The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, July 01, 1903, Image 2

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c y U- * U - ' MSWICK DAILY NEWS. * , ' *y * PUBLIBHKD DAILY BY TH . NEWS PUBLISHING CO. H. LEAVY Manager p. H. LEAVY Editor. ’ LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates nude known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. EUBSCKIHTIUN KATKa. 'l'aaias to subscribers In the city and by wall tree et charge to all parts wi the United States and Causula, Ueaioo. Porto Itlco. Uuanr. Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands; Per Hoirtn * ho BU Mouths 2 Oue Year * 00 Entered at Ihe Bruuswluk, tie, post office, as secoud class uiall waller. Hon. Emery Speer hae designated Th Brunswick Dally Newe ae the eftioial ergan at the United Etstee Ceurt, In bankruptcy proceeding*, for Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. \ ..e Newa Publishing do aliea it lo be distinctly understood that “ll legal advoitlnemeuta must be paid .or In advuuee. Wo cannot at turd lo Unvote our space lo uch ad vtitlseiueuu and wait on Ihe com la o- the money. * .. in m 1 i ■ ■ Waiting for an migagenmnt ihe. summer girl. Our harbor la our halvation. Get the state road. We now have a chance for another road. Letti get It. Pay your HUbscolption bill today. It will save you a law suit. The state road would mean nearly as much to UH as the Bteel plant. And bo the elevator Is getting to dangerous as tho automobile and foot ball. It would be funnier if one coulo find the funny point in Olk* funny ***• lions of the city papers. Air. (’auington is alright. He is aware of the lact that wo have the nest. liairbor in tho sate. Now Is the time for our represen tatives in Atlanta to get in some good work and get the state road. Mr. Carrington's hill to extend the stale road to this pmt should pass and 010 represenlallvos m Atlanta should m*o that it does. Probably lb*' hardest kb kor we have had since the trouble with the power is a man who owes us twenty months subscription Always the way. Mr. Roosevelt (Min rust assured that lit llias one distinction Our many trusts have thrived more under hi?> a<iumiiHi rai uwi Hum any other. Dr iiroinghtou, Ihe I’urkhurst of At lanta, is making ehurgos against poo pie right and left and we are glad Unit Mr. Felder has called huu to time. lowa will have a love feast today. The republican convention is to he held and they are getting U> be at* harmonious that syrup would seem aour to them. Old South Carolina, the proud Pal niello state, must now sit and wai one of the worst murderers the state ni. ever liai, acpuiltcd Poor old Car olina. Because of the fact that a man is is a minister of the gospel ii is no reason that he has the right to make charges agaiiut people and then tail to substantiate them. We have never been so handicapped •luce w have been in tin* newspaper burliness. Just ‘jLkjuk, a (newspaper with no power to drive the mao hi u cry. It is like taking the air from a he mail being. We i'hough! that our electric mo tor, Which, by the way, was ordered three weeks ago, would be here ou the Mallory yesterday but it failed to *bow up and we will now have to make other arrestments for power. A GOOD EXAMPLE. We see by the dispatches that Geo. W. Vanderbilt has purchased a large tract of land near Asheville, N. C., and Is soon to begin the work of making it a model manufacturing city. If tills is renlly so and Mr Vander bilt carries out his plans it will be an example which we hope will prove a blessing to the people of this country because we believe that other millionaires will follow the example In speaking of the idea the Macon News says: "There will he no need for a child lalsir bill for in a model city no child will shut up to work Che young days away in igno.ttnce and starvation of mind and muscle. "There will, of course, he no strike for labor and capital in a model maim fuel tiring city will he mutually fair and Just in their treatment, of eacli oilier; Ihe wages paid will tie on a liberal and just scale; the work done for the salary paid will lie faithful and of Hie lif+it quality. "All of this Is what Mr. Vanderbilt thinks constitutes a model city. For liy the blessed magical power of mon ey all of I Ills can lie made poxylhli*" It is indeed a, had example we ure gating from Kentucky. The idea of u witness, after telling the truth, is obliged lo seek I lie safety of the jail in order to save his life. Here is where the powerful federal govern ment should step in. STANLEY’S BUSINESS COLLEGE Thomasville, Ga. Wo need more young men lo sup ply tho demand made up in us In coinpetant bookkeepers and stem, graphers. If you will enter our school within the next Hlxty days, and pel sue one or more of our prescribed courses mid successfully complete same, we will place you in a position Win are willing to credit you fur the tuition and you arc not lo pay until we place yon In a position. Above offer Is only open lo persons of tfiKid character and correct habits “Come to see us ill once, or for lull informal lon address. G. W. H. Stanley. Lt ft and i)dArrrltng. TCvery man.ami woman of us who hat llvet 1 long enough In tin* world to gain wisdom by experience wilt be obliged to admit tin* strange sad union of love and quarreling. But every tint* of us who tins lived deeply enough to know that experience worketh hope will admit that when* love quarrels with its be loved It is Just because this noble Ideal of unity has run oIT the truck, ho to apeak; a virtue has gone to Heed; a di vine qui&lity lias developed a defect. Tha outlook for quurrelsome love 1h not •o hopeless when wo can uudorntand thin. Heo lmw It would work If those two squabbling sisters would either of them stop to remember that It Is ouly love, foolish, exasperating, unbalanced love, that is responsible for the 111 bred domestic criticism that spoils the home life. If Jane once honestly believed that Mary’s loss* made her so unpleasant aim would atop aghast, amused no doubt and very likely touched, but al most certainly Hllonccd. And that would be the end of the quarrel. Margaret Itolund In Harper’ll Bazar. H'liiiitlfw of (he Topas. The name of the precious stone In serted In the rliin of dynes has not been humled down to us, lint It Is prob able that It was the topaz, whose won ders Phllostrates recounts In the life of Apollonius. An attribute of tho sun mid of tire, the ancients called it the gold uiiiKnet, as It was credited with the power of attracting that metal, In dicating Its veins and discovering treas ures. Hellodvrua In his story of Tbeag enes and C.Nirides says that the topaz saves from tire all those who wear U and that Oharlrlea was preserved by a topas from the ttery vengeance of At saces. queen of Ethiopia. This stone was one of the first tails, mans that Theagenes possessed In Egypt. The topaz at present symbol izes Christine virtues—faith. Justice, temperance, gentleness, clemency.— Carts Klgaro. I'.rric I.nnnn.,e. Do parrots unrie.-stuud what they sayT A correspondent writes that a friend with a fine green Brasilian par rot has been staying with her. A gray parrot was Introduced one day. but the Brazilian haughtily declined to have anything to say to the gray. Then an other friend who had Just been given a newly Imported green Brazilian brought the newcomer to call. The moment the parrots caught sight of each other they broke Into a torrent of apparently articulate language, consisting, as It seemed, of questions and answers, but svhut the language was no one present could tell, and a few days later, when they met again, exactly the same thing happened. Was the first parrot, long exiled from Its native asking Mgerly fur news at Us people? Citation. GEORGIA. GLYNN COUNTY. Dudley H. Aiibell, executor of the estate of Mary W Hoyt, having made application for leave to aell land be longing to said estate, this ta to cite all persons concerned to show cause before the court of ordinary of aaid Bounty, at the July term, 1903. why said application should not be granted This June Kth. ISOS. HORACa DART, Ordinary. Weak Hearts Arc due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of everyone hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when it w*3 simple indigestion. It is a scien tific fact that ail cases of heart dis ease, not organic, are not only trace able to, but are the direct result of Indigestion. All food taken into the stomach which fails of perfect diges tion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing It up against the heart. Thto interferes with the action of the heart, and In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Kodol Digests What You Eat Mrs. Lortng Nichols of Penn Yan. N Y . writes: After estlng, my food would distress me by makinf my heart palpitate and I would become very weak Finally I not a bottle of Kodol and it gave me immediate rcJ4f After uslntc a few bottlos lain cured, Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders, and gives tho heart a full, free and untram meled action. Bottles only. $1 00 Sire holdlne 2H times the trial size, which sells for 50c Hpruparkd by E. CJDeWftt Smith’s Pharmacy, Joerger’s Pharma cy, Fortson’s Drug Store. To Grow JVeW Hair COKE DANDRUFF CUBE and Hair Tonic is the "Best BeWare of Imitations COKE, SHAVING FOAM f FOR EASY SHAVING Bnat-S* nuy handy. Tn collapsible tnhnn. If your harbor or druggist doos not keep Coke Shaving Foam eud JT>r to A. R. RrcmrrCo., Chicajro. for regular tuba. Far Sale by W J BUTTS, Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant THE QUICKEST I.ITNCH can be had lier. Wo call it our “rapid file lunch'’ because it is served so quickly. It is not fired at our. patrous, however, but placed before them In a dainty and appetizing man nor. This lunch costs little, can be 1 quickly disposed of and satisfies i all but the most robust appetites i I J. W. WILSON, Prop. ( ’Phone 321. The Arcade. Respectfully announces to its many friends and patrons in Brunswick qgnd surrounding country that tve are pre pared to (in their orders tor any of the leading brands of whiskies on the market at popular prices. All good! will de delivered to out of town cus tomers free of express charges: w. W. VY„ Wilson, Old Saratoga. Louis gg, Yellowstone. Paul Jones, Duke oi Cumberland, Monogram, Belle of Hour bon and a number of others Including gins, wines and popular brands of beer. Our bar is replete with all that goes to make up a Oral class establish ment Pool and billiard tables kept in am up-to-date condition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a. n> to 1 p . m. . PKIL KKLhKJi ANY CHURCH or parsonage or in stitute supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the longman & Martlne7 Ihiro Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty years Sales tens of tni..ions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up o eighteen yeans. Linseed oil must bdkadded to the pal at (dine m two niulwV Actual cost then about gallon. Sample* free Bolder pur tiwh Sow**\|LTM**" "Santa. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WART COLUMN. If you want a, position, a houae, a servant, dr want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has. ad vertise in this column. FOH KENT—Furnished rooms to tout to moll. 218 Uuiou street. FOK KENT—Stores, offices and I dwellings. Apply to lirobston, Fendig & Cos. ' 'T* FOK SALK—Kutilier stamps, seals, Btincaiß, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fam, 312 Newcastle street. FOK SALE —A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The News office. PERSONAL —Morphine, opium, lau danum, cocaine haldt; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, perma nent home cme. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, liiix I-A- ( Chicago. FOR “RENT—A very desirable 8 room lions* at No. 710 Union street Possess! W;1 ven July l. E F. Coney. FOR KENT —Two, four, and five room cottages. Ready for housekeep ing. Houses near the HI Simon Tier. Mrs. W. L. Wallace. Ocean Pier. Use long distance phone. FOR RENN - Seven-room house, ill modern improvements; 208 Reynolds street. Apply 701 Gloucester si reel. WANTED—Position as cro-stie and lumber Inspector. .T It. Roberson, phone 300, 2 rings. LOST —Silk umbrella at St. Ki/no.i Sunday; crooked liom handle mount ed in silver. Return to News office aL'.d receive reward. LOST. Poodle dog about three ■eoliths old. Cream color wit.:: .yellow ears. Finder return to News office and receive reward. LOST—-Small yellow pug dog. An swers to name of Fide. Reward If returned to News office. WANTED —Experienced nurse, col ored, middle age. Reference required. Inquire at 20(1 Reynolds street. LOST--Gold link etiff button. Fin der return to the News office and re ceive more than the button Is worth. LOST —Yellow puig log, crippled in left hind leg. Has on leather collar with city lag on same. Return to this office and get reward. LOST-—A Brazilian lace handker chief. either in the First church or between the church and (lie ro ideuce of Mr. A. V. Woow. Finder rtunvn to the New-: office and receive -eawrd. NOT/IOE. —All parties arc hereby warned and notified not. to trespass on Long Island or Little St Simon All trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. John Currie. FOR RENT Fivs room house, fur nished. Near center of tho city by a party leaving tlhe city for the sum- For particulars apply to the News office, t Foil sale—(Quid four year old eow and heifer calf. Apply to David Davis WANTED—Position by an experien ce and compotant stenographer who is accurate and rapid. Reference. Address box 71, city , s FOR SALE—A bargain A nice comfortable store and dwelling house, store and six living rooms on good street. Now rented to good steady tenant. Will sell hi a price that will pay purchaser 15 per cent on the mon ey net clear of the taxes and insur ance. Apply at once to J. W. Chasten, care of News office. FOR SALE—A second hand rice thrashing outfit consisting of 12 horse power Aultnian-Taylor portables en gine. on wheels, 32 inch, iron sides rice thrasher, with new self-feeder and hand cutter. First rale order. Threshed 25,000 bushels 1903 and only sold to replace with same make thresher of larger capacity. For terma apply to J. T. Dent 2t-lw. 4 Looking for Summer Drinks. 4 “NONALCHOHOLIC?” 4 4 My stock is complete with ai% , line of the best beverages forA 4 tho approachiug summer . Eiuners Cbatauqua Grape 4 l Juice, Imperial Lemon Juice, Ira* 4 perial Lime Juice, Imperial K ♦ 4 Beer. Qts., Hires Root Boer Ex-*i J tract. True Fruit Syrup. ♦ ► THOMAS KEANY. Grocer. ♦ * Phone 11. 312 Newcastle . IVORY SOAP SUPPLIED RY THE DOWNING CO. Netlc*. There will be Introduced at the next session of the general assem bly of Georgia, to eon von* on the fourth Wednesday la June. 1903, A BILL to be entitled "An act to amend he charter of the City of Brunswick, xud for other purposes." This May 32, 1903. ftit I’kyilplan's Advice. Once upon a time a 1 very nervems man called >,u his physician and asked for medical advice. "Take a tonic and dismiss from your tninu all uiac tend.-, to worry you.” said tho doctor. Several mouths afterward Ihe pa tient received a bill from the physician asking him to remit SIS and answered 't thus' “Dear Doctor- I have taken a tonic ud your advice. Your toil tends to worry me, and so I di. miss it from cy mind.” Moral.—Advice sometimes defeats Ha giver.—New York Herald. THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only First Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine, Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock of new goode, for the comlkg season, best of worV perfect fit guar | ariteed. Pants made to order for $4.00. Suits made to order for $15.00. If you want a Swell Suit give me a call. Vfc/0013 Oak and Pine B H, URIELS, Phone 326 DEVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, staple and fancy groceries 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3. UNION CLEANING anti PRESSING CLUB. Ring phone 253-4 and let EOWARD MARTIN clean and press your clothea H does good work and will give vou Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. AFTER YOU Have triad all others, send for a FREE package of ttlie Dr Lyon Home Treatment for CATARRH, Blood, nerve and Stomach I)r. Lyon Medi cine Cos., Goidwater, Mich. C.L PARKER, —Dealer In-—■ STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Everything lliat’s good to eat at lowest market prices Cer T and J Sts. ’Phone 94. GOAL. AND WOOD. CONEY & BARKER DifidStS v ■ BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St. Bicycles, Guns, Pistols anti Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE A SPECIALTY. Notice of Local Legislation. Application will ho made at tho next general assembly of Georgia, for tho passage of a local bill entitled an act to amend an act entitled An act. to establish the city court of Bruns wick, iu aud for the county of Glynn; to define its Jurjsdicion and power; t provide for tho appointment of a define their powers and duries ami for fine their powers and duties aud for ther purposes." Approved December Pth., 1825. Said amendment to pro vide that the clerk of the superior court of Glynn county, Georgia, shall be ex-officio clerk of the city court of Brunswick. This June 12th., 1203. A Farmer Straightened Out. A man living on u farm near here came in a shorl time ago complete ly doubled up with rheumatism. I ! handed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not satirised after using It he need not pay a cent tor it,” says C. P. Rhdsr, of Pattens Mills, N. Y ”A few days he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, - vlve me another bot tie of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, i want it in the bouse all the time for It cured me.” !P~ Sale by all drug gist* Old Monopole Rye M !.00 per fni qutrt, Yellow Label nye at SI 2S p er quart. Philadelphia Club Rye at Si On per Tull quart. All above are sold elsewhere for 11.60. Sig Levison, sin Bay street * (2iJGCI and can t, e relied upon to act gently, but ■ I n mtint* thoroughly, cleansing the entire system of all ■ impurities. Such a remedy is Mozleys g I Lemon Elixir. It is a pleasant lemon tonic, acceptable to g the most delicate stomach, and acts thoroughly upon the g bowels, liver and kidneys without the slightest unpleasant- ■ ness. Sold by all druggists at 50c a bottle. Ma y /pit’ *■ Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops, without an J equal for coughs, colds, sore throat and Z. GtTS o>flL bronchitis. 25c a bottle. “ THE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers ami Repairers ol Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty Packings, Fittings and Supplies Estimates furnished tree of Charge. 629 Bay St, Vv. R. DART, CLAUD DART, President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. C. Downing, President. E. H, Mason, Vice-President. E.D.WaCer, Cashier. The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, ga CAPITAL OK ONE HUNDRED AN D EIETY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALE MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of iegit liuate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTB Invited from individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT acco nuts bear interest, compounded quay. eriy. Int-Jjraßt bearing cerificatos of deposit issued on special tennis. MONEY ORDERS? of the “BANK: ERB’ MONEY ORDER ASSOC LA ION" are cheaper and more convenient than poatofilce or express. 'Hie OLD RELIABLE’ -'j 1 am again in the Meat business and am prepared to furnish everything in" that line. A full line of Fancy and Family Gro ceries. Ouick delivery: CHRIS ARNHEITEK Phone 64. Corner Monk and Newcastle. WgkM Truly a Grand OL,D WHISKEY DISTRiaUTORs, Brunswick, Ga. KID GLOVES of any description and co'rj dyed a perfect black at by JiiP Carter. Ring phone 253-2. Attention Smoker*. I handle a fine fine of genuine Merßchauin Pipes, they are beauties. Call and look at them. Sig Levlson, U 0 Bay street W|lieu you want a pleasant physic uy Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and, plesaait in effect Eor sale by all druggists. Artistic effect finish and lasting qual ities considered. Wilson's Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester du, uaa no competitors. Go there "ye Elite.” Mr. Joseph Pominville, of Stillwater, Minn., alter having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by his druggist Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so and is a well man today if troubled with .in digestion, bad taste iu the muiltb, lack of appetite or constipation, give these tablets a trial, and yuu are cer tain to be more th; n pleased with the result, Eor sale at 25 cents per box by all druggists. LAWSON LAMAR, Attorney at Law. Can be found lit Opera House Bld g Office of F. B. Twlftr or J. D. Rpnr’-; For grass sheare and lawn mowers call at Douglas Hardware Cos and and get the best *>■ the la at moKBy Pure Chemical* are the only kind used at Ji® Carter’* clothes cleaning He is reliable wants your wot*. Phone S * JULY 1, 1903. BOW K) MAKE YOUR OWN HOME A SUMMER RESORT You do not thkik it possible. V. e can easily demonstrate to you tie putf.sibiiiiy of this statement. It is an easy matter, simply put iu an £ LECTRIC FAN. Dent put oil any longer, but be among the cuui people. MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER CO. All Were fciaff’ap. Word comes from Vtu* Ark. that K.ev. Jnu. J. Cox had a at range malady accompanied by yellow jaundice. a a yeaia P h >' s| C'*uo* tvere taffled aiia though everything known to tlie pro aion wag used, tfea trouble marnod. One day Ite Vegan to use Electric Bitter* and ii a wee k A I V°‘ ** e bel * ff and at ; length he war- on Ur Jf,- cured, it’s the :moet reliable mUjh tor liver and kidney troubles. Oey Sic. and guar- J teed by all drugjsflb. The News Juto LdUae. R„ a , Printing. ... _ ®