The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, June 07, 1903, Image 2

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SUNDAY MORMNfIL BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. . . H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr.... City Editor. Advertising rates wade known on application. Church and otker char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. fcUBSCIUPTION HATES. Terms to subscribers to the city and by mall free of charge to all parts of the United States and Cauada. Mexico, Pei to Ulco, Guam. Philippine Ulaede end Hawaiian Islands: Per Month..... J 60 Bis Months 2 DO One Year 6 00 Entered at the Brunswick, Ua., poat oflice, as second-class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. TELEPHONE 183. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The Nows Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must he paid lor In advance. Wo cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vntlsements und wait on the courts fi • the money. Mr. Cleveland is a fisherman from Ills heart. Stockraising is the coming indus try in this section. Mr. Bryan lias actually not given out an interview in a week. The people of Gainesville have linen well eared for hy Georgia's patriotic and charitable citizens. When Brunswick wiik in (rouble the • ilies nml towns in nil parts of the state (ame to the rescue. Mr. Bailey, of Texas, is now on the list of presidential possibilities. Tin* list is growing at a rapid rate. The subscription list of the News continues to grow at a rapid rate not mily in this city, hut in Glynn and adjoining counties. • Gainesville has sent out a call lor help and the cities and towns which have responded are to he congriiulated for they deserve it. The 'ceonimendation of the grand jury for anew jail for Glynn county is on tin* right line and the county commissioners should take the matter up immediately, \W desire to commend die action of the hoard of education of Glynn coun ty for refusing to erect the New Town school house in Orange park. As we said some time since we do not think that public parks should ho used for building purposes. Ii was an error it build die city hall and fire quarters on pubic squares and we hope that tin* authori ios will not make similar mistakes in the future. The elect on of R, A. Fnirlmirti unit 13 II Mason, respectively to the pres idcncy and first vice presidency of the Brunswick & Birmingham railroad, was a good move on Uts part of the directors of the company. Doth of these are conservative business men who enjoy, in the highest degree, the confidence of the communities in which they reside, and we are confi dent that the road is now happy on the way to its destination—Dinning hi m The city council, in pursuant to a cull of Mayor Crovatt. met yesterday for the pur]>ose of considering the question of appropriating an amount to the Gainesville sufferers. As us ual partisan politics dr initial cd the mcetng and no amount wans appropri ated Aldermen Kaiser. Dart and Cook were in favor giving $2OO 00, hut Aldermen du Btgnon and Smith op posed it. A motion to postpone ac-t turn carried and the matter was thus j deferred. What a pity it is that ! Brunswick should lx' the only city in the stale to he tardy in answering such a call lint then Brunswick Inis a number of unusual invironmeuts. OUT OF PLACE. The failure of the Mohawk Valley Steel & Wire company to meet their obligations to the engineers and the corresponding fact that all work out at the aite has been called off, Is a matter of deep regret 1o the people of the city of Brunswick, arid one that has no place for Jests and merri ment. The people of this city, acting in •■nm the very host of faith, gavn their money, their time anil their ability to an enterprise that, promised much for the city. Us failure has In no wine heen the fault of Brunswick or lief people, who have labored assidu ously for the success of the enter prise. The matter is a serious one. and one that calls for good, earnest thought at the hands of the true in habitants of the city, rather than the Jeers and attempts at wit on the part of a certain elemont-not yet on the tax digest of the city or the county. We have spent the greater portion of our life in Brunswick; we have come to love this city as wo love noth ing else on earth, and we resent with all the vehemence that, is in us the attempt of certain parties to laugh in their sleeves at a misfortune, heaped upon us, which we neither deserved or merited Again, Mr Frank A. TTmsted is not the only man responsible for the failure of the stool plant There are others as deep In the matter as was Uinstod. and it occurs to us that the people of Brunswick will have sufficient common sense to truly size up the entire situation. So far as the matter is concerned •Brunswick has no reason to have “It poked :tl her,” and so far the press of Iho slate, with a commendable grace, has not done so. We dis played a confidence in our city that lias challenged the admir ation of the entire country; we placed $320,000 at the disposal of a people, whom we had every reason to believe were in dead earnest anil who came to us with a proposition that, if carried out., would have made Brunswick the largest manufacturing city In the south. We' have shown to the world the faith (hat is in ms. and we have deni opstrated that we are ready ul all times to entertain any und nil prop ositions looking lo the inulerial and indiedrinl development of our cily No, indeed, this is not the occasion for fun and jests, and we feel that the people oi lliis city who, with us have shared the hardships of many vieis situdos, will agree with us in llio promises. 11l the meantime we have uo apol ogy <o offer for llie notion of the people of Brunswick. They acted no bly and somewhere in the future this same work will find a ripe re ward and Brunswick will yel reap thw harvest id her work m spite of the “funny" songs and sacroligious eon duet of the “upper toil." Spun# Kidneys-.—Pet feet Health. Tli'e us* of amith'B Bure klduo) euro wlii pnoduco both. Try a oottie ued be. convinced. Lour druggist sells it tor fnV Mad* Yeung Again. “Oi* of Or. King's Now Life Pills each night for two weeks has pul mo my teens’ again,” writes Or. D. 11. Turner of Etcmpseyt*wn, l’a. They t* ibn best in Ui* world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta ble, Mover gripe. O' 1 26 cents at all druggSta. After long and careful investigation of the various makes of while lead colors and r'vidy mixed paints, we have decided to lake the agency ofr ill* products of Harrison Bros. & Cos. In offering this .anions line we believe that wo are rendering the best possi ble service to our customers. Tii* Dougins Hardware Cos News Job Office -Best Printing. Notice. There will lie introduced at the next session of the general assem bly of Georgia, to convene on the fourth Weilnesdai in dune. 1903. A RIM. to to entitled "An act to amend lie charier of the Cil> of Brunswick, and for other purposes " This May 22, 1903. THE RAIN IS OVER and that old suit can b put into proper shape •roper sfin 1 , • hy Jim Carter Ring oh*!, 255-2 or call "t RfH Monk St. ' Special Notice. Alt kills against the lfritisli steam ship Itomsdalen must be presented at our office hy noon today or payment thereto will be debarred. 1" n M STRACHAN & CO. Consgnees. P'case remind or that if i is good tc eat yau will find it at Wilson's Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness,* headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris ings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Koaol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures ail stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous lining the stomach. Kcldol' DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Gives Health to the Sick and Strength to the Weak. Bottles only. SI.OO Size holding 2! 4 times the trial size, which soils fur 50c. Prepared by B. C. DeWitt Cos., Chicago. I To Grow Hair \ OOKE I DANDRUFF 1 CURE . <*. and Hair Tonic is the "Best Ware of imitations j COKE, SHAVING FOAM r FOR EASY v* HAVING P Boatu any snap,.so handy. In collapsible tuhng. If your harbor nr doae not knopCoko Bhaviug Foam sand 35c to A. H Brvmr. C®., Chiefly, 'or regular tabo For Sale by W J BUTTS, Druggist .3 TM*sBS*3UFk ■: .J, Wilson’s Up tc Date L fiesta upb nt I[ Wi ■M > ) ;Vt ’ U r *, THE QUICKEST LUNCH f . * y ran be had here. We ia!l it out <& y “rapid-tiro lunch” bo</;iuse it. 14 v ‘ served so Quickly. * It is not timl at. our patrons, * however, hut placed before thorn in a dainty and appetizing man V* - Vb y 3 This lunch cost*' iiti! can be fe 3g quickly disposed of all but the ino:.t rohti ; a-umtltes J v. J J. W. WILSSN, Prop. V. ’Phone 321. % - fc The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practical tests and examination wish the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as a fact that Catarrh of the stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion. "How can 1 cure my indigestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thoas anils. It will cure you of Indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or eun catarrh of the stomach. Kodol ill gcists what you eat—makes the stom ach sweet. Sold by JoerporV; Phar macy. Smith’s Pharmacy and W. J. Butts. LAWSON LAMAR, Attorney at Law. C he found In Spcra House Bid's Otto* of F. J*. Twtth -- I D. SiwW* A Little Carly Riser Now ail dtlien, at t me will cure constipation, biliou-i:- -.- sand live: troubles. DeWitt's 1 .ittie Karly Ris ers are th* famous little tills that cure hv arousing the secretions, mov ing tli* bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tone and strength to tli* glands of the .-toinach and !N?r that the cause ot the trouble is re moved entirely, and if their use is continued for a few days, there wiil be no return of the complaint Sold by Joerger's Pharmacy, Smith s Phar macy and W. J Butts. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, * servant, or want to find anything that Pas been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. FOB BENT —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Jhebston, Fendig & Cos. FOB SALE— Geraniums, Legouias. and potted plants, 625 B St. Mrs. W. E. Dempster FOB SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, stioce-iB, etc. Agent Underwood Typo waiter. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street. F@R SALE —Complete set of sa loon fixtures cheap. Woodford Ma in v. a: rnoy at law for Geo. IC. Bardnack. FOR SALE A local business cheap itr cash. I now paying $75.49 per I month. Apply to Hews office. FOR SALTS —A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short ; distance from the city. Enquire at The News effioe. 1 OH KENT —Residence, 703 Glou co-dor street. Possession given June 22. end 2 f *B Reynolds, possession given Jum- 2<l Both 7-rooin bouses. Apply t.o 701 Gloucester street. PERSONAL —Morphine, opium, iatt ii;:>ll,ns. cocaine habit; myself cured; ■v.! I inform you of harmless, per nut | ..'‘fit. homo cure Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, ; !■"* 1212, Chicago. FOB RENT- One large parlor bed 'toorr, with bath attached. Also othet furnished rooms. Apply to 313 Union street. 1 " ’ WANTED—Fartr.or in saw mill In o - \rtdfcss P. O. box 45, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED—A competent, middle aged woman as nurse. Must have reference. Apply Mrs. Ernest Dart, Reynolds street. LOST—White cuff with gold link button, between Monk and 121 E St. Finder return to News office and re j ceive reward. FOB HUNT -Two. four, and five room cottages. Ready for hotmekeep !!■: Ho,;.c . near the St. Simon Pier, dr . \Y i. VVaUnco. Ocean Pier. Use | one distance phone. LOST A small brood: orescent, nr row and stnf. atuddled with pearls Please return to Miss Bessie Symmos. fil!) (1 rant street. Ft RENT- Three nicely furnished .rooms wit 1 ' or without board, both on ti. or vitli all Ap fly 42t> Newcastle street. POP SAI 13—A brand new purry and harness. Will exchange sttrry for a rood [ihaidon. A]>iily to News office. WANTP 1 . Posit inn in a wholesale grocery as a bookkeeper. Address M, taro the News nt m K I Bailey on bar and letters It. H. on I pendant. Probable lost between 0 and A streets Finder will return to this office and receive reward. WANTED —Pole or tenders for re pairs on the hull of the British liarl: on tine of 321 tons registry. ti/ow on the marine railway. Also bids or tenders on the spars and i sails of same vessel. Specifications will be furnished on application at the British vice council’s office. Ten j ders will he received and filed Mon ;dav tlie eighth instneo at 10 o’clock a. m. I B TOOK ER, Master SPECIAL NOTICE. The public is hereby notified that authoris'd collectors of The News liave the written authority of the management a>nd thes* who |iay others theii own risk. Always something good to eat at Wilson's. The best pill ’neath tbe stars and stripes; it cleanses tit* system and. never gripes. Little Early Kisers of wordly rc.t.v Ask for Dewitt's aad take no substitute. V small pill .easy to buy easy to take and easy to act, but never failing in j results. Piayi* A Littje Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a lonic to the liver, curing permanent ly -Joerger'e Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharmacy, W J Butt* Wilson is feeding the fastidious and only Wlson can do th’.-. r-k tf I * '•/ pm v . r_y "WmSM f When you entertain a guest at , t- your afternoon at home, they not? w only study the good taste of tho* decorations, blit they also observe* T the quality ot the refreshments J served. If you buy your groceries, * of ibis stc;e. you need not bo * afraid to serve them to the most. * important guest, at, * ♦ t THOMAS KEANY, Grocer. * Phone ft. 312 Ncwsastie * j a- 1 received a half car of John \V. V.usury Railroad lead in all colors, li you want to use lead and sil you a: not do .letter than buy this brand. The Douglas Hardware Cos. Ankiux questions In Society. This from an authority: “Don't ask questions; don't mention names; listen occasionally, and you will find yourself a society favorite.” The first ''don’t” seems to have been' most correctly placed. There Is nothing which creates a pleasanter impression and which re ally leads to the most complete confi dence than the tact wi-dcli listens sym pathetically t u til! a companion will say, but never probes deeper by an fm pulsivo interrogation. One learns to trust such an acquaiutame und feel in his company a peculiar sense of secur ity that is very satisfying. Many of our small attempts to make an Impress ive recital are, we know, most vulner able. One or two sharp queries would riddle them, and we h ant. as a burned child learns <o avoid the tire, just whom we m-ty not and may impose them up on. The latter pi: use us t' Vetter. | THE OGLETHORPE, ; HUGH PORTER, Mgr. I Hi -unswick’sOnly First: | Class Hotel. I Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. ' k 1 J Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. \ PHILLIPS the TAILOR [ Opera House Block, i Has a large and selected stock of , I! new goods, for the comSku season, \ best of worl' guar [ anteed. I 1 Pants ado to order for $4.00. I Suits made to order for $15.00. f if you want a Swell' Suit give me a jcall. * _ ' ■ V. ’W%/ ,-xJfr Oni £ ine' j fi. 2iUuLi.S, Piions 328 DEVARIS& LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AN D F ANC/ GROCERIGo 204 Monk 6L 7 Phone 141-3, UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. Ring phone 253-4 and i*t feDWARD MARTIN clean and press your clothe* t" 'icer, good work and will give you Satisfaction. Phone M . 50G Monk St. Ar i \ OU Have 1 rit. r \ id .:• .4-H.-nd for a FREE package. . ttho Dr Lyon Home treatment . i CATARRH, Blood, nerve and fttoinaci l )r. 1 ,yon Medi- i*iiuj <'o . i\v..;.-r, Midi. 0. L. PAEKER, —Dealer in— STAPLE AMD FANCY GROCERIES. lEverylhiny iliat’s good to eat at lowest merket prices Cor T and J Sts. 'Phone 94. CO A 1... AND WOOD, OO Nir V A KKEH : —i - * ‘ ~-ijCif: S5-Se<'J v ' ■•‘.it Kl |bRUNSWCK CYCLE CO. . JOriiM Ha&NEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 30V Newcastle St. | Bicycles, Guns, Pistols | and Sewing Machines. I REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE A SPECIALTY. j Take dinner at Wile jis today. You will enjoy it. A Sure Thing. It is sain that nothing is sure ex cept death and laxes, but. that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Dis 'covery for cousmnption is a sure cure ■for .ill lung and throat troubles, i Thousands can testily to that. Mrs. jC. B. VauMe'ie of Stiepherdtown, \V !Va., r., s "j hn.i severe ease of | Bronchitis and for a year 1 tried ev ;er> tiling ' lies id cf. rot no rt - | lief. One bottle at iJr King's New i Discovery then cured me absolutely, i it's infallible for croup, whooping cough, gi.-p pneun'.r.niu. and consump | tlon. Try it. It's guaranteed. Sold by all dfugcrists.. Ttial bottles free. Ueg. sizes 50c. and $l.OO Far Cleaning and Dyeing Summer Clothes —no one is better prepared than Jim Carter. King 'Pbous 253 or send to 504 Monk 3L A nice spring ch'keu at Wilsons and the side dishes will go fine. A ■■ | Ti Is one which is palatable, pleasant to take, I JrQrjQCl an d can be relied upon to act genfcdy, but | T n v-niintO thoroughly, cleansing the entire system ol all I j m p ur j t i es . Such a remedy is Mozley’s I I Lemon Elixir. £t is c pleasant lemon tonic, acceptable to I the most delicate stomach, and acts tnoioughly upon the s[ bowels, liver and kidneys without the slightest unpleasant- w ness. Sold by all druggists at 50c a bottie. "Mf & so\t* * Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops, without an ™ * equal for coughs, colds, sore throat and lAHTi-Otl * tub —- EBAY IRON WORKS’; , • 4* , Manufacturers and Repairers of * rMachinery, Engines, Saw Hills; ► Marine work a specialty. ♦ * I tPackings, Fittings- I and Supplies* v ► Estimates furnished Free of Charge. * 629 Bay St, *W. ft. DART, CLAUD DART, + .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. ♦ * ♦ Downing, Presidset. E. H. tviason, Vice-President, C.D.Waltsr, Sgshitr, t'bo National Bank of Brunswick BKtN SWI Ck, ij A C PIV-ii. OF ONE HUNDREDTH !) LIFTS THOUSAND DOLiJUiti ,’.!d total RESOURCES iu excess of ONE HALF MILLION DOLLARS, ire devoted (p tile assislnuec- of -.egit. liuato business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora .ions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT acco tints bear interest, compounded ijuar eriy. interest bearing ceriflcatea of deposit issued on special tarns. MONEY ORDERS of the "BANKERS' MONEY ORDER ABSOOU ION are cheaper and more convenient than postoffice or express •The OLD RELIABLE, i ,r ' ' : •,*> p- . . v . v v., r > ‘ I am again in the Meat , ... 3k business and am prepared to furnish everything in that line. A fuli line of Fancy and Family Gro= ceries. Quick delivery. CHRIS ARNHE'fTfeR l*hone 64. Crner Monk and New.-.astle. r-WHii nr •• | A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No. Mchoopany, Pa., made a start ling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes: “a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of Clio stomach. I had of ten found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles o I prescribed t5-.-*m. The patient gained from the first, and has not had any attack in 14 months.” Electric Fitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and kidney troubles. Try them. Only 5P cents, at “U druggists A Farmer Straightened Out. A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago eo.opleto ly doubled up with rheumatism. I uanded him a bottle of Chamberlain's l ain Balm and told him to use it freely and If not satisfied after using it he need not pay a cent for it," save C P. raider, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few days h* walked Into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, ‘give m* another bot le of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want it in the lines.- all the time for it cured me." l*m- sale by all drug gists. - Here is a Stunner. A large assortment of genuine reach and English briar pipes with genuine amber bits, without case $2,00 t $3,00 values. They must go at SI.OO each. Call end pick y*ur eheice. Sig Levison. When in distress financially cali on Joel Brcs.. Reliable Pawn Brokers. We will assist you. Good California Claret $2.60 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sig Levi9on.. JUNE 7, 1903. h ♦ 99 REASONS i • Why you should -us* a mk 1 ♦ gas co( & i nc sts -'^6- ami an " i , 4- ♦ ELECTRIC FAN y ♦ j mer days endurable. • 2nd. It makes life wortli 1 ivtTig.--J 3rd. It does away with the--j ♦ expense of going to the inoun-w ♦ tains or islands. ♦ The other ninety-six reafo*s| will he discovered after a si oii.-j * trial of them. Get the her dU* 4 ♦AT ONCE, see us TO-DAY jj t MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER CjJt^N New-.. Headquarters. 'AtB The Men :,i:tl!d -M '.don I, V :I IwM he- adq-ixi-l - -of Ihe N- Ws UP ttie * ..-■l tin.- .mniei 1 and those- who hat, news items or care to -übsi ifsE pap; r can do so y l’i lions. -oon -'- are put on rcgula.'! a < avriotjW |f' over I va ; y morning i l* -. red at for-• Hie same price, 50 wtu |H month. m For grass hears and NT i-dl at Douglas and get the best for the Ic-Bp th 1 ;l| r 2