The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 02, 1903, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY MORNTN9. :/reliable\ iTYd iuat/* *§ m HOUSE j^URNISHEy'-. d| Refrigerators r-^„ I I I ? lK)tl J n s featUres necessar y to a. Perfect Refrigerator: Cleanliness ; Economy in the use of Ice, Cndensation and Drv Air, ’ f;, ' Average Teniperature, Freedom from Condensation in Inner Walls, wL. a a Ufe ‘ v. °' ,r Ret! 'igenators can carry One Hundred Pounds of Ice longei and cam show a lower temperature in the shortest time. Fnr,dt„r. “m time leaves finite a stock of Piazza and Lawn Furniture tor the Varanda annd Torch made of ash and maple, painted red ° r antH ' ue ’ w *ti> iron braces. See them and compare quality and C. McGARVEV, End of Bitter Fight. ‘Two physicians had a long and Stubborn fi ;ht withan a!:coos on ray right lung,” writes J. F. Hughes of Du Pont, Ga., and gave mo up. Ev erybody thought my time had come. Asa last resort I tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption. The benefit I received was striking and was on my feet in a few days. Now I’ve entirely regained my * health.” It conquers all coughs, colds, throat atao tun* troubles. Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 60 cent; and 11.00. Trial botttles free. s a Doctor. “I am just up from a hard spell ol the flux” (dysentery) says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known mat .bant of Drummcnd, Term. ‘‘l used oce bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera am Diarrhoea Remedy are' was cure, without having a doc ,r. i t.onsiiii it the best cholera mcilicir.e in ti> world.” There is no use of employing a doctor when this medicine is used, for lio doctor can piv.-.oiii.e a Ctrl. , medicine for bowel complaint in afi. form either for children or adults It never falls and is pleasant to take For sale by all druggists. Special Attention is given each job given in at Jim Carter’s clothes cleaning establish ment. No clubbing together of orders. Every order is distinctively treated. Quick J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of piles, causing 24 tumors After doctors and all remedies failed Buckien’s Arnica Salve quickly ar rested further lnamatlon and cured him. tt conquers aches and hills pain. 25 at all druggists. For grass shears and lawn mowers call at Douglas Hardware Cos., and and get the best to* least monay. The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practical tests and exarnvnscioc with, the aifi of the X-Rays, establish It as a fact that Catarrh of the stomach Is not fi disease of itself, but that It result* from repeated attacks of indigestion. “How can I cure my indigestion?” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thous ands. It will cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or curt catarrh of the stomach. Kodol di gests what you eat —makes the stem ach sweet. Sold by Joerger’s Fhai aiacy. Smith I'’ 1 '’ Vharmacy and W. £ Butts, Brunswick, Ga. GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and Marine Fairbanks, Morse & Cos. Make. C. W. DEMING, Agent. Brunswick, Ga. The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days he blood, mus cles and bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of wornout tis sue. This waste cannot be replen ished and the health and strength kept up without perfect digestion. When the stomach and digestive or gans fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, health, gives way, and disease sets up, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assim i.ate all of the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of tb < mind and body. Kodol cures indl .estlon, dyspepsia and all stomach trot dos. It la an ideal spring topic S :d by Joerger’s Pharmacy Smith'. 1 iarmar cy and W. J. Butts. Your winter suit can be nade as good as new at the Glynn cleaning and '-ossing club. Mr. Joseph Pomlnvl’'i, of Stillwater, Minn., after having snent over 12.000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by his druggist Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamterlatn’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so and la a well man today. If troubled with in digestion, bad taste in the mouth, Jack of appetite or constipation, give these tablets a trial, and you are cer tain to be more thus pleased with the result. For sale at 26 cents par *by ixvfuMk . When you patronize a laundry, try one that uses Lavadura. It will not fade the most delicate colors or wear out your clothes. Do you know Lavadura? It is the greatest thing that ever happened. Lavadura is for sale at all drug stores. Lavadura has wonderful healing and curative properties. It makes an excellent gargle for sore mouth or throat. Lavadura will clean your windows, paints and floors with less “elbow grease” than nythlng ever tried. Lavadura will clean the finest jewel ery and silverware and will not scratch or mar the most delicate sur face. Do you want your hair soft, fluffy and free from Uandruf? Use Lava dura. Lavadura destroys all chemical de fexlts in the waiter and it is t)he chemical that roughen the skin and ca.use it to become dry and scafy. If you want your complexion clear, skin soft and smooth as velvet, use Lavadura. No housekeeper can afford to ne without Lavadura when she has once tested its merits. If you want a bath that leaves the skin like velvet put Lavadura in the water All lirst class grocers sell Lavadura. Now is the time to wash your blank ets; Lavadura will make them soft as silk. Have you tried Lavadura? If not you want to do it once. Lavadura is superior to anything on the market for general household purpose®. Lavadura ds th.e finest thing on earth for washing silks, laces, and fine woolen goods. For cleaning silver, glass and china try Lavadura. Lavadura will clean your marble topped tables and dressers until they look like new. Artistic effect finish and lasting final lties considered. Wilson’s Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St, has no competltorr Go thara "ya Wilt a “ In Good Shape. The News job office has resumed business and is ready to do all kinds of work on short notice. Let us bid on your next job. Cheap Real Estate. One of the prettiest homes on trn on street, lot 90x180; 7 rooms house, rice $3,500, payable SI,OOO cash bal ance one, two and three years 6 per cent interest Grand opportunity for someone. For bargains of all kinds call on ns. BROBSTON. FENDIG & C.O THE PRICE OF A LIFE is sometimes included In a prescrip tion that costs fifty cents. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove just a trifle too weak. Life some times hangs by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a single drug. We buy only the highest grades, ir respective of cost. In the filling of prescriptions, profits ars the last things we think of. SMITH’S PHARMACY Cor. Newcastle and Monk Streets . . , , BRUNSWICK, • GEORGIA. Great removal eale 1* bow on at Mr*. M. Isaac s. All goods will poamvet) >0 at co*t prto**. _ BRIGHT’S DISEASE, DIABETIS floating, Gravel, Dull Backache, Blad der Disease, Uriny Affections, Deep Seated Cases Especially Cured By Stuart’s Gin and Buchu. Stuart’s Gin and Buchu acts directly il the bladder, the urethral tract and ,he kidneys, driving out all the ob -itructions and making a perfect cure if the most aggravating, dangerous ind deep-seated cases. Gravel symptoms—Burning sensa tion in passing urine, frequent desire to urinate, the urine is thick and sed .mentary, the whole nervous system is disordered, digestion impaired, sleep disturbed, loss of strength and vigor, Stuart’s Gin and Buchu will cure ev ery symptom, disolve the gravel, between fine urine, build up tut nerves. Mucous Discharges—Difficulty In passing water, ulcerations, lrretatlons of the urethra, disagreeable odor of the urine, pains in back, swollen an kies and legs, catarrh of the bladder, are ail quickly and permanently cured by Stuart’s Gin and Buchu. Bright’s Disease —Dry skin, short ness of breath, urine dark colored. The worse cases cored by Stuart's Gin and Buchu. Pleasant to the taste Thoroughly tested for past 20 years In private and hospital practice, with a record of 536 cures of chronic kid ney and bladder troubles —the kind that hau resisted all other treatment Druggists or by express, SI.OO art Drug Cos., Atlanta, Ga. We have set aside 16,000 botUes for free dls tribution so as to prove our claims, so write at once. Sample bottle tree by writing Stu ■u use for tnese diseases. For sah by all druggists. The Genuine vs. Counterfeits. The genuine is always better thar a counterfeit, but the truth of this statement is never more forcibly real ized or more thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve with .the many counterfeits and worthless sub stitutes thaif are on the market. W. S. Ledbetter. Shreveport, La., says: "Aiter using many other remedies without benefit, one box of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured me.” For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, no remedy is equal to DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Sialve. Sold by Joerger's parm&cy. Service by Publication. -tate of Georgia, County of Glynn. Mrs. Evelyn Henry Crosland vs. ohn L. Day, Burrall Atkin son, Bruns wick Savings ft Trust Cos., Brunswick Bank ft Trust Cos., C. Downing, Mrs. ‘limna b. Reed, and Haines W. Reed, heirs at law of H. W. Reed, doceased. Partition of land filed to the May erm, 1903, of the superior court of ne said county, o all of tbe said defendants; You aud each and all of yuu by an thority of an order granted by the superior court of said county of date July 10, 1903, are hereby required to e and appear at the superior ourt for said county to be ■eld on tbe first Monday in December, 1903, then and there to •how cause, if any can legally be hown, why the prayers of the plalnt if in the alnive stated case for par ition of certain lands in said petition 'escribed as follows: That tract of lard in Brunswick, Giynn county Georgia, containing tbirty-two and three-quarters screw more or less and particularly identified and described n and by meles an- bounds as shown n that certain deed from Isaac Mey rs to Thomas Henly, said deed being found recorded in book C. C., page 11 of tbe records of Glynn county. Georgia should not be granted. Witness the Honorable T. A V ker, judge of said superior court, this th day of August, 1903. H. F. du Bignon, “lerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos. On Krauss ft Shepard, attorneys for Petitioner. Distress After Eating Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of Greenburg, La., who is well and favorably known says: “Two years ago I suffered greatly ftom indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably result, last ing for an hour or so and my nights were restlor-B. 1 concluded to try Kodol Dyspepsia cure and it cured me en tirely. Now my sleep is refreshing and imiigsteioo perfect. Sold by Joer ger’s pharmacy. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results n death. Thus a mere scratch, in significant cuts or puny boils have aid the death penalty. It Is wise o have Bucklin’e Arnica Salve ever handy. It’s the best salve on arth and will prevent fatality, when Surns, Sores, Ulcers and Piles threat jl Only 25 cents at all drug stores. ALL PARTIES Dealring to Subscribe to . . . THE ATLANTA JOURNAL . . . Can leave orders at the Hunter Pharmacy or Morgan’s Drug Store and 807 Gloucester St., Phone 260-3 TERMS: Daily and Bunday 12 cents Daily without Sunday .... 10 cents Get particulars DEAN VERDEY, Agent. Moth and Dust Can Net Corrupt your clothes when they are treated to Jim Carter’s clothes cleaning estab lishment 504 Monk SL Phone 2532. Sash, doors sod blinds tor sale at Dtagla* Hr-4ware 00. BARGAINS In second hand furniture, carpets, etc.,tor today only and for spot cash. Must be sold quick to avoid removing. Call early at number 310 Newcastle street, next to the Racket store. The Open-air Drying Process at Jim Carter's gives the clothes a {rglmess that they don’t get else vluas. Do you want to sa's money? Ye--’ Then come to th* great removal t lira. M. lwuie, between now an r AafWt Wtt. HMUNBWICH ClAltiV fcflWß ‘ A Tevrlbl* HtrlMl(m. M. Blimey was at one time very shortsighted, but n successful operation made him long sighted to an extraor dinary degree. This restoration of his sight was not altogether an umnixed blessing. For the first time since his childhood he could see tilings at a dis tance. His home, that lie thought so flue, was found to he neglected and dirty; his precious china was chipped and cracked; his books were soiled and font. But the crowning blow came when a grand luncheon was given to celebrate the restoration of the critic’s sight. Women were Invited In great number and came In their very best. The Comedle Francalse, the Vaudeville, the Odeon, were represented by their fairest ones, and the table “was a sight for the gods”—at least Sareey would have thought so six weeks before. But very soou his countenance fell, and 1 saw his eye wandering about In astonishment—, In distress. Ho laughed no more and looked miserable. After the coffee lie made a sign to me, and I followed him upstairs, believing him to have been disturbed by the thought of some work which ought to be done at once. But he threw himnelf heavily on the sofa, which groaned ns if sharing its master’s despair, and ex claimed piteously: "Good heavens! Why, they are all frights! They ure all dyed, painted, wrinkled, scraggy! Oh, mes belles almes, what has become of them?” , Improm|iu Siioeehea. James Russell Lowell is recorded as saying that be always liked to pre pare his impromptu speeches. At > dinner given to Mr. Longfellow dur ing a visit to London it was agreed that no set speeches should be made. After the fruit and coffee had been discussed. Admiral Farragut arose and protested that they could not dream of parting without hearing from Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone began by assuring the company that he was of the mind of Lord Palmerston, who said, “Better a dinner of herbs where no speaking Is than whitebait aud oratory there with.” Hts •’remarks” developed into an elo quent oration. He hud read the works of the American poet and quoted pas sages from several of his poems, and concluded by paying a splendid trib ute to Mr. Longfellow’s attainments. The subject of this superb punegyrie was deeply touched, and replied with out rlsiug in a few happily chosen phrases, prefaced with the remark that In his case the pen was mightier than the tongue and that he could not male* an extempore speech. Wsrlril All Three Wishes. An Irish legend bus it thnt u good fairy once visited nu old couple aud promised them that any three wlßhea they would make would be granted. After racking their brains for some time in an endeavor to discover what they desired most the couple decided to visit the county fair to see if some thing there would suggest what they wanted. They did so, aud after ram bling around all day and not seeing anything that exactly suited them to wai-d evening they found them selves before a display of kitchen utensils. Among them was a soup la dle, cheap, but likely to appeal to u woman, so the old woman in an ab sent moment said, “Oh, I wish I had one of those,” and Immediately she had it. The old man was so enraged because his wife had thoughtlessly thrown away one valuable wish that he retorted, “1 wish that was stuck down your throat,” and immediately this was done. Thereupon he was at once sorry at what he wished, aud the only thing left to do was to wish the ladle out again. So all three wishes went for naught Swift Wm n linnr. at Schoei. Not only philosophers and divines, but some of the most trenchant satir ists and brilliant humorists were dull enough as hoys. It has been said of Swift in his best days that “he dis played either the blasting lightning of satire or the lambent and meteorlike caricatures of frolicsome Iraftior.” And yet this vigorous disputant was consid ered a fit subject for a fool’s cap at school. Afterward at the Dublin uni versity “he was by scholars esteemed a blockhead,” who was denied his de gree on his first application and ob tained It with great difficulty on the second. —London Standard. A Large Department. Mr. Mcßride was showing his wife the workings of our national congress. The Detroit Free Press represents her as putting fit her spouse this intelli gent question: “Rut wnerc is the framing depart ment?” “The what>?” “I read In the papers that laws were framed In Washington,” she explained. The Ileal Test. Hardup I tried to sell those dia monds I bought of you and was told they were not genuine. Jeweler—Did you sell them? Hardup—Yes, for almost nothing. Jeweler—Well, you go hack and try to buy them, and you will find out that they are genuine.—New York Weekly. An ImpONitlhlc Condition. •‘You sa.v you can’t afford to hire a clerk. Why don’t you get your wife to do your typewriting?” “Impossible! She wouldn’t submit to any dictation.”—Richmond Dispatch. Fvnr* I,on u Drawn Oat Diggs— Rounder Is quite ill. Biggs—lndeed! His wife naturshy has grave fears about him, 1 suppose? Diggs—Yes. In fact, 1 think her fears extend beyond the grave.—Exchange. A woman is not real old fashioned unless she makes a salve for neighbor hood use for cuts, bruises and burns.— Atcbiaon Qiaos. Go to MI3S Slater s for the next five days and buv flowers at your own pnoa. Good Sanitary Method* are used at Jim Cartor’s for cleaning clothes Everything Well lighted god JTWMiAV**’ Worth a Thought .'his Statement Will Interest Scores of Brunswick Readers. Tin. facts given below are worth a persual by all who are anxious about ‘heir physical condition or are simi larly situated to the resident of Sa vannah. It is a local occurrence ami can be thoroughly investigated. W. 13. Woods, retired, residing at 103 President St., Savannah, says: ”1 cannot, speak too highly of Doan’s Kidney Pills. They acted promptly auu effectually with me upon a very had case of lame back from which 1 have been a great sufferer for quite a while. There was a dull heavy pain across my loins, a never ceasing backache day and night, but worse at ifight when it keeps me awake. At times i was totally incapacitated for exertion of any kind, the secretions from the kidneys were very dark, contained sediment and caused me any amount of trouble,, especially at night, when my rest was much disturbed. I used any number of remedies but with no apparent lienefit until 1 obtained Doan's Kidney Pills. The results ot their use were that the backache left me. the kidney secretions cleared up and did not bother me. I could go to bed and rest all night, getting up in the morning rested and i felt better in every way.” Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Call at the Hun ter’s Pharmacy and ask what their customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents a box. Fus ter-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents. Remember the name, Doan’s and take no other. CITATION. Georgia, Glynn County. To al! whom it may concern: Joseph Borohardt having, m proper form, ap plied to me lor permanent letters of administration of the estate of A. Borchardt, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the credited ind next of kin of A. Borchardt to lie ml appear at my office withiu the l ime illowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent admin s(ration should not he granted to Joseph Borchardt on A. Borcharilt’s •state Witness my hand and official sig nature this 11th day of August. Lai.i. Horace Dart, Ordinary. Lavadura destroys all unpleasant odors caused by perspiration. As an all round household article Lavadura is the greatest discovery of the century. "One Dose Convinces.” Mosleys Lemon Ellxer acts gently effect. It U a perfect liquid laxative In the bowels without any unpleasant r .<> cents cv a* a” * rug ti< Miss Slater will put on sale for a 'ew days her entire stsock of flowers to be sold very cheap. Cures ASS Kidney and Bladder Diseases Bp Foley's Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady. A Marohant Oar ad Attar Glvan Up Hope- A Vaiaran ef ins Sivii War Surad After T.. Tsars Foley & Cos., Chicago. •nffarlng. Gentlemen: —I was afflicted with Kidney and R- A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes:— Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous “Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my preparations without getting any relief aud had given bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY’S KIDNEY severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted CURE was recommended to me. After using one ,h e best medical skill available, but got no relief until bottle I could feel the effect of it and after taking FO LEY’S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. tlx flfty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and f w . •* Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past >•> grateful to be able to say that It entirely cured me. twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY’S KIDNEY x CURB. _ Jamea Smith, Bentons Parry, W. Va. **•©UDStltUt** Two Sizes, 50 Cents and SI.OO !SaBB9SSMB> MU M IUMMEMEI IT Schlitz Means i I The best materials the best that money can buy. flB I A~brewery as clean as your kitchen; the utensils as clean. H I The cooling done in filtered air, in a plate glass room. V The beer aged for months, until thoroughly fermented, so If I it will not cause biliousness. ' The beer filtered, then sterilized in the bottle. ■ You’re always welcome to the brevvery for the owners are 1 proud of it. 1 And the size of it proves that 212 *2u say st., 'euouaNo. ss. people know the worth of ->. J I The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous • Bear in Mind ___ That we Soil Fire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. EMPTY AND LOADED KHELLtx GUN AND BIUVCIE REPAIRING. P.O. KESSLER Monk Street. Good Adv:ce. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dys pepsia and liver complaint. More han seventy-five per cent, of the peo ple of tbe United States are afitlcted with these two diseases and their ef •cts: such as Sour Stomach, Blok headache, habitual costlvenoss, pal pitation of the heart, heart burn, waterbrash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of tbe stomach, yel low skin, coated tongue and dh agree able taste In the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, etc. Oo to your druggist, and get a bottle of August Flower for 25 or 76 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try It ftfISPTIWkTR t 180:1. ARE YOU GOING NORTH CR WEST? ...THE... LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. offers unexcelled passenger service. Modern trains carrying Pullman Steep ers, up-to-date Coaelies, free Reclining Chair Cars and Dining Cars between SouUhor ami Northern cities. The Finest Dining Car Service in the South. All Agents Sell Through Tickets via L. N. For rates, schedules and steeping car reservations, apply to J. M. FLEMING, Florida Passenger Agent, 206 West Bay St., Jacksonville. C. L. Stone G. P. A., Louisville, Ky. A Card. I beg to announce uie trade and he public generally that Mr. T. B. '’erguHon, the aoda water man, is no\t • uperintendent of my bottlii.g works, nd as the public well knows he will turn out only the best of everythin;; i-j our line. We are introducing sev eral new drinks, among the same • ing Mexican Wine Punch Soda, some thing entirely new and never before qualed.. Our Peach Mellow Is a whole peach orchard in every bottle. We also ~>ut up the world renowned Root Beer and the genuine Coco Cola for, which wo have the exclusive id hi. Give us your orders and we guaran tee to please you. Very respectfully, L. I Uliwri 306 Ilav Rtrec’ Phone 185. Freshest vegetables In town at Chris Arnheiter’s Fewcap.tle and Monk streets.