The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 28, 1903, Image 2

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THURSDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr. ...City Editor. Advertising rates made Known on application. Church and oLber char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in U# eit> and by mail free of charge to all parts of the United Staler and Canada. Mexico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine Ulan>i and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month... $ 50 Six Mouths 2 SO One Year 5 00 Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post office, as second-class maii matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for G'ynn county. TELEPHONE 183. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. Tlie News Publishing Company do sires It to be distinctly understood that ail legal advertisements must be paid tor in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space lo such ad vertisemeuts and wait on the courts lc" the money. .. ii Those posloffioe sen mini - are really getting serious. That coat of General Joe Wheeler was like shaking a rod (lag in front of a herd of cattle. There may he some tilings small about our state hut it certainly Is not the number of colonels. The high price of cotton will entire the farmers to plant heavy crops, and, as usual, the prices will go down again. and everybody is tired of henring ah out It. Col. 13stil has anouncod that Ik' will hrobably be In the raee for governor again. The colonel evidently believe;; in an early start. —•■ The melding of l lie teachers on Cumberland next month promises to be the most successful in the history of the organization, Carnegie classes Booker with our first president. An exchange thinks it can hear the bones of George Wash ing rattling. Everyliody who possibly ran should attend tlie commencement exercises of the public schools. Encourage the children by your presence. We Blnoerly hope that Mr. Bryan will get mad and .not support Cleve land if he is nominated. This would mean the election of the Sage of Pri rnceton. 11 is dangerous to boa successful political) in Kentucky. If we lived there we would rather be n defeated candidate and alive, than a dead of fice holder. There may be some thousand dol lar bills floating around Atlanta but wo doubt it. We believe Ibe Georgia legislature is composed of an honest set of men. We told you that llanna had no idea of fighting Roosevelt and you see we were right. That story re minds us of the Plat I Odell "trouble" in New York. They say that the Georgia folks at New Orleans were cheered more than those of any other state Certainly. How could the people Keep from hur rahing for our colonels. Miss Fairfax, of the celebrated Vir ginia family, the real American eouni ess. is to marry a young busier s man formerly of South Carolina but now of New York. The brother of this sensible young woman is in England where he is worshipping the arislo racy. There is a great difference be tween these two. PARKHURST’S SPEECH. The Rev. Dr. Parkburst, of New York may bo exceedingly cranky on subjects, hut he has a well developed sense of the eternal fitness of tilings and this fact was demonstrated in his recent speech at Atlanta some days ago. In tlie course of his speech the famous clergman and reformer took occasion to compare the case of the convict to that of the emancipated ne gro, saying in part concerning this point: ••The instance of the convict is in principle exactly what occurred In the case of the black,. The emancipa tion pushed the holt for them; It let i hem out Into sunshine. There was a great, deal of heroism in the course of tin- war, north and south, but there was not much statesmanship in the construction of peace, and one of the radical mistakes made was in suppos ing that altering the colored man’s condition altered the colored man; that letting a wolf nut of the cage domesticates the wolf; that sub stituting coat and trousers for swaddling clothes make- of an infant a man. and that emancipation not on ly relieved the slave of his fellers, hut qualified him to he a citizen.” MILLIONAIRES FIGHTING. The giant war between the Pennsyl vania railroad of which A. .1. Gussett is pro blent, ami the Western Union, oT which George Gould is the prime factor, which liar, been waging in the United Slates supreme court, was turned in a phy ic-d buttle Sa!urda> when thousands of men with axes started out to lake down every pole bearing the 15.000 mile- of wire or the Western Union Telegraph com pany. The cutting down of the telegraph polos along the line of the roadbed was a body blow lo the telegraph company. Quite three quarters of a million dollars in properly was de stroyed, It is asserted, and what was the worst feature, il Is said, the tele graph company was rough I quite iin tfepa*ll. Wpdpbbicdly the matter of the ejectment of the telegraph company from the property of the railroad will , &nnrlii "A.^—!'• far Ihe railroad cdnipWysecmß to have the bettor of the argument. In tho meantime the Western Union is erecting poles and sliingins wires along the rends of Pennsylvania, and in u few days Uie officials say, they will have mere wires than ever. CHICAGO’S TYPHOID EPIDEMIC. According to American Medicine, the cause of the recent great epidemic of typhoid fever in Chicago, as ilives ligated by re-ideals of Hull house, is a grand piece of work and illustrates llio pracl.lliility of the cooperation oi science and benevolence in a Way that deserves all |u also. The demount rat ion Is perfect that the cause of tlio distribution of dir ease germs was largely through the agency of fliiw. Tho wind could not have been l lie source of tho scattering of the.germs and neither the dust as it had rained before the time of the great virulence of the outbreak. The actual catchiur, of the tlios on the spot and I heir hacteriologic in vestigation brought out the proof with convincing clearness. OUR COUNTRY ROADS. The News learns that (lie roads of the eounty will receive no attention for llie pre-eut and we regret tllis very mmh. Ofeouvse the people who live in the country can use the roads for some time yet without the repairs but we are going on the proposition that a ■'stitch in time saves nine" and we (ill believe that if the roads were given attention now that it would be a big saving to the county as they will get worse and wotse unlit they are repaired. Wo do not claim to lie expert - on pood roads but wo do know tbai our ptihlic highways are in bad condition and the longer they , remain so the worse they will pet. This h common sense ami that is exactly what. we are going by. We are not surprised at the fart that the Cleveland boom is unpopular with the republicans. They have been up against Grover before. itz Means /& tbs best that money can buy. M s your kitchen; the utensils as clean. £|| altered air, in a plate glass room, onths, until thoroughly fermented, so liousness. ;n sterilized in the bottle. ef* me to the brewery for the owners aro lj| ives that w*aJas°st.pphoai Ko. ia. orth of t Made Famous Sotar Stomacfi No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris ings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy euros at! stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Gives Health to the Sick and Strength to the V/cak. Bottles only. J 1.00 Size holding ?.% times the trial size, which sells tor 50c. Prepared by B. C. DcWitt &, Cos., Chicago. Just received a ' ar loud_ of .1 i'hrrisou TO“" V,v" lalgi I pail)la. The Douglas Hrfrd "ire Cos. I handle the . ' Hush Premium Dale Export, lie r, which 1 will deliver to any ado too:, in the city at $1.1)0 per dozen. Phone 130, Dig Levlson- KID GLOVES of any dr -oioption and color dyed a perfect bi-e-k by Jim Carter. King phono :: ,3-2. Notice of Meeiinng cf tie Stockholders of the Bruiiswis ;. & Birmingham Railroad Company. A .special meeting of the stm I holders of flic Urnimwicl ft, liiimiin ham Railroad compiiny j ; her-’liy eali : and iu meet at tile office of i ! e c.i . e pany in Brunswick, Ga.. on 'be C:li day of June. 1903, ,al eleven o’ !; a. ni. for tho purpose of fui-unll/ approving the accounts and the a of certain former i;lii--( i i -i am l direr; ;n of Jtlie company and ratifying the action taken by the dhectors in re lation therto. R. A. FAIRBAIRN, Dir! Vice-Die idem Dianrwa-k an.! liirmlnglianti Railroad com nv A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. Bosehce, a cele brated German physician, ami is ac knowledged to lie one of the most for tunate discoveries in medicine, uuiekly euros coughs, colds, and nil ung troubles of tlie serious nature, removing, ns it does, the cim.- ■ affection and leaving the parts n strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, lint lms stood the test for years, giving its satisfaction in every case, which ils rapidity increasing sale every season confirms. Two mi'iion bottles old annually. Boschee's German Syrup was Introduced in the United States in 1808, and is now sold in ev ery town and village in the civiii'.uil world. Three doses will relieve nr.y ordinary cough, price 25 and 75 Ct< Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King’s New Life Dill each night for two works has put uu in my 'i<>ens' again,” writes Dr. D H. Turner of Dernp-eytown, Da They're the best in Uie worm for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta hie. Never gripe. Only 25 coats at nil druggists. GREATLY ALARMED By a Porsistetnt Cough, But Perma nently Cured By Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. 11. P. Burbage, a student in law, in Greenville. R. (’..had Leer troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says, "greatly alarmed me. causing me to fear that 1 was in the first stage o' consumption.” Mr. Burbage having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ad vertised, concluded to try it. Now road what he says of it: "I soon frit a remarkable change, and iifler c ; ; two bottles of the twenty five cent size, 1 was permanently cured." Sold by all druggists. j THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. ' WAiMY COLUMN. If you ..-ant a position, s house, . - v.s a find inyihi •••; InAi.a* Been tost, or want ton:s to, 5 co t ec. -me *he Pso, ad vcii.te iri this colurr.r W/vNTi - you. l. dog. Apply to J. J. Li,:..for. FOR RENT--Stores, offices and Apply to Rrobston, Feudig w- (10. FOB SALE Geraniums, ,egoniaS. and [Milled plants, 025 11 St. Jirs. W. E. Dempster FOil SALE —Huhber stamps, seals, EtJqe#i3, etc. Agent Undo,’wood Type-. wHtaf. Will B. Fain, SIS street. : FOR PUNT Three furnished rooms Apply to 'lre G. 1..0 w, .•■iisUdu, next lo the government building. FOR SALE -Complete set of r,.v iotui fixiiin ; cheep. Woodford Ma bry. attoruoy at law for Coo. E. I-ardnack. FOR SALE A local business cheap for o. ;!i. 1 now paying s7i>.oo j><-r mot tit. Apply lo News oilioe I’OS SALE \dr irablo fariu, con t at . improv ed; a short •listaa.-o from tire city. Enquire at The News office.. tftf-i. Itwr-iT- Kemih uc-e il>:!’i. r-e t- ;- - -cc-i.. Posse ion given .itiuo 2:1, and 208 Reyn >l<!*„ !• cnsiim given .rtli):: 20. llolli 7-rn nu houses. A;iply to 701 Gloucester street. PSItSpNA!r —Mornlilne, oi-iinn, l.tu iktuitm, cocaine habit; my eh lie. i; will inform you of harmlm e pc ■■ua ncut tamo ottre. >• rs. f.i. A. Bnl-ivin. post 212, Chi; :-go. ’ F<V: iN’T -() > 'lTra,'.’ Vi: .1 r. i -v luiih rsit-i- '.!■ .1. ' -i oil ; furr-t’-died room;;. Apjilj !c> "15 Uill .1 , street. ! WANTED— Purine-, in raw- mill > Id?A.'Mrt’.-s i\ O. box 4-f,. i ‘ i(.k, iJn. i* x ’i*. ftUNT- Two. four, and fh o -• V-")*' ■•*..■..'3. n. ::y f.U* llOlI;.;. ! 1 iuv:. ’ lit' . ;• Iho Mi. Si ;rv}\\ '■Mf-r. |T'■' . V . W"•.!'*co. Oi van Pior. U ?:• Pan; dii'anre phone. SIS.M a WEI& AT HOMS. ! HO Ar be.’ASSING. NOTHING TO SET. IWe witnf fill! tip -.-i!t I erw > - ..i w rite hub ; -'I I' l ‘i' l u ••'!*:? J*. • tit;:.-, ft ;* n \v* v'. <•:;-;i -!<■.J l‘ f' •. We I't iia : i -'' i j.'iijH'F frt<* llliil |■: i; ftW) ; : !• i<• i h \vc ior sillM’lf' | j;iu.i D'jit’ic. ; -i ‘ i ,i m. i it it i\.*rr;> :u -: pic i <‘|- Mi'.ii i >'Si i 'il i .i'm io tho j ..> ty pew n wen Cora.--any, *> -' i v Ro W. rJ•; V 7 Y O K. ftP ft. ft \A L MO i i c t : .- Tim jtnblie is horobv notified mat authorized odPn-iors of The News ; iuive the vvidtien . eirit-i ity oi the j inamiscineut ami those who j-ay otl- l s j will do so at their own risk .- TANARUS! . ‘ DO WN m G C O MA K E A ! S?L CIALTY OF files AND COP- From a Cat Scratch. On iho arm hi the wersl sort of a j Pun’, sore or Poii, f>ewittV3 Witch IPi jl ftxlvi* In a Quiek cure. In buying Witc h II;:. •■1 Salvo, be pa.rticulnr you DeVfitt’s—ls tho salve that ’ leaving a scar. A smt. eft. iftr blind, blecMling, itching and uii Rifting Std.i bv JoervorM i’bnr. a y, Smith's Pharmacv, and W. .1. lftit ta. CANDY IN PAILS, TUBS AND It." ' c O THE fJOWNiNC CO. A t.itti-:. Larly Riser an J; he:), at 1 ‘iltimo will euro ■ 'i' .ii a.-*, !•'.!:>.a noss and liver ' ’ U "V.-'itt'r, I : ;Ue Early Ris • * 1 h- 1 fatuous littjo pills Lint ■ ... Larousir.g the secretions, mov ie;. t -■> bowels genlly, yet effectualiy, vet ■ h)g such torso and strength to lb • cicah if the stomach and livei that itit- - lure of the trouble is re ico' i-I cnfircly, and if their use is etc lined for a few days, there will be no return of the complaint. Fold by JoiT'-v.'s Pharmacy, Smith's Pnar tnacy en.) \v. ,T Units. Nee s Job Office—Rost Printing. Notice. Ti' will he introflucoj ait Uvo h- s ° f : ■ • I *y < 1 • - v :n. *to o'Qv'i *.* on tlie I * '!!••• '\ \V.\i* v :, i y in ,Tu!v.\ tfOll. A || •’ l, ! , in' entitled “All !i-f (.) adu .1 ,-baiter of tbe pity of 15t urw:. k. a Dil fur other purposes." This Max Old Monopole Rye at. SI 00 per fur i quart. Yellow Label nyo at $1.25 per - quart. Philadelphia ('tub Rye at Jl.'V'l per ltd! quart. All above are sohi j elsewhere for $1.50. gig Levison, 31*' | Pay street. “ An Explanation. ( In one year the aurora borealis was : seen ot. .ght : s fur south as Wilt- i shire. The inhabitants of a certain j viilt-ge as.,, elided to witness the uu- j wonted Many were the in- : qulrie:; as io what it was when a wo man excliilmeti: "Do send for our Jock. He's a schedul'd. I’U be bound he'll g!e un n neumc!” When Jock ar rived, lie looked upward and said, "On, it’s only a phenomenon!” "There," said the ddli.i iited mother; "didn't 1 toll Ve he’d gie uu a neame?”—Notes und Queries. Wllline to Walt. j “I can't pay 11ll;; bill just now. Yea Will have to. wait a little for the moa- j cy.” I “All right, fir,*' cheerfully responded the boy as ho seated himself and un folded the copy ef the morning vaiwt* "Them’s the orders of the guv’nor.” I "What arc the orders ef the guv'norV" ! demanded liie gentleman sternly. “Pm to wait for the monev ” THE OGLETHORPE, \ HUGH PORTER, Mgr- Brunswick’s Only First? Class Hotel. j Reasonable Rates to .; Traveling Men. ~>'ceftet 0: k iae. Perfect Service. < i'-iULi sPS the TAILOR | Opera Slouse Block, f v Has a ir.rge and selected stock of jj -new goods, for the comtkg season, =| .nd perfej. fit guar J ' anteed. % j made to order for $4.00. S "uiis .* .to order for $15.00. | If you want a Swell| [ Suit give me a s |caPl. ' | T ■ - : -.,J : Fine L T o T-iS, ?lions 320 IS c AS, Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES •. :v .Gt. Vnonc wi-3. ursiow s -■ ; ili ; iiu i ..j CiSiNG CLUB. Kin, phone 8534 and iet EDWARD MARTIN •iijjgf -aria p*ea your rtothes 1 docs gbditiwork and will give you Satisfaction. Pt.ane : ’.W. 608 Monk St. • --- aww ■*.- -* tW, V.W,HI'IM'■•L.III Mill— AFiERYOU Have li it*,: ill cuter.*, sioiid lor a i ;L£ ja u ki : i,v. J.yon Home Treatment for CATARRH, Blood, lit ve i -ow m. Gr ! .yon IViedi < ;;e Go., V-uWi v. ul .or, A’ich. C. L* ir —Dealer in— STAPLE AND FANCY vuvOCLkSES. ? '■-CkV’i'M v< Ts ticosS to >viiat i. sne;ket prices Cor k and J Sts. ' ’Phono 34. ■■ j - A 4 A * V | AN L WOOL), C O NitY xV ■ AAK t. R - . ;-a. •->.. * * J Klatm,'GZ£Laai ■(k ■ ■’ ry y .**•■ Qiyosts hl Tvs y-sa *}■- . BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone ;'.v,-2. 307 Newcastle St. Bicycles,, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE, A Sr £ r * ALTY. A Sure Thing. II is said that r. ,ih„ig is sure ex cept lietith and taxes, I>tt that is not altogether true. lor. King’s New Dis cow vy fur co isun.iuioa is a sure cure lor all l;i!>;, a- ; throat troubles, fttou.-am'-s ran testify to that. Mrs. *'• B. VauMeite off nepherdlown. W. \ u., says; ■ i hr i a severe case of in. r. hitis, and f< r r. year 1 tried ev erything trd of, 1 ;(: got no re lief. One buiUe •*' Or. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely. !- * s infallible f crorp, whooping cm .:, grip yncm. ri.ia, and consump tion Tty it. If-, .imrauteeil. Sold by .-.i dru • id bottles free. Keg. sixes 50c. end SI.OO -cr Ci-v eg and Dyeing Summer Clothes — no one is better prepared: than .i!;n Carter. Ring ’Phone 2511 j or send to 504 Monk St Headquarters for Groceries. AtKntlou i > called to the ml ot J A. y.elrneao’ Ur, the Well known :;ro ! oer, which appears elsewhere in this ! issue. ZvijsrvEvvitz can save you * B/jrf/)/*/ Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be sjBCZ traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- Hpnlfh els ’ Wh^n these important organs fail to act IA lauilfl re g U j ar jy t he system becomes clogged with ■ health is impossible. Mozley’s int lemon drink which acts gently the system. It is the perfect liquid every member Of the c ;le at all drug-stores. 4 ; are without any equal titis, sore throat, etc. ***• HmSHHHHOnB Elixir * — ir, T'-r~?^g— 4 BAY IRON WORKS* 4 Manufacturers ar?d Rcpaii ers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills* Marine work a specialty. J : Packings, Fittings ; * and Supplies' ■ Estimates ruraished Tree of Charge. * * 629 Bay St. , 't ‘W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, i ► .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. + * ♦ ♦ *ftt ff J A .A. A. -A -A A -A 4k A A A. .V A .4 .*. 4 > . L A A A. A A - L. Dcwning, President. E. H. Mason, Vice-Preaident E.D.Walter, Cashier. The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN O ITPTIt riIOOSAND DOLIJtHS Aud total KESOURCISS in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOiJLAKS, tre devoted to the assistance of iegit I mate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora joita. _ , 'iAVINGS DEPARTMENT acco uata bear interest, compounded quap -triy. Interest bcariug cerificaies of deposit issued ou special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION” are cheaper and more convenient than postofflcc or express. Great Sale of ■ MILLINERY-a FANCY : : GOODS ' : * GREAT BARGAINS IN RIBBONS MUST BE COLD THIS WEEK * a 4 I No 5 ar.d 7 at 1 and 2c per yard No 12 and 16 at 5 cents per yard * * No 20 at 10 cents per yard , y Good Straw Hats 5 cents each Good Straw Hats 10 cents each . Good Fancy F#at!isrs Ijj and Straw Hats 15 cents, each * Ostrich at Half Price ’’ Best Black Cotirt Ia n and Cra pc, wo r ffi Y- 3 J7O p'e;- y a .-d sold at $1:75 * Silk Tisue at SI.OO per yard Best Nunns Veiling at 75c per yd ’ r Bla.:k Silk Velvet Ribbon 10c Mourning Face Vciis 10c each * , Colored Silk at 25c per yard - Black Velvet all Silk, worth $2.00 ♦ v Zephry Wool v/erth 10c at 5c at S!.2E -t Sewing Silk worth 2*/2C skein, at 1 Uncierekirtli large, small price Children’s ! iocs worth 35c at 10c* firs. E. Earle. < *■ . Newcastle Street. - 4 *> ,; i on The OLD RELIABLE '• k4'r __ - ■ lam again in the M^at i .’£* business and am prepared ! : C ■ Y S-.L-; to furnish everything in " yi'mt W. that line. A full line of , v Fancy ai,d Fain| iy ore- l ceries. Quick delivery.^” CHRIS ARNHEITEKi ’ Phone 64. Corner Monk and Newcastle. • .1 : ... 5 oiHiSHey i| J a DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, Ga. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa, made a rtart iing test resulting in a wonderful cum. Ho writes: “a patient was attacked ; with ■ violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach, i had of i ten found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver- troubles jso I prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had any attack in 14 months.” Electric ! Bitters are positively guaranteed for | dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, j and kidney troubles. Try them. Only SO cents, at all druggists. tj MAY 28, 1903. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Henlbw*' Tbs use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will pi.oduco both. Try a oottle and be convinced. T.'eur druggis' sells St lor 50r Good California Claret $2.50 ' per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sig Levison.. When In distress financially call cn Joel Brea, Reliable Pawn Brokers. Vio will assist you. The News Jjb Office— Best i*** 6 *