The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 13, 1903, Image 2

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THURSDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH!~ NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at bait the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail lie** oi Charge u> ail parts of the Us'led Stales aud Cauuua. Mexico. Po At Klco, Guam. Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per M0uth...... t kO Eli Mouths J bo One Year k (| u Entered at the Brunswick, Uu., post office, as second-class mall maiter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for G’ynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. W-e News Publishing Company de sires It to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot al ford to devote our space to such ad vtrtlsenients and wait on the courts 'or the money. j Get an Ad. in the , MERCHANTS 1 CARNIVAL 1 EDITION, of the BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS 1 An investment which wii I pay over 100 per cent. 1 Keep up Ujo work on. Cbo streets. VVt would like 10 ae a lioiel on iSt Simon. The notoriety beeivei m iiiw.iyts woun minded. No lynching in mo north yewtorduy. Strung We want bubberlbeis but only Un* paying kind. The diewapapt-l m it p n ; ulir to air personal mattery. Prevent the strike. No use in this condition of affairs. Encourage the members of the oh 1c league. Thuy are doing good work Hooker Washington got a razor it (•.option from the members of his race in Boston. That lobby investigation ended Just as everybody expected A general white washing. Grover Is not worrying about poll tices. He is making goo r*k> eyes a l , the n6w baby. Tlhe JLinn who has no enemies Is one wlio agrees with any and ©vcrythlug other people say. Senator Bacon need not worry. N > sensible man is going up against him ami a fool is easily defeated. Papt. All a good, the liend who lashed Miss l)e (Tis, is a hi subject foi tin rope. lie lias disgraced the state. it is said that Secretary Hoot is to send in his resignation * We just can not believe tins, it is too good to be true. The merchant who does not get an advertisement tu the carnival edition of The News is missing . ? Idcn o. portunity Work on tae public huiium,, .. t . grossing raft idly- We hope Pncle oam can get it in time to make the of tieials here a Christmas present. Nothwithstanding the fact that other porta are tailing off in shipping Brunswick's regular monthly volume of business is\incivaslng all the time The Thomasville Times Enterprise Canute lo us yesterday In enlarged form and many other improvements. The prosperous city of Thoinasvilie should continue 10 liberally support this ex cellent paper. Hen Tillman never loses an oppor tunity to jump the corporations and with Bids fact in view does It not seem strange that lit should have a pocket Ot yoft&tw *iiil trom cu? very corpora* ium Ui i ooutiUMSliy topping, . NOT TO BE AGITATED. The Washington Post assures the j democrats that, if they keep their j mouths shut about the reduction of the southern representatives in congress and the reduction of tibe colored vote in various states these questions will not be made issues In the next cam paign by the republicans. The Post also states that the agitation of these question comes almost exclusively from the democrats. If this Is true it will he well for the democrats to cease firing on the suffrage and rep reservation lines as no good can pos sihly comm of it No white man in the ouih is clam oring for negro suffrage “\repting the parties who expect to oo heneflttod by it. It is not. to the Interest of any party to he agitating these questions ami the democrats should certainly he willing to let them rest and finally die If the republicans are. The Post closes its advice as fol lows: "The situation as It stands .should he quite satisfactory to the south The fifteenth amendment Is almost universally considered to he a corpse, and there Is no prospect of a revival of sectionalism by any ser ious movement for reduction of ren re: eiitation. In the issues of tbe com lag campaign Ihls Issue will • tit n.. figure. Considering w'lere the repllh pcun party stood a few year.-i ago and noting its present attitude on ne gro suffrage, the south may be con tent. VERY BRIGHT PROSPECTS. According to Richard H. Edmonds, litc*r of Hie Manufacturer's Record who has given the subject a close this year is to he a prosperom one tfc tlic* south. I |i.s alone. it i. esl ilii&ted, will yield a billion aiufea half dollars. Mr. .dmuml leder.. lo I lie* great progress; made lay tlhe south in I In* t hree years just passed and says there has been a constructive period, in which Its iron interest have been overhauled, Us iron making methods brought to a par best furnaces oi the country, its coal mining and coke making in .crest developed, its Colton mill Inlet ests advanced. Mr. Edmund states that it Is not only attracting capitul from all sec Moms Iml it is attracting immigration to a larger extent than ever before. There is no doubt blit that this emi nent writer is correct in every pre dirt ion lie nukes about tide south and her great future. A GLYNN EXHIBIT. The News sincerly hopes that those who have bee working for an exhibit from this county at the state fair will not let the matter drop. there is no doubt but that It will prove a treat investment to us. Hun dr< ds ol home seekers will he at tlhe fair and with a proper exhibit from this county then* is no doubt in the world but that we can get a largo number to locate here. The city council and the board of county commissioners w ill be asked to donate sums for this purpose aim we think both of these bodies will best serve* pinvple by being liberal in this matter. In the meantime the committees should continue to work on the ex mbit. We will watch with Interest the coming gathering of the colored udu ister of South Carolina for the pur pose of discussing lynching and to come to collie agreement looking to an a|itl ly,lulling crusade. If these ministers will exert tne proper in dm nee over their race there will be no use in having such garnering be cause then* will be no Juuge Lynch Lnd ct bitter Fiyin. “Two iitiysiciaas a.oi u *oiig .uiu t ill l Villi 1t.,r.l WUrUIII .UC. .. u L*.l ... i'lghl lung, wriios .1 i' Hughot oi l)u l’out, Ga., and gave luo uf>. Ev in a last n oil l tru’d Dr King:-. New DDvovory tor consumption. Tne ibcneilt 1 loeoiveil was striking ami t was on my loot in a lew nays. Now j ve entirely regained my Health.* it conquers all coughs, colds, throat atfwi iu iiuf troubles. Guy.raanvd by all druggists l'rice Bu cents aaid SI.OO. Trial botttles free. £.it All You Want. Versons troubled with iadigestion or dyspepsia can eat ail they warn if they will take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. This remedy prepares the stomach for the reception, retention, digstion and assimilation of all of the wholesome food that may be eaten, and enables the digestive or gans that gives health and strength fjpia by J uergery rttariuscy, Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris ings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures ail atomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. if Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Qlvs Health to the Sick and Strength to the Weak. Bottles only. SI.OO Size holding 2 I A tiroes the trial size, which sells for 50c. Prepared by B. C. DoWJtt & Cos., Chicago. Smith's Pharmacy, Joerger'a Pharma* cy, Fortson's Drug Store. To Groto ffeW Hair OOKE DANDRUFF CURE a and Hair lonic Is the ‘Best Sit hur r# of imitations COKE, SHAVING FOAM .. FOR. EASY SHAVING Bent* uny soap, nob audy lu *ollapibie tube*. If your barber or diumfisi tine* not lionp( o‘i> HbuvpiK F<*ain Httii'l V>e to A. lb nrumftCtt.. Ihkhri fo r^inita* For Bale by W J BUTTS, Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant THIS QUICKEST LUNCH can be had 'bore. Wo call It our "rapid lire lunch" because it is served so quickly. It Is not. tired at our patrons,' however, but placed before them In a dainty and appetizing man-; 1 uer. This lunch costa little, can be I quickly disposed of and satisfies I all hut the most robust appetites j J. W. WILSON. Prop. 'Phone 321. itieteoue t/onie. ‘Tuts ■ debit jei tonic Is u grown* demand. The season at tbs greatest need is approaching. imugarJon, Bit lkmsnees, Jaundice, Caillt and rvr, Sick Headache, pains in tas back and kidneys all depend upva malaria, aa| Bellevue Tonic cures them all In as* ">" - - n w. J, BUTTS, •Dorothy Dodd" shoes are the very latest for women. I have them. J. A. Smith Newcastle street. Save the Children. Ninety-time ol every diseases that children have are due to disorders of the stoma . ,v> disorders are all caused by indiges tion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is just as good for children as it t-- . Children thrive on It. It keeps their little stomachs sweet and encourages their growth and deveiooe. t„ Henry Carter, 705 Central street, Nashville, Tenn., says: "My little boy Is now thre years old and has been suffering from Indigestion ever since he was born. I have had the best doctors In Nashville, but failed to do him any good. After using one bottle of Kodol he is a well baby 1 reconi mend It to all sufferers." Kodol dl (feats what you eat and makes the stomach sweet, gold by Joeryer'i PhAfouwy, ** ' THE BRUNBWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that nas been lost, or want toms thing that some ons else has, ad vertlse in this column. FOR KENT —Furnished rooms to rout to men. 218 Union street. FOR KENT—Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Krobston, Fendlg & Cos. FOR SALE —Kuhher stamps, seals, stlncait, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will U. Fain, 312 Newcastle Barest FOR RENT. —On Sept, 15th, 8 room house, large yard end stable. Apply thin office. FOR KENT. —Front room; furnish ed and use of bath room. Excellent location. Address “U," care News. FOR RENT.—The store now occu pied by Mrs. M. Isaac. Possession will be given Sept. 1. For full informa tion, address W. F. Doerflinger. FOR SALK—A deal farm, con taining 25 acres. Improved; a short, distance from the city. Enquire al The News offloe. PERSONAL —Morphine, opium, lau danum, cocaine habit; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, perma nent home cure. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. LOST—GoId link cuff button. Fin der return to the News office and re tietve more than the button Is worth. LOST.—Sigma New hat, gold hat pin between fire department and Judge Spark’s residence. Finder, return to office of D. W. Krauss. NOWCE. —All parties are hereby warned and notified not to trespass on Long Island or Little St. Simon All trespassers will ho prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. John Currie. Just received a car load of Harrison Bros. & Cos., celebrated ready mixed paints. The Douglas Hardware Cos. FOR REN T.—Two connecting rooms, furnished, in one of the most desirable parts of the city. Address, “D," care Nows. FOR RENT.—One five room cot tage located at 905 Norwich street. Apply to Mrs. A. M. Gatchell, 911 Norwich street. The Open-air Drying Process at Jim Carter’s gives the clothes a frslnies that they don’t get else where. FOR SALE—Water motor. 4 ceiling fans, belting, shafting and pulleys, complete. A great bargain. L, Gold smith. FOR RENT. —Furnished house for rent; six rooms. Will rent reasonably. Address N. M. C., care News. LOST. —Gold ring set with three rubles. Was lost between the Ogle thorpo hotel anil the Chinese restau rant. Finder will be liberally reward ed by returning to this office. "Meet Me at the~Arcade” Free Lunch at tho ARCADE II TO I TODAY’S MENU: CORNED BEHF, LOBSTER SALAD, BAKED BEANS, COLD 6LAW, SLICED TOMATOES, SWISS CHEESE, SARDINES, AMERICAN CHEESE, PICKLES, OLIVES, "Meet Me at the Arcade” A Card. I hug to announco to the trade and ,tho public generally that Mr. T. B. I Ferguson, the soda water man, is now I superintendent of my bottling works, 'and as the public well knows he will turn out only tne best or everything In our line. We are introducing so, eral new drinks, among the same u . ing Mexican Win ji Punch Soda, some thing entirely ne'w and never before equaled.. Our Peach Mellow is a whole peach orchard in every bottle. We also put up the world reuowueq I UU , L Beer and the genuine Coco Cola for, which we have the exclusive right. Give ub your orders and we guaran tee to please you. ’) Very respectfully, L. LUDWIG. 306 Bay Streti. Phono 185. Puts an End to it All, A grievous wail ofttinies comes as result of unbearable pain from ooi taxed, organs. Dizziness, backache, liver complaint and constipation. But thanks to Ur. Kings New i.ue Pills they put an end to It ail They are gentle but thorough. Try them. Only 25 cents. Guaranteed by ail druggists. Good Adv:ce. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dys pepsia and liver complaint. More han seventy-five per cout. of the peo ple of the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their ef ets: such as Sour Stomach, Sick headache, habitual costlveuess, pal pitation of the heart, heart burn, waterbrash, gnawing and burning paina at the pit of the stomach, yel low skin, coated tongue and disagree able taste in the mouth, coming up ef food after eating, low spirits, etc. Uu lo your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 26 or 75 cent* Tve dotM will rUm you. Try it Tri-State Tennis Tcurnpy. Sioux City, la., Aug. 12. —Play be gan under auspicious conditions to day in the annual tournament of the Tri-State Tennis association. Lead ing clubs of Nebraska, lowa and South Dakota have sent their best players. Judging frin tbe good entrry list the tournament will be the best affair of its kind ever pulled off in this sec tion THE OGLETHORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only First Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Ppera House Block,, ; Has a large and selected stock of new goods, for the coming season, best of work and perfect fit guai* ’ anteed. _ < Pants made to order for $4.00. Suits made to order for $15.00. > If you want a Swell; Suit give me a call. WOOI3 Oak and Pine B- H, DANIELS, ‘Phone 326 DEVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3. UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. EDWARD MARTIM ~T ' ' clean and press your clothes Ho dess good work and will give you Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. COAL AND . , WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. tisyspegssia disi-e Digests what you “?t* BRUNSW ICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle Sl Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. jir EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Couiicellor at Law, Court House, ©rungy/ick, Ga A, R. U. C, ‘ UP HOLSTER INS AND CANING Laying Carpet3 arid Matting, Putting In Cane Seats in Chairs, Mattresses made and renovated, Furniture re packed and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, , 110 Gloucester Street Only the Experienced tan guarantee and give you a first class job in Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing clothing. Jim Carter has the best —experience- NETTLETON’S SHOES ARE SU PERIOR I N QUALITY. I HAVE THEM. J. A. SMITH, FOR GROCERIES AND Fresh Meats REMBEMBER Durden & Cos Wolf and I Street sell it for less. Phone 352, and what you order will be delivered promptly. READ THESE PRICES. Stew Meats from 5 to 71-2 pound Steak from 10c pound to 121-2. Groceries just as cheap. Artistic effect finish and lasting qua! ltios considered. Wilson’s Photo graph Studio, 602 1-2 Gloucester SL, has no competitors. Go there “jo Elite.” ANY CHURCH or parsonage or in stitute supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty yeare. Sales tens of miuions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for period* op to eighteen years. Uneeed oil must be added to the paint tdme in two minutes). Actual cost then about *.2v per gallon. Sampler free sold y our agdatf „ Bowen A TtlßfßM* . „ Gives -T\ /• j Fully nine-tenths ol the ills of mankind can oe 3 Perfect traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- | jrj artlih els When these imoortant organs fail to act 3 jT2 fcr HL L U r-et-uiarly the system becomes clogged with | ■t health is impossible. Mozley’s | ant lemon drink which acts gently f the system. It is tne perfect liquid fcvery member of the JLfVj \i'\ tie at all drug-stores. ~ j are without any equal tl hitss, sore throat, etc. ♦ ♦ -tiis- l* ;:BAY IRON .WORKS*! __ '4- -*-+ Manufacturers find Repairers ot * ♦ Engines, Saw Mills:! tt Marine work a specialty *£ +;• Packings, Fittings ;£ >■ and. Supplies ♦£ . 4* + ♦ t. Estimates Furnished free of Charge. * £ It 629 Bay St, 4♦W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, + + ♦.. President and Manager. Secretary- and Treasurer. v + C. Downing, President. Eh H Mason, Vlce-Prcsidas*. E.D.Waiter, tuahlmr, Tbe National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK. GA CAPITAL CV. ONE HUNDRED AN D FUfTV THOUSAND Wi'ARS and total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS) are devoted to the assistance of legit 'mate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from indr.ldunla, firit-'i and corpora. tlorif. HAVINGS MIPATi'C 14 ENT acoo unts bear interest, compounds, quart terly. Interest be,,;i.'-- cerifiAatcs c. aepoeit issued oa ip.-ei!tl torma. MONEY GRDIHL> h the "BANK-IRS' MOLDY QIUHDR ASSCCLte vlON” are oliuspv ? ore con von lent tha~ postoffiv.; or express. 'lf v ■lf ' ■ ’ m fvra ;•! Jj },Tmly a Guanci lf|f^L&lbtD“oahlSkEY & Davis JyjT $ DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, Ga. r 03&M} Iff m ; NO AXE TO GRIND if you buy your Groceries here 1 Axe Grinding results from mis-i statements. We don’t make a.iy; because we know that people do. not like to be humbugged., least not in buying Groceri’-,.* That’s why we offer a full cents’ worth for every dollar ,ou! spend with us. * THO3. KEANY, GROCER, j Phone 11. 312 Newcastle St., you want a pleasant physic ' ry chamberiaty’?. Stomach and Liver Cablets. They are easy to take and plesant in effect. Jfor sale by aJd drugsists. Don’t Make a Mistake Ai?ou f . your harness, but call and 3ee . H. xaLkersley h* , u one o? lus. Last Bettor, yell" Cbeapev. G. * Best Satisfaction of any. 11 makbsi ali grades and prices to order. Fine | lino of horse bats, boots, dusters, oils,: and Makes a specialty of repairing tiuiLiis, vaiices. in >a.rt ali leather ard cariiage wor h neatly done .and with I dispatch. Cali on him. •- H. TANKEr.3I.EY. j J. Attention—Employers' , | j Notice to all employers of laborers ,m the city of Brunswick: The Amu-i- J'.an Federation of Labor, No. 8393 -f ■ Brunswick, Cr. takas this mon o o. jglving notice that from and after the 1 |l;.th day of August, 11)03, the follow ji" wa --- es "ill be ..\,)ecled: Thai aU persons employed hi lumber yards, 15 ! jeents per hour; all persons employed jon the outside c£ vessels, 15 'cento nor •hour; all persons employed on thein ride of vessels, as follows; Stokers, j b 2 cute per hour; pullers, 22 1-2 cents per hour. Timekeepers o r feie man, 27 1-2 cents per hour. This, July 27. DCS PETER ROBINSON, President I v-, CHARLEY THOMAS, [ -> '•-y -S' _. Of.gret*rjr, AUGUST 13, 1903 SOUTHERN RAILWAY j Schedule Corrected to August 1, 1003, ; For Savannah, Washington, Phhiladelphia and New York. Lc-pv Brunswick :-*:OU tu Arrive Btivannah .12.40 ants “ Washington . . .... h:SO pos *’ Baltimore 11:35 pod “ Philadelphia 2:50 am, “ Lew York , . 6:SO &m. j For Henderson, Asheville and Wester*. North Carolina i-oints, Leave Brunswick , . J;00 put j Arrive ~,.Uud& 12:06 pm I ” Hendersonville . ...12:17 ptu Aeiit' rile 1:50 pm “ Hot &:-•! RS 2:37 prn Lyne.iville i: 45 pm For Macon, A: rnta and Joints North a.d West. Leave L-unswic . .12:00 n 9:00 put Arrive Macon ... 7:20 pm 3:00 am Atb.Lla.. 10:10 pm 5:20 aut Birmingham 6;20 am 11:4a am " Chattanooga :15 am " Uiuci 7:30 pm ” Louisville ~ 3:15 pm Chicago . 7:30 pm rroni isuw ¥•.,k, Phii.-.d.iphla, Baltß more, Washington and -Savannah. '••‘•'’tve New l orlc 12:10 am Phllaflcsphla 3:50 am BaAltuore 6:22 am “ Washington . 10:51 am Savannah . , 3:30 am Arrlsm Brunswick S: 10 rut rrem Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta arid Macon. Leave Chicago . ,6:40 pm " Cincinnati . ~,8:33 am " I-’..',isville 7:40 am Atlanta . 7:00 am... 10:55 pm " Macon .10:20 mi... 1:05 am. Arrive Brunswick 5:30 pm... 8:10 ant Potent Pill Pia-sure, The pills that are potent in their j action and pleasant in effect are jDeWiti’s Little Early Risers. W. S. F Tpot of Albany, Ga,, says: During j a 1 'Tons attar'.; i took one. Small i 3 '' *t was it dkl m nore good than culmei. blue mass of any ether rills I took -:iid at, the sam? time it effected me pleasantly. Little *Sari i* '-Y3 cr j certainly ,* ideal i*Ul. Sold jby Jorger's Pharmacy. i Mr. Joseph Fominvh' .of Stillwater, ivni;., ai er iaviag spent over $2,900 with tue best doc lorn for stomach trouble, r-itkadt relief, was advised ty his drugg'st Mr. Alex Richard, to try . box of Chamberlain's Stomach land Liver Tablets. Ke did so and is a i well man today. If troubled with in digestion, bed taste 'u ihc- mouth, j lack of appetite or constipation, give ,ibeso tablets a trial, and you ate cor j'” J to be more then rioaseJ* with ttbe result. For sale at 23 coots p.r •fcoy by ail dnigg-eu