The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 08, 1903, Image 3
FRIDAY MORNING. : 1 Matting's, Rugs, Linoleum and Oil Cloth Floor Covering. Brighten vour floors a hit. Don't care how careful a housekeeper you may he, you realize that all house furnishings don’t wear out alike, and the floor coverings in some rooms go first. Go into a neighbors house and you will comment on their things so don’t suppose that your neighbor does not know the difference reversing conditions. Whatever is best in Matting, Oil Cloth or Linoleum you will find our stock contains new de signs, choice patterns, an immense variety to select from. G. IVIgGARVEY, The New Town Grocer Leads in Low Prices, Here are some of the trade winners at ZELMENOVITZ, . the corner of E and L Streets. Picnics Tlam. 12 1 II cents per pound. Leaf Lard, two pounds for 25 cents. Best Bacon, 11 cents per pound. Two pound can Tomatoes, 8 cents, Best Flour, 24 pound sacks, for 6#c. Best Peanuts, 25 cents per peck, Good Butter, per pound, 30 cents. Large Mackerel, three for 25 cents A. ZLLMEINOVITZ, . 'Phone 205. •The Old tandby : At the Same Old Place I Albert Arnheiter, the well known young * butcher, still doing business at the old stand , No 207 Monk street where he will be glad to ; see his friends. Full line of everything in the Meat Line, Fancy, Family and Staple ' Groceries. 7 wmm±: qgk Ycu Can’t Eeat , Our line of Fancy Groceries; Thai is why our store continues 4 to grow and expand. We do busi . ness through no other channels than Gie one that carries with' ii. the most dependable and exclu-! give merchandise at the smallest, cost to you: Our Fancy Sifted 1 Garden Peas are exceptionally ■ nice at 20c can. 11 lb can Wal dorf Baked Beans with Tomatoe; Sauce 15<\, 2 lb cans 10. THOMAS KEANY, Grocer, j Phone 11. 312 Newcastle “Dorothy Dodd" shoe is a novelty in womens shoes. Oxfords and ties, $3. J. A. Smith, Newcastle street. fA B”h fi B ii id ft Moiphlnc am. wliiskc I " LI fial QKfS haP-.tstrer.led without pin • I r Bi S illi or confinement. Cure, i.„. \jt S a |r 5 ■ nnteed-d Sariitariumoi t, My. tt. H.VEftt. M.'Ui’gr I.itliia Springs Cm Cos., Drawer A, Austell,Ga. Hoyiejtrcn Intentsen if preferred. Correspondence strictly cr til,a A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help bet' He thought ot and tried Dr. King’s New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 23c. at all drug stores. Artistic effect finish and lasting qua! ities considered. Wilson's Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St., has no competitors. Go there “ye Elite.” EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councellor at Law. Court HcuuCf Eiunswick, Ga. (RMHofKENXGCKY •Whiskey • ' Truly a Grand OLtD OJHISKEY Morgan <fe Davis DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, Ga tnMataifflaßM THE Douglas Hardware Company, | H. S. LEE, Manager. —Dealers In— HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, TIN CUTLERY, AND PLOV/S. AGATEWARE 21& Newcastle Street, Bear m Mind That we Sell * '•... so// ■ - > Via u >. ~ 7—t-TKc:'VrA" Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. EMPTY AND LOADED SHELLS, GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P.O.KL.SSLER Atonic time tfeeial thews thetes. Burford Coney is spending a few days in Atlanta. • * m Miss Jennie Bryan entertained a few friends informerly last evening. * * * Mrs. Edwin Fleming and her littel son have returned to Jacksonville. * * * Mrs. C. L. Candler has returned from a visit to relatives in Geneva, Ga. * * * Judge and Mrs. J. D. Sparks will entertain this evening with a card party. Misses Mamie and Emily Waff loft yesterday to spend a few days in Savannah. • • * Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Foster and Miss Bessie Fox, of Darien, were in the city yesterday. ... Mrs. W. J. Price and Miss Willie Barkuloo are spending some time in Savannu|hi, visiting relatives. Mrs. G. W. White and her little daughter have returned to Fernandina after a visit to Mrs. E. C. Tup per. * • * Mrs. William H. Montgomery and Miss Stella Montgomery ’.eft last night for Chicago, after a visit of several weeks to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Montgom ery. Miss Marie DeVoe entertained v_.e Zinnia club very pleasantly yesterday afternoon. The rooms were prettily decorated, the Japanese idea having been carried out consistently in the souvenir decorations, .score cards etc. The souvenirs were dainty Val entines. The score cards were tiny Japanese fans. Six hand euchre was played. Tea and sandwiches and a sweet course were served. Miss Ad kins was the only guest of the club Mr. ,1. B. Abrams, tlie genial man ager ot the Aiken Canning Cos., yes terday complimented a very pleas ant party of his friends with a de lightful trip to Fernandina on the steamer Tatum. During the trip de licious refreshments were served and Mr. Abrams proved himself to tie a very charming host. Those in the party were: Misses Kaiser, Gumpert, Marks, Reiman, Bertha and Ida Borchardt and Mrs. B. J, Bcw cliardt, and Messrs. Joe Borchardt, j. L. Jacobi, of Cumberland, and Rev. I. Warsaw. The party was a thor oughly pleasant one and the trip was much enjoyed by those present. Mrs. J. S. Dunwody entertained the Acacia club yesterday afternoon with a pleasant card party. Five-hand eu chre was played and the first prize a silver hat pin, was cut by Mrs. Geo. P. Smith and Mrs. Ralph Tupper. Miss Taliaferro and Miss Remshart and won by Mrs. Smith. The lone-hand prize, a pretty vase, was won by Miss Remshart. The booby fell to Mrs. N. Emanuel. The lone-hand markers were red cornations. Delicious re freshments were served. Those pres ent were: Mlsss Edna Penniman, Rosa Snyder, Saussy, of Savannah; Leslie Butts, Constance Butts, Alice Remshart, Jennie Bryan, Armistend Taliaferro, Mai King, Fannie Grant Nightengale, Maude Nightengale, Mrs. Ralph Tupper, Mrs. F. D. M. Strachan, Mrs. George P Smith, Mrs. N. Eman uel, Mrs. H. B. Maxey, Mrs. J. W. Bennet. Marshal Sale. State of Georgia, County of Glynn, City of Brunswick. Will lie sold be fore the court, house door, of said county on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wit: The unexpired leasehold inter est in and to that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate lying and be ing in the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, known and de scribe on the map of said city made by George R. Baldwin A. D. 1537 as the southeastern one-quarter of Town Commons lot. No. 76. between Albany and Amherst streets. Levied on as unreturned property to sarisfy an exe cution against, said lot, issued by N. I) Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, for the year 1902. Taxes 53 cents and costs. Brunswick, Ga„ May 7. 1903. S. A. BURNEY, Marshal City of Brunswick. Citation. Georgia. Glynn County. To whom it may concern: .T. D. Fogler having made application to me in due form to he appointed ad ministrator with the will annexed upon the estate of Hannah Faulkner, of Ostego county, New York. Notice- is hereby given that said application will tie heard at the regular terra of of ordinary of said county, to be held on Ihe firs! Monday in June. 1503. Witness my hand arid official signa ture this Gth day of May. 1903. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glyr.n County. Ga. Made Young Again. “One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put. me in mv ‘teens’ again.” writes Dr. D. IT Turner of Dcmpeytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta ble. Never gripe. Only 25 cents at all druggists. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NBtTrts. LOW RATES Seaboard Air Line. For the 1903 reunion of the Confed ate Veterans, the Seaboard Air Line will sell from its coupon ticket sta tions round trip tickets to New' Or leans at the very low rate of one cent per mile for distance traveled short, line mileage; the tickets will be sold from May llth to 21st inclusive, good for return until May 21th. By depos iting the tickets witn the special agent at New Orleans not later than May Southern Railway. > The Southern railway offers tlie most convenient schedule to the Con federate veterans. Sons of veterans, delegates and visitors to tho annual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, New Orleaus, La., May 16, 1903, from Brunswick to New Orleans and respectifully solicits ;in- favor of your patronage. Two trains daily, making close connection through to New Orleans as follows: Leave Brunswick 7;2U a. m. Arrive New Orleans 8:30 a. m. Leave Brunswick 9:05 p. m., arrive New Or leans 8:25 p. m. Fare, $ 12.50 (for the round trip. Detailed information cheerfully furn ished ou application. C. L. CANDLER, Gen’l. Agt. To The Mountains. Account of the meeting of American Society of Civil Engineers at Ashe ville, N. C.. June Bth, the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Asheville on June 6th and 71li and Bth at one fare plus 25 cents, for the round trip. Tickets good retr %bu; until June I.sth 1' > - On account of the Southern Baptist convention at Savannah, May 7 to 14. the Southern railway wit sell tickets from Brunswick to Savananh and re turn at rate of one fare, plus 25c., for the round trip. Tickets on sale May 5 to 7 inclusive, rood to return until May 20. Through coaches be twen Brunswick and Savannah with out change. C. X,. CANDI.ER, General Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. St. Louis, Mo., and return on ac count of dedication ceremonies of the Louisiantt Purchase Exposition, April 3th to May 2, 1903. Rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale April 29th to May Ist, inclusive, good returning until May 4 th. Asheville, N. 0., and return account <Fhirto*th Annual Meeting of the outhern Educational Association. One fare plus 26c. for round trip, lus $2.00 mdmborshlp fee. Tickets to be sold July Is to 7th, inclusive, final limit July 10th. To Macon, Ga., and return on ac count of Sugar Cane Growers Con vention. One fare plus 25c. for round trip. Tickets to be sold May sth, final imit May 10th. PUBLIC SALE. ' STATE OF GEORGIA, * Glynn county. By virtue of an order of the ordi nary of said county granteO at the April term 1 BOR, there will he sol 1 before the court house in Brunswick, Ga., on the first Tuesday in May, 1903, between the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder, the following real estate and property, to-wit: Those certain three lots, tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying and be ing in the city of Brunswick, Ga., and described on and in a map and plan of said city as made by George R. Baldwin in the year of 1837 as that part of Old Town lot number one hundred and nineteen. (119) containing thirty by ninety feet and bounded as fol lows: Commencing at a point on the east side of Newcastle street and one hundred and eighty feet south of Monk street and running from said initial point east a distance of ninety feet thence south a distance thirty feet; thence west a distance of ninety feet and thence north thirty feet to the point of beginning. Also that, certain oilier tract of land in said Brunswick, Ga., and described on said Baldwin’s map of said city aw Old Town lot, number 196, containing ninety by one hundred and eighty feet fronting ninety feet on Union street and running back one hundred and eighty feet to Richmond street; and , Also that certain other tract, lot or parcel of land in said'Jffrunswick. Ga.. and described on afid in said Baldwin’s map of said < ,ty. as Old Town lot number one hundred and seventy (No. 170) containing ninety by one hundred and eighty feet and fronting west, ninety feet ml Rich mond street t Said property to he sold as part of tile estate of James Renwiclt, de ceased. This April Bth. 1903. PETER W. FLEMING, Administrator with will annexed of James Renwick, deceased. It-w 4-w The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days 'lie blood, mils cl os and hones of a man of average size loses two pounds of wornoul tis sue. This waste cannot lie replen ished anil the health and stretigiii kept up without perfect, digestion. When the stomach and digestive or gans fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disease sets up. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and tissirn Bate all of the wholesome food that may lie eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and prot t t the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach ’roubles, it is an ideal spring tonic Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharma cy and \V J. Butts. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulled go. of Vorl-era. Ala., was twice jn the host iml troin a vero case of piles, run.-ung hi tumor.-. After doctors and all remedies failed, Bueklen’s Arnica Salve rpiicl ly ar rested further inanv'tou and cur'd him. Ii conquers aches and kills pain. 25 cents at a When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and piesajil in effect. For sale by all druggists. PETITION FOR CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. Petition for Incorporation of "South ern Produce Cos.” To lire Superior Court of said County: The petition of 11. H. Harvey, G. R. j Harvey and Jane IS. Harvey, all of said state and county, respectfully shows: Ist. That they desire for them selves. their associates, successors and assigns to be incorpirated under the name and style of “Southern Produce Company.” 2nd. The term for which petition ers ask to be incorporated is twenty (20) years, with the privilege of re newal at the end of that time." 3rd. The capital stock of the cor poration is to be two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), divided into shares of ten dollars (stu.oo) each. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of Increas ing said capital stock upon a vote of two-thirds of the capital stock then issued, nut to exceed in Utc aggregate twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,- 000.00.) 4th, Your petitioners pray that they he permitted and allowed to pay for said capital stock in real and personal property or either, at its actual value, or part in money and real and person al properly, or either, said real or personal property taken at its actual value. • dh. The object of the proposed corporation is pecuniary profit and gain to its stock holders: and to that end your petitioners desire lo he incor porated for i lie purpose of carrying on a wholesale and retail business.* eith er or both, in goods, wares, merchan dise. groceries, fruits, vegetables, pro duce and all other articles and things lit like character and kind, and pur chase and sell the same by whole sale and retail, or in either capacity; buy and sell for cash or on credit all such articles and things as are us ually embraced in businesses of like character, and any and all such arlic les and things as may H e profitable to handle and sell in connection therewith. To act as Commission Merchants and sell upon commission and charge for such services and lo make contracts to act as such agents and to exercise all usual powers and to do all usual and necessary acts which pertain to or may be connected with the busi ness of retail and wholesale dealers or in either capacity, and as commis sion merchants in the buying, selling and handling of all goods, wares, mer chandise, groceries, fruits, vegetables, produce and all other articles and tilings of iike character. 6th. To purchase and hold real es tate necessary to carry on said busi ness. and to acquire the same when ever it is necessary to protect the interest of said corporation. To bor row money and execute mortgages or other liens upon its properly to secure the same; to have the right to Issue bonds if desired and make deeds of trust or mortgages upon its property to secure the same, and to take mort gages and liens upon both real and tier son a 1 property for the protection and security of any advances made to any person or persons dealing with or for any dtfbts owed unto said cor poration. ami to acquire tho pioperty so pledged if necessary to protect its interest. 7th. To have and use a common seal, to sue and !>e sued, to plead and he impleaded with in any of the courts of this state or any other slate o the United States. Bth. The principal oiiioe and place of business of the propsed corpora tion is to lie in ihe city of Brunswick, said state and county with the power lo establish branch offices in any other place or places. Wherefore, petitioners pray to lie made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to all of the rights, privileges and immu nities subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This April 11th. A. D. 1903. ATKINSON & IIUNWOODY, Petitioners’ Atttorneys. Filed it! office this Jlih day of April, A. D. 1903. H. F. du BIGNON, Clerk Sup. CL, Glynn County, Georgia. STATE OF GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. I. li. F. du Bignon, Clerk Sup. Ct. of said county, do certify that the above and foregiing is a true and cor rect copy of the original petition of file in my office to incorporate “South ern Produce Cos." Witness my hand and seal, this 111 h day of April. A. D. 1903. H. F. du BIGNON, (L. S.) Clerk Sup. Court Glynn County, Ga. Real Estate Bargains. $3,500.00 for one of the prettiest houses on Union street. Lot 90x80 and 7 room house $250.00 45x90 near Hie business center. $1,000.n0 for 4 room house close in. sßoo.On for 4 Sinai! houses, rent at, $16.00 per month. $200.00 for 3 room house, brings $5.00 per month. BROBSTGN, FENDIG & CO. All Were Baffled. Word comes from Wake, Ark. that Rev. Jno. .1. Cox had a strange malady accompanied by yellow jaundice. For 12 years physicians were baffled and though everything known t.o the profession was used, the troulde re mained. One day he began to use Electric Bitters and in a week , 1 change tor the better came and at lengili he was entirely cured. It's the most reliable medicine for liver and kidney troubles. Only uOc. and guar teed by all druggists. From a Cat Scratch. On the arm to the worst sort of a bun sore or boil, Dewitt's Witch Ha /' 1 Halve i- a quick cure. In buying A ilch Hazel Salve, be particular you gi i De.Vitts -*hls is tlie salve that heals leaving a scar. A spe (iiie. for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by Joorgor’s Pharmacy, Smith's Pharmacy, and W. J. Butts,. Mr. Joseph Peminville of Stillwater. Minn., after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief was advised by his druggi t Mr. Alex. Richard, to try n in ■ of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Table:.--. He did so and isa well man today If troubled with in digestion. hail taste in the mouth, lack of a ll pet iti- or constipation, give 1 liese tablets a trial, and you are cor- Main to be more than pleased with I the result.. For sale at 25 cent* per box by all druggists. ALONG OUR BUSY BAY 'Yesterday Arrivals, Clearances and Sailings—Other News of the Movement of Vessels in Port. Arrived. Spanish bark Asuncion, Aisine, Ca nary Islands. Cleared. Schooner Josephine Eiiicott, Alley, Boston. Schooner Samuel P. Bowers, Rich ardson, New York. Schooner Robert Graham, Dunn, New York. Schooner Hope Sheer wood, Gilbert. New York. Spanish hark Sara, Voliucia. Sailed. Schooner William E. Downes, Gray, New York. Ship Notice. ,Neither the owner, master or con signees of the Spanish hark Asun cion will lie -responsible for any debts contracted by the crow of said ves sel AISINE, Master. WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY. Chris. Arnhelter will have a Hand some Market. Chris. Arnlieiter, the old reliable market man. who recently returned to the city from Jacksonville, is bus! ly engaged in fixing up the large Wright building, corner of Newcastle and Monk streets, and he will lie ready to open his meat market Satur day morning next. Mr. Arnlieiter has been in this bus iness 100 long to need any introduc tion to the people of Brunswick. For many years he conducted a meat mar ket on Monk street, and his excellent set vice then assures a good patron age in his new quarters. Mr. Arnheiter will probably have one of the handsomest markets in the city. He has purchased new and pret ty market fixtures, which are now be ing placed in position, a large force of carpenters, painters, etc.,be ing at work. As stated above, he will he open for business Saturday morning and will have a full line of fresh staple gro ceries and all kinds of meats, sausages and, in fact, everything that the mar ket affords. Mr. Arnheiter has been coiyiucting a first, class market in Jacksonville for the past several months, but he says hr likes this Brunswick atmos phere, her people, and will net he sat isfied in any other Tty. His fantiiy who have been with him, have also re lumed to the city. The Nows wishes Mr. Arnheiter much success in his business, and cheerfully commends him to the peo ple of Brunswick. Sealed Proposals. Treasury Department. Washington, D. C., May 1, 19U3. Sealed proposals will lie received at this department until 2 o’clock p. m. Friday. May 29, 1903, for the manufacturing and plac ing in position, in complete working order, in the United States custom house building. Brunswick. Ga.. certain combination gas and elect,tic light specifications, and blank forms of proposal can he obtained upon application lo the department. Partial bids will not he conwid sidered. The department reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive defects. Each proposal must lie accompanied by a certified check in the sum of ten per cent, of Ihe aggregate amount thereof, drawn lo the order of the secretary of the treasury, as a guarantee of good faith. Proposals must he addresed to the secretary of iho treasury, Washington. I). 0.. and indorsed: "Proposal for Gas Fixtures. U. S. Custom House, Brunswick, Ga.” li. A. HUNTER, Acting Secretnr\ SPECIAL NOTICE. The public is hereby notified that authorized collectors of The News have the written authority of the management and those who pay others will do so at their own risk. Pure Chemicals are the only kind used at Jim Carter’s clothes cleaning establishment. He is reliable and wants your work. Phone 933.2 DO YOU KNOW HIM. The man who will never die, who will never have sickness in his family who will never he sick himself, who does not travel, who never rides in a carriage, street, car, omnibus, or upon a bicycle, who never walks the streets, who cannot slip upon the pavements, who does not. go near horses, who can never have sprains, dislocations, broken hones, cuts or bruises, whom fire will not burn, and water will not drown, whom even a dog will not Idle, nor lightning strike, who cannot fall from anything. SUCH A MAN does not need our prolteot ion. All others should apply to THE MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASS'N Of Brunswick, Ga. And obtain the best health, accident and life policy issued. Pays sick and accident benefits from SI.OO lo $20.00 per wee], and death benefits from SIO.OO to $200.n0 Never Been Sued By a Beneficiary R. L. BRADY. Manager. Room 26 Winship Building, 107 Monk Street, Brunswick, Ga. Attention Smokers. I handle a fine line "f genuine Mersehanm Pipes, they are beauties. Call and look at them. Sig T.evlson, 310 Bay street. Quick service at the right time. Wi en a man wants his clothes cleaned and pressed properly anti delivered tn short notice, the one good place to send them is Jim Carter's. Rhone 715 3-2. ~ . .. MAY 8 LOOK HEM IT It is What the Reader Has Long Sought. People will read advertisements about cures made by medicine. As as they read they wonder if the state ments are true. If iruo was the re lief temporary or permanent? Read this ease about Doan’s Kidney Pills: W. H. Clarke, of Bennett ,-trei t ic countant at the Bloch Bros. Tobacco works. Wheeling W Va say.-, -li my hack aches I know what will cure I iI. Doatl's Kidney Pills. They are lie : best remedy I ever conic across r i months I was plagued with backache. I not sharp pain s bin a aliill aching all the time, that made me foci mi. erable. I got medicine on differoni occasions from doctors and it seemed to relieve rue for Hip time. Dut it was soon as bad as ever Hearing of Doan’s Kidney Pills I took a course of the treatment. Tin y cured me, and that cure ha- been lasiing. 1 will 'corroborate this in a personal inlet view or in reply to any nomnuiJiica tion mailed to me.” For sale hy all dealers Vrice ite Foster-Milburn Cos.. Buffalo. N. Y. sole agents for tile IT. S. Remember the name—Doan’s-and take no other IF YOU FEEL LANGUID And thoroughly tired out after very slight exertion, it shows that your blood is thin and impovishcd, .~nd tin* action of your heart is weak. Take Smith’s Compound Sarsapn rilla if will purify, enrich and vital k:c your blood, and put your whole syy teh in a healthy condftion. SMITH’S PHARMACY If you’re going on a trip Here’s a pleasant little tip 'Place a bottle in your grip Red Top Rye S. D. LEVADAS, Sole agent Brun§*vfk. Ga. # and Vicinity. *.J6 Monk Street. Ferdinand Westheimrr t. Sons, !)•. lillcrs 8 Cincinnati, 0, St. Jonpb, Mo. l<oui.-:v;i>, Ky 8 Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant v . y jj/' THERE'S AN ATTRACTION Here tba can bnnlly ; 1 '• ■ v “Tisn't the food aien or lb cooking or ihe serve e . r ;i, appointments Ii -; Ueombin: tion of all that WILSON'S RESTAURANT. ■u pet "filmr 1-. - nr Hero are the condo;-!., ol ; home table willjeii J; I)!' 1 inconvenience- or ■■. pen : ;i ties. Oui quick lunch are daHit but satisfying. Open until midnight J. W. WILSON, Prop. 'Phone 321. Ojeiepue bonie. This < Jlebrr ,ed tonic Is In growing demand. The season of the greatest need to approaching indigestion. Bib liousness, Jaundice, Chill., and Fever, Kick Headache, pains in foe hack and kidneys all depend up m cia'arva, and Bellevue Tonic cures them all in any form, W. J, B UTTS, & a_ The Druggist,