The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, June 16, 1903, Image 4

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TUESDAY MORNING. Florsheim, Packard §t;' 3L Low Shoes |FuII line Ox- j 1 | ford and * strap Slip pers for %P\ ‘ "”• a Ladies • ■ 'a 1 m wr~ ~r~ nmr ~3T" •* — -• S Jj ■ yt>J JoC c —SCHEDULE— Steamers Hessie No i, No 2 Effective May 1.1903. HESSIE NO. I—DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. [,v. St,. Simon Mills 6n. m Lv. St Simon I'ler G:3O a. m. Ar. Brunswick 7: SO am. Lv Hrunrwink 10 a. in. Ar. SI. Simon I’ier II a. m. I,v. SI. Simon Pier II a. in. Ar. Brunswick 12 in. L Brunswick 2p. in. Ar. Si. Simon Pier 3p. in. Lv. St. Simon Pier Ip. in. Ar. Hriinswick 5 p. ni. Lv. Uriinsw'ink 6:80 p. ni. Ar. SI. Simon Pier (1:3(1 p. in. Ar. St. Simon Mills 7 p. in. HESSIE NO. 2, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. Brunswick 8:30 a. in. Ar. St. Simon Pier 11:30 a. in. A r. St. Simon Mi 115.... in a. in. Ar. Frederica 10:30 a. in. A r. Darien .. 12 in. Lv. Darien 2 p.m. Ar. Frederica 4:30 I>. in. Ar. St. Simon Mills ..6 p. in. Ar. SI. Simon Pier 6.30 p. in. Ar. Hrunswick (1:30p. m. SUNDAY SCil EDI 'L,K. Lv. llninswiek 9:30 a. in., and 2:30 p. m. Lv. St. Simon Pier... II a. in., and i> p. m. J. B. WRIGHT, Manager. WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE Free! ' of twenty-live cents or over nt. our store we will give you a ticket which entitles you to a free chance on a handsome Parker fountain pen, to be— - Ly. I _ -.given awny every Saturday night to AB 1 V M y' the pcson holding the lucky number. Pen on exhibition at our store. Free! HUNTER’S Pharmacy When in Need of Honey l CALL ON u /K JOEL BROS. RELIABLE PAWNBROKERS, 1 Iroß \ You can ye' the most liberal loans on X I your Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, I Furniture and alt kinds of personal ALL* BUSINESS STRICTLY CO 4FI- Unredeemed Pledges For Sale SjWgjpCjß&jM ipmß t.ook for large 3 ba t sign outside stair Reliable Pawnbrokers. How Does This Strike You p'or Prices on 11 cents'per pound | t r iour 24 pounds for 60 cents ] ,tter 30 cents per pound | C-tagon Soap.... 6 bars or 25 cents j | .tellies, 3-pound cans 10 cents | Schnapps Tobacco 40 cents per pound ] Pure haters of live and ten dollarsworth get a present. A.ZELMEINOVITZ, i ’Phone 206. Special Sale Negligee Shirts Worth 50 c, 75c and SI.OO All Goat 33cEach, at “ELKANS” PERSONAL NOTES' —*— NOTES ABOUT PEOPi * WHO COME At D GO IN AT.3 OUT OF THE CITY Bassil Gill, of Fernun iina, spert Sunday in the city. A. J. Kins, if'l'i Ca spent yesterday in the city. ; J. I!. Wriirtil was in the city yester day from the island Dr. I). D [Atkinson is ill to the re | gret. of his friends. G T. Bailey, of Dougins, is spending a few days in the tit;/. O. A. Calhoun, of St. Simon, is in the city for a few days. Itev. D. Watson Winn, of Si Si mon, spent yesterday in the city. Tom O'Connor. Irvin Bnrdett and Ifmitei Hopkins spent Snndey in Sil van nail Mason Hcarlctl and Kichard Mai thews came over from Fancy Bluff ! yesterday. | W. it. Burroughs, Jr., has returned from Jacksonville, where lie has been for several months. W. II Willoughby has relurned from I Texas, where ho has been spending some lime with relatives. * A Party from Lumber City. A pleasant party of people fori. Lumber City spent Sunday in tire city and on St. Simon. Among those in tlie parly were: Miiss l.ida iludo. Miss BlaiieiieTurner Addison A AleAr llnii and M. 10. Miller. Neon Job Uillee—lies! i riuljng. The cornerstone is there and so is Wilson's restaurant. • To Tallulah Fulls. On July I and 2 the Southern iluii way will sell tickets tnmi Bruuswic . to Tallulah f alls an! return at rate t r one fare plus 25c. for the round Lrij>. 'J ickets good returning until Jiliy U For lurtuer iulonuauou as to rate aiMl schedules apply to C. L. Candler, General Ager.t. The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practical tests and examination ivlth Lite aid ot the X-ltays, establish it as a tact that Catarrh ol the stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion. "How cau 1 cure my indigestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thous ands. it wili cure you of Indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cure catarrh of the stomach. Kodol di gests what \ >u eat —makes the stom ach sweet. Sold by JoergerVt Phar macy, Smith s Pharmacy and W. J. Runs. For “Doro: iy Dodd” slu js, the lat est for worm i, see J. A. fe nlth. New castle Btreet. For Cleaning and Dye!, j Summer Clothes—-no me is bette prepared than .llm C. i ter. Ring one 253 or send to E >4 Monk St Nothing ; Richer i FDR A WEDDING PRESENT TH'N Cut Glass i OB .WARE ! the Best. Call and Examine mm mu Jeweler and Specialist. 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. Keeper of the City Clock.. Time by wire from Washington oaily at 11 a. m. , THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. THE OLD RELfMBLL &AKitfo POWDER Absolute!/ Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE WANTED —A good horse. Must be large and fast. Address box 2SI. Marshal Sale. Will he sold before the court house door on Monday the 15th day of June, 1903, one white and black pid ded yearlong. Mark, crop in one ear, undorbit in the other ear, having on a small hell. Said yearling now in city pound unclaimed and to he sold for impoundnlng fees and cost. This the 10th day of June, 1903. S. A. Bunrey, Marshal. FOR GROCERIES AND Fresh Meats REMBEMBER Durden <& Cos Wolf and I Street sell it for less I’llune 352, and wliat you i.rtier will he delivered promptly." READ THESE PRICES. Stew Meat? , from 5 to 7 12- nrnd Steak from 10c pound to. 12 1-3. Groceries just as cheap.. NEW IRISH POTATOES. WE WANT TO BUY NEW IRISH POTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY. CALL ON OR WRITE U*. SOUTHERN PRODUCE CO. Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of his Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Pine lino of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valioes, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him. J. H. TANKERSLEY. building Material We have on hand a full line of the following stock. FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, MOULDINGS, LATTICE FENCING, RAILING and ROUGH DRESSED BOARDS. Let us quote you prices. tint nan' kk 91 ain ing and forwarding 'Company 'Phone No. 102. NOTICE. The cottages at the old hotel site on St Simon Island have recently been put in good repair and we are offer ing them for rent at reasonable rates. There Is a Quo artesian well on the premises and the best part of beach on the island for surf bathing Call on or address. . J. A. MONTGOMERY & CO. Keql estate air: ;na • ance agei.,B. 3°2 Gloucester street ’Phone 134-„. A Sure Thinp. It is said that nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. llrs. C. B. VanMetr* of Sfcepherdtown, tv Va., says. "I had a severe case of Bronchitis, and for a ybar l tried ev erything ! heard of, but got no re lief. t>ne bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery (hen cured me absolutely. It's infallible for cfov'p, whooping cough, grip pneumonia, and consunip ; tion. Try it. It's guaranteed. Sold j by all druggists.. Trial bottles free. I Reg. sizes 50e. and SI.OO Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me, my ‘teens’ again,” writes Dr. D H. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta ble. Never gripe. o~' 25 cents at all drugg*sts Pure Chemicals are the only kind used at Jim Carter's clothe* cleaning establishment He Is reliable ajjd manta four work. Phone *si-2 t time Social Views Vi ales. Miss Josie Smith opened her sum mer school yesterday. * * * Miss Allston, of Darien, is the guest of Mrs. W. A. McDonald. • * • Miss Mada McDonald has returned from a visit to Savannah. • * * Miss Miriam Whitfield has gone to Montgomery to visit Mrs. W. S. Reese. Miss Ellen Rennlman will arrive next week to visit Mrs E. •} Walter * * * Miss Evelyn Mallard, of Thomas ville. is the guest of Mrs. R. R. Hop ;kins. • * • Miss Mary Berrie has returned to Savannah after a visit to Miss Lilli" Cahill. * * * Master Frederick Walter and Miss Elizabeth Walter are visiting friends in Savannah. 4*4 Miss Ethel Fox will return shortly from St. Augustine, where she was attending school. • * • Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dent spent Sunday in town the guests of Mrs. .1. K. Nightengale. Mrs. R. F. Spil'er has retained to Jacksonville after a pleasant visit to Miss Frances Smith. 4 4 4 Mrs. J. M. Madden lias been ill with fever for a few days, but is now im proving to the pleasure of her friends. 4*4 Miss Pyatl Green has returned to her home in Atlanta alter a pleasant visit to friends in this city and in Macon. 4*4 Miss Lula Burdett lias returned after spending a* few days at St. Simon Mills, the guest of the Aliases Fos ter. * Superintendent N. H. Ballard and his little daughter Sarah, have re turned from a visit to Athens and Greensboro. ft was little Alice du Bignon Stiles who won the prize in the baby show Saturday and not Mi.-.s May Stiles, as was erroneously stated Sunday. ** * % Mrs. dames Gould and her daugh ters. Misses Juba and Mary Klise Gould, came up fiom St. Simon yester day and spent the morning in the ! city. * 4! * * Miss Belle Creesh, who has been studying in Elizabeth, LI. J., for the profession of trained nurse, will arrive this week to visit friends here. Miss Creesh is very popular here, where she 'has visited several tsimes. * * * Miss Boyle apened her summer "school yesterday at her home on Hal ifax squat e. Quite a number of pu pils are in attendance and this will probably be a very successful scchool, as Miss Boyle has great ability as a teacher. * * Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood have moved into their pretty new home on Richmond street. Thin house was completed in about two inuultm lrum tile time the livst. lumber was iiauied to the site. Bowen and Thomas were Lite contractors. Miss Annie May Arnold is al home lioni Forsyth, where she entered Monroe Female cohere. Miss Arnold look a prominent pan in the cum- 1 mercement exercises, having been the ' cornetisis in the orchestra. She also j made a good record in scholarship. , -'A * 4* Invitations have been received in this city to the wedding of Miss Ma mie Holloway, ot Greenville, Teaa., and Mr. Eusus A. Lancaster, to oc cur June 27, in Greenville, lenn., at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Holloway lived in Brunswick several years ago and has many friends here who will be interested in the news of her approaching marriage. Sasb, doors and blinds for sale it D< aglas Hardware Cos. mk A Shoe Talk V \ .v! you wear shoes, and of courseyou do, we can serve you in the best ft \ VtjH of qualities. We handle Douglas,"Dorothy Dodd, and Nettleton brand*, *t\ SjrA all of which are high grades. A cor dial welcome to all. No troubls J, \ to show our goods. Cl j. .4. Smith, Great Summer Sale This Week We will save you money on ail purchases this week. Bargains in ev ery line. Como and get soma of them. Mrs. M* Jsa&c Leader ,f Low Values. Prescriptions, Every druggist says that his drugs are pure. Every druggist says, that he doer, not substitute. Every drug gist says that he does not use infer ior or adulterated drugs. Every drug gist says that he does accurate work. What is there left for us to say dir tere-Dt from anybody else? Well, w(, invite you to bring your prescription here and see the kind of treatment you get in our store, and notice the way everything is done, and then see if you do not feel that the medicine is put up just as your doctor would like to nave it. MORGAN’S Drug Store. For the “Hot Old Summer Time” A WARM LINE OF REFRIGERA TORS, GAS AND OIL STOVES, ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAFMOCKS AND EASY CHAIRS CHEAP FURNITURE FOR THE IS LAND - --- ■ . j*. M. Miller & 6en DRY GOODS At Cost Our sales of Dry Goods, Nations, Millenery, Linen Goods, Laces and Embroideries are sti'l cnand will continue until all the above mentioned goods are sold This is no fake and no bargain day advertisement. We are dis posing of our Dry Goods, etc. because we are changing our business Into Clothing, Shoes and Gents' Furnishings This is a rare chance. Don't lose the opportunity. Don't allow yourself to be misled. J.B. Heller & Bfo 220 NEWCASTLE STREET JUNE f€, 1903.