The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, July 25, 1903, Image 2

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■ATORDAT MOBMIKd. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH NEWS PUBLISHING CO. , M. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor. Advsrtisiug rales uiuile kuowu on Application. Ckiurcli and otter char liable orgaulaaliou notices publialiud at halt tbe regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATKA. Terms to aubecrlbera In the elt> And by jo ail tree of charge to all pa.rU of the United bu*lu and Canada, Uesico, Porto Rico. lAuum, Pbilipplm '•laud* and Hawaiian islands: Per Muuiu E glia Loathe '*• 6u Ohe tear & M tillered at the Uruhawicil, Ua , poai office, as eecond'Claag mail iaattor. Hon. Emory Bpeer hat deeignateu Th* Brunewiek Daily New* a* the official organ of ttio United Stales Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, fen Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. 1-e News Puhliehing Company do elree It to he distinctly understood that ail legal adverUecuieute In paid .or in advance. We cannot al turd to devote our apace to aucli an verUsemeuta and wait ou the courts *cr the money. _ .a. ii AidnUjh la willtug. Of course be ia—didn't "Boss Tom" say so? At last accounts King Peter and the army were gelling on all right. Woe to Peter when they fall out. Wonder what name Grover will give his new hoy? Its dollars to doughnuts he will not call him Henry or William. Tho public road In the count} art*, in very bad Bhapo arftl tho attention o£ the County ConmilHflionorH is earn eatiy directed to tho inattor. Mr Bryan hits Kpent the lunt tew ye.trß In abuMug the iVmocratie party. Wouldu’t it be a good idea for him to turn too gun ou IW enemy tor a while? If Sir Thomaa wins the cup be will wed an Aiiiorlcau wife and thou his cup ol joy should bo overiioNvlng But if he doean t -hi the tup In mould iai\u me tiio taant as a coiiooiauou pit^e L’p 1U Boston ue Utueussilin llio buiuut* tj'i> iihi, "fcihoulfi a Luarned man ~u iu in* pul>iu* entei ia.uui.tiu?> wit'ifloui lus VVh} not .' Lsti Hi*, iiian and ilia w at** tLi*> liu.c qmatiuu Oetween them It Is .-said that fti.iyor iai n.i liurn Built Ik*ou lor president WO.-3 in evi donee at the recent political pieuie in Chicago when Mr bryau uelive**\i bin tirade agii.nst Mr. C lev claim. M. ttarnsoii will nave to uuite a boon, boxu uiiUti such ciieiunsiaiiees vei} loudenj or .1 may till a preniaiui* i <vve. . j Ivl. JUiillCfc. I UKNIK. Wt aie pleased with the announce u.wut u*at lion Henry G. lin ner oi had ueeeptOil me appoint ax.eui on ilie Mipieme beneli ol tin* siait in all mere is no Uio*t prolounu Slimeut oi tin* law man is tips very talented Souili Oeirgiatu His ripe years an*l U'ui> t-ai ex per le uve will serve to muuv la.iii a vary valuable lneiubei id Un u.f.ncst court in Hie slate Jilr. Tufiler has served Ills .stale aim tub eolluli} iu some ol the most to ila* ■ and be has niani lested an ability mat lias at ai. lim<s inane hun a leader in thougbi uuu action. V.luie iu congress he was in a measure the loader ol the demo* i ae> ana in that trying positiou. wild a u.ajonty against i.itu, lie dispiaved a manner a*D<i ability tiiat won tin piauaiie ot even those members on the otter sine of the chamber. \V congratulate* Governor Terrell on bis select ion and we congratulate the state of Georgia that such a apiwudid acquisition has beon made lo iu supreme bench. THE NEXT POPE. It Is no exaggeration lo say that potentates and, in a degree, all in telligent people, the world over, while regretting Hie death of 1/to XIII are In more or less concern, interested, curiously or seriously, in the tiamuig of his successor. The rulers of the world brow and feel that the papacy is an linr.u-m-c factor in the universe. He who spir itually rules. In tpniters of fait! 300,000,800 of perrons scattered, in large or small masses, all over tli“ habitable globe possesses a power not, granted to any other human lreine Whatever one may tnlril; of flint power, favorable gt otherwise, it existence propotenllv cannot lie i. • nored or denied. So. it is naturally n affair of Importance when the pno dies and another i lo lie eleeoni to take fils exalted, inltueiitial plaef*. On the hmnnin side of the Catholic church, the cardinals from when rank* the supreme pontiff is to lie chosen have the different talents characteristics and views on linciau policies. Of course, they are a mil In matters of faith. One cardinal mny be highly Intellectual and cm dite, but distinct 1 vely pious, carii munch more for the heavenly beauti tudeß Ilian the gross purpose.- and In trigiu* of national and internal ioi a) policies nd dynasties Another eardinal. wide in love prae. finally with holim-ss and concerned most in the last analysis with the things of God. may be inlen ely apt and shrewd In dealing with the tide Of Caesar, a man, in fact, who if a layman, would match the mas It minds of diplomacy. It is just a ; well that such a cardinal should oxisl. for the pupacy lias to deal with national Ities and world.v wisdom, friendly or hostile, and it has had to do this from the time of Peter to the epoch of Leo Those beautiful st-ri< that line filled thee public prints about t!. = wheat fields of old Kansnr, ii away, have* b**n p'.pc <tr**:in Tlw Savannah New*; j ;pihority f..i the statement that “a colic;;** stud'* I’' 1 ’' who wont from New \oi k to work iu the harvest Holds of Kansan ban writ ten n letter to bis father in which Ip says the rumored i;n*at win cit y o lalxir the high wages being offi•?•**•. and the kiiluapidrig of tramps t > work in the fields is pretty much ail nonsense and without foundation. In his own case, lie says that In* had a hard time (hiding employment, am if was only after he promised to work without wages, for his hoard, that ie got a place on tlu* farm. 11** wrote for his railroad fare hack hou.o. and says jilc means t*> come Kast quickly Thf ftfublit of Kff|)tß * Diary. rpon lh* whole, the huldt ol* diary ke piug does not deserve lo be decried If the diary be av rnci*ms r* cord o' public e\ **itN. it in >. at any > I t*. serve as mi exercise In prose writing and precis to the writer, and. on the olliei hand, if the diary l** merely parochial domestic or even personal in tom* tin same may tie said <f it. with this add ed <iUalui , atic)P Hint at least in the last ease it may net In preserving a bu tuun Individuality. Among m\ pa *rs and tlooks I found the other day an old yellow brown ill ary of my great great grandmother. I’n- Lil that liuimout I had no more idea of the old lady than of Julius i*;e>ai uuise. l.ut when l read of her journo w lo and from Bath, which she much ; f feetisl and where si ** *-ve am- • <!- and of Coiupaii} of her on Thurs<i; y. April 2. 1707, of ti Is. at rials; 1 *r payment on April -of is Id*!, for *T.i *e wires" (whatever they may have beer); of 11 shillings on April id for air. c (Aedan. no doubt* and Gloves." and how. on leaving Hath ou the 18th of April, sin* gave tie* maids los (kl. and the hath "servant" (she was evidently a poor hand at spelling, dear old sou !) another half guinea, then 1 seem vo aeo her dim shape assume material tone. For your posterity’s sake, therefore. If you think well of your own Individ* nality and also that you may get a sort of outside view of yourself, you may be counseled to k ep diary; but. for goodness’ sake, do nut get hysterical iu your coiihdcnceb with it’ All lU* Vear Round. .lust received a car load of Harrison ' t *os Go . celebrated ready in’mm! tialntH. The Douglas Hardware Cos. Take, talk am liuy tv alula f rom your 'rugglst NETTLETCN'S SHOES APE SU PERIOR I N QUALITY. I HAVE THEM. J. A. SMITH. To the Consumer. I will give the' retailers* profit. *H\e just received in coo l*> Mori cigar* a real g. >.? r.c cign. which I will s cll dlre‘t t :!’* consumer ht >1 2 r < per hm of r " I am sok nuent fir thia brand. Th cigar Is wort! >2.00 per box. *> u box win make yen get tno’-e at *** lawton 31A r b * Sour Stomach No appetite, los.* of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general dekfhty, sour ris iugs, and catarrh of the siornach a:a all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures ail stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Gives Health to the Sick and Strength to th We^k. Bottles only. s!.ooClze holding 2*5 times the trial sue, which selis for 50c. Prepared by E. C. I>eV/itt &. O'., Chicago. Smith's Pharmacy Jocrncr’s Pharma* cy, Fortson’s Drug Store. BpieU l IE iitFF x u' and 'Si crip To.-vr < ! | the fie: "•• : ■ ‘jo.- •> 1 I r•' -i M n. u . . | A K Hr.-. Fof Sale by W J BUTTS. Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant X l )l >*■ ! i . > \Js£A_ H ‘ THE QUICKISST LUNCH I can he luid lie re. We call tt our' "rapid lire him li” because it is' served so quickly. i It .s not tired at our however, hut placed before tuein 1 iu a dainty uud uppetiziug man-. 1 aer. \ This lunch cost*? little, can be l pilrkly *lir;i.cuN| of and satisfies i ill -Mil .!' most rcihust appetitea 1 I. W. WILSON, Prep. ’Phone 321, If you're going on 9 trip Here’s a pleasant little tip Vince a bottle in your grip Red Top Rye S. D. LEVADAS, Sole agent Brunswick, Ca. and Vicinity. . >6 Monk Street. Ferdinand Writhrimer £ Sana. Dirtillrr* GUttIMU, 0. St. Jo* ok Ho louiiTtUa, It CANDY IN PAILS. TUBS AND BOXES. THE DOWNING CO. Wilson Is feeding the fastidious and only Wlson can do Ufa THE BRUNBWICK DAILY NtWL WANT COLUMN. llf you want a position, • house, * servant, or wint to find anything that has bseri lost, or want some thing that some ons else has. ad verttse in this column FOR RENT —Furnished rooms to rent to men. 218 Union street. FOR RENT—Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply la Brobston, Feudlg *. Cos. FOR SAIJh —Rubber stamp*, scuja stinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will U. Fain, 313 Newcastle streeL FOR SALE—A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The News offloe. PERSONAL —Morphine, opium, lau danum, cocaine habit; myself cured: will Inform you of harmless, perma nent home cure. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. FOR RENT —Two, four, and live room cottages. Ready for housekeep ing. Houses near the St. Simon Pier Mrs. W. L. Wallace, Ocean Pier. Use long distance phone. WANTED —Experienced nurse, col ored, middle age. Reference required Inquire at 206 Reynolds streeL LOST—GoId link cuff button. Fin der return to the News office and re celve more than the button Is worth LOST.—Enameled gold breast pin with one pearl in center, between Gloucester and corner of Newcastle and Monk streets. Finder will please return same to this office and get reward. LOST—Yellow pug log. crippled In left hind leg. Has on leather collar with city tag on same. Return to this office and get reward. LOST —Tan leather hand-bag, with chain, containing keys, memorandum and some money. Return to News office and receive reward. TOR SALE—Roller top desk. Will sell at a bargain. Address H, care News. WANTED—Positon as fricton engin eer. Satisfaction guarmteed on any pyle driver. Apply G. J„ care News office LOST—A Brazilian lace handker chief, either in the First Methodist church or between the church and the re i dence of Mr. f. V Woow. Finder return to the News office and receive reawrd. NOl*lOE. —All parties are hereby warned and n. titled not to trespass on long Island or Little St. Simon All trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. John Currie. FOR SALE. —Tug Mabel S. 67 feet long, 18 feet beam. 5 12 draft Cbm i pound engines, 12 20x12. Price f7,500. I Address Christie Imwe & Hayworth, 1 Fernanditta Fla. mm r voifv * THE LATEST STRIKE % *ls ratlier interesting. So is the * nice Hite of Fancy Crackers,, *K>th in bulk anil iu pretty pack-^ * ages. If you are <i a strike^ * for something nice and appetts-<, * Ing no time in striking for, * this store atul making your selec-**, 1 lions. * * THOMAS KEANY. Oirocer. ♦ * Fhon, 11. 312 Newatle * [ANY CHURCH or parsonage or in stitute supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the Isjugman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so too- twenty years. Sales tees of tut.iions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must, he added to the paint, idine in two mieutes). Actual cos* then about M lif> per gallon. Sample? rr ve. •Sold ' y onr aCMita. Bowen & Thomas. itietevue i/onie. Tuts jlebr M tonic in U grow in* demand. The aeaaon at the grenfeet seed in approaching. Indignation. Hit llniisiieea. Jaundice. (Toll 1 and Fever Sick Headache, palna la La* back and kldueye all depend upon malaria, aa* Bellevue Tonic caret them all la any torn, W. J, BUTTS. Aka gcemgl— New Cigar Store 1 have just opened a cigar store at my tailor shop on Newcastle street, amt will carr- a full line of smokers' articles. The tailoring bus iness will be couducted as heretofore. The public is cordially invited to ex tend me a share of the trade. W. X. oodam. Good board and lodging, nice rooms, eiectric lights, bath, and use of tele phone. $4.00 per week at 2U B Su PcrliiAt Strong as Poison, In many of tiso tobacconist: sl.c-r* obonrr., :*:;o t.r no. •at*! Torn 1. • r. .• ; f.r uso . v iljve graoktrs. Tills t!.* -i igre ‘hn\ has l.< tn pro.'. :< y f*r o i-i. • a* a! ia !., ‘ns-:! •!:c_* •l• 'if G' r Rv’volut'oujny v I? is a j- bluet, lalOii.-L'ly str i.r ; • fan :.s f-_-i it* fip.v.r it'* al::;ty to vvi vk th* nervos. It I# f.ov.’o ami liiitiic in St .Jjvdc* park!}. r.: '.li< v <1 > only amounts to a! .ir MM’ 0 \v As a year The inak*rw fo'.ow ihe prill.’live processes wblbh \wi In use 130 years The stems are take:: from the leaves ate! the la?: r \ t into a box under a heavy Lvaduai , ressure. This causes tie Juice run out. even throupb the m • •■'. ' tl i.< :es. A gradual pio - •: ■:n v.r. n and curing take * . At iif* r *nths the to haeeo is roiVd :<:*• ' ; r :s” ar l v*rap | l: is left In th; : V. ;. <nr before It is ready f . u Tbe f. v ; • • v<j' sidemf delicious If: ; . but ia too ftiiv,; ' * • >. .••:.< rs is continue, y ' h :r :• u- and i liter c.v 'i p > ’ u*.i-d al most Sv f. ; * h wry mild tott> v*w * THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only I irst Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR ; Opera House Block, ' Has a large and selected stock af inew goods, for the comipg season, - -best of worb and perfect fit guar- ■ [ anteed. > Pants made to order for $4.00. [ Suits made to order for $15.00. t If you want a Swell [ Suit give me .* [call. \' s *. v... Oak ,r.'A. 8 H. u '•L . ;.i ~ C DEVAkIS & LIVADAS, Country (jrocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCf GHOCERIES 204 Monk Lt. ’ Pnone 14 l c UNION CLEANING ond PRESSING CLUB. Ring phone 2534 and let EDWARD MARTIN clean and prete your ciothea H. does good work and will glv, you Satisfaction. Phene 146-2 508 Monk St. GOAL. A N D WOOD, CONEY & BARKER. NM I ■BiaijMi—i■Hill II I—Ti mi m tu H'icsit '*? 4 - BRUNSWICK. CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St. Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. Please remember that if L is good to eat yau will And it at W'lsons EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councehor at Law. Court Hook*. Brunswick, La. A Little Early Riser Now au dlhen, at bedtime will cure const ipuuoii, Lbiuiu. ness and livei troubles. DeWitt's l.ittle Marly Ris ers are the famous titile pills that cure by arousiu,, :lie secretions, mov ing the bowels ;,omiy, yet etfectualiy, and giving sr., u muo and strength to the glands ol . .Uomach and liver that the eau . ■ tronole is re moved enii - . it the:;' use is continued l-> - cays, there will be no reiuri. - > .■ ud by Jotrgori- .<■ Smiiit’e Pl.-.r macy and " ■! ’' * Li.cap t.vai f.state. One ot l ie : .. • t iiomes on tru ce street, ioi , v rooms bouse, rice $3,i00, pay u Ji.oOu cash bal anc© one. tw > .i. ‘.rue years ti per cent Interest opportunity for someone. For bargains - ' al kinds call on US. r'ENOIG &. C.O A. R. U. t . UPHOLSTi ", - : CAKiNG ■- SVU.g Care. I .. i ■ / n Carte fuft- .- ,i. . " ... made and rem v ■ I /-nit s ( packed and carpet.. -. r ~ Baby Cari.j-.i •(,. o.rei W. H. THOMAS. 110 teioucettcr Street. Gives mmmmmmmmmmmimmi irraf*--w®vw*sai| T} 0 Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be B traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- I He(lith e ' B, hen tb ese important organs fail to act B U t t regularly the system becomes cloggsd with H, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s K Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently 1 ■oughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid “ and is good for avery member of the tI&W K. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. I Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal 1,0171071 hs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. * iiwi■iiiwu'iimi imill i Elixir rc BCOET BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers oi Machinery, Engines, Saw Nils Marine work a specialty Packings, Fittings and Supplies Estimates Furnished Free oi Charge. 629 Bay t-. W. R. DART, 'JLAUO DART, .'resident and Manager Sec.~ct.xry ;.nd Treasurer. L Downing, t'rtnoMt t. M Mascn Vine-President. £.D.VVa ! t-r, Kashiar, The National Bank o i Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITaJ. of one hundred an L FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLA its xml total HESOUHCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOl LAK6, xre devoted to the assistance of tegit imato business enterpriaeß, DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited from individuals, firms and corpora* .oca. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT acco unta bear iuteret.t, cuiupoi.udsd an an arly. Interest bearing ceriflcates of deposit issued ci special :'rma. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS’ MONEi ORDER ASSOCI*. ION” arc cheaper and more convenient man poatotßoe or* Kulola is now for sale by nearly all druggists and every bottle is guaran teed. Kulola acts magic on your kidneys and liver and you will feel its eifect alter taking Uxa tree sample given you. Thu host p.u ’uedih tiie stars and stripes; It cleanses tne system and never gnpes. i.ittle Eariy Kisers of wordly re*gte. Ask £oi Dewitts and take no suestitti le. ,i u.aH .all .easy to buy easy to take and easy t> a, t, but never railing in restiilt. iddi.Ss lull lo Early rtisers arouse tbe secretions and act as a toutc to tne liver, curing perm.iubut .y. -Jotrger'e Pharaiaty. bmlth’s oaruiac* .V" J. Rnttr Old Mouopole Rye at fi.oo per fur *uart, Yellow Lauei at SL.2& per ouart, Philadelptlia Club Uye at per lull quart. AM above are sols eisewbero for f 1.60- Sig l,evisnn 3!< Bay street Pure Chemicals aro the ouly kina used at Jim Carter s clothes cleaning establishment. He is reliable nnci ant' tout work- Phone All Were Baffled. Word comes from Wake, Ark. that (lev. Jno. J. Cox had a strange malad,- accompanied by yellow jaundict \>r 12 years physicians were batilei and though everything known to th profession was used, the trouble rc uained. One day he began to use Electric Bitters aud in a week s change for the better came and at length he was entirely cured. IFs the most reliable atsliciae tor liver and kidney troubles. Only 50c. and guar teed by all druggists. A‘Sure Thing. It is said that, nothing is sure ex. ci yl deaiii and taxes, but that is not ...ogetber true. Dr. King's New Di->- cevery for consumption is a sure cure or ail lung ami throat troubles, ■i houuMtds can testify to that. Mrs. • . H. VanMetre of ricepherdtown, W a, says; ”1 had a severe case of li: in hills, and for a year t tried ©v ■ ly.hiug 1 beard of, but got no re ■>ei. Due oottle of Dr. Kiug s iso* Discovery then cured me absolute > its infallible for croup, whoopir.a rough, grip pneumonia, and consur.i. turn. Try it. It's guaranteed. Sol; by ail druggists.. Triad bottles free dig sizes 50c. and *t.oO For grass shears and lawn mowers ■•I:!, st Douglas Hardware Cos., and id m tho beat Tov tri# least money . DOROTHY DODD SHUtiS FOR LADIES. BEAT ON THE MARKET. JULY 2S, 1908. [ PEC.tLt&L BC'-TED MEAL IS i l Mfc HEAD OF tHE LIST. AoKi VOUii -HiOCF-O FCI IT . . i_u:ck A.rec.. I p. A. Gulieugo, ui Verbena, Aia., wa.i in ute nospuai lioiu a tv* vere case of plies, causing 24 uuu-.ra. After uoctors ami ail. remedies laaed, BucKieu’3 Arnica Balve qiactay ar rested further inaiuatiou ana cared • mm. It conquers aches aud Hills I pain. 25 cents at alt druggists. Kalola. • This highly endorsed preparation for iiidigesLou, bmney nuu iiyer troubles appeals to every intelligent man and woman for a lair and impar tial trial. Kaiolu. is, composeu oi t lie properties of lour noted mineral springs of kr.or.h power to cure indi gestion, kidney aud liver troubles. eftect finish led lasting qu*i graph Ctuuio, 622 1-J Gloueectar St, ! ’a. bo competitc-.’s. Go Uxaee “ye Elite." Doctors, bankers, lawyers, mer chants, preachers and all inteligent people enderse and reeommeno Ks iola for indigestion, kidney and liver troubles. Tlie Wastes ol the uady. Every seven coys ue it mod, mus cles and hones of a emu of average sue loses two p-junus ut womotii tis sue. This want# cannot be ieplau and the hen!in .inti strt.igiiv kept up without perfect digestion. Wuen the sum ach and digestive or gans fail to perform their tunc lions, me strength lets down, health gives way, auu disease sea up, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure ei.abies the stomach amt digestive organs to digest and assim ia.tO 3 if ot the v hole uu.o .cod that may be eaten into the i ud of blood that rebuilds the tissues an- protects Uie haaiih and strength of he uuud [and body. Kodol cure., in.igostion, idyspepsia and all stomach troubles, it is an ideal spring tonic, .joi.l by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Bruno'., Pa arma cy and W. J. Butts. Real Estate Bargains. $2,500.0-! for out of tue l . etue-st houses on Union siren, Lo Uik-.yiO and 7 room house sdfa!.cu 4f. 10 near the business cet .cr SI,OOO. -0 for 4 room house, dose in. SBOO ,i for 4 small houses, rent at .y 1 p r month. siiou.uu lord ro< -a ., bi .gs s;>.oo per month. BUCBSTCN. FKVniG t!0 Steame: Falcon. ,v. Brunswick, Monday... ii 20 a. m. Ar. Brunswick, Tuosnay.. it 00 p. m. v. Brunswick, Wednesday. 3 30 a. m Dock, foot Hgusßeid M rt .