty to do. Inti Christmas shoppers, before you go out on your annual purchasing rounds read the News' advertising columns. By Wednesday night all ads. for the Christmas edition must he in this of fice. Merchants will please govern themselves accordingly. Queen 1 11, still has that claim against the government ami from Inc present outlook she will have It the next time we hear from htir. Ex-Speaker Reed was one ot Amor Ida's bralnest men and his death, which occurred early Sunday morning, is the source of general sorrow in all parts of the country. The governor of Georgia has named December !l, today, as Arbor Day in the state. The Idea seems to lie to get as many schcoo. teachers and sehcooi ehcildren as may ho possible interest ed i nihe planting of trees. Taere'is every reason why the teachers and the < helhlrn should become tree-planters. There are few school house grounds that could not lie improved by the ju dicious placing of Bees tnat would in the course of a few years grow to be irnametits to tho surroundings. THE ELECTION TODAY. Brunswieok will have one of the warmest political battles in her his tory today and a mayor and four al dermen are to he named. These w ill be elected for two years. This elec tion is spirited, or we may sav hot. but so far it has been free from nntdsling ing,'personal difficulties, etc., and we Sincerely hope the day will pass witr out disgraceful scenes at the polls We are all cirtfrens. What bene tits one certainly benefits tho other, and there is no sense in fisticuffs and bad feeling. k Lot it be a gentlemanly contest, a good uat tired contest ami above all try and be good." BEEJSS*iag*2>?f!flgßgni With the great pension evil which affHets the United States, says the Macon Telegraph, as an object lesson before ns, It should be Impossible for a similar pension evil on a smaller scale to grow up in the state of ~eorg ia, That the- tendency has set strongly in that direction there is no doubt. Corruption Is contagious. is very easy to fall into the Washington custom of granting pensions for polit teal purposes, instead of merely in or der to relieve hcipiess veterans, which was the just amt in the first instance. When pensions begin to be granted for political purposes, then the rogues be gin to fatten, and the deserving veter an not yet provided for is likely to be pushed aside. j g The national government, can afford to be swindled, but. the Georgia treas ury can not. Pensions must, he grant ed irt this state on the Indigent, basis only. requires no more, and economy demands Dial the system be so restricted. Already there has been corruption. Pensions have been granted where there was no just claim, and the annual appropriation has reached a figure mat calls for a revision of the pension list. Toe Sa vannah Press advocates a committee of five men to visit, each county and strike ,rom the rolls all pensioners who are not actually in want, borne such action is desirable and will he necessary, unless the rate or taxation is raised or the institutions of the state are allowed to Buffer. RAILWAY PENSION SYSTEM. Tne rule established by some of the western railway systems to pension certain' of their employes is a com mendable one. The rule has been adopted voluntarily by the railroad companies and, thereiore. the credit is due entirely to the management of these roads. Among these are the Pennsylvania, Central Illinois and Chi cago and Northwestern and the South ern Pact tic, and the system of pension ing adopted by each is very similar. Au idea of Us workings is clearly shown in tin- plan adopted by the fcftufhern Pacific, Each employe of this road who has readied toe age of 70 years, and who lias been in its service 20 years or over, is to receive mi annual pension amounting to a por cent of v.m aver age salary lie received during the lust ten years of his service. For instance, an employe whose pay averaged SI,OOO annually during Uio ten years prior to his retirement,, and who had been in the service of tno company for a pe riod of 25 years would receive an an nuel pension equal to 25 per cent of SI,OOO or $250. A pension board is also established and all employes incapacitated for fur ther work, may he retired upon rec ommendation of tliis hoard between the ages of (1.1 amt 70 years, provided taey have been in the service the req uisite 20 yeaYs. The fund is furnished entirely by the railway companies, no employe contributing anytniug to it whatever. After being pensioned em ployes are at liberty to engage in any other business and stilt draw their an unit stipend. t This is a commendable work on the part of these railway companies, which have grown so wealthy and powerful. If You Suffer From Kidney Troubles. Use Smith s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing it-.o it for diseased kidneys. 50 cents. ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, At H. SELIG'B, 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272-8. Overcoats Relined cheap, at Jim Carters. Good dressers should have their clothes cleaned and pressed by Jim Carter. He is experienced and will do you a good job. With Us Again. Mr. C. C. Cocroft, the well known expert plane tuner, representing Phil lips & Crew Cos., Atlanta, (!a.. is in Brunswick again tuning and repairing pianos, qua guarantees to do perfect work. Orders left with Fleming & Waff will be promptly filled. Good Board, nice rooms, $16.00 per month, ai 211 U street. Competent Workmen arc the only kind employed at Jim Carter's Clothes (.'learning and Dyeing establishment. If yon want the best kind of work done cheap go to Carter, or ring phone 253-2. fatten^ Resolvent pi ns CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS (Chocolate Coated, 60 doses, 25c.), are anew, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid C U fI - CURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid RE SOLVENT. Put up in screw-cap pocket vials, con taining 60 doses, price, 25c. CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, and digest ive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most suc - cessful and economical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives yet compounded. Complete Treniiaeaf $i Complete external ami iuteri >! tr< v*t merit for every humour, consisting of C> i k.m-ka Soap, 25c.., to cleanae the nkin of • < u ? and Hcalos, and soften the thickened cut icle; CirrictritA Oimtmkst, 50*%, in stantly allay Itching, Inflammation, and irritation, and soothe vnd heal; and Ct 11~ CURA Rksoi.vrnt to cool . 1 cleanse the blood. A Stnolk &tt is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, dis figuring, itching, burning, and scaly skip, scalp, and blood humours, eczemas,rafdio#, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to ago, when all else fails. CurrrupA Kmiiiwr* nre hoM throughout the world. Britth Dipot Miß,Chrterh<.>j#H*|.. London. *>•<• h Depot* f> Hue >lsia I*atx. Paris Pottku Dfttio ai> Of km. Com*., Solo Props., Uueton, U. A. PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE, Made in Adrian, Mich, THE STRONGEST FENCE In the WORLD C. W. DEM ING, Agt, Brunswick, Ga. J. A. LOWE, JR. Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also Da Paint Work. Get my Estimate Or Your Next Job 628 WOLF STREET. Oak Wood, Pine Wood Light Wood Phone 320. ffy/tM and Mc'tiatkili Largest and best load of wooq in the city. QUICK DELIVERY. SWANS DOWN, PURE WHEAT t -OUR Out of Death's Jaws. "When death seemed very near fVom a severe stomach and liver trouble that l hini SUIT red with for years. ' writes I’. Muse, Durham, N C. ' l)r, King’s New l.ife Fills saved my life snd gave perfect, health. Best pills on earth and only 25 cents at all druggists. Job Printing |lhe kind That Pleases ’Phonelßß Mews Job Office I K 01U fill tv- I I r II I I Iff I .or confinement. Cure: V/ I IUI Vk untied at Sanitun’nm or pay. TT. H. VRAI„ Man'ijr lit hit Springs Cut Cos., Drawer A, Austell, Ga. Houiejtreatrnent ti if preferred. Correspondence stncUy and olidoat. and Try Rob Roy Flour, ..It it tha bast on taa siarkat. THfi BfttTNSWICK DAILY NS ffg. ONE CENT AYVSRD if you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. FOR RENT.—Dusk room on ground floor. Good, location. Address JF., care News. FOR RENT—-Seven room, two-story house, UOJ Egxcont street. Apply to flit Norwich, street. FC/K KENT - Two rooms, with use of bath and telephone, 711 Glouccester street. FOR SALE —lumber stamps, seals, "Sti beers, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. W'ill B. Fain. 212 Newcastle street. FOR RENT- My residepnee, 1601 Gloucester street. ’ Eight rooms and hath. "Apply at 4<io Carpenter street. John Campbell. FOR KENT- - .viv house on Union street. Possession given December Ist. Newly Painted and in nrst class condition. Jf. D. Sparks. PERSONAL 'Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit. Myself cured. Will Inform you of narraless. permanent hotrfe cure. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. FOR ken , —Two largo and ele gantly furnished bed rooms, centrally located. Bam, electric lights, pause, in (act, all modern conveniences. Ap ply -it -'ll - Union street. FOR,SALE --11 tilery islanu. contain ing 32 1-2 cares of high land, suitable for truck farming or for poultry. Also | a six acre reservation on Biyiiie crock know u as Crescent Bluff. For' parti culars call oil K. Jos. Dim (linger. FOR SALE.—--Bakery. Dost estab lished place in the city. Trade from s2u to $25 daily. Rent reasonable. I Good chance, tor any one. Good rea son for selling. Address or cad at City Lak* ry. llrunswica, Ga. America’s Famous Beauties i.ooi. with horror on skip Eruplrfons, Blotches, Sores, Dimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Buoklen's Arnica Salve, it glori fies the face. Eczema ji Salt Rheum vanttfh iniore it. It cures sole Ups/ chapped' hands, chilblains imalilblo for piles. 25 cnt at aui druggists. We Plead Guilty That we a:o print cotters of 'Bruns w-ck- as we laiy tor spot cash, which enable,, os to s- It tin- people goods m Cut Prices Ejllifo now stork of Groceries, Nothing hut tlio best goods AUVAY. fresh and fine. Your patronage -solic it* id, and goods delivered to any part of the city free. ■Rhone 21. James I. Matthews. Cor. F and Wolf Streets. ’Phone orders promptly delivered. If you want the largest t LOAD OF V.OOD in Brunswick for 75 cents, PHONE 206. TEMPLE’S WOOD YARD. KENNER MILLINERY CO. 3id Newcastle Street. §A Qp\J| vl mjjAr HINTS ON" FALL FASHIONS, ire numerous in this displav ut new MII.I.iNTIRY. Flat Hats and Turbans will lie the prevailing mode, lucurdin gio Paris— and Paris sets Ihe Var'tinns. The materials -in those lists nre ihose most, highly taw red. Designed by artists and developed by milliners of skid and taste they ire really beautiful, and serviceable models. There's excellent values at all prices. MALTS VITA AND CREAM Served Free at A. Kaiser & Bros. Dry Goods Store. nalta Vita is an already cooked food, ready to serve, and liked by all, made of malt and wheat Highly recommended by physicians. The dish for break fast or shortcake for SUDOer. fiTT?"* lin 1in two minutes. Come in and i*y the food WONDAY, DEC Bth. FORONE wIIk? commeat - Demonstration opens NOVEL IDEA IN CHESS. l,lviitff flame Planned on GfKnntie Sente For D.lhl narbar. Living games of chess are not new, but that form of the entertainment which lias been half seriously, half jok ingly. suggested as one for the Delhi durbar is a decided novelty, say;- a cable dispatch from London to the New York American and Journal. The idea is said to have been suggested by a noted Indian chess player named Khur sedjee Sorabjee Jussawalla, but the scheme is so ambitious that Lord Cur zon hesitates about giving it bis official sanction. / it is suggested that each square of the “chessboard” should be of a super ficies of twenty feet, that the players should be clad in glittering silver and. geld dresses, that a band should play during tlft performance and 101 guns be kept in readiness to lie fired singly •at every “cheek” and all together at “checkmate.” Spare elephants and Camels, all trained, are to Ik; kept in readiness to replace any who get into difficulties during the game, and the kings are to drive motors. The-“chessboard” will lie 25,000 feet square. Best in printing—News .lob Office. I VIST. SI..AYEI) OR STOLEN— One water spaniel. Black, white breast ami white feet. Answers to the name of Poncho. Apply to W. B. Cook. Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant 77 5. MORE THAN ONE Has commented on the hign quality of food served at WILSON’S RESTAURANT, This Is the secret of our success. OYSTERS R IN SEASON Game and Fish always on ban i, JAS. W. WILSON, Prop. Phone 321. ' OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. WOOD Oak and Pine B. H. DANIELS, Phone 134-3 ! DON’T MONKEY Wi~H THE BUZZ SAW. by buying lumber of unreliable deal ers. When you want anything In lum ber come to us. We will till your or er innately and promptly. We will aive you just the lumber you want at jhsc ihe right price. You can always save money by placing your order with us. Phone 19 7. Lang & Wood . PLANING MILL, 'Phone IS7. Just Opened. C. S. Lamb, GUN and LOCKSMITH, corner Monk and Grant streets. Special attention to the repairing of TRUNKS. KNIFE-GRINDING ana RE PAIRING. Give me a Trial. i Swan's Down flour is he best. YY ilson is feeding the people, ‘tis " - th--v look well. • r * I AILa ..A “Tut, tut/’ <tm "o' t# Kno tosfvh L JSdk'Fetch fV Yj (i- A me no nameless I ° Tj^ b,sca, ‘. ’ xp'li. |r Wrapped tn / / / 41 |%; | brown paper. ;j ' \'| \ J J know kf \\ |\l Uneeda fj lu II \\ v y Biscuit nv*r Snugly kept in the / —= wondrous packet _ —-L- that preserves the. ,‘f '—' • toothsome flavor ~ : and the crisp fresh ness withal.” —THE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery. Engines. Saw Mills Marine work a specialyt. Packings, Fittings and Snppslie furnished Tree of Charqe. 629 Bay St. j W. R DART, CLAUD DART, 1 - resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. BOWEiN & THOMAS] Contractors and Builders of Stone/ Brick and Frame Buildings. 0 MAUIKAt TITKKK3 OK CEMENT. TILE AND ARTIFCIAL Si r ONE. Mori “ants will save :in per cent by bavin,; iln ir job work done at the News Job Oliico. For Whooping Gough use CHE NE) b EXPEC TORANT, W E. PORTER, HH'7 <r Street paint.-r and paper Hanger. Signs of any description. Agent tor wall-pape mills. Drop me a postal. FLone 289-3 Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vaiec in mediiine is given by druggist G. \V. Roberts, of Khi-übeth. W. Va. An oid man there bad long suffered with what -good doctors pronounced incurable cancer. They believed tna rase 'nopele*. till bo Used fcliocnic Bitters and applied Hncklen’s Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and mi crobe poisons the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters sc ’ J COAL. AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. DECEMBER 9. Don't Miss the Opportunity OF Having your Eyes Examined # And the Proper Glasri-* ci thern when you again visit Savannah. Our examination (which is free)) de termines exactly what you required We handle nothing but the . Lenses and Frames made. We guar antee satisfaction to all. Dr. M. SCHWAB & SON. 1 47 Bull Street, Bear m Mind That we SelJ - %: v . vL.!! - ~* * % rti—r- '• Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. EMPTY AND LOADED bHcLLs > GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O.KtbSLER 206'/ a Monk.