The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, June 16, 1903, Image 2

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TUESDAY MORNING. BHIIMICI DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. . H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEA JY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates nade known on application. Chun j and ottier char llanla organization notices published at bait the regular* rates. SUBSCRIPTION KATES terms to subscribers In the city uiiu by mail tree ot charge to all parte ui Uni.ed State* and Canada, amiico, lorlo Kico, tluam, Philippine sin no* and Hawaiian islands. per U until t 60 bn Uoiitbs 2 iu tine Year 5 VO Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post otllce, as second class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the cilicial organ ot the United States Gouit, in bankruptcy proceedings, tor B ynn county. TELEPHONE 18a. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. the News Publishing Company do arcs it to be distinctly understood! tbit all legal advertisements must be i paid lor in advance. We cauuut ai lord to devote our space to such ad vi i tlsements and wait on tlie courts ft - the money. - ' ■ The News Is heartily in favor of a 'll ill e hoaid of health Ni< lulls I getting good. No shoot ing there for several weeks. Reckless bicycle riding should be * topped anil the sooner I lie better. Advertisers should begin at once preparing their copy for the next Sun* ! vv Ni w s.. If half we hear of King Alexander is true ho must have bccu tlio worst p.iu, hi Europe. A bad woman can make all kind of trouble especially wliua she hap- Kntia to be a queen. Mr. Cleveland Is playing in great luck. Neither Bryan nor Watterson finve roasted him in two weeks. Next week the Georgia teachers will take charge of Cumberland and n good time is in store for them. When Governor Terrell strikes the Brum wick city court judgeship race he will he up against it good and hard. '•Ve hope to so ad /nn Industries established hero the end of the vein . V rhi c them by a little bard work. We am clad !o note the fact that Urnnsv ok i*> to have a big eelc. fruition on the Fourth. This i3 one day we should all observe. We may r.s well begin to figure on Hornet tong else right now because the lumber and naval stores Industrie!) are uoi going to last forever. The next time a promoter comes al twig wth any big propositions tell him that a large number of our people me from Missouri. Let him show us. An Augusta correspondant says Mon. Thomas K. Watson will soon remove from this state to Virginia. The entire state will be sorry to hear this Wo nepd such brilliant men here. The Home Tribune thinks ttrait pic ture was very touching when General I’ayne threw his arms around Tod dy. at the same time it thinks that Ted felt for Ids watch and scarf pie when he finally got away. The Ainericus Herald of a recent 1s sue says; "The Boston Herald gave a lour and a half line notice to a lyn ching in Illinois Hour and a half col limns is what they usually give to the same thing in the south and the Illi nois )j nching was horrible in the extreme. The body of the negro was terribly mutilated ami then burned into ashes. Why didn't the "fair” Boston Herald write up particulars? Because the af fair occurred north.” ELECTIONS THIS YEAR. This Is an off year for elections, yet there are some contents which will he worth attention for special reasois. There are the state elections reasons. lowa, Rhode Island, Maiy land, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Louis* ana and Mississippi. The three last named have no special features of importance. Massachusetts can be depended on to remain republican. In Maryland, Gorman's standing is at stake. That state has been republi can for some time, and carried four out of six congressional districts last fall; but the legislature was demo cratic and Gorman was again seat to the senate. If the state should go re publican this fall many will inter pret the result as adverse to Corman, and it il! injure his chances If he as any for the presidential not ,na tion. next year Ary way it w uld w six en n.i, . ate the party. It is supposed. :n view of this, that Gorman w put his strength into the canvass and make every effort to re'ain Mary land in the democratic column. Rhode Island has been in possession of Senator Aldrich and so republican [for many and many years but strange |ly enough, it elected a democratic governor at the last election. The returns will, therefore, he watched with some interest. In lowa the interest will center most about the convention. Whatever nominations the republicans make will be successful at tbe polls. But the lively question will be whether the "lowa idea," the tariff-reform-witbin the party forces, will he able to con I 10l the convention. Governor Cum tilings beads these foices and he ha: made the iHsue prominent. Ii has tak en a wide hold on parly sentiment throughout the country. II has caus ed a fight In congress and much fear among tbe regulars, lest it should grow to a powerful faction in I lie par ly. The president's visit to iowa was watched as to Its bearing on this is sue, and possibly its effects may show up in tne convention. Ohio la a state of mixed iiolitics. Its party leaders are iiitiv and al ways in strife. While it has been substantially republican since the war, it is so variable In its vote that it it not safe for that party. It was so close that it chose one Clevelannd el ector In ltS'J2. In both parties its in ter-party lights are fierce and contin uous. Myron T. Herrick, a inemhei of the republican national committee and a close friend of Mark Ilanua, has been nominated for governor, tin democrats may nominate Mayor Toll. I-. Johnson, whose singular and pic ttiresqtie methods of canvassing ar. so well known. Ho lias been twice elected mayor of Cleveland, and uu higher honors await him in Ohio un less It he the governor A Sure Thing. It is said Ural mulling is sure ex cept death amt taxes, out ttial is uoi at together true. Ur. King’s Now Dis covery tor consumption is a sure cure lor all lung and throat troubles. Thousands cau testify to that. Mrs. 0. B. VtiuMetie of Shepherd town, w. Va., says: "1 had a severe case ot Bronchitis, and for a year 1 tried ev erything 1 heard of, but got no re iiet. One bottle ot Or. King’s New Discovery then cured me absolutely. It’s infallible for croup, wlioopisg cough, grip pneumonia, ami consump tion. Try it. It’s guaranteed. Sold by all druggists.. Trial bottles free Keg. 6Cc. and sl.o# Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me my 'teens’ again," writes Br. B H. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. _ Purely vegeta hie. Never gripe. O"' 26 coats at all drugg'ata. Notise of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing local hills will be Introduced at tile aext session of the general as sembly of Georgia; 1. "An act. entitled an act to pro hibit the killing of marsh hens, or destroying their nests, eggs or young duriug certain months of each year, within the county of Glynn;to pro vide a penalty for a violation there of, and for other purposes." 2. "An act entitled an act to pro hibit the killing of cat squirrels in Glynn county for a period of three 13) years; to piovide a penalty for a vi olation thereof, and for other pur poses." 3. "An act, entitled an act to reg ulate the sale of certain salt water nsn within the county of Glynn; to provide a penalty for a violation there of, and for other purposes." Pure Chemicals are the onljj kind ueed at Jim carters clofnes cleaning establishment He is reliable and wants your work. Phone 303-2 New* Job Office—Best Printing. Bash, door* and blinds for sal* at Eh jglas Hardware Cos. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris ., and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures ail stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Gives Health to the Sick and Strength to the V/wk. Bottles erty. SI.OO Sire hitdin? 2 r i times the trial size, which seiis for 50c. Prepared by B. C. DeWitt A Cos., Chicago. To Grow JteW Hair COKE DANDRUFF OURE and Hair Tonic is the test e tea re of imitations I COKE* SHAVING FOAM * FOR. EASY SHAVING $ Bents any aoap,so handy. In collapsible tube*. If your barber or dros-pist does not keep Coke Shaving Foam *oud Y>c to A. R. Brtnrr Cos., Chiefly*, for regular tnb* for Sale by W J BUTTS, Druggiat Wilson’s Up to Date.- ant jf j: THU QUICKEST LUNCH can bo had here. We call it our "rapid-fire lunch" because it is served so quicKly. It is not died at our patrons, however, but placed before them In a dainty aud appetizing man ner. This lunch costs little, can be quickly disposed of aud satisfies all but the *est robust appetites. J. W. WILSON, Proa. 'Phone 311. nently Cured By Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Mr. H P, Burbage, a student in law, in Greenville, S. C.,tiad been troubled ter four or five years with a continuous cough which lia says, "greatly alarmed me, causing mo to fear that 1 was in the first stage of consumption.” Mr. Burbage having seen Chambet lain’s Cough Remedy ad vertised. concluded to try it. Now read what he says of it: "1 soon foil a remarkable change, and after using two bottles of the twenty five cent size 1 was permanently cured.” Sold by all druggists. The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practical tests and examination with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as a fact that Catarrh of the stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion. ► How cau 1 cure my ind gestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is earns thous ands. It will cure yon of iudigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cure catarrh of the stomach. Kodol di gests what you eat —makes the stom ach sweet, f old by Joc-rgor’-. Phar macy, Smith’s Pharmacy and W. J. Butts. For "Dorothy Dodd” shoes, the lat-1 ast for women, see J. A. Smith New-j castle street. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. _ WANT COLUMN. ! it you want a position, a house, servant, or want to find anything that nas been lost, or want some thing tnat someone else has at vertlse in this column. i— . I FOR RENT —Furnished rooms to rent to men. 21S Union street. FOR RENT —Stores, offices an! dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. - FOR SALE —Ruuner stamps, seals, etinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street FOR SALE A local business cheap for cash. Is now paying $75.08 per month. Apply to News office. FOR SALE —-A desirable farm, con taining 26 acres, improved; a short distance from the cliy. Enquire at The News office. FOR SALE—Six young high grade Jersey cows. Now in milk, two to three gallons per day. Apply to J. T. Dent. 2t-lw. PERSONAL—Morphine, opium. lau danum. cocaine myself cured: • ill inform you of harmless, perma ■t I: -me cure Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, x 1212. Chicago. FOR RENT—A very desirable 8 room house at No. 71 h Union street. P-ssession given July 1. E. F. Coney. FOR RENT—Two. four, and five room ot ages. Ready for housekeep ing. Hoii' near the St. Simon Pier. Mr.-. W. T. Wallace. Ocean Pier. Use ’ong distance phone. PRIVATE TlP—Sent sealed; an ar ticle of merit every married couple! needs; sure and harmless; 35 cents.! G. L. Limoek Specialty Cos., Decatur. ! j FOR RENT Three nicely furnished j r ms with or without board, both on floo- with all conveniences. Ap-j 42i) Ne- castle street. FOR SALE—A bargain. A nice comfortable store and dwelling house, store anil six living rooms on good street. Now rented to good steady tenant. Will sell at n price that will pay purchaser 15 per cent on the mon ey net clear of the taxes and insur ance. Apply at once to J. V. Chasten, care of News office. FOR SALE A second hand rice thrashing outfit consisting of 12 horse power Anltman-Taylor portablee en gine. on wheels, 32 inch, iron sides rice thrasher, with new self-feeder and bnnd cutter. First rate order. Threshed 25.000 bushels 1903 and only sold to replace with same makd thresher of larger capacity. For terms apply to J, T. Dent 2t Iw. Wilson Is feeding the fastidious and only Wlson can do th'f, Y ’T-V ' ” ' ▼ ▼ ' * • 1 ’ • -A ’ -.£ .■ • - t //Vv>-V:* . . ’ % v v *■ . v' - ' 1 *’ 1 ' f When you entertain a guest at ► your afternoon at home, they not* only study the good taste of the< . decorations, but they also observes £ the quality of the ’ served. If you buy your groceries! of this store, you need not lie. afraid to serve them to the most’ important guest. 1 F Ttji©iviAS KkANY. uracer. < f Phone It. 31L ] A Little Early Riser Now an dthen, at bedtime will cure ceusupaiion, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitts Little Early Kis ers are the famous little pills that cure by arousing the secretions, mov ing the bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver that the cause o£ Luc trouble is re moved entirely, ami it their use is continued for a few days, there will be uo return of the complaint. Sold by Joerger's Pharmacy, Smith’s Phar macy ami W. J. Butts Real Estate Bargains. $3,600.01) for cue ot the prettiest houses on Union street. Lot 90x30 and 7 room house $250.00 45x9b near the business center. $1,000.00 for 4 room house, close ta. SBOO.O/ for 4 small houses, rent at JIU.OO per month. $200.00 for 3 room Ic ,ise, brings $5.00 per month. BROBSTON. FEVOIG & CO Dr. G. G. Green, of Woodbury, New Jersey, sole manufacturer of Green's August Hlowcr and Boschee's German Syrup, whose advertisement appears in our paper regularly, will send to any one mailing i two cent stamp to pay postage, cue of Lis new Ger man Syrup and August Flower puzzles, made ol w od and glass. It amuses ami perplexes young and old. Al though very ditiieuit, it can bo mas- Fresh mackerel today at Wilson’s restaurant After long auil careful investigation of the various maltes of white lead colors and ready mixed paints, we have decided to take the agency ofr ihe products of Harrison Bros, & Cos. In offering this famous line we believe ihat we are rendering the best possi ble service to our customers. The Douglas Hardware Cos. Aikinx Questions In Society. Tills from an authority: "Don't ask question:-:: don't mention Eames; listen occasionally, and you will find yourself a society favorite.” The first “don’t” seems to have been most correctly placed. There is nothing which creates a pleasanter imp ■ -ssion and which re ally leads to the most complete confi dence than the tact which listens sym path tiddly to all a companion will say. bat never probes deeper by an im pulsive interrogation. One learns to trust such nr. ac yuaintnneo and feel In l'.is company a peculiar sense of secur ity that is very satisfying. Many of our small a: tempts to make an impress ive recital are. we know, most vulner able. ime or two sharp queries would riddle lb. a,, and we i.-.-m. as n burned child learns to avoid the fire, just whom we may in-: aid may use them up on. Tbe us. ib- hotter. THL OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER. Mgr. Rrunsw ick VOnK l-irst Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR] Opera House Block, j Has a large and selected stock of ] new goods, for the comiVg season best of work and perfei. fit guar ] anteed. ; Pants made to order for $4.00. Suits made to order for $15.00. If you want a Swell Suit give me a [call. W OOD Oak and Pine 8 H. (UNItIS, rhoas 326 DEVARIS & TJVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St, ’ Phone 141-3. UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. Ring phone 253-4 and let EDWARD MARTIN clean and press your oiothes f does good work and will give you Satisfaction, Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. AFTER YOU Have tried ail others, send for a FREE package of ttiie Dr. Lyon Home Treatment for CATARRH, Blood, nerve and Stomach. Dr. Lyon Medi cine Cos., Coldwater, Mich. 0. L. PARKER, —Dealer in— STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, tverything that’s good to eat at lowest market prices Cor * and J Sts. ’Phone 94. GOAL AN D WOOD, CONEY &. PARKER Ihr aji.V— 'h SJjf SgSigii/Atfe-i Y5Si5s s SS Digests what y u* BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. j Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St Bicycles, Guns, Pistols | and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT. NOTICE A SPECIALTY. I For Cleaning and Dyeing Summer Clothes —uo one is better prepared than Jim Garter. King Phone 203 or send to 504 Monk St. For Rent. Two houses eoiiLaiiy located and in one of the best parts of the cijty. Al so turnished rooms. Ail modern im nroveuiant*. AJ > b' 5 ' 406 q street. Miss Slater has sumeihing else new. The New Bishop Collar, in linen, siauiptsu in u-Here'll designs Just received a hail' car of John W. Masury Railroad lead in ail colors, n you want to use lead and oii you cannot do -letter [ban buy this brand. The Dougla l ’ Hardware Cos. Old Monopoly Rye at SIOO per full quart, Yellow Label x-ye at $1,25 per quart, Philadelphia Cluu Kye at SI.OO per lull quart Ail above are sold elsewhere for *1 -SU. big tevisou, 310 Bay street The cornerstone is there and so is Wilson’s restaurant. -jn Is one which is palatable, pleaoanmto^tl^^E •* erj&L-l and can b e relied upon to act gently, but g 7 fl anting* thoroughly, cleansing the entire system of all i ioU.JlfXitcyer impurities. Such a remedy is Mozley's 8 1 Lemon Elixir. It is a pleasant lemon tonic, acceptable to H I the most delicate stomach, and acts thoioughly upon the B I bowels, liver and kidneys without the slightest unpleasant- * 1 ness. Sold by all druggists at 50c a bottle. Jiffl ft 7 toW $ I Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops, without an “ ' * 9 equal for coughs, colds, sore throat and L*@f7lOfl i bronchitis. 25c a bottle. . .. i Elixir —thej— BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers anti Repairers ol Machinery, Engines, Saw lids Marine work a specialty Packings, Fittings and Supplies Estimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, VV R. DART, CLAUD DART, . resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. O. Downing, President. £. H, Mason. Vice President. E.D.Waite:, Sashtsr. The National Bank ot Bruns wick. BRUNSYvILk, G/\ CAPITAL OF ONJS HUNDRED AN D FIFTY, THOUSAND LOLLAUB ibd total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLAR;!, xre devoted to the assistance of isgit imate biisitiesa enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited from individuals, arms and corpora ’.i ms. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compounded qrai erly. interest bearing eerifieates of deposit issued on special terms MONEY ORDERS of the "BANKERS’ MONEL ORDER ASSOCU ION” are cheaper and more convenient than pngtoffice or express The OLD RELIABLE, I am again in the Meat business and am prepared to furnish everything in ftajPHWL th at line. A full line of 'jf|§f’t|lg ||o£m Fancy and Family Gro eeriest Quick _ CHRIS ARNHESTER Phone 64. Corner Monk and Newcastle. I• WH i'K£)Y * I KID GLOVES of any description and color dyed a perfect black at by Jim Carter. Ring phone 253-2. Attention Smokers. I handle a fine fine of genuine Mersch’aum Pipes, they are beauties. Cali and look at thsm. Stg Levlson, 310 Bay street s i [||| WM > | When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and plesant in effect. For sale by all druggists. Artistic efiect finisb and lasting qua! ities considered. Wilson’s Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St., has no competitors. Go there “ye Elite." Mr. Joseph Pominvill*, of Stillwater, Minn., after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by his druggist Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box ef Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so and is a well man today. If troubled with in digestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack ef appetite or constipation, give these tablets a trial, and you are cer tain to be more tli a pleased with the result. For sal* at 25 cent- per box by 111 druggists. LAWSON LAMAR, Attorney at Law. Cm be found In Opera House Bld’g Office of F. B. Twtttv or J. D. Bw*r ! -> U you want your bicycle repaired rigt* onng it to an experienced work man. B. J Olewine, 50S _ Gloucester For grass shears and lawn mowers call at Douglas Hardw’ar a Cos., and and get the be*t for the least money. JLKE IC, 1908. HOWTO MAKE YOUR OWN HOME A SUMMER RESORT You do not. think it possible. We cam easily demonstrate to you the possibility of this statement. It is dm easy matter, simply put in an . E LECTRIC FAN. Dout put off any longer, but be among the cool people. MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER CO. All Were Baffled. Word comes from Waive, Aik. that Rev. Jno. J. Cox had a strange malady accompanied by yeilow jaundice. For 12 years physicians were baffled and though everything known to the profession was used, the trouble re mained. One day he began to use Electric Bitters and in a week at change for the better came and at length he was entirely cured. It’s the most reliable medicine for liver and kidney troubles. Only 50c. and guar teed by all druggist*. The News s*. Office— Best la Printing.