The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, June 05, 1903, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. VOLUME 2, NUMBER 214. FATE OF SAM STORY NOW RESTS WITH JURY, A MISTRIAL EVIDENT LAWYERS MADE STRONG FIGHT —t — Cass Went to Jury Short ly After One O’clock Yesterday Siuce 1:‘SO o’clock yesterday after noon ihe fate of Sam Story, chained with the killing; of llamp Shrivor, amt whose case has boon on trial since Wednesday afternoon, is in the hands, ol twelve of his peers. As stated in these columns yuster day, this very unusual case is famil iar to the people of Brunswick and Glynn county generally, and it is un usual for the fact that up to this time three juries or thirty-six men have failed to exhonorate or convict the defendant. The case is one ot those dramas of human life that pi e. upon tilt; most sensitive and ye! the basest cords of nature. A human life is in the balance; a human life has gone to the great be yond. On the one side appears the widow, bowed in anguish, surrounded by kinsmen of the dead man, calling for revenge. On the other is the de fendant and his true little wife, who claim that the deed was done in sell defense and in honor's name and are asking for acquittal. , Few cases in Glynn superior court have neon handled ia more able fash ion by the attorneys and the oour; - than lias been this one. Whea the • jury reappeared yesterday morning, | having spent the night at the Ogle thorpe, Judge Parker proceeded to deliver them his charge in the case. He followed the evidence very close ly and the charge was all that could have been expected by the contest ants. 'l'he argument of the lawyers fol lowed and all of them were notable for strength, eloquence and thorough ly able work. Attorney It. B. Dart opened for the defense and the young attorney dis ii.,gnu-med himself for Ihe ablest speech, so his friends say, that he has ever made. Col I). W. Krauss followed for the defense in a thoroughly conclusive argument. He was clear and concise in his portrayal of the evidence and lor an hour and a half held the in tention of the jury. Probably tlie feature of this portion of the trial was the maguitic.ient ef fort made by Solicitor General Bennett for the state. Col Bennett is at all times a good orator. He studies very closely the salient features of his case and is thoroughly at home when addressing a jury, hut lie excelled himself yesterday and was particu larly eloquent in that portion of ins address in which he called upon the jury tor the enforcement of those laws which wise legislature has made for the protection of human life at all times. The majesty of the law was the theme ot tbs solicitor general and his discourse on this subject was pronoun ced an being one of the best arguments ever heard in the Glynn county SOLICITOR GENERAL J. W BENNETT, His Stronjj Address in the Story Case Ye".terday is Probably the Cause , of the Tie Up of the Jury. . _ _ eflourt house. In this connection It to a great pleasure to the News to chron icle that Solicitor Bennett has scored a wonderful record during the week in the matter of convicting crimi nals. Attorney Edwin Dart, for the de fense, made bis maiden speech in a murder case, and it is simple justice to the young barrister to say that, he acquitted himself handsomely. -He talked to the jury for more than an hour and his argument was thorough, logical and at times eloquent. As above slated thu jury has been out since 1;30 o’clock yesterday, and have not yet agreed. From all indi cations it appears that the verdict, as inis been tiie case in two previous trials, will result in a mistrial. f Majority Favor Acquittal. It is understood that the jury stands eleven to; acquittal and one for con victing bac defendant on ' a lesser charge than murder. CAME FOR PRISONER. file Nejro Hamsbury Carried to Savannah Yesterday. Deploy Siioritf Tom Sweeney ot savannah, arrived in the city yester day to take back a negro prisoner, Will Berrie, alias llamshury, who is wanted for murder eomumlou ole. en years ago at Sacusvnie, near Sa vannaii. At time the crime was com mitted considerable excitement .was caused and a diligent search was made iov iiaiusnury, hut he escaped and has since-lived m differ out cities, uuuer assumed names. Great cretin is due to constable b O. Daniil, ol tins city, who workt;.. up the case anu captured the ne gro. LAWDENCEViLLL LOTS. Quite a Large Number Have Been Disposed Of. A great deal ot interest is being taken in the tract now being adver tised and known as Dawrenceville. So tar a number of tho lots have been sold and prospective buyers are numerous. Tlievo is no doubt bill tiiai this sec tion of the oily will grow now and al a very rapid' late. COTTAGES ARE BATHER HIGH. This iVlay Keep Some People From St. Simon. Cottage renting comes rather high on St Simon and tins tact may keep many away irom the island. Tho demand tor Da homes no dould can sod i lie rates to advance bill i( went up witli a hundred per ceut jump and is liable to go even higher. Nearly all ol the ,-cottages have, been enleil for the months of June and July. WILL GET THE CROWDS. Col. Jacobi is Meeting With a Warm Reception. Advices lrom Col. ,1. L. Jacobi, the geuiel manager of the Cumberland hotel, say tiiai the crowds will soon be hero and he expects the rush in a very short time. The people ol Fitzgerald say they are coming during July and nearly iifty of them have already engaged rooms. This will he gratifying news to the many friends of Mr. Jacobi WORK ONSTEELPLANT . H A S B EE N C A L. L E D O F F CrornwelEGarrett Engineering Cornpany Wires Their Resident Engineer to Immediately Stop Work. From developments yesterday with reference to the proposed steel plant, ot the .Mohawk Vail :: am 1 Wire com pany. make it .ipim-' t;. ,t there is some clash of n vei\\ ricua nature between the tonner \ n and the Garre it-Urom well 1. ing company, who were un*loi t j to construct the plant in que-'.e, l'o serious is this difference ! ; the engineering people have con •■aided to throw up the contract and. om some unlooked for occurrum-e inter venes, it is more than safe to predict that the steel plant will nut hi iw;!i by the Garrett-Cromwell Engineering company. Chas. P. Turner, the / rosiiient eu gineer and direct representative of. the company, who has had charge of the construction since the layim of the cornerstone on May fust, re ceived Ihe following telegram .. -u-r day, which is self-explanatory: “Cleveland. 0.. June 4, lfioj. “Chas. P. Turner, resident engineer Brunswick, (in. “Owing to the failure on the part of the Mohawk Valley Steel company officials to make their second pay ment on our engineering fee now past M'LAUHIN 11 GET SOME BACK > He is On Umstotl y paper to tiie Sum of SOO,OOO. New York, June 1. —Janie \V. O. borne, counsel ioi e.v-Uiiii' !i . i .s .Senator McLaurin of South Carolina, said today: “As a> result of our continued in vestigations today as eounsel ior Ben. a tor McLaurin, 1 can smii* tii.ii In not as near ruined as was a first reported. His liability, however, a Hilly sl l i,UUU. “This sum is represented by lli'.huui. in cash, which my count iiuv.oicen tu Frank’ A. n- and, iti*i three tWflereni notes on whir h hu went security. One tiiese notes is for a noth e i mi ;,-.J-/.onn am another fur saO,oi.M). ‘ The nisi note lull due a few nay:, ago anu was ptompiiy met by beantoi i McLaurin, who men .•(•.sued at lachiueni fur the !;..• <>i tn non on tiie stock of Frank A. Lnsi-al iu ihe lVlohawk Valley concern.*’ THE FUNERAL YESTEDAY. Remciins of IVir. A. Borchardt Lai.J to Rest. Tlie remains ot the late A Bor -nardt were laid to rest in the Jewish cemetery. The cme aiony ccurreil at tiie re.-.iuenec oil tram street, Rabbi W.asuw o:ia mt ing. . The cortege, while it was a long me, was greatly Tiered •-u i . ilie heavy rain which prevailed dur ing the funeral, and many ot the •lends of the family were unable to attend the funeral on this account. TWO JURIES ARE NOW TIED UP j One at the Oglethorpe Other at the Court House, Two juries imm iho suj erio, ■mum were ml last night and could not agree upon a verdict The jury in the Story case was quartered at the Ogle; liorpe for tin slight. The other was in the case of the state vs. Sam Andrews, char ged with the larceny of some hogs. The jury went out in the afternoon and wen- unabh :n.-o*e and spent 'the night in tin' court house Getting Ready Tiie meml < i of the Pom WeMi Fishing cltil) 1 and other things in • for the an nual outing and it is safe to sit > the tinny trihle will ‘and lilt I -hmv ing when then* fishermet • 1 11 Ilf the heavy rain yesterday d’>es # not J cause another postpomenl all the j members wiii be happy. BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5 1903. due, we find it necessary to suspend ul work ir. connection with their plant at Brunswick. You will, there f •!•• proceed to dose up y.uir affair. *nd let urn to Cleveland at mice. • .e. t Cromwell iOntfilicc; :ng Cos. ' Turner was seen Ly a repiv ‘.’live of the News k the < )g!c ' • :: hast night, and when quo* or. the subject ho • aid he was i’ .ware ot the fait that thi u i .ii. wound lie disappoint ment to the people of Brunswick me! that he regretted that. r instruct ions had made >t necesier-y I'm him o leave* the cay. Ho had I;, pci i<. . n- re for some tin, a! has', aci i a manner had m'neged o, U.:!i the cd v an 1 its people In c.oiti'oi icitV with the above tele . am, however, lie will ci-ce up ins office today, wind up all m Ue;s who n has been muter itis siip<v\ m i.-i i i'*g"iner with Mrs. Turing, will leave tonight for Jackson villt, whence * ;.> Cleveland. It is needless for tin* News to go into details in the precises. The people of Bruntfwick are la miliar with the circumstances. A great big prop 's!; ion came along, railing for s;>oo.- mm io m A ifc.) iilitilfilb! Puts an If.nd to Rumor That tie is Out or kace. •/uc)• Com tiand Synunos is in the nicr l(M |ini: •(• ul UiO <;j|y (0111*1 Ul 1 duns wick, an.l lie i?- in tin- rum lo stay • i lilioi Vv t: ul i out y. si -iday In UU' •'!; <: ifiUl tI)C W‘ll kIuT.VII UtlOi* iK’\ hud iti!M*d I rnm liio ace, aim ■ i • , - ,i ;s< v. s i pi usual aI. \ in dist . ju sal<l. in. i aa vo lieani ol this rumor to lii* .'Jive that l imo 11 1 ; i! <’i| u oui tin race ioi judge *d die <ny khi'l. . 1 am at a loss to umiei iano j from what, source it. camf. I am In 1 uc; Ida: lllld am lu * in: idi in . a,\ , to the finish, ami, a: ou tiie ;.iVS(.:Ii t . a . :- iOu •<1 • . •. over, Wilen 1 shall have .utii'-iem iline to (in so, l , i . . - (mu dm;.i lOJI 1.0 tin n dplo ot lii'OliS \v utv in ism lin. v' . a : tla .t: lit.i S. si . Hi* jut any l '.’Utions oin ulatiMi ainna ; Im pvupk; mit : ;n ; y my ca.miium,.> ioi Liu: simple ta:i s mil l uo not. n iiuvi ' - uch acLion m . • tin no lUauii m l curb , h . 11 . . aiiiiCi was. auuoimciM in a w* .n a any, an-. Sima dal lime Ills liuim lias been lavoia t:i> liioliUOlieu n.aitCisj/ u;o . m duiuui. [by a liumixu m .u> ••• .■> m imun l Wli’R in cuiti.a 1 ion v. nun • . • a lie . • ■ ■ e by uni la an able Jd.s.. ;< -• u ou ihc sUind'io; ••■si m ...t a Wick enu u. ami . • ,•• ■ ' amain., well (ju.uiyn lor a,.- • ii< i. -i u ol & . ua mini. . '.nil. l l IJc-tfc".- .1 dan WTh.'i n 1 a'ln -s’- im* issues UiVtiV;d in • ’ I.l‘C ii* people liidv •.]>• ■ t ;> >•: : Wuoif sol in: fa.'.’Ls at hi- iu.a!:-: ) tiVih* R L;>SiV L ei.r.Lf/iO' Corner iitoee n N v- Catholic Cbureti Lj-o. iiiebiinuiO. \ a i. I• - '• ha been u notable • ■ n ■■ • wi . t 111* (Jill b I IIH • ■ H'h l IMI 1C Of t lie IK: W ii. il 111 : a. I . •i1 'll '' : ‘.V| IS lii n ill.d .1 Oil) . \;lr. < 0.1 id) > ll'illl iiTi sect ion.-. •)j . pi * out. rile (’a tin is rfi'.T. ' i i ios 1 il; have all -,u a . . < 1 ul ‘ ! - lately nisi . ev-.‘ia: or UmM have b< ii COtllj • ile'i t 1 ‘ ‘ la. I' : ' > churches tun ■ jui. . • '.ln- mcrea.. , ed member -u:p. I**"' 1 <n tin* part of the people ot this i> ami eui citizens responded n ’ c unts '•-iimiiei) sural** with tin .. ’•linns from pearly c\t>iv walk of iile. \:\ l fieri was made to reach stum ■l ihe general officers of the Mo . iwk . ( ti.|may iasi night, hut failed. ' iv : idle mm ' to he said, h nia\ he that lie Mohawk poop!' v ( 11 make anangemeiiis with othei onti actors and proceed Willi the ..oik hut as lhey have failed to link ile ;r oldigat l( .| >■> t-tu* (i meii-Ui on well company, the largest steel mill huiim rs :a Hit A-u’kP, this seem: unlikely. Ye who live in Brunswick have the co:e..c,*aliva of knowing that when 1 -hi'.eii upon tlie crucible w.* were no; .unu y ant ... if oihot !ia down upon us the outside vvor! i w . Know ibai w > stand ready and willing to do our share in p oinoiing new m dusiries in tins •> when tin *' opportunity prc.uuit.s in-Mi. Mr. Turner, who leaves tonight, ha. man: friend.-.-in Brunswick wl■ * will wisii liim an abundance’ suet e; in whatever field of endeavor In ma> eiigagi in tlu* future. flflflStVfcLT Will 81 Mi TflDAl —+ — President Will React Washington at 1 'tonight. Washington, ,/Junc I. —President Roosevelt s long western trip, his “swing, around tin- cire.m ' will he <u an cud ouiio-row At I lint turn* In is expected to lie in Wasiiingiou .. I(*r ait absence oi sovm '.v- i In* i i lieduh•: I'j reach tho capital at V . , . I-. ii inc \ .*;! n,g. Nothing in Ihe way oi i 1 mon. i: 1 1oi. has been planned aid ii is not iindy that ilk it* wdi lie any formal recept ion. Reception £it Bloomimjeon. iliOull; ..igi Oil, Li.. Julie 1 i ! csM I'd . kiGMm u w.i cd ii early \ Bis imu'lilii, and iic.loi. \iir -an had ci iid Bud vea nig.’i, lie -• ilk. j.*icj , I-. Bogin i in- ;pec(* i- ig da ! Ii> ie- m -1?i e.a U .ng ii an o. iia-in i. i rip .i* ■<a ideas fel a. tee i id't , I lihuii.-., II:* • i'resi dent l• \ ie\N e. 1 I lie i>ig 111 1 il l aI . p>i la< m . ihe lion i a a.* aa l,) i(u a uemon.-J i.. i ion oi i in- lx m*i mil su*j, .id .m nngi - inetit \\ it i.• •(■( ssai > in diu. < \ > son ills* 1 '! t-M( |.. II . S Hi II - I .. . I uM-.iient .-> lU': [i.ii .uie '.ai,i •Ik Bigg. , i oiaii oi il i -X! i; ; t ve I .'••■il :i. * :iis |a Id CM iln Si ai e i '.n!;n .n • a,nil., ‘.pam.-di W~i /eleian-x. v. B < eiHia i ( iicaui jmik Ih It ;l! prog! x.T .ii • . . Bill • UiOraei-i ■ v ia I }'• V l '..e11 1 ;S (M If, I Blin US A.- , i-mai iim .;, ,i por'i.ion oi \Be iSvia.- Ind ii 1 ii• all l l I'ou. r•, i fiian I iiet* seel ii' gMaiiig g 111. .vpuiils. and .i on in o : oi -"a.!!- a i 111. i > not ties r:, soldi* -•.- aV( a ohl.-dh,' ;I > ii.. h .1 1 I lie iI * .'; :. * , who lcpe;o ("I. - B <(.(•-( ills ;u KIIO-A ."‘li ’ 9■> ; ll' 1 ■ 1 1; 'i 1 aulic.Bed l)> 'he i'e viev* ;n f >• a > i • aie.dia fcN aI K a in. pa i me was o oi, ne Pre .id; ni -mn hi- , an , rtoar • Ui ,n x ( ■(.*: i.ii li ■ 11 ; . <i * • i); irte i lot Binc'Hii i...i . Pi l ■ t ; At Lincoln. \ miCOill. I ii.. .1 -lilt v • ' owd • ! . ei a! I Itoiisa' i< i p i- a :s ' >' g l a ’ < , bout tin •' .i till'-. 1 ’ i • ii > 1 o; a i j - ills * i ll ii. i: 11 ;I . .a op her. • •■h r-i-i •; ng lieStt. ' ■ ■ > 1 • , d’ Ins t rain in l n a ! it m : ii - . i *)':*' I '.{ >1 t id: < }| I I- !• J'i afio .oh} Viuit • in- an a ■ m : oii'-d out ,ii In- m .’! ion In Illinois Capita!. hpi !11 g iieni.- Li ji-ac . ii -i' !{.>:*♦: v' it *pc;; •' • * ill 1 lie cap ita sit of 1 mots to . uitl the w< inll*• 1 m‘ i = ■> •' ’ 11 ■' 1 1 a u clit In* >ii. a i • !•' - '• hri..-|<l|| ill:, |, ~|g t rip • ' '• hi' ■■ ■' ol i la spf.cia i 1 ii i ' ' 1 ! ■' • ' ' ; :■ 'P V .-.I lOi I \ , ,1 I I ■ | 1 • I < I ' 1 1:1.-- : i 1 l Ii ii i,‘ IJ ;■ 1 t.ljt I'lesitHuh :oi.,m sc i 1.0 st y I. iMMit Ii iii. . ■ mmi, ,1 met Soldier* iiii',l tluliee luniieti uti escort aim clean n RUMORED THAT THE B. & B AND THE A. & B. ARE FIGURING ON DEAL t iiv m:i> t.i 11. IT,-, iii-iit s t ju i.i.i, G.iveiiiiii- Y.llqs. Ken. 'iq i u, - ,-,q ll III'! I'llill iv !)I(.|| 111 ! lit- i I! ,11 li'im u.iiiil to Iml wi-lci'iiH' to the CJi .1 r... •cui ive oil!it; nat ion. i !u; (lit; .s i>i*fami ai ii ii,' was (Tow led .vit ll till elest 111: 1 icui til es iiei {tie in.-, ilt.qui.she-i visit ot was all! iweil seaiveh 1 into I'nr a litnelieon al t lie ex.-ent in m iMsiiin it lit i,i -1 ,oveiimi ami a iiiin.- K'V 111 111 vit Ci! e'lH'sts Till I InefeveiH 1 'f * lio 'l.n "as 'he (jellies ’ ion o' 11, Ilia Miiiiehnt new ,n le-i; \ hi.i'ilin; I’lk si ruel ine v .ims ,y t.. t )„ D'hoiise, uni i>t I, msele and out I IIS eiabo: at (U v (hv.sseil ,11 ,;,!”S in. hint inn' iii lionor oi iin inn i, , liotlsailil pel -.mi!, oceiij st at iiiliimiuni. and many u,e win-, low lied into the aides and other pia.-es w ill'll' 11 11 1 in;, loom enihii he n id. n liile • hei 1 1sti ne.i in t he I'n-s, Sen! s addle--, i'iii i’l’esideot was iil I’OdiK etl ov iovernoi l ales. ain. noth leeeiveit vueji.eiiilis wt-ii-.-aie. ilmnwli ihe linn was e\i i-i-.iitijz 1 \ uuiilel at .:-w oi ih tin i a pri ain nu> 'I pan,it* !n:n-l ion ~ fin- 1 ’resuleiii I oil no thin; lor ,i !m i and \ isi I I o Li (■o n s * oii.ii. W Ill'll he deposit ed a liand.soin u i, on I lie san3o|ihaqn of i he marl i red rresidi'iit 11 iwll (i rHie’k 11 a ’( li, - wast e ■itimod. Slops at Dtc.iliiraiiu Danvilii I .it ti tins li.omooii an; Ihe last s'-he-i --ded till • lie .1 imesi I rip I-lei nnih l 1-lketi lit a I *l e.siiieiq o, (he i ,'iiieii Siale.-. Tomorrow niorniiijs; the I'rnsi " will speed across lo.iiaiia am I boo. .1(1(1 S-111l Id'll alKlllt ! 1 ! ’I I < lull he exprvis lo tie 0.,.ek ill W'asouiqioo, loail.v to 1 acl; ie l h.-' h-isiiii-ss thai has .uruinulaiee m his ah cnee. Chaimnakers Meet. t’nltiinba „ 11. .:an, j nakui I 1000 ol lhelon ed Slates ■ ip* non lbs amioal coin in . m m this it/ "hi; dele/al i’s 111 all el id ance lepresent lim annul toi l > local iranehes. Ihe. puisbliiiq er.u c./ol tin (oiivein ion, winch will pruhabl/ he n session in ten nays, is Jacob VV . Ihus t me. of Trout mi, a. a. lic.porls to lx "VseineM to 1.n.-'.cotiyeniiio11 show i ha. t-ai> oiKiiiil/.at ion is slwnllly iiHlreasiiip Ms iijt!iiil>crshi|> ami inliuc.oce, lhi jl'Ow lli heiii" part n-ii l .ll ly noticoahh ia I‘e.oiisyiiaina. < Ihioaoil New .lersei Coming Here. U a.sliin;-,ton. I > i.. i une ~ qhi ■stale iicpurl oioiit is iiiai iiilctl States anisiil-i icimiai Giiou n ia a i Mia hr; ha l ami, VVbo;; K a ,-kah di li.a vc Si la op i 1,11 l.m lay en 11 mi c |,, A in,'l ra. lie pi inoipal ohjqcf ii I lien ossioii heic "id nc to iu.iKC aiiaie’t ic ols lor I lie i e..hilj|ls .0 ip, .oin.siaoa i'n i. ... : p,..,i ion. LL.FT Din L-dl A ri_. 'roperty Vauled at $431,099, Goes tt- His Witu. S ’ 1' a l\, .i ion I fie l.oe t'f, ■ ■ Id ("I. tunnel- .-pl ain r ui a Ilae ot re]irnsurativo; . aeeonniiK b report 111, ll loilav lefi n a r.-aaial i-.-l.aP vuiueii al f i.n.'.ia. ,u a the a-' daeiO ol ilulils ami Ihe s ii'■ i:.-■ ( - oi nomine ■. m inn. ;h. •• • • p r.son ; i:mou •; consi.sliiig clii'Uly >i uoeks and vewnuos. I >.V iti Will, t* \ (*<* 11! I*l .i v yc;t, uuoi’c ui death. Ml Reed’ property sOvs io nis Wih School Closed. • i 'ci it very .in ii . ;.iui . eason St. - >}.- (in n jj.. iia \ . nibiri! in, •I' .> ' •(! I’ije :i I , liig made i>> - *- ■ ■ uin sa*. isfnet >■ J iUl(l ll V* ■ I eVldCJil i)iill tilt; le><d-s liv v c i<*< in ihe hamhi ol iUiipel' TP I• a* 'Met ■ <;v. Hollingsworth to Officiate. • niMi’jiii.v i " Wayll• ■- v |e, where : e go I ; (Hill! ill ! ! lie I line! :! I . S • i ■ wh < • ■ • 1 ' '■ i !*! \ iiG w c .. .-It Is' <i\V!! jj( re ; c A' -11 y • | ici. 1 :1 •; *•. -1 dau ;ilh c (if i .‘i ' ivl; K ( Hack. Giving General Satisfaction J'iu day sc," . ;ce <>; i.< Mu' ii i.ipi.i a ill. V\ I 'Hi ji.ill.y tdi. if M. 1 V ;iie r a ha U i • i met i;u id h o • 11 .■•I! d.M;! •, J, ||el ’ i I il"! • !.- .1 I'. :ia mi f<i i .it' ' . irea; - m cinn/orl d:n |i <; •! aWiii - rapidly. Going Next Week. Mu: ' i Adraiiio, of !!;- lUllil t < ■ aih i : ; 111 - ii• I.h ha > m - eum ,m i.a line ia< • Mr Ab ous •. ~ v • . •• IliM: U.- pre-edd lild .Cui toil:, i- 'ail. be. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ONE ROAD It BU!II OTHER f Meeting In T his City lo morrow May liriiijg Out Some cts !l ‘ a he wiu' cliy j| M . A’lanlie A- nirmingliain ; . nm ,a,, * v ned the ■’•'enwu | y- Birmin hrun enmpanv ' ),,t hi i . iiiah .ig Brunswick Iheir leep wa'ei lei .miinisV 11 !lu * -YHantic A Bn Miiug,dam aiho.ui company Imy if;, ihnnsvvick <V Biriiiiiigliam Uailrojtd company 7 !'■ unswlek iv Bn nun; haiu vailr<a.i (aunpany ;•,.•! con, r, i m j Miantic Biriningiiam Kailmad coin pany. These are some oi the questions ‘ v^,l( h. j 1 1 ‘ at mis iiarliculai nine. H(* per'plexing (h. minds of qmle a number of Brunswick people As it lS weii known the .aoeknoider.s of ;t N’ B. are to meet here to morrow and incmenlaily .• v. rai rep- e '•<■!;! al ives ol i tie a. w B.were in tiio yesienlny, wnigli gave rise io I lie ■ airly vr il authenticated rumor hai a deal of some charactci was on loot >ci wecu the two companies. The multer was the miujcct ol con sidcraFile troniuieiiT yesu.'ma.v anu im oiieensus of opinion was that such i deal. Mini is, ;l il looked lor a coin >ination ol iwu mierestw, woum materially benent Bruuswuiv ami vouiu vii'imtliy make Uus city tlie cnminu puiui oi me Allanuc Ac .Urmiiigiiaiu, wniui is being rapidly huh iioui Way cross Uirouga lo Liirmiugha ui. A News n piesoiilauve visiicd the iieiai miicuo oi me Biuuswick * aougliurji yjsieK.nv i.or uie pur pose ol muling out ii possible wuuia r or nut any such inauei was unde*' ousiuerauun. iiuijioli oi uie otu Jials wen ahsefu, howovei anu iiutn aig oi a defiaale natute couiu m* Kirued Linder tuo cm uiustanc . ms iteiii is simply given tu the publh 111 a n.i• .:; ‘ ui -■• oi die ilia, ini.eresi iiig rumors aneni Lne i>. V i itiiilroad conijiany now nemg, ciii.ui.t. and ui inis an.i oi her >..: •• s. b i OoK. il/Lbtiia TO iViEGT. G. Owners tc Hold Sessim T omorrow, i’iie nl tlie slnckhohh ui ihe B. Ac B. railroad, winch i> ciii.duleil i* occur in line, city i.uii< row., it matter of general publ.e ui'!'.. and w# he very clo..ciy a!cll■ ■tj ny the pt ij)l id Uuii.swit k iile •ccenl clui’i ': ill the ofilCIU fillll dy ot Ui in. oi connection wnn v.uiou .uinin of ail kinds, reaiiy .iiaK( s ii,. im ctmg ia molt iHi,•(>( i fin. ilian il woiiiu im* olueiwise ii n uoi Known . • vvnai e.viei. lie hiiic.vli iluer. will attend, hut it na.-i in en ..i.. •u a. liorn .it I v ely lim *-1 ill* e -lit a mould Will In i eprcseu* •l, person .lly a e i>''\ie.., iu .ran act such Im.silie. s as may conn* l.e ore lie- msuiing. TO CAMP IN AUGUSTA. irst Reyiment Wull Go There July 7 li will prolianly ol 1 n11* ost i" ,ii<- Kill'iii'ii to Know i hiit the Kirs I .>i| mlanii; vViil pm mid *•' *i 111 i|) 111 '1 ! 1 .1! A1 li;' iI I r , l‘ , :iid.y July i oi jj< i h.<; a oay or two arlioi i! .ii o' i in ;ciidv. :in inr:i iroui i.. >' liu >*ii Sunday i"i;i • J:>< a. • Min y an now pi >*|m’ 11. IIH-ill. •u . in ■!' '■ ami i -."' ‘i i•mi ,i fiiirmsiMsm nas so 1 . i*■ , n . v* 11 in aiil u:ij>;uloll ol iho • mump mo nt. j ,i. ,!a t - of Hit- ; .in* arc- to i. • 11. ii ii ■ Ait&u s i. a vi S-i.via> Id! ! lit jlll l'| )')S‘ • "i roll .-•in,!. aii it Mi l ' ■ ! a- woo iia\ •* inai' v r u, tn 11 • 1 - > Vv 1,1 . i>; -ili! c: .. :<- i‘as i hat iv. i,u, ; .i:.*i vv n : iiuiat- M 1 • -iiy i"' l 1111 maltol m< i; vv olio lliri o la Midi .Hi is Cd .-UUd! 1 '.I , i• i I Hi • li<" 1- 1! I > lilt -111 • ... m v. ill la |* |* ! n- 'i *> P m at lull :n in.-, tune 'i: tvvu or riiieu ai Unit lie cumpauy das , camp uieie will probituiy oo number attend.