The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, May 07, 1903, Image 3

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THURSDAY MORNING. fth r /v ,-V-* Mattings, Rugs, Linoleum and Oil Cloth Floor Covering. Brighten your floors a bit. Don’t caro*how careful a housekeeper vou nmy he, you realize that all house furnishings don’t wear out. alike, and the floor coverings in some rooms go first. Go into a neighbors house and you will comment on their things so don’t . oppose that your neighbor does not know tho difference reversing conditions. Whatever is best in Matting, Oil Cloth or Linoleum yon will find our stock contains new de signs, choice patterns, an immense variety to select from. G. PeOMRVEY, The New Town Grocer Leads in Low Prices, Here are some of the trade winners at ZELMENOVITZ, the corner of E and L Streets. Picnic Ham. 12 1-2 cents per pound, l eaf Lard, two xjounds for 25 cents, j Best Paeon, 11 cents per pound. Two pound can Tomatoes, 8 cents,! Best. 1 lour, 24 pound sacks, for 60c. Best Peanuts, 25 cents per peck, i Good Butter, per pound, 30 cents. Large Mackerel, three for 25 cents, i A. ZELMENOVITZ, | ’Phone 205. The Old Standby ■ At the Same Old Place < Albert Arnheiter, the wel! known young ! butcher, still doing business at the old stand No 207 Monk street where he will be glad to ' see his friends. Full line of everything in the Meat Line, Fancy, Family and Staple Groceries. < raM|T,aly a Grand mmtoouv cafiiSKEY lIoLLO Morgan & Davis 1 I DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, Ga, IbKLI ~IM llt v minnßan| V'cu Can i tiuat; . Our line o£ Fancy Groceries.J . That, is why our store continues ' .to grow and expand. We do busi $ ness through no other . than the one that, carries with-- it. t.he most dependable and exclu-S| save merchandise at the ’.cost to you: Our Fancy Siftorl•*-. ’Garden Peas are exceptionally ; nice at 20c can. 3 ill can \Val-*i \ dorf Baited Beans with Tcmatoe# : Sauce 15c., 2 lit cans 10. * ! THOMAS KIiANY, Grocer. J - Phone 11. 312 Newcastle J ~“Dorothy Dodd” shoe is a novelty in womens shoes. Oxfords and ties. $3. J. A. Smith, Newcastle street. , 2 2 5 fir ‘i o'confinement. V lire. i. . ■jf j * lit niueerl ~t'. r.eitermtn oi ,>ey. It. H. VEAt.. toan’gr Litlna Springs Oi Cos.. Drawer A. Austell, Oa ircineJtrenpneMit -mi if preferred. Correspondence strictly c< nfideiuiol A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual ease of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help lieT. He thought oi and tried Dr. King's New Life Pill: and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c. at ail drug stores. Artistic effect finish and lasting qua! Ities considered. Wilson’s Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St., has no competitors. Go there “ye Elite.’’ EDWIN W. DART, Atvernti Ccux-i.'Ur *t L;w. Court Hcus, Brunswick, Gg, THE Douglas I H arc! ware Company, [ H. S. LEE, Manager. —Dealers In— HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, TIN CUTLERY, AND PLOWS. AGATEWARE 21S Newcastle Street, Bear m Mind That we Sell f'i lß\i% +^*^4S**-'** > * V Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. EMPTY AND LOADED SHELLS, GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING, P O.KFSSLER teaiifc. * If :osme ootid : Tiews Tletes.* Mrs. J. S. Dunwody entertains the Acacia Club tomorrow. ... Mrs. Edwin Robinson and her chid | ren are the guests of Airs. C. Mc | Garvey. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jenning Cults moved I yesterday into their apartments at. the Oglethorpe. ... Mrs. W. A. Slueum arrived in the city yesterday from Savannah, and is at the Oglethorpe. , ... The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet this afternoon at the home of Airs K. R. Hopkins. ... Mrs. E. H. Mason has returned from a visit to Cleveland, Ohio, and to North Judson, Indiana. ... Mrs. Thomas R. Lamar returned last night from a visit to Southern Pine, on the C, & B. railroad. ... Mrs. Nellie Akins will entertain her little friends to-morrow afternoon at her home on Prince street. Mrs. J. F. Chittenden reached the city yesterday from New York, and is at the Oglethorpe with her husband, Dr. J. F. Chittenden. ... Rev. Perciful H. Whaley, rector of the .Episcopal church of Pensacola is expected to arrive in this city in a few days from Jacksonville, where" he is attending the Diocesan con vention. of Florida. He will lie the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Aiken while he is here. -P w * Mrs. F. D. Aiken entertained with a delightful reception Tuesday after noon from 4 to G o’clock in honor of her guest, Mrs. IsaacM. Aiken, of Fen sacola. Mrs. F. D. Aiken and Mrs. I. M. Aiken received the guests, and Miss Mai King and Mrs. H. It. Maxey as sisted in entertaining. Those who were invited were: Mrs. J. K. Nighen galc, Mrs. C. Downing, Mrs J. E. du- Bignon, Mrs. H. R. dußiguon, Mrs. J. M. .Madden, Mrs. C. S. Wyily, Mrs. J. A. Butts,' Mrs. J. H. McCullough, Mrs. A. C.Banks, Mrs William Nightengale Mrs. Henry R. Symons, Mrs. Ellen Mclntosh, Mrs. Wyilys Rede, Mrs. Edwin Francis Bryan, Mrs. C. G. Bradley, Mrs. C. E. Waff, Mrs. Nel ,iio McDonald, Mrs. H. E. Lucas, Mrs. b. 'fA Atkinson, Mrs. M. P.'Ktnk. The german given by the Cotillion Club Tuesday evening was very brill iant and enjoyable, and was partici pated in by about twenty-five couples, it was led by Mr. Malcolm McCullough Those present were: Miss Mary Mc- Cullough and Mr. E. J. Allen; Miss Adkins and Mr. C. M. Peddicord; Miss Brown and Mr. S. K. Brown; -Miss Lessiie Butts and Mr. Morton Marye; Miss M a,i King and Mr. C. I). Porter; Mrs. H. li. Maxey and Mi. C. C. Crosby; Miss Ger trude Allen and Mr. Malcolm McCul lough.; Miss Helen Angior, of Atlanta, and Mr. H. F. dußignon; Miss Irene Wood and Mr. Albert Banks; -Miss Tolliaferro and Mr. Howard Smith; Mrs. George P. Smith and Mr. F. E. T witty; Miss Remshart and Mr Bayard Butts, Miss Fannie Grant Nightengale and Mr. C.C. Fleming, Aiiss Bryan and Mr. E. B. Whitfield: dies Hao I Nightegalo and Mr. George Smith; Miss Lucille Butts and Mr. Clifford Johnson, of Way cross; Miss Kenzzie Conolcy and Mr. T. Q. Flem ing; Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Butts, Mr. and Mrs. H J. Waff. Chaperones, Mrs. A. C. Banks, Mrs. .). D. Sparks, Mrs. .1. S. Dunwody, Mrs. Hugh Porter. Mrs. Harris M. King, Mrs. B. A. White, Mrs. Aiken, of Pensacola, Mrs. E. F. Bryan, Mrs. Edwin Fleming. Stags, S. li. Brown, Albert Cunningham. Quick Arrest. •I. A. Guiledge, of Verbena, Ala., was I '-vice in Ihe hospital from a se vere case of piles, causing 24 tumors. Alter doctors and all remedies failed. Pucklen’s Arnica Salve quickly ar rested further plantation and cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 25 cents at all druggists. Wfhen you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and p)esa|nt in effect. For sale by all druggists. Made Young Again. “One of Dr King’s New Life Pills each night, for two weeks has put me in my ‘teens’ again,” writes Dr. D. H Turner of Dempsey lowa, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta ble. Never gripe. Only 25 cents at all druggists. How a lady got a husband when her face covered with pimples. She used a bottle of Hancock’s Liquid Sul phur which removed the pimples and made her skin white and soft. For sale by Smitn’s Pharmacy. W. M. TUPPER A CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agent*. Lighterage, Towing" and Marine In, ~**„* Cr ,, rr*Qnp C j e nce Bo|!e'+d jftRUWBWIOKf <SA. Tim BRUNSWICK DAILY NKVH LOW RATES Seaboard Air Line. For the 1303 reunion of the Confed ate Veterans, the Seaboard Air Line will sell from its coupon ticket sta tions round trip tickets to New Or leans at the very low rate of one cent per mile for distance traveled short line mileage; the tickets will he sold from May 16th to 21st inclusive, good i'or return until May 24th. lly depos iting the tickets with the special agent at New Orleans not later than May Southern Railway. Tho Southern railway offers the most convenient schedulo to the Con federate veterans, Sons of veterans, delegates and visitors to the annual reunion, of tho United Confederate Veterans, New Orleaus, La., May 16, 1903, from Brunswick to New Orleans and rospectifully solicits the favor of your patronage. Two trains* daily, making close connection through to New Orleans as follows; Leave Brunswick 7:20 a. m. Arrive New Orleans S:3O a. m. Leave Brunswick 9:05 p. rn., arrive New Or leans 3:25 p. m. Fare, $12.50 for the round trip. Detailed information cheerfully furn ished on application. C. L. CANDLER, Gen’l. Agt. To The Mountains. Account of the meeting of American Society of Civil Engineers at. Ashe ville, N. C. June Bth. the Southern Railway will sell tickcls to Asheville on Juno Gill and 7th and Bth one fare plus 25 cents for the roue,? trip. Tickets good returning until June 15th On account of the Southern Baptist convention at Savannah, May 7 to It, the Southern railway wll sell tickets from Brunswick to Savananh and re turn at rate of one fare, plus 25c., for the round trip. Tickets on sale May 5 to 7 inclusive, mod to return until May 20. Through coaches be twen Brunswick and Savannah with out change. C. L. CANDLER, General Agent Atlantic Coast Line. St. Louis. Ms., and return on ac count of dedication ceremonies of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, April '3th to May 2, 1903. Rate of one fare for tile round trip. Tlckots on sale April 29th to May Ist, inclusive, good returning until May 4th. Asheville, N. C., and return account Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the outhern Educational Asseciation. One tare plus 25c. for round trip, lus $2.00 membership fee. Tickets to be sold July Is to 7th, inclusive, final limit July 10th. To M’acon, Ga., and return on ac count of Sugar Cane Growers Con vention. One fare plus 25c. for round trip. Tickets to he sold May sth, final imit May 10th. PETITION FOR AMENDMENT TO CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. To the Superior Court of Said Coun ty: The petition of the Loan and Land Company of Brunswick, respectfully shows: 1. That petitioner was duly incor porated on the 10th day of Septem ber, 1902, with the powers and priv ileges set out in the petition for in corporation and the order granting tin' application, and which are of tile in the office of the clerk of said court and duly recorded on the min utes, and reference to which petition and order is hereby had for the pur poses of this petition 2. That petitioner desires to hav- ils charter amended so that it will have the followii privileges: (al All the r-j-■ - -jy ;;, ■,, ■ a]-,j powers granted and given to building and loan associations and other like associations doing business in ibis state: Hi) To lend money to persons nol memebrs thereof nor shareholder.- therein at eight per ecnlum or less and to aggregate the principal 1 crest at the date of the loan for entire period of the loan, and to di vide the sum of the principal and (he interest for tho entire period of Hie loan, and to take Security I, mort gage, or otherwise, and to have all 'lie rights, powers and privilege; i. corporntod and contained in sections 2388. 238'). 2330 and 2331 of the Code of Georgia of 1835; :c) To lend money to ils members on the stock held by simti n; , ln |, and it) charge interest ai Woiniunis therefor: ' (and) To sell jt s capif.-h slock, and provide for payment c* the aroe in monthly installments, and provide for setting aside - portion of such pay merits as an expense fun 1, and io ;,‘ n pose finer for making default in such monthly payments. F. K. TWITTY. Petitioner’s Atfernev-af-Law GEORGIA, GLYNN COt’NTV. I hereby certify that the foregoing petition of the Loan and Land Pom tuny of Drunswiek was fii.■,i ju the office Of Iho Clerk cf the Superior Court of said Comity. !Vk April 2.':.,|. 1903. A. 6. TOWNSEND. Deputy Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Ccunty, Georgia. The Wastes of the Body Every seven and • Mir n m/ . cles and bone:-: of a mar: oi’ ;,. - size loses two pounds of worno t t sue. Tliis waste cannot la r> - ished and the health and drengili kept up without jierfect When the stomach and <il , , v . or pans fail to perform their f-riiti n, the strength lots down q,, .:■ , V'f y, an : <; K< etf p. pepfra Cure e.ri.ile ih,. -tntunrh n: I diget live orgai • dig, t ilate all of ihe whol • ■ food that may be eat..,, into the kind of bioo that rebuilds Mie tissues an,] * re en tile health and strongs’ „r the mind and body. Kodol cur. -■ indigestion, dyspepsia and ail stomach troubles. It Is an Ideal spring topic. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith's Pharma cy' and W, J. Butts, PETITION FOR CHARTER. I I STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GYLNN. jTo tho Superior Court of Said Coun | ty: j Tho petition of F. E Twitty, F. jL. Lamar, and Millard ltcese, ait of | said state and county, respectfully j shows: 1. Thai, they desire for themselves I and such other persons as may lie as sociated with them to be incorpora ted um)er the corporate name and style of ' The Stanley Land Company.' ■ 2. Thai, the object of the proposed corporation io tho pecuniary gain of its members, and its special objects me: To buy, own. hold and im prove lands and real estate generally, and to sell, lease or otherwise dis pose of such property; to buy, own, hold and soil stocks and bohds arfd personal property of any kind; to lend money and Kike security therel'or; and generally to do such oilier acts and things as may he deemed for the best interests of the corporation not inconsistent, with 7 its character. v. That the principal office of the proposed corporation shall he Bruns wick, iu said county of Glynn. 4. That tlie capital stork of tno proposed corporation shall be Five Thousand Dollars divided into fifty shares of the par value of One Hun dred Dollars each, and petitioners de sire the tight by a majority vote of stock to increase such, capital stock from time to time to any sum or sums not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dol lars. Petitioners also desire the right to receive in payment Cor stock real estate or personal property at a valuation to ho fixed by the direc tors At least ten per centum of the subscribed capital stock shall bo paid in before beginning business, and the balance shall he paid as called by tho directors. 5. That the officers of tue corpora tion shall he a President. Vice-Presi dent, Secrela: y and Treasurer, and such other officers or agents as the stockholders or directors may consti tute or appoint. The board of direc tors shall consist of not less than three nor mote than nine persons, all ol whom shall be share holders, and such directors shall be elected by tue sbaro holders. G. X hat the stockholders shall have the right to make by-taws, rules and regulations for the government of the corporation, or to delegate this au thority to the directors. 7. That under such corporate name and style, your petitioners desire tnc right, to contract and be contracted with; to sue and lie sued; to borrow money and secure tlie same as tin hoard of directors may desire; lo have iuid use a common seal, and to change tite same at pleasure; and generally to hate all the rights, privileges and powers incident to and necessary and I’rojkT ;n 11Gumluc( find ope*nG inn of the business of the proposed cor poration, aud all the rights, privileges and powers given and granted similar corporations under the laws of Geor gia. 8. That there shall lie po individ ual liability upon tho part of any j shareholder of the corporation, except for such amount as may be duo by such shareholder as unpaid subscrip tion for stock in said corporation. 9. That petitioners desire to he in corporated under said name and style of "The Stanley Land Company," with all the rights, privileges and’ powers prayed for herein, for. a period of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at tho expiration of that time. F. E. TWITTY, Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. I hereby certify that the foregoing application for incorporation by the petitioners therein named of Hie Stan ley Land Company, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior <onrt. of said county this April 21. H. F. du BIGNON*. Clerk Superior Court Glynn Countv, Georgia. DO YOU KNOW HIM. iho miin who will never die, who will never have sickness in his family vho will never bo sick himself, who docs not travel, who never rides in a carriage, street, ear, omnibus, or upon a bicycle, who never walks Che streets, who cannot slip upon (he pavements, who does not go near horses, who can never have sprains, dislocations, broken hones, cm;- bruises, whom lire will not hum, and water will not drown, whom wen a a n d will not bite, nor strike, who canine fall from anything. SUCH A MAN does not need our proitenion. AJI others should apply to THE MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASS*N Of Brunswick. Ga. And obtain the best health, accident and hfe policy issued. Pay- seek and accident ?<•)• !iis from SI.OO to 520.n0. per worl; and death benefits from SIO.OO to $200.00 Never Bec.i Sued By a Beneficiary R. L. BRADY. Manager, Room 25 Winship Building, 107 Monk Street, Brunswick, Ga. Real Estate Bargains. $3,500.00 for one of the prettiest I bouses on Union fi t root. Lot OQxgo and 7 room house $250.00 45x00 near tin: business venter. $1,000.00 for -1 room lion: ", close in. sßoo.On for 1 imil; houserent f SIO.OO per month. >200.00 for room house, brings $5.00 per month. BROBSTON, FENDIG & CO. All Were Baffled. Won! comes from Wake, Ark. that Rev. Jen. .!. <: ( ,x bail a strange malady accompanied 1 . yellow jaundice. J’or iy ■ lire pliy. ms were baffled and though • -vm :• i I::ng known to Die ’ rofesoioi, war. ed. the trouble ro maineit. One day he began to use Ea-ctrii- I!.- and in a week rt change T- Me b iter came and at length 1. • was Oir it ly cured. It’s the most r liable ire: ae for liver and e.dney tt’euii.i - . Only übe. and guar teed by all drug risfs. From a Cat Scratch. 0:1 ; ' r, > ' tlie worst nt,rt of a burn, sore or • ~ 'a .vitt’s Witch M-. ■ l ; ' ire In 1 ,eg >'.:’eji Ha;-"! .cnee, be particular on f 1 D< *Vit ■ This is the salve that heals ieaving a sear. A spe cifio for blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding pile; Bold by Joergyr’s Pharmacy, cimiili's Pharmacy, and W J. Butts ALONG OLR BUSY BAY Yesterday Arrivals, Clearances and' Sailings—Other News of the Movement of Vessels in Port. Arrived. Bark Rose Lines, Salvage, St. Thom as. , Schooner Henry B. Fiske, Cum mings, Boston . Schooner John L, Treat, Gilmore, Providence. Schooner Rebecca! A. Taulane, Dawes, Boston. The South Atlantic Towing Com pany has chartered the tug Cambria, of Savannaitg for a few days, while the tug Angie and Nellie is laid up. un der going repairs Mr. McDowell, who lives on tho north end of Jekyl, is to have an en gine put in his diamond bottom boat. Within the next, few months there will be all kinds of launches in these waters. Several are now In course of construction and quite a number are figuring on having boats bmlf. PETITION FOR CHARTER. Georgia. Glynn County. Petition for incorporation if Dixio Drug Company. To the Sttperir Court of said county: The petition of F. D. Aiken. Albert Fendig. J. B. Wright, C. B. Gowen, C. M. Gowen. J. H. Whitmire. C. Down- : ing. W. M. Tupper. E. H. Mason. K. IC. Briesenick, J. E. Morgan aud J. Stovall Smith, all of said state and county, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates, successors andi assigns to he incorporated under the name and stylo of "Dixie Drug Com pany." 2. The term for which petitioners ask to he incorporated is twenty (20) years, with the privilege of renewal ata the end of that lime. 3. The capital stock of the cor poration is to be ten thousand dollars. ($10,01)0.00) divided into shares of one hundred dollars. ($100.00) each. Petitioners, however, ask the privil ege of increasing said capital stock up on a vote of two-thirds of the capital stock then issued, not (o exceed i* the aggregate ore hundred thousand dollars, ($100,000.00), I Your petitioners pray that upon at ' least twenty p< r ceni. (20) of the capital stock of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) being paid in cash, they in l authorized to begin business. The object of the proposed cor poration is pecuniary profit and gain lo its stockholders, and to that end your petitioners desire to be incorpo rated for the purpose of manufactur ing drugs, medicines, proprietry prep- arations or drugs, beverages and com pounds thereof of and kind and character and ail other articles and things of like kind and char 'tc-r; to acquire and purchase ingredients neccessary for the manufacture of such articles; to ac quire any patents or formulas of any proprietary preparations, medicines, drugs, articles or beverages: to pur- • tin. o or acquire any and all kind of drugs, medicines, proprietary prepa rations, beverages and any other art i i lew or things not manufactured by said corporation, and commonly used and sold in the carrying on of a whole -ale drug business; to purchase for cash or on credit any and all such ar liilcs, beverages, commodities and any and all such articles and things as may ho profitable to handle in connee liorißierewith, and to sell for cash or on credit all products, .articles or com modities manufactured or acquired by sail! corporation. In any manner known to trade. fi To purchase and hold real and personal property necessary to carry ing on said business and to acquire 1 re same whenever it is necessary to ! I'otecf 'lie interests of said corpora tion: to borrow money and to execute mortgages am! other liens upon prop eriy io secure tho same; to have the t'it’-ht. to i-suc bonds if desired arid to make deeds iof trust or mortgages or oilier liens upon tts property to secure mat" deeds of trust or martgages or liens or other securities upon real and personal property for the protection and security of any advances made to any person nr persons, natural or ar tificial. dealing with or for any debts owed unto said corporation; and to acquire and hold all property so pledged tf necoossary to protect its interests, and roll and convey the same at treasure. 7. To have and use a cammon -"-a! to sue and bo sued, to plead and tic impleaded with in nnv of the - mris of thi= slate or any other state or the TTnited States. 8. The principal office and :.-oo of business of the proposed corporation is to be In the city of Brunswick, said state and county, with the ri"ht am] rawer to eslahli h branch offices In any ether plare or peaces in or tvifh ont the confines of this state. h. Wherefore petitioners pray to fie made a. bndv corporate in the name ami stvie aforesaid, entitled to all of the rights, immunities and privileges and subject to the liabilities fixed by Taw. This fith day ef May. A D tJMifi ATKINSON £■ PTTNWOODV Petitioner M Am on -•; Filed tn office this \f . 0 h \ I, i nnrv IT. F duflit:vo\' fieri' Snr>. f'en't. Given Go Ga GEORGIA GLYNNGOFNTY r. TT F. dulliyrion. Glerl. Superior Court Glynn Goui t C do h< r< l,y eert !fy *ba' the wilhin and fore. "MM- two cupy • ' thr pr flf lon ef DM Dm • Comeapy of file in tin- office of the -gun-'-’c- Court of said county of date 'he sth day of May, A. D. 1903. Witness my hand and sea! of office, this sth tiny ot >fay, A. D 1903. H F duIWGNON Glotdf Sup, Gw ft Glynn e>, t,la MAY 7. 1903. LOOK HEBE FOR IT it is What the Reader Has Long Sought. People will read advertisements about cures made by medicine. As as they refts they winder if the slate, ments are true. If true was the re. lief temporary or permanent? Read this case alibi:; Doan . Kidney Pills; W. Ti. Clarke, of Here -• ■ 11. treet i,- conntant at the Blurb Bras. Tobacco works. Wheeling W Va says; ■ :i: my back aches I know what will cure ! it, Doan's Kidney Pills They are tin* best remedy I ever route across. For months I wa.-, piag' -1 wi:u ha- he. not sharp pain . lull a dull aching all the time, that Intel-* me ,lm erable. 1 gel * irdb-in. ; occasions from doetoi ; am! t ,-vemod to relie-, e me for nit soon as had a, ii ~r 'Doan’s Kidney Pills 1 |ooi a roar -of tho treatment. Tit , sr-d u, \ m l [that euro Tins 1,. ]■ ing i will, corroborate till., i : rsonal inter view or in reply to my (ommunica tion mailed to me." For sale by all dealers. Price Or Foster Milburn Cos.. Buffalo, X. Y. sole agents for the U. S Remember the name —Dean’s—and take no other. ’ 1- '■ IF YOU FEEL LANGUID And thoroughly tired out after very slight exertion, it shows that your blood is thin and impovished, and the action of your heart is weak. Tala' Smith's Compound Sarsapa rilla it. will purify, enrich ami vitalize your blood, and put your whole sys teb in a healthy condition. SMITH’S PHARMACY ' A i ' -SB**"*?., (IB WHEY If you’re going on a trip Here’s a pleasant little tip °lace a bottle in your grip Red Top Rye i S. D. LEVADAS, Sole agent Brunswick, Ga. j* and Vicinity. <_J6 Monk Street. Ferdinand Westheinipr £ Sons. Di. lilirrs jj Cinoiunati, 0. St. J wph, Mo. Louwv; IT, Fy H Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant ... ' : -/ . ! ./ ■ < '■ L ■.- J ; |pj&. y/ - ,-y/r/urr , THERE'S AN ATT!!At' MIC >N illuTo tba <an hardly Iv r 'steal. ; “Tisn’t the food >n ur tlm t cooking or i.ln .( •• :. u ur t;u ’appointments It’s .'.)*■ nombina. I tion of ail that givrf V/ILSON'S RESTAURANT, a peculiar eh arm of ;; • ’ . - Here ci . homo tabic withoiit ;.:iy of it. J inconvcTiiencos oi •< poii’-i ili ? tie®. i Our quick lur * but satis i'yiuE. Open until mi dr. or*. ' J. W. WILSON, Prop. * 'Phorte 321. &etemc bonie. This ’ jlebr' ,ed tonic is In growing demand. The season of the groa’est -jtted Is approaching. fnaigesUou. P.ll- asd- Fexer,. Bick Headache, pains in tae back and kidneys all dope 1 upon-malaria, and Bellevua Toole cures them all in any form. W J. BUTTS, Th? Oryggltt,