The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 20, 1903, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH- NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. Advertising rat os made known on Application. Church and other char itable organization noth es published at bait the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail free of charge to all parts of the United States and Cannula, Mexico, Po a> Rico. Guam, Philippine lelaude and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ 50 Biz Months 2 50 One Year 5 00 Entured at the Brunswick, Ua , post office, as second class mail mailer. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for G f ynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. *l.ue News Publishing Company de sires It to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must In* paid lor in advance. We cannot ai ford to devote our space to such ad TtrUsementa and wait on the courts 'or the money. I Get an Ad. in the I CARNIVAL I EDITION 1 I of the 1 I BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWSI [ An investment which willl I pay over 100 per cent. | Who an* those "contracting ahh r men?” Sir Thomas is now authirity on a I vcrtisiug. The first of tin* series of great yaeht races takes place today. The whipping of Mamie l>- Oris was disgrace, but the r.ojx.rt of the pris on commission Is worse Justice discards party, friemlsliip mul kindred, and is the* re fore repre sented as blind. Addison. The hot weat'her bargains bid fair to cemtiue until about the middle of fall. We do not think nnieh ol either but between Roosevelt and Miles we would certainly risk the latter. General (.Moment A Grans is a line old man but lie is not with a line old crowd. Not bv any means. President Kiosrvelt reviewed the great war vessel: The ant stood and watched the elephants pass A stout kick Is being raised against the *'Egyptian dam-e.-." at the coming world’s fall* at St. Louis. The News was not established foi political purposes but it can take a hand in public matters all the sane Don't think that every sad eyed wo man you moot has loved and lost She might 'lrnve loved and got him. Oivernor Terrell can. do as In* dr sires but we think he could do some Investigating in the neighborhood ot the prison commission. The New York man who refused le wed his bride at the altar beeause she had on drop stitch hose had a good eye for nothing else. One trouble in Glynn county in the past is that the schools and poll tics have I icon most too close er. Are we to have a repit it ion* When General Evans goes to a meet ing of the prison commission he cor tainly must carry a disenfectant with him otherwise he could not stand H | If the city council committee will put tlie streets and sidewalks of city in good shape the ixMipie will stand for an increase of •xpeuditurcs over last year. If left to their choice, (he prison commissioners would doubtless place Warden Allagttod's statue in tin hall of fame as Georgia’s best represents eive.—Griflin News. Joseph Pulitzer, the milliimuire owner ol the New lurk World, lias donated two million dollars for a journ alistie college to be located in New York. Here is a good chance for the youos pencil-pushers of the country. DEVELOPERS OF THE COUNTRY. Nothing has even beon devised which has resulted in more general and substantial I Kin edit to the people who live in tiijural districts than that which delivers their mall to them at their doors daily free of cost. The rural free delivery of mail is one of the gieatest convenience:-* and to the farmer that has <*ver come to him. Next to this, perhaps, is the long dis tance! telephone wervlfa- ttUch put; s.iii in din.: and immediate commu nication with not only his neighbor on tin* adjoining farm, but ai o with the city tenor a hundred miles distance. The inauguration of no system by the government in re nt years is more deserving of coir .t riLoion than the establishment of rural free deliv ery. It is a great movement to put the country people in such close touch with the world ‘is is afforded by this system, arid if will no doubt prove to be one of tin- greatest developers of the country ever known. Something along this line, in view of the pi'seii! tendency of the country people to abandon tbeir homes and move to the cities seems to have been necessary. It is highly important that the country people should be given some inducement to remain on the farms, for the farms are of course absolutely necessary to the general welfare of tb < untry. The cities may be prosperous to a certain extent without well tilled, pros porous farms, but they cannot possi bly enjoy that high degree of prosper ity widely comes to them when the farm of the country yield abundant harvests. The two are Interdepend cut tlie sueeess of one means the suceoßs of the other, and anything which is bene lie in I to the producing class- the farmers- must necessarily be beneficial to the merchant, the banker and the manufacturer. It is. therefore, a cause of congratu latin on the part of all. the resident of the city as well as the man who lives in the country, that the latter should be given every comfort and convenience that will make his home and his surroundings more attrac tive. WHITE ILLITERACY IN GEORGIA. M. D. Dennis, of Ratonton, ban re eently completed si*nm very interest ing collections in regard to the illiter acy among the white people of tlie United States, lie says: "Of the ”17 most illiterate cuntbs in the United States. Georgia has 12. This stall*, out of 127 counties, has 12 with 2" per cent, or more of their native white voters unable to read and i write These counties with their per -outage ot illiterate white white vol m s are as I'ollws. Murray. 2<* I. Twiggs. 20. fr. Gilmer. 21; Miller. 21 1; Rabun. 21 ,f; Dawson. IS; Paulding. 22.2; Glascock., 22.1; Pickens, 22. Fannin, 22 h; Union. 2i1.i1; Lumpkin. 20 0 In all of the above calculations neither negroes or foreigners are included Custom does not at all times make or repeal a law. Nor does a inultlipli city of errors make one single right. If there is a law in force In the city code that prohibits the city frotp en coring into contracts with its members of council, that law should eiMi/'r he enforced t the letter or taken from du* books in toto. Potent Pill Pleasure. The pills that arc* potent in Their .f'tjion ami t>loa~sa.nt tin offoot an' Do Witt's Little Marly RJsors. \V. S I‘hilpot, of Albany, Cl a., says “During a bilious attack l look one. Small as it was il did mo moro good than alomel, blue mas* or an> *iti*i* i over took and at the same tine tt •‘ffiH'ted mo plea a# ntly. Little Early Risers aro certttfb'ly Ideal pill. Sold by .loorgo-* Vli> *ev ALL PARTIES Desiring to Subscribe to . . . THE ATLANTA JOURNAL . . . Can leave orders at the Hunter Pharmacy or Morgan's Drug Store and 807 Gloucester St., Phono 260 3. TERMS: Daily and Sunday 12 cents Daily without Sunday .... 10 cents Get particulars DEAN VERDEY, Agent. Wrought Iron and Woven Wire Fencing The Celebrated PAGE make. C. W. DEMING, Seneial Agent. Brunswick, Ga. j Weak Hearts Are due to indigestion. NlneJy-nlne of everyone hundred people who have he.rt trouble can remember when it was simple indigestion. 11 is a scien tific fact that ail cases of heart dis ease, not organic, are not only trace able to. but are the direct result of Indigestion. All food taken into the stomach which fails of perfect diges tion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing if up against tho heart. This Interferes with the action of the heart, and In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Kodol Digests What You Eat Mrs. Lortnf Nichols of Pnn Yan, N Y . writes: After *tfne. my food would distress me by making my heart palpitate and I would become very weak Finally I got a bottle of Kodol and It cave me immediate relief- After using a few bottles I am cured. Kodol euros Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders, and gives the heart a full, free and untram meled action. Bottles only. SI.OO Sire holding 2M times the trial size, which sells for oQc Wmm§£ *“• imm IlLji pWf Smith's Pharmacy, Joerger’s Pharma cy, Fortson’s Drug Store. 5 To Grow JVcW Hair ] DANDRUFF CUBE j and Hun 'lonic is libr ‘Best of Inti ffoflj 5 COKE. SHAVING FOAM JO V !\ ASV MIIAVINO ■j H.tiiii.nv > .;> niili.hi ?y in rollup-It tie 'd I,l.Sjo* it \i i irl r•> diia'tfi-t ftoot M in 5 ) im|.( ii'ci Sim vint t'i m• ITr tc | .i 4 •’ :*.-. vft itlnnr-> '•* f-tfol*** ti.oe ( For Bale by W J BUTTS, Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date fiesta UFant | * ; THE QUICKEST LUNCH Joan bo had here. We call it J • rapid-lire lunch” because It is served so quickly. It is not lired at onr patrons, % y however, hut placed before them Vt in a dainty and appetizing mau- V, ' mr - V, This lunch costs little, can he 4* rj quickly disposed of and satisfies 2 -ill hut (he most robust appetites, fc, h £ J J. W. WILSON, Prop. * J 'Phone 321. i&etevue i/cnie. Tdlw jlebr. ,*d tonic 1* in demand, l'he season of the gre:Vl need I* approaching, Indigar Jon Bii. liousuess. Jaundice. Chilli and Fewer, Hick Headach*. pains In fas back and kidney. *ll depend upon malaria, ani Ilell.vuo Ton*c cure* them all 1* as] form, W. J, BUTTS, Khs ScqMfl** "Dcrothy Dodd" s”oes are the very latest for women. I have them. J. A. Smith Newcastle street. Mr. Joseph i'omlnvi"-, of Stillwater. Minn., after having spent over $2 000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by his druggist Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so and is a well man today. If troubled with tn 1 digestion, bad taste In the month. ! lack of appetite or constipation, give these tablets a trial, and you are cer- i tain to be more thin pleased wiih the result. For sale at t?G cents per box by all druggists Artistic effect flniib and lasting qua! lties considered. Wilson's Photo graph Studio r.OJ 1-? Otoucoste- fit has no competitors Go thera “ye Cllta - j THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. If you want a post tidn, a house, * servant, or wsnt to find anything that nas been lost, or want some tiling that someone else has, art '/•rriKc in this column. FOR RENT. FOR. RENT —Furnished rooms to rent to men. 21k Union street. FOJt RENT —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. F*>R RENT. —Two rooms and kitch en, I.oration good, on Union street. Address box 120. pity S 20. FOR RENT.—Furnished house for r-'ut; six rooms. Will rent reasonably, ddress N. M. C., care News. FOR RENT.—Front room; fumish ! and use of bath room. Excellent cation. Address "D,” care News. FOR RENT. —The store now occu ied by Mrs. M. Isaac. Possession will given Sept. 1. For full informa on, address W. F. Doerflinger. FOR REN T. —Two connecting ioms, furnished, in one of the most esirable parts of the city. Address, D," care News. FOR SALE. FOR SALE —A d<j irable farm, con taining 2!> acres, iii proved; a short distance from theXnty. Enquire at The News oflioo. FOR SAFE—Water motor. 4 ceiling fans, belting, shafting and pulleys, < oinplete. A great bargain. F. Gold '■•niifh FOR SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, f tinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle •-treat FOR SAFE. —Five column, 2 page Washington hand press in good con dition. Address C. T. Barker, Cl Clara St„ Atlanta, Ga. . .FOR SALE. —As I will leave the city shortly, I desire to sell my busi .i ss at the very low figure of S6OO. This business is paying from $50.00 t $30.00 per month. Good opportunity for man or woman. Address P. O. Pi x 126, Brunswick, Ga. FOUND. FOUND. —Fine pistol. Owner can have by paying $1 for this ad. Ap ply News Office. 8-18 LOST. LOST—GoId link cuff button. Fin der return to the Nows office and re ceive more than the button Is worth. LOST.—GoId ring set with three rubies. Was lost between the Ogle thorpe (hotel and the Chinese restau rant. Finder will be liberally reward ’d by returning to this office. SPECIAL NOTICE. NOTICE. —All parties are hereby warned and notified not to trespass on Long Island or Little St. Simon All trespassers will lie prosecuted to the fullest, extent of the law. John Currie. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED.—Several persons of char acter and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and advertise old establish ed wealthy business house of solid flnanieal standing. Salary $21.00 week ly with expenses additional, all pay able in cash direct each Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished v ben necessary. References. Enclose seslf-addressed envelope. Co lonial, Claxton Building, Chicago. 8-17 LEO XIII! PIUS X!—CATHOLICS WANTED to introduce magnificently framed pictures of the Popes. Every 'Catholic family will buy. Light work; big commissions. Elegant outfit free. Quick! American Art Cos., Baltimore. Aid. 8-23 "Meet Me at the Arcade” Free U>ch at the ARCADE II TO I TODAY'S MENU: CLAM CHOWDER. LOBSTER SALAD, BAKED BEANS, COLD SLAW. SLICED TOMATOES, SWISS CHEESE, SARDINES, AMERICAN CHEESE, PICKLES, OLIVES, ‘•Meet Me at the Arcade” The JGRiiys. Recent experiments by practical tests and examination with the aitf of the X-Rays, establish It as a fart ! that Catarrh of the stomach is not ( disease of itself, but that it result, from repeated attacks of indigestion. "How can 1 cure my indigestion?'’ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thous ands. It will cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or curt catsrrli of the stomach. Kodol di gests what you eat —makes the sto© ach sweet. Sold by J (verger's Phaj macy. Smith'- Pharmacy and W. 4 Butts. Brunswick, Ga. Do you want to save money? Yes! Then come to the great remov'd -r 1 i Mrs V is v , between atnr cm? , agust loth. TO BUY A NEWSPAPER. Tammany May Enter the Journalistic Field. New York, Aug. 19. —Considerable interest lias been aroused in tion sale on Friday of the Daily News by tin. report t’nci prominent Tam many Hall men will becom< financially identified with the concern it is believed that Frank Munsey, ! who has a controlling interest in the ! property, will tell Charles F. Murphy and other leaders of Tammany that i Ip- does not pun ose to make the pa- I per an organ for conveying to the ; public the views and aims of the fa mous democratic organization unless w -althy Tam many ites “chin in.” In the recent Dock board scandal exposures the News has been the only paper of New York to come to the defense of Mr. Murphy and his friends. Some sort of a deal is looked for by which the Tammany Loaders will put up a substantial sum to enable Mr. Munsey to put the paper on its feet in exchange for loyal and unswerving support of Tammany Hall candidates and politics. I THE OGLETHORPE, ; \ HUGH PORTER. Mgr. i Brunswick’s Only First: Class Hotel. I Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. £ Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service.; j'PHILLIPS "the TAILOR] Opera House BlocL, \ ; Has a large and selected stock of i ! new goods, for the coming season, i ■ best of worV and perfect fit guar- | anteed. ■Pants made to order for $4.00. ; I Suits made to order for $15.00. | If you want a Swell Suit give me a j call. "WOOJO Oak and Pine B. H. DANIILS, Phone 326 DEVARIS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery[Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3. UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. EDWARD MARTIN clean and preat your clothea K; does good work and will give y r At Satisfaction, Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. COAL AND WOOD. CONEY & PAHKER. yysgssgssifct Gasro Digests what yi BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 307 Newcastle St Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED CM SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. EDWIN W. DART, attorney and Counsellor at Law. Court House. Brunswick, Ga. A. R. U. C. UP HOLSTER iNSi AND CANING w.yinp Carpets am Matting, i ..... in Cane Seats in Chairs, Mattresses made and renovated. Furniture te sacked and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages rteoaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 Gloucester Street. Only the Experienced ! can guarantee and give you a first -class job itt Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing clothing. Jim Carter has the best —experience- NETTLETON’R SHOES ARE SU PERIOR I N QUALITY. I HAVE THEM. J. A. SMITH. £ FOR ♦GROCERIES : £ AND Fresh Meats £ REMBEMBcR Durden <& Go? £ Wolf and 1 Street sell it for ‘ less Phone 35:.’ and what -ou ? border will be delivered promptly. 4 y READ THESE PKIC.ZS. 4 y Stew Meats frotu 6 to 71-2 y pound Steak from 10c pound to 12 1-2. Groceries just as c heap. * t" w Gives TV. r- „ x Fully nine-tenths of the ills of mankind can be | *erjeCsl traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- || TJ P n 11h els - w hen these important organs fail to act I * K regularly the system becomes clogged with H 9 impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley’s m 5 Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently H and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect iiquiu S laxative, and is good for every member of the JUTr% y fpV* S gj family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. | Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal r —THE— ;bay ikon works l Manufacturers and Repairers ot [Machinery, Engines, Saw liils t Marine work a specialty. t Packings, Fittings ♦ and Supplies t Estimates Furnished free of Charge. t 629 Bay St, ♦ W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, + President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. -A 0. Downing, President. E. H. Maeon, Vice-President E.D.Waiter,, ine National Bank of Brunswick. bkulnswilK, Ga CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS *nd total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, ere devoted to the assistance of legit imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited from individuals, flnnt. and corpora- Jons. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear iuterest, compounded qusid .erly. Interest ceriflcates of deposit issued on special term.’. MONEY ORDERS „f the ‘‘BANKERS’ MONEL ORDER ASSOCI*. ION” are cheape- 1 ' r.... - ore convex, tent tha' postoStce or express. purs -,,,, Hfcti-rnrKvl l ' ~ Mi WiefPwfflrj Tr<uiy a Grana OLtD Cafil^KEY ■'-m ->•>- --frg-w* Morgan & Davis „' DIBTR,BUTORO . '**• *f * K FIVE POINTS: Strength, if Quality, Economy, Si and Purity are firmly emedded in*" Si each and every article we offer*” 9> for sale. $ Our latest arrivals are;. 1-2 Si Gallon Cans (Ga.) Syrup.. 1 Gal-* & % lon Cans (Ga.) Syrup.. 3 Pound^, Si Cans Golden Drip Syrup. 2 Lb.y *> Cans Porto Rico Syrup. t! *' THOS. KEANY, GROCER. *f * Phone 11. 312 Newcastle St * Widen you want a pleasant pnysiu try cbamberlat-’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and plesamt in effect v or sale by ali druggists. Don’t Maka Mistak About your harr.ess, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of bis. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Fine line of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing .. u, calicos, in fact all leather and c riage work neatly done and wna .patch. Cali on him. J. H. TANKERSLEY, ' WSSH- Rea! Estate Bargains. }■'. 500.00 for one of the prettiest ‘' ' u js on Union street. Lot 80x80 a Id 7 room house $250.00 45x90 near tu- business center. $1,000.00 for 4 '“l; house, close ip. sßoo.t;j for 4 s .ai, houses, rent at SIO.OO per month. yj'hi.MO tor 3 room house, brings $5.00 v. month. BROB3TON v~!NDIG ft CO Made Young Again. “One of Dr. King’s New Life Piils cacu n.jht for two weeks has put me my teens’ again,” writes Dr. H. H. Pernor of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver no mac b and bowels. Purely hie. Never gripe. O-t- 35 cents*! AUGUST 20,, 1903. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Schedule Corrected to August 1, 1903. For Savannah, Washington, Baltimore,, Phhiladelphia ana New York. Leave Brunswick y:uo an* Arrive Savannah 12.10 a-ti “ Washington . . 9; 50 DiA “ Baltimore 11:35 “ Philadelphia 2:56 a*** “ New York 6:So a... For Henuer„on, Asheville and Westet-m North Carolina Points. Leave Brunswick 9; 00 pm Arrive Saluda V!:o6 pm Hendersonville . ...12:47 ym “ Asheville 1:50 pm j “ Hot Springs . ...... 2;3” pm ! “ Waynesville 4: a5 pm i For Macan, Atlanta and Points North ano West. I Leave Brunswick ... 12:00 u 9:00 pm Arrive Macon ... 7:20 pm 3:00 am Atlanta.. 10:10 pm 5:20 am “ Birmingham 5:20 am 11:45 am “ Chattanooga 9:43 am “ Cincinnati 7:SO pm “ Louisville 3:15 pru “ Chicago 7:30 pm From New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Savannah. Leave New York 12:10 am Philadelphia. 3:50 am Baltimore 6:22 am Washington 10:51 am Savannah 3:"0 am Arrive Brunswick 8:10 am From Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Leave Chicago 8:40 pm “ Cincinnati S:3O am Louisville 7:40 ant " Atlanta . 7:00 am... 10:55 pm “ Macon ..10:20 am... 1:05 am Arrive Brunswick 5:30 pm... 8:10 am ANY CHURCH or parsonage or in stitute supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the Longman oc Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. No-e: Have done so for twenty years. Sales tens of miiiions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if tiot satisfac tory. The paint wears fur periods up to e'ghteen years. Linseed oil must bo added to the paint, (dine in two minutes). Actual cost then about $1.26 per gg’lon. Sample? free. Sold by our areata. Bowen & Thomas, Great removal sale Is now on at Mrs, M. Isaac's. All goods wiu posuuAy go at cost prices.