The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 19, 1903, Image 2

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TUESDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail fine of charge to all parts of the United States and Canada, Mexico* Potto Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ 50 biz Months 2 GO One Year 5 00 Entered at the Brunswick, Ua., post office, as second class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for G'ynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to he distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must he paid for in advance. We canuoL at lord to devote our space to such ad vertisemeuts and wail on the courts lor the money. The man who is always looking lor trouble generally flnds it. The Brunswick people really do not know what to make of lliis sunshine. In the mad rush for dollars tho honest man stands a poor show these days. John Doe is "pestering" a number here right about now. John is a sly fellow anyway. Ship building tor Brunswick and stock raising for Ibis section. These are oui hobbies. New York seems to worry the re publicans. We cannot blame them it is time for worry. Tho appearance of (lie police is gel ting a little better hut there is still room for improvement. Watermelon! We feel It in the air and we know it is. so In-cause the col ored people look so happy. From senator to railroad man, from railroad man hack to the farm. Mr. McLaurin is hopping and jumping. This is the age of degeneration, li starts from the present misfit presi dent and we can't say where il ends: The Georgia Knights of Pythias wil have a very successful meeting In Atlanta if indications count for any thing. The work on the Wayeross ear fac tory is progressing in good shape and our sister city should be congratula ted. When a man lolls you that lie does not believe in advertising ask him it the war is over. If lie does not know tell him that it is. 'ldle Georgia Knights of Pythias will meeting in Atlanta. F. C. 8., stands for fresh country butter but they will livid none of it in Atlauta. General Miles manages to keep his name before the public. He is as much of an interview furnisher as the lion W. .! Bryan, of Nebraska. And the Greater Georgia committee is to pay Brunswick a visit. As this city is the head of the movement we think they should have visited us long ago. The "Karl of Yarmouth" when he visited Brunswick had a little hull pup and it is hard to say whether the earl had the pup or the pup had tin ea rl. . , It seems to its that the less Mrs Thaw, who gave her daughter and a few hundred thousand for the last re mains of a piece of British aristo raey, says about the matter the bet ter off she will be. PLUCKY JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville was visited by a fire some time ago and before the flames and smothered, while the smoke of that disastrous calamity was hover- ing over the city, business men and property owners generally were mak ing contracts for new buildings. As soon aa they possibly could do so they put men to work and as if by magic, tine burned section was up ag ain. Not with the same style of buildings though. No the people were after better structures; they wanted modern affairs and they got them. It was a blessing in disguise just as tbe fire here years ago was but whet her this was true or not the enterprise ing people did not wait to see. They went right on signing contracts for new buildings and today they have one of the finest cities in the south. When the little llood came there last week it was about the same way. it is true that no business houses were actually destroyed but the stocks of goods were. Dul th‘ Jacksonville merchant , even while the water was at ils height and rising, wired for new goods and when the water got ready to stop they were ready to be gin. A lire, a flood an epidemic, but this beautiful Florida city is in her glory. WILL PROBa\BLY REFUSE. It is said that just before the nat ional democratic convention Cleve land will decline to let his name go before the convention and this is from a close political and personal friend of the ex president. If tliis is true, and we have every reason to believe that it is, our party will have to cast about lor a candi date ami we honestly believe that Judge Parker, of New York will lie the man for the nomination. Oicourse it is too soon to talk of this matter but it seems that the Mt;rc Juukc Parker s name is men tioned and tin* more the people learn of him tho stronger he gets. > It is argued by his friends that he is the only democrat who can carry New York and under the circumstan es we think he is. The split among the .republicans gives us the best showing for this state we have nail in recent years. JUOGE TOM PARKER. This is Judge Tom Parker's second term of the superior court in tliis comity and lie will now get better acquainted with the people of tJ.P connniinity. The career of Judge Parker on the superior court benc h promises to be a brilliant one and the Brunswick < ircuit is lucky in having selected such a man. Of ail the public men and public positions there is none so important is the judge of the court. HP power is gieat and his responsibilities arc greater but so far our judge lias been equal to the occasion, lie lias won tile esteem, eonfidc’.ice and respect of the people generally and the more we learn of him the better we all like him. A PATRIOTIC MAN. You notic e that there is a rest vi am man in Now Orleans who refuses to take money from the Confederate veterans there. When In* finds an old fellow, and they are all old, far away from the moss hall he invites him to his place and serves him with the best that can lie had in the city of New Orleans. Ths man is a patriotic and we have written our representative for his atl dress. We want to know such a man. The veterans are too proud to accept his offer but the spirit is there. May he live long and always be able to feed a thousad veterans free of charge. Senator Mcl.aurin knows all about farming but from his statement he seems to be a green horn in Wall St. railioad circles. And him an ex-sen at or too. WV ore surprised. Jim Tillman, murderer of Fklitnr r.onzales, may yet find out that the courts of South Carolina will give him justice and this means that he will swing for his cowardly murder. A prisoner in the Atlanta stockade* writes that the report of the com mittee from the charity convention was correct. Wo are to infer from this statement that somebody is get ting reckless with the truth. THE REGAL SHOE All Styles, $3.50 A representative of this famous shoe, direct from headquar f ters, will be in Bruns P ick > at the OGLETHORPE HOTEL MAY 20, 21 and 22. with a full line t f sample Regal Shoes, showing the new spring Styles in lace and button shoes and Oxfords. Regals are fac-similes of the styles being made this spring by the high-priced smart custom bootmakers in New York, London and Paris. When you buy Regals you get Style while it IS Style—not a year later. £~ Regals are made in all standard leathers—King Calf, King Kid, Patent and Ename’ttd, elc., etc. , Anew leather, used exclusively in Regal Shoes, is Regal “VALVIC” Calf—die only leather tanned in accordance with the laws of nature--with the pores open to perform their natural work of letting off per. oiration as freely as created, and auto matically keeping oui the WEj> on the outside. “Sweaty’ fc-et are the ret ved, anti the general health of the entire system is improved *„ * “VALVIC" calf,Jon ii as POROUS as cIoth—TOUGH as wire—SOF 1 as a glove WATERPROOF as Cravenette. The removable ,seal on the bottom of the shoe—-“ The Window of the Sole”-—proves ihe presence of genuine, old-fashioned, wire wear Oak Sole Leather in every pair of Regals. No other shoe offers such a tefl -none other dares to ! Regal fit consists in 43 shape:.—B widths-—and 18 half sizes —and 143 styles. No excuse for misfits! * Regal Shoes come to you diredt ‘ from Tannery to Consumer.” You pay only one SlNGLE!*,profit, viz:—the Manufacturers— and are thus enabled to buy $6.00 shoes at the WHOLESALE price of $3.50 per pair. REGAL OAK 1 SOLED'fSHOES All Styles, $3.50 Regals are sold only in 4(\ exclusive Regal Stores in the-' principal cities of the United Stales and Gr at Britain —l6 store sin N-w York City alone —and by mail. Over 200,G00 men and women buy Repair, by mail regu larly. You take no chances \ i ordering by mail- -we guarantee satisfaction or money promptly relunded By mail to cay address in the postal union at $3.75 per pair, .11 charges i repaid. Gallon our ivpn scpLihvi and examine tho shoes. You will not be urged to buy. Write to us to-day tor our new Spring Style bool:.—free on request. REGAL SHOE COMPANY ■ Headquarters: 104 Summei St. ' Factory , BOSTON. MASS. WHITMAN, MASS. Bend and t wist, at work! or play you can’t break the PRESIDENT SUSPE&BERS and they wont break you. Trimmings cannot rust, fiiinmn teed. II " President'* is on buckles. 50c at dealers or by mail poslj tij. C. A. EDCAKTON MFC, CO. Bo* 470, Shirley, 815.00 A WEEK IT HOiE. No Canvassing. Nothing to Sell. W • war? iitt••llitrrul pontons to wrilt* Irlturs Ml ll' * lilt' HpH IV III! Mill'll IS. i '• .1 U CiK t’,|Mll\ t'/irnt'il. Wf itmii.'-li M il'l l fIV■ ;iiil |i;i \ .“‘-it !••* lUHiI c:is!i weekly li ■ si ni. !.■ pnye let lers. Si in I self Mill 11 essi’i I .'.I M 111 I It'll I'll \ t'ltlj:: ftM'.Vl 111- ple let tor Mini imm 1 1*111*1 imis l• i In* Veritas Typewriter Company, 34 PARK ROW, IV EW YORK. None Genuine Without The Lily Mark. TOWN TALK -r \r-r— f -r O f" -| O w w N i p®> i L. I 4 L. JIL -' .. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKFT .. Isn't nil berries. Its mostly <-ak>\ aud that should be mail.' front the VERY" BUST FLOUR. THY TOWN TAI.K for your lioxl cake. Ask your Grocer for it THE DOWNING CO., ..Sole agents for Brunswick. ANY CHURCH or patronage or in stitute supporteil by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal ginut tity of tlie l .oily, mu It Martino/, Pure Paint: whenever they paint. Note: Have iloue so fur twenty years. Stiles tens of nil..tons of gallons; painted nearly two utiltiou lioii.--s under guarantee to repaint ii‘ l.ot satisfac lor> I'he paint wears for periods up lo eighteen years. Linseed oil must he added to the paint, (dine in two minutes!. Actual cost men aPout $1 -•'* per gallon. Sjoipli ,t free Soitl by our agents. Bowen & Thomas, Agents. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are ey lo take ami plesaait in effect Per sale by all druggists. i handle the celebrated Anlteusei Bush Premium Pale Export Beer, which f will deliver to any address in the city at SI.OO per do-on. Phone ISO, Sig I.evisoP THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. It you want a position, a (bouse, a servant, or want to find' anything tnat has Been lost, or want some thing that notrie one else has, ad verttse in this coiunrirt. Full RENT —Stores, offices and dwellings., Apply to Brcibston, Fendig & Uo. 1 . . ""* " FUlt HA 1.1-1 eierannuns, Legomtts. and potted plants, 525 11 St. Mrs. \V E. Dempster WANTED—A first class cook, eith er man or woman. ‘Apply to SOS Eg tuon street. FOR RUNT—A six room re.-'jilenot; with all modern improvetiiels, COS Matuilield street. Apply to 315 Union street. 5-17. FOR SALE- stamps, seals, Btinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 313 lyewcastlo street. ' i - ' FOR RBN*r—Furnished rooms. Also two houses 7 and 8 rooms. Jit good condition. Near business center. Lights and hath. Apply to 405 (.1 St. FOR KENT—T'hive furnished rooms Apply to Mrs. 1.1. Loewonstein, next to tile government building. HOUSE TO RENT-707 Howe St. (i rooms, bath and pantry. All mod ern conveniences, including electricity. SIB.OO per month. Apply -120 Union st reel. FOR SALE--Complete set of sa loon fixtures cheap. Woodford ’Ma bry, attorney at law for Geo. E. Bardnack. Fu% SALE A local business cheap fo. now-paying 175.00 per ur nth” T'ply to Ncsws office. <*ai. Uc&pouos to name of Tommy, llv on red collar. Howard if re turned to this office. FOR HALF— A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distant** from the rity. Enquire at The Nerws office. LOST —Shepenl dog. white and brown. answer.- - , to the name of “J)e\v > ' Finder will please return to 7:: (Homester strict. LOST—Pocket hook on shell road lt\V'Mn this city ’and Dock lunctiou. it contained small amount of money -'lid some papers. Finder can keep ili' money and receive other reward l y returning same to News office. FOR F. M,R. My fruit and confec tionery husinoss, af numb' 'r 21S New castle street. r l tie fact Pint i desire lo return to my home is 'the only re i son tor selling:. Georg:*? V lassos, 23S Newcastle st ret. For Cleaning and Dyeing Summer Clothes no one is helte r prepared than Jim F.trter Ring Phone 253 or to 704 Monk St. Ftuii*-, There ere many kinds of celebrity. When iiuycon, the painter, visited Stratford, lie- held forth about Shake epeare to some rustics he met in e wayside tun. They told him that Strut ford then contained "another wonder ful fellow, one John Cooper'.” “Why, what has he tfouet” “Why, zar, I’ll tell ’ee. He’s lived ninety years in this here town, mail and boy, and never the tooth ache!”—Loudon Standard. Where the Birds Thrive. The birds are not forgotten by the Swedish peasantry. At the door of /cry farmer's house is erected a pole >o the top of which is bound a large, full sheaf of grain. There is not a peasant In all Sweden who will sit down null Ist children to dinner until ho has In sd raised a meal for the birds Tho sweat shop method la strictly avoided at Jim Carter's clothes clean n;\ establishment. Kverythiag ia well ventilated and lighted and pure chem cals are usod. \ TIH-: OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. f Brunswick’s Only First Class I Intel, v Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. j[> Excellent Cuisine. Fcrfcvt Service. •[PHILLIPS the TAILOR *■ Opera I louse Block, S Has a large and selected s<ock of *i!new goods, for the coming season, w best of work and perfect fit guar a anteed. jf Pants static to order for $4.00. |> Suits made to order for $15.00. !*: If you want a Swell £■ Suit give me a | call. ODD Oak and Pine 8 H. DANIELS, Phone 326 *' 1 1 ' -- Bt — —-- ■ ■" —■•*'* mox-T i i, DEVARIS& LI VA DAS, Country Grocci Store, STAPLE AND FANCY riJCERIES Lot Monk St. ' Phone 141-0. UNION CLEANING cuid PKESMNG CLUt>. . R<*s 'phone *253-4 and let EDWARD MARTIN clean and press your cioihce BL does good work and will give you Satisfaction. 503 Monk St. AFTER YOU Have tried all oiheus, -id for, a FREE parhuge of tine Hr. Lyon Home Treatment for CATARRH, Flood, nerve and F* -e .e i D.\ Lyon Medi cine Go., Gold wafer, Mich. 0. L. PARKER, Dealer in-- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Everything that’s good to eat at lowest market prices Cor G and J Sis. ’Phone 94. OOAL AN O WOOD, CONEY ik PARKER, teer l -kt-tiW'i inM:lwa.'.^.t<^'rJCßVeaAASfe %.v_ -F - ..r -- -J digests wha* y--t “ ? BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 507 Newcastle St Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. BEPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. Old Monopole Kyc at JJI.UO per lull qnait, Yellow Label Atye at $t.25 per quart, Fiiiliidelpiint v luu Kye at SI.OO per lull quart. All above are solo elsewhere 101 si.&o. Levisuu, 5.1 U Lay street. A Sure Thing. It 'is said that uo'ilii.ig is sure cx cept death auti taxes, but that is not allogeUier true. Hr. Kind's New V)i cfjver.v for cousutupUou is a sure \ ure for aIJ luiiJA' and throat troubles. Thousands can lossify lo that. Mrs. C. H. VanMe’re of Shc|)heii!to\vit, \V. Va says: “l liad a severe case of Hronchitis, and for a year 1 tried ev erything I beard of, but got no re lief. One bottle otf Hr. King’s New Discovery then cur and me absolutely, it’s infallible for creep, whooping rough, grip pneumonia, and consump tion. Try it. It's guaranteed. Sold by all druggists.. Trial hot lies fr ?. Keg. sizes 5Ce. and SI.OO Ntws Job Office—Best Printing. Is one which is palatable, pieuaant to take, I “c/ycGt and can b e relied upon to act gently, but 1 T n irnfingt thoroughly, cleansing the entire system of all 9 impurities. Such a remedy is Mozley s g S Lemon Elixir. It is a pleasant lemon tonic, acceptable to S i§ the most delicate stomach, and acts thoioughly upon the ■ i| bowels, liver and kidneys without the slightest unpleasant ness. Sold by all druggists at 50c a bottle JUt W $ •*, Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops, without an J ' J |J equal fpr coughs, colds, sore throat and TTT TTTVTTT TTTTY'rTTTWTTTYTTTTT I T * —THE — * :BAY IRON WORKS: ♦ + Manufacturers and Repairers of : Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills* Marine work a 1 * ' A * Packings, Fittings ; ! and Supplies" Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. ♦ * 629 Bay St* * *W. R. DART. CLAUD DART, , 4 i'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer * K 4 tfe Downing, President £. H- Mason, Vice-President. E.D. Walter, Cashier, The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK* GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess of ONE HALF MiI,!.ION DOTI.ARS, are devoted to the assistance of legit luxate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, drain ami corpora lions, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT anco uuts hear interest, compounded f.eily. Interest bearing ceriAcutes of deposit issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of tho “BANKERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION' are cheaper and more convenient than postoffiee or express. : Great Sale of I MILLINERY ana FANCY : GOODS GREAT BAP.GAINS IN RIBBONS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK t■ No 5 and 7 at 1 and 2c per yard No 12 and 16 at 5 cents per yard f No 20 at Ift cents per yard , Hats 5- cents each Good Straw Hats 10 cents each Good l-aocy r->tathe,> - - -- - jii. laWpw" l ft mi i n"i aJCttVefi ’Price Flowers at Half Price *V Black CourtlandCrape. worth $3.00 per yard said at $!Tb Silk Tisue at SI.OO per yard Best Nunns Veiling at 75c per yd Black Silk Velvet Ribbon 10c Mourning Face Veils 10c each , t Colored Silk at 25c per yard Black Velvet ail Silk, worth $2.00 , Zephry Wool worth 10c at 5c at $’.25 Sowing Siik worth 2 1 /->c skein, at 1 * Underskirth large, e-mail /z prloe Children's Moss worth 35c at 10c firs. E. Earle. t- Newcastle Street. The OLD RfcXSABLE’ 'iu I am again in the Meat ; abusiness and am prepared -to furnish everything in t * la * *‘ ne - A full line of ’■■l Fancy and Family Gro ceries. Quick delivery; CHRIS ARNHOTER Corner Monk and Newcastle* When in Need of Honey ► • CALL ON /K JOEL BROS. jf JL X reliable pawnbrokers, j 4 \ 308-309 Bay Street. i \ You can yet the most liberal loaru; on , S ’U- A your Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, | 1 Furniture and all kinds of personal |L M property. ’ ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. u-yrßal Unredeemed Pledges For Sale l ook for large JOEL BROS. Reliable Pawnbrokers. A Startling Test. To save a life. Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No. lUehoopany, l’a . made a start tins,ted resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes: “a patient vi’as attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. 1 had of ten found Electric Bitters excellent for scute stomach and liver troubles so t prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had any attack in 14 months.” Electric Fitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and kidney troubles. Try them. Only BO cents, at ail druggists. MAY 19, 1903’. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. ■ The use of smith's Bure Kidney lH e will produce both. 'Pry a oottie and he convinced, ‘our druggist sells It for 60c. . ; Good California Claret $2.50 per dozen* Satisfaction guaranteed. Sig Levison.. When lu distress financially call in Joel Brea., Reliable Pawn Brokers. We will assist you. The News .1 A) Office— Best in Printing.