The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, July 15, 1903, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY MOWING. Special Sale on CHILDREN’S SUITS For one week, commencing Monday. July 13, w'e will sell all our Children’s Suits at 25 % off __the regular price* Also Boys’ Straw Hats —SCHEDULE— Steamers Hessie No 1, No 2 Effective May 1.1003. HESSIE NO. I—DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lv. St. Simon Mills 6a. in Lv. St Simon l’ier 6:30 a. m. ar. Brunswick 7:30 am. Lv Bruni wiclc 10 a.m. Ar. SI. Simon Pier II a. in. I,v. St. Simon Pkir 11a. ni. Ar. Brunswick 12 in. Lv. Brunswick 2p. in. Ar. SI. ,Simon Pier 3p. in. Lv. St. Simon Pier 4 p. in. Ar. Brunswick sp.m. Lv. Brunswick 6:110 p. in. Ar. St. Simon Pier <1:30 p. in. Ar. St. Simon Mills 7 p. m. 11KSSIE NO. 2, DAILY TSXOKPT SUNDAY Lv. Brunswick 8:30 a. m. Ar. SI. Simon Pier 11:30 a. in. Ar. St. Simon Mi 115.... 10 a. in. Ar. Frederica 10:30 a. in. Ar. Darien .. 12 in. Lv. Darien 2 p.m. Ar. Frederica 4:30p.m. Ar. St. Simon Mills ..5 p. in. Ar. SI, Simon Pier 5.30 p. m. Ar. Brunswick <l:3op. in. SUNDAY SCIIKDIJLE. Lv. Brunswick 9:30 a. m., and 2:30 p. in. Lv. St. Simon Pier.... 11 a. m., and Op. m. J. B. WRIGHT, Manager.- 1 c WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE i Hree! : ' of twenty-live cents or over at our T*S store we viil give yoi a ticket which , I 8 m "”■* entitles you to a free chance on a ‘ handsome Barker four.lain pen to lie ' I L*B y given away every Saturday night to M ‘s- ti t. Jf y’ -he person uolding the lucky number. , Pen on exhibition at o.’.r store. pree! HUNTER’S Pharmacy - I When in Need of Honey i ► CAU- ON \ JOEL BROS. ► j \ in u can gc *he most liberal loartu or t I , { M your Diamonds, WaU-bes, Jewelry * f ** W Furniture and all kinds nf personal I ' r^SINESS S TRICTLY COMFI - BCSHESag Unredeemed Pledges Fur Sale * KjjgsHEjcl took fir targe 3 ball sign outside sto> * Reliable Pawnbrokers. Notice to Ice Consumers Until further notice we w ill furnish Ice to Whole sale Consumers at 20 c per ICO lbs. To Consumers in less quantities 25c per ICO lbs. Under no > stances pay our drivers more. 1 his notice applies to city consumers only. BRUNSWICK ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. 7-0-’O3. J. 11. MORGAN, President. Special Safe SHIRT WAISTS Below Cost This Week at “ELKANS” dome dedal Tlews Jlotes. Mrs. VV. H. Clements and liercliil dren, Miss*Wiltic Clements and Mas ter Clements, have returned to East man from a pleasant visit to Mrs. .1. F. Norris. • • • Misses Annie Dean and Carrie At kinson will spend this week on St. Si mon, the guests of Mrs. <. W. Blanton. * * • Mrs. Victoria Jeffers arrived last, night, from WaycroNs, to visit Mrs. Al ; hyn Jeffers. I* • * Miss Aline Jeffers is ill al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alhyn Jeffers, * • Mrs. A. J. Slater is spending a month in Statesboro. | Mr. and Mrs. <4. F. Ca.v leave Satur day fora visit to Lyons, Ca. An enjoyable dancing party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Montgomery last evening in honor of Misses Bessie Baker, Maude Banks, Maey Barnwell, Clare O’Connor and Maude Moseley, The evening was a pleasant success. • * Mr. and Mrs. Wrigley and family Who have bean spending some lime on Sr. Simon will return to their home in Atlanta Sunday. - • ..• ii. **/• '•■> anti I:*!•!. Dir Lain llill ll Artl l- f l *. Everybody is invited i<> join the largo Kalola choir tjmi is i.owr being organized 10 sing Us jtiai: s loi in dge.stiou, kidney uud liver uv.ubies. 'l ie place to cut —WH.-mu’s restau rant. Tlie private sale of furniture at 209 Newcastle street will end today. Ev everything yet unsold will go at a sac ii lie. FOlt SALE —Holier top desk. Will seii at a bargain. Address 11, care New*. Trains Nos. 1,3 and 7 makes close connection at. Tbalnasnn witli the sea board Air lano for Jacksonville and points South. Trains Nos. 1, 6 and 7 make close connection at Thalmann for Savannah and points North Train No. 11 leaves Thalmann, dai.y P. M, arrives at Nicffolls 9.26. Tiam ..o. 12 leaves Nicholls 6.30 A. M., arrives Thalmann 9.59. J. A. IdelKjT'iTE, General Manager. LOST —Tan leather baud hag, with chain, containing keys, memorandum and some money. Return to News ollice and receive reward. DO YOU WEAR SHOES? YES. THEN CALL ON ME. J. A. SMITH. Please remember that it li is good to eat Trail will find it at W'lsoa s There is nothing like a nice Sunday Winner. Wilson will serve one today. Ail gi id u...v. .sers st'frd tilo-i. lollies to Jim Carter. Where do jai .mil yours Ring phone 253-2. To Strangers. When you want your clothes cleaned and pdessed promptly take or send them to Jim Carter, the leading clothes cleaner. Ask anybody to show you the place, 504 M ank street, or ring phone 253-4. Made Young Again. "One ol Dr. Kings New Life Pills ell. ii night for two weeks has put mo uiy Teens’ again," wriles Dr. u. 11. Turner of Dempseylown, l'a. i'i. -y re the best In tue world for liver, iioiuacli and bowels. Purely vegeta •jio. Never gripa O-' 25 centu at A Startling Teat. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt., of No. luehuopany, Pa., made a start ling test resulting In a wonderful cure. He writes: "a patient was attacked .van violeut hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. 1 had of ten found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so 1 prescribed them. The patient gained Horn the lirst, aud has not had any attack in 14 months.” Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, inulgestlon, constipation, am. kidney troubles. Try them. Only .nts at. all druggists THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. Building Material \ ■ i W. have on hand a full line of ■ the following stock. • FLOORING, < CEILING, SIDING, i MOULDINGS, • LATTICE FENCING, RAILING and ROUGH DRESSED BOARDS. Let us quote you prices. ; Brunswick Plaining and forwarding . 'Company ’Phone sNo. 102. FOR GROCKftIEi AND Fresh Meats REMBEMBER Durden & Cos Wolf and I Street sell it for less Plume 352. and wind you order will l<e delivered promptly READ THESE PRICES. Stew Meats from 5 lo 7 1-2 pound Steak from 10c pound to 12 12. Groceries just as cheap Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of his. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, bools, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty ot repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with Uspalcb. Call on him. J. H. TANKERSLEY. FRANK’S HAIR CUTTING and SHAVING PARLOR Frank has been 12 years working Between Paris and London. FIRST CLASS WORK and POLITE ATTENTION All kinds of Shampoo and Hair Tonic Give Him a Trial. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, ..Brunswick, Ga. HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN HOME A SUMMER RESORT You do not think It possible. Yve can easily demonstrate to you , the possibility of this statement, it is an easy matter, simply put, in an . E LECTRIC FAN. Dont pul off any longer, hut be among the cool people. MUTUAL LIGHT & WATER CO. ' “Dorothy Dodd" shoe la a novelty n womens shoes, Oxfords and ties, SB. J. A. Smith, Newcastle street. STEAMBOAT LINES, MALLORY LINE TO NEW YORK. Arrives every Monday; Loaves very Friday at high tide. Dock, foot of Mansfield street CUMBERLAND ROUTE. Daily except Sunday.—Steamer Em meline. Lv. Brunswick 8:00 a. m. Ar. Fernamlina 12 00 In. Lv. Fernandina 1 30 p. m. Ar. Brunswick 5 30 p. in. Dock, foot of Mansfield street. St. SIMONS ROUTE. Steamer Egmont. Lv. Brunswick 8 00 a. n. Ar. Uiunswick 11 00 a. in. Lv. Fruuswiek 2 00 p. m. Ar. Brunswick 6 00 p. m. Dock, foot of Mansfield street. DARIEN AND ST. SIMONS ROUTE. Steamer Hessie. Ar Darien 12 00 m. Lv. Darien 2 00 p. m. Ar. Brunswick 6 00 p. m. Dock, foot of Monk street. Good board aud lodging, nice rooms, eiectric lights, bath, and use of tele phone. $4.00 per week at 211 B St. ■Wilson’s Ice box is filled with (he Lest the markets afford. “One Dose Convincee.” * Moslems Lemon Ellxer acts gently In the bowels without any unpleasant effect It is * perfect liquid laxative. W c*at* per *#**• at all tng stores. So.p In lh*T<i(. In spite of the fact that those who nse the razor frequently cut them selves, yet It is rarely that anything ■ore serious than a cut follows, the slight'wound generally healing quick ly, and the rftk of septlcadnia arising In this way would seem to be almost nil. Tn the majority of cases, there fore, it is clear that the razor blade must be bacteriologically clean—l. e., free from the septic matter—which may be attributed to the fact that probably it is dipped Into hot sterilised water before use or else that the soap lather Is antiseptie. The latter expla nation seems the rnoro probable ef the two. The amount of soap rubbed on the skin Is considerable if the shaving is to be In any -decree comfortable, and soap has considerable antiseptic power, 6 per cent solution being sufficient to destroy the typhoid bacillus. There ran he little doubt, therefore, that the skin Is rendered sterile by the liberal application of soap, and this fact Is In r*vor of any cut that may Tie made re maining healthy and without any serl eus consequence. In a word, soap in the operation of •having net only facilitates the proc ess, but plays the same valuable rols when the shaver is unlucky enough to cut himself as done the antiseptie tn •nrgery.—Lancet l.ont Art* of CliilHlioed. "We hear a good deni these days about the lost arts. I wonder if the world realises that some of the most precious arts of childhood are lu dan ger of becoming extinct. How many boys today can make a kite properly hung and with a tall sufficient to bal snoe it? How many boys can make a bow with the ends nicely bent and worked down with a bit of broken glass? "I Interviewed my young nephew the other day and was thunderstruck to discover that he knew nothing about 1L Could he make a water wheel, a wind mill, an elder popgun, a jack o’ lantern, a buzz wheel, an air gun from a goose quill with a sliced potato for ammuni-. tlon, a willow whistle, a squirt gun? *o; ho knew nothing about them. “ 'But surely,’ I said, almost pa thetiiy ally, ’you can make a cornstalk fiddle.’ “ 'Do you mean a violin, uncle?’ “Then I gave it up. I don’t believe the youth of today know enough to •tick feathers In a corncob and throw it Into the air. I am going to write a book some day upon the arts of childhood to save them from utter annihilation.”— Detroit Free Press. A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. EJoschee, a cele brated (loroian physician, and is ac knowledged to lie one of the most for tunate discoveries in medicine, tv quickly cures coughs, colds, and all ung troubles of the serious nature, removing, as it does, the cause tof the affection and leaving the parti? in a strong and healthy condition.'.lt is not an experimental medicine? but has stood the test- for years, giving its satisfaction in every case, which its rapidity increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles old annually. Boschee’s German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868. and is now sold in ev ery town and village in the civilized world. Throe doses wiii relieve aDy ordinary ecu**. PUo~. *r and 75 CHs Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of the bark San Jos" Brunswick & Birmingham RAILROAD CO. Schedule in Effect January 11, 1903. West Bound. |9|7| 5 | 3 1 • d’ly| d’ly jd’lyj d’ly d’ly |1 j 1 | pmlpmjp mi a m am- STATIONS si 1 j j Lv. Brunswick. 9 00j 4 30|2 lOj 10 20 600 South. J’ctiOD. 9 16i 4 ttij2 28jl0 20 015 Brobston .... 9 28j 4 56;2 39|10 4y 625 Buffalo 9 29| 5 otl|2 43|10 53 629 Anguilla 9 35j 5 Csj2 49j10 59 634 Cartier 9 381 5 05|2 521il 02 638 Ar. Thalmann. 9 50| 5 20|3 05]11 15| 6 48 East Bound. | 2 | 4 1618 I 10 STATIONS | d’ly| d’ly jd’lyj d’ly d’ly 1 1 i amtpmjp ml p m pm —1 I—l tv. Thalmann. 700 11 30j3 10 630 10 00 Cartier 714 11 44j3 22 543 10 12 Anguilla 7IT 11 4713 25 54610 15 Buffalo 722 11 54j3 31 55310 21 Brobston .... 728 11 58j3 36 55710 25 South. J’ctlon. 7 38 12 10 3 44i 6 10 10 34 Ar Brunswick.!7 55| 12 30|4 00 f l 63010 BO Cold soda water and ice cream at Koi-tson’s drug store. tA Shoe Task If you wear shoes ■ of courseyou do, we can serve you in the best of qualities. We liandie Douglae,Dorothy Dodd, and Nettleton brands, ail of which are high grades. A cor dial welcome to alt. No trouble to show our goods. r. J. A. Smith, Great Summer Sale This Week - > . We will save you ramey on ail purchases this week. .Bargains in ev ery line. Ctnii and get sc mo of them. Mrs. M isaac Leader <-t Low Values. 4 Prescription, Accuracy If you can tall up of aay deviee, cr method which will sable up to he any mace accurate thin mew, we will thank you for doi *g so. However, we do not see hew you can possibly im prove on our nethod of handling pre scriptions. . 'jsd^ygi MORGAN’S Drug; Store. For the “Hot Old Summer Time” A WARM LINE OF REFRIGERA TORS, CAS AND OIL BTOVES, ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAPIYOCKS AND EASY CHAIRS CHEAP FURNITURE FOR THE IS LAND COTTAGE. PL M. Miller &. don '■m—iwnuiw-avmirfir.MßßißaagagsaataKaria ghawaass DRY GOODS At Cost Our sales of Dry Goods, Net lona, Millenery, Linen Goods, Laces and Embroideries are still onand until all the above mentioned goods are sold This is no fake and no bargain day advertisement. We are dis posing of our Dry Goods, etc. because we are changing our business Into Clothing, Shoes and Gents’ Furnishings This Is a rare chanca. Don’t less the opportunity. Don’t allow yourself to be misled. J.H. Heller & Bro 230 NEWCASTLE STREET JULY K, 1M