The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, August 27, 1903, Image 2

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-.mmSDAT MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH . NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... city Editor. Advertising rat os made known on Application. Church and other char liable organization notices published at half the regular rales. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the dtj And b> mail fee* of charge to all parts >f th# United Staler ami Canada. Mexico. Po j> Rn o. Guam. Philippine aland# and Hawaiian Islands. J er Month $ 50, Six Months 2 DO j One Year 0 00 , Entered at tin* Brunswick. Ua . post* office, ft*' sc mid • iri .irf mail inatlor. Hon. Emery Spetr has designated The Brunswick Doily News as the official organ of the United States Couit, in bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. tllcpmone iaß. r*U L l I SHE ItS NOTICE. 1 Ncwh * igijing company de slreH it to lu distinctly understood that *ll legal advertisements must he paid .or in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vcrtJ.some tits and wait on the courts ***** the money. i I Get an Ad. In the , CARNIVAL 1 , EDITION! , of the j | BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWSj , An investment wliich wiltj I pay over 100 per cent. j Newcastle ,stiv-i himhlh some aff<*n 1 i<n from tin* public work;. depart iiu*u L Anyway Sir Thomas is the* champion "goo*i loser.** Aml'Mliultialor’ Allagood's lalary toes right oil. No user in kicking on the weather ,W may as well grin and bear it. The comic suppliim-nt of the* papers is alright provid' and you can see tie* Joke. Sir Tho nuts did not win the races liut think of the good lime he is having. Those sports who had too much "re 1 lance” in tie- Shamrock are now sit ting on the mourners bench. The fact that Senator Tillman did have railroad posses makes him the champion liar of the Ihrtnietto state Every city and town in the slate is making it warm tor the vagrants* on, 111 the smilin' i it i iee cream and moonlight excursions, ini the winter the UleiWtcr and lluyler’s. A W).ni catches it on all sides. They have found .t real curiosity in Florida. Tiiere is a man there, who does not want to liold a public oi tk<*. i The News pay*, its nun living sal aries and for this rtw-on it is itnpossi ble to compete with pauper wage paying com*<*rn. It is getting so now that one of the requirements of lie* school teacher *s that he must he a polite an or he inusi try to be. Kooseveit believes in a show. Tin only trouble about ii is ilial liis spec taeuiar port orm autos costs t'ncle many hard dollars. Tjhc American tku asso-omon is in session at Hot Springs. \\ * uppos. the hotel people ia\c tin furniture tied down. & MjH Some jKrople never think ot paying their newspajHi* .subscription luil. ii there is any place lelow those same ieopie are going there. The uew sthnol house in New Tow. is rapidly uoaring i-oiupletuui amt it promises to be. quite a handsome building. The ]>niH.T.~ and the j*eopl will net Jet tins Mamie DeCris incident ’ close and they should not. Bets nil kivj it in mind until election time fi unmber ui u-e important ina.i ters will come up tor iinal disposition m the meeting ol council this eve ning and the people oit Brunswick •u v keeping their eyes on the board JOURNALIST V. NEWSPAPER MAN The Memphis has some views respecting Mr. Pulit zer’s proposed school of journalism, which cannot fail to sink** the practi cal r man as in the main | corn-ct. “The n<w school," says the ronimerrial-ApiK al "may make a: journalist, but no new i r man, and I th 4 *re h; a rjiffr rone* An- v*; ■ man works on ant w .p ijx a journal ist wall * with imposing digt'py wears a J'l jne*- Alh**i l lutt*>ie and up, a J silk hat. glows and can-', writes about j a column a week. vUiioh h. v<- i. . J six ti trios; attends the batojiiets and i n.r.ponds to the to; r. "! * r . and is constantly telling hi- friends about 'my article on tholi wevil' rr rny leader on the poiit. .j itnn j 1 *° r * ’ 'I hey <an make him in .i- h<>o| lof journalism. They t onld make him in a carpenter .simp with a hatchet and a few nails.'’ Ihe Meniph. paper i not far from the truth in this meter, 'fee pns prjfted school may In a fine training •school for os.;a>i*?.-; and writers upon special art i< which rerjuire d(K*p /e,s',tr<‘h and 1 ndy, but when it efnj** to the practical everyday work of hunting up and putting into readable shape the news while it is is news,that another story. There are many scholarly inn who an aid*; to writ* convincing and erudite article? ujh)h political economy. upon history, upon philosophy. 'Hence and kindred subjects who would )>• utterly incapa ble of turning out a readable story of ■i current cv< nt cf the day Such men would, a/- a rub , be unable to even tc-l) the value of news. A successful newspaper man must know in t motive ly what n**ws is he hears it, ai’d he must he able to write it so a . to make people read if Further i ban this, the succ--till riewspapcr niiiji must be able t* * approach men ;, R < lasses and dispositions in such a manner as to obtain the news from t hem. lb* must mix and mingle with Wie people oi ibe community ;n<l keep m close touch with all that is going on. He must !m* able to write a death notice as well as at dance; a horse race as well an a religious revival; a theatrical jierfonnnTiec as w< II as a church fair, a jHditical meeting as 'veil as a (Rstrict conference. In various and sundry ways he must show himself up to date on any sub jeets and Ik* able to furnish the news itlmofd while you wail, to use a fa miliar expression. These accomplishments can be uo quired only in a every day school of practical experience and it In doubt lul If Ihe professional school of jour mutism can impart them. Successful newMgaUiers like poets are born, not made. STOP THE STRIKE. The News dislike;; to see a carloail of negroes from South Carolina brought here for the purpose of taft mg tJu* places of tho strikers* It is unfortunate, but w : e supine it has to he done. The men who are holding out for higher wages have been told by the lumber merchants that it is inipos Mblc to allow an increase at this time 'itttiil they should be satisfied. it is a well known fact that the profit on lumber is not what it used to be. Tie dealers pay more for it and have a grenter expense in getting it to market, and the labortrs should take tliis matter into consideration Stop the strike ami keep out ilif South Carolina workmen. Mr. Joseph Cominvi’* , of Stillwater, Minn., alter having spout over $2,000 v*uii Uo lest doctors tor stomach trouble, witaoul relief, was adviseu by ins druggist Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box ot Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so audisa well man today, if troubled with In digestion, bad taste iu the mouth, lack of appetite or constipation, give these tablets a trial, and you are cer tain to bo more th. n pleased will the result. For sale at 2b cent* pel box by ail druggist* Griyit removal sale Is now ou at Mrs. M. Isaac's. All gooiis will o at cost prlctn*. Good Sanitary Methods ire used at Jim Garter s, tor cleaning clothes Everything well lighted aim ventilated. Shorter College edS An e tow e t v.r itlc:; Ii . ;3. \: - --v?t In America in point : . . hication - rittiens. The beat scN cmp? th©beat peepie. Music Conservatory offers uneni!>d Early rels’rat‘?rt •'f. -iSAry N-t y late applicants turned *wsy ‘.jc /"•: . *vn3?Bpt. 24th. I'-ustraisd C*W] in* V ‘ ‘ - felt . v*. 0 Lfc,* ICStICH ‘ to PmiitiMt SttnmoM, 3. Bor 41 0 aumt, Bs. > STAR OF HEALTH*^ KODOL digest.-. what you oat.' I i KODOL cleanses, purifies, <1 strengthens and sweet- ! j ens the stomach. KODOL !re:: fr.-rtion, dys- I j pepsia, ana aii stomach f j and bowel troubles. KOnOI a the a tion of i , - the gastric glands ai.d give; toijpjo the digestive organs. : KODOL elieves an overworked I i- stomach of ail nervous strain, g: /* . to tne heart a full, free j and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous svstern and feeds the brain. KOBOL *• he wonderful remedy 8 . that is making so many sick people weif and weak people I strong by giving to their bodies ail of j the nourishment that is contained in j the food they eat. j Tour Dealer Can Supply Yon. I Bott;<*s $ 1.00 Sir- bolding 2*4 times the trial size, which sells for 50c. PREPARED ONLY BY • ; E. C. DeWITT A CO., CHICAGO Smith’s Pharmacy, Jocrger's Pharma cy. Fortson’s Drug Store. To Grow JVeW Hair COKE arid Hair Tonic is th- Ecu Tt/’Tiiire of fm it rtf in ns COKE. SHAVING FOAM M)*x I.ASV SHAVING. :i. itii. toup.txi liuiiHy iii i'llap-iliU .• i f ti.t.r li.u !;**r *.r 'Jn- <;' -t floiw ■ ' ir.(- it.,j fff.aai -nr I 2Tu tc * ‘ ”i< i’ll #<T C itnilh./ For Sale by W J BUTTS. Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant Xj&Fkm*. , ;If ', >r - ! ! ■' m m [ TM K QUICKEST I.UNCIi •can be had here. Wo call it our < lunch” because it isj * served ho quickly. , It ;s not fired at our patrons,! f however, but placed before them! , hi a dainty and appetizing ui&ii-j , tier. < > This lunch costa little, can bet I ‘|t ,:, ‘kl> (imposed of and satisfies! ail hm the most robust appetites ! ! J. W. WILSON, Prop. i ’Phone 321. < itkieme i/cnie. Tills jlebr. ,ed tonic ts in growing •Uiuarnl. I'ho season ol the groveat need is approaching, lnaigasjon rtit liousness. Jaundice, Calllt and Ferer. Sick Headarh*. pains iu tu back and kidneys sll depend up m ms’.arla, oj Hellsvus Tonic eurea them all la aaj form, W. J, BUTTS, * OniMiaa ECXURSION TO ATLANTA. Large Crowd Going on the 28th of August. it looks like the i \i ursion to Alktuta on t!io 2Stli instant will be the largest ol the season, as the very low rate ut ♦ lor the rotiud trip to Atlanta and $3.1*0 to Macon has luvn iiameo. The train leaves here at S a m and special coaehes ior white people have been secured. Lumber Merchants—Attention! The stevedores having granted a 2 J-2 cents per hour raise as asked tor, we hereby give notice that on and alter Saturday, August 22, 11*03, we expect the same increase of wages from you. PETER ROBINSON, President. ■ TUtt, August X- BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. IF you want a position, a h®u*e, a servant, or to find anything tnat nas been ost, or warn some thing that someone else naa ad vprtißp in this column FOR RENT. FOR KENT—Furnished ruomi; to [ rent to men. 2IS Union street. j FOR RENT —Stores, offices and I iiwe,iuigs. Apply to brobstoD, Femiig He Cos. FOR RENT. Front room; furnish ' '.I and ii.-e of batli room. Excellent local io; Address “M,” care News. FUK REN T. —Two connecting rooms, furnished, i: one of the inosi desirable parts of the city. Address, "IJ." care News. FOR SALE. FOR KALE Two good milk cows. S. Marks. FOR SALE. —A good plant). Apply at the Arcade. FOR SALE—A desirable ferm. con taining 2.". acres, improve*?’ a shorl distance from the city. Enquire at The News office. • OR SALE —Water motor 4 ceiling fans, belting, shafting and pulleys, complete. A great bargain. L. Gold smith. ALUMINUM and BRASS Trade cheeks. Rubber and Motniie stamps. Notary and Corporation seals. Will U. l ain. ..FOR SALE. — As 1 will leave the city shortly, i desire to sell ruy liusi | ness at the very low figure of S6OO. | This business is paying from $50.00 j t SBO.OO per month. Good opportunity i for man or woman. Address I*. O. Box 126, Brunswick, Ga. FOUND. FOUND. —Fine pistol. Owner ean have by paying $1 for this ad. Ap ply Nesvs Office. 8-1S LOST. LOST —Gold link cuff button. Fin der return to the News office and re ceive more than the button is worth. LOST.—GoId ring set with three rubies. Was lost between the Ogle thorpe hotel and the Chinese restau rant. Finder will be liberally reward ed by returning to this office. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOVICE. —All parties are hereby warned and notified not to trespass on Long Island or Little St. Simon All trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest. extent of the law. John Currie. MISCELLANEOUS. W A NTEI) —T wo neatly dressed —white boys to act in the capacity of cash boys. Apply to Mrs. M. Isaac. + —7—7 WANTED (Jood pants maker and assistant in tailor shop, male or fe male. Steady work. Philips, the tailor. WANTED To rut residence with live or six rooms and conveniences; address giving terms and locality “Q. D. IV Post Office box 330, city. WANTED --.Several persons of char acter and good reputation in each state (one in ibis county required) to repri. v-nt and advertise old establish ed \v . thy business house* of solid floanical standing. Salary $21.00 week ly with c\| uses additional, all pay *.lde in cash direct each Wodiiittsday from bead offices. Morse and carriage fu nished when neeessary. Iteferonceß. Enclose soslf-ad dressed envelope. Co lonial, Claxtou Building, Chicago. 8-4 7 LEO XIII! PUTS X!—CATHOLICS WANTED to introduce magnificently frame! pictures of Hu* Popes. Every Catholic family will buy. Light work; big commissions. Elegant outfit free. Quick! American Art Cos., Baltimore, Md. 8-23 “Meet Me at the Arcade 5 ’ Free Lunch at tho ARCADE II TO I TODAY'S MENU: CLAM CHOWIisR. LOBSTER SAL/Vs BAKED BEANS, COLD SLAW, SLICED SWISS CHEESE, SARDINES, AMERICAN CHEESE, PICKLES, OLIVES, “Meet Me at the Arcade” The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practical j tests ami exam nailon with the aig if the X-Rays, establish It as a fact i bat Catarrh of the stomach is not g disease of ilselt, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion i "How can 1 cure my indigestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thous ands. It will cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia, aud prevent or curt catarrh ol the stomach. Kodol di gests what you eat —makes the stom aoh sweet. Sold by Joergers Phat mac*. Smiths Pharmacy and W. 4 Butts. Brunswick, Ga. ~ W. M. TUPPSR A CO., Foritfardlng sod Shipping Agsrrta. Llghisrage, Tcwlr.g and fesrin# In •aransd, Co-- - *pcnvHnc# Solicits# • fIUf'SWiCIV A, ‘ DeWitt is the Name. ; When you go to buy Witch Hazel alve look for the name DeWitt on 1 vei.. 1,--., Witch Hazel is used in making De- Witt's >Vitch Hazel Salve, which it he boat salve in the wrld for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and lies. The popularity of DeWitt's ,’itrb Hazel Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worth ess counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genuine bears tiie name I* f E <: DeWitt & Cos., Chicago. Sold y Jocrger's Pha-raaey. Potent Pill Pleasure. The pills that are i>otent in their action ami pleasant in effect are DeWitt's Little Early Risers W. S. Philpot. of Albany. Ga.. says "During a bilious attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than alomel blue mas ■ ■■ erv • - I ever took and at the same tine it effected me plei‘""itly Little Early Risers are eertr**-*ly ldem piii. Hold by .loerge-' ”h'■ >cv For Ihe Best in Printing—Try the Vows Tot* Office Tt IF. 0(1 LEI HORPE, HUGH PORTER, Mgr. Brunswick’s Only l-irst Class Hotel. Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. PHILLIPS the TAILOR Opera House Block, Has a large and selected stock of new goods, for the coming season, best of work and perfect fit guar-! \ anteed. Pants made to order for $4.00. Suits made to order for $15.00. If you want a Swell Suit give me a j call. WOOD Oak and Pine B. H. DANIELS, Phone 326 DEVARIS& LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ' Phone 141-0 UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. EDWARD MARTIN ii ~ clean and press your ciothes Kr does good work and will glvs you . J Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. COAL AND WOOD. CONEY a. PARKER. £te3©i liysjjsegssaLa SSure Digests what yc*M “7* BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 207 Newcastle St. Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councellcr at Law. Court Housa. Brunswick, Ga. &Ll, —i. A. K. U. C. v UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, Pa; m in Cane Seats in Chairs. M.-Ptr-s-es made and renovated, furniture t e packed and carpets cleaned. Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 Gloucester Street. 1 FOR GROCERIES ► ► AND | ; Fresh Meats „ REME3EMBER ' ; Durden &Cos Wolf and 1 Street seli it for 1 less. Phone 362, and what you. ' order will be delivered prumptly. READ THESE PRICE S. Stew Meats from 5 so 7 1-2 .pound Steak from 10c pound to -121-2. Groceries just as cheap. News office for the best in printing. Everything new and up to date at eh© Glynn Cleaning and Dressing Nothing like fruits and vegetables for summer diet. Get there fresh * Chris Arnbeiters. 'Phone 61 and be b*VP7' t k , . Gives —i Perfect Fully nine - tenths of the ills Af mankind can be @ tv f ii traced toirr egularitiesof the stomach and bow- 5 tiedltH els ' When these important organs fail to act | regularly the system becomes clogged with B | impurities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley s I B Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently 1 B and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid 1 ■ laxative, and is good for fcvery member of the TB/S' B family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. vKf OZiey S I Mozley’sLemonHotDrops are without any equal / OtfiOSl I for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. Elixir -THE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies Estimates furnished Tree of Charge. 629 Bay St, \ W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, ‘ President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. *• G. Downing £. H. Motion, Vlce-Preeldent. E.D.Waiter, Cashier; TLe National Bank of Brunswick. bKulNbVviGtv, CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTi THOUSAND *na total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HA.LF MILLION DOLLARS, re devoted to the assistance of legit imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, Arms and corpora tioLa LIVINGS DEr AN TRENT accounts bear interest, compounded quay teriy. Interest bearicj cerifieatea of deposit issued on special terms. A ONLY ORDEKC- the "BANKERS' MONhii ORDER ASSOGIA* ION are cheap©, r.j., ore conven lent tha pos'.office or express. ■ ' I j ' .i^LsMef^KlDCKyl ' * opJ l 'ifTruly a Grand : \F/f'/fitphD CaffiSKEY I organ fe^Davis •; Ula < f.idu TORS, Brunswick, Ga. I I l"willli | a, ECONOMY \ ( ' tee* i\ troy K * t£ FIVE POINTS: Strength, a; *> Ouality, Economy, Satisfaction If * and Purity are firmly emedded ink each and every article we offer* for sale. * * % .. Our latest arrivals are:. 1-2 * fc jg Gallon Cans (Ga.) Sy r up.. 1 Gah^ X lon Cans (Ca.) Syrup.. 3 Pound^ *“ Cans Golden Drip Syrup. 2 Lb.fc * Cans Porto Rico Syrup. S> THOS. KEANY, GROCER. * Pnor.e 11. 312 Newcastle StA Wueu you war . a pleasant pnysic try chambertai" s Stomach and Diver Tablets. Taey are easy to take and pieoaut in effect, 'for sale ny ail diuggista. Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and geL one of his. Last Better, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction o£ any. He makes all grades and prices to order. Kiie iine oi horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, vallces, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Cali on bim. , J, H. TANKERSLEY. Real Estate Bargains. $3,. i O.dO for one ot Hie prettiest houses on Union street. Lot aosßo and 7 room house $250.00 45x90 near the business ceiues. $1,000.00 for 4 roon. house, close Ip, sßUd.C'j for 4 small houses, rent ct sl6.ui) per mouth. •s2:>.s.<H lor 3 room Ivvnse, brings $5.00 per mortb. BItOBSTON. " TNDIC, ft CO Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Fork, K>., says she has prevented attacks of cholera morbus by taking Cham berlain’s stomach and liver tablets when she felt an attack coming on.! Such attacks are usually caused b> indigestion and these tablets are just what is needed to clean the stomach end ward of the approaching attack. Attacks of ' ,f 'us coiic may be pre- V luted is f us? wav • AUGUST 27. 1903. t> Y CHURCH or parsonage or in s' tute supported by voluntary ctu -ribution will be given a liberal quan ut.v of tbe Longman <fe Martinez Pure Pa.nts whenever they paint. Note: Have ilono so for twenty years, bales teas of ms.dons of gallons; painted ut-arly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfac tory. The paint wears for periods' op to eigiiteen years. Linseed oil must bs adr ad to the paint, (dine in twe minutes). Actual cost then about t 1.25 per gallon. Sampler free. S'ld ty our Misata. Bowen & Thomas. ALL PARTIES Desiring to Subscribe to . . . THE ATLANTA JOURNAL . . . i Can leave orders at the Hunter Pharmacy or Morgan’s Drug Store and 20/ Givuoestt. St., Phone 200-3. | TERMS: I Daily and Sunday (2 cents 'Daily without Sunday .... 10 cents Get particulars DEAN VERDEY, Agent. Do you Wont to s;u _• money? Yes' Then come to the mval | 1 Airs. M. I, between now and iagnst 15th. Special Attention is m/on each job given in at Jim Cart'-r's clothes cleaning establish men' No clubbing logmhnr of orders. Every order is distinctively treated. End of Bitter Fiyht. Two physicians bad ,i mag ar> I Iwiiuoru .v.ia,-ip :i is op right .ling, writes I-' (higbes of Du Pont, Ga., arid gave me up. Ev •ry hotly thm.giii ~.y urn. „,m ~ . ,e. Asa last resort i Used l)r. Kingj New Discovery for consumption. The tbeueßt I received wsis stj-iking ami I, was on my feet in a few days. Now I’ve entirely regained my health." It conquers all coughs, colds, throat aunt tun# troubios. Guaranteed by all druggists. Price ,50 cents and sl-00. Trial botttles free. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala was twice In the hospital irum a so' vere case of piles, causing 24 tumors. Alter doctors and all remedies fahso, Buckien s Aryica Salve quickiy ar rested further inamation ad cured him. It conquers aches and k'Ua palm 26 cents at all druggists. Fcir grass shears and lawn mowers cat. *. -Douglas Hardware Cos., and and get the c©* fcw tc© least mosty. “Dixie” mosquito nets are the best. We handle them. H. M. Hiller & Soa. *