The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 01, 1903, Image 2

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TUESDAY MORN IN u. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY TH . NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager. C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY. Jr... City Editor. Advertising rates made known on Application. Church and other ohar ltahl* organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail free of charge to all parts of the United Stales aud Canada. Mexico, po jo Rico, Guam, Philippine islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ 50 Six Month! 2 50 One Year 5 00 Entered at the Brunswick. Ga., post oillee, as second-class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. TELEPHONE 188. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. lon News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. We cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vertlsenienta and wait on tile courts 'c the money. H Get an Ad. in the £ CARNIVAL * 3 EDITION* „ of the * DAILY NEWS* jf An investment which will* jgpay over 100 per cent. * Tills is tin- day of tho liill collector The Savannah baselwtll club should learn how to play ball. Brunswick should be proud of tho new school houso In New Town. The Charleston Post Is one of tho best afternoon pavers in the south. The strike drags along but there is no decrease ku ttur volume of busi ness. When a school fcae'hor gels to dale hling Into ixdlllcs his usefulness is at an end The News does not talk ip its edi torial columns In riddles. Wo leavo this for tho cowards to do. One thing is certain, there will ho no more contracting with the city by the inemhrs of council. Darien is to have-a large stock farm and the matt who is starting it is one of the sensible kind. Presidential Hughes, of the state Agricultural society, savs that the state fair will be a great Success. Notwithstanding the fact that them is business depression tllno courts uian ange to do business at the shine old stand The News is always willing to give a man what lie deserves but it often happens that Ibis Is exactly what he does not. want. Alderman Kaiser lias set the pace and now lot the other members jump the officers who are. not or do not do not do their duty. THE CITY HOSPITAL. Tho members of the city council arc exactly right in Inquiring Into the conditions that have served to pul th*f city hospital in the condition wo now find it. A suiicient amount of money has been donated to tho city to at least make sime badly needed repairs on tho building and yet. for some reason not clear to us. the money is laying idle and the building is rapidly going to decay. The question was brought up at the last meeting of council ami it was made to appear that certain parties interested in live transfer of ttie prop erty to tho city had for reasons re fused to sign the deed, which appears the hands of ttie city attorney. Cf these facts we know nothing but we do know that there has been a glaring laxity in connection wit the matter and we commend tie nn ibers of council for the effort they are now, making to have the matt, it put in shape and proceed wit!: the Im provements as contemplated b> t o generous dollars of the two thousand The hospital has never had the proper attention from the city anyway and it is to be hoped that t wUi bow. CRITICISED JEFFERSON. Since Roosevelt became president of the United States and bias been in the limelight, the people of the country who want to keep up with the times and keep themselves posted on all the things that can lie said for and against a man in public life, have been readng the many books that have been written by the fecund pen of the man who now occupies the highest office in the nation. Some of the students of this city have found that a pecu liar) iarity of Roosevelt's writings is that he has had very few kind words to say of any man who ever occupied a police in this country; that on the contrary he has lambasted the life, out of host of therm Take, for instance his opinion of i Thomias Jefferson, expressed in his I "Naval War of 1X12.” In volume six | page 198, of that work from the pen of Theodore Roosevelt, he was intemper j ate enough to say that Mr. Jefferson "was perhaps the most incapable offi cer that ever lllled the presidential chair.” Ttiat seems to he pretty tough on the author of tihe declaration of inde pendence, the man who acquired the LouSsiarjfcu (territory, who was twice president of the l.lnit/ul Stales, tailli times elected by ballots and not by bullets, who was the founder of Iho U'r(lve)rßlty of Virigiinila, and whose teachings have been the bulwark of pnulnr government in this country as against the rule of the classes. Roose veil, seems not only to he an icowoclast lad of Into years lie seems to have be come a painfully pragmatic preacher, lie defends and proclaims the axiomat' ie at the slightest provocation. Ho is showing a represcnsible tendency lit lecture the public on sol!' evident propositions, and to do it with a sus 'Wien of sensational purpose, and notably, in his warning against race suicide and ids recent sermon on de cent living. The people of this coun try if we are any judge of every day human nature, do net like to lie lec tured. They think they know what, they wiunt and how to get it whom they want it. if Mr. Roosevelt will continue In Ibils presence course he will very apt ly illustrate the point of “Tom" Reed's sarcastic saying; "What. I like about Roosevelt is his enthusiasm over his own discovery of the Ten Command ments,” There is some nether severe criti cism of Hie president on account of the recent naval review ordered by the president to he held practically in his back yard in Oyster Bay, par took very nmeJi of the autocratic methods t>r tlie czar or the kaiser. No previous president ever ordprod the ships of the American navy to come to his iiomte in order to review them anti make a warlike speech to the officers and men of the navy. That review, for wliiifln there was no need or warrant, except to make a hoodlum holiday lor the inhabitant" of Oyster Bay and vicinity, cost the taxpayers of the countty not less than fifty thousand dolin' s for powder burned In salutes to the commander in chief of the American navy. He may next take a notion that .he wants to review the American army. If ho does it will cost not less than a half million, dollars to concentrate tho troops for tho review. The people need not be surprised at anything. Georgia has not had a genuine po litical tight yet. Wait until one of tin members of the prison commission offers for redaction. There will be fun oud all kinds of it What does Governor Terrell say in regard to that report of the prison eoaimisiou. If the governor has no opinion about the matters he should have. Some of you people who have not paid vour subscription bill iu t'he past several months should do so ludav. Just for Ute chance, tvs it were. Mayor v’rovntt is among the best police judges the city has ever had. Ho tempers mercy with justice and uses more common sense iu his decisions than the average judge of the kind docs The News is not hunting for trouble out when it sees a ablie oflliinl who is neglecting the business of pu blic it is surely going to say some thing about it auu iu no uncertain language. Comet 1 TTlvi i i the sky comes t, I 1 niS the star of health | I does for the stom- dent dyspeptic, { H ach that which it vXu\ cu ring all j S Is unable to do for \ft VX stomach i I itself, even If but VIU'SX troubles and | R slightly disordered \\V\Wi digestive B I or overburdened. U\\W\ disorders, n Kodoli l supplies the natural IJvWIwA Juice3 of digestion and does the work of the V T,' ffl\ stomach, relaxing the nervous tension, while llijj: S\u'A M the inflamed muscles \ and membranes of that organ are allowed to 11 MMAk.*■\y\ I rest and heal. It cures B indigestion, flatulence, B palpitation of the heart. |n||v\\Vu\\uv(\ nervous dyspepsia and IsfiffirLH all stomach troubles by ]|g|MSj|JEn B cleansing, purifying and MNfSBS 8 strengthening trie glands, BWw 0 membranes of the stom- jp 7 B ach and digestive organs. jfevSS Y fl Kodol Dyspepaa €sinf| Your Dealer Can Supply Too. Bottles only. Si .00 Size holding 2 'A times 9 the trial sizo, which sells for 50c. Prepared hy £. C. DeWIIT 4 CO.. CHICAGO. 8 •BusJßqd s.aaßjoop ‘XoßuiJEqd s.qtjuis cy, Fortson’s Drug Store. ITo Grow JVeto Hair COKE DANDRUFF I CUKE ■ | < | and Hair lonic is i the ‘He St ri? of in i tat ions I COKE, 4 SHAVING FOAM | ft)K FA.'HY SHAVING M Him in uny mum p.Ri Iwi mly in ;iil In If ] jj H If m.iu Iwtrl t 1 ur droL’Kist door J nl Jtnej.*l Bimvinu fourn t-ai.d 3T.* ti; J djfl I *. U Hfjmo. In XyMcutu fiw For Sale by W J BUTTS, Druggist Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant t.f 'v\ * <v *■ 1 It * THE QUICKEST I.UNCH y* can bo had here. We call it our J "rapid-fire lunch'’ because It is served so quickly. .. It Is not tired at our patron ,In but placed before 'hemfe 2 in a dainty and appetizing tuau- k S ner ’ V . This lunch costs lit'le, can be 2 qu'ckiy disitosed of and satisfies * all hut the most robust appetites 5 J. W. WILSON, Pron. ■a ’Phone 321. iiieievuc i/enk. Tula CJlebn ,ed tonic is la grown** demand. The season of the g-rea ,*t need is approaching. India#* ton, Bit llousness, Jaundice. Chill* and Fere' Sick Headache, pain* in tea hick cad kidneys all depend upon malar*, *** Bellsvu# Toivh; cures them all hi uji ’ W. J, BUTTS. Bka ni—iss, Wrought Iron and Woven Wire Fencing The Celebrated PAGE make. C. W. DEMING, General Agent. Brunswick, Ga. Nothing like fruits and vegetables for summer diet. Get them fresh at Chris. Aruheiters. Throne 64 and he happy. Only the Experienced can guarantee and giui you a first class job in Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing clothlug. Jim Carter has the l —akperl euoe. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWB. WANT COLUMN. , If you want a position, a houae, k servant, or want to find anything' tnat has been loot, or want some j thing that someone else has, ad- ; vertlse in this column. FOR RENT. ' FOR RENT —Furnished rooms to rent to men. 21b Union street. ! FOR RENT —Stores, offices an 1 j dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR RENT. —Front room; furnish ed and use of bath room. Excellent. location. Address “D,” care News. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms kitchen, store room and pantry on first iloor; also two furnished | rooms up stairs, at 702 Unioon street. i | FOR ICE N T. —Two connecting rooms,, in one of the most desirable parts of the city. Address, “D,” care Nesvs. ; L j FOR IlENl!—Six room house, large lot and pretty yard, 200 South Leo St. i Apply 007 Eymon Street 9-2. FOR SALE. ! FOR SALE —Two good milk cows. S. Marks. FOR SALE. —A good piano. Apply at the Arcade. FOR SALE—A desirable farm, con taining 25 acres, improved; a short distance from the city. Enquire at The News offioe. FOR SALE—Water motor. 4 celling fans, belting, shafting and pulleys, complete. A great bargain. L, Gold smith. ALUMINUM and BRASS Trade checks, Rubber and Metalic stamps, Notary and Corporation seals. Will B. Fain. FOUND. POUND. —Pine pistol. Owner can have by paying $1 for this ad. Ap ply News Office. 8-18 LOST. LOST—GoId link cuff button. Fin der return to the News office and re ceive more than the button la worth. LOST.—Account book. Same was written in Jewish language. Keturu to News oftico and get reward. LOST. —Gold ring set with three rubies. Was lost between the Ogle thorpe hotel and the Chinese rant. Finder will he liberally reward ed by returning to this office SPECIAL NOTICES. NOWCE. —All parties are hereby warned and notified not to trespass on Long Island or Little St. Simon All trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. John Currie. Miscellaneous. WANTED —Two neatly dressed —white Itoys to act in the capacity of cash boys. Apply to Mrs. M. Isaac. ♦ * WANTED.—Good pants maker and assistant in tailor shop, male or fe male. Steady work. Philips, the tailor. "Meet Me at the Arcade” Free Lunch at the ARCADE LOBSTER SALAD, BAKED BEANS, COLD SLAW, SLICED TOMATOES, SWISS CHEESE, SARDINES, AMERICAN CHEESE, PICKLES, OLIVES, “Meet Me at the Arcade” ' Mrs Mollie allien, of South Fork, iKy, says she has prevented attacks Jot cholera niorbos by taking c. hua.- ! heriain's stomach and liver ta.Uets when she felt r'a attack coming on Such attacks ,t>e usually caused > . indigestion and these tablets arc- just wr.ut is medfvt to clean the stomach and ward of the approaching attack. Attacks of •’'ilia colic may be >re v unted In t me " ' ■ ' You can find at Hiss Slater’s Milll ne:y parlors artistical flowers, good lor paper hats and other cheap trim mings. almost given away. News oflice lor the best iu piintiug. jLYN N CLEANING AND PRESS ING CLUB. Andrew Wright, - • Proprietor. 100 Gloucester Street. ! cleaning, Repairing and Tailoring. "Prompt Attention” Our Motto. BEST MATERIAL . . . COMPETENT WORKXMEN \n order will convince you that we will give satisfaction.. Phone 31. Fall will soou be here. Have your overcoat dyed at the Glynn Cleaning and Pressing club. Reai Estate Bargains. $3,500.00 for one of the prettiest houses on Union street Ixl 90x80 aud 7 room house $350.00 45x9u near the business center. $1,600.00 for 4 room house, c ose :.-. sSot).i;c for 4 small houses, rent at 516.00 per month $200.00 for 3 room tense, brings $5.00 per month BROBSTONh F3NDIG & CO DeWitt is the Name. When you go to buy Witch Haze! alve look for the name DeXVitt oi VC!,. \ Witch Hazel is used in making De- Witt's Witch Hazel salve, which . he best salve in the wrld for cuts burns, bruise s. 1> i , eczema am iles. Tile p>qiu' -rity of DeWitF. /itch Haze! '.'alve, due to its man;, cures, bus caused numerous worth ess counterfeit, to be placed on tin market. The genuine bears the c:in.u of E. C. DeWitt t Cos., Chicago, sold y Joerger’s PhD-many. Potent Pill Pleasure. The pills that arc potent in th.ii action anil pica -ruit . i tff ct. arc DeWltt’s Little Early Risers. W. S. Philpot, of Albany. Ga., says "Durim: a bilious attack i took one. Sma!' as it was; it did mo. more good than alomci. blue r - or of- • i I I ever took and at the same tine ;t. effected me plea"-illy. Little Early Risers are ceHt- , ' I !.v r - ideal pill. Sold by Joerge-' ?ba-- --'ey For the Best in Printing—Try the News Job Office. [ THE OGLETHORPE, l \ HUGH PORTER, Mgr. jj \ Brunswick’s Only First \ l Class Hotel. \ i Reasonable Rates to | | Traveling Men. j Cuisine. Perfect Service, o 1 j PHILL!PS the TAILOR > Opera House Block, | : Has a large and selected stock of “ • new goods, for the coming season, 7 ; best of v/orP nnci perrect fit guar- X 1 anteed. ■ Pants made to order for $4.00. ) ; Suits made t.o order for $15.00. i If you want a SwelLj Suit give me a i ;ca!l. | I*l*-J* A. Hr 1 WOOD Oak cL xl \.i jL. i. ~j B- H, BANOS, u 325 DEVApiS & MS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3. ~ UNION CLEANING and PRESSING n H TLt EDWARD MARTIN clean and press your clothes HC does good work and will glv* l’®** JIV Lit Satisfaction. Phone 146-2 508 Monk St. CO \L A N O WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. aMnMK6T.:t .* ■ -w v< -w**rwrr -*r wwuw KittsSoi! s Om*q Sigeali xv'iii.t; **•■ BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Phone 257-2. 3u7 Newcastle St. Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED CN SHORT NOTICE. A SPECIALTY. EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and .or at Law, Court Hems*, Ga. A. R. U. C. UPHOL . . .ivG AND CANtWG Laying Carpets and Matting, •• in Ojtir .it ll.airs M-.f --ie made and renovated, Furniture te packec and carpets cleanea B iby Carnages lie: a:rod. W. H THOMAS, 'lO Gloucester Street. ’ FOR ■GRC LIES ’ AND ;Fresh Meats KEMBEMBER ; I?urdfcii Sc Cos WfJ and i .■ < r *• t s-U it for ’less PI u . and a you ■ order * -.* d' .i . rtd ptompuy • READ i i-'ESL. PRICES. . Blow (oa 5 to 7 1-2 . pound S cak i -on, ;vc pound to 12 1-2. Groce. -t .hr. as ert.-ap IV. t* . TUFfafi A CO., Forward!.kg at. 2 snipping Agent#. Lighterage, towing gnu l.jr.rt In curance. Corretpondenc* SoiiciSad. BRUrawiGH. SA. The Open-air Drying Process at Jim Carter's guvs the ciotues a frstness that they don t get else- VtMMb Gives ———Hl p33888M Fully nine - tenth3 ° f the ills of markmd can be * 577 t *■ traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- Health els> When these important organs fail to act regularly the system becomes clogged with | impurities, and perfect health is impossible. ~ Mozley’s I Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gentiy | and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid 1 laxative, and is good for very member of the 134 r _ 1 family. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. OZLGy S j| Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops are without any equal J sjsylfin I for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. *•> Elixir ♦ — •jcxusn — * [BAY IRON WORKS; * Manufacturers and Repairers of a : Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills! t Marine work a specialty. ! V- i l Packings, Fittings ; t and Supplies* t Estimates Furnished Free oi Charge. ♦ 629 Bay So, * W. R. DART. CLAUD DART, < V ' 4 +. President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer, 4 *• i C. 3ov*n>t,g, president. E. H. Mason, Vice-President E.D.Waitc'-, Cashier, The National Bank ox Brunswick. bKuNbVViCK, L>/\ capital Ob' ONE HUNDRED AN U LIFTS THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the of tegit imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited train individuals, firms and corpora lions. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT cco acts boar interest, compounded qiuuty terty. interest bearlr j ceriflcatt s oi ueposit issued on special term*. MONEY ORDEKS of the “BANK iSita MOl-iEY ORDER ASSOUIA .ION” are cLeape- *m.. oxn consen ,*nt tha yostofhoe or express. isocr!, Truly a orand j v WjKt OUD Oil-lISKHY /! t U Sffii?.- * ~ • j // (i?Morgan Sc Davis r,. 5 ;) ’I DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, Ga. - '■ - ;■ .? - ,4 . -a \ A s (J J -/*Vi V.'/ riim F,-mP % v FIVE POINTS: Strength, ti *’ Quality, Economy, Satisfaction*? ti and Purity are firmly emedded in*f S each and every article v.e offer*f SS for sale. Our latest arrivals are:. 1-2 . as a Gallon Cans (Ga.) Syup.. 1 Gal-jj, g lon Cans (Ga.) Syrup.. 3 Pound# Cans Golden Drip Syrup. 3 Lb.lf *? Cans Porto Rico Syrup. *S *" THOS. KEANY, GROCER. Phone 11. 312 Newcastle St.* Don’t Make a Mistake About your harness, but call and see J. H. Tankersley and get one of his. Last Belter, Sells Cheaper, Gives Best Satisfaction of any. He makes aU grades and prices to order. Pine line of horse hats, boots, dusters, oils, and Makes a specialty of repairing trunks, vaJices, in fact all leather and carriage work neatly done and with dispatch. Call on him. J. H. TANKERSLEY. I UNREDEEMED ? PLEDGES ii r .1 (THREE DROP-HEAD, SINGER SEWING MACHINES. ; ONE FINE DOUBLE BARRELS ’ ■ PARKER GUN. " 1 r $ , They Go at a Bargain, j ? S. B. NATHAN. When you wart a pleasant pysic j try Chatul-erla.'-’s Stomach and Liver : Tablets, t hey are easy to take rad I piesant in effect, For sale t>y *li i dr uggiata. SEPTEMBER 1, 1903. ANY CHURCH or parson.?.go or in stiHits supported by voluntary con tribution will be given a liberal quan tity of the 1. ngman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note: Have done so for twenty years. Sales tens of rot.lions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to -epainf i? not satisfac toiy. Trie paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Linseed oil must he added to (be paint, (nine in two minutes) Actual cos' ttien about $1.25 per gallon, fan: pies f ree. Sold ' v our axht, Bowen & Thomas. THE DOG n E DAYS ARE HERE t q ( \ , j Have you your store arid offices f equipped with Electric Fans. * r IF NOT, PHONE No. 7. S _ k f Our Electric Fans make any"* hot day ccci; will furnish f "i ( sred; will turn August intoq t October, and will mix up morej coolness with more b than ary other thing known of. * A MUTUAL LIGHT ’ & WATER CO. WOOD Order your wood from j . J. KENNER tle largest !oad in t!te city. PINE 75, MIXED 90. OAK AND ASH SiOO, Cor. Bay and Gloucester ALL PARTIES Desiring to Subscribe to . . . THE ATLANTA JOURNAL . . , Can leave orders at the Hunter Pharmacy or Morgan’s Drug Store and 807 Gloucester St., Phone 260-3. TERMS: Daily and Sunday 12 cent* Daily without Sunday .... 10 cent* Get particulars DEAN VERDEY, Agent. }