The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, May 06, 1903, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY the news PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager' C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char- Radio organization notices published at half ibo regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in the city and by mail free of charge to all parts pt tha United States and Canada, /.Vieaico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands and Hawaiian islands; I’er Month $ bd Six Mouths 2 DU tuna i ear & UU Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post otlice, as second-class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the etticial organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sirija it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vtrtlHemenls and wait on the courts for the money. it looks like it will be four inure years of Grover. Tlie papers liavo not as yet com pletely killed the Georgia fruit crop. ... i' .. - - There is real activity in real estate circles at present and it is not of the boom kind either. Wo iliopo some people we know of read tho “Doubting Thomas" editorial jm hi ihh ed yost erd ay. Good roads for the country and good streets for the city. This is what every section should have. Boli Davis is a candidate for govern or of Florida and Is going to be elec ted too. If the people of South Geor gia cannot elect a governor for their own state they can at least furnish one for Florida. Tin* coining governor bails from Balnbrhlge. That pastor out in Conneeieut. who refuses to mnrrv a couple because one of them had been divorced, should wake up. rub bis eyes and look I don ward. How about tlie Vanderbilt Rutherford affair? But then Vander hilt we recall is a millionaire. MAJOR WARREN'S DEATH. The entire state, and especially thi newspaper hoys to whom be was al ways kind( was shocked at the terri ble death of Maj Jus \V Warren, the veteran sorrel ary of the executive de partment .Maj. Warren was on his way to hii home to bis dinner. His home is in Kirkwood, lour miles form Atlanta, and bad just i,vt off the Dr catur ear to go to Ins Inline. To teach there he had to cross the track of the Georgia railroad, and the train was upon him before he knew it. In trying to get out of tin’ way he stumbled and fell, and the next moment the train struck him. drag ging him under the wheels, severing the arms and other parti* of the body, and so badly mult dating it as io de stroy U traces of resemblance. Since January 12. IS7U. Major War mi has It n a familiar figure at the state capito' and was known and love and by cv* i > public- man in Geor gia. No man in the state hud more friends or lower enemies than Major Warren. Grom Dam- t- Ghat ham aid from Fannin to De c atur in* hud friends Everybody knew Major Warren and everybody loved him. '! he news if his death will be read with regn t by every Georgian. There' is hardly a public man perhaps but that has been done favore by the major. Every gov ernor since tho time of Governor Smith regarded Major Warren as the most, competent secretary ever in the denartment. as he has boon repeatedly reappointed, by the different govern ors. ' NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. It Is no longer denied by those who have taken the trouble to Investigate that as an advertising medium there is nothing else which will begin to com pare with the nev. papers. Joe How ard, in this letter to the Boston Globe puts the idea very neatly when he says: i There is but one “best” way to catch the public eye in an inoffensive and purely legitimate manner. The greatest merchants long eince found that way. Look at the amazing amount of spread “ads," published in all the really successful papers of the land, in each city there are favorite medi ums used by the chief traders, and also by the humbler seekers for help in limes of need. Arrayed attractively and classified expertly, these columns of announcement tell, even to the ordi nary reader, a story of human inter est few romances can equal. Every phase of existence has its photograph, suggestion or plea. The classification of announcements is a comparatively now and certainly <* helpful aid to the student of modern life. Old Mr. Bennett justified the personals in his paper on the ground that everything of human interest was entitled to a chance. The desire to know the news makes people buy a newspaper. Every advertiser is interested to see bis appeal. You are not likely to ]<><>K from your paper to the posters on the fence. , and, uh you are in si car, the freaks on the street don’l catch your eye. “Printers’ ink” made Bon ner and Itanium, two busy bees, who gathered much of the public’s money. Moral If you really care to catch the public eye, advertise in what the public roads. OFFICIAL WATCHMAKER. Mr. Henry White, first secretary of the American embassy in London, is coining in for a good deal of unfavora ble remark in,connection with his part in the Vanderbilt Kiitborfurd wedding, which the bishop of has pro nounced “a grave moral Jrandal.” Mr. White was very active iLf assisting Mr. Vanderbilt to secure Hit necessary li cense and the services I J o k:lergyman and was one of the at the wedding. Tho earnest ®/position of the church of England to the remar riage by the rite.- of that body of a divorced person made these things difficult and their extension has brought out condemnation of high offi cials of the church. The church of England is a part of the state* ami encroaching upon its sensibilities the American secretary, we should think, was treading on ground forbidden to a representative of the* United States government at the court of St. James. His iiersonal relationship to the bride of Mr. Van derbilt should not have weighed against tin* consideration of his obli gation to this international comity, li was all right for Mr. Vanderbilt to seek the approval of the church and that lie secured it is not to his Hire red it, but it would certainly been far bettor ii tin* official representative of the United States had bad nothing to do with that phase of the affair. President Roosevelt did not like the entertainment given him at St. I-onis. “The y had nothing fit to eat” li said. Probably some possum and inters and a slice of a watermelon, ‘-omo pork (hops and a crap game* would have been more to his taste. if \l.r. Gb'velami does not preemp- I’Uily refuse to consider the question of his nomination and forbid the use 'd his name in that connection, there will b■ before the convention meets in 1 *" t a demand for his nomination thai will be irresistible. The people v * • for him in UM)2, but ihe politi * iam won not. The people nominat 'd him by a two-thirds vote and they ‘b . n-d him afterwards. History may * •‘peat it-olf. Vdvcrtiser. Pure Chemicals are the only kind u and ;it Jim Garter's clothes cleaning * .ildi.-hiuont. lie is reliable and wuuts your work. Rhone **33-2 A Little Early Riser K a an dihen. at bedtime will cure ronsi p;.:mn. biliou-ness and liver ;, ouM IvWiits Little Early Ris -1 *‘ s are the famous little pills that ' ur :irnii>:ng the secretions, mov- 1 ing the towels gently, yet effectually, ami giving sinh lone and strength t. the gland- of the stomach and liver that the cause of the trouble is re movod entirely, and if their use is cot tinned for n few days, there will ■ •* e '*•' • • ,i‘ Sold by t- ; i'ir.o nutcy. SuiKii's Phar-j nm-y and W. J. Butts. \s no beverage more the right kind of beer. Barley malt and hops —a food and a tonic. Only per cent B of alcohol—just enough to aid digestion. S& B But get the right beer, for some beer is not healthful. B Schlitz is the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and fen B sterilized beer. No bacilli in it—nothing but health. M B And Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness. ® B The beer that made Milwaukee famoue. Jfln hi Morgan A Davis, Skt A 211 Bay St.. J 2 A tiy How much is baby’s life worth? More u u than all the wealth of the world, is it not? r f /\ I* f llow carefully the little ones’health should be looked after! A slight sickness, if neglected, ma^ sr ion become very serious. Especially in spring and surAmer, stomach and bowel troubles are prevalent among babies and young children, 'iaby Ease, the world’s best baby medicine, tSaves Babies’ bives It is an absolute and perfect remedy for all stomach and bowel complaints—cures diarrhcea, flux, cholera infantum, worms, sour stomach, cic., regulates the bowels, aids digestion and brings refreshing sleep. Baby Ease contains no opiate—it i perfectly safe and harmless—pleasant O JTfe't'^ in taste. If your druggist hasn’t it, V/vllia write to T. 1\ Marshall, Macon, Ga. j\ bottlC Ask about the FCtEJ? GOL'J) 'BING over , To Groin JVeW Hair COKE DANDRUFF CURE <*> and Hair Tonic is the “Best eU'ore of fmitation* j * COKE, SHAVING FOAM £ FOR EASY SHAVING ,1 H-m t- any soap,so handy. Incollap-ibl* tubes. If jour barter or ilruijgist do-, nut k*vpCokr* Shnvinjt F.*G:n sand X>: t.' A. It. Brrtner C., Ctii.ipj. fi r refc-jlar tut*. Fer Sale by W J BUTTS, Drugc tt —fi—mtr nnirr rrr -a * TO PROPERTY OWNERS. J ersons Transfering or Acquiring Real Estate Must Notify City Clerk Extract from Section G! City Code: All portions transfering or •.■ qo;r g real property, shall notify the ■ of council in writing, of the fart :f such transfer, before tho first day of April, following such transfer, and if; case transfers of real property shall not be so notified lo the clerk, then the same may be taxed as t ; • proj • erty of the person last returning same and shall be subject in like manner as If no transfer had been made.” As will bo seen from the foregoing only six days remain in which to cut out said transfers front returns for 1543: tho attention of parties transfering property Is particularly directed to this extract from the code, ns a fail ure lo notify this office, of the name, of tho fransferrees and a description f the property, so transferred, the party last returning same, liable for IWO3 taxes. When such notice lias been given, and the trims ferret • fails to make return thereof, by tint first day of May of any year, said prop erty Is liable to execution, viz: Extract front Section .61, City Code. If on ihe first day of May of any year, there is any such real estate in said city as lias not been so returned by lie owner or claimant thereof it. shall be the duly of the clerk to issue an execution against sat i real estate which lias not been so i -ni ned I*.* the owner or owterr, thereof, as uon returneil property," etc. Brunswick, On., Manh 25. 1901',. N D. RUSSEBL. Clerk of Council. Mr. Joseph Pomlnville. of Stillwater. Minn., after having stu'iit over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by bis druggist Mr Alex. Richard, to try n box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablejs. He ditl so and is a well man today. If troubled with in digestion. bad taste in the month, lack of appetite or constipation, give ttiese tablets a trial, ami you are cer lain to be more than pleased with Hie result For sale tit 2r> edits pt r box by all druggists. To the Consumer. 1 win give the retailers' profit, 1 have just received 10,000 Maitre T a liori cigars a real good 5c cigar which 1 will sell direct to the consumer at $1.25 per box of 50. I am sole age nr for this brand. This cigar is worth $2.00 pur box. one box will make you got more at Sig Levison, 310 Bay Here is a Stunner. A large assortment of genuine French and English briar pipes with genuine amber bits, without case $2,00 to $3.00 values. They must go at SI,OO each. Call and pick your choice. Sig Levison. •’■* SEE THE DOWNING CU for fertilizers. WANT COLUMN. l if you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything tnat has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. WANTED- -Iron safe, medium size. ’.Apply to “Dexter Hunter. I FOR RENT—Stores, offices and I dwellings. Apply to lirohstou, Fendig A- Cos. FOR ftKNT.—Desk room on ground floor. (Jcoiij location. Address F. care News. FOR RENT —An eight room house Apply to Mrs. Colesberry, 121 nor * Amherst. 1 “ fesi FOR RENT. —7-room two st.oH Souse. 1004 Union St. $12.50 includ ing water per month. 3-t FOR RENT.—One six-room house, ; corc'-r Stonewall and Gloucester Sts. ■ i ij io L. -A Miiier. 3-t FOR RENT—Fart ot my house on : V n streat Possession at once :T- res reasonable. C. H. Jewett. FOR SALE—Rubber stamps, seals, stineem, etc. Ag~nt Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street . FOR SALE—A -•• sirable farm, con taining 23 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The News office. STORAGE —The Southern Produce Cos. offers space for storage or mer chandise or household goods at reason able rates. ’Phone 19. 215 Oram St. PERSONAL Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit Myself cured. Will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. ,M. A. Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. FOR RENT —for the season: four room cottage on St. Simon, partly furnished with wide hall, all lathen and plastered; kitchen, store room, and servant's room attached. Choicest location on the beach. Apply to Wat. Nightingale. LOST. —Gold sticJL pin with a clu-- ter of pearl., ma le the shape of a bunch of grapes. Was lost either at the newspaper carnival Thursday night or some where in that viciuity. Reward will be paid for return of same to W. I Butts, the druggist $15.00 A WEEK AT HOME. No Canvassing. Nothing to Sell \\ . want jmthoiih to write letter* at loom* sjiarc in 'iiic'iss. f 1.“ a iviN-k canii/ uariicl W • furnish paper free ami pay tier luoti cash weekly for simple pjuri* lei ters. Ser.J self a res**e* l a tiijmm! i*h y*lu{m‘ for sam ple letter ami i list rue i ions to t lie Veritas Typewriter Company, 34 PARK ROW. NEW YORK A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is sure ox Copt death ami taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King’s New Dis covery for consumption is a sure cure or all lung and throat troubles. Thou sands can testify to that. Mrs. C. is. Van Metre of Shepherdtown. W. Vs. ays: "1 had r severe case of bronchi tis and for a year tried everything i heard of, but got no relief. One bottle f Ur. King’s New Discovery then cured no absolutely it’s infalibie for Croup, ' Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia [and Consumption. Try it. It’s guar anteed by all druggists. Trial bot tles l’toe. Regular sizes 50c. and SI.OO. The sweat shop method is strictly avoided at Jim Carter's clothes clean ng establishment. Everyth! lg is well ventilated and lighted and pure ebein cals are used. For the Best in Printing—Try the News Job Office. V Dodd” bn an oral tv - won:* i ot.i and ties, $3. J. A. Smith, Newcastle street THE BRUNSWICK iOAILY NEWS. Tot an Optical Illaeioa. He was positive tiiat be bumped bis head wiien be fell. “You see, it all happened just as 1 stepped off the porch,” be said as bo rubbed the back of bis thought reposi tory. “My heel touched the corner of the step, and I was gone. I nearly fractured my -skull. The stars loomed up like a constellation. I neve* saw stars as plainly in my life.” “But, papa”—bis young son attempt ed to interrupt, but the stern parent would not permit it “Don’t contradict what I say. Frank, because you know I am older than you are,” said the pater. “But. papa”— i “Frank!” “But, papa, X know you didn’t bump your bead. And you didn't sis* stars either. It was the ashes from your pipe. I guess I saw you.” And Frank was reprimanded for hav ing his say.—lndianapolis News. Ylel*lel to Ih< Inevitable. llilson—So you have a titled son-in law. I suppose you consider him a high honor. Tribbler—Well, yes, he did come rath er high, but Carrie seemed sort of set upon buying him.—Boston Transcript. A. L. OWENS j Cor. Monk and Grant Sts. —Dealer in— Choice Western Meats, BEEF, PORK. SAUSAGES and Fresh Meats cf all Kinds. THK OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only First Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock cf new goods, for the coming seasoi t best of wor>' and perfect fit guar* anteed. Pants made to order for $4.00. Suits made to order for $15.00. If you want a Swesl Fr Suit give rrc. a , *iaii. edll I. B. Burns, Headquarters For Buggies. W agons,Harness Whips, wheelwright and General Black smith work. 210 Richmond st AFTER YOU UaVe tried all inkers, semi for a FREE package cf ttlie Dr. Lyon I ionic Treatment for CATARRH, Blood nerve and Stomach. Dr. Medi ci ill- Cos., Culdwater, Mich. "Dorothy Dodd” shoes are the very latest for women i have them. J. A. Smith, New* astle street., A Farmer Straightened Out. A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago complete ly doubled up with rheumatism, i handed him a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not sat: tied after using it he need not pay a cent for it," says C. P. Rader, of Pattens Mills. N. Y. "A few days he walked into the store as straight as a string ami handed me a dollar saying, give me another bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want it in the house all the time for it cured mo." For sale by all drug gists. FOR HIGH GRADE VEGETABLE GUANO SEE THE BOWNING CO. Relief for the Suffering. Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur will give you imediate relief and permanently wire all such diseases as eczema, pim ples. tetter, herpes, rinltworm, salt rheum, dandruff, diphtheria, sore throat , cut ~ burns, open sores and all blood and skin troubles. Hundreds of cases if skin di ,eases have been per maneutly curt . by the use of K’an cock’s IJqtt .1 ’ ,’phur after all other remedies have tailed. For sale by Smith's Pharmacy. The X-R.iys. Recent experiments by practical test- and examination w h *he aid of the y-Rays e *.'•>•* ?i <■. a s a fact lhat Catarrh of ti:-- stem h is not a disease of itself, out. th:,* i results from repeated attacks -f Indigestion. "How can I ettra my ind ..£ stiou?" Kociol Dyspepsia Cure h curing Ihqus anus. It wili cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cure i catarrh of the stomach. Kodol di- I gests what you eat—makes the storc-1 aeh sweet. Sold by .loorge*-’.** Phur-i Buns. Perfect Is one which is palatable, pleasant to take, I JC Ki /ettv E an( j can be relied upon to act gently, but I Laxative thorou gbly, cleansing the entire system of all I impurities. Such a remedy is Mozley’s I B Lemon Elixir. It is a pleasant lemon tonic, acceptable to I 3 the most delicate stomach, and acts thoroughly upon the I jg bowels, liver and kidneys without the slightest unpleasant- ■ ness. Sold by all druggists at 50c a bottle. Tlf t c , Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops, without an J equal for coughs, colds, sore throat and 1 fin [ bronchitis. 25c a bottle. ivcf/fwf WMnrnmiiimkffiaHsame Elixir THE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty Packings, Fittings and Supplies Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St. W, R. DART, CLAUD DART, . *-esident and Manager, Secretary and Treasurer. U Downing, President. E. H. Mason, Vice-President. E.D.Walter, Cashiar, The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES In excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistauce of iegit iuiate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited fr urn individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compounded quar* erly. Interest bearing cerifieates of deposit Issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS' MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA, ION” are cheaper and more convenient than postoffloe or express. G.L. PARKER, ■—Dealer in— STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Everytninq that’s good to eat at lowest market prices Cor E and J Sts. ’Phone 94. t CCL Plione 257-2. 307 Newcastle St Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. For Cleaning and Dyeing Summer Clothes —no one is better prepared than Jim Carter. Ring ’Phone 253 or send to 504 Monk St. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY & HANKER. Digests what you *?i. Good Advice. Tho most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dys pepsia and liver complaint. More than seventy-five per cent, of the peo ple of the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their et cts: such as Sour Stomach, Sick headache, habitual costiveness, pal pitation of the heart heart, burn, waterbrash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yel low skin, coated tongue and disagree able taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 25 or 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it Headquarters for Groceries. Attention is called to the ad. of A. Zeliueuovitz, the well known gro cer, which appears elsewhere in this issue. ZelEienovtiz can save you “One Dose Convinces.” Mosleys Lemon Elixer acts gently n the bowels without, any unpleasant tfect. It is a perfect liquid laxative, it) cents per bottle at all drug stores. If you want your bicycle repaired righ* bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Olewine. 505 Gloucester Desirable Property for Rent Seven room house, with bath, conve nient location. Possisj.L'-j givou im mediately. $.5,00 per mouth. Two-story residence, 1 1-2 blocks ftom Oglethoipe hotel, $20.00 per month One story- residence near business center. SIO,OO per montii. Good business locations fos or cut Farms for rent J. A, MONTGOMERY 4 CO, ’Phone 134-3. THE DOWNING COMPANY FOR FERTILIZERS- Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of .Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure wili produce both. Try a oottle and be convinced. Yeur druggist sells it for 50e For "Dorothy Dodd” shoes, the lat . t v- :r _ re, 7 Ctrli't, New castle street. Reliable dyeing can only be done by experienced dyers. Jim Carter can give you satisfaction. Phone 25-3-2, 501 Monk street. WOOD Oak and Pine B H. DANIELS, Phone 326 DEVARIS & LIVADAS, *•’ Grocery { tore I STAPLi£Tk.i,fIUiP th 4jr J ; t If ■ JT 1204 Monk St. > Phone 14!-3. UNION CLEANING and DRESSING CLUB. Ring 'phone 253-4 and let t EDWARD MARTIN ~v*. clean and press your ciothes He- does good work and will give you Satisfaction. 508 Monk St A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. Boschee, a cele brated German physician, and is ac knowledged to be one of the most for tunate discoveries in medicine. it quickly cures coughs, colds, and all ung troubles of the serious nature, removing, as it does, the cause of lh affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition, it iB not an experimental medicine,, but lias stood the test for years, giviug its satisfaction in every case, which its rapidity increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles old annually. Hoschee’s German Syrup was introduced in the Unitod States in 18G8, and is now sold in ev ery town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough. 25 and 75 Cts. Miss Slater haj something else new. Th New Bishop Collar, in linen, stamped in different designs. Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing The one good place iu town to have cleaning, pressing and dyeing p>opnrly is at Jim Carter’s. Only tlie finest of chemicals and reliable methods ate "used. Send to 004 Monk, street or ring phone 253-2. Old Monopolo Rye at SI.OO per foil quart, Yellow Label uye at $1.25 per quart. Uhilndel 'hip Club Rye at SI.OO per lull quart. All above are sold elsewhere for $1.50. Sig Levison, 310 Bay street. GREATLY ALARMED By a Persiatetnt Cough, But Perma nently Cured By Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. .Ir. TI. P. Burbage, a student in law, in Greenville, S. C..had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says, greatly alarmed mo, causing me to tear that 1 was in the first stage of consumption.” Mr Burbage having seen Chamberlain’s Cough Kemedy ad vertised, concluded to try it. Now r -ad what he says of it: “I soon felt a remarkable change, and after using two bottles of the twenty-five cent size. ! was permanently cured.” Sold by ail druggists. I handle the celebrated Anheuser Bush Premium Pale Export Beer, which I will deliver to any address n* yor dozen. Phone Sig Lcjv.ooD May C, 1903.