The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, December 18, 1902, Image 2

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TIWKSMOOfmBM' BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. UUBi.IHJILD DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY .. toanagr C. H. LEAV Y Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application Church and other ehar ntililo organlznt <>u notices published t half Ihe regular rates. AHveiwxM* desiring their ad.', dla eon 1.l nu "J hunt noUfy v tlm office In writing. . f, # _2l _ Site SUBSCRIPTION IIATK.3. f; Twrrns to subscribe!# in tlio city Add by mail free of charge to all narUr of the United H t.e.-i anil Can via, Mexico. Porlo Rico, Guam. Phil ippine Inlands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I -60 ..'Bl* Months ;Y>ne . oar 6.00 Phone 188. Ruu ■■•'■■'...ji". v Entered at the Brunswick, On., re stoffloe, ‘-s ntoobd class mall mat iter. S- ■ Hon. Emory Speer hr* designated ‘he Brunswick Daly News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for i.fyna county. 1 PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires U (o be distinctly understood that all jpii.lll iHt Fttio | for in ai’vHoce. Wo can not afford to 'Tvotd oiir space to such advertiM,*-, roe.nts am! wait u, the courts for the rcpiuT. At you in the Sunday News? (Pfi had a (ealjoul'b of Winter ves- MrHy. Don’t, you waftt tin wl. In Biindiiy'a News? ftuoaevelt says lie wants to fight. lie certainly has a good chance. The legislators are now busy ex plaining why they didn’t do It. A Florida exchange says politician* lire unlike lovers, they dare not laugh at holts. Welcome ISjcurMonlsts, come again, ntay longer and we guarantee When you know us well you will like us better. Congress wilt adjourn HatiH'day for the holidays. The present session lids certainly been a slow one with Ihu tmlional solons. Already there Is a rift In the An glo German lute. The British say the wanton sinking of those Vctieziminn gunboats was the act of the Germans atone, and the Germans say ttie I’.iil lsh lie, or Something to the same ce lect. The Anierleiis Dally Press is the hit est addition to the Georgia JOurnaiis fie field. If Is a bright, eight page, flve-eolumn paper, brim full of good reading and deserves the support of the people of Americas. Success to the Press. 1 j THIS IS A GOOD ONE. An artist who lias just returned from Europe, relates an amusing incident in his tour of the continent: **J made a walking tour through Ger many last summer," tie said “and in a German inn 1 came across ami old newspaper dated about*, the year 1X75, Hint de.,01 Ibod a neiy lioM about to he erected in Chicago. I made :i trims latiou of tile articles and if you like. I ll read it to you.” Then the article read: “The latest American progress In building Will be the mammoth hotel toon to be erected In Chicago. The enormous hotel is to have a frontage of three njtips and a depth of si* miles. The height of seventy seven stories will measure 3.4H0 feet, from the ground floor to the roof. No room waiters wilt he employed, hot visitors will bo served by a newly pa.enteil au tomaton! put In every bedroom, who will do all shaving, shampoing. etc., to tire guests by a very simple and ingen ious mechanism. The tables in toe dluing room w ill measure lour miles each. The cast of this building Is es timated to be 1680,000,©00. PROGRESS IN WIRELESS TELEG RAPHY. •It seems to be conceded that Mar coni Is successful In all respects ex cept speed. The best speed that he can thus far secure Is the transmis sion of ten words a minute, and suck a rate is fatal in a commercial sense, however promising it may be from a scientific point of view. Speed Is a prime necessity, and it. is this that Marconi up In Novo Scotia is trying to gain. No announcement need be expected from him until he has appa rains of working commercial efficien cy. But wireless telegraphy Is by no means confined to tho efforts of Mr. Marconi in spanning tho broad Atlan tic. Nearly every nation is using, or experimenting with it on board war ships. One war ship Is talking to an oiher In all parts of the world, and re cently a French war ship’s communi cations wen caught by a British war ship in Ihe English channel. At first tne words were considered jargon, but it was soon discovered that the French were taking a hand In wireless telegraphy. Shipping news will soon be gathered off every great port by Ihe new sys tem, Tho New York Herald receiver at the Nantucket lightship Information' from tne trans-Atlantic lines, ami ttiis piece of enterprise has come to be of much value, and It is rarely lack ing. So |t will ho elsewhere. Little by Utile the new service will be extended. It will at. the same time he Improved, and the indications arn very good that In live years it will ho developed to such an extent that it will be one of the world s great Instrumentalities. It may indeed supplant all cables and land lines, but even if ii does not It will fill many gaps thereby Incoming a useful agent of the new e THE REmL TRO'. I V' lie/ucia, under i*re- i,i- SiJ f t Cieiid, (peonies the Mo SSB an dfs glad lo lake cover when it .suits iis purpose to . J|| was glfi4 of President terveiition when British aggioHsiou Uieentoned to despoil the country of a large sec lion of its domain; and then, soon ns Castro got round to it, he began a systematic campaign to roll Americans of (heir con easts lon a on the Orinoco, He was willing, also, to spite the Builnd Estates to transfer a coaling station- lo Germany, with the* territory ... to iiiako the station valnaule. But now bo is In trouble witli Gunit Britain again, and his mind turns to the Mon roe doctrine a* the great shield of the weaker hathujg of %out| .Ant®r|e. President Castro should show more re peel for that doctrine than lie has yet shown, in his own official’conduct, before lie can with any force Invoke its protection. Of course, *1 hat. doc trine will be maintained, hut it should bo accepted as binding doctrine and obligation liy those nations which seek its protection, and this in time of prosperity as well as of adversity. A laid and-loose iilogianoe which calls for tile good offices of tin' United Slates in times of pinch and which tlouls and rails of ttiis country when it is considered safe to do so, is not the sort of adhesion that wins either cordial co operation or respect Brunswick bids the Brunswick and Birmingham exeurslonlsst a cordial welcome this morning and hopes tlint the occasion will he a pleasant one. The St. Emits Globe Ilemocrat re marks tint if there are 10.0(10,000 conn ter felt silver dollars In circulation as is estimated It will he seen that then is some prosperity not due to the present wise and henotieeent adminls t ration. Avery pathetic story or a New Jer sey man who litis been tried and found guilty of attempting to commit suicide and sentenced to prison, is told by the Savannah News. He said lie had no home, no money and no friends and that one thing that Induced mm to at tempt to kill himself was the certain ty that he would he arrested and sent to jail for vagrancy. "In short, says the News, “if was against the law for the poor fellow to live and against the law for him to attempt to die. What was he to do," ! Caution! This is n : a gern.e word —but when you think now liable you are not to purchase for 75c the only remedy u..- versauy known, and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine In the world since 1888 ter the cure and treatment of Consumption and Taroat arid Lunj Troubles all these years without losing its popularity ail these years, you will be thankful we called your attention ft) Boschees tier man Syrup. There are many ordinary c ugh remedies made by druggists and others that are leap and good for light colds perhaps, but for sev. e Colds, Bronchitis, Croup—and especi ally for Con sun ption, wnerc there is dufflcult expectoration aud coughing during the nights and mornings, tfeero Is nothing like German Syrup. SolJ by all erugglstu i.i the civilize., wc ei G. C. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED TO MAKE THE SMITH PHARMACY, NEWCASTLE STn. THEIR HEADQUARTERS WHILE IN THE CITY. Forty Years’ Torture. To be relieved from a torturing dis ease after 40 years’ torture mirlit well cause ttie gratitude of anyone. That Is what DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney, Geneva. O. He says: '‘DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured me of piles after I had suffered 40 years.” Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Joerger'a Uaarmaey. W. J. Butts. I will sell you a brittle of Claret ror 35 cents equal to any you pay 75 cents a bottle for. Don't fail to provide for Ihe holidays. Slg. J.ovlson, 310 Bay street. Telephone 130. VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED TO MAKE THE SMITH PHARMACY, i AfCASTLE STREt. THEIR HEADQUARTERS WHILE IN THE CITY. A Genuine Bargain. I have For Sale at Piincanvlllc one 2-story house. Store and kitchen on jflrst, floor,’ and sleeping rooms up i stairs. Lot fidxliiO. Benin for $7.00 per month. House in good condition. I Apply to B. 11. Daniels. 302 Cloueeu ter street. Cheap l'or cash or will t ell on reasonable time. ASK FOR ROB ROY FLOUR. Outings and Fkuinollottes, wotI.U 15 and 2<i cents, at 9e this week at .1. If. Heller & Bin's. •V ■ Ladiec. 'JaJjSL of you that have not bought at VII do well to cull ai - "jjik ’ <t -a ’bt.'l-y parlors Wc.ln lr. ;ft \ # f- ‘ r . , \ f' 4 m 11 , n ' ...sejiarging fire i is, inecrackeis, sky-101 keis or fire v.r„ ks of any descrlp, ion, anywhere within the fire limits, . „at is to rcv that section of the city hotline and on thjg south by London street as far east as Oglethorpe street, thence runnic. north as far as Howe stteet, theme running cast as fur as Reynolds street, thence running north to G stieet. thence running west to Bay street, and thence running south along and includ ing ne whole o. nay street to Howe street. Tne police have postiVe older? to arrest all offenders, and all off. rid ers will most iMisiliveiy he lined. All persons outside of the limits above uesetihed who may desiie t use fireworks, are especially warm >1 of tne danger on the Bay front lock and all persons using rockets cautioned to send them on in an o. l eryl direction away from the Bay. N. KMaNUEE, Mayor ( tty of Brunswick. Souvenir Books and China at i'icm iug & Waff's. Flags for decorating at I'icminc, Waft's. I’lanoto and Grapliophonc com ; 1 daily at Fleming & Waff's Biggest Baigain Sales in the city I teller's. Iniptuted Sherry and Port Wine SI.OO values at 05 cents -full quart. liottle. Only during holidays. Sic; Levisoti, ::m Bay street. Telephone 130. Everything new and stylish in uiiili ncry and fancy work this week at Miss Slater's. Ship Notice. Neither master, owners nor eonsh.n cos of tlie Norwegian stenmauip B>e. tad will be responsible for any debt.- conirac.ii.Hl iiy the crew of said steam er. F. I), M. Struchun .V- Cos., om siguees. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or om signeos will lie responsible lor any delyt contracted by the crow of the Spanish hark Josel'a Forms -a. Parches, mastdr. Kainit. Will receive one or more i-argoos of Virginht-Caroluia Chemical Cos. Kai nit at an early date. Orders filed now will receive prompt attention. 0. VV Doming, Agent. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barber, has nil foe latest thiugs connected with an up to date bar heir shop Typewriter Headquarte a. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a machine of auy description? Yoa o til find it to your Interest to call on me. Can sell you a typewwrfter at such a price and on suca terms that you will sot miss the money. C. U JEWETT. TH* BRUNSWICK DAILY NEAT*. ONE CENT AWSRD If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything tiiat has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. ■ FOR KENT. — Desk room on ground floor. Good, location. .Address i\, care News. FOR RENT —Two rodkits, with use of bath, and telephone, 711 Uiouccester street. WANTED. —Two. salesladies at ouceT A. Rothschilds, Jfcveler. WANTED— Two salesladies. Apply at Rothschilds’ jewelry store, Newcas tle si reel. FOR SALE—Rubber btauiys, st-aJs, stiuce.s, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street. LOST—A black cape, between ex press office and 222 Union street. Fin der will be rewarded by returning [al ter place. LOST, STRAYED OR oTOLEN-- Oue water spaniel. Black, white breast and white feet. Answers to the name of i’oncho. Apply to W. B. Cook. LOST —lioys overcoat. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to E. firobston. PERSONAL Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit. Mysclt cured. Will inform you of nannies.;, permanent homo euro. Mrs. u. a. Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. LOST—Fox terrier puppy auout halt grown. White* with black spot on right ear, long ears and tail. return to R. E. SHermaUj Richmond litre, t,- in at- Urine,and i,,, i, and. FOR REN i—Two large and eie gauily furnished bed rooms, centrally located. Bam, electric lights, paoce, in fact, all modern conveniences. Ap ply at 3t,i union si reef. FOR BALE. Hiiiery 1 dauu, coiUfUn iirg 32 1-2 care., of 'high land. ~unable for truck farming or for poultry. Also a srs acre reservation on Blythe creek known as Cr- scout Baitf. For parti culars c'Hil en F. Jos. Daufliugcr. KOlt SALE. Bakery. Best estab lished place In the city. T ad, from S2O to $25 daily. Rent -,;>■. >• Good chain:' for any ore. ~ turned ~>u for todliniA A', ,r,, t visit to Mr ’’ v- - ■ Hi! 11 if-v !'-*'* \i, < i V "V ■ a ; i> giori {MgjjlH >e. I;>•;-.> ■ >i :it Kir am ■rshd*’ uk Idairiß inialltblo for ptiits. 25 c*ntn at rtii druggista. WOOD Oak arid Pine 8 H. 134-3 Wilson’s Un to l''ate Rescu •iPSint aF 1 ' r TV’.'.~ 7 C. ; T / li, r - :■. . / r V /a / / / L •' vdL -.V:i M. jfSB. MORE THAN ONE H i’x mmiiii utoii on the higri titiftlii-y ! pi foot} .crv* and at WILSON’S RESTAURANT. OYSTERS R IN SEASON. Gome always on haul. JAS. W. WILSON, Prop. Pictio 321 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT. . | asTHE Friday Dec. !*>. Matinee ami Night A Jolly Amerrcan Tramp. By tlie Author, "A or Relation" and “Peaceful Vailey." Etcc. THE GREATEST COMEDY MELO DRAMA OF THE AGE. Walter tittle as “Happy .lack.” Four sen sons as the tramp in Denman Thompson's "Old Homestead." Night 25. 35 and 50 cents. Special prices anti 2&c. LONG FELT NEED FILLED. Brunswick Now Has a First Class Fish and Oyster House. Thurlow & Johnson, two enterpris ing newcomers, have opened a first Class fish and Oyster house in the Matthews building next to the corner of Monk and Grant streets, and they intend to keep an establishment £ru crass In every respect. Brunswick has needed a place of this kind and the people should show their appreciation by liberally the new firm. tf KENNER MILLINERY CO. 310 Newcastle Street. ■ V/J -I’.’’ 1.1. ! yk K, ■*! , [;• ‘J )* -ft 55 HINTS ON FALL FASHIONS, are numerous in this display ot n< MILLINERY. FTat Jlats and Turhnns will ' prevailing mode, aceordin gio U.n i - Baris seta the frn'lions. The materials in these hats a: those most highly favored. Designed by artists and developed by milliners of skill and taste th, - are really beautiful and serviceable models. There's excellent values at all prices. Milk cows for sale ay C. S. Tait. s Cold Now. I have opened a wood yard and. , i corner of Ouch ran rivwine aril <}■•> stru ts and am offering ail k : . wood at lowest prices. Rive tne a tr; r.; and you will come again. Uromp! lixory guaranteed. B. It DANIELS. Millinery ai hah' crier- im; n : J. li. Heller A- Bn-' FALL HAfc /Oi ning Lou: rt b .<• . ” <,i tree. Gall and loo; I night. o i KENNON 110 - ’ 0. D. ™„. " S s^^ KATE .L * Ship Notice. s ’<*ith, •• >i,- master, owners or < a -iigh .. el In* responsible for •• debts 11.,,; raided Ly the eerrw ul e Uon’guese lirirK Votlga, Uilino, me. r Overcoats Relined cheap, at .lie. t.’ar tor’s. FUR RENT -The store on Monk tieei now occupied by L. D. Johj. Apply to Weinberg <t Devniis. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood f Rhyskkxn-: cait it iTalarial U ni. it , changing red blood yeti >,v microscope. It yv•' s' night, First, s* fiirr.H >•.• plexion yellow. Chilly, aclv * sensation.'', creep down ye-nr backbone. You feet weak and worthless. CHIU TOHir will stop the frouble now. It entirs thu htood ~t once ni.i drives out fits yew-iw poison if neglected and when Chhts, Fevers, Night ivveats.nui c- gen eral break down come ! u-r oi: Roberta* Tonic wi’sl cure you then hut why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all.about t’ii ■ yel low poison and have perfected Robert*' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the Mood, p- > vent and cure Chills, i'evei < end Malaria, it has cured th. us mitts-it wllf cure yon, or your money back. This is fair, i'ry it. Price, 25 cent:.. ■ sa v 1 n .li’ PtiHruiacv w It 1.., Iti,nor-Sate Drug ' ’•** '- < ■.Vpsoui>o,\\ s,j;-i|i;js skcw i emit AtJpJUP jIMJ ejttos png HIM n: X Use DenulnoS l or Choppt cl Hands and Face oedalgia Tablets for Te d r ch * Hunier-Saie Drug Cos, • ’PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Druga ■ Bargain Sales continued for the bal ance of the week for benefit of visitors J, H. Heller & Bro s. It’S discouraging: work to fill the lunch bag day after day. It's uninviting to open the lunch bag and find the eternal bread, bread, bread. Bread is good, but it’s monotonous —it lacks novelty, Eieak the monotony with the new delicacy— yneada Biscuit Nutritious —healthful —satisfy- ing. Uneeda Biscuit are sold f only in the lu-er-seal Package, | which keeps them airtight and VCCT moisture proof. V. i ' / : BAY IRON"WORICr bimiftß lurers anti Rept'.ifer# of viu-'y. ro Saw ' R, a<< - , .< Ii ” fciliw.ilV Vi V 2 u-; t 2s V j. ej ■.. -.a work a speci tlyf A. Vi . V. 3, Fittings and Supplier i u , f Rmisfied free ol Ctiarqe. 029 Bay St. ; ’:T CLAUD PART. sger. Secretary mid T -ore 3 CV-VLISi & IHQ MAS, Coi across and Builders of Stdi.o, Brick and Frame ,3. ANfh At TUKKHrf •>< CEMENT, TIL" AND ARTIFCIAL S r OM'.. l>. ',r: fefirht-. THE BUZZ SAW. " TT) ',. r ' : - - _ A '... -/j y fj; “t .3. ( , -$ I'-, l.„ ~w. .i'i ... 'yj.' by hnym ; hmilmr of umelt.hlii ,l<>al her come, to us. We will till your or • r accuiat ly mi.l in ,■; v ■. Wo wlii giro you Just the lumber you want at! jubt. Om right price. Von can a! ays save money by placing your order with us, phone 19 T. Dang & Vv ood FLANiNG MILL. 'Rhoo® \*t. If Y u Suiter Frem. Kiotey Troubles. t’o Sait'i s Snri K i... Guro Noli: ing hie it for tiUe;, cd jtidii 'ys. f.O cents. f.'aJjfornia Fort, Tokay, Alu'••ulol. F!.m t, ,'inm'.:.i Cnuthoc-a and Black b* ■ r'iic' .5 finis per holiW, worth dou’uic ill-* lie 're ‘V. A trial will con vince you only at Sig. Lev Ison’s, 310 Bay Bin er. Tfc-lephouo 130. A FULL LINE. • A. Rati-- ilitd's Jewelry Store is a Pal ace of Beautiful Things. Alto:;!ion ituecic.t jo the display Cl A. Koihschikts. file jcwclor. Hi this Mr. tUithschiids has brought to Brunswick ' . - et: a. sto- Kof jew c!i y no.vcnics would do credit, to ,i city twi c ;i large m>Branswiek. i-.ts line of goods is sinipty dogaut and hr- .n •' uuusual ad> .images not omy ift tic i; * ■■ sortmeftt of goods huCti the vv-ry rcasußahly pri'- that prevail hi ids store. A News man has ccc-ii Mr. H.itbaohihl**- iivagnifisru* lin< ami coiamends purchasers to UiUL -% Scuntf KidneyK-—Prefect Health. The uac oi vjuuttPa San.* ividney Lure vviii pi sauce both. Try a uoitta and be coftvinded. Your druggis’ selU it tor 59b. Just Opeiib'v i:. b. Ltif.iD, V CUM and lOCKGYITH errosr Special .an to the repairii^^H TRLNKS.’KNi; F-GRtULiiNL and i^K FAIRING. Gtve mo a T ial. ■ VV INj .o . . it. .i- A 1 .< ■ 'T* li. ( K. 22 i UKAAi ; Bh-i: i . i !vt.i,l*t lOkiv 2 1 2-3. ROB nov FLOhH if. THE SEEJ. NEW VELVET COLLARS, NEW SLEEVE LININGS, and NEW BODY LININGS for THAT Oh OVERCOAT, at Grtf-i TER’S.. ’Phone 253-2. We Pi rad Guilty Til at. \V- ,'M O Pi 1' cut -I-A oi I'l ill,■ vv .ck as v. o i., i fu; spot . . - Itiv,.. - uah's-3 IIS to .'h itic P >; . fciiou.i at Cu o a. nk as •tu.ire nvw uf NnlJilij? Dfit tb<? i. gOiuls A' fi .M and iin*\ Your patron*^ UM, Htul -,fuds dviivered to aii> 4 rt oi tL • ( lf.v ’l'hooe 21. JtiIUCS L fildlSflCVVA, Cor, F arid Wolf Strcc-.s. Idtoi i 1 ■ ordc*i u. •; v<t . 1. • : i-.ifes ever given oar.; Wfi-. at I'lvjiimi; Wati's. H- st stand at FU-iii. & *V aff h. Ship Notice, Neither nwiSior. ov,nerfc nor < ' co:- oi tia ia iii.-sh sftaiii .nip j'H. lcue wiu no resfKfiisinie any iUr> r <‘onrracf* and by the ere,v o. ate • - K. i). AS . Fa rrudian >i '■ ■ . .n. a.- ~5 T-SViS^,' Digests m Uirgc-^B ’ M jf- -d ee*if |