The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, June 16, 1903, Image 3

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TUESDAY MORNING. We are carrying an unusual number of choice patterns in Mattings, Rugs, Linoleum and Oil Cloth Floor Covering. Almost every housewife can find room for another couch—quite the tiling for a bed room. Decidedly convenient and furnishes beautifully. Here are chances under prices—chances that come and go. Its here now. Pcich ro.'lters and lawn furniture. You will he using the porch more than the sit tig room with the thermoinetor as it has been last w'eek you will be driven out. Why not make it comfortable? WHiTE MOUNTAIN AND CENTURY REFRIGERATORS all prices. Noted for their ICE-SAVING QUALITIES C. MeGARVEV, ALBERT ARNHEITER At the Same Old Place The well known young butcher, still doing business at the oid stand r 0207 Monk street where he will be glad to -e his friends. Full line of everything in ' Meat Line, 89 ■ < A'iLANIIU GOASi IM. PASSENGER SCHEDULE. In Effect February Ist, 1903. " bally j Daily I j Daily j Daily SO j SS j . | 87 | 89 2 30 p m; .5 46 a mj Lv. Brunswick Ar .I 9 15 a m| 7 OOp m 5 00 p in) 7 30 a m] Ar. Wayc ross Lv I 6 00 a mj 5 15 inn 10 30| p m|ll 30 a mj Ar. Albany Lv...- |ll 30 p mj 1 25 p m 7 30 p ni]l2 45 p ir.| Ar. Jacksonville Lv j 2 40 p m 2 10 a mj 6 35 p mj Ar. Sanf ford Lv I 2 20 p m 1 15 a m 7 60 a m|lo 00 p m| Ar. Tampa Lv | 9 50 a mj 8 05 p m 7 45 a SO p mj....Ar. Port Tampa Lv 9 15 a mj 7 25 p m 11 40 a mj S 35 a mj Ar. Valdosta Lv j 4 37 a mj 3 02 p m 1 05 a mjll 00 a mj Ar. Thom a sville Lv........ 3 25 a mj 1 40 p m 8 05 a mj 6 20 p mj Ar. Montgomery Lv j 7 45 p mj 6 30 a m 8 15 p mj 1 05 p mj Ar. Sava mah Lv | 3 30 a mj 2 30 p m ti 20 a mj 6 15 p mj, Ar. Charleston Lv 11 35 p mj 5 50 a m i 45 p mj 4 07 & mj Ar. Rich ond Lv 8 30 a mj 6 56 p m 11 40 p m 7 54 a mj Ar. Washington Lv 4 10 a m 3 16 p m 1 23 a ml 9 09 a mj Ar. Baltimore Lv 2 37 a m 1 44 p m 4 06 a mjll 25 a mj. Ar. Philadelphia Lv 12 10 a mll 30 a m 716am|1 53 pmj Ar. New o rk £, v 925pm8 55 a m Through Pullman Sleeping Car Service from Waycross to North, East and W6st, and to Florida. Pullman Dining Cars on trains St an d 32 between Savannah and New York. Connections made at Port Tampa with U. S. mail steamships of tne Peninsular and Occidental Steamship Line, leaving Port T ampa Sun days, Tuesdays and Thursdays at ILOO p.m. For further information, apply to J. F. NORRIS, Ticket Agent, T. J. WRIGHT, Agent, Brunswick, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. J. H. D. SIIELLMAN, T. P. A., W. H. LEAHY, D. P. A., Savannah, Ga Savannah, Ga. W. J. CRAIG, Gen’l Pass. Agt., H. M. EMERSON, Tra Pic Mgr.. Wilmington, N. C Wilmington, N. C. Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering trom dys pepsia and jivor .complaint. Mors han seventy-five pe'r cent, of the peo ple of the United States are with these two diseases and their ef cts; such as Sour 3tomach, Sick headache, habitual costivenqSs, pal pitation of the heart, heart burn, waterbrash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yel low skin, coated tongue and disagree able taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for. 25 or 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try 1L A Thoughtful Mgn. M. M. Austin of Winchester, lud. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could hot help her. He thought oi and tried Dr. King's New Lite Pilir and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c. at all druy stores. IVORY SOAP SUPPLIED RY THE DOWNING CO. Tilt best pill ’neaib the stars and stripes; it cleanses the system and nevoi gripes. Little Early Risers of wordly relate, nth for Dewitt’s and take no substitute. A small pill .easy to buy easy to take and easy to act, but never failing in results. Dewift’s Little Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver, curing permanent ly—Jof ,er’s Pharmacy, Smith's Pharr . W. J Butts. Kidneys—Perfect Health. • 3 of Smith’s Sure Kidney H produce both. Try a uottle aid be convinced. Tour drugglH* sell* i„ for sfi<" A Farmer Straightened Out. A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago complete ly doubled up with rheumatism. 1 handed him a bottle of Chamberlain s Pain Palm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after using it he need not pay a cent for it,” says C. P. Rhder, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few days he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, 'give me another hot tie of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, i want it In the house all the time for it cured mo," sale by all drug gist*. . ~_:i wafiMb The Arcade. Respectfully announces to its mac 7 friends and patrons in Brunswick aud surrounding country that v;e are~p?S pared to fill their orders for any Of the leading brands of whiskies on the market at popular prices. All goods will tie delivered to out of town cuu tomers free of express charges; W. W„ Wilson, Oid Saratoga, Louis 66, Yellowstone, Paul Jones, Duke of Cumberland, Monogram, Belle of Bour bon and a number of others including gins, wine* and popular brands of beer. Our bar is replete withal! that goes to make up a first class establish ment. Pool and billiard tables kept $n an up-to date condition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a. m to 1 p. m. PHIb KKLLBR None Genuine Without The Lily Mark. TOWN TALK o o VV jf W . . STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE . . isn’t all berries. Its mostly cake, and that should he made from the VERY BEST FLOUR. TRY TOWN TALK for your next cake. Ask your Grocer for it. THE DOWNING CO., ..Sole agents for Brunswick. ANY CHURCH or parsonage or in stitute supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so far twenty years. Sales tens of nit..ions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, (dine in two minutes). Actual cost then about $1.25 per gallon. Samples free. Sold by our agents. Bowen & Thorn*** Agent*. Pay as j Much I for an inferior beer ? B Schlitz beer costs twice &§ what common beer costs BS in the brewing. One-half apl pays for the product; the S3 other half for its purity. One-half is spent in cleanliness, in filtering even jjpfpjl the air that touches it, in EB filtering the beer, in ster- d|||j ilizing every bottle. And rc|j it pays the cost of aging the beer for months before lw|i If you ask for Schlitz | you get purity and age, §H| you pay no more than beer costs without them. ®|i Brewery Bottling. . Morgan A Davis 212 & 214 Bay St., ’ i'hone No. 92, ■ SB- -S® Ben--] r-nd twist, at work or pisy vou can't break the PRESIDENT and they wont break you. Trimmings cannot fust. Guaran teed. If “President" is on buckles. 50c at dealers cr by mail postpaid. C, A, EDCAHTG6S ff ? Q. CO. Box 476, Shirley, Maes, No. 4944. Report of the Condition or 1 The National Bank of Brunswick, in the state of Georgia, at the close of business, June 9, 1903: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts . s3fi7J4B.<il Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1,559.11 U. S. bonds to secure circu lation 100,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 4,250.00 Ranking house, furniture, and fixtures 20,000.00 Other real estate owned 12,408.0(4 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 15,600 34 Due from Stats Ranks and Bankers 40.025.00 Due from approved reserve t agents 01,792.34 Int ernal-Rcvenue stamps 80.10 Checks and other cash it ems 881.00 Notes of other National Banks 1:970.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 195.28 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie $ 9,803.15 Legal-tender notes 25,485.00 35,288.15 Redemption fund wit It U. S. ■ treasurer (5 per cenl. of eireulat ion 5,000.00 Total $600,258.71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .$150,000.00, Surplus fund .... 13,000.00 j Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 23,995.87 National bank notes out standing 98,800.0 1 Due to other Nat ional banks 7.152.22 Due to State Banks and Bankers 8,009.80 Due to Trust companies and Savings Banks ... 1,423.94' Due to approved reserve i agents 450.00 Individual deposits subject to check .. 305,405.09; Demand certificates of de posits 49,955.13 1 Certified checks 6,944.10 Cashier’s checks outstand ing 908.00 Total *000.258.71 State of Georgia, County of Glynn. I, E. I). Walter, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. I). Walter, Cashier. Correct-Attest: C. Downing Albert Fendig, E. H. Mason: Directors Subscribed’and sworn to before me t his 15th day of I one, 1903. Win. Nusshaum, Notary Public, Glynn County,Ga. To the Consumer. I will give the retailers' profit. I have just received 10,000 Maitre Ls Bori cigars a veal good 5c cigar which I will sell direct to the consumer at $1.25 per box of 50. I am sole agent for this brand. This cigar ls worth $2.00 per box, one box will make you eet more at 8i Le*'*oD .310 Ha\ Good California Claret $2.50 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Big Hviwn.. **• ... THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. t ALONGOIR i BUSY BAY F Yesterday arrivals, Clearances and | Sailings—Other News of the P Movement oT Vessels in Pori. Arrived. •• 1 ■ •: r < k.'oi. 3. itirs Brown. c. i ; ;.>.'i r Viking, Ap't'.git', New .-i icr iroraco P. .', Toney, New Haven. Sailed. Schoner Willie H. Child i, New York. Cleared. Schooner Mary Man>t:n r, Ruhr, New \oi k. Tremendous Excitement.. Baldwin is Around. To match your brick or cement walk and construct new walks. Ue ment tile seasoned and hardened tc stone. Novel shape, inlasd colors h; the oldest operative cement worker it, the country. J. C. BALDWIN, HO D street,. A nice spring chlken at Wilsons and the side dishes will go fine. News Headquarters. The Neptune Mercantile company, C. M. Tilton, manager, will be the headquarters of the News on the is land this summer and those who have news items or care to subscribe for the paper can do so by calling ai Mr. Titltons. As soon as the boats re put on regularly a carrier will go I over every morning and the News! will he delivered at your cottage door for the same price, f.O Cents a month. “Dorothy Dodd ” shoes are the very latest for women. 1 have ‘Vein. J. A. Smith Xfjwco'-t.le straet GREATLY ALARMED fy a Foisirtctnt Cough, Eut Forma- From a Cat Scratch. On the arm to fie worst rort of a burn, sore or boil, Dewitt’s Witch Ha 7v! Salve is a Quick cure. In buying Witch Haze! Salve, he particular you get DeWltt s—Hds is the salve that heals leaving a scar. A spe cific for blind, bieeding, itching Slid protruding piles. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharmacy, ar.d W. J. But tv. Brunswick & Birmingham RAILROAD CO. Schedule in EfEec-t January 11, 1903. West Bound. |9|7| 5 | 3 1 d’ly! d’ly [d’lyl d’ly d’ly I !; I—l | p m p m p mj a m 1 a m STATIONS ij j j j j Lv. Brunswick. 9 OOj 4 30j2 lOjlO 20| 6 00 South. J’ction.l 9 lOj 4 46|2 2S; 10 20| 6 15 Brobston . ...J9 26j 4 56j2 3uj 10 49| 625 Buffalo j 9 29 j 6 00j2 43] 10 53j 6 29 Anguilla j 9 35] 5 05j2 49|10 69| 6 84 Cartier |9 38j 5 05|2 52jU 02| 6 38 Ar. Thalmann.|9 60j 5 20:3 05jll 15| 6 48 East Bound. |2|4|6 | 8 | 10 STATIONS j d’ly| d’ly jd’lyj d’ly j d’ly j am! pin!pmjp m i p m I 1 1 i [ Lv. Thalmann. 7 00(11 3034 10| 5 30110 0# Cartier 7J4 11 44j3 22| 5 43j10 12 Anguilla 7 17-11 47j3 251 5 46 10 15 Buffalo 7 22j1l 54j3 311 5 53j10 2V Brobston 7 28jll 58 : 3 35| 6 57|10 25 South. J’ction. 738 12 10:3 44 6 1040 34 Ar Brunswick.|7 55112 30 4 Off) 6 SOjlO 50 Trains Nos. 1,3 and 7 makes close connection at Thalmann with the Sea board Air Line for Jacksonville and points South. Trains Nos. 1, 5 and 7 make close connection at Thalmann for Savannah and points North. Train No. 11 leaves Thalmann, daily 0.01 P. M., arrives at Nicholls 9.26. Train No. 12 leaves Nicholls 6.30 A. M.. arrives Thalmann 9.69. J. A. McDUFFIE, General Manager. STL AM BOAT LINES. MALLORY LINE TO NEW YORK. Arrives every Monday; Leaves every Friday at high tide. Dock, foot of Mansfield street. CUMBERLAND ROUTE. Daily except Sunday.—Steamer Em meline. Lv. Brunswick 9 00 a. m. Ar. Fernandina 12 00 m, Lv. Fernandina 1 30 p. m. Ar. Brunswick 5 30 p. m. Dock, foot of Mansfield street. St. BIMONS ROUTE. Steamer Egmont. Lv. Brunswick 8 00 a. m. Ar. Brunswick 11 00 a. m. Lv. Brunswick 2 00 p. m. Ar. Brunswick 5 00 p. m. Dock, foot of Mansfield street. DARIEN AND ST. SIMONS ROUTE. Steamer Hessle. Lv. Brunswick S 30 a. in. Ar Darien 12 00 m. Lv. Darien 2 00 p. m. Ar. Brunswick 6 00 p. m. Dock, foot of Monk street. SATILLA Pi'’-' Steamer Falcon. tv. Brunswick, Monday... 3 SO a. m. Ar. Brunswick, Tuesday.. 2 00 p. m. Lv. Brunswick. Wednesday. 9 30 a. m Dock, foot Mansfield street. THE DOWNING CO. HAVE ON A NICE LINE OF TOILET SOAP. I am offering a full line of ail kinds of ladies and’ mens’ shoes at reason able prices J. A, Smith, Newcastle atreeb A FATAL MISTAKE IC OFTEN MADE BY THE WISEST PEOPLE. it's a fatal mistake to neglect back ache. Backache is the first symptom oi kidney Ills. Serious complaints follow. Doan's Kidney Pills cure them promptly. Don l delay until too late. Until it. becomes diabetes—Bright's disease. Read what this gentleman says: Capt. D. W. Welch, keeper of the Wood dotinty infirmary, Parkersburg; I W. Va„ says: “I had to go around ! trying to evade pain constantly, aware that h false step, jerk, r.r twirl would i bring punishment, and I was afraid ! to handle anything for fear of a re-1 minder in the shape of a twinge of I v " • ' H* '*l pain. I trade al Dr. J. N. Murdoch's drug store on Third street, and have something to get in the drug line every time 1 come ip. It was there I learned about Doan's Kidney Pills and i took a supply home with me ami used them My wife used them and rr.y sister, Mrs. A. Amick, of No. 645 Seventh street, used them. They ;i,red the three of us. 1 am here in the city every few days and can sub tantiate the remarks I have made.” Per sale by all dealers. Price 50 rents a box. Fosler-Milburn Cos. I!Ki te 10, N. Y. sole agent for the U. S Remember the name—Doan's —and take r.o other. Notice. There will be introduced at the next session of the general assem bly of Georgia, to convene on the fourth Wednesday in June. 1003. A PILL to he entitled “An net to amend he charter of the City of Brunswick and for other pu' roses.” This May 22. 1903 PEERLESS BC ! TED MEAL IS THE HEAD OF T HE LIST. ASK YOUR GROCF* F** IT. For Resort Particulars. Write S. W. Goodyear or phone bin: at 30, for full information of rates, etc., of the lodgo at Talulah Falls, ties. CANDY IN PAILS, TUBS AND BOXES. THE DOWNINC CO. BRIGHT’S DISEASEand DIABTES Bleating, Gravel, Bull Backache, Blad der Disease, Urlny Affections, Deep Seated Cases Especially Cured By Stuart’* Gin and Buchu. Stuart’s Gin and Bucnu acts directly on the bladder, the urethral tract and the kidneys, driving out all the ob structions ami making n pet feet cure of the most aggravating, dangerous and deep seated cases. Gravel symptoms—Burning sensa (ion in passing urine, frequent desire to urinate, the urine is ‘hick and sed imentary, the whole nervous system is disordered, digestion impaired, sleep disturbed, loss of strength and vigor, Sluart’s Gin and Buchu will curs ev cry symptom, disolve the gravel, between the urine, bund up tin nerves. Mucous Discharges—difficulty in passing water, ulcerations, irretations of the urethra, disagreeable idor of the urine, pains in back, swollen an kies and legs, catarrh of the bladder, arc all quickly and permanently cured by Stuart's Gin and Buchu. Bright's Disease —Dry skin, short ness of breath, urine dark colored. The wor.-e cases cured by Stuart's (iin and Buchu. Pleasant to the taste Thoroughly tested for past 29 years In private and hospita, practice, with a record of BJ6 cures of chronic kid ney and bladder troubles —the kind that hau resisted all other treatment. Bruggists or by express, SI.OO Sample bottle f-ee by writing Stu art Drug Cos., Atlanla, Ga. We have set aside 15,090 bottles for free dis tribulien so as to orove our claims, s* write at once. Wilson’s ice box is filled with Hie Lest the markets afford THE DOWNING CO MAKE A SPECIALTY *F RICE ANB COF FEE. M. iVi. TUFRE.K & CO., Forr ardlny and Snipping Agent*. Liahtv age, Tawing Marin* In mranca. Correspondence Solicited *SUNBW:CK- TA Here is a Stunner. A large assortment of genuine French and English briar pipes with genuine amber bits, without case $2,00 to $3,00 values. They must go at SI,OO each. Call and pick your choice. Slg Levison. When tn distress financially call on Joel Brcs.. Reliable Fawn 3rokers We will assist you. Take dinner at Wilson’s You will enjoy it. Paint your house with Harrison Bi os. & Co.,town and county ready mixed painti, and you - s, ili lio pleased tor sale by D' ll ’nr Hardware Cos “One Dose Convinces.” Mosleys Lemon Eiixcr acts gently in the bowels without any unpleasant effect. It is a perfect liquid laxative.’ r “nl3 per bottl- a| . dniK storf ,.. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No. Mchoopany, Pa., made a -tart ling test resulting in a wonderful cure He writes: "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of (he stomach. I had of ten found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed thim. The patient gained from the first, and has not had any attack in 14 months.” Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and kidney trouble* Try them. Only 10 cent* at Ml druggists. TUI: GLYNN ICE CO. 1 its friends and the public generally that it is now prepared to supply ice of best puality, in large or small quantities, to suit the consumer. Extensive additions and improvements pleted, ami its facilities for the man* facture of ice are now unexcelled. TREBLY FILTERED Distilled Water Only IS used in the manufacture of Glynn <• - <•,: npm.y's product, thus ensuring to its patrons a , GUholcsome Article of Unquestionable Purity Special personal attention given to prompt and regular deliveries. The company also # desires to an nounce that it has recently completed Commodious Cold Storage Chambers wherein a low temperature, free from all dampness, is constantly maintained, and is now prei a ed to store ail articles of a perishable na ture. Rates furnished on application. The public is cordially invited to call and inspect tlio company’s plant and method of manufacture, and thus convince itself of the absolute pu rity of its product. , All communications regarding rates, delivery, etc., should be addressed to the manager. The company hopes to be accorded a fair share of public patronage, ‘ • io •t.v.tiro all ihat ii will bo its earnest endeavor to merit and retain same. R. C. BAUMGARTNER Telephone No. 12. President and General Manager. Bear in Mind That tt ■ ■ u Fire arms, outlety anu sporting •000*. MSlnr.g t title. EMPTY AND .LOADED Mil La iUN AND fciK, jf.g REPAIRING P.O.Ki- Monk Street. A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. Boschee, a cele brated German physician, and is ac knowledged to be on*-of the most for tunate discoveries in medicine. H quickly cures coughs, colds, and ail ung troubles of tiie serious nature, removing, as it does, the cause of affection aud leaving the purls in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but has stood the test for years, giving its satisfaction in every case, which its rapidity increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles old annually. Boschee’s German Syrup was introduced in Lbe United f tales in 1868, and is now sold in ev ery town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Prt'"> 25 and 75 Ct Just received a car load of Harrison Bros. & Cos., celebrated ready mixed paints. The Douglas Hardware Cos. ’’Dorothy Dodd’ shoe 13 a novelty ,n womens shoes, Oxford and ties, $3. J. A. Smith, Nowoistle street EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councellor at Law Court Hnuie Brunswick, Ga. The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days he blood, mus ic; and bones of a man of average ■lize loses two pounds of wornout tis -ue. This waste . -annul be uplen isted and the health and strength | kept up without perfect digestion. When the stomach and digestive or-; garni fail to perform liit-ir functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disease sets up, KOIIOI Dys pepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assim ilate all of the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues ami protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It I is an idea! spring tonic. Sold by J Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharma cy and W. J. Butt* For the Best in Printing-Try the News Job Office. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING avinq Carpel* and Matting, P - - Sects in Chai-v. MaMr-t-cs rrsdet and renovated. Furniture re 8.-.clicd and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 Glouccst"'- Street Cheap Real Estate. One of tiie prettiest homes on Un o" street. lot 90x180; 7 rooms house, rice $3,500, payable SI,OOO cash bal ance one. two and three years 6 per cent interest Grand opportunity for someone. For bargains of all kinds call on 113 DROBSTCiN. FENDIG & c.o SPECIAL NOTICE. The public is hereby notified that authorized collectors of The News have the written authority of the management tyid those who pay others will do so at their own risk. THE RAIN Si OVER and that old suit can be put iato proper shape t ,ioner *7iP* bv T '™ Carter. Bing yheM 353-2 •* *u at 504 Moult Sk JUNE iC, 1503. IF YOU FEEL LANGUID And thoroughly tired out after vary slight exertion, it shows that your blood is thin and Impovlghed, tiio action of your heart is weak. Take Smith’s Compound Sarsapa rilla Ii will purify, enrich and vitalize your blood, and puc your whole sy* teb in a healthy condition. SMITH’S PHARMACY %bmvM i/cnie. Tilts jlobr ,ed tonic is Is growing demand. Th 6 season at tbe grea‘*t need la approaching. InuigerJou, BJF liousness, Jaundice, Chills and Fever, Sick Headache, pains in tat and kidneys all depend up-im malaria, and Bellevue Tonic curee them all in anj form, W. J,'BUTTS. 4s* Brunei** BEI WWt] if you’re going on a trip Here’s a pleasant little tip °iace a bo'tle in your grip Red Top Rye S. D. LEVADAS, Sole agent Brupswiek, Ga. and Vicinity. ~j 6 Monk Street. Kcrdinund Vtestiirimer 6 Sons, DLUMers Cincinnati, 0. St. J r.s a, Mr tn-jlsdie, Sr Quick Arrest. J. A. Oulledge, of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of piles, causing 24 tumors After doctors and all remedies failed, Bueklen’s Arnica Salve quickly ar restejl further inamation and cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain 25 eenis at all druggists. Phase remember that if i: i3 good tc eat yau will find it at Wilson’s A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, hut that is not altogether true Dr. King’s New Dis covery for consumption is a sure cure or ail lung and throat troubles. Thou sands -an testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van Metre of Rhepherdtown, W. Va. ays: "I had r severe case of bronchi tis and for a year tried everything i heard of, but got no relief. One bottle f Dr. Discovery t.hen| cured no absolutely It’s infaiiblefor Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It’s guar anteed by all druggists. Trial bot tles free. Regular size* 50c. and SI.OO. Notice. There will he introduced a$ the next session of the general assem bly of Georgia, to convene on the i fourth Wednesday in June, 1903, A BILL to be entitled “An act to amend the charter of the City of Brunswick arid for other purposes," This May 22, 1903. *