The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 13, 1903, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY MORNING. i"> --' 'l~ • ■ •'. Jj; 1* ** "v’'J * v *■. V “ •■*>, ’! Mattings, Regs, Linoleum and Oil Cloth Floor Covering. Brighten your floors a bit. Don’t care how careful a housekeeper vou may he, you leaiize that ail house furnishings don’t wear out alike and the floor coverings in same rooms go first. Go into a neighbors house and you will comment on their things so don’t, suppose that vour neighbor does not know the difference reversing conditions. Whatever is best ui Matting, Oil Cloth or Linoleum you will find our stock contains new de signs, choice patterns, an immense variety to select from. C. McGARVEV, * The New Town Grocer Leads in Low Prices, Here are some of the trade winners at ZELMENOViTZ, . at the corner of E and L Streets. Picnic Ham, 12 1-2 cents per pound. Leaf I.ard, two pounds for 25 cents. Ties! I ..icon, it cents per pound. Two pound can Tomatoes, $ cents, jlest l 1 lour, 24 pound sacks, for 60c. Host Peanuts, 25 cents per peck, Good Rutter, per pound, 30 cents. Large Mackerel, three for 25 cents, A. Z’ELMEMOVITZ. ■ ’Phone 205. j ;The Old Standby : At the Same Old Place Albert Arnheiter, the well known youn<r i butcher, still doing business at the old stand ; No 207 Monk street where he wii! be glad to i see his friends. Full line of everything in j the Meat Line, Fancy, Family and Staple i Groceries. OLi H iS KEY I 0 ; j : ; , \m t , ■ ; ► EDUCATION like all other' ' good enterprises does not re ceive proper encouragement. It’s . for you to say whether you will, ■ encourage us in our effort to edu ■ cate the people to the use el gO"i, ; pure, wholesome food, and to the : fact that if is not eoonomyto huy ; cheap Groceries. Encourage us : by trading with 11s. ; ThGiVIAS KEANY, Grocer. ; r>hons 11. 312 Newcastle • “Dorothy Dodd” shoo is a novelty in womens shoes, Oxfords and ties, J. A. Smith, Newcastle street. Pure Chemicals are the only Kina used at Jim Carter's clothes cleaning establishment. He is reliable am, wants your work. Phone t=*3-2 A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind knew what to tit> in the no'.r of need. His wife had such an unusual case oi stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not lielp tie thought oi and tried Dr. King's New Kile Piiit and she got relief at once and was finally cured, uuly 25c. at ail drug stores. Artistic effect finish and lasting qua! ities considered. Wilson's Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St., has no competitors. Go there "ye Elita.” EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Ccuncellor at Law. Court Hcuse> Brunswick, Sa. THE Douglas Hardware Company, H. S. LEE, Manager. —Dealers In — HARDWARE, STOVES, GUNS, TIN * CUTLERY, AND PLOWS. AGATEWARE 21b Newcastle Street, Bear m Mind That we Sell exemkl Fire arriß, cutlery and sporting .iO r >Cs. FiPl.lug t2C^ie. "EMPTY AND LOADED bHELLs, GUN AND BICYCLE REPAIRING. P .0. KESSLER ***** UmiK. Doings In Society Miss Betty Nightengale is improv ing from 'her recent illness. * * Mrs. Will Taylor and her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Cartier, spent Monday on St. Simon. * * * Miv. Edward Burden, has issued in | vitaUoz!3 for a card party for Friday afternci, May 15. ... The friends: of Miss Ruth Levison will bo glad to learn that she is rap idly improving in health in New York. * * * Mrs. H S. Johnson and her family have removed to the Day cottage cor ner Lee and Gloucester streets. ... I Mrs. Edward Burdett and Miss Mar- I ie Burdett will leave Saturday for a visit to friends in New Orleans. ... The Daughters of the Revolution are called to meet this afteriion at 4:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J. A Butts, the regent. * * • Miss Clay arrived yesterday from Savannah and is, stopping with her father, Captain Clay, at the home ui Mrs. H. A. Lucas, on Union street. ... Miss Armistead Tiliaferro leaves this week for her home in Virginia, after a pleasant visit to Miss Jennie ! llryan, during which she lias been j very popular and received many so- I cial attentions. Mies Aliej Ib.mshart, who hem tl;e guest of V fs Jennie Bryan, leaves today for Wrycross, where she will spend a week before returning to her home in Savannah. Miss Remshart won many triend during her stay all of whom regret tliSt she is to leave. * * * A society formed recently and one which will probably bn productive of liUH'Ti pL'tisnvp thl nrofit to its nwMn bers is the “Palmetto Society,” which has its head quart eds at 506 Carpen ter street. The officers are; presi dent, Hattie Briggs; secretary. Fan nie Goggarty; treasurer, Carrie Ralfo. The society will meet this afternoon, | a pleasant program having been ar- ] ranged by the members. * * * A set of water colors illustrating Sidney Lanier’s poem, ''The Marshes The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practical tests and examination with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it. as a fact that Catarrh of the stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion. -“How can I euro my indigestion? ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thous ands. It will cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cure catarrh of the stomach. Kodol di ge-ts what you eat —makes the stom ach sw'eet. Sold by Joerger’s Phar macy, Smith’s Pharmacy and \V. .1. Butts. Tho News Job Office— Best in Printing. How a lady got a husband when her face covered with pimples. She used a bottle of Hancock’s Liquid Sul phur which removed tile pimples and made her skin white and soft. For sale by Smitn’s Pharmacy. Miss Slater has •omething else new. Tho New Bishop Collar, in linen, stamped in different designs. Headquarters for Groceries. Alton'ion is called to the ad. ol' A. Zelme: ovitz, the well known gro cer, ."Uioh appears elsewhere in this issue. Zeiv.enovitz can save you The Arcade. Respeettuily announces to Us many trends and patrons in Brunswick and surrounding country that we are pre pared to nil their orders tor any of tli leading brands of whiskies on the market at popular prices. All goods will Se delivered to out of town cus tomers free of express charges: tv. \V., Wilson, Old Saratoga, Louis 6fi, Yellowstone, Raul Jones, Duke of Cumberland, Monogram, Belle of Bour bon and a number of others including gins, wines and popular brands of beer. Our bar is replete with all that goes to make up a fii*t class establish ment. POcl and billiard tables kept in an uji-to-date condition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a. m to 1 p. m. PHIL KELLER. The latest novelties in tailor made clothing can be had at Jim Carter’s lie represents the leading tailoring concerns in title country. Real Estate Bargains. $3,500.00 for one of the prettiest houses on Union street. and 7 room house $250.00 45x90 near tho business center. $1,000.00 for 4 room house, close in, SBQO.Oo for 4 small houses, rent at $16.00 per monlh. $200.00 for 3 room house, brings $5.00 per month. BROBSTCN, FENDIG & CO. Relief for the Suffering. Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur will give you imediate relief and permanently : cure all such diseases as eczema, pim i pies, tetter, herpes, rinkworm, salt | rheum, dandruff, diphtheria, sore .throat , cuts, burns, open sore3 and al! i blood and skin troubles. Hundreds of |rnses of skin diseases have been per- I mauently cured by the use of Han- I cock's Liquid Sulphur after all other I remedies have failed. For sale by ' Smith's Pharmacy, BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. of Glynn," has been recently exe cuted by Miss Margaret Symnn . who is the recipient of highly compliment ary criticism of her work. The work was done for an artist friend in Now York, but who vvill shortly sail for Europe and is carrying a number of artistic productions illustrative of American scenery. The painting done by Miss Symons is beautiful and inter prets perfectly the poet's idea. She is an artist of unusual ability and has received favorable comment at homo and in other cities where her work Ims been seen. ... Mrs. R. R. Hopkins was the hostess at a large and very enjoyable card patty yesterday afternoon at iter home on Dartmouth street. The roomes were elaborately decorated for the occasion, the violet effect being beautifully carried out in the decora lions and score cards. The rooms were fragrant with masses of vioiets and the score cards were pretty hearts and crossewTdecoraied with liand-painted violets* and the score was kept: by tying artificial violets with green ribbon to the cards Candy vioiets adorned the ice cream and the prizes were wrapped in vio let paper and lies with vioiet ribbon. Six-hand euchre was played and the first prize, a cut glass almond, was won on a cut by Mrs. Jennings Butts. The lone-hand prize, a silver almond spoon, was won by Miss Jennie Bryan. The consolation, a clover pin tray, was cut by Miss Taliaferro. The booby, a cut glass vase, fell to Miss Susie Lamar. Those present were: Misses Jennie Bryan, Arinir tead Taliaferro, Alice Remshart, Maude Nightengale, Fannie Grant Nightengale, i.ula Burdette, Fannie Symraes, Bessie Symmes, Haze) Night- 'suouiA's ejUßf ‘stioiuA’is oj ‘apidii i Irene Wood Edna Fenniman, Lucille Bulls, Le-!io Butts. Rosa Snyder. (Gu sluuec- Butts, Susie Lamar. Mrs. C. L Candler, Mrs C. 1.. Elliott, Mrs. J. \V. Thomas, Mrs. W. G. Brantley, Mr.-; and. J. Perry, Mrs. J. S. Dunwody, Mr-, i.’ G. P‘U'.i!ey, Mrs. Edwin 8.-ii .tjn Mr;. J, W. Rennet, Mrs Jennings Butts, Mrs. Courtland Symmes, Mrs. N. If. Ballard, Mrs. J. D. Sparks, Mrs. J. A. Butts, Mrs. H. M. King, Mrs. Bolling Whitfield, Mrs. ./. A. Mon-tjmni '2 -. #• GREATLY ALARMED By a Persistetnt Cough, But Perma nently Cured By Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student in law, in Greenville, 8. C.,had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says, “greatly alarmad me, causing me to fear that I was in the first, stage of consumption.” Mr. Burl,age having seen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ad vertised. concluded to try it. Now read what he says of it: “l soon felt a remarkable change, and after using two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, I was permanently cured.” Sold by all druggists. If you want your bicycle repaired righ* bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Olcwlne. 505 Gloucesto W. M. TUPPEFi a, CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Towing ami Marin*, In surance. Correspondence Solicited BRUNSWICK. OA. All Were Baffled. Word comes from Wake, Ark. that Rev. Jno. J. Cox had a strange malady accompanied by yellow jaundice. Fr 12 years physician* were baffled and though everything known to tho profession was used, the trouble re mained. One day he began to use Electric Bitters and in a week change for the better came and at length he was entirely cured. It's tho most reliable medicine for liver and kidney troubles. Only 50c. and guar toed by all druggists. ■ ■ From a Cat Scratch. . On the arm to the worst sort of a hum, sore or boil, Dewitt’s Witch Ha zol Halve is a quick cure, in huyiu;; Witch Hazel Halve, be pari euilar you gel DeWitt s—this is tbo - ilv, ilim heals without leaving a sen . A po cific for blind, bleeding, itching an-* protruding piles. Sold by Jocrjmr’s Pharmacy, Smith's Pharmacy, ainl \V. J. Butts. A Little Early Riser Now an dihen, at bedtime will cure constipation, liilion-i- and liver troubles. DeV/itt's Link Early His ers are the famous litll-- pills that cure by arousing the secretions, mov ing the bowels gently ' -’octim!!-,- and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver ♦bat the cause of the trouble is re moved entirely, atuj if thoir use is continued for a few days, there will be no return of the complaint. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smiih’s Phar macy and W. J. Butts. Quick Arrest, J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a ; vere ease of pil<-s. causing 21 tumors. After doctors and all -'■mod es failed, Bucklen’s Arnica Halve quickly ar rested further inam-uion and cured him. It conquers r>< Im-s and kills pain. 25 cents at all drug bsts. Quick service at the rig it time. When a man wants his clothes cleaned and pressed properly and delXo'ejl ,c short notice, the one good place to send them is Jim Carter’s. Phone m-3. PETITION FOR CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF UYI.N’N. To the tfnporior Court of Said Coun ty: The petition of F. E. Twitty, F. 1,. Lamar, and Millard Reese, all of I said mate and county, respectfully j shows: 1. That they desire l'or themselves land such other persons as may be as sociated with them to be iucorpora i tod under the corporate name and ; style of "Thu Stanley Land Company." | 2. That tins o! 1 joo t of ihe proposed corporation is the pecuniary gain of : its members, and its special objects are: To buy, own. hold and im prove lands and real estate generally, j and to sell, n.. or otherwise dis pose of such property; to buy, own, ' hold ami sell stocks and bonds till'd (personal property ot any kind; io li u.t . money and take irceurity thorefor; and generally to do such other acts and tilings as may be deemed for tne best interests ot the corporation not inconsistent with its character. ■j. That tiie principal oillcc of the proposed corporation shall bo Bruns wick, in said county of Glynn. 4. That the capital stock < f t.ue ptopoied corporation snail be Five TT.ou.saud Dollars divided Into lilty shares of tiio par value ot One Hun dred Doilais each, and petitioners de sire ilia light r. a majority vote of stock to increase .such, capita! stock from time to time lo any sum ot sums not lo exceed Fifty Thousand Dol lars. Petitioners also desire I lie right to receive in payment tor stock real estate or personal property at a valuation lo be fixed by the direc tors. At least lea per centum ot ihu subscribed capital stock shall be paid in before beginning business, and Hie balance shall be paid as called by the directors. 5. That the officers of tne corpora tion shall be a J’r sident. Vice-Presd dent, Secretary and Treasurer, ami such other ofluer- or agents as the stockholders or d.reciors may con.di tute or appoint. The board of dn • tors shall consist of not less than three nor more Hian nine persons, all of whom shall l>o share holder.-, ami such directors lie elected by Uio share holders. 6. That the stockholders shaii have the right to make by-iaws, rules and regulations for ihe government of tin corporation, or lo delegate this au thority lo the directors. 7. That under such corporate name and style, your petitioners desire tin right to contract and he contracted with; to sue ami lie sued; to borrow money and secure tbe s., ;13 . hoard of directors may desire: to have and use a common seal, and to change the same at pleasure; and generally to have all the rights, privileges and powers incident lo and necessary and proper in ihe conduct and operation of the business of the proposed cor poration, and all the rights, privileges and powers given and granted similar corporations under the laws of Geor gia. S. That, there shall be no individ uai iiaoilitv upon Ihe part of any shareholder of the corporation, except for such amount as may be due by such shareholder ns unpaid subscrip tion for stock in said corporation. 9. That petitioners desire to be in corporated under said name and stvio of “The Stanley Land Company.’ w’ilh all the rights, privileges and powers i rayed for herein, for a period of twenty,years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that."time. F. K. TWITTY, GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. _ I 1.-roby certify tl at th< for application for inciu-pora tion In- tlie petitioners (herein named of the Siau lev Land Company, was “Jed in the 0,1 • or the cleric of the Superior ciMiri oi said county this April 21 ff . F- du BIGNON vien- Superior Court Glynn Ooimtv Georgia. SPECIAL NOTICE. she public i, hereby notified that authorized collectors of Tho News Kive Liu written authority of the management and those vWm pay others Ain uo ho at thoir own rislc. For the Best tn Printing— Try the NcWo Job Office. For "Dorothy Dodd" shoes, the lat o-i for women, see .1 A. Smith \'--w ■ •- -V. kilim i| ( N 'W castle street. I am offering a full iim of all kinds or ladies and’ mci -' shoes a reaam able prices. ). A. Smith, N<-wc.-i ,|>. Kt roof. For the Host In Printing -Try the Nows Job Office. Or. Certificate. This is to o-: ;jy ! h -o Hancocks j-iquid r ii- my pr.ic ♦ice and have to.itco it. suffif-ioiitly rr knt)w it to be a remedy of ;;'crti merit Have used it with curative re suits in easels that nothing eh a* would jenefit f. R Wimborley M. i. Sco* bind Neck, N. C , Osctobor J 7, ! For sale by Smith’s Hliurninrv When you want a pleasant physic ! try Chamberlain’s Stomach h..i Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and plesaait in effect. For sale by all druggists. A Farmer Straightened Out. A man ii .in ;' on a farm near lier* came iri a short time ago complete* iy doubled up with rheuniai i -m. I -• • >f Ch - j Pain Halm and told him *o u •• it freely and if not *:?•-• Hod ; ,ft'*r usiny, it. tie need not inv ,i cent for sa.ys h-. P Rader, oi Patrons Mii: N. V. “A few days ite •■.vei jute ? ;.• st ore 'c. t traiyht a.- a .a; : am handed m a dollar savin, . Lave me a rosier lot tie of Chamberlain'■ Pain Halm. I want it in the hour*” all the Line for if cured me.” For sale by all druK ?TlFts. “One Dose Convinces.” Mosleys Demon Lexer aeis ;pntly n the bowels wiilmuf any unple - niit ffect. It is a perfect, ihjuid inxm!jve. :,■) cent.--, per bottle at all drug >res News Job‘Offl'-r—Ho* t. jq-inting. Attention Smokers. I handle a fine line of genuine Morse!,aurn Pipes, they are beauties. Call and look at them. Sig Levlson, 310 Bay street, ALONG OUR BUSY BAY ! Yesterday Ai rivals, Clearances and . bailings—Other hews of the Movement of Vessels in Port. Arrived. Steamer M. F. Plant. Thompson. ' Philadelphia. Sailed. Steamer Colorado, Rick, Mobile, j Steamer Seminole. Staples, Boston. A report from Jacksonville m ! the schooner Harold <\ lie.-cl, : wli, k went ashore on the south jeiiios la-.: Saturday, is not as badly damaged as it wa- at first supposed, li is said that she will he repaired and read lor sea again in a few days. Things in shipping circles are gel ting lively again. The News hears that quite a large fleet is bound here and mine of them should bo in now. There was another high lide yestcr day and the water covered all the mar shes in Ibis section. The tug U Dart, which has been laid up for some months, is si ill at I her dock and will probably remain | there until she is sold. It is said j lhat tiie owners are anxious to dispose ' of the boat. PETITION FOR CHARTER. ST ATM OF C.EOROf A, dIiVNN COUNTV To tin; Honorable Superior Court of Said County: The petition of E. V. Nieholl and ITnward Williams, of Glynn county an 1 aid f 1 ato. and IL F. Nii holl. of the town of Mandarin and s-'ate of Florida, respectfully shows unto the court: I. That petitioners desire fa- Cuun selves, their as-ociates. su<* *:- Drs and assigns, to be incorporated tr and : tin- cornoraie name and style of “T 1 Pelle River Peeking Company.” ”. That the term for wliitdi pei* ioners tlesire to be ittc rj.*r- and twenty years, with the right and '• • it. nf i < li.-u'tit n t tbo end tn 1 1 drne . alh-.w-'j bv law T' t the (J)jeH of said cc rora ! ; poctp-;ry profit to b** <*' riv and i7i i biueness 1 : and the parGetd-ir;’, p'Mirioners preyose 10 eon ibid is tip' plant inv nod cultivation of oysters and oilier shod fish, in any i and ,:11 of the sou’ . luv ; > v tt('’ s. (stuarie.,. rivers and creeks on tho coast of Georgia, and within the jur isdldioi of said state or of any oth or stale, and also the buying and dl ing and canning of ovsters. clams ard; other shell lish,. si rimp, prone turtle, terrapin, vf'getrblos. frtiits and food r-rndnets of ab kinds \vl|id can b.e profilablv sold r emxncd. ■t. That the principal nffieo <f said , pj\ ill b< :i Brunswick 11 - • : h and pr‘v’l of r;i • 1 *I i hitv* brnreh'^- and turui’i !e.-i for f >v. nr-.'-et!nn and ron duct ni i's bn lue s in a:iy tdh ’* nit " or in anv nf .!;:* or h-T':i--ry nr in any ford •• con: "v . , t iii• capital stod\ of b.' ‘••ahi '•n "I’-any shall bo the sum of bvii ' 1a r ( $ 25.000) 1 ”, , I”* of the par value of ore lev.dr .1 dollars reach, with the riy.'hl I’d ;iy: !(•;'•• at any time ui. n u ct the majority of the sbu liliobba • of ’i compap.v to paid ca, - it:*i to an nmeup: not o;- .• mie hur.drod and fifty thousand dol : Pel it it ins desire to lie it aiod ax afon* aid with the foil •o bi'i rights, privileges and powers*, and with th* power- and privileges above h : out and prayed for. to-wit: To buy. b*:v:e own and hold real and personal property of any and all kind or de t to f sti’d compa.’iy, and cee sr-ary for the e! •■ c ■ ; i :i of aid canning b;t::iness. w h the ri'd.t lo oil and dispose of. , ’ii), r. I *• rn mertgacc nnv and all id property real or p<r-'.onal i c i' a . To pi tr ■ va 4 e eynters arid any other Kb. If sjaipeLy desired !■ sall corn | p ny tt be owned r.nd cultiva ! • ’ To ; i’c'yro.v inouev arid issue the old:- : on: of Iho company t her of oi to s<•'■lire r}. pi:y:;. I .t ther.-of by deed, motdpaiyie or othrcwl-c may be deemed best by the board of I: r< -ters of said conip.isy: to <*or;ra' t and be contract J vil!;; sue amid be sued; | Pad and !* impleaded; to i have at ! tmo ,i common r> al: to make i rcles, rec.ulrfions and by-law* for the j manage rn n! u'.'id r> y.trol ef . aid eon: ?>ars y by its a fib ere ; that t ie' slot i: ! j n,.'.y Is’ eai 1 f.i; r J her in ce! , i or ic, , h i 11 ej, of i: 1 property re-i.i fin:! | •> foml Q-’d of any character Hint run be used in aid busiiKus; which said -■.limition s’all be fixer! by petitioners upon organization and election of berd of directors; that more than te;; per of the capital slock has al ren.dy been paid ii': f- bn. and hob! stm-i: in any oilier corporation of cor poratlons: ilial (ho stockholders in : • r*ornna?iy '-hnH hr* lial.l* 'or ih ,i::if of n:i aid s!nr!; sub •cription: *'< l • " nvrnllv to do all m:ml any and ;i'i :i;! thins: and i roni r t■ If if no in I In- or i:]m ‘ of h" ’ tu-iof tho r<v-i|-nr*v ml in v/?!h <l:o oV,rr,f<'T of fi f or t\. bvlawi oi :>?'! ■ v:ito- for *, net it jonrv • • .*• mn-If a body > ( rpornfo :* !• ?• * ’ ■ ; r •'i-"hts. pi*ivilo‘/'*s a I ini: ’ "Ui >*cl to the b:bili :■ f;v. ,| 1 f.jy, May li. i'-..:': D VV Ki ri . P- *f Hi' ‘ A' ■ . C • jr-ia, (\ : -oi!i rtonnfv T . ’■'*r- by n lifv !!;,: •'* ni * . f’-?' coins: i. - n '*•>!<• . v of ition tor i:voor:'* !■. > of " <■ * TV*-kins- Conif > ■ ’j rri” o(Rr<* Wftn <■■*>• s rrv hat ! i 1 ■' fleial seal of said com' tills Mac 1:1 ,9n:! H. F riu Slqnon, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia, MAY 13, 1303. LOOK HEREJOH IT It is Vvhat the Reader Has Long Sought. People will road advert i: -.oments abou! < hits made by nmun :v.v. An as they road they winder m' he .aato u.oiiis are true, if iru* \.. . the re lief temporary or pormanc r? Road Ibis ease about Doan': Rills; W. if. Clarke, of I’ i• •11 • r, a<- countanf at. the Bio 'Bros. Tnbaom> works. AVln l '1 iiV Va . . . ••jf my hurl; nob os ! km w win I will euro it. Doan'. Kibm T(k v arc id > host remedy 1 ever roiii,' at-ro. s. J?’ r months l was |da no and v\ it j baokaeii.*, ii ! sharp rain . but a dull aeliinu; all tin’ time, that made me U In orablo. I y, ( t medieiuo -m different, from to relievo mo for i?w■ linn but it -vas HOOU a: bad a < v ;• TANARUS! ;• l s <,f i loan's K idle v : • or ■ • of the f real me at. cur. and ui . . ! that cure ha ?. la- '-re. I will corroborate this i-i a p. r/nra; ‘nt< r view or in r ;-ly t • a? -■ & r lion mailed to For salo all dealer Prd “ 50c. Foster*Wilburn 1 '*(.. fh *' hi. . . V. sole agents for hr ! S. Remember the nano -Doan's tnd take no other. | I ? ----- 1 i \ T ! .’S'— — u ... I IF YOU FEEL LANGUID And thorom hiy tired cut after vt-r-- slight exert ion. it r!i<*v.-.; that. y.-..r ; blood is i hin ••ml in.p*., ; bed, ud ■. > ! action ei your heart is v,s k. Take Fanith’s (’onn aii..i .e riila : villi iirity. eie- , V ; ~<3 your I ha and pu vour whole tel> in a 1:• •■ 1 Miv ef itdii ion. SMITH’S PHARMACY : K\ m Mtk s SFUo S 4 A \._T |m.v lvi iiiliw i % If you’re going. Here’s a plcm-ant little op I Ylace a bo'tle : ■■ you .-p | a Red Top R. e l 1 r V S. D. LEVADAS 1 Sole agent Brunswl!<. ■, j. j and Vicinity. 3 . )6 Monk Street fl Ferdinand'Vfsth-'fucrSoi> ! . I Cincinnati, 0. -Si. J :-f ph. Mo. h-i • \*' •. 0 Wilson's Up to Date ; IRestaur-r t ( -r - f c/; yi:c L;- SU " f Ji h s ') : '■ : N % V, THE Q! !• v! I T V, y <an b - : ”! . * y ’ - 1:.; 1 1 ! ii i. v>’ " I ” : y 1 1 IS I * 1)0' ' /i y in a. * . ■ '.-i v 111 V* *>; r . -jt (|iii<’ki ‘a v all ' v, ; 4 J. w, :;!• % 4 • ' : 32 %ki<W'Ar v Tots Jlehr ,ed to: ; demand. The season . .g • need i. approaching. ! liousnese, Jaundice, C.'.ll 1 a ! P eer, trick Headache, pa nr In tft l a-k and :.kldneys h jep-.-r-i r. a'.srit, .cl Bellevue Tonic r. ..ail r. form, W. J. BXi'TTS, „ . - Gruggist,