The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, December 17, 1902, Image 2

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WBWrgawAT SHOPPERS’ DIRECTORY for Men Walking Canes Umbrellas Smoking Jackets Bath Robes Cigar and Cigarette Cases Gloves, Hosiery Neekwear Mu!fflers Full Dress protectors Fancy Suspenders Callar and Cuff Boxes yttl oi which are Suitable I 4 "Christmas Presents I—ftrfr3..*gC ' r LEVY’S We Have Accepted Agency: 4 4 4 A For the Edison Ponocranh and sup- v. , piles. We will carry Ju stock at all < ttm< s a complete Hlock of * PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS We .si'll for cash or on tho Install- i Uietil plan. ,- . We oho told old machines' ln v ♦ change as pari pSyEent on new ones. 5 Phonograph concerts afternoon and *. evening. i 'KB ♦ s% ♦ W) W. J. BUTTS, ! THE DRU GGIBT. / !ti & -58 Ev, ♦ Agent for Huyler’s Candles. W; RICE. Merchants In want of tnis slaple will do well lo Call and See Our Samples. We have a lame line to selectc from. We carry In slock Life Buoy Monkey Brand. Octagon ana many other brands. ‘ Our lino of Toilet Soap Is up-to-date. If you want Tomatoes come seo US. i . : .1 The Downing Company. For the Benefit of the Visitors we will continue our Bargairi|Sales for the balance of the week See Heller’s Weekly. and. H. 20 2 Newcastle and 302 Bay: for Radies Purses, Bags Fur Pieces Umbrellas • Lounging Robes Handkerchiefs Silk Waists Jewelry Cases Skirts and Jackets Fur Muffs Children’s Fur Sets Hosiery, etc. IN SOCIETY. She bought for her husband a box or cigars; A bargain—a holiday drive. Tlie box was ail covered with little gilt, stars— Forty cents for the whole t.wenty five. His gratitude, as you must know, was Intense Until she insisted he smoke; When bo feigned to be ill — twas his only defense. But she didn't see through the joke. ■ • • Judge S. C. Atkinson is in Savannah for a few days. * * * Miss Ila Lee will spend the holidays in Thomasville. • m m Miss Oussie Harby has returned to her home in Subtler. • • Mrs. J. H. Whitmire, of St. Simon, spent yesterday in the city. • • * Miss Amelia Doer (linger hag return ed from a visit to Savannah. m m m Mrs. H. M. King leaves today to spend a few days in Savannah • • • Miss Annie Hailey, of Cumberland, is the guest of Mrs. L. A. Milter. • • • Mrs. Hunt and Miss Lilian Hunt have returned from a visit to Chicago. • * * Mrs. Ml, Hoffman, of Albany, will arrive shortly to be the guest of Mrs. Ed. Pfeiffer. • * • Mr. Sampler, of New York, is the guest of Ills daughter, Mrs. M. Kaiser, for the winter. * * * Mrs. L. Goldsmith will return this rVC-wv tFOIII *1 VI nil lu Ivlin. A.'*’ *>. I Ton by in Sumter, S. C. * * * Annie, the little daughter of Mr and Mr.s J. M. Burnett, Is somewhat im proved from her illness. * • • Miss Christine Winter, or Savannah, will spend Christmas here, the guosi of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Winter. • • • Mrs, W, B. Armstrong, of Atlanta, has arrived to spend some time with her father, Captain U Dart. * • Miss Tallulah Fleming will arrive next week from college in Spartan burg, to spend the holidays at home m 9 m Mrs. S. Marks and Mrs. J. ,1. Li suer leave this week to spend the holidays In Atlanta, guests of Mrs. Ed. Get slum * # Mrs. Ansley I). Harby, of Sunder, will spend the holidays hero, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gold smith, • * * A party of society people will attend :t cane grinding Friday at the convict camp A delightful occasion is aullei pated. * • * Mrs. Victoria Jeffers Is at High Springs. Fla., where she was called by the Her iritis illness of Mrs. W. N. Grant ling. Mrs. Grantling's friends hare will lie glad to iearn iliat she is now much better. SPECIAL ANNOUNCIMENI On Saturday evening. December 27, the distinguished actress, Mrs. lo* Moyne, will be seen at Hie Grand in Glen DcDonotigh's now play “Among Those Present” This promises to be the most notable event of the season. Sale of sells will commence on Tuesday. December 2:!. On account of the interest already shown in this engagement and the large number of Inquiries already made at the ffifix office, it has been de cided that applications’for seats sent, in before the opening of <ao sale will be filed in the order of their receipt. Free list positively suspended lor tills engagement. VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED TO MAKE THE SMITH PHARMACY, NEWCASTLE STREET THEIR WHILE IN THE T T. Healthy Kidneys Means Long Life. It you want to restore your aulneys to their former state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure -50 cents at druggists. Good dressers should have their clothes cleaned and pressed by Jim Carter. He is experienced and will do you a good job. VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED TO MAKE THE SMITH PHARMACY, NEWCASTLE ST* * THEIR HEADQUARTERS WHILE IN THE ~iY. If it Is something real good to oat you want you will tint! it at Wilson’s restaurant. High Grade Fertilizers. Orders taken for Virginia Carolina Chemical Go's, high grade fertilizers will receive prompt attention. C. W. STOLEN - From Long Island one roan stallion. Texas stock. About 3 years old. One bay mare same age. Well set, black tall and mane. I wilt pay reward of $25.00 for return of same or information wlTTch will lead to' their recovery. Address John Cur rie. St. flimons Island, Uit VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED TO MAKE THE SMITH PHARMACY, NEWCASTLE STREET THEIR HEADQUARTERS IN THE CITY. Everything now and stylish in mil linery and fancy work this week at Jllss Slater’s. vßa mvmmom. daily utswm. Miss Helen O'Connor will aarrive | Saturday from Fort Valley to spend ! the holidays in Brunswick. * • Ii Miss Annfe May Arnold who is at .-Monroe college, Forsyth, will be at 1 home 'in a few davs to spend the holi days. 9 m Mrs. W. H. Dyer and her little daughters will arrive Friday night to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. fl Bertie. v m m "Mrs. George K, Smith and her little daughter, Sarah Louise, will arrive shortly from Boston, Ga., to visit Dr and-Mrs. J. A. Butts. m m m Mrs. Edwin Fleming and her little son William will conn, over from Jack sonville next week to visit Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butts. • * • Dr. and Mrs. John Burkhalter, of the quaant.lne station, with their lithe daughter, are the guests of Mrs. If. S. Johnson for a day or two. • • * Miss Fe Symons has quite a nice class in -dancing and the little folk* are learning fam to be graceful banc- STs. Miss Symons’ terms arc reduced to a. dollar and a half per month. • • si Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Odharn, of Had.-bo rough, N. C,, have arrived In Brunswick and will make mefr home With their son. Mr. 1,. 1). Odharn. , * w Dr. and Mrs. Dunwody Atkinson and family am. #f}Bsc Nell Atkinson, Mary and Sarah Verde) y will form a ffWhsant camping parlv on Fancy Bluff next week. m • m The Rummage safe that is being held is the store next to Ckwliur’s bicycle shop, is a great success. The ladies are kept busy waiting on cus tomers and have already made quite a neat sum. Children's clothes aie tn great' demand and the ladies request donations in this line from their friends, -if notified by 'phone they will send for the aitielos donated. The sale continues today and tomorrow and everyone is Invited to attend. •a * m The rehearsal of the cantata. "The Coming of tiie King." held Monday night, was well attended and those who are taking part arc gerlug the cantata Ino line shape for presentation on December Hit. The musical peo ple of Brunswick are looking torward to this event and it will be heard by a large audience. Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Waff com plimented their attendants and ushers with a pleasant box party at the Grand last evening. The affair was one or the most delightful given this season, and was followed by a theatre, supper ai the home oi Mr. and Mrs. waff. Those in the' party were: Mr. find Mrs. Howard .1. \Vaff, Miss Mary McCullough and Mr. C. C. Flemtftg. Miss Gertrude Alien and Mr. It. I*. 1 Coleman. Miss Ethel Conoley and Mr. B. J. Allen, Miss Fra mile Grant, Nightengale, and Mr. Malcolm Mr- j Cullougli, Miss Mamie Waff and Mr. j Morton Marye, Miss Emily Waff and Mr. K. E. Twittv. Miss Muddle McCul lough and Mr, George 11. Smith. j® NUTRITIOUS, DELICIOUS. T FASTIDIOUS! Is how you will find all our fine Choco late Candies, whether it is the delight ful Chocolate Creams and the Walnut Tips, or our new unwrapped exquisite Nut Caramels, or our New Cream ’ Fudge.. Call and sample. Fine pack ages at very low prices J LLOYD’S 214 Newcastle st. 'Phone 255-2. VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED TO MAKE THE SMITH PHARMACY, NE„. STREET THEIR HEADQUARTERS WHILE IN THE CITY. Notice. This is to certify that I will not he responsible for any debts contracted by Sallle Wilener. J. L. Wilcher Our cooks are the best that can he employed. Try their cooking, at Wil son’s. We are headquarters for Imported Brandy. Also best California Brandy. The best brands of whiskeys amt gins on tiro market ,or sale at seasonable prices at S,g. Levison s 310 Bay street. Telephone 130. THAT OLD OVERCOAT Needs a new collar, anew lining or a thorough cleaning, so take it to Jim Carter's or ring ’phone 253-2. ROB ROY FLOUR IS THE BEST. Pure Medford New England Hum. Nothing beter for Eggnogs and Ft * Cakes, Sig. Lovison, 330 Bay street. Telephone 130. If you want your -Icycle repaired rig! * bring it to an experienced work man, B. J Glewino, 505 Gloucester Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will produce both. Try a uottle and be convinced. Your druggie* sells tt for GIF' Bargain Sales continued for the bal ance of the week for benefit of visitors J. H. Heller &. Bio’s. XMAS Presents of All Kinds That are the Best Most Lasting, and Most Appreciated In Jewelry Silver Goods Cut Glass Fine Lamps Fountain and Other Pens Fine Purses Umbrellas, Canes Call Now And if I Haven’t What You Want I will Order for YOU Open Untill II at Night Kersnon Mott 0. i). Jeweler and Eye Specialist | Competent Workmen are the ,oi >y kind employed at Jim Carter’ll Cloth Cleaning and Dyeing establishment If you want the best kind of win I, done cheap go to Carter, or ring phone 263-2. - SWANS DOWN FLOUR IS PURE, Who Puts Up Your Prescriptions? We invite the privilege. We use the best quality of every drug. We exer cise the most exacting care with every part of the work. We produce medi cine that brings the best possible re suits. We chcarge only a living fit above the cost of materials. Let us fill your prescriptions. MORGAN’S £> I U K G . Stockholders Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Brunswick Bank n. <i Trust Company, for the purpose of electing a board of directors and trans acting such other business that ui.iv come before them, will lie held at the banking rooms of said company ore Tuesday. January 13th, 1903, hetwien' tiic hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. H. W. GALE. Cashier. 1 Brunswick, Ga., December 11, 1902. Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneaseiness, children take c A |so easily. No disease costs more iit ! tie lives than croup. It’s attack is so sudden that the sufferer is often be- I youd human aid before tae doctor ar rives. Such cases yield readily to One j Minute Cough Cure, Liquifies the mue | ns. allays inflammation, removes dan ger. Absolutely sate. Acts inime- I diately. Cures conghs, colds, grip, j bronchitis, all throat and lung tro..- | l>le. F. S. McMahon, Hampton, Ga : |"A bad cold rendered me voiceless ! just before an oratorical contest. I in i tended to withdraw but took One Miu nte Cough Cure. It restored my voice in time to win the medal.” Joerger’s Pharmacy, \V, J. Butts, Smith's Pharmacy. j [ ROB ROY FLOUR IS THE BEST. KAISER BROS. See Our Show Window Th;,;;k /oil for yoithapproval urn V our effort: to ole • i r.ur Bn. 1 -Miu if Mom. •>' and Tuo-nluy. O'm story was 1 1- ... from morning t - * night an 1 ou: clerks ha I II ikoy icola do. 1 far devour! me expectations-. Now we call your intuition t-> Christmas .Gods. Ac few Item* which wo have mentioned 1 < An inve-o c-Hi ;'i will i-nl'alitc-i ou. Ladies' Skirts (o'! cokus) Jackets and Cloaks (all s T Far Boas. Silk Petticoats (all colors). Waists (al! styles and ■ or,). Chiffon Boas. Lace Collarettes. Fascinators. -Jcrcer F; iris. 11 andkerchei-ifs, Giovis. Parasols (gold and silver.), t.. t iaino Begs. Ger.ts Furnishings. Sliirts. Gloves. . Scarfs. Suspenders. Umbrellas. Etc. -s* PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED HERE. ! f | | j J t 4E - j, ij^Ss C'i l v +* '-. y ~ Will not vary a traction of a grain from the quantity ealio { for, accuracy !* t\ ih o corn pouii di n g of ' Medicines. !is one of our points. Added to I * hit* is the alis 'ale purity and uti- I doubted freshness of every drug used, i Wo replenish our store frequently, and I use or seit nothing which has bo cniae Inetficiont torough ago. SMITH'S PHARMACY His Life in Peril. "I just seemed to have gone all to Meets,“ writes Alt -: ti Uoo, of Welfare, Vex, "billiousneKs and a lame back had made life a burden, i couldn’t cat or sleep and felt almost too worn opt to Work when l began to u.<? Elec tw. Jtiitters, but- tluy worked wonders. ■NOW i if-'-p ) ’ - !: #J , Coil eoi an y • )) and joy hard worii." They gave vigorous health and hew Ufa to weak, sickly run-down people. Try them. Only 60e at. all druggists. c 7y~ Chf ■■■ # | stiller <k om. This Space Is for the KI ng' s Da ug h t n Who will he in possessi ST°R^W :. 23. Way The Ok! Reliables. 4 WELCOME EXCURSIONISTS. i Onr si or.- is Mu? o nh . ~<• f . i noiirtho depot ami you at ■ ■ r , -j. i I? invited u, nj-tko if your ht'-nl quarters, ftmi .-.on wi‘ find t,j* 1 iutlory to v-'-li-'-' iron! j ■ Nats of ill I;ir L ils, j Candies ut l kind Raisins. Catos, 1 JBananas. 1 Apples. i < rang os. f Firework,.; of nil kinds. I i’hom- t GEO. W. HARPrn I Anything you want., vo will have 5 i next week. ’ Phone 158. > /* • , j jo--r:. r : ■ If it's good to eat, we hayU ir Goes Like Hot Cakes. *'-1 tic tislest sell tug a* ,-lc , !:* in my store.' writes druggb-.t C Smith, of Davis, “y. ( 'i- Dr. K'm; New Discovery for (tonsiimpt; ■ ■ Coughs and Colds, because it alw:. cures. In my six years of has never failed. I have Km w save sufferers from Threat ana i utSteases, who could get no icip I doctors or any other remedy, j <-rs ’ rely on it, best physina; j scribe it. and all druggists g , toe satisfaction or refund prim I tiotiies free, Regular sizes, D sl. 1 Another beautiful hat in ;\v |of purple at Miss Slater' in pallors. DECEMBER 17 Sec () u r Show Window.