The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, July 28, 1903, Image 2

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rOESDAY MORNINu. RRUNSWIi DAILY NEWS. t j', ' PUBLIHUEU *T\ILY BY TH . NEWS PU3LITHING CO. t .. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAJY ...*.*." ..T.- Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. <l l tlj i • ’; t t Advertising isiy-a inrule known cm Application I bun * ami other char itable qulbeil published at half the regular rate*. • f1 ( l' SUBSCRIPTION KATES. ... . i r Terms to subscribers Id the city and by mall free.of charge to ail parts of tbs (Jolted State* and Canaila. Mexico, p-wtn Kico. Guam, I'bilippiue islands and Hawaiian Inlands: Per Month 1 50 bis Months* .t-J. itu/. .'. t k l>b line Year & 60 Entered at Ihe-Brunswick, Ga., post office, as second-class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as ; the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for G'ynn county. TELEPHONE ISB. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. l-e News Publishing Oampany de sires it to be distinctly understood that "Cl legal advertisements must be paid lor in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our Hpace to such ad vtrtlsementa and wait on the courts V*r the money. Will it be Kampolla or Gotti? King Peter is still on good terms with the army. The scrap for the niatiti* 1 of Pope ]a?o is on in good shape The Waycross Journal is still hunt ing tor that blind tiger. Brunswick’s island resorts have isitli had a very successful season. Judge Jones of Alabama can vay a thousand and cost with genuine grace. Brunswick's public building in near ing completion and It In going to bo a beauty, too. The summer girl, like our poor rcla lions, Is still with us. Well, we are always glad to welcome her. They have gone to lynching negro women down in New Orleans. Boston will please take notice. Hearts seems to be looming tip In great force as the strongest candidate for the democratic nominee for tin presidency. Sir Thomas may not win that cup, but be fell heir to a good Job Judg j ns a beauty show among the theatre girts in New Vork. Judge A 1) Ilale is a young attorney of ability and we are sure ills record on the 'bench will be ull that hh friends expect Pamrsop N .1 , is llm hard luck city of the country. Within the past two years H has been almost wiped nut by tire, wa lied awuv by Hood, and this week it lias been visited by a damag ing wind storm Amt the anarchists are always In "its midst:’ THE ACTING POPE. Cardinal Oreglla. who b. the acting bead of the fathom- church for the in terregnutn incident upon the ot Pojm- l.eo, may .lecome the next 1 opi following in the footsteps of l.eo. who was the carinerlengo at the death ot Pius IX and succeeding to liis tiara The old dean of thti.cardinals was very heartily disliked during the lifetime ol the late pope and has generally been regarded us au impossibility for the succession because of his uncompromising dlsjiositioii. But he has appeared In a better light since responsibility lias come to him and lias regained many admirers. The fuel that he is an old man and that tin cardinals arc generally opposed to a long pontificate brings him promin ently into favor as a compromise can didau for ' Pupil throne, ami if t lie objections formerly held to hen a-, tip longei present be may yet be the choice of the couclv. THE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE. "iThes-lcagvie of fteorght municipali ties is tirfii- held in Macon on the 12lli of August and it |lromb<*s to Is* unite % an important having for ita purpose* t h<* general dtociission of moans ami m*‘/.suro of groat ini* rest to the* cities of tho stlutr.* V\V ar** please*] with tliw iliat Brunswick is a n.ember of this organization and ttaJ Jiii.-> i1 y wiii lie *.v< if ropn> ented ;tf tip* uniting. Mayor Crovali will atii-nd as t}i direct of thocily ;ohl in addition Col. Rdwiri I’robstoii has invited to make an address In* fore the organization ami lias arrpted. fl'h*} foiynation. on tin- paid of tins executive beads of tin* dm ol the; state is a fur 1 ' reaching proposition and we are sure that it - results will foe prompt and effect ive. **• A 808 TAYLOR THOUGHT. Hill Hale of the it ilk* American says; “By tii* wTTy, i wonder if Hob Tay lor would not havf hecn a rn at poet if lie had not been a great orator and humorist? In mentioning fust imae <>ry. with my mitul turning easily iroin grave to gay. 1 am eon voiced that there was tin* fashioning of strong lines in one who could get off this ! noticeable* ill spite off the comical vein in which it was spolo n: **Tc xa.s is the largest waffle on the griddle of North America Site is sweetened wit In the honey of happi ness pouring down from the hunghole of prosperity, ami buttered with pure democracy. Woe to the prince or |o teiitate who sticks a fork in Texas Mexieo tried it once, and iioat double with a s|x*i! of San .Jaeinto!" Mrs Nation, the Kansas woman who won notoriety with a hatchet, is now regularly in the business of country fail freak Secretary licmland, ot ihe Hancock County Pair Association, ol Ohio, : avs lie has rei-eied a proposi lion from Mrs. Nation’s manager to cxiiiliil lip- at (lie forthcoming fair ai so much per week Secretary ! SPi land has declined the proposition. .-:inee lie says lu- does not wish lb cm liana,s Hit swiinl swallower- Circus sian girls nial rake charmers by ex bihitiug with tln-m a freak that would take the w b ib aiulicm . A Little Early Riser tow an ilUieu, at bedtime will curt constipation, biliousness and live, troubles. lioWitt's l.ltUo Early Ills err. are Hie famous little pills tha. -ure by arousing the secretions, tuuv mg tile bowels gently, yet elfoelually and giving such tone anil strength to the glands ot the slomacn and llvei i hat the cause ol the trouble is re moved entirely, and if their use i! continued for a lew days, there wi! oe no return of the couipiaint. Sole iy Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith's I’har uacy and W. J. Butts, * Cneap Real Estate. One of tlie prettiest homes on ttu or M ‘, lot box Ike; 7 rooms house, rice f.i.bub, payable $1,0UI) cash hai aui-e one, two and three yeats t! pet eui interest Gruml oiiportunity for .lime one. For bargains of all kinds call on US. BROBSTON. FENDtG &. C.O A Sure Thing. It is said ibat mulling is sure ex ,-ept death and taxes, but is mil aitujjether true. Or. King's New lb covery for consumption is a afire curt for ml lung uuii throat troubles thousands can testify to that. Mrs C. 11. VanMelre of Seepherdtowu, \\ Va., nays: “1 had a severe ease ol Bronchitis, and for a year 1 tried ci erythiug 1 heard of, hut got uo r lief. One LottJo of Dr. Kings Nev Discovery then cured me ahsoMitai- It’s infallible for croup, whoopu.i cough, grip pneumonia, and conaumi lion. .Try it. It’s guaranteed. So’... ny all druggists.. Tila.l bottles I,t-- deg sizes 6Uc. and xi.dil For grass shears and lawn mowers •all at Douglas Hardware Cos., anc and get the best ? <>T tnc least money DOROTHY DOUU SHUtS FOR LADIES, BERT ON THE MARKET Just received a car loc I of Harrison 11.-os. *1 Cos. celebrate^ ready mixed paints. The Douglas Hardware Cos. Take. talk, and buy nalola from your ’rugglsL To the Consumer. I will give the retailers’ profit, have just received 10,000 Mail re Lr Bori cigars a real go-id 5c cigar which 1 will sell direct to the consumer ai ti. 25 per box of su. I am sole agent for this brand. Thi.- cigar Is worth 12.00 per box. one box will make yov get more at *** Ixwßaon. 310 Pa; All Were Bathed. Word comes from Wake, Ark. tha 1 Rev. Jno. J. Cot hail a slrauge malad; accompanied by yellow jaundice For 12 years physicians were ba-ne ar J though everything known to th profession was used, ihe trouble re mained One day he began to use "■le-trie Ritters and In a week a ' D-ti ,nin I o' i '* I * . -* - ( ’ • - '• , kidney Itoij’-u lb J, w q . teed by all druggista- Letters from Women Cured by the use of Kodol are received daily. Their troubles nearly all begin with indiges tion or other stomach disorder. If the food you eat fails to give strength to your body, it is because the juices se creted by the stomach at.d digestive organs are inadequate to transform t ie nutrient prop erties of the food into blood. That i indigestion. The system is deprived cf the amount of nourishment required to keep up the strength, and the result is that one or more of the delicate organs gradually grows weak, and then weaker, until finally it is diseased. Here a great mistake ts made. That of treating the diseased organ. The best doctors in the land make this very mistake. V/hy should they ? It is so easy to see that the troable is not there. Kodol Cures This famous rernody puts the stomach and digestive organs in a healthy condition so that rich, red blood is sent coursing through the veins and arteries of every muscle, tissue and fiber thrpughout every organ of the en tire body, and by Nature's law of health, full strength and vigor is soon restored to each. Kodol cures Indigestton, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. I have taken Kodol for nearly two months after each meal ai.d it is the only remedy that gave relief from the terrihie pains I endured. After a time I would take it but once a day. and now. while I keep a bottle handy I seldom need it, as it has cured me. Mrs. J. W. Coolbauom, Milo Center. N. Y. Kodol Digests What You Eat. Betties only. $1 00 Size holding 2’4 times the trial size. which sells for i>o cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWiTf & CO-. CHICAQO Smith’B Pharmacy, Joerger’s Pharma cy, Fortson’s Drug Store. I To Grow JTeW Hair | I GOlk DANDRUFF 1 and Hair Tonic is R thC HCSI b-eeii COKE. | SHAVING FO \m : $ bOK 1. a * Mi.V iN if jj licnts HD; • .11 r*< ... l 1> •' •’ i - *'•■ ■ • 1 licit V#Q|! * 'H'.’.f'w • • ) kif Hrlf ' M For Bale by W J BUTTB, Druflglt Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant TMH UmCKUST LUNCH I can bo hud here. We call It our l "rapid-fire lunch" because it is' served so quickly. "N It !s not fired at our palroos,' however, but placed before them l in a dainty and appetizing man < per. This lunch costs little, can be i piiekly disposed of and ill but she most robust appetites i J. W. WILSON, Prop. \ 'Phone 321. jj /rami If you’re going on a trip Here’s a pleasant little tip ''lace a bottle in your grip Red Top Rye S. D. LEVADAS. Sole agent Brunswick, Ga. and Vicinity. .06 Monk Street. t'rrdiomig Wnthtimrr C Soaa. Dittillrra CmainMuftt St. inapt, Cos. lomarilla, It candy IN PAILS, TUBS AND BOXES. THC DOWNING CO. H’ilsnr Is feeding the fatlidious ao< 4®iy WI&ob cab do UU. YH t BRUMtWICK DAILV NEW*. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or wint to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertlse in this column. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to rent to men. 21k Union street. FOR RENT —Stores, offices and 1 dwellings. Apply to Brobston. Feniiig *c Cos. FOJt SALE —Kuober stamps, seals, stlnceiß, etc. Agent Underwood Type- • writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street. FOR SALB— A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The News office. PERSONAL—Morphine, opium, lau ianum, cocaine babit; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, perma •lent home cure. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, >ox 1212, Chicago. FOR RENT—Two, four, and five oorn cottages. Ready for housukeep ng. Houses near the St. Simon Pier. \lrs. IV. L. Wallace, Ocean Pier. Use ong distance phone. WANTED —Experienced nurse, col ored, middle age. Reference required. Inquire at 206 Reynolds street LOST—GoId link cuff button. Fin der return to the News office and re ceive more t>.3n the button Is worth. LOST .-—Cameled gold breast pin with one pearl in center, between Gloucester and corner of Newcastle and Monk streets. Finder will please ixxturu same to this office and get reward. —_ —i LOST —Yellow pug log, crippled in left hind leg. Has on leather collar with city tag on same. Return to this office and get reward. LOST—Tan leather hand-bag, with chain, containing keys, memorandum and some money. Return to News office and receive reward. FOR SALE—Roller top desk. "Vyill sell at a bargain. Address H. care News. WANTED —Positon as frleton engin eer. Satisfaction guartnty-ed on any I>yle driver. Apply G. J., care News office. COST —A Brazilian lace handker chief, either In the First Metlhodlst church <xr between the church and Ihe residence of Mr. t. V. Woow. Finder return to the Nows office and receive *eawrd. NO'lftCE. —All parties are hereby warned and notified not to trespass on Dong Island or Little St. Simon All trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. John Currie. FOR SALE. —Tug Mabel S. 67 feet long. 18 feet beam. 5 1-2 draft. Com pound engines. 12-20x12. Price $7,600 Address Christie Ixiwe & Heyworth, Fernandlna Fla. ► THE LATEST STRIKE ( ►ls rather interesting. So is the. ► nice line of Fancy Crackers.g i both in bulk aud in pretty pack ► ages. If you are oin a strike^ ► for something nice and appetis-* ► ing Wise no lime in striking for* ► this store and making your selec-V] ► tions. £ fc *■ y THOMAS KEANY, Grocer. ♦ fcPhone 11, 812 Neweastie ; J ANY CHURCH or parsonage or lu st itule supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of tbe Longmau A Martinez Pure Paints whenever they painL Note: Have done so fof twenty years. Sales lens of mi.iionH of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint If not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen drears. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, (dine In two mluutesL Actual cost then about $126 per gslion. Sampler *-ee. Sold ’-y our agwata. Bowen & Thomas. tfaepue i/ctiie. Tala jlebr ,ed tonic Is la grown* demand. The season ot the groatsel Lien) la approachlug. IndigetUon, Bit llousness. Jaundice, CulID and Fever, Sick Headache, pains In tne and kidneys all depend upon malaria, and Bellevue Tonic cures them all 1> ai (arm, W. tL BUTTS. New Cigar Store I have just opened a ci#ar store at my tailor shop ou Newcastle street, and will cam - t full line of smokers’ articles. The tailoring bus iness will be conducted as heretofore. The public is cordially invtted- to ex tend me a share of the trade. W. X. oodam. Gi k '.l tuts *t] hti-* fra’-leg nice rooms. riSCti,C l,gbits, liar' and tie >'f tele phohc. s4.i)o per w'Ait at ill 9 St. I'ertne Virtue Poison. fn ninny of ‘be tobacconists’ shop* perique tobacco chopped into granu i;itod form is display* and for use by pipe tinkers. This is the same perique that bus been grown by Frenchmen and Spaniards in Louisiana since before our Revolutionary war. It is a jet Idaeq Intensely strong tobacco, famous for Its flavor and its ability to wreck the serves. It is grown and made in f?t. James parish. Louisiana, and the crop only amounts to about 100.000 pounds a year. The makers follow the primitive processes which were in use 150 years ago. The stems are taken from the leaves and the latter put into a box under a heavy'gradual pressure. This causes the juice to run cut, even through the wood of the boxes. A gradual process of fermentation and euring takes place. At the end of three months the to bacco is rolled into “caiTuts” and wrap ped in cloilis tightly bound with ropes. It is left in that way for a year before it is reaily for market. The flavor of perique is considered delicious by all pipe smokers, but is too strong. The tendency of smokers is continually toward lighter and lighter tobacco, and pcrh;ue is now used al most solely for mix. ii!g, with very mild tobacco* to flavor ii THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only Lirst Class Hotel. Reasonable Rfttes to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. !PHILLIPS the TAILOR ’ [ Opera House Block, j , Has a large and selected stock of ! [ new goods, for the comicg season, ; best of wor>- and perfect fit guar-j [anteed. j f Pants made to order for 54.00. ; | Suits made to order for $15.00. ( If you want a Swell r Suit give me a ; |call. ‘W OO Oak and Fine 8 H. 0-UicU, it DLVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. • Phone 141-3. UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. i King ’phone 253-4 and let EDWARD MARTIN . ... clean and preea your clothe* H does good work and will giva you Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. COAL AND WOOD. CONEY &. PARKER. iVwlaktA Jim Digests wlmt v-vu BRUNSWICK CYC LI; CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle SL Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. Please remember that II i: is good to eat yau will find it at W'lson a EDWIN W. DART, Attorney end Councellor at Law. Court Hon**. Brunswick, Ga. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets arH Matting. Pau. in Cane Seats in Juans, IWattr-s-ses made and renovatt-i, Furniture re packed and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 “'oucester Street. NETTLETCN’S 51.0C3 ARE SU PERIOR I N QiIALiTY. I HAVE THEM. J. A SMITH. FOR .> : AND J Fresh Mc’ats REMCEMEEB Du: deii and: Cos Wolf and i t irc-i L.-.-U it for less Phone S' ir . hai y. i • order will be ■' -I;.. r• .i promptly.- READ THiSE PRICES. ' Blew Meats from 5 to 7 1-2' -’o'-nd Stoat; from 10c pound to Gives ———————i "in linn imi’iwnni Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be B traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- jj Health e * Sl Wk en these important organs fail to act 0 regularly the system becomes clogged with ■i perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s I s a pleasant lemon drink which acts gerrtly M cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid good for every member of tha rrtijW c :nts a bottle at all drug-stores. j Hot Drops are without any equal f QiTffjH Is, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. w THE ' BAY, IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers ol Machinery, Engines. Saw Mills Marine work a specialty Packings, Fittings and Supplies Estimates furnisjied free of Charge. 029 Bay St. V/. R. DART, ' Ci-AUG DART, * .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. G. Downing, President. E. H. Mason, Vice-President. L.G. Waiter, Grsnier. The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK. GA CAPITAL of one hundred and fifth thousand ind total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOILAKS, ■ire devoted to the assistance of legit irnate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited It urn individuals, finny and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT acco unta bear interest, compounded quar erly. interest bearing cerificatea of deposit issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS’ M ONE it ORDER AS3CCU ION” are cheaper and more convenient than postofflo* or express. —I I Kalola is now for sale by nearly all druggists and every bottle is guaran teed. Kalola acts magic on your kidneys and liver and you will feel its effect after taking the free sample given you. The best pill ’neath the stars and stripes; It cleanses the system and never gripes. Little Early Risers of wordly regjie. Ask for Dewitt’s and lake no substitute. A small pill .easy to buy easy to t:Ue and easy to act, but never tailing In results. Dewidt’s Little Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver, curing permanent ly.—Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharmacy, W. J. Butts. Old Monopolo Rye at *I.OO per full *.uart, Yellow Label nye at $1.26 par quart, Philadelphia Club Rye at *l.ot' per full quart. AU above are sold elsewhere tor $1.60, Sig Levlsmi Jib Bay street Pure Chemicals are the only kind used at Jim Carter’s clothes cleaning establishment. He is reliable and wants your work. JPhoae ttl-x Cold soda water aud ice cream at Fooson’s drug store. 00 YOU WEAR SHOES? YES. THEN CALL ON ME. J. A. SMITH. Permanently Cured by Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student In law, in Greenvilio, S. C.,Uad been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says, “greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear that 1 was in the first stage of consumption.” Mr. Burbage having seen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ad v t rtised, coschided to try it. Now read what he says of it; “1 soon leit remarkable change, and after using Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of his. 'Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, valices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him. J. H. TANKERSLEY. “Dorothy Dodd" shoes are the very '-.i t M T have them. J. 1 C * '’e ‘ ‘ f*t*l JULY 28. lf*o9 I PEERLESS BOIYEu ...Cal is ‘ THE HEAD OF " Ht LIST. a>k YOUR GROCE P- if. wuicK A. rest. J. A. Gulledge, of verbena, Ala., was twice in the honpltat trom a sy vere case of piles, causin'; 2-t tumors Auer doctors anil alt icmcdiea raiteu, j .jucklen’s Arnica Salve .quieiuy ar rested fut tier mamation and cured mm. It conquers aches and kills Spain. 25 crrDs at ait di aggie,s. Doctois, bankers, lawyers, mer chants, preachers and all intelligent people endorse and recommend iva ’ 101 l for indigestion, kidney and liver troubles. j "Ona Dcse’’ Moslejss i.cinou Klixer act3 gently in tbe bow‘A without any unp’.eanaiit erc-ot. it is a per toot, liquid laxative. 50 e-ants pel h* -* <*t a 1 ’ drug sco qs. Kalola. This highly endorsed preparation for indigeston. kidney and liver troubles appeals to every intelligent man and woman for a lair and impar tial trial. Kalola ’s composed of tbe properties of four noted mineral springs of known power to cure indi gestion, kidney and liver troubles. Artistic effect finish and lasting qual ities considered. Wilson’s Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St., has no competitors. Go there ”ye ElltA” The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days ue blood, mus cles and bones of a mau of average size loses two pounds of wornout tis sue. This waste cannot be replen ished and the health and strength kept up without perfect digestion. When the stomach and digestive or gans fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, ami disease sets up, Kodoi Dys pepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive- ergufia digest and assim ..ate ail of ihe wholesome food that may be eaten into ihe hind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects, the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodoi cures indigestion, dyspepsia and aii stomach troubles, it is an idea! spring tonic. Sold by Joerger’a Pharmvy, Smith's Pharma cy and W. J. Butts. Rea! Estate Bargains. $3,500.00 for one of the prettiest houses on Union street. Lot 90x80 and 7 room bouse $253.00 45x9u near the business center. $1,000.00 for 4 room house, close in. SBCO.Oo fur 4 small houses, rent at $16.00 per month. $200.00 for 3 room house, brings $5,00 per month. TP rfvryTD Hr CO