The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 01, 1903, Image 2

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SATURDAY MOftNINQ. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. fUB.MKIIED DAILY BY’ TH HEWS PUBLISHING CO. . H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEA / Y Editor. LOUIS J. LLAVY, Jr... .City Editor. AdvetUftiiig ioi**n iaitt'iu known on application, Oiiurrli and other char itable orgaulialiou oolites published at halt the regular rates. fcUBSUIttFTION KATIiS. Terms to nihscribers la the clt> and by uiaU fiue ot charge to all parts ol the Untied blaios and Canada. Mejuco, Porto Rico. Guam. I'litlipplue ‘stands and Hawaiian Islands: Per H until * &li bis * &0 Une Year ** uu Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post offlee, as second-class mall matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankiuptcy proceedings, foi Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBUSHEHS notice. 'i~e News Publishing Company de sires U to he dlßliutlly uuUerstoou Ural all legal advertisements must be paid .or In advance. Wo cannot a! lord to devote 0111 apace to uucu ail vtrtlseuieota aud wait ou the courts •cir the money. Pay your subscription lull today. The summer girl sees her own Uu ish. According to some hushauds their "lodge" meets every night. The present session of the logtsla ture has been only a pay drawing affair. We> are wathchlng for the sea ser pent story. It will come sooner or later. Every man knows how to run u newspaper except those who run It. Brunswick should have ft carnival or something ot the kind. We need some hustling. Grover need not worry about Bryan and has unkind sayings. 'l'he people know them both. When the government otlleers get in that new building you know they will feel their "oats" Sir Thomas will probably give up the yacht racing business after the contest this mouth. We kuow a good hotel on St. Si uiou would pay and the sensible man who butlua one will make a fortune. The negroes have already reached the conclusion that their best friends are to he found in the south. The salary of nearly every slate house olheer is entirely too small Too much honor and uot enough taou ey. There is no use tu crying ovet thi milk, it is -spilled" and we must now hunt tor something not on luo steei ptajit order ____ Congressman l.tvlngston thicks (lo man the proper mau for the demo crats to nominate. Any good man our party names can win GETTING RIO OF GROUCH. Three mouths ago Hubert l> U/.s'.r muns was a disconsolate widower am. hU grief coultt not l>e controlt-m. A ftfw tiayb aK'* liK ' *' laiaua uuto himself a l-rclty X> uu e actress whose charms have soothed his sorrow Some days ago When question ft to his attentions toward the lady he acknowledged h.s n .t... iai aspirations ami exnlalmil bu l ait lon lu the following memo. .! words -I am toed of going around with the grouch on.” Mi Fitzsimmons si OUO att i own artless fashtou for the world of widowerliood. Men of ail km.m degrees get tired of going about will £ r -1 t'n; a. -r,ft! .■ i;u ul .t **- ~ - vU K#'S. THE EXHIBIT BILL. The following from the Augusta' Chronicle is so much in line with f.e .policy we have boon ao.i aina I we reproilneo it with “After a splendid fight in the legis lature lead by lien. ‘‘ 1 <■:. bum :.r, .Richmond,, the inII ajtproprlatlnf? sr.u,huh for a Georgia exhibit al th<- I-ouisiana Purchase Rxpordtirm next year passed Ihe house. •"We cougralulato Tlepresentallvc lumbar not only on his sui-cessful management of till- hill, hut upon the excellent service he has rendered to Ida stale.. Georgia could not afford to he massing lrom the list of exhib itors at the St.. Louis exposition and it is riglil that the legislature should provide fur an exhibit that will do 'credit tu Hu*, state. la rhe senate the Mil will have .!;■ h*-arty c!i;tni|doiisliip of :;al< 1 Hite Smith, and In will |o. ■• ei lull or influence to se nro it., i in the tiller noufio. A | .1 • lor Georgia will have been > when the 1/tinhar li!l •(•■ n .. “Its favorable n , e • i . 1 . of the wiioie house, and then it: passage by the home indicates th S.i' jI • i .'lit .'it S' l I. 1 i measure and (here is lit lie ruasoii. to doubt the senate’s favorable net Pm. A DEAD TREATY. In January, 1002, the senate of the United Stales authorized a , treaty for the purchase of the Danish West Indies, which included th< i lands of SI. Thomas, St. John ami St. Croix. The treaty provided that Jim nitiij,- , lion should he exchanged within .i months from January 21, 1 002. lu later, when it was I’oum; 1 ~n tinn was likely to he a'delay on* I lie part of the Danish government, the tim was extended for a year and the lima., did not become officially dead until Friday of last week, when it expired hy limitation. The disappointment which has re oreici ill to a;;rce to the sale fill heaviest upon 1 merchants and planters who have large property iu the Islands and who have hoped fer the purchase by the United States. Even now Denmark may come tu the iwdnl of consenting to the sale in Lime ail'.! it course tie possible lo receive the treaty and to proceed with I lie negot ini ions. Until that time comes the Island: must remain the property of Denmark become independatil, or bo taken in as the property ol the l nitvd Stale la all probability u will be the bit ter when the time couies. The cardinals are not pleased with tiie arrangement nor their coiulon while electing anew pope. This sun ply menus lain no u...e v.... ... , in naming the successor of l.eo. The mooting iu Boston held by tin Colored Business Men's league v.'u. a bol one. Booker T. W'usiiitiglou wn. me yrii.cipii ri v.uirr tot i,u. ■ mg broke up m a row There were a mnnUer oi colored peopio present who iilti.l. 1 roil wilti Waslnagton aim wmii iney siuioo i . .. was u signal for trouble. It took • score ul police pincers lo slop me mss t his louebes Booker I lie lesson tiun r.e should not talk 10 Boston e . t m without ft heavy life liiSuixuce y icy. KvoryUwy is umusl to ,*-*u i. iuifco ivuiout uma ili.a i. u.nt * 10 tiuf* u i'..u:uo ui ... ufcoauun, kullufj ami iivoi livuoioo. GOod Sanitary Methods uio usou :u Jim uuter's u>r rioiuialifc ClollUfa. ilaVt’l A \voii lK*to>* ....... tUllUiallOU. WANTJ-U i'maisiuHl ii>iuciuo > some live or si\ ruuuif, auuutne lot iifctit houseiveoi'ihfc. Apply lo v.a., oils onire. Moth and Dost Can Not Corrupt your clotaes laey arc ireau* 1 u Jim Caners clollies cleamufc ctfi-iu*- usliuieuL u 4 lUoni -Su A iu-n? L.,.w I'UR UKN'V —Tv'it eM*e!!eut ami kilclieu on Cuion sireet. AiMn b,' eare Mows. 6-0 Ship Notice. NeitJier owner, master or i ons ijitv of the British harkentme John b. ! Bennet will be responsible mr ;*u> j debts contracted by the crew .4 a.d bark. PAGE, Master LOST. —Between my residence and iic.'i li. Itrv Stre.r. < r.>*Hi.v lev r tiitiei w i Le i b'wwiuvti Vj tuq> U S JLd*, ‘ A L ' Ay 1 , * f | f_V I-1- 1 1“ ,■ •, ', J || -j pr'sihH or HEALTH V A4 f KOBOL digests what you cat.' Si KODOL clcanr..-.-:. purifies. j{j —- • juid Aweet |s ens thfi stomach. .< • KOBOL • ;| - ; ,:o - d y s - I ZT p-.j- i-, arid all. utoanach and apd Lov/el i| • KODOL ;■ ; iK -[ 10 * | I give.: tone to the digestive organs. I*j KOBOI rcl>vei an overworked J ! strain, gives 1 1 tiai hr art a tu. , irto and untrarnrii• •V.d actio:'., nourishes tho nervous sv: tcm and feuds the brain. KODOL ‘J® ft' l "' iy : | strong by ! the nourishrn'int that is contained in i ,; the load they oat. Hour healer Can Supply You. • j Batttos only. SI.OO Ik ! : .:. ' times [tj llic trial s v . w iich tied • mr bo<z. HC-'-ARP-n (Uif Y 1.7 | f. E. C. DeWTTT A C:j., CHICAGO (<• Smith’s Pharmacy, Joerger’s Pharma cy, Portion's Drug Store. To Grow New Hair t \ 4*a W 9Q&. m rag cr.f V* **- C •; I y^iFll : :sa. .:■ !'* 01111 I ' <*■ ' | arid Her T. if! tbs Bee* I r . . St ’ ' v ' 1 , M *' B I 5 ",’";”':’. ■ S Jtt,v Iff < 1 2 For Sale by W J BUTTS, Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant ( C 1 .' i 1 N ) (i U \'\ ij ( o s * u- ; •?' ■n I Ld > H lbs \M X -i r i THE QUICKEST LUNCH * V & can be had here. We call it our r * 1 rapid-lire lunch" because It Is ? served so quickly. r r our patrons h; bowovei, hut piaced heiore them x bi • This lunch cents little, can hi * lUtrkly disposed of and satisfb ' U but the most robust appetites n V. !> .1. VV, WILSON, Prop. w * 'Phona 321, 111 fk|t •*e. .It ■ l ,y AEH TOPRYn uy ivf i#i l II you’re going or. a irip Here’s a pleasant little tip Place a bottle in vour grip j Red Fcp Rye | S. D. LEVACAS, ode avjcnt Bru.-iSv\ *k, On and Vicinity. J 6 Monk Street. trrdinond Wcsihfinirr £ Sors, ns*i!|pr Cmiiaciu, (X St J wi'a, Mo. loaisTiUf Kt CANDY IN PAILS, TUBS AND BOXER THE DOWNING CO. Witfop is ioed>im the . . . „ OfciJ Wlw tag (St? ’t>> THE EPUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. ■ou want a potiticn. a hcue. a see- a’-t, o! i,it to find anything t- t .K been lost, or want some t -mg rnat r 'n.c one ei.e hat, ad vvrtlatt in tbm column. rou RENT —Furnished rooms to root 10 men. -18 Union street. I'UH ttiiXT—Stores, offices and j lings. Apply to Brobston, femlig & CO. POit S/ -KaWier stamps, seals Eli: i.,, i-ii-. Agent Unue.'wood Type • writer. Will B. Fain, 818 Newcastle strict FOB —A desirable farm, con tcining 2b acres, improved; a short .mi-o from the city. Enquire at t'no News office. PERSONAL —Morphine, opium, lau -ii.iiiii. eiM-aine habit; myself cured; , :li inform you of harmless, pernia i- ,i h. i.v iue. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, Chicago: WANTED —Experienced nurse, col ored, middle age. Reference required. Inquire at 206 Reynolds, street. LOST —Gold link cuff button. Fin uev return to the News office and up reive more than the button is worth. LOST. Xnameleil gold breast pin wii.b emwpearl in center, between . i-rien and corner of Newcastle and Monk streets. Finder will please r-u urn same lo tliis office and get reward. l OS r Tan leather liand-hag, with chain, containing keys, memorandum ni"! some money. Return to News office and receive reward. FOR SALE—Roller top desk. Will sr>ll at a bargain. Address H, care News. WANTED Positon an fricton engin-l '■i"-. Satisfaction guar mteed on any pyli- d.river. Apply G. J., care News office. NOVICE -Ail parties are hereby warned and n-jlified not to trespass on Long Island or Little St. Simon All tn-.qias'-ers w-11l be prosecuted to the | fullest extent of the law. John Currie. All Were Baffled. Word comes from Wake, Ark. tha* P ■ . Jrm. .t. 00-x had a Ft range malad’ j •.c'-omnanied hy yellow joundic* v-mi's phyi i.'iaus were baffie i :i-:i;;;h everything known to th Ji" - . -as used the trouble re i One day he iiegan to use •f-iters end in a week r* acre for the better '•'time and at liUigl.ii 'a '.r ; '"• i~.ntl—.iy -’■ired. It's the ■■l t : -i'r!e T ' o-I 'i lo.' v- jiver and t'-'riMi ‘ r'-ir On’v -0c end guar '....ft y,- s'l drugglßtn. '■■•st ieceivec a oar load of Harrison P. u . & Go., celebrated ready mixed pa nts. The Douglas Hardware Cos. The Open-air Drying Process at Jim Carter’s gives the clothes a frsluiess that they don’t get else where. NO A* E TO GRIND if you buy your Groceries here, it’ Axe Grinding results from mis-* S' statements. We don’t make any* j; because we know that people dog not like to be humbugged.. Atj * least not In buying Groceries.. That’s why we offer a full hundred* *> cents' worth for every dollar you* H spend with us, * a’ THOS. KEANY, GROCER, S i Phone 11. 312 Newcastle St.j c.NY, r ‘HURCH or parsonage or in i', .tu-'v supported by voluntary con riU.V. will be given a liberal quan f’Tce I-ongman & Martinez Pure int.s “whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty years. Sam's ... of mnlons of gallons; painted ■ y two nitllion houses under . i .rautco to repaint if not satisfae ’ory The paint, wears for periods up hteen yearn. Linseed oil must be added to the paint, (dmo in two .. •.. Actual cost then about per gallon. Sample* free, .'.•■.cl 'w our asenta. Bowen & Thomas. Jtietevue i/enie. Tuts jiuur wd tonic is Lu growing demand. The season ot the groata.t need is approaching. InaigMUou. Hi* iiousness, Jaundice, Chill. and Fever, tick Headache, pains In the back and kidneys ml depend upon malaria, am t.eiUvuo Tonic cure* them all la U] form, txt f UHT-TS VV . O , DUliO, nftjs A Tlmoenttul Man. M. M. Austin nt Winchester, Ind. anew what to uo iu the hour of need. His wit.t bad such an unusual case of '. mac it ana liver trouble, physicians . not help her. He thought of end tried Ur. Kings New Life Pills t id oho got relief at once and was im.'.lly cured. Oniy Jsc. at all drug stores. ’ biuUes of the twenty-five cent . ’■•* -it,.*- -;i, c.araq.” Sold A. FlliShl ot Bit-in. A ff’.-rt- *.l Ijiisls rl'-m .-<1 the history of Amerii'. ’’d f fouow in; riicuu. etn.iK-es Wi/ t’.- L';. west ward over li" r.niciC’' A.tlanltc, h- 1 expected t-> r-'. -'li P- p.(l.ipan; Aftci** sevoisl and- ’ .- :ll f’-ct'-i Gonierr. one of 1 1. • Canary - ;.nils, he LccatlJ" uneasy at nut -.cri-.ig Z'paugu. which, act riP.;t to ids reckoning :bould have leeii d.'i rj itical miles .acre to the east, tftcr al u g discu ; con l.v ; ieldcd to tiie uplr.’en of Ma tin "Alo:i.:o. Pitiaon. the commander of the I’i.ita, an.l shared to tim r. mt!. west. rinx ;n'’.v;is gui led in his oph. lon Iy n flight of pum.ts toward ti ■ southwest. The ell'ect of. this chan ye lu ills (ourse curiously exemplitioß the Influence of apparently trivial events in the world's af.'Trs. Had f'ohnnbiis kept his original rou to lie would have entered the gulf str'sm, reached the coast of Florida and then probably been carried to ''ape liaticras and Vir ginia. The result woul i probably have been to give G.-- pre Gidted Ftatea a Roman Cetlm! • ; population Instead of-. IV. '• act i.'tia.lish cue, a <d : - t la.hi-:* impor tance. “Never." v-.-ati Humboldt, ‘‘had the flight of ! irds isnpen aut consequenta-s " l; i.m;- la ra id to have determine It! e : ■ ' Tie' ad on the new contlr.e.i.- and- .Vrirlbution be tween tbe Imt . ;.;:d G g. ;.n!c races.— Exchange. ... | THE OGLETHORPE, j g HUGH PORTER, Mgr. i | Brunswick’s Only First ; | Class Hotel. a Reasonable Rates to ; | Traveling Men. * Cuisine. Perfect Service, t |PHILLIPS the TAILOR | Opera House Block, | K Has a large and selected stock cf y, Knew goods, for the coming season, f best of work and perfect fit guar- ju anteed. Pants made to order for $4.00. U Suits made to order for $16.00. s If you want a Swells | Suit give me a * Icall. | WOOD Oak anti ihno a 2o' . DEVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3. UNION CLEANING at ul PRESSING CLUB. EDV/ARD MARTIN clean and pres* your clothes H; good work and will give vow ■' j Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. COAL A N D WOOD, QQH&Y & BARKER .con ik 'C£ tu- v: ■ C ' >' X *5 Osrje'hts •wimi van *?>*. BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phono 257-2. 307 Newcastle Sl Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. Please remember that if U is good to et yau will find it at Wilson's. EDWIN W. DART, attorney and Councelior at Law Court Hone**. Brunswick, Ga. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, p u ..,- In Cane Scats in Chairs, Mattr"*®fv made and renovated, Furniture (e packed and ca-pcto cleaned, Baby Carriagee Repaired. Yv'. H. THOMAS, HO Uioucoster Ktreet. NETTLEIOf.f> SHOES ARE SU PERIOR I N CUAUTY. I HAVE THEM. J. A 6M< Hi. ♦GRC Ol!eIE £ • jFrefill M cats rrtr.vsEMSEn l Dui c Sc C. ? tVolf aud ! i ■ r less. Phone ... y-u - order wiii b •. ■,. :! ,c, *■ READ THLC.E ?i?iCES. ’ - *■ Btew from a to 71-2 . pound Steak from 10c pound to f l 2 1-S. firocerips just as cheap.] Gives i I ■■wwwrwriAMiMrtwiaw ■Tj at Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be rerjeci traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- ft T-Jonlth els - When these important organs fail to act | LJ - euu,t regularly the system becomes clogged with g ■and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s i r is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently H lly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid is good for tvery member of the n •vijoW c; r cents a bottle at all drug-stores. "*+• ** ion Hot Drops are without any equal :olds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. , . —THJ3 — l iBAY IRON WORKS: * Manufacturers and Repairers ot j Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills: Marine work a spe ciUitji. * t.Packings, Fittings ; t and Supplies+ ★ a Estimates Furnished Free cf Charge. ■f 629 Bay St, * IW. R. DART, CLAUD DART, * ♦ President and Manager. Secretary arid Treasurer. .A ■* L. Downing, President E. H. Mason, Vice-Preaiiicnt E.D.Waite'-, Cashier, The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, Ga CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess ot ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, ire devoted to the assistance of tegit Imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited fr on individuals, firms and corpora tions. SAVINGS DEFARTJtENT acco unto bear interest, compounded oum> erly. Interest bearing ceriflcates of deposit iasned on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS' MONEY ORDER ASSOCI* ION are cheaper and more convenient than poßtoSao or espmr. hfl-TKAGER^cSs^^ KaSola is now for sale by nearly all druggists and every bottle is guaran teed. Kalola acts magic on your kidneys and liver and you will feel its ef'ec* after taking the free sample given ye-. The best pil! neato the stars ani stripes; It cleanses the system and never gripes. Little Eariy Risers of word!? repute. Ask for Dewitt’s and take no substitute. A small pill .easy to buy vary to take and easy to act, but never iaiL'3 in results. Dewiflt’a Little Early Risers arouse tho secretions and act <m a tonic to tho liver, curing perma. ent iy.—joergers Pharmacy, Orn’UiS Pharmacy, Vv. Butty VAaen you want a pleasant piflysic try chambenai" s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tney are easy to taae and plesanu in eflock. bor sale by all uruggists. Pure Chetr.icais arc the only kina used at Jim Carter s clothes Cleaning enablislunent. He le reliable auu mutt* your arurk. ffJUone SeS-a Cold soda water and ice cream at Fortson s drug store. UO YOU WEAR bHOES? YES. THEN CALL ON ME. J. A. SMITH. Permanently Cured by Chamberiain’t Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student in law, in Greenville, S. C.,had been troubled for four or live years with a continuous cough which he says, greatly alarmed me, causing nte to ! te~r that I was in the first stage of j i onsumptlon.” Mr. Burbage having ' non Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ad j - rtised, concluded to try it. Now ; load what he says of it; "l soon tcit remarkable change, and after using Dun'l Make a Mistake | About your harness, but call and see J. H. Taukersley and get one of his. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Uives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes aii grades and prices to order. Pine itae of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing t.unks, valices, in fact all leather aud carriage work neatly done and with . .■.patch. Call on him. J. H. TANKERSLEY. "Dorothy Dodd’’ shoes are the very iau-t ior women. I have them. j. AUGUST 1, lfto3. PEERLESS BOLTED MEAL IS THfc HEAD OF THE Cs&T. AiK. YOUR GROCEK rCH iT . ui;k Ave^t. J. A. Guiledgc, oi verbena, Ala., w_3 tvy'-e n. the hospitui troin a si* vere case of piles, cavsicg '/A -.uiuoiu ALer doctors and 8,11 ramedios talleu, Bucklen’* Arnica Salvo quickiy ■- re., ted further iuamatlon and cured n :u. U cenquors aches r.’-.d tans pain. 25 c-aj.'.s tt 111 dniggnta. Doctors, bankers, lawyers, mar* chants, and all intelligent people endorse and recommend Ka li., . for in digestion, kidney and liver troubles. "One Dose Convinces," Moslems Lemon Elixer acta gently i’ toe co-vein without any uu pleas net ,rTect. It it ft perfect liquid laxative. EO cents pew w* At a-' stu us, Kalola. This highly endorsed preparation for indigeston, kidney and liver troubles appeals to every intelligent .nan and woman for a fair and impar tial trial. Kalola Is composed of the prsperties of four noted mineral springs of known power to cure iadi pest ion, kidney and liver troubles. Artistic effect finish and lasting qusl Ities conridercd. Wilson's Photo graph Studio. 502_ 12 Gloucester SL, has no competitors. Go there “ye Elite.” The Wastes of the Body, Every 3even days he blood, mus cles and bones of a man of average size 10.-na two pounds oi worn-out tis sue. This waste cannot oe teplen ished and the health and strength kept up without perfect digestion. When the stomach and digestive or gans fail to perform their functions,, the strengtn lets hot, a, health gives way, and disease nets up, Kr iol Dys pepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assim ilate nil c* the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and boa.-. Kodol euros indigestion, dyspepsia ana All stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by Joerger's Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharma cy and W. J. Butia. Rea! Estate Eargains. $3,500.00 far one oi the prettiest houses on Union street. Lot itoxSO and 7 room house $25U.00 45x90 near the business center. $1,000.00 for 4 room house, close In. $800.1)0 for 4 small houses, rent at ®i6.00 per month. J2C9.00 for o room hdjisse. brings $5.00 per month. BROBSTON. VR7NDIG & CO