The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 21, 1903, Image 2

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THURSDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAYY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers la the dty and by mail free of charge Is all parts of the United States and Cautula, Mexico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ BO SU Months 2 BO One Year B 00 Entered at the Brunswick, Qa., post ofhce, as second-class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United Btates Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for G'ynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid tor in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad veitlsements and wait on the courts lcr the money. Cleveland Is saying nothing ami— fishing. Brunswick could have a very suc cessful baby show right about now. ' The say that skirts are to be still ■— W, nmy now expect trous . CMil Charleston could not even get up enough llfu (O' Jaw aiwieW>wL campaign. . , Wlhen It comes to the progressive spirit the strongest rival of Atlanta is Jacksonville. The sweet girl graduate need not be alarmed at all. It will be warm enough to wear that light dress. The weather man can now take a few month* off. He can Just have a standing forecast saying "warm." Prom all the newspaper reports it seems that the veterans are having a grand time of it in New Orleans. Old Sol has been felt very little lately hut It now looks like he will soon begin to got In his work in good shape. The Cubans are getting along alright in the management of their own affairs, something nobody export ed them to do. The difference between kleptoma nia and stealing Is the party who is caught falling In love with the prop erty of somebody else. The carrying of concealed weapons is a violation of the law that Is hard to stop and we cannot see how it will ever he. In the meantime the daily murders go right on. COLLISIONS AT SEA. Commenting upon the collision at Rea some days ago of the steamships Saginaw and Hamilton, the New York Tribune says: ‘ Since proper vigilance seems to have been exhibited by the officers of both vessels, and. as fog whistles were blown, no one can Justly be blamed. The accident resulted from the diffi culty which is always experienced on shipboard. Instruments have been devised and tried for use in such em ergencies; but their accuracy has not been demonstrated convincingly, for if these machines had been success ful they would, no doubt, be found on every ocean steamer.” We expect to soon see the time when successful instruments of this kind will be in use, in fact, we see by a scientific paper that one has al ready been invented and everybody who has seen it says that it will be a success. The description of the in strument is not given. A GOOD FATHER-IN-LAW. The New York Press Is authority for the story of Banker Lathrop and his son-in-law. The banker’s daught er, prettiest girl In the west side, was caught In the act of accepting the attentions of a newspaper reporter and this made Banker Lathrop mad. He summoned the pair before him after talking for some time he learn ed that the young man actually had the audacity to propo: ? marriage to fils daughter. Sending the girl from the room, be sounded the boy deeply as to his hopes, habits and financial prospects. Being a manly young fel low, the reporter told the truth about himself, he said his salary was only $16.00 a week, he did not drink, gam ble or smoke, liked- hard work and was ambitious, and, that no matter what happened he was going to marry Miss I .at limp This kind of talk rather pleased the "eld man" and he told the young man to call again -next day. That night lie talked to his daughter. "You children seemto he In earnest” said the hanker when the lover called the next night. "I like you well en ough to let you have her, but 1 don’t like your financial prospects. 1 doubt If you will ever earn enough In the newspaper business to support her de cently. I'll make you a proposition. You take a good look around New York and see If you can find a busi ness you would like to go into. I am not particular so long as It Is hon est and honorable and iwith your ideas of right ad wrong you will do the proper thing. Report to me at. the end of the week. If you find anything that suits you and you can buy It find out whether or not It has been successful in the past, then we will proceed further If we think It wise.” The young man reported that he had found a cheap price hook shop In Court landt street, owned by a quaint character by the name of Bohde, and that he thought he would as lleve be a book seller as anything else out side of Jnuinabsm The prospective fajher-ltylaw immediately begun to F/<jKT|ITT) I lie, -,W that a half Interest was purhased for $20,000.00 and turned over to the re porter. The banker then told the young man that he desired an account ing every month. "We will talk ab out the affair between my daughter and yourself later, now go to work and lets see what is in you," said Mr. Lathrop. In six months th© old man was so pleased that he allowed the wedding to tak© place, and now Henry Stanley Haskins, thatsi his name, has moved across the street Into one of the finest buildings in the city of New York and everybody Is happy because he is coining money. What a gem of a fatitier-ln-iaw. YOU HAVE SEEN THESE. We cant say that we admire a man ly woman or a womanly man. Both are disgusting In tho extreme hut let us deflue the former that we may see just when a woman can he termed oue of the manly kind. We do not mean to say (hat be cause a woman leaves tjie sphere of the cook pot, that she is manly; be cause we honor and admire a woman who has the pluck and energy to earn her own living; but even oue of the feminine sex who docs not work can he called a "manly woman." You all know what we are talking about. But the womanly man is worse. You have, no doubt, also had the misfortune to meet one or two of these curiosities in your life and you know exactly what they are. They are the most disgusting of all the "things" that walk this earth and are enough to fill everybody they meet with undescribable disgust. One of these good little fellows in whose mouth butter would grow har der instead of melting. You have all seen them but you do not want to see them again. If several other rich men should get the idea that it is a disgrace to die rich and lake the library route to get rid of their money, there cer tainly would be more of these Insti tutions than we could accomodate. If talking would make a man presi dent, Mr. Bryau would serve the rest of his natural life. THE REGAL SHOE y- All Styles, $3.50 A representative of this famous shoe, diredl from headquar ters, will be in Brunswick, at the OGLETHORPE HOTEL MAY 20, 21 and 22. with a full line of sample Regal Shoes, showing the new spring styles in lace and button shoes and Oxfords. f' Regals are fac-similes of the Styles being made this spring by the high-priced smart custom bootmakers in New York, London and Paris. When you buy Regals you get Style while ( it IS Style—not a year later. Regals are made in all standard leathers—King Calf, King : Kid, Patent and Enamc led, etc., etc. v Anew leather, used exclusively in Regal Shoes, is Regal “VALVIC” Calf—-the only leather tanned in accordance with j, the laws of nature— with the pores open to perform their natural >J work of letting off per piration as freely as created, and auto | matically keeping out the WET on the outside. . , “Sweaty” feet are thus relieved, and thif*general health of the £ entire system is improved. “VALVIC” calfskin <s as POROUS as cIoth—TOUGH as Jwire —SOFT as a gIove—WATERPROOF as Cravenette. The removable seal < a the bottom of the shoe—“ The Window fof the Sole”—proves the presence-of gen uine, old-fashioned, wire ' wear Oak Sole Le ather in every pair of Regals. No other shoe offers such ate St—-none other dares to ! t Regal fit consists in 18 shapes—B widths—and 18 half sizes ; —and 143 styles. >No excuse for misfits! Regal Shoes come to you direrit “Irom Tannery to Consumer.” You pay only one SINGLE profit, viz:—the Manufacturers— and are thus enabled to buy $6.00 shoes at the WFIOLESALE price of $3.50 per pair. REGAL OAKYSOLED. SHOES All Styles, $3.50 Regals arc sold only in 46 exclusive Regal Stores in the principal cities of the United States and Great Britain—l 6 stores in New York City alone —and by mail. Over 200,000 men and women buy Regals by mail regu larly. You take no chances in ordering by mail—we guarantee satisfaction or money promplly refunded. By mail to any address in the postal union at $3.75 per pair, all charges prepaid. Call on our representative and examine the shoes. You will not be urged to buy. Write to us 10-day for our new Spring Style book—free on request. REGAL SHOE]COMPANY jy Headquarters: 109 Summer St. j Factory j BOSTON. MASS. ( WHITMAN, MASS. Bend and twist, at work or play you can’t break tile PRESiOOT SUSPENOERS and they wont Break you. Trimmings cannot rust. Guaran teed. If " l*resulent *’ is on buckles. 50c at dealers or by mail postpaid. C. A. EDCARTON MFO. CC. Box 476, Shirley* Mass. A Little Early Riser Now an dthen, at bedtime will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt’s l.iltle Early las ers are the famous little pills that euro by arousing the secretions, mov ing the bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such lone and strength to (he glands of the stomach and liver that the cause of the trouble is re moved entirely, and if their use Is continued for a few days, tliore will be no return of the complaint. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith's Phar macy aud W. J. Butts. Or. Wlmbertey s Certificate. This is to certify that I havib tised Hancock’s Liquid Sulgfiur In inyprac- Ure and have tested it sutficieuffy i |pow It to he _a remedy of great hiorlt. Have used It with curative re sults In cuses that nothing else would leneflt. J. P. Wimborley M. D., Sco* tend Neck. N. C., Osctohor 27, 1962, ♦or sale by Smith's Pharmacy. From a Cat Scratch. On tho arm to the worst sort of a burn, sore or boll, Dewitt's Witch Ha zel Salvo Is a quick cure. In buying Witch Hazel Salve, ho particular you get DeWitt's—this is the salve that heals without leaving a scar. A spe cific for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith's Pharmacy, and W. J. Butts. CANDY IN PAILS, TUBS AND BOXES. THE DOWNING CO. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and plesatnt in effccL For sale by ail druggists. I handle the celebrated Anheuser Bush Premium Pale 10 sport lleer, which 1 will deliver to any address in the city at SI.OO per dozen. Phone 130, Sig Devisor News Job Office—Best Printing. OVERCOATS and winter suits now should he thoroughly cleaned and packed for putting away, by Jim Car ter, tbe leader of clothes cleaners. Ring phone 253-2. IVORY SOAP SUPPLIED BY THE DOWNING CO. EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councellor at Law. Court House. D 'kv ! c> Sr. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything tnat has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. WANTED-—A good, dog. Apply to J. J. Lissner. FOR RENT- —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & 00. FOtt SALE —Geraniums, Legonias. and potted plants, (125 B St. Mrs. W. E, Dempster WANTED—A first class cook, eith er man or woman. Apply to 805 Eg inon street. FOR SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, stlnoeis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street. . t FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Also two houses 7 and 8 rooms. In good condition. Near business center. Lights and bath. Apply to 405 G St. FOR RENT —Three furnished rooms Apply to Mrs. G. Loewenstein, next to the government building. FOR SALE—Complete set of sa loon fixtures cheap. Woodford Ma bry, attorney at law for Geo. E. Bardnack. FOR SALE A local business cheap foy. i;ash. Is now paying $75.00 per nui. t ,t to News office. FOR SALE—A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at Tlje News office. $1,5.00 A WEEK AT HOME. N y Canvassing. Nothing to Sell \\ ■ w.'inS intelligent persons t.i write letters nt lome spare imuimtilH. stf a wvk *asllv ••nrne.l Wo furnish pnp*r fro., ami pay s::> P**°oo rash wurkly lor Klniru' pm-t* h*t t*rs. St iiil self atl<lrt‘ssr.l sta m |<*l on\ Hoim* for sain pl let tor ami histrurtlons to Mu* Veritas typewriter Company, 34. PARK ROW, NEW YORK. " - - ~Y—■- 11 ■ SPECIAL NOTICE, The public is herc-.iy in titled that authorized collectors of The News have the written authority of the management and those who pay others will do so at their risk. GREATLY ALARMED By a Rarsistetnt Cough, But Perma nently Cured By Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student in law, in Greenville, S. C.,had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which lie says, "greatly alarmed me. causing me to fear that I was in the first stage of consumption.’’ Mr. Burbage having seen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ad vertised, concluded to try it. Now read what he says of it: ”1 soon felt a remarkable change, and after using two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, 1 was permanently cured.” Sold by '.!! ’ruyglsts. Fitiufc. There are many kinds of celebrity. When Haydon, tbe painter, visited Stratford, ha held -forth about Shake* speare to some rustics he met In e wayside Inn. They told him that Strafe ford then contained 'another wonder ful fellow, oue John Cooper.” “Why, what has he done?” "Why, zur, I'll tell _’ee. He’s lived ninety years in this here town, man and boy, and never bad the tooth ache!”—Loudon Standard. Where the Bird* Thrive. The birds are not forgotten by the Swedish peasantry. At the door of te ry farmer's house is erected a pole to the top of which is bound a large, full sheaf of grain. There is not a peasant in all Sweden who will sit down with bis children to dinner until he has first raised a meal for the birds t [ THE OGLETHORPE. ■ i - HUGH PORTER, Mgr. ; \ Brunswick’s Only First: j: Class Hotel. ; \ Reasonable Rates to : Traveling Men. | Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. ; PHILLIPS the TAILOR ; Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock of ] new goods, for the comfjw season, < best of work and perfeer fit guar- - anteed. . Pants made to order for $4.00. ; Suits iViade to order for $15.00. < If you want a Swell: Suit give me a call, } WOOD Oak and Pine B H. DANIELS, Phone 326 DEVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3. UNION CLEAN ING and PRESSING CLUB. Ring phone 253-4 and let EDWARD MARTIN '-iTTCi-: . clean and press your clothes He does good work and will give you tSSsjasis* , Satisfaction. 503 Monk SL AFTER YOU Have tried all others, send for a FREE package of 11lie Dr. Lyon Home Treatment lor CATARRH, Blood, nerve and Stomach. Dr. Lyon Medi cine Cos., Coldwator, Mich. C.L. PARKER, —Dealer in— STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Everything that’s good to eat at lowest market prices Cor C and J Sts. 'Phone 94. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY ik PARKER. ikSHS©# i- - tUflSlshS Digests H’fcat y.fu BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 3U7 Newcastle St. Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. Old Monopole Rye at $ 1.00 per full quail, fellow l abel nye at $1.26 per quarl, I’hiladelpnia Ohio Rye at sL.uo per iull quart. Ail above aie solo elsewhere lor $1.50. Sig Levisun, 31U- Bay street. A Sure Thing. It. is said that iio.liing" is-sure ex cept death and taxes, out that is not altogether true. Dr. .King’s New Dis covery for consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. VanMetre of Shepherd town, W. Va., says: "1 had a" severe case of Bronchitis, and lor a year 1 tried ev erything i heard of, but got no re lief. One bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery then cured me absolutely. It's infallible lor croup, whooping cough, grip pneumonia, and consump tion. Try it. It’s guaranteed. Sold : by all druggists.. Trial bottles free. 1 Reg. sizes 5Ce. and SI.OO News Job Office—Best Printing. For Cleaning and Dyeing Summer Clothes —no one is better prepared than Jim Carter. Ring Phone 253 j ,or send to 504 Monk SL JrGrjeCl an d can be relied upon to act gently, but I 1 fl vnlif) thoroughly, cleansing the entire system of all I i m p ur ities. Such a remedy is Mozley’s H i Lemon Elixir, ft is £ pleasant lemon tonic, acceptable to 1 I the most delicate stomach, and acts thoroughly upon the I a bowels, liver and kidneys without the slightest unpleasant- ™ I ness. Sold by all druggists at 50c k bottle. 'q '** ■ Mozley ’s Lemon Hot Drops, without an | equal for coughs, colds, sore throat and EdTtGfl I bronchitis. 25c a bottle. If . ~ . I TMin—mi Elixir ► - the l BAY IRON WORKS: ► 4 , Manufacturers and Repairers of 4 ; Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills: Marine work a specialty. X ► Packings, Fittings ; ► and Supijlies* 4 Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. * 629 Bay St. ; £ VV. R. DART, CLAUD DART, + ► .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. + ► ♦ 0. Downing, President. E. H. Mason, Vice-President. £.D.Waiter, Cashiar. The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-liALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of iegit lrnate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited fr om Individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT acco uuts bear interest, compounded quar terly. Interest bearing cerificates of deposit issued on special terms MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION" are cheaper and more eonven ieut than postoffioe or express. ; Great Sale of f MILLINERY and FANCY : GOODS * GREAT BARGAINS IN RIBBONS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK 4 Mo 5 and 7 at 1 and 2c per yard No 12 and 16 at 5 cents per yard 4 No 20 at 10 cents per yard j. Good Straw Hats 5 cents Straw Hats 10 cents each 0 Good Fancy Feathers 15 and Straw u *-*~ 1.6 cents each Ost.-ich Feathers at Half Price Flowers at. Half Price - Best Black CourtlandCrape.worth $3.00 per yard so!d at $1.75 4 Silk Tisue at SI.OO per yard Best Nunns Veiling at 75c per yd 4 Bla -k Silk Velvet Ribbon 10c Mourning Face Veils 10c each < f Colored Silk at 25c per yard Black Velvet all Silk, worth $2.00’ Zephry Wool worth 10c at 5c at $1.25 , r Sewing Silk worth skein, at 1 , * Underskirth large, small / z prioe Children’s Hose worth 35c at 10c < * firs. E. Earle. 4 < ► Newcastle Street. K +■±±±±±±± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± , 'The OLD RELIABLE ? 1 1 am a £ain in the Meat j business and am prepared f to furnish everything in “ W : -that line. A full line of Fancy and Family Gro , ceries. Quick delivery; -CHRIS ARNHEITEK ’ Phone 106-3. Corner Monk and Newcastle. ' P'o tt* fcC k# PtS M tflO M fee he ki u .. ... ♦When in Need of Honey m CALL ON : /K JOEL BROS. ♦ f X RELIABLE PAWNBROKERS, 4- i \ 308-309 Bay Street. I fg&fflßßß 1 You can get the most liberal loann en ♦ j fS&jSB&iSS I your Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, ♦ I vjMMrjiijiSr I Furniture and all kinds of personal 4- property. ♦ ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFI - dential. &9Hf§9s Unredeemed Pledges For ■WgSiUMgf HHUK t cok for large 3 hail sign rutcide store JOEL BROS. Reliable Pawnbrokers. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a start ling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes: “a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had of ten found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had any attack in 14 months." Electric Kilters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and kidney troubles. Try them. Only ! BO cents, at ail druggists. | Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Bure Kidney Lure will produce both. Try a oottie and be convinced. Keur druggie: sells lit for 50c —a . Good California Claret $2.50 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sig Levison.. When in distress financially cal! on Joel Brcs., Reliable Pawn Brokers. We will assist you. 1 The News 1?b Office— Best in Printing. j MAY 21, 1903,